#though I’ll admit it spooked me a lil when I first saw it taking the picture haha
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chestersbraincell · 5 months ago
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Holy shit guys is that pandemonium from the hit Roblox game pressure
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theoddcatlady · 6 years ago
My Friends Went On A Roadtrip Through Europe
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The only reason I didn’t go on the ‘greatest trip of our lives’ was because I was in a car accident that nearly killed me.
It was bad. I wasn’t able to get out of bed without assistance for that first month. Broken leg, busted up ribs, I looked more like a boxer that just got out of a match gone bad than a recent highschool graduate who was planning on going to college as a psychology major.
My friends and I had been planning this trip since our freshman year in highschool. I know. It was fucking stupid. But we promised if we all graduated with a grade average of 3.5 or better and if we all scraped together the cash from after school/summer jobs, we’d take a road trip through Europe. Somehow we actually managed to do it, our parents were so impressed that they even kicked in some cash. The silly dreams of fourteen year olds were coming to life.
Whitney wanted to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. Jade was all about Austria, she wanted to see where the Sound of Music was filmed. Jonah planned to eat all the chocolate he could stomach in Switzerland. Me? I wanted to see the countryside of every country- mountains, rivers, the ocean… But one week before the plane was supposed to take off, well, the accident happened.
I told my friends to go without me, but I made them promise to constantly send me updates and tell me how much fun they were having. So they left- Whitney, Jade, Jonah, Holden, and Tori. I even gave them a portion of the money I saved up so they could go crazy.
At first, everything was normal. I got pictures, they even sent me a package from England full of lil knick knacks and snacks. I hated the Irn Bru but the Cadbury chocolates were to DIE for. But everything went wrong shortly after Austria.
Below are the emails and messages my friends sent me when they had the time. These all take place over about three weeks. After that, everything goes silent. Their parents have yet to hear from them. They’ve filed missing person’s reports, but I think if any of them are still alive… they won’t want to be found.
From: Jade
Jesus CHRIST, you will not believe what happened last night, Lilah.
First off, let me make abundantly clear that no one is dead, and no the trip is not over yet. We got really lucky. Second off, Jonah is a fucking moron and I swear to god once his stitches are out I’m ripping him a new one.
Okay so last night we were out a bit late, we all got a little tipsy and we were heading back to the hotel. Legal drinking age is eighteen, it’s not like that time we tried to sneak into Beverly’s with those fake ID’s. On the way back, we stumbled across another drunk who made a pass at Jonah. And you know Jonah, his drunk ass reacted loudly and violently. I swear he was about to make a swing at the guy… but the other guy swung first.
I swear, the drunk guy fought like an animal, Jonah didn’t stand a chance. We barely managed to rip Jonah away from him before he ripped his throat out. It was bloody and MESSY.
We got Jonah to the nearest emergency room, got him patched up, headed back home to sleep it off. How much do you wanna bet that he won’t remember it in the morning?
I’m gonna hit the sack. Jonah is a moron.
From: Jonah
Jade told me she sent you an email about the fight. She really needs to chill, I’m really not that bad off. Besides, the guy was a creep.
I do remember what happened, despite what she thinks, we were heading back when, get this, strange guy complimented my SKIN. Said it looked smooth and rosy. That’s not even flirting anymore, that’s just creepy! I mean, he was totally your type, tall, dark, handsome, blue eyes and a bit of scruff on his face, but noooot mine.
I’m fine though, you can barely tell where the guy got me. I think he had a knife because I got ripped. Up. Can barely tell now, he must’ve just grazed me.
We’ll be looping back up and heading for Poland next. Gonna cross through Germany to do that, but I don’t mind the drive. Besides, Germany = MORE BEER.
Miss you, next time you will totally have to come along.
From: Tori
I really wish you were here. I miss you so, so much. How is your therapy going? I hope it’s going well, you really missed out on some beautiful views today. The camera doesn’t quite capture it, but I hope to paint it once I’m home with my supplies. Maybe I can bring a little of this place back to you.
I think I’m just homesick. I might cut my trip short and head back, I’m really worried about you.
