#though I'm also very passionate about deltarune/undertale
nouverx · 1 year
Do you play any video games?
~ 🧄
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I apologize for the person I'll become when TOTK and the rest of Deltarune will be out
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chacochilla · 4 months
Ramble about Uncommon Undertale Pairings
Not romantic pairings
Toriel and Papyrus:
To sum up what their relationship would be like, I think they'd both be like, the responsible parents to Frisk, until Toriel makes a bad pun, to which Papyrus would sigh that Sans is rubbing off on her, or that he just expected better, in a light hearted manner of course
From this old qna we can see that she packs him lunch, so I think she would be a little motherly towards him. Not really in a patronizing manner, just nice gestures, making sure he ate. And I think Papyrus would appreciate someone who's more put together compared to Sans, who keeps to schedules, cleans up after themselves.
Toriel and Undyne:
I think the only time the two interact (outside of the neutral endings) is when Toriel offers to help Undyne cook.
I think their relationship would be best summarized as, Undyne wanting to do wild shit, and Toriel keeping her from going overboard. To use cooking as an example, I think Toriel would let Undyne like, do her usual destroying the ingredients and using way too much heat, but she'd lend a hand to keep her from burning the house down and to teach her how to make edible food
Toriel and Alphys:
I think their relationship would be best summarized as, Alphys is into a lot of stuff that Toriel doesn't entirely understand (mostly anime and the internet), but Toriel makes the effort to try and get into that stuff for her. So I can see the two watching a show and Toriel asking a lot questions while Alphys info dumps explanations. And I think Toriel, even when she has no idea what's going on, would still enjoy herself and like hanging out with her
The two are co workers in Deltarune, so a little bit of the same deal there, though Toriel would be more in her element there while Alphys seems like she's still struggling to like, get her students' respect. I could see Alphys struggling to keep the students from going wild on some occassions, then Toriel comes in and everyone instantly shuts up, which Alphys would appreciate
Also the two interacted in the alarm clock app. She got drunk and started to try getting Alphys to sing with her:
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It's such a funny image lmao. But ye I think that like, in those moments when Toriel gets drunk and betrays her usual serious no nonesense mom facade, it results in fun antics where she tries to get Alphys to break out of her shell a little
Sans and Undyne:
I'm pretty sure the only time these two interacted in game was when Undyne talks about how lazy and unreliable he is. I think their relationship would be pretty similar to Papyrus and Sans honestly, with Undyne getting on Sans' case while Sans just shrugs and takes a nap
A difference I could see being highlighted is that Undyne is a lot more gross than Papyrus. Like I can see Sans chugging a big thing of ketchup and Undyne like, cheering him on lol, wanting to see how much he could stomach before he throws up.
I can't really see the two ever becoming very close though. The biggest things Undyne appreciates are fighting and passion. Sans barely ever fights or shows initiative, and his lack of of passion is a pretty defining character trait for him. Honestly Undyne might like, hate the fact Sans doesn't take a lot of things seriously. With her having a high sense of honor, so much so she wants a fair fight with a human she knows is much stronger than her, meanwhile Sans fights dirty and uses every cheat to his advantage. And on a smaller scale, they played hockey in complete oppositte ways, with Sans just fucking around with Toriel and helping out Papyrus despite being on opposite teams, and Undyne taking the game deadly seriously.
Sans and Alphys:
There's an implication that these two are buds, but we don't get that many interactions between the two. From what I gather, the two have a pretty good understanding of each other, being able to guess each others' sentences after the Asriel fight, having a mutual high understanding of modern internet humor as shown in the alarm clock app. Also in the Queen Alphys ending, the two seem to be each others' closest friends, forming a mutual support system. Both lost people they care for deeply, both are in over their heads ruling over the underground, but they're helping each other through this.
I like this portrayal of like, how Sans and Alphys would watch anime together. Sand trying to keep up with the show and the lore and Alphys' enthusiasm, but not really letting it show
And also this portrayal of Queen Alphys. Both made it to the surface. They've gone through so much shit together, lost so many people, but they're finally here, looking over a beautiful sunrise. But their reaction is like, so mundane and ordinary. Just wanting to go to Ihop. It shows how like, they're both just some guy. Neither wanted to be the savior of monsterkind. Neither has any grand statement about what this all means. Sans is just some shlubby guardsman who knew too much, and Alphys was just a scientist whose experiments got out of hand.
