#though I'd prefer a gaelic job
relnicht · 3 months
like ik I shouldn't compare myself but it's hard not to feel like a failure when 3 of your friends (who did a similar course at uni) probably are offered interviews for a £36k/year job when you were immediately rejected and when people at your company (you need to have an undergrad but most people have done a postgrad) get a promotion to be earning 25k after 2 years
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Skyrim thieves guild headcanons
The daedric prince of Hyperfixation is at play here, enjoy my ramblings. Also check out @thequeenofthewinter she writes some really awesome stuff 😁
Brynjolf (aka my fave)
He was recruited by Gallus around the same time as Mercer, he rose through the ranks of the guild quite quickly... a little too quickly if you asked Mercer. Gallus was going to make him the next guildmaster but after explaining he didn't care for responsibility he told Gallus to give the position to Mercer
He's not an easy man to pin down. if he reveals any part of his personality, other then overconfident, cocky and flirty, to you willingly, you should consider yourself special.
Flirts with everyone, lads and lasses alike (especially his guildmates)
He grew up in a settlement somewhere in the riff. The village of about 20 was mostly made up of Dunmer refugees, a handful of Khajiit and Argonians and a couple of Nord families, he sees them as equals and feels as though he can relax more around them then he can around other Nords. It's partly why he often avoids going to Windhelm
Speaking of Windhelm, it's the last place in tamriel he would ever want to go. Not only because of the Nordic residents poor treatment of the other races but also because he prefers warmer weather and doesn't care for the near constant snowfall
As recruits, he was the youngest and only teenager (17 to 19) and Mercer was the third oldest (mid to late 20s)
Occasionally gets caught on purpose for fun and thrills
When someone in the guild ticks him off (usually Mercer) he'll mumble insults in scottish gaelic to avoid the guild fighting amongst itself
If you're on a job with him and things go south, let him do all the talking (he's silver tongued for a reason)
Absolutely littered with scars
*spoiler alert* spells take a lot out of him, once that frenzy spell Mercer put on him wore off, he collapsed and was breathing quite heavily, unfortunately he didn't have much time to recover
Has a general distaste for bandits, however on the way back from a job, he was attacked by three bears and a Nord in bandit armor ran up and started helping him, once the bears were dealt with Bryn excepted the man to attack him or demand gold but the bandit just sheathed his weapon and turned toward him with a smile on his face "Heh, you fight pretty well. Name's Thrynn, mind if I travel with you for a while? There's plenty more bears around here"
Has definitely been told more than once that if he doesn't wipe a smirk off his face, his armor is going in the pond... with him in it
Brynjolf doesn't know Glover Mallory very well but, knowing it would never happen otherwise, took it upon himself to write Glover a letter for his birthday each year, usually a handful of gems will accompany that letter. He also makes the rest of the guild sign said letter and every time Delvin's just like "why would I need to do that?"
Has a tattoo of the guild shadow mark on his left forearm and "dying breed" across his shoulders
Doesn't go on jobs alone very often
Kept a journal he lifted off a drunk altmer once, it's mostly just filled with drawings, client information, stuff about the Nightingales and (much like Gallus) plans to make the guild good amounts of coin
Mercer Frey (aka captain backstabber)
Hated Brynjolf's guts from day one and always thought the scottsman was full of himself
Muttered and cursed under his breath more than he liked to admit
Was shocked to hear Brynjolf tell Gallus to make him guildmaster and when he asked why Brynjolf's answers only infuriated him more "I don't care for responsibility" "I'd rather not be a leader" "I just don't want to" etc.