From: Whitney
Did you talk Tori out of going home yet? I don’t think she’s willing to admit how spooked she got when that bum attacked Jonah. She started crying when she saw how bloodied he was. I was pretty freaked too, but it was way worse than it looked. He’s actually completely fine now. Stitches came out, there’s not even a scar. I’m pretty sure Jonah’s actually bummed there’s nothing to show off for when he gets home LOL. But yeah, nothing to worry about, he’s still the same energetic Jonah we all know and love.
Holden’s horrible at remembering to email you, I’ve told him like, six times. Did he do anything other than the one time he sent a what’s up? He totally only did that because I nagged him.
I wish we spent more time in Italy, but we’re making great time through Germany. I’m gonna go now, kick ass and take names at Overwatch for us when you can sit up, all right?
From: Tori
Jonah’s almost too over the top since the attack. I think he’s trying to make up for something, I don’t know what. It’s like… remember that time he pounded Mountain Dews all night while we were gaming? This was during our League of Legends phase (glad that ended) but Jonah was incredibly manic and he was constantly getting up to pace.
He’s like that but 24/7. I don’t think he’s slept a full night, and it’s almost impossible to make him stop for the night. We want to relax, there’s no rush to get to Poland. I’ll talk to him when I can get him to settle, see what’s wrong. Love you.
From: Jade
Welp, Tori went home last night.
Her clothes and passport are gone, she left a note saying she really missed you and her parents, she’ll make it up to us when we’re home. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed she didn’t talk to us beforehand.
She was right though, Jonah needs a chill pill. Is this how some people deal with trauma? Because I mean, you weren’t there, but that was… pretty bad. I can’t even imagine how Jonah feels, but he’s Jonah. He never lets anyone in. It’s why you two broke up sophomore year, kid has issues. I hoped this trip through Europe might help him learn about himself but I think it’s making it worse.
From: Whitney
Ugh, sorry. So Jonah offered to drive us through the night. I said no, but Holden and Jade were all for it. So I sucked it up, took something to make me drowsy, and konked out in the back seat. When I woke up, Jonah and Jade were having a shouting match and turns out, we’re in DENMARK. That wasn’t the plan. He didn’t clear this with us.
Holden’s on his side, saying that Denmark is a cool country too but Jade’s royally pissed. I can’t blame her. We promised at the beginning of the trip that we were to clear any travel plans with each other. We’d talk about it.
That’s another reason to miss you- you are SO good at talking. <3
From: Jonah
Everyone but Holden’s pissed at me.
Listen, I’m fine, I promise. I’ve just had to deal with some insomnia lately, is that really that bad? It’s not like I’m as bad off as you were. There was a brief moment that morning of the accident we all thought we’d lose you.
The insomnia goes away in the day. I can sleep then. Everyone can go and have fun during the day, I get to sleep, and at night I go do my shit. There’s. Nothing. Wrong with that.
I mean, another reason I wish you were here was that I’ve been having some… preeettyyy interesting dreams involving you, when I can sleep anyway. TMI. But maybe I should’ve been less of a puss with you back in the day. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.
When I’m back, can we go on a date? I’ll buy. Anywhere you want to go.
From: Jade
Jonah made a pass at me. And he’s not drunk.
I’m confused. And worried. Not gonna lie, he was pretty smooth about it, but I’ve never thought of him that way. He’s like that obnoxious little brother you love anyway. I told him no and he accepted gracefully.
Talking with Whitney and he also made a move at him… and at Holden? Jesus Christ, it’s about time that dumbass fell out of the closet. Holden’s pretty into it though. I’m wondering if this trip was actually a success in that matter.
We’re going up through Scandinavia now. Sweden, here we come!
At least we’re in some of the most gay friendly countries in the world right now… although I swear to god I think someone’s been following us. I’ve spotted this small white car twice now and I think it’s the same driver. But I’m probably just paranoid.
From: Holden
i know i dont email you often. i hate writing.
but something’s really wrong with jonah. i think he hurt someone.
last night we went out for drinks. ive always thought jonah was cute but never thought hed give me the time of day. we shared a hotel room, nothing happened but it was nice.
but I woke up this morning and I was trying to find something to wear and I accidentally went through one of jonah’s bags because our bags look the same and
i found one of his shirts. it’s covered in blood. And I found tori’s passport. it’s also bloody.
i’ve been reading and there’s been two bodies on the same route we’ve been going. i also called tori’s mom and she hasn’t heard anything from her daughter. she hasnt gone home. what should I do lilah? you were always the smart one.
