#thotty weed posts
thottybrucewayne · 10 months
Man, I'd fuck the hell outta Yasu from Nana. I'd beat his cheeks in from the back with one leg up while gripping his bald ass head like a Spalding ™️ basketball.
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ohlukcs · 5 years
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( alex wolff, male ) did you hear how LUKAS TOZER is applying to columbia university as a FILM & MEDIA STUDIES major ?! the 19 year old is living in the WALLACH HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + PASSIONATE and +THOUGHTFUL, but honestly i think HE can be -ASSUMING and -CYNICAL. they’re a real MAVERICK. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.
about the mun !!
hi hello my name is sam (she/her), im 22, and im a big fat mess at all times :) um but a lil more about me is that i’m australian and a recently graduated film student lmao. i’ve been rping for like ten years now i think idk but i am a NERVOUS BITCH !!!!!!! and it sometimes takes me forever to reply to things (ic and ooc) bc of that so pls be patient with me lmao. anyway, happy 2 be here !! if u like this post i’m gonna assume u wanna plot with me and my idiot and hit u up !!! lets mcfreakin lose it !!!!
about lukas !!
full name: lukas joshua tozer
nickname(s): luk-ass idk whatever u can come up with lmao
age: nineteen
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
hometown: jackson, new jersey
date of birth: nov 4th
occupation: student ( film and media studies, sophomore ), cook/server at a nearby 24hr pizza joint
relationship status: single
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
faceclaim: alex wolff
positive traits: passionate, thoughtful, creative, ambitious, untethered, humorous
negative traits: assuming, cynical, insensitive, rebellious, resentful, irresponsible
if he was in a hogwarts house: slytherin
now some more dot points that are just me talking about lukas !!
was born in fort lauderdale florida but there is a vERY low chance he will ever admit that, he’ll just say he’s from new jersey. as far as he’s concerned, he’s always been from new jersey even if his family did move there after he turned twelve
speaking of things lukas probably wont ever tell u but i’m including them anyway: his family is kind of messy. not majorly but like a little bit more than average. he had two brothers, now he only has one. i’m not gonna include a whole lot of nitty gritty here i’ll save it for when i write the real bio and can actually do it justice but its the reason they moved from florida and it has had a pretty major effect on lukas over time obviously
he’s the baby of the family and he’s pretty much always been treated like one. it has left him pretty immature and irresponsible. still learning that his actions have consequences and that he cant just be a total dick all the time. he’s improved in those areas a fair bit since he started at columbia a year ago but he still has a long way to go
he didn’t ever really expect to go to columbia, he’s from a middle class family and his dad didn’t even go to college. he applied for columbia just as a might as well give it a go thing. like maybe it will happen. they had a film course and although the course itself isn’t really great, the connections to the industry available at columbia were valuable enough for him to try. he was wait listed up until basically the last minute, preparing to go to a college in boston instead but when he was accepted he knew he had to go. for himself, for his family, and for his lost brother.
obviously irresponsible attitude has led to some Bad Decision Making including but not limited to partying and drugs. he doesn’t prioritise that lifestyle over his school work (bc he knows how lucky he is to be at columbia at all) but he is a big believer that you need to experience things to be a great artist and he plans on being the greatest artist so bad decision town here we come !!!!
he has a pet goldfish named michael bublé pls dont nark
for more info on him click here to check his about page, no bio there yet but hopefully soon
wanted connections babey !!