"Brynjolf's a showoff" when Gallus asked why the pair didn't get along.. among some other more direct reasons
Mostly just payed for the upkeep of his house to keep the guild from going through his things and using them as leverage/playing keep away with him/hiding things from him/using his stuff for pranks etc. He only keeps the bare minimum of what he needs on a daily basis in his chest, end table and desk
Would never say it, but he did find Bryn somewhat funny BUT he definitely wasn't laughing when Brynjolf and Delvin dumped two bucket fulls of cistern water on him at 1AM
Gallus told him to teach Brynjolf some magic in hopes they'd learn to get along. Brynjolf however, politely declines the offer, explaining that "magic and I don't mix well" *Mercer nodding* "noted"
Ironically is the first person to start calling Brynjolf "Bryn"
As a teen, Brynjolf used to call him a "grumpy old man"
"I hate to admit it, but Brynjolf is the best person we've got at finding new recruits. That man really knows how to read people"
Delvin Mallory (old man *affectionate*)
The "fun" uncleTm
When Brynjolf was new to the guild, some recruits Gallus was training at the time, thought it was a good idea to mock Bryn's accent. Delvin was the one to put an end to it "just 'cause the boy's young, he's already twice the thief compared to the rest o' you lot"
Vekel "I know better and I'd still say the old bastard has a drinking problem"
Definitely issues all the drinking challenges/games
One of the only guild members who is even remotely or the slightest bit religious
Will begrudgingly pay off a guild members bounty if the guards are really hounding their ass, just feels like he should
Straight up refuses to retire, retirement is a drity word
Can't sneak for very long anymore due to his age so he's usually sent in as a distraction and if you don't know how to sneak very well then he can sure as hell teach you
Hardly ever seen without a bottle of mead in hand
Brynjolf was the one who gave him his opening line when someone asks for sneak training "if you need training, go talk to Delvin. Stick with him and they'll never know you're there"
Thrynn (Ex-bandit)
Very sarcastic and brutally honest
Uses archery targets for punching bags
Can left most guild members above his head
Once after a particularly aggressive troll attack, he carried a very injured Brynjolf back to the Flagon, despite Bryn's protests, which led to him calling Brynjolf "featherweight"
Damages his armor more than anyone else, which according to Tonilia is saying something considering Brynjolf is a bit of an injury magnet
He's pretty good friends with Brynjolf, considering the pair usually do jobs together. They've gotten to know each other quite well, sometimes too well
Can sneak, just doesn't want to
Doesn't quite understand the idea of magic, despite being from Winterhold "so you just hold your hands up and fire comes out of them? Weird"
*someone uses big words/scientific terms* "just get to the point"
Bear hugs/lifting people up from behind unexpectedly is one of his favorite ways to amuse himself
Prefers ale to mead, unlike his buddy Bryn who likes honey in his drink
Tonilia (♡?)
As quartermaster, she basically does everything Brynjolf or Mercer/dragonborn doesn't want to do
Gets annoyed easily
Met Vekel after she joined the guild
It's a rumor that her and Brynjolf are having an affair, what happened was some drunk in the Bee and Brab was trying to get a bit frisky with the fence and Brynjolf stepped in saying "the lass said no and so do I" Mercer saw them walk out of the inn, arms linked, he couldn't hear what was said but he watched Tonilia thank Brynjolf and hug him. Now, Mercer being the asshole that he is started the rumor of her and Bryn being a little too "friendly"
Probably had a girlfriend at some point in the past
Sapphire (💙)
Sapph and Brynjolf have an interesting relationship, it goes beyond friendship, more like a brother and sister who haven't seen each other in a long time but were never particularly close. They both lost their families and each have a deeper understanding of the other because of it
Her and Bryn were out and about in riften and ran into someone she knew before her family... well you know, when they asked who Brynjolf was she introduced him as her brother for lack of a better explanation
Vex is older than Sapph by nine years, Tonilia is younger then both of them but has been with the guild longer
Mercer would never tell, but Brynjolf saved his life. Sapphire's last order from the dark brotherhood was to assassinate Mercer Frey, it was the middle of the night when she snuck into the guild's hideout, Brynjolf and Mercer were up late working. Brynjolf convinced her to follow along with some jobs and she'd be payed more than what the dark brotherhood offered, she agreed on the terms that the guild was to not meddle in what she called "personal affairs"
Has a few coin purses filled with her collection of stolen sapphires in her end table
Viper the fleet (🙄..)
Was one of the last recruits to tarin with Gallus before he was murdered, Brynjolf picked up where his predecessor left off
Even Bryn can't stand how lustful this man is, Brynjolf's flirtatious jokes are one thing but Viper takes things too far in the the opinion of the senior thief
The last time the second in command caught Vip trying to bed Sapphire, he told Thrynn to trouble shoot his brain (bash it in..)
Has two heads but only enough blood supply to run one at a time
He can be a good thief but only if he would actually get his head out of the gutter
If it had been up to Bryn, Viper would have been fired from his position... MULTIPLE TIMES
Vex (our little vex <3)
Was a drifter, ended up in riften and has been there ever since
Second oldest female in the guild, the first being Karliah
Over heard Braith and Lars arguing while on job in Whiterun, Braith reminds her more of herself than she'd like to admit
Second best in a fistfight, first being Thrynn and third being Brynjolf
Usually slaps the back of someone's head if they piss her off
Her parents told her stories of the dragonborn but she never believed it until the the last dragonborn became part of the thieves guild
Much like the redhead she deems annoying, no one really knows where she's from
Curses the most
Vex: *punched Brynjolf in the shoulder as he walked past her* Brynjolf: *stumbles forward, look's at vex with a smirk* "I like that lass" Vex: 😳
Her closest friend in the guild is Sapphire
Rune (🪨..)