Oh also they're both scientists. Alphys likely tried to help Sans fix whatever was in his basement and Sans likely knows about the amalgams and helps bring Alphys dogfood for them. Both know each others traumas and backstories more than anyone else
Sans and Asgore:
I think the only time these two really interacted was when Asgore went to Sans' comedy gig and laughed so hard Sans couldn't tell any other jokes for the time he had. Oh also eggs husband
So I guess their friendship could be very joke oriented. Unlike Toriel though, Asgore doesn't seem to have the joke making down, a lot of his attempts being seen as awkward, either because of the joke itself being unintentionally bad, or just the context surrounding it. So I think if they were a duo, Sans would more be a straightman to Asgore being a little oafy in his attempts at comedy or social misunderstandings
In more serious contexts, both seem to know more than most regarding humans. With Asgore there's his ability to destroy the mercy button, implication that he knows about saves and loads, and just the fact he forced 6 humans to quit. And with Sans he also fucks with the UI a lot and knows the underground is in a time loop. I could see a scene where the two talk to each other, putting together what ever fragments of information they have, and just, confiding in a person who knows about this stuff. Sans probably wouldn't be that open to really open up about how depressed he is, but still
(Going into theory territory a little with this last bit, mostly speculating about Sans' past.)
They also both deal with loss, Sans with whatever friends he left behind (lost soul dialogue, photo album in his lab, Gaster maybe) and Asgore with his kids and then Toriel. Sans seems to have gotten over this by True Pacifist, as signified by his covering the photo of his old friends with a picture of the new friends he made and him seeming content in the alarm clock dialogue. However this is after a period where he seems to very much have wanted to go back (lost soul dialogue, mention during his fight, some tweet Toby made), desperately trying to fix the machine in his lab, but failing
Asgore on the other hand has not moved on. He spent however long since Chara's death in a war spurned on by his grief. When you kill him, he talks about how all he wants is to go back to before his kids died. And when Toriel comes back in his life, he very much wants to patch things up with her. In Deltarune he's a clingy ex that really seems to want to get back together with her
So maybe if the two become friends, Sans can give him someone to confide in about losing people (aside from Toriel). Again Sans isn't a very open person so like, this isn't something that would immediately happen, if ever. But it's a thought
Papyrus and Alphys:
Post about how these two are pretty similar in a lot of ways
I believe the only time Papyrus talks about Alphys is when he mentions the colored tile puzzle was created by her. In a phonecall in that room, he mentions that the two are barely acquaintances, but that he'd like to get to know her
They'd probably be able to bond over a mutual love of puzzles, with Alphys helping Papyrus build wild contraptions
Also as seen at the end of the Alphys date, Papyrus would be great at encouraging Alphys to like herself more and to take better care of herself. As someone who's still working on reaching the goal of becoming great, I could see the two forming a, "We can both become great, together!" sort of pair
Undyne and Asgore:
This also isn't that uncommon a pairing but like, fucking stop me from putting it on this list
Their dynamic is very endearing lol, like take this bit from the old qna. Asgore earnestly tries to help Undyne with her weird youtube channel, not really getting this new technology or social media, while Undyne is super enthusiastic about the whole thing. I think like, that'd be pretty emblematic of their relationship. Them getting into wacky misunderstandings because Undyne loves jumping into shit and giving it her all, while Asgore is too earnest for his own good and is a little out of his element on the surface. The 'You don't have to apologize' exchange after the Asriel fight is another good example of that
Oh also I like thinking that their relationship would be pretty similar to that of Zuko and Iroh. With Asgore being Undyne's goofy father figure, who did a lot of terrible shit in his past, but also has a lot of sagely advice and wants to set Undyne on the right path. Though that 'setting her on the right path' arc was already over by the time Frisk fell, as Undyne already learned to like, stop beating up random people lol. So it'd probably be similar to Zuko after the show. That said, I think showing Undyne when she was younger and when she was still kinda troubled could be good au fuel, as would showing a bit more of Asgore being a mentor figure to Undyne
I also wanted to talk about what Asgore's friendship with Alphys or Papyrus would be like but I couldn't think of anything lol
Might make another one of these about the ghosts and dead kids
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laptoparmageddon · 2 years
tell me about danger trope :)
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Danger Trope is a psychological horror series inspired by Undertale, Deltarune, and Danganronpa. It's main focus is on the characters but has Deltarune inspired game play elements.