From: Jade
Jonah’s lost his goddamn mind.
I’m surprised I get signal out in the middle of nowhere but Holden asked him about Tori and Jonah got really defensive. Then he brought up clothes covered in blood and that Tori never made it home and… Jonah snapped.
He pulled over to the side of the road and lunged for Holden. Whitney tried to break it up and got pretty fucked up for it. They’ll be okay as soon as we get to a hospital or something.
He’s gone now. He took the keys with him. I’m gonna try and call for help but jesus christ how have things gone so wrong?
From: Jonah
(This email was sent to all of us, along with the next one.)
I’m with Master now. He never meant for this to happen. He never meant for me to get turned. He tried to find me but my own stupidity kept us going… I’m so mad at myself. I should’ve told you guys what’s been going on. I’ve been barely sleeping, any sort of bright light fucking hurts, and Tori…
I never meant to hurt Tori. I swear to god. She was one of my best friends. But she’s dead. And I killed her. I couldn’t stop myself. By the time I came to my senses, I’d shredded her to pieces. If they ever find where I dumped her, she’ll probably be a Jane Doe for the rest of time.
Master found me running around around and stopped me. We’re someplace safe now. He’ll help me.
But I need to know one thing-
Did I bite you guys?
From: Whitney
You bit me. And you bit Holden.
Jade’s fine. For now. I don’t know how long though. I feel strange. Like there’s something burning in my head and down my spine. Please find us. Holden’s starting to feel strange too.
Lilah, we love you so much.
Please, don’t try to come find us. Go to college. Have fun. Make new friends. Study hard. Forget about us.
We’re dead anyway.
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spacedriftingqueen · 6 years ago
Requested by: @katiekittybones “FemxReader heads out to hunt big animals, Arthur worries and stalks her. He soon realises that she can handle herself and goes to leave by she sneaks up on him”
AN: I kinda changed things up a little cause I lost train of thought while watching TV
Warnings: Language *blows kiss*
Pairings: Arthur Morgan x Reader
Word count: Just under 3K!!!
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“Where you goin?”
Arthur asked as he walked, well ran over to your horse. You turned back and he had a look of worry on his features. “Micah kicked me out.” His features changed from worried to ‘where is he and let me kill him.’ “I’ll be damned before that happens.” He moved to begin taking your stuff from your horse when you yelled for him to stop. “Arthur-“ he took hold of your rifle from its holster. “Arth- I was, am messing with you.” You snatched it from his hands before he went and shot the stupid man. He turned his head slightly to the right, as if he couldn’t hear you properly. “Then where you going? Why’s all your shit on the horse? You leaving us?” He fired out a bunch of questions that exasperated you. You liked Arthur but just sometimes he got a little worked up and worried over the slightest thing when it came to the girls and you. He often did secret runs into town to get new clothes and cotton for the women when it came to bleeding, it embarrassed him endlessly but he did it.
“Hear the locals talking bout some big animals in the woods and then I saw you walk into camp with that stupid bear hat and all that meat and the stories from Hosea about a giant bear, that you killed.” You poked his chest nearly breaking your finger, he’s harder than a rock. “I want piece of the action. Charles has been teaching me how t’hunt for weeks now-“ Arthur went to open his mouth, to protest no doubt. “You ain’t been around to notice so don’t start telling me that ‘am a woman and I can’t handle it’ cause right now, I’d rather be chasing some animal than stuck in camp.” You placed your hand on his jawline, he really needed another shave. “Don’t look worried, god. You wear that look so much am starting to think it’s permanent.” Arthur sank into your hand for only a moment then straightened back up letting you hand fall from his face. “What if something goes wrong?” He questioned quietly, very uncertain about you leaving.
