#though I do like to headcanon that alyn’s first ship he captained was the same one designed by addam
thevelaryons · 14 days
unpopular opnion but I was never too bothered by Addam’s death because I thought it’s a fitting writing choice no matter how tragic. It’s showing his lost potential. He’s the most perfect of Corlys’ kids and the ideal heir Corlys would’ve always desired for himself. That was why Addam was meant to die. A child with a great future ahead of him cut short because of the war his family is fighting. The Dance of the Dragons is a tragedy and Addam Velaryon’s storyline fits the mould of tragedy.
But yeah, Addam’s story is all about lost potential. There’s a reason why Addam died around the time of his 16th nameday, just on the cusp of manhood.
I’ve mentioned before, but Addam, more than any other Velaryon, is the embodiment of their house’s words. All the core aspects of his characterization are tied to his identity as a Velaryon. The most Velaryon to ever Velaryon. Yet despite all that, he never becomes Lord of Driftmark. Again, that same lost potential.
Addam can be compared to the other heirs, Laenor/Lucerys/Alyn, and each of them ends up falling short in some way or other. But Addam being the perfect heir doesn’t save him. Corlys’ greatest show of strength and also his downfall are linked to Addam.
In the future, Addam may have become an even greater Lord of Driftmark than Corlys. He’s certainly shown to have inherited all the best traits of both his parents and none of the flaws. But just as Corlys lost High Tide and all the wealth he accumulated, he also loses Addam who could have taken Corlys’ legacy to new heights.
While I would’ve preferred if Addam lived, I understand GRRM’s intentions here. I always see fans lamenting that Addam died instead of Alyn. 😂😂 But that’s kind of missing the point. Alyn’s story is defined by trying to measure up to Addam (with characters in universe even commenting on it) but still falling short. Also, Alyn as Corlys 2.0 was always meant to succeed Corlys. Addam is just the one who exists in between as the most promising one whose greatness never came to be.
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