The first game focuses on the fellas, who I like to call "The Danger Gang". Miya is created by my friend Xenoeorks. 90% of the characters are made by me. Others by my friends are only mentioned in passing such as Miya's girlfriend, Yukari.
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Each character has something that troubles them. Weather it's obvious or not, they'll be forced to face their own fears, past, and even futures as the world around them begins to bend and warp until unrecognizable. (Don't mind Sho, he comes in later)
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Even though the series would in theory have 4 games, I'm perfectly content with only making the first. Since itself would probably be long and broken up into parts.
Each part serves it purpose as various chapters would focus one or two characters and their problems. Some need help to face what troubles them. Others must face alone..
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The first chapter takes place in a school where the group is holding a study session. This usually only consists of Miya, Donnie, and Tellio but Tellio invited Kira who brought Jesse along with him.
Things are fine until Donnie finds a body in a school bathroom. Its only then the group realizes they've lost connection to the outside world and can no longer leave. All exits become unopenable, doors lead to places they shouldn't, and strange hostile creatures begin to infest the halls. Like swarms of flies surrounding a rotting corpse..
Here's some creatures to torment the fellas
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The Fellas
First off, Miya Kishimoto! Miya is designated as the main character. Why? Because I said so. And also she's the character you'd play the most as. She's been given the 'technologist' tittle by Lemon Tree High's (not based off any real schools) star student program that's primarily focused on talent rather than behavior.
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You can control Miya but she doesn't seem to realize this and her anger can be exploited. She's able to run, jump, and climb but her vision is limited. She'll generally be in the front of the party during battle, even if playing as someone else. Her stats are generally average but her resilience is strong, making her stress not rise as fast and damage not hurt as much.
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The thing is- Miya hate you. And everyone else. And she's so close to losing it. This is something she'll have to work on throughout the series. Having her as the MC can't possibly go wrong. Surely no one will piss her off so badly it impacts her existence forever-
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Ok. I've held off long enough. I GOTTA talk about Kira.
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Kira Isho, best worst boy, the kind of person you probably wouldn't want to meet. Miya hates him with a burning passion and is ready to destroy him at all costs to get rid of his influence. Kira, despite his history and being literally cursed is fine with this and thus the two because rivals.
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Better slap the roof of this bad boy because he can fit and cause so many problems. Wich is why I tend to call him the antagonist of the game. His very presence causes problems whether he wants to or not and he's completely convinced himself he cannot be redeemed due to his past and current crimes. This is part of the many things he must face during the games.
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Despite this, he's still helping the group escape their current situation with his strange talent. Kira is referred to as a 'creative influence' by the school's star program. This title was previously held by only one other person who's been missing for years.
Kira's game play is far different from other characters. He cannot run, jump, climb, go into small spaces, or go near water. Leaving traversing certain areas difficult alone. But his talent allows for alternate routes to be explored.
He cannot be directly controlled due to his luck stat. He's aware of your presence after you attempt to posses him and will not always take your advice. He doesn't know what you are or where you came from but not all of our information is wrong so at least we're some use to him.
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Battle wise, he's a glass cannon. Having a measly 5HP wich cannot be increased and can only be replenished via items. But his attack is very high and his stress level doesn't go up as fast.
Due to Kira being so frail a cold could kill him, he tends to rely on his younger sister Jesse. She likes space, energy drinks, and punching holes into walls!
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Jesse, despite now having the same last name, isn't actually related to Kira. She's extremely reluctant to talk about her family. Though, the reason why is fuzzy to her. The cause is what she must face during the game. Though, she'll still have a long ways to go once the adventure is over. Healing takes time.