“Then burk will come back to camp without me and you’ll find my rotten body in the woods.” You smiled but Arthur frowned. “Naw girl, that ain’t funny. Just cause Charles taught ya’ how to follow a rabbit doesn’t mean you are ready for chasing the big dogs up in the wilderness. If the weather don’t get you, the animals will. If the animals don’t get you then a trap will or, huh whatever. It’s doesn’t matter cause you ain’t going.” You scowled at Arthur, I mean really scowled and he tried to walk backwards away from you before he got a broken nose. “We’ll excuse me sir but the lil’ woman of camp wants to play with the big boys. Move out ma way Morgan and don’t wait up for me getting back.” You stormed away from him and climb up on burk and took hold of the reins, “Don’t go fretting none. Don’t go following me, I’ll be alright and back in a few days.” And you left, taking the trail on the right before he could even think about stopping.
A few minutes had went by, Arthur had his hands on his hips and nose tipped to the sky as he counting to himself while tapping his foot. “Don’t do it man.” John warned walking past carrying some chopped logs. “Don’t follow or you might end up being the target.” Arthur scoffed at John, “What do you know bout it lunch meat?” This time John scoffed. “Screw off Morgan. I may be lunch meat but least I ain’t a chicken, scared and shit to let a girl out my sight.” The men both scoffed back and forth at one another, a few eyerolls. “Imma just check on her, that’s alright. I can follow her for a few then head back.” John chucked the logs to side and wiped his hands down. “Why though? Just leave her be. She’s grown.” Arthur went to grab John just as Dutch stepped in.
“Woah boys. What-“ he laughed, “What are we doing here?” Arthur let go of John coat, shoving him back. “Arthur won’t let (y/n) breathe.” Dutch looked about for you and frowned. “Where is she?” He is confused, what was this argument even about? “She told me that Charles had been taken her hunting’ and she wanted to find a big animal like the bear Hosea and me saw.” Arthur tapped on his chest, waving his arm out as he spoke. Dutch didn’t laugh, he didn’t chuckle, he scowled deeply. “Charles has been here less that you have Arthur my boy, I don’t see how he’s been teaching her.”
He felt stupid, stupid that he let you fool him and lie straight to his face. He was not impressed, “Arthur, you get that girl and you bring her back. She could get hurt or worse.” He didn’t need telling twice, heading for the hitching post he climbed on his horse listening to John bitching about how you are a big girl that can handle herself, she wasn’t going to be impressed about Arthur coming to the rescue but you are so stubborn that you can’t see you need rescuing.
It didn’t take him long to track you down, he followed you through strawberry and right into the hills of West Elizabeth, it felt like he had been following you for days, he would be a liar if he said he wasn’t impressed by the way you chase after a damn baby boar, he had let out a laugh when he saw you failing to use the bow and threw it away and dived into the bushes for the little beast, it made entertaining viewing, he hid back in the trees as you made a stop and tried to lead your horse to the water, Arthur pulled out his map and found you are at Owanjila lake. He urged to do a spot of fishing but held back, “stupid fool.” He muttered to himself, ‘you can lead a horse t’water but you can’t make it drink it.’ pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up as you had a conversation with Burk like you expected him to talk back. Something had spooked some birds in a nearby bush, sending them flying and squawking into the air. One puff of the cigarette and he tossed it away into a muggy puddle, it hissed quietly. “There boy.” He patted his horse as it got a little antsy and banged its hoof into the dirt. Pulling out his rifle, he had you covered from a distance looking to see what disturbed the birds from nesting.
Arthur hopped it wasn’t a bear, or worse. A cougar. He’d had many run ins with them over this end of the country, spooking his horse like silent devils until they ponce and try and take you down. He couldn’t see anything from the scoop nor his naked eye, he licked his lips and took another look, again he saw nothing. He watched from afar as you pulled your blade out, stalking through the tall grass, you saw something that he didn’t. He hopped off his horse, taking the rifle. Just in case, as he creeped far behind you hiding behind a large boulder that covered his large frame, Burk sensed him and made a noise which caused (y/n) to look back. Arthur sucked in a breath, trying to make himself as small as he could, he felt ridiculous for hiding from a girl, he felt even worse for spying on the girl. Peeking from behind the stone, he frowned as to where you had gone.