course friends/rivals/anything: i am writing these before acceptances happen so i have no good god damn idea if any other characters are film majors but hit me the hell up if they are bc i would love to plot some stuff out
old roommate(s) : lukas was probably an entertaining roommate but probably verged on annoying pretty easily. he’s messy, gross, probably didn’t respect the do ur fucking dishes rule in first year ( probs still doesnt tbh ). but he also has a password to every streaming account plus a phat hard drive full of movies and shows that he is absolutely willing to share with u so just depends what ur into i guess. maybe this connection led to friendship or maybe they hate each other now. im down for either/both 
dealer: hi welcome back to bad decision town. lukas isn’t into any hard stuff but is a big weed smoker (to my understanding medicinal cannabis is allowed but lukas def doesn’t have a prescription), then after that it’s kind of just experimenting. will chat more details if u wanna take this connection
booze leachers: so yes lukas is 19 but he has four, thats right, four fake ids. he is not willing to give u his contact for fake ids but he is willing to buy u booze if u pay him. dont hate the player hate the game
gang gang: pretty much just a close group of friends. i imagine all pretty relaxed, all pretty chill. idk what to say here except i want people to care about him and let him put on dumb movies and watch them with him and probably have dumb matching stick and poke tattoos and hog a communal tv to play mario kart but lets talk about it
fast food workers deserve respect too: as mentioned, lukas works at a 24hr pizza joint near campus which means he’s seen some shit. one of the things he’s seen multiple times is drunk student trashing the place. whether it be vomit, forgetting how to hold a cup, or bet try at a food fight lukas has seen it and he’s cleaned it up too. this connection could be that maybe he helped someone out and cleaned them up and got them back to campus when their friends ditched and now they look out for lukas too and its a positive connection. or maybe lukas hates their guts and spits on their food whenever they show up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who’s to say
hot girl bummer by blackbear: now listen here’s an angsty connection i want, and i def want to plot it out way more with whoever takes it on but basic outline of what i have in mind: they’ve kind of sort of been dating for a while but they’re just falling out of whatever they had to begin with. they were never official, they probs def fucked around with other people while they were ““““together”””””, lots of oh sorry ur taking it so seriously i thought we were just chilling bullshit. all of this girls friends probs hate lukas and he definitely hates them back. were probably once really good friends and had a really good time together but they’ve lost it. will they find it again or will it fizzle out? lets find out together xoxo
new girl(s) : i hate the connection title too but i couldnt think of anything better. we’re in bad decision town and now we’re going to thot street babey. since things have been falling apart with hot girl bummer and even before that lukas a little bit of a thottie. this doesnt mean he’s good at it, please also feel free for a part of this to be that they rejected lukas and he got butt hurt about it idk lukas being attracted to them is basically this whole idea and i would wanna plot the rest of it more depending on specific characters wooo
lukas is a bad influence: if u have gotten this far u may have noticed that lukas is not a very good influence at all. this is someone probs his age or younger that wants to loosen up and have a good time and lukas completely encourages that. bonus points if this connection is a combo with the above connection bc lukas is a gross boi and would be like wow listening to my bad ideas thats so sexy and cool of u ya know. but also doesnt have to be that ! could just be lukas thinks its funny and thinks that someone listening to him is just like good content that could get him on barstool
lukas is badly influenced: this is basic as hell but someone that tells him to leave his impluse control at the door and encourages him to be trash. probs older than him and i def see this as more of a masc connection than a fem but like all my plot ideas: lets talk about it. this one probs v much depends on ur character so gonna leave this one nice and short
lukas is good-ly (??????) influenced: also basic as hell and p much just the opposite of above. someone who is a good influence on lukas. encourages creativity and ambition instead of straight up recklessness. again, i see it as an older character but no gender seen here. a lot of this would be based around ur character so lets chat
michael bublé’s co parents: lukas has a goldfish named michael bublé (or just michael), i picture him having got it while high as heck during the day and just being like This Is A Good Idea. maybe ur character was with him and they were co parents from the start or maybbe they came into the picture later ??? i’m honestly down for whichever just give michael the love he deserves pls
and probably just about anything else these are just some ideas, i totally wanna plot further and brainstorm so please still hmu if none of these fit ur character we’ll plot something up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fmdromeo · 5 years
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 hi  cuties  !  i've  finally  caught  a  break  from  this  new  semester  ,  &  adjusting  to  it  has  definitely  been  easier  than  i  thought  ,  but  i  probably  will  be  slower  in  terms  of  plotting  &  threading  still  until  the  holidays  roll  around  !  i  hope  everyone  has  been  doing  well  :>  this  lil  post  is  in  regards  to  our  event  ,  and  under  the  cut  you'll  find  what  both  romeo  bae  [  origin's  maknae  ]  &  sohn  aerin  [  femme  fatale's  main  vocalist  ]  will  be  up  to  in  regards  to  the  actual  concert  &  the  afterparty  !  give  this  a  lil  like  if  you'd  like  me  to  msg  you  about  plotting  ,  but  please  feel  free  to  im  me  if  anything  in  particular  stands  out  to  you  !  thank  u  sm  for  reading  .