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Jesse is alot stronger than Kira in a more normal sense. They can pick up and carry Kira if need be and is hesitant to leave his side. Jesse has the most HP of any character but the least amount of attack. She can be controlled but gets concerned by thoughts that go against her morals. She will tend to carry out these actions. Even if it means seriously regretting it later.
Jesse isn't part of the star student program but they are the co-president of the space club. She loves space and hopes to help build satellites for space exploration but some of her current habits make her difficult to work with.
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Next we have Donnie! Despite being a year younger than most of the group, Donnie is really smart. They were given the 'polyglot' tittle by the star student program due to their proficiency in multiple languages. They even tutor Miya and Tellio.
Donnie, despite their talent, feels that they're not only easily replaceable but a burden on others. They have a hard time talking to people and usually relies on their older sibling Tellio for most people related things. Donnie often worries that no one would notice if they were replaced or even disappeared.. This is what they must face during the game.
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Donnie, like Kira, cannot be directly controlled due to their luck stat. Donnie can be pressured into making desicions they don't want to but that'd be mean. You don't want to bully Donnie, do you? :(
Battle wise, Donnie is pretty weak but can use the 'pitty' action wich makes them harder to hit. With the luck stat in play as well, Donnie is even less likely to take damage. Donnie, however, gets stressed alot faster than everyone else.
Tellio, Donnie's older sibling is like if a dog became a person. Then that person developed a serious habit of trying to please people no matter the cost. Tellio is generally cheerful, outgoing, and very helpful but tends to put others before himself.
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This has become less of a habit and more of a serious health risk to Tellio as he'll overwork himself just to help people. Even if it means getting nothing in return. This is what Tellio will have to work on during his journey.
Battle wise, Tellio is pretty bulky defense wise. He dose get stressed a bit faster than normal but you can hit enemies with a chair. :)
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Sho, not shown in the fellas image, would technically appear in chapter twos second half. As the chapter is split into two due to two different events going on in different places. I'll hold off on talking about him for now.
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There's probably so much more information but I'm not good at compiling it together lol. I've already spent several hours on this.
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toftie · 2 years
orv spoilers under but just had some thoughts about it
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specifically, the metafiction. i'm probably using the term incorrectly but i just wanted to refer to its theme with the example above. i actually didnt realize this until after and i think its such a cool interpretation of kim dokja's fables spreading everywhere and reincarnating into anyone that reads orv, which from my understanding, in turn causes the real kim dokja's consciousness (51%) to awaken his fables again and rebuild and return to his original body.
i just love the inclusion of the actual authors referencing themselves in the novel too because it really builds on the whole reality of the fiction. that it transcends the novel and that they, as well as you, the reader, are also a part of the novel, and always have been a part of it the whole time. my interpretation was the reader's very act of just reading orv in its entirety helped kim dokja reach his true epilogue and reunite with his companions, thus fully finishing the cycle in a satisfying and moving way.
i thought about how meta often interludes with different media, my favourites being undertale/deltarune, oneshot and ddlc but those are mostly video games. i think i've heard house of leaves does something meta-like but i haven't read it, though i think this kind of just incentivizes me to read more meta novels, either web or physical
but regardless i think i just really appreciate the interconnectivity of it all. a story cannot exist without a protagonist (though there are some exceptions that arent character focused works but the majority of stories are heavily focused on having protagonists) and it cannot be completed or fully realized without a reader. theres just a lot of passion and care put into dissecting these roles and how their relationships are built upon through the interactions of kim dokja, han sooyoung and yuu junghyuk. its about how a story can save a reader, and how a story is saved in turn by a reader, even if by just one person. how a protagonist can save a reader by being someone's comfort character, to the point of sometimes pretending to be them as a coping mechanism as with dokja. how a reader can be a protagonist's worst nightmare but can also be the only one who can save them from it. whether its with fanfiction, art, interpretations, theories, au's, everything that comes after and how the reader wants to interpret what their ending would be like or different types of scenarios/universes for them. its a love letter to the process of writing stories, of being in a story, of experiencing a story and the whole interplay of it.