He stood up and tipped his hat a little while scanning the area. He really didn’t want to chase about after you no more, he had over 10 years on you and he was tired. Arthur had to admit it to himself, you are okay out here and can handle things so far so he figured he’d go back home and tell Dutch a lie about how he couldn’t find you. “Why don’t you drop the weapon sweetheart, you’ll only get hurt.” Arthur went tight and stiff as the barrel of a gun was push up against the bottom of his skull. He smirked, holding his hands up to the height of his shoulders.
“You sure bout this? Seems like a mistake.” He slid his rifle from His shoulders and tossed it gently to the ground so it didn’t go off. “A mistake on your behalf.” He all but growled, the barrel is dug harder into his skin making him move forward only so slightly but he wasn’t scared. The barrel was removed from his head and pushed into his lower back, “any sudden movements and ill blow a hole in you. Ya’ hear?” Arthur nodded as he went along with this, a hand wrapped around his body, first it went for his knife then his revolver. Both weapons tossed beside the rifle “What you got for me beautiful?” The voice asked, hand stifling into his pockets and rustling around. “You think am beautiful?” He played. The gun was pushed harder into his spine, he felt it through his coat. He smiled to himself, catching you out.
The hand disappeared from his body, along with the barrel to his back. “You carry such shit around Morgan.” He finally let his arm drop and turned around, you popped a sweetie from his pocket into your mouth and sucked on the hard boiled candy. “Well hello to you too darlin’ if I knew I was gonna be robbed I would have left a nugget for your hard work.” You hit him in the arm with the butt of your rifle, hard. “What was that for?!” He took the gun from your hands pulling you forward only to knock you back while hitting you in the arm with it making you winch and hold it. “Jeez Arthur, you hit the bone. Least I ain’t being all stalker and following you bout like some dog. Fuck off, go on.” You took the rifle back, “git gone.” You cocked it and held it up to your eyeline, aiming for right in between his eyes.
Arthur put his hands up, again but walked forward just as a small drop of rain landed on his nose. The barrel pointed between his eyebrows, right against his temple and he showed no fear. “Do it sweetheart.” The heavens had opened, one large cloud had formed and rain began pelting down. “C’mon (y/n) do it. I followed you out here cause a though you were just a weak girl so do it.” enraged about just being ‘a girl’ you are more than that, you aren’t a pot washing for Pearson, a grab at thing for Bill or Micah, a storyteller for jack, a cleaner for John, a sweetheart for Dutch or an ear hole for the women. You are you, a fearless woman. Pulling back the rigger, it clicked loudly making you jump. Arthur smiled a large grin showing off his teeth for once, he opened up his left hand that he held in the air as the rifles cartridges fell to the ground.
“You.” You looked at the gun. “You took my ammo. How- you son of a whore.” Arthur raised his hand back, you flinched and turned your head expecting a slap. He just laughed as he put it down, spitting out water than landed in his mouth. “If you wanna be seen as more than just a girl, don’t flinch. Stand strong.” You spat rain water back at him and stormed off, he followed of course. “Why are you here Arthur? To make me look like a fool? To run back to Dutch to say that I failed and died.” The last part wasn’t a question but more of a statement, he wanted to see you fail. He wanted to go back and laugh about.
You headed back to Burk. Arthur didn’t bother to pick up his weapons, he was more focused on you right now and how great you looked soaking wet, he knew you are angry, he could see the steam coming from your skin in the cold rain. “Naw so just hold up little woman.” His whole hand wrapped around your forearm, yanking you to a stop. “I came to make sure you didn’t die, since you became a fucking liar. Why lie bout’ Charles teaching you to hunt when he didn’t? I saw ya’ tackle that boar, it was a lil’ skinny but that’s ok cause you are too. These bigger animals you after?” Arthur pushed his chest against yours, the alpha male he became as he puffed out. “They feral, dangerous.” He stripped off his coat, wrapping it around your wet frame. Holding you down from its heavy weight.