note : all usual threads will be put ON HOLD until the event is over , just to make things easier for me ! uwu 
crossed out plots means they are officially taken , italicized plots are pending !
romeo bae :
my goblin baby boy is going to have three stages in total , each having one song to perform besides origin closing off the concert , so he’s going to be performing seven songs in total ! of course , he’s going to be tired as fuck , but origin’s schedules have somewhat prepared him for this , and it feels like any other normal instance where origin has to perform . so romeo isn’t too ... shocked or anything lol he kind of figured this is would happen ! anyways , he’s still pretty juiced for his stages and hopes to make the most fun of it , at least . that is until the after party ! romeo is probably gonna go all out [ when is he .. not ] for the party because he needs to kick the fuck back and chill out for a second . he’s definitely going to pregame right after the concert ends ! if u need weed , romeo is ur guy ! he’s gonna be in and out of the party randomly getting high ..... somewhere , somehow , so tag along if thats ur thing . overall , he’s gonna work his butt off and then chill and have fun ! onto the specific plots for him .
romeo is the most aussie mf out there , so he is definitely going to be in the pool sporting some designer trunks ! he’s a water baby so if you wanna just chill and swim , play a pool game or have him teach ur muse to swim , he’s ur dude
romeo is naturally super competitive so he’s going 2 have the time of his life playing pool or beer pong , his personal faves !! come join his team or play against him pls !
if he’s not swimming and outselling ariel in the pool , he’s gonna be drinking . like a madman , so if ur muse wants a drinking buddy or have him expose them to drinking , he’s def gonna have a cup in hand at all times lmfao
and now if he’s not drinking , then i know the kid is getting high 4 sure , somehow nd somewhere . romeo prefers to smoke too but he probably has a handful of edibles shoved into his pocket or sum .. hit him up if you wanna have a sesh somewhere or get ur muse stoned for the first time w him , he loves that shit 
this boy is the reason blueface wrote thotianna but wbk ? hit romeo up if u wanna hookup or just makeout for a long time .. sum like that cause the thot is gonna show up and show out , so if ur muse needs to ~relax~ or wants 2 be corrupted by satan himself , romeo is here 2 provide that 
it’s obvious origin is always overworked , and it shows on romeos face alot too . he’s probably gonna be high or drunk , most likely both , but maybe he rambles to ur muse about how tired he is of all this ?? and probably open up about how sad he feels most of the time but uh yeah ! 
romeo loves 2 get fucked up wbk but ur muse cant even handle anything like that too much , so now he has to fuckin BABYSIT them ? he’s annoyed nd pissed off , but he wont risk dispatch getting a hold of a juicy lil story so he’ll put up w it for now , but u owe him !!!
sohn aerin :
aeri , like romeo , has a handful of stages too ! she’s going to have four in total , and will be performing seven songs in total ! she’s honestly really happy about having a lot of stages ? it definitely beats having to perform the same one (1) song all the time , plus she gets to wear cute little outfits and have people look at her so .. thats that on that . despite it being obvious hard work , she’s honestly really happy for the first time in months for the concert to showcase more of femme fatale , and she loves performing with her members too ! big bonus is all the lovely collab stages uwu she’s also really giddy for the after party so she can dress up like the true lil thotty she is ? she’s going to have lots of fun , make horrible decisions and be super out of it ! aeri doesnt have the best alcohol tolerance but like .. thats not gonna stop her from getting shitfaced lmfao . she’s a rly cute drunk if i do say so myself .. but yeah ! she’s also gonna be getting high nd things of that nature too . overall she’s going to really enjoy the concert and the afterparty too ! onto the plots !!