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as my interpretation, just because a story doesn't have a complete ending doesn't mean it was a failed one. personally, i thought of berserk and the passing of kentaro miura. even if the story is incomplete, i found the last chapter he managed to create before he passed away to be satisfying enough to me. he didn't fail just because the story wasn't finished as he intended and the value of the story doesn't diminish because of it, to me at least. because then, its up to the reader to derive meaning from it. to make sense of it and find peace with it. to make their own ending or epilogue as they see fit in their heads that makes sense with the journey the story has gone through so far.
omygod also the fact the 3 most powerful beings in the entire story, most ancient dream, secretive plotter and tls123 turn out to be the main trio, just 3 normal people. theyre not gods at all, theyre just as powerless as everyone in the story despite being the main causes of it. the same can be inferred with writers, readers and protagonists in general. writers can be seen as all knowing gods but actually, once the story is completed, it leaves their hands and not even they can control everything about it anymore. even the most strongest and invincible protagonists has their limits, whether its due to the narrative theyre in or other obstructions stopping them from reaching their goal or ending. and readers, even if they have complete knowledge of the story, even if they can take the story and change parts of it as they like with their imagination, they are still subject to the story that it practically becomes a part of them, too much of it and it can completely consume the reader as a whole though whether thats good or bad is up to them.
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fawnnfiction · 1 year
Hey all! Fawn here.
I'm a 24-year-old pansexual deer furry who is passionate about writing! Though I'm pursuing an MFA in screenwriting (becoming a showrunner for my very own series is my dream career), I'll primarily be posting fan fiction and other fandom-related shenanigans on this blog! Though I publish my stories on my Ao3 page first and foremost, expect plenty of exclusive little tidbits in addition to cross-posting!
What kind of fan fiction do I enjoy writing?
Crossover fanfics! Combining two fandoms I love very much into one convoluted narrative? Hell yes!
I also enjoy the classic single-fandom fics, no worries! ^^
As for specific fandoms, I'll mostly be writing for Deltarune, Persona, Star Wars, Undertale, My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, and whatever else catches my attention. I cannot promise consistency.
I'm not entirely sure how Tumblr works, but I'm happy to be here all the same!
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solmysoltothedevil · 2 years
So l've decided to make a more detailed friend post
So people who like the same things as me can find each other, as opposed to saying “I wish I had friends” and then not sharing barely anything about me
Hi l'm Sol I'm 19, i'm autistic, I have adhd, I'm also physically disabled due to my chronic Illnesses and use mobility aids, I'm going to get a wheelchair actually, so masking (as in the physical masks) is a big deal to me irl
I'm from the u.s
I'm trans I say I'm non binary since it makes the most since to me, but my gender is a mess
I'm on the aro ace spectrum somewhere, that's also a big mess
As for things I like I have had Undertale/Deltarune as one of my big special interests for years, but my other huge special interests is vocal Synths think: Hatsune miku. Though there are so many for voice banks then just her and so many more programs then just vocaloid, I could talk some one's ear off Very easily about it, and though vocal synths I found project sekai, which is one of my main comfort media at the moment
l've also loved animals my whole life
also like, learning languages and how languages work
I'm certainly working on converting to Judaism, it's something l'm really passionate about and l've been studying like crazy, as well as attending a class recently
Some other interests:
drawing, animation, music
That's all I can think of for now so I want to go into how I communicate a little since I have made a other post about making friends and I think that was my mistake, since I was nervous about responding to people because they weren't aware of how I communicate ahead of time, so before anyone may respond to this I want to be completely transparent that:
I get really anxious about socializing, I haven't had friends in a long time
I may communicate things I don't mean by accident in part because I'm autistic, if your confused about something please just ask me something like: "did you mean [blank] by doing/saying [blank]"
Thanks for reading this, even if you don't wanna be friends it means a lot :)
Since this is going to be my pinned post here my dni list:
Pro shippers, maps/no maps, zoophiles
Anti-theists (neutrality to theism/belief in religious freedom is still welcomed)
Ableists, people who think "narc abuse" is a thing, racists, transphobes, terfs, homophobes, fatphobia, anti-semitism, islamaphobia, trump supporters, conservatives, any kind of hatred is not allowed!