Arthur put his hand around the back of your neck, fingers moving to hold your head back to look up at him. “People only take you for guaranteed if you let them, folk at the camp? You need to stand your ground with them. Show them that you aren’t a girl, but a strong young lady.” It’s true, you had to man up well woman up and be tougher like the rest. “We going home now?” Arthur didn’t let go off you, he shook his head. Droplets falling on your face as he did this. “No, not yet. You really want to hunt something big?” You nodded your head, blinking rapidly to get the water out your eyes as rain fell directly on your face. Arthur’s hand slipped from your neck, running down your arm and to your hand as he clasped it with his. “Let’s rest up a while until the rains off. You bring a tent?” You thought for a moment and then nodded. “Of course, didn’t you?” Arthur shook his head this time, tugging at your hand. “I left in such a rush I didn’t pack it.”
“Well wasn’t that stupid?” You let his hand go so he could go get his discarded weapons on the grass as you headed to Burk for the tent before the rain got any worse.
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fer8girl · 8 years ago
Conflict of Interests
The newest chapter of ‘Rekindled’ found here. Not quite NSFW and a lil’ angsty. Happy reading >^,^
“I feel ridiculous. What’s wrong with wearing our armor?” Aric grumbled, pulling on his coat. Bad enough Garza insisted on teaming up with SIS but Nya’s suggestion that they meet their contact in civvies made him feel, well, just plain stupid.
“The Lieutenant feels armor is too conspicuous.”  Dorne shrugged sympathetically, humor gleaming in her eyes.
“Aww, you can’t look that bad Jorgan.” Nya’s breezy voice sailed to him from the briefing room as he tucked his blaster into the holster at the small of his back
“I don’t see the point of this Sir. If our contact knows to expect us then what’s it matter what we wear?”  
“Garza said the situation here was delicate. Can’t go barging in wearing thirty kilos of durasteel.”
He hated to admit it but she had a point. Didn’t stop him from being annoyed about her irreverent attitude towards the mission though. Nya���s natural enthusiasm seemed too flippant at times and he was ready to talk to her about it -again - but when he turned to face her his train of thought derailed.
She’d said casual clothes so he’d grabbed the most casual things he had - a fitted shirt with trousers, boots and a bantha-hide jacket – but Nya’s flair for the dramatic seemed to have carried over to her civvies.
Goggles were perched rakishly on her forehead, holding back the wild auburn mane, and her black, nerf-leather trench swept almost to her feet. She wore leggings made of the same material and the boots that came to her knees sported more buckles than he could count. Her top though… whoa! Who could’ve guessed a narrow strip of black would make his mouth feel like a Tatooine desert.
“So ya ready to go Jorgan? I’ll even let you drive the speeder.” She still spoke airily as if she hadn’t noticed his sudden inability to speak and her toothy grin had him shaking his head.
It’d become more and more obvious that Nya’s gift for getting past defenses worked as well on him as it did against the Imps. Each wall he’d constructed was crumbling, and the worst part was she hadn’t even had to try, just be her normal Hotshot self. Even now the idea of her arms around him, body pressed against him… he had to bite back the heat the images raised.
“Maybe we should take two Blaze, in case we have to make a quick getaway.”
“No need for that. Now, let’s go meet this agent.” She gave Dorne a perky salute, then motioned for Aric to follow.
Tell-tale pressure started building between his eyes, but he tried ignoring the budding migraine. “Yeah,” he grumbled under his breath. ”We shouldn’t keep the spook waiting.”
His headache was just the first bad sign. As soon as they set foot in Duceloen Spaceport they noticed a small man wandering around frantically, and Nya insisted they see if they could help. The man - a Minister Plennid - explained to them that a local gang had stolen some important passcodes. Nya told him that they’d help out though it meant delaying their rendezvous with the spook while they scoped out the Kintan Kings territory.
“We’re in no way prepared for this Sir,” he muttered as they made their way carefully through the area.
“We’re just scouting right now. If anything we can see what we’re up against.”
It didn’t help that what they were up against looked pretty daunting. They’d had to scurry more than once to avoid the numerous Nikto milling about, each heavily armored and well-armed. What happened to the days where gangs just hung out, doing spice and stealing speeders? He wondered, it seemed like every gang they’d run across recently was aspiring to be a small army.
“This was a bad idea,” he said when they had to bolt into a narrow alley to avoid another group of the gang members.