aeri used to be an excellent swimmer and now she kind of .. cant ? she bought a cute bikini tho , and the world needs to see it . she sees ur muse can swim pretty well and asks them to teach her the basics again ??  she j wants to take thotty pool pics :/
she will also be highkey drunk out of her mind chilling in the jacuzzi , maybe ur muse sees her and goes to check up on her if shes ok ?? she will be like this , as a ref picture
the main vocalist is gna jump out with karaoke !! pls join her sing early 2000s bops or sum .. or tell her to stop singing HHH
besides singing , shes also gonna be dancing ??? pls come join her she just wants to dance w everyone !!!!!! if ur muse wanted a lap dance , she can also provide that winkity wonkity
she’s going to be doing shots like her life depends on it , if ur muse likes to drink or hasnt , shes ur girl !! shes also gonna b doin body shots as well :~)
i lov havin my muses do stuff together so shes probably gonna get a joint or something from romeo SJJNJDG come join w her on the roof of the mansion or like wherever ... thank u
shes also gonna be showin up in full Thot mindset so she will be hookin up and makin out w whoever is down to !!! hit her up ?????
wbk femme fatale promotions and comebacks esp this year are a little ... weird and its been bugging aeri since its happened , maybe she confides in ur muse randomly [ or not ] about her feelings about that ? in regards to women in general in the industry and how shes pretty terrified of the day her and the group will be shoved aside hhhh
like i said , although aeri can drink well , shes not a good drunk and gets drunk fast so ur muse has to now babysit her !!!! lmao have fun and good luck !!!!!
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tangygoat · 6 years
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whats up gang its time for art spams at midnight thats what howdy this is my funky guy miguel and some other chuckle fucks we play dnd online im super tired the filter is coming OFF
Miguel: paladin archetype: Dad + gay = *those really long baby leashes that tired adults use during shopping excursions* he’s an old irish talkin soldier who didn’t get recognized for shite lmao. Likes: cats, poetry, nihilist memes about death and surfing on straight tears if the internet existed, fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, saying “Eh” instead of “uh” like normal people, topping Dislikes: i dunno, getting pinned to anything by anyone, Travis Starborn’s Coin Surge Spell, topping, how one of the bloodhunters (travis) and rogue (fallen) are stronger than hiM BECAUSE DAMNIT I JUST HAD TO USE STANDARD SCORES HUH!
Honest/Sorrow: bard + gay = “Its cold outside but I’m still looking like a thotty because a hoe never gets cold!” a charming little bean that everyone is horny for i guess? miguel’s def confused. into him? *Miguel voice* “Eh, we’ll see.” Likes: Miguel, The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: drama, people giving half a shit about his ass lol challenge accepted you funky little tiefling, Travis probably
Vihaan: bard + gay pining = *slaps roof of car* This bad boy can fit so much Angst in it thERE ARE TWO BARDS AW SHIT. nah its cool this one’s goth. there’s a difference. Orphan drama? probably. got some zuko-ass scars up in this funky fella. Likes: Honest (aw beans who saw that coming), The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: Being Ignored (sorry bout that @jasamiemindrow i am not good at reading chat i am going to try harder also you did inspire this post good job gold star it is almost 1am), It should be a given that nobody likes Travis except Travis
Speaking of which..
