#though ........ the LoV wouldn't need much cleaning done
decarbry · 1 year
Yabureme helping Kurogiri with base chores
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peeking through the cracks
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womenloverlmao · 6 months
Dropped (Spencer Reid X Reader)
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Based on Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift
Dropping. The readings in your book were dropping frequently, and you couldn't figure out what to do.
It really shouldn't have meant that much to you, but as a world-renowned author it was driving you insane. You had written many books before, why weren't people reading them now? Were they getting bored of you? Was it personal??
You wanted to take it well, but your mental health was dropping because of it. And it was showing with everything around you, including your relationships. Dropped friendships, but your relationship with the genius Spencer Reid was fine, right?
You wanted it to be fine, so did he. So did anyone around you, everyone knew you were made for each other. He was more secretive about your relationship even though he was more loving; you were extremely open about your relationship even though you weren't as loving. You did love him, you just didn't show it well enough.
When he noticed your mental health dropping, he tried his best to help. You wouldn't let him help, though, which is where the problems came in. He was trying to help, but you wouldn't let him. You couldn't let him. You loved him, but, quite frankly, not enough.
You technically had your own place, but you had been staying over at Spencer's a lot recently. You were doing the dishes, even though he told you never to worry about anything there. It was supposed to be a safe place for you, one where you wouldn't have to work.
Yet something was different now, something told you you needed to be doing him a favor but you couldn't figure out why. You were mildly out of it, and ended up dropping a glass cup. He quickly ran in and helped you clean it up, but safe to say, it shocked you both. Not that either of you cared much, he assured you it was alright.
Well, maybe you did care a little. That broken glass made you start to cry, you couldn't quite figure out why. Was it just the constant overwhelming feeling of the drop?
You tried turning around, but that didn't work to keep him from noticing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and tried to comfort you as best he could. It broke his heart to see you like this, but you couldn't deal with it. You walked away, and left him alone.
He tried to think of anything he could have done wrong, nothing came to mind. Was there anything going on with you? Nothing that you would tell him... he was confused, to say the least.
Your champagne problems would be having more of an effect on him than anyone would have expected.
Then came the party one of your friends had hosted, you had to go and you took your boyfriend with you. Your relationship was slowly fading away, but neither of you was brave enough to admit it yet. Spencer didn't want to admit it, and you just ignored it.
You ended up dancing. It was nothing big, just the two of you messing around holding hands. But your thoughts got the best of you, and you couldn't deal with it. You dropped his hand, and walked away.
He didn't know how much longer he could deal with any of this. His heart had dropped, all because of you. Was he Not enough for you? What could be going on with you?
You got a drink, which led to another and another. You weren't paying for anything, so it didn't matter much. When Spencer saw how badly drunk you got, he didn't know what to do. His heart kept dropping further and further down as he saw what you were doing to yourself, and you wouldn't tell him why.
Fuck champagne problems.
He grabbed your hand again, trying to repair the things you had broken. He didn't want to let go, but it wasn't going to be his choice. He drove you back home, you saying some hurtful things that he tried his best to ignore. He was staying in an indefinitely toxic relationship, just for you.
He took you back to his apartment; he laid you down on his bed. He got you ready, he gave you a shirt to wear, he gave you everything you needed. Every single thing.
But it wasn't enough.
"I love you," he told you. He meant it with his all, and he couldn't ever take it back.
Yet you couldn't even say it back. You just nodded in acknowledgement, before falling asleep. That's the moment he did realize you weren't meant to be, even if he needed you.
While you slept, he paced around trying to come up with something he could say to you when you were sober, and he came up with something. Yet after you had dealt with the hangover, and were  ready to talk to him, he couldn't get anything out. He had a speech, but you left him speechless.
The thought of the fact that he was planning on proposing to you soon made it even worse for him. He has spoken to his family, to your family. He got your dads permission, and it was only a matter of time before he did it. But as he felt the ring burning a hole in his pocket, all he wanted to do was throw it out the fucking window.
...But maybe there still was a chance? It sure as hell was wishful thinking on his part, but he loved you too much to let you go without trying.
He started to speak and try to get everything out in hopes that you would come to your senses and... honestly, be better.
He told you how he would support you through everything, he would do anything you asked of him. He would read a million books, learn a billion different languages, and do trillions of things all for you. How all he wanted was you, how you were everything. He got on his knees and begged, but as you saw him, you couldn't say yes.
Something was wrong with you. No fucking shit, but still. Something about your unquenched thirst for fame ruined your whole thought process. You couldn't just give that up, even if you wouldn't be giving up.
"No," was all you said, before you left. You had his shirt on, and there were too many things of yours at his place, but you didn't care. You couldn't go back there, not after this.
You left him with a glass heart that you had dropped. You left him to clean up those pieces, just as you had with that cup. He would never be the same after you, and you could never be the same after him.
Everyone thought you were crazy, your entire family knew that if you weren't fucked in the head you would have said yes and made such a lovely bride. But those champagne problems... even if caused by just a drop of your story, had an effect on everyone.