“Okay, you were right,” she admitted, “We’ll have to come back with more firepower.”
Heavy footsteps echoed just past the entrance of the alley and they glanced down the passage simultaneously. The end was blocked by a high fence that they could probably scale, but would leave them vulnerable if they tried. The steps grew closer and he reached to his back, patting his blaster. It wasn’t much but if they had to fight their way out it was better than nothing.
“Packing?” he whispered to Nya and she nodded.
“Always, but not sure if it’s enough,” She glanced up at him, looking oddly determined as she stepped closer. “Might have a better idea though.” After a deep breath her hand sprang up, grabbing the front of his coat.
He stiffened when she pulled his mouth to hers but when she moaned softly all thoughts about her being his CO vanished. The smoldering remnants of his self-control ignited, flaring before crumbling to ash. Shouldn’t be doing this, wailed through his brain like an alarm. But it’s Nya, his body shouted back, his reservations dissolving as his hands slid around her bare midriff, yanking her to him.
She let out a muffled exclamation, melting against his chest as her fingers slid up his shoulders. Her mouth opened with his, their tongues swirling in a heated dance. Old desires overwhelmed him and he felt pummeled by the years of longing. He couldn’t bring himself to stop, unable to believe how famished he felt, yearning to find someplace dark and quiet where they could peel off the layers separating their bodies.
He tightened his grip, crushing her to him as she rocked in his arms. Urgent noises vibrated against his mouth and he swallowed them eagerly, aching for more and deafened by the blood pounding in his ears. Keeping one hand wrapped around her hip his other flowed up her body and dove into her thick mane. A low, needy growl rumbled from him and she answered it with another moan.
His fingers clenched in her hair as he broke from her mouth and nibbled down her throat, inhaling her sweet, spicy scent. Warm and familiar it sent a throbbing ache through him, one that was compounded when he felt her suck his earlobe – oh, Gods not the ear - between her lips. The gentle friction of her tongue on the sensitive skin had his knees buckling and he leaned her back to the wall carefully, trapping her between himself and the bricks.
One of her legs raised to hug the back of his thigh while her hands splayed under his coat and he groaned her name, inhaling deeply as if he could fill his lungs with her. Nuzzling her velvety neck, he quickly found the spots that made her shiver and once she was trembling he moved back up and slanted his mouth across hers.
His tongue slid eagerly along hers, rasping slightly against the texture that was unique to their species.  A purr of pleasure vibrated against his chest, and he felt an answering one welling up in his throat. It’d been so long since he’d been with someone and he was drowning in sensation, the scents, the sounds of two people embroiled in passion.
“Ay! You there… you there!”
The harsh bark had him raising his head and pinning a group of Kintan King with a glare. “What?” he growled, surprising himself and the Nikto watching them.
They started in shock but their hands went to their weapons, aiming at the Cathar until Nya turned slightly. His arm tensed, staying around her waist but she waved at the men in exasperation.
“Can’t…” She cleared her throat and when her voice emerged it was higher and more nasal than usual. “Can’t a girl earn ‘n honest cred no more?”
Their eyes darted from him to her and she cocked her hip to one side, looking sullenly at them. “I’m workin’ 'ere. You got a problem?”
The men traded looks then one tilted his head at her. “Working huh? You one of Thorny’s girls?”
“'At’s me.” She smiled coyly at the guys. “Wuz told to stick in King territory. Zat alright wit'chu boys?”
“Fine by us.” One of the bigger Nikto stepped closer with a leer, “Good to see Thorny’s got some new blood. When you’re done with that furball, why don’t you come see us?”
“You got the dime I got the time Handsome.” Leaning into Aric, her hand splayed back over his chest as she winked at the Nikto, “First come first served though, know what I mean?”
She flicked her fingers dismissively at the gang-members, then reached up to pull his mouth back to hers, the slight tremble of her hand betraying just how nervous she really was. It wasn’t until the echos of their footsteps faded that she let out a sigh of relief and pulled back to glance up at him.
“Think that worked,” she breathed, smiling triumphantly up at him. “That was…”
“Convincing?” He sounded like he’d just run 5K and felt just as winded.