Travis Starborn: a piece of newly minted gold + mollymauk but meAN = “Thank Travis for Travis” So the PLAYERS like travis…. can’t say the same for the CHARACTERS…. Likes: Travis, gold, peanut brittle, Jorge???? (Hi, its me, Miguel. The universe wants to speak to yo-STOP TRAVIS OH GOOD GOD STOP) Dislikes: You, Sex, Established Religion
Bonelle: angst + horny = HANGST *eyeshine* (its sucks but they had to leave the session bUT THEYRE HERE ANYWAY WHATS GOOD MOFOS) Whats good kids lets imagine the real-life real-world consequences of your devianart oc yknow the crazy one hahah you have made their life a miserable living burning burning burning hell (thats a reference to the character please call me cool?) anyway congrats your babu is suffering and its all your fault Likes: GIRLS boy hOWDY, cats aw thats good, sweet tricks *spaghetti western theme plays* Dislikes: anyone touching her guns, Travis, fire fire fire, strip truth or dare
Fallen: invisible + draco malfoy = STEALTH 100 ah yes, Miguel’s worst nightmare: an invisible kindergartener with a superiority complex and the stats to keep it up and running *insert shitty audience applause* Likes: being invisible, being royal or something idk, riddle me this batman if you cant see the boy than was he ever really there oooooooo Dislikes: not getting his dick wet in every fucking problem even if theyre not his issue damn boy u horny for drama chiiiill
Qin: warlock + angst = CRAWLING IIIN MYY SKIIIIIN it makes sense dont worry. This funky god fucker loves cats, cool swords and going shopping without telling anyone where they are. Likes: fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, cats, sweet flips, strip truth or dare Dislikes: lmao idk??? dudes’ up for whatever the fuck
Aidre: muscle + gay = *crushing watermelons between well-oiled thighs* i dont need to explain myself Likes: Girls, getting laid every time they show up Dislikes: idk probably something lol
Ganymede: horny + mollymauk = ANIMORPHS imagine mollymauk but hes now hornier and also an animorph and thats ganymede. yeah Likes: sucking dick lol, Strip truth or dare, sneaking up on parties of strangers in the woods blasted on ale Dislikes: TRAVIS FUKIN STARBORN LmAOOOO
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aqlyrics-blog · 7 years
Magnolia Freestyle
New Post has been published on http://purelyrics.net/lyrics/lil-wayne-magnolia-freestyle/
Magnolia Freestyle
–Intro– Yo, Pierre, you wanna come out here?
–Verse 1– Uh In New York like Biggie, ROC, plants in my sock She runnin’ from the cock and when I shoot I blatttt Yeah, tell that thot her number blocked Yeah, stuntin’ on the block This New Orleans, milly rock Let ’em milly rock You ain’t woe, don’t really rock Evidently not, brrrr Yeah, tell ’em it’s the ROC In New York, let Jigga rock, I’m higher than my socks Twisted like my locks, big up to the Lox I did a show with Ja Yo, Pierre, you wanna come out here? Did a show with Ja, soon as I left the spot Pulled over by the cops, them bitches found my Glock They threw me in the box, eight months tops Starin’ at the clock, commissary stopped Man when Carter 5 drop, a nigga jaw gon’ drop The bitches’ drawers gon’ drop, and then the call’s gon’ drop Hello? I ball too hard, they flop, woah And all of these bitches got ass How did they get it so fast? They ain’t have that in the past, I still smash In L.A. they gettin’ shots, bitch I know the docs M.I.A, we on a yacht, your bitch know where we dock
–Chorus– Hollup, I ain’t from the ‘Nolia, but Tunechi still a soldier And rest in peace to Solja, ’cause he was real Magnolia, yeah
–Verse 2– And I, fuck, these, hoes If, I, don’t, doze Off, on, that, drank If I, do, bitch you to blame, coochie lame Weed, stank, it better be the only thing Big bank, take lil’ bank, you know the game All these bitches want Young Carter, Young Carter The fireman and fire starter, need water Woo, all of your bitches, they poof All of my bitches, they’re new They got more bitches than you All of these hoes is gon’ loose But my bitch keep me in the loop She blow me like hot Campbell’s soup My woadies come out like a troop Innocent bystander, oops Ain’t tryin’, I find out your fruits I’m in a pineapple coupe Passin’ you up like juke Turnin’ heads like a screw Give that ho a tip Enough to buy a whip Give that