When Brynjolf heard Rune's story, he started asking the male Imperial to accompany him and Sapph on their outings. once the three got to know each other better, Bryn explained that he and Sapphire had lost their families as well
Him and vex were the only Imperial members of the guild for a long time
His little rune rock is his most prized possession, understandably
Most of the long time guild members have in someway attempted to decipher the symbols, if you were to ever get your hands on the second in commands journal (which he keeps in a locked dewar in his desk) you'll find a page with Rune's well, runes drawn on it, surrounded by notes of what they could potentially mean
Can be very blondeTm sometimes
Is happy that Sapph and Bryn have fond memories of their families but it also saddens him sense he can't remember his own, the other two notice this however and try not to bring it up too often
At a time when thoughts of home, wherever it may be, was weighing heavy on his mind, Brynjolf slung his arm over Rune's shoulders and claimed him as his younger brother
Is at least two or three years younger than Bryn
Second closest to Brynjolf, the first being Thrynn
Enjoys spiced wine occasionally (if you catch my meaning...)
No one's sure how but he says he has "connections" with the Whiterun guard
Lived in Whiterun for a period of time
The Inconspicuous drunk, you wouldn't know he was drunk until he tries to stand
This all I got for now, might reblog this with my ocs from my thieves guild fanfics 🤔
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I can't tell you why, but my first impression of LiWiAU Legend was that, if he lived in our world, he would be at least partly Scottish or brought up partly Scottish, and that just kind of stuck when I started writing his character
I think he's one of my most fleshed-out characters, purely because he's been through a lot and it's easy to see how he might react to his circumstances to try to deal with everything
In terms of the order of his adventures, I’ve placed them as follows (his age in brackets): ALttP (8 yrs); OoS and OoA (16–17 yrs)*; Link’s Awakening (18 yrs); ALBW (19 yrs)
*I've seen people attribute Tri Force Heroes to both the Hero of Legend and the Hero of the Four Sword, so I'm holding off on a definite placement until I'm more familiar with it — however, if I attribute it to Legend, it'll fall within this time period
WARNING: The list below mentions implied alcoholism (point 27) and attempted suicide (point 29). I've numbered the list specifically so that you can skip these points if you want to
he gets better, I promise, he just has a rough couple of years after Koholint
This got really long, so buckle up:
this man has a kilt for every occasion — single-coloured and patterned — and hasn't been seen wearing trousers in years (Ravio made him a ring for temperature regulation one winter, and Legend's delighted);
likes tea with milk and extra sugar, and generally sweeter food (toast with butter and honey? an absolute treat in his opinion);
holds nonsensical one-sided conversations with Sheerow whenever nobody's around (Sheerow absolutely tells Ravio about it later, and Ravio thinks it's hilarious and adores it);
speaks too many languages for his own good (and is really good at picking up new ones);
very good at sowing and embroidering (guess who made Mitchi's pink-and-purple bunny!);
plays so many instruments, and sings really well — can also dance fairly well if he has to, but is slightly cagey about it;
is working on turning his adventures into memoirs, fully fleshed out with maps, travel advice, speculations, linguistics, and entire sections on cultural differences — this man is a closeted scholar and an absolute nerd;
familiar with magical items, and will leap on an opportunity to examine them, but hasn't really developed any magic of his own (though he has a serious well of divine magic at his disposal that he prefers to ignore);
has a sharp tongue and an observant eye;
y'know the vibe some men give off when they're comfortably settled in their own lives, with a job they like, a family they love, and a general sense of satisfaction with their circumstances? that sense of "this person is grounded"? Legend has developed a healthy dose of that, and you can see it in everything from the way he stands to the way he talks;
very protective of his family and friends, and a very loving husband and parent;
grew up on a farm in the outskirts of Hyrule, together with Grandma and Grandpa — Grandma used to sing to him, and for thr general mood of it, I'd like you to think of 'A Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal', popularised through Brave;
Grandma and Grandpa died when he was four, and he spent a month at the Royal House of Orphans before Uncle Tearlach gained the legal rights to adopt him (it was a Whole Thing, and Legend still hates bureaucracy and the Orphanage because of it);
this is also where his dislike of Hylia started, because he blamed her for taking Grandma and Grandpa away;