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Merry Christmas! just some Christmas hcs for Nihil's ghouls..... and Richard. don't ask about him, he's a long story
He's already not too happy about the cold weather
His joints ache and he's wearing a hoodie underneath his jean jacket
You'll find him in his room for most of the morning, since he has a nice fire going in the fire pit
Cuddle up with him until the others wake up. He'll be more than happy to allow you into his bed
"There you are, amore. Was hoping I wouldn't have to wait to see you."
The ghouls don't normally give each other gifts. They've been together for over 60 years and they don't care to exchange
But for you, Ares has already gone out and gotten you a ring
It's nothing too special. Just a simple fire opal he wanted you to have to remember him by
Please don't show it off too much. He'll never hear the end of it from everyone else and he doesn't want to be bothered
Hope you enjoy spending the night with him, because he refuses to let you leave the dens. You're giving him attention whether you like it or not
This is the one and only time he will actually leave his stupid church
He'll slip into your room in the early morning
"Shh, tesoro. It's only me. I just wanted to surprise you."
He's cuddling up to you for the rest of the night, kissing your shoulder and holding you close to him
Don't worry, he'll still be there in the morning, and he'll still be cuddled up to you
He doesn't feel comfortable leaving your room, however. He just doesn't wanna bump into Nihil or his old packmates
Don't let that stop you, though. Go do whatever you need to. He'll keep himself occupied until you get back
He also might've borrowed one of the guitars from the old practice room when he was on his way to your room in the midddle of the night
He'll put it back. He promises. He just wanted to play you some music while you two spend the day together
He couldn't exactly get you a present, so this is it: him playing music while he softly sings his feelings to you
You don't have to seek him out. Trust me. He knows where you are
You'll know this when you're suddenly pulled off your feet and you're being pressed against his chest as he hugs you
He's full of happy chitters and loud purrs, nuzzling the side of his face against yours and even giving you soft kisses
You're not going anywhere today so I hope you're happy being carried around by this giant ghoul
He's bringing you back to the dens for some food first. He knows how easily humans get hungry
But the second you're done eating? You're accompanying him out to the lake
You two aren't swimming. He knows it's cold. He just likes being away from everything and everyone with you
But he will ask that you close your eyes. Just trust him. He's a good boi
You'll feel the cold of the gift around your neck. It's nothing too special. Just a silver anchor necklace with a sapphire heart on it
This is his way of always being with you. He knows you're busy with the clergy and everything, and he knows you can't always make time to see him. So this was his next best thing to do
I won't lie to you, this little sweetheart was worried he wouldn't see you today
He was up all night fretting and Ares had to help shut out his worries
You'll see just how much he lights up when you come into the dens and seek him out
He'll pick you up and swing you around, giving you a sweet kiss. He's just very happy you're here
"I'm so glad you decided to come! I was worried you would've been too busy for us."
Also, he's 100% pulling you into his lap when you two sit down, especially if it's to eat
He's also wiping your face clean if you get food on yourself. He just wants to take care of you
You're not leaving the dens after everything is done. He's leading you up the stairs and to his room
No, it's not for anything sexual..... yet. He actually got you a gift
It's nothing too special, but he got you some chimes. He hopes that, whenever you hear them, you think of him
This lovable idiot normally hangs around the ministry and with Nihil's ghouls whenever he feels like it
But today? Oh, today he's gathering you up and leaving. He has everything planned out, just you wait
He's nothing but smiles and sweet, tender kisses. He won't tell you where you guys are going. It's a surprise, after all
But you can kinda guess what's going on when you see the wicker basket and his guitar in the backseat
Don't say anything. Let him think he's being clever
He drives up to a cliff that overlooks the whole city, and he's being a true gentleman helping you out of the car
"I hope you like everything, sweetie. I've been thinking about what to do for the past few months and, well... I thought it'd be nice for us to just be alone."
He's got your favorites in the basket, setting everything up on a cute little blanket
He'll play you any song you ask for, providing he knows it. If you don't have any requests then he's just winging it and singing some slow romance songs he had written up during his sleepless nights
He'll hold you close when it gets darker, pressing kisses to your head as you two look over the city
He spends most of the morning cooking, as always
Don't worry, he's made sure to cook you your favorites. And knowing the others, they won't be up until the afternoon, so he serves you first with a kiss on the head
"Merry Christmas, ciccio. I hope you'll have fun today. I know I'm not... really that interesting."
Don't offer to help. He won't allow you to work. Just sit back and relax until he's done
Everyone will hang out in the common area for a bit, sharing stories and just talking
Silvanus will make sure you're comfortable in his lap, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder
He's constantly checking up on you, making sure you're comfortable. He knows that sometimes it can get a bit... intimidating being around his pack for so long
When everything dies down and everyone goes their separate ways, he'll lead you up and into his room
He got you something, saying it's nothing too special. It's just a sun catcher that he hopes you like
His room has a lot of windows, one of the walls even being nothing but a floor-to-ceiling window. He hopes that whenever the sun reflects on your gift, it reminds you of the times you'd spend with him in his room
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