ho some sip She fall asleep, I dip I’m rich, bitch Money, Mitch What’s in that, bag? 14, bricks You got 14 bricks in that bag? Used to, used to drive a Masi’ Used to be locked up, with the dude that stopped Ashanti Used to be in Hollygrove with dudes that caught them bodies Tunechi got so many hoes, they call me John Thotty Tell your bitch I’m Mr. Biggs, my nigga, Ron Isley I’m kamikaze-in’ you niggas, Ronda Rousey It’s New Orleans, Milly Rock, drop it to the socks Oreo Jordans, the ones that haven’t dropped, uh Waitin’ for Carter 5 to drop, uh It’s the, it’s the Roc, uh Tell them bitches it’s the Roc, yeah, yeah I’m throwin’ up the Roc, yeah
–Chorus– I ain’t from Magnolia, but Tunechi still a soldier And rest in peace to Solja, ’cause he was real Magnolia, yeah
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aqlyrics-blog · 7 years
Drank Head
New Post has been published on http://purelyrics.net/lyrics/chief-keef-drank-head/
Drank Head
–INTRO– What? I said i wanna see you I’ll pay for my own flight out there to see you You said what? I said i wanna see you I’ll pay for my own flight out i just wanna see you I got koolaid
–Hook– I’m a real drank head Real drank head (x6) Remember when Tech used to come in a car Remember Actavis came with a double seal And I had just poured me a 12 of Wock You can keep the Qualitest all to yourself Cause nigga I’m a real drank head, real drank head You ain’t sipping drank, that shit head Hoes in my car, asking me for a cup, that’s his bitch I should’ve known she didn’t sip drink when she said “Qualitest is better than Actavis” I called cuban for 12 pints of Wock, any other nigga better know that he’s taxing shit
–Verse 1– It’s payday everyday You ain’t tryna fuck, bitch, skate Can’t come through, ball and no chain Adios, knock ’em back to 5th grade And what I’m sippin’ on a milkshake I’m sharper than a switchblade All hundreds on me, but I’m on a rampage My ice kicking ass, no MMA Yeah, I’m sippin’ hardt I just poured a 12, you be pouring 4’s You be sipping yellow, you be sipping green That shit deadly, you need to stick to weed I got 20 pints up in my closet They gon’ be down for the week up This bitch got up in my car Told the bitch put on a seatbelt She steady asking how to lift the seat up Had the nerve to ask me for a lean cup Where your ass was at for the re-up? The drank just hit with me a prenup Bang, bang
–Hook– I’m a real drank head Real drank head (x6) Remember when Tech used to come in a car Remember Actavis came with a double seal And I had just poured me a 12 of Wock You can keep the Qualitest all to yourself Cause nigga I’m a real drank head, real drank head You ain’t sipping drank, that shit head Hoes in my car, asking me for a cup, that’s his bitch I should’ve known she didn’t sip drink when she said “Qualitest is better than Actavis” I called cuban for 12 pints of Wock, any other nigga better know that he’s taxing shit
–Verse 2– I’m up in Houston where this shit came from Didn’t know about bank accounts, I went and made one You got red in here, get away from my dope This bitch too damn playful, spilled drank on my clothes Love no thotties, I don’t Hopped out of a Rhino Your life fugazi, you need to undo Backspace, typeover Drank made me go, “I need you” (need you) If it ain’t purple then I can’t see you (see you) Bitch just text me saying “I’m gon’ free you when I see you” I’m a well known nigga, you a Dr. Doolittle I’m sipping on beetlejuice Call my camera man, it’s a photoshoot Me and 20 pints, I pour them by the 2 Bang, bang
–Hook– I’m a real drank head Real drank head (x6) Remember when Tech used to come in a car Remember Actavis came with a double seal And I had just poured me a 12 of Wock You can keep the Qualitest all to yourself Cause nigga I’m a real drank head, real drank head You ain’t sipping drank, that shit head Hoes in my car, asking me for a cup, that’s his bitch I should’ve known she didn’t sip drink when she said “Qualitest is better than Actavis” I called cuban for 12 pints of Wock, any other nigga better know that he’s taxing shit
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aqlyrics-blog · 7 years
Met Gala Ft Offset
New Post has been published on http://aqlyrics.com/lyrics/met-gala-ft-offset/
Met Gala Ft Offset