“Yeah, but the coast seems clear.”
His gaze fell to her eyes watching them shimmer liquid blue with a warmth he’d given up any chance of seeing again. Suddenly he was painfully aware of the curve of her hips filling his hands and forced his breathing back to the semblance of normal, trying to not to inhale her scent.
“That wasn’t smart,” he gritted out, more to himself, then ducked his head when he saw confusion filling her eyes. The following silence was as raw as a fresh wound, and it wasn’t until he released her and backed away that he could look up again.
“You’re right, coast should be clear. Let’s move out,” he stated, and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“What do you mean 'wasn’t smart’?”
“It…” He felt at war with himself. Part of him wanted to pull her back to him, while the rest was saying it’d be a mistake. Caught in the crossfire he ducked behind what he knew, rules and regulations. “It shouldn’t have happened. Stunts like that can get you killed in the field.”
“Gods preserve me,” she swore under her breath. “You’re lecturing me?”
Her voice was flat enough to slip through a crack in the pavement, then the simmering warmth in her eyes turned into an inferno of frustration and fury as she let out a low snarl, “No! Dammit Aric, I’m tired of this tension. Can you seriously tell me you didn’t feel anything when we kissed?”
“You kissed me Sir,” he growled. “ You shouldn’t have. I didn’t realize they no longer taught professionalism at the academy.”
Hurt joined the roiling emotions in her eyes until the flames blinked out like a dying star. “Fine,” she ground out. “I apologize for my breech of conduct Sergeant. It won’t happen again.”
She stepped to the alley’s entrance checking for more Kintan Kings before turning to him, and the icy glint in her eyes hit him right in the gut. Better this way though, he reminded himself, couldn’t risk caring too much about a squad-mate, it might cloud their judgment. This was the right thing to do… even if it left him feeling like he’d kriffed things up even worse .
Seeing those crystal blue eyes glowing up at him like old times had been almost irresistible. Then he remembered how Nya had taken the loss of her sister and how he’d never wanted her to have to go through that again. Problem was he knew part of it was he’d never wanted to lose her the same way. So instead he pushed her away, and felt like a starving man who’d just rejected his favorite meal.
“Let’s go tell Plennid we’ll take care of this when we’re better equipped,” she said curtly, cold swirling in the eyes where warmth had beckoned, and he nodded.
Everything felt surreal as they walked back through the area. There were still a handful of Nikto patrolling, but they let the Cathar pass unscathed. As soon as they were clear of the area, Nya strode ahead briskly to talk to the Minister. The slight man still seemed anxious but less so, especially when she assured him the Kings would soon pay for their theft.
“Sounds like my issue is in good hands.”
“It’ll be handled,” she replied. “Havoc business has to take priority, you understand.
“Quite, quite. I leave the matter to you.”
She gave him an efficient nod, then a thoughtful look crossed her face. “Minister, are there any speeder vendors close by?”
The slight man seemed surprised but pointed at a nearby stall. “That man has mentioned that his brother sells them. Check with him.”
“Much appreciated.”
With a swirl of her coat she moved to walk off again until Aric cleared his throat. “A speeder? Don’t we have one?
She stiffened, ice still in her eyes as she regarded him. “You were right about taking two Jorgan, it might be unprofessional for us to share. Go meet up with the spook, I’ll catch up. 'Sides, I have a bonus burning a hole in my pocket.”
She marched off like she couldn’t get away from him fast enough and he called out, “Blaze!”  then groaned when she didn’t stop and he had to jog to catch up with her. “Blaze, just wait.”
Slowing her stride, her coat flicked with an angry snap as she turned to face him. “Yes, Jorgan?
“I, uh.” Racking his brain, he tried to think of any reason to stay with her. “I need the coordinates for the rendezvous.”
“They’re in your datapad,” she replied coolly. “Slippery Slopes Cantina. If you get there before me let the spook know I’m on my way.”
“Will do.” Her dismissive tone raised his hackles, but he nodded then said quietly, “Watch out for yourself Blaze.”
Stiffening again, her eyes closed, shutting him out before she spun around and he heard a soft,  “Someone has to.” as she walked away.
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