If you don't wear a mask in public irl still or, physically eat in restaurants (as opposed to ordering to go)/ still go to places wear you can't wear a mask
If you follow me and I find out support and of the views above/ believe in any of the views above or do any of the things above you will be blocked immediately
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
interview with a fanfic author tag game!
this game was originally posted by @/goldenavenger02, so i've been told, and i was tagged by @neitherlightnordark ! thanks💙 i'll be honest, i haven't properly written fanfic in a long while- the knitting circle thing and last night's seam thing were brought on by a surge of deltarune-induced inspiration. i'm honored to be considered a fanfic author, though <3 this got, uh, REALLY long as well. i just don't talk about this stuff much! it's fun, i've decided!
1. your favorite fic that you've written, or just one you want to give a shoutout to
uhhh lemme try to remember some of my old fics lol,,,, the problem is that i wrote a lot of fanfic back like a year or so ago for a completely different fandom than utdr (kotlc), and most of my current followers would not know or care about it djdjdjdsjs, but for what it's worth, i'm really proud of the lancer+rouxls+ralsei knitting thing i did like a few days ago. that one started as a simple headcanon about them knitting together, and snowballed as soon as i'd written the first line. i'm also very proud of last night's seam fanfic💙 i can't embed links here but i've rbed it a couple times today cause i really like it so just scroll down my blog a bit if you wanna read it. it's not titled, none of my fics are, but you'll know when you see it cause it's the only recent post of mine that has proper capitalization lol
i'm also very proud of some of my very old kotlc fics. particularly the one about sophie and music. almost no one reading this will get it lmao
2. your favorite fic title that you've come up with?
uhhh i don't really do fic titles lmao. the thing is, i'm bad at plot and conflict, so most of my fics are super vignette-y and don't really have anything that would sound good as a title
3. how do you get inspiration to write?
i don't <3 but seriously, like i said before, i haven't properly written in ages. i think if i'm passionate enough about something, and i have faith in myself to do the characters justice, i can end up churning out vignette-style fics that mostly just muse on a character, or two characters. like the seam thing was born out of my myriad of inexplicable feelings about seam and the seam-is-toriel's-plushie theory. i just really wanted to show my love for it! and there's already like. basically no seam-tent out there so we can always use more💙
some fandoms i feel are far too big for me to write about- like star trek, for instance. i posted about that a lot a while back, and i wanted to write for it officially, but i was always worried i'd missed an episode that would contradict what i said. deltarune and undertale and kotlc are easier. they're small, contained universes that i can be sure i know all about.
4. your favorite genre/subgenre of fic to write
uhhh i don't know if i have one! i mostly write character-focused vignette-style fics that don't have much of a plot, so i don't write many of the popular aus (coffee shop, mafia, etc)
5. do you have any other hobbies?
not really <3 i have INTERESTS of course. but things i enjoy doing? nah :) i dabble in piano though. i can play once upon a time and fallen down💙
6. pick one character to self-project onto, go!
ooh... alphys, kris, or queen? gah, which one? i gotta give you those three lol sorry they're all just so. just SO. like. with kris it's just socially awkward closed-off nby teenager solidarity <3 and with alphys it's oh my god self-loathing nerd who constantly worries their friends hate them and who gets really really excited about their interests?? same hat!! and queen's a similar situation to data from star trek. i've been thinking a lot lately about her potential inability to understand other people and social situations and many of the finer points in life (romance, etc) and as an autistic person. yeah <3
7. your favorite genre of music.
ooh! i don't know! i mostly listen to upbeat stuff- i don't like most slow songs. of course, lately it's just been the dr chapter 2 soundtrack on loop. i am so normal about cyber battle and a cyber's world and attack of the killer queen i am the NORMALEST
8. your favorite singer/band.
... uh. hm. queen, marina, mika, or good old toby fox? all of those people. i would like to listen to more things besides dr stuff but i don't have as much time lately. the aboves are some of my all-time favorites, though!
9. and finally, how has your experience with fandom been?
really really good! i know all fandoms have toxic people in it and i've definitely seen more misgendering of the utdr humans than i care to. but i generally just block anyone who does that and surround myself with fun people <3
this was fun! it ended up being very long. but fun! tagging @cadence-talle , a very talented writer💙
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