he befriended Zelda, because Uncle Tearlach often left him in the care of Zelda's nurse while doing his knightly duties — they got along like a house on fire, and were as sibling-like as two strangers could be;
loved helping Uncle Tearlach pick apples, bake, and cook, and they would sing together in the kitchen — learned to make apple pies from Uncle Tearlach;
Uncle Tearlach called him "m'eudail", which, as far as I've understood, is the Scottish Gaelic equivalent of "darling"/"dear", and is used by parents/grandparents towards their children/grandchildren;
turns out Legend grows up to look quite a bit like the Queen (and Zelda), which causes some rumours when he becomes a known figure, but he refuses all formal ties to the royal family, aside from a close friendship with Zelda (which causes another type of rumours);
Uncle Tearlach died when Legend was eight, and then Legend's first adventure started;
Zelda's half-brother (one year older, and the result of an assault on the Queen — the Royal family couldn't risk the scandal of having a child that didn't look like it belonged to the family, so for their own and the child's reputation they sent him off to grow up with the parents of the Queen's knight, Tearlach — the cover-up-story is that the child was kidnapped, and it becomes known as 'The Story of the Forgotten Prince');
in the years after his first adventure and Uncle Tearlach's death, he gets a room in the Castle and is looked after by Zelda's nurse;
he attempts to pick up a blacksmithing apprenticeship, but while he could do it, it doesn't capture his interest for very long (though he enjoys looking after Gulley when Gulley's born);
in general, his interests leap a lot during the next few years, and it's very much a case of getting decently good at one thing, then moving on to another, like he needs to keep himself busy with something At All Times (he just needs to cope somehow);
if he sits still for too long, his leg starts bouncing, or he taps his fingers or fiddles with his sleeves (later, he'll fiddle with his rings too);
when he's sixteen, he's had enough of rumours and sitting on his butt doing nothing, so he gets up and travels (OoS and OoA take place here, and possibly Tri Force Heroes);
he's a few months shy of eighteen when he lands on Koholint, and by the time he turns eighteen, he's head over heels for Marin and would like nothing more than to marry her;
he returns to Hyrule and busies himself with repairing Uncle Tearlach's cottage and tending to the orchard — he isn't coping well after Koholint, hides from social interactions, and drinks a little too much a little too often;
then Ravio shows up and ALBW happens;
by the end of it, Legend's nineteen and still not doing well — in the year that follows, he spirals deeper into depression and, at one point, attempts to end it, but Sheerow alerts Ravio and Ravio finds him and brings him to the Royal Infirmary;
the experience makes Legend realise that he does want to live, but isn't sure how to go about it — eventually he opens up to Ravio about Koholint and Marin, and then everything else, and makes the effort to improve his physical and mental health;
when he's twenty, Mitchi's dropped into Ravio's life, and Legend's terrified that Ravio might leave permanently to help Mamie bring Mitchie up — the experience makes Legend realise just how deeply he's fallen for Ravio;
at some point Ravio returns to the cottage, and Legend (almost single-handedly) builds a shop expansion that they name 'Link's Orchard and Ravio's Magic Items' — it's a successful business (a lot of people definitely come by just to gawk at the Hero), and although they never struggled financially, they now have a solid income;
at twenty-two, the whole Event that is Mitchi's adoption takes place, Legend and Ravio start dating, and they get married (this all happens more or less within the same 48 hours);
Legend sings Grandma and Uncle Tearlach's songs with Mitchi, and calls Mitchi "m'eudail";
he produces and sells apple sauce and cider, as well as honey and an occasional box of apples;
before they adopted Mitchi, he was convinced he couldn't be a good parent, because of the mess he had been post-Koholint, but a part of him was lonely and wanted a family and a home to return to (Ravio helped him see reason);
when he's twenty-four, Mitchi asks if he can have siblings one day, and Legend and Ravio take it into serious consideration;
at twenty-five, he's thrown into the adventure of the Links Winter AU
Final note on his design: I'd be lying if I said it wasn't inspired by LU Legend. Regardless of what's been going down in that camp (if you don't know, count yourself happy and please don't ask), LU Legend's design is a good one, from featheredPegasus Boots to red-and-green tunics and blue hat
In my design, I've kept the hat and the red tunic (with minor alterarions). I turned the white feathers into leather feathers (pinned to the sides of his boots), and split the green tunic into a green shirt and a green kilt. Does he wear shorts under the kilt? I don't know, that's for you to ponder and me to never mention again
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