#though i do think mannequin spamton would be a cool concept
bigshot · 2 years
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Details Of A Muse: NOT ACCEPTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @eusyram said: 5, 7, 10
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What is your muse’s nose like? Is it large, small, button-shaped, or crooked? Are their nostrils large or small?
It's Spamton.
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His nose is his defining feature. Or, one of them.
It's ridiculously long, twice as long as one of his own hands so probably five or six inches long, and has a downward curve at the tip if you look from certain angles. It's pretty flexible, which can be helpful, but definitely gets in the way of things sometimes.
Canonically he has stuck his nose in his car's lighter, so there's a win for the intrusive thoughts. He's not above using it to carry things like bags and donuts.
How tall is your muse and how much do they weigh? Are they built, muscular, fat, or skinny? Do they have much control over how they appear?
That's a trade secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm totally guilty of letting Spamton be as tiny as is funniest for whatever thread is going on, but in more 'reality' based plots/settings he's only a little over three feet (92 centimeters) tall. His weight hovers around 30 pounds, which is about the same as a large boston terrier.
He looks pretty skinny with a fairly broad chest, but he's got a hint of a gut starting now that he's able to eat regular meals. I'm stealing from a friend when I say "dorito shaped."
Spamton's tried in the past, but there's really no changing his puppet body past the gut thing. Can't really build muscle when you don't have any, y'know?
What are your muse’s legs like? Do they have thick thighs or short calves, are they missing a limb?
Skinny. And half the length of his arms, or at least a lot shorter than them.
With how short they are in comparison to the rest of him being just fine proportionately, and especially if he's anywhere near another Addison, he looks like he's lost his legs at the knees to anyone unfamiliar.
He's got perfectly functioning knees, though. Ask him about it and he'll just say he's naturally short and immediately change the subject.
I don't think I subscribe to the acid theory being (entirely) a thing. Maybe, but... Idk. I guess we wont find out till the next chapters release, assuming we learn anything more about him at all. We'll see what I do if we dont get anything more.
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overfedvenison · 2 years
In terms of weird Deltarune theories/predictions, how do you feel about the Empty Disk or Loaded Disk having uses outside of Chapter 2?
I considered this when the chapter first came out, actually. Alright. Stream of consciousness time. I would say... It is a longshot. There's a high chance it'll just drop out of your inventory at the start of the next chapter, and it's kind of a secret that would require you hop around chapters to get everything. Which, though cool, might be a little tedious in practice so I don't know is a thing that will be something Deltarune goes for. But, it's a very interesting line of thought, so we can consider this First, since it's on my mind: This is not the only Spamton item that may have a use. From the recent ARG thing, there is a page, Noelle notes a secret in the "Maze in the Ice Palace" she found, as a kid. To praprhase: In Dragon Blazers, there is an in-universe glitch where you can become trapped in this maze; you are supposed to get a character to guide you through, or else it is one of those repeating zelda mazes. But, there was a route Noelle found that led to a locked door, but there was no key you could get for it. But, you can get a key, can't you? If we consider this foreshadowing for a future area - Probably a place with TV static - then we might be able to get in only by smuggling in the Keygen. The Keygen, after all, might generate any key we need, based on a pun in it's name. (I've actually seen something similar to this done in a game before; Magi Nation. You can smuggle a key from the final dungeon into the menu, which you can run around on, in order to unlock a secret New Game Plus feature. That game has been on my mind, of late.) But, as for the Loadeddisk and Empty Disc? Consider the following: You can acquire the stuff from Jevil so long as you have EVER defeated him, even in another save, and it seems implied that this will remain true of every super-boss. So, you can almost certainly defeat Spamton, get his item, and then get that item in a later save slot while smuggling out one of his items. So you don't need to beat Spamton or Jevil in any given file to get their crystal and items. Additionally, you actually get an easter egg if you try to use it on the Mannequin with the dress. Getting this locks you out of the mannequin, and doesn't even do anything. So, that's a weird reaction, and one that may be meaningful, and may - if we chase this line of thought - foreshadow other purposes Thus, it may be plausible that this leads to -something- even if it is unlikely I think it is a long shot, but is possible, that some really strange secrets would involve hopping around and holding onto items for later, based around these factors. If explored, they could give you a leg up in replays; a sort of 'universal bonus' regardless of other factors. If the game commits to this, and hides obscure-as-hell secrets everywhere like this? Well, those boss items transferring among saves, that would be a way to streamline replays. If you undertsand what I am saying. And, the empty disk and loadeddisk specifically? Now, this is a reach built upon another reach build upon assumptions. So it's probably not going to happen. ... But, the next world is entertainment themed. It seems to be the living room, then, but might contain the whole house. The whole bottom floor is kind of... Open-concept. But say we get to Kris' room? Consider: The most notable thing on that computer in there is Asriel's weird game where the final boss is this angel-y thing with rainbow wings. So... What if we can bring it there, and insert Spamton into that unfinished boss? Or if that computer has some relationship to Spamton - Say, if that rainbow-winged boss is like, Archangel Michael, the holy-themed boss of Asriel's terrible high-school RPG project? An alternate possibility would be Mettaton, who Spamton has... Some thematic relationship toward. He considers himself some kind of nobody, and is distraught about that, never being able to become the star he wanted to be in Undertale. That parallels Spamton's fall from grace, and of course there is Spamton Neo referencing Mettaton Neo, etc. Finally... Tasque manager? They are both weak against the same items, they are both optional palace bosses, they both seem to know about aspects of the Dark World (Tasque Manager mentioned Jevil,) and both have the rare ability to manipulate the shape of the battle box. Tasque Manager embodies Order to Jevil's Chaos, which implies a connection to... Something. If anyone can sort out Spamton, it's her, no? But, that's all chasing a trail. I don't think anything beyond a few easter eggs are likely. Though, with the fandom he has developed, perhaps it will be possible to recruit him for your town if you hold the loadeddisk. That, I think, feels most likely - No huge arc, but a little bonus for people who actually thought to do this
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