#though tails has a lot of spotlights in bith fics
mirersc · 1 year
‘At the Tracks of the Mad’ is a fic centered around the bond of Rouge & Sonic. It strays a bit from the canon, but actually contains dozens elements of it. After the kidnap of their friends, Rouge and Sonic team up, in order to get them back from the mad scientist Dr. Robotnik. However to do so, they will have first to get the chaos emeralds. On their journey they meet dozens of different personalities, while learning things from each other. But in the end of the road can two characters with entire contradictive believes manage to work together? Meanwhile, Tails and Knuckles with Shadow and Omega try to get out of the madman's clutches as they work out their differences. It is easier said than that.
But what if all of them were more closer than what they'd originally thought?
‘A Duel for the Prince's Hand’ on the other hand is a fic centered around the ship Shadow x Sonic, giving though plenty of focus to found family and the role of friends as well. Shadow is the prince of Esperar, one of the five kingdoms that are located in Mobius, and his mother, Queen Sophia, decides that it is time for his hand to be asked in marriage. Soon dozens of princes, princesses and offsprings of other aristocratic families gather in the castle all willing to capture Shadow's heart. However, only one will make it into the last five participants, after a road full of mystery, betrayals and secrets that haunt the castle. Sonic under the disguise of Maurice, a noble young hedgehog from the Hedgehogs' House, will soon find himself entangled in all this mess. And to think that he only came to Esperar with his partners in order to get a chaos emerald.
Will both Shadow and Sonic in the end manage to work things out?
Please vote which story you find more interesting, or if you find them both nice, then vote the 'both' option. Thank you so much for readying your way through this. Lots of information will come as I will release both stories -depending on what order they'll come- so stay tuned!
Have a nice day!
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