[Intro: Offset] Hey Southside Wizop Offset If Young Metro don’t trust you, I’m gon’ shoot you Woo
[Chorus: Offset] Mil’ in a week I bought a iced out Phillipe (ice) Yeah, playin’ for keeps (keeps) Suck the dick game, she a leech (leech) Came in the game with a key (key) My pockets blew up, Monique (Monique) Ooh, she got that perfect physique (ooh) I’ll tape a brick to her cheeks Now that I’m gettin’ this money I’m fuckin’ these thotties, they tryna get come up (come up) This is good week, we stackin’ up Ms And I’m snatchin’ that Wraith in the mornin’ (Wraith) I was that nigga locked up in the cell And they treated me like I was normal (normal) Thankin’ the Lord for them blessings I just let the met gala dress up formal (formal)
[Verse 1: Offset] Look at my boogers, they big as you (booger) You could get shot with your nigga too This stick make a nigga do boogaloo (brr) Bentley Mulsanne but this is masseuse I’m havin’ more stripes than Adidas boots (havin’ that) Dick in her mouth like I’m edible (dickin’ that) Nigga stop shootin’, you better move (brr) I fight for my gang, I won’t let ’em lose (gang) Your bitch, she wantin’ the pipe, aight This shit started off lice Hopped in my DM and rode me a kite, flight (yeah) And she on the very first flight Finesse a nigga then get this shit right On sight, right, nigga, goodnight (on sight) Poppin’ that shit ’cause he thinkin’ he pipe, pipe Hunnid rounds drum with the knife (brr) Me and the Wop, Diddy and Pac (Wop) But we so different, we keepin’ the Glock (bow) I’m on a yacht and they not on my watch (yacht) Fuckin’ a thot on the ocean, Dubai I’ma play dumb but that’s see out the plot (plot) She know what I’m ’bout You hear this dope and your heart gonna stop (hey) They callin’ the cops (12) Hop on the jet, this a 20 passenger (jet) Offset the mania, I’m the massacre (hey) I take your heart out and shoot your bladder up (agh) Get to the top and we blew the ladder up (top) Ran up my money and I’m talkin’ lateral (bang) Had that bitch high off a Perc and Adderall (high) Pull out the fire and you better grab it all (brrr) Bitch, I’m Offset and I’m ’bout to set it off (hey, hey)
[Chorus: Offset] Mil’ in a week I bought a iced out Phillipe (ice) Yeah, playin’ for keeps (keeps) Suck the dick game, she a leech (leech) Came in the game with a key (key) My pockets blew up, Monique (Monique) Ooh, she got that perfect physique (ooh) I tape a brick to her cheeks Now that I’m gettin’ this money I’m fuckin’ these thotties, they tryna get come up (come up) This is good week, we stackin’ up Ms And I’m snatchin’ that Wraith in the mornin’ (Wraith) I was that nigga locked up in the cell And they treated me like I was normal (normal) Thinkin’ I love for them blessings I just let the met gala dress up formal (formal)
[Verse 2: Gucci Mane] I’m havin’ this shit what you hadn’t Showin’ respect like your daddy Yeah, Gucci the man, cash in the caddy I just woke up in a palace I did a walk through, I’m in Dallas, man Flew in two bitches from Cali These Bs on me, I can’t barely They drunk and they just walkin’ barely I’m headed to Paris to pick up a bag And they treat me like one of the Jacksons These niggas ain’t trippin’, they makin’ transactions A nigga rob you, you be practicing Four bitches all tryna swallow this I feel like I’m fightin’ an octopus Thought it was killers, kept doubtin’ my bitches Then come to find out it’s photographers Feds watch me through binoculars Mad ’cause a nigga get popular Flex on a hoe in the lobby, yo Drop Top Wop when the top is low Negative turn to a positive I don’t care for no obstacles I could care less ’bout the bloggers, boy 80K stuffed in my joggers, boy
[Chorus: Offset] Mil’ in a week I bought a iced out Phillipe (ice) Yeah, playin’ for keeps (keeps) Suck the dick game, she a leech (leech) Came in the game with a key (key) My pockets blew up, Monique (Monique) Ooh, she got that perfect physique (ooh) I tape a brick to her cheeks Now that I’m gettin’ this money I’m fuckin’ these thotties, they tryna get come up (come up) This is good weed, we stackin’ up Ms And I’m snatchin’ that Wraith in the mornin’ (Wraith) I was that nigga locked up in the cell And they treated me like I was normal (normal) Thankin’ the Lord for them blessings I just let the met gala dress up formal (formal)
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