#those who dont take chances never get anything done.
pikslasrce · 5 months
whoa. im getting actual responsible adult ideas....
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kawareo · 3 months
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Thank you lovely people for giving me a chance to ramble more about something (this is genuine, i mean no shade)
I find it really cool how every character has a parallel with Durge! In general every single romance pairing has reasons for why i think "yeah i could see them being good together", but I love those for Durge especially since I think about Durges way too much
Gale. Prodigy, Chosen of a God(ess) with a relationship that went far past god/Chosen, with him and Mystra being 'lovers' and Durge and Bhaal being 'family'. They were also both groomed to a degree to fulfill a role and have since fallen from grace of their gods.
Lae'zel. Raised in what is essentially a cult, having her entire world fall apart when she learns the truth about Vlaakith and Orpheus (while Durge's world falls apart when they learn about who they are in act 3). Cult has harsh and merciless punishments for those that disappoint, with death and beatings for githyanki and... Well. You know what, for Durge (looking at you, deleted bad ending).
Shadowheart. Having an equivalent of an electric collar on you that her God(ess) can punish her with (for Durge, that punishment isnt so immediate but Bhaal can literally stop their heart if he wants to). Amnesia. Having to choose between leading your cult or leaving everything you thought you knew and being an outcast. Depending on what you do with Shart, they also both kill their parents.
Karlach. Having your body changed without your consent, in drastic ways that you have no control over; the engine for Karlach, lobotomy + Slayer form for Durge (slayer in a more minor way but i will say that even in evil route you dont get a say whether or not you transform the first time). They both hurt people that get close to then without meaning to. They both have someone more powerful who sees them as property. Also, ties to Gortash.
Wyll. Daddy issues! And being rejected and outcast by your Father, wanting to prove yourself that you're still worthy. They were also both given shitty fucking names by their dads. They both at some point chose between power at the cost of freedom and freedom at the cost of literally everything; Wyll when he made a deal with Mizora, Durge at multiple points through the game when it comes to Bhaal. They both struggle with being tied to an evil, manipulative being that wants them isolated and weak and alone. Similar with Karlach, unwilling body modification, but specifically one that turns you into a 'monster'.
Astarion. 'Father'. 'Siblings' that you are in constant and brutal competition with, for momentary approval of your Creator who will never have enough of anything short but the world. Creator who's end goal very much includes you dying for him. Having no bodily autonomy as your Creator can literally violate your mind whenever. Sexual abuse. Struggling with bloodthirst! Your existence itself is violent, you can't live without hurting someone! (Bloodthirst for Ass, Urges for Durge)
Halsin. (Potential) guilt for something you have done, being pushed in a leadership position (Halsin at the grove, Durge with companions) that you may or may not be unsuited for. Being so, so alone, without anyone to care for your feelings. They both also have sides of them that they sometimes can't control, with the Bear and Urges, or more literally, the Slayer.
Minthara. A proud and efficent warrior that got one upped by a person they underestimated. Ties to Orin. Living as someone with the highest social status in a brutal, cruel society. Fanatic worship of an objectively evil god(ess) and then the betrayal that follows, waking up from quite literal brainwashing, seeing how your God(ess) turns against you.
And I could go on! Theyre all so good and interesting and depending on what path you decide to take, there is always something that Durge can relate to on with any companion! I tried to avoid repeating points or talking about my Durge specifically by just talking about what is set in canon for them, and there is still! So! Much!
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firesnap · 7 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Have you ever watched the show Durarara? If not that's OK, you dont need any back ground lore about it for this au, I was just using the kind of creature that Celty is as an inspiration.
Back near the end d of Dick being Robin, a strange phenomenon started, a rumor you could call it. Some nights when the caped crusader and his side kick were out on patrol, a strange figure would appear following them but it's clear that it was no human. It was tiny, sized like a child and acting almost like one too. Except for the fact it was missing its head and the stump bellowed thick black smoke that hid any gore from view. Very few ever saw it and those who did claimed it was the spirit of someone that the Dynamic Duo were unable to save.
During Jason's time as Robin, the strange being was sighted less and less as it followed the pair around. It still clearly followed them often but it became better and better at stealth. The pair certainly never got a glimpse of it, other than one time. Jason was unexpectedly separated from Batman while fighting Mister Freeze and found himself following the sound of something hitting the ground. When he rounded the corner, he found what looked like a kid laying on a dumpster like they had fallen off the icy fire escape. That is, until it stood to it's full height and he realized whatever this was *it has no head*. The thing stared at him in silence and though it had no eyes, Jason could feel it's gaze upon him, pinning him in place. Then it ran and by the time Jason snapped out of it and followed, the creature was long gone.
When Tim first appeared to Bruce and Dick, demanding to be Robin, they didn't know who he was due to him wearing a motorcycle helmet and using sign language. He claimed that he had to keep it on due to "medical reasons" and that it "filters regular air into something safer to breath". All Tim is willing to tell the Bats about it is that the same incident that left him unable to breath without filtered air caused serious harm to his vocal cords so he can't speak anymore.
Bruce is... worryingly ok with not knowing who the kid is or what he looks like. After all, it means there's less for him to get attached to. Plus Tim can't scream at him and if Tim tries to lecture him, he can just turn his head away. Though he doesn't because that means Tim pulls out the Air Horn. This means that both Dick and Bruce only know Tim as Robin for quite a while and by the time either of them feel bad enough about that to do anything about it, it would be so rude to admit that they don't even know his *name*. Surely he told them at some point and they just forgot, right?
Tim likes that they don't know anything about him. It makes things much, much easier. After all, they can't learn about and then *care* about the fact that he doesn't exactly know where his head is if they don't know it was taken. Well, he *sort of* knows where it is! It's somewhere on the grounds of Drake Manor! It's not his fault that his built in Head Locator got messed with by his mom due to the jar she put his head in! She only hid it because she doesn't want anyone else to take it, ok? He can still track it to an about 1000 feet across area! That's pretty damn close. Besides, it's definitely safer to be Robin without one. After all, do you have any idea how many concussions he avoids by simply Not Having It With Him? So many. So very, very many.
Only a few of the rouges know that Tim doesn't have a head via them forcefully removing the helmet. The few who have done it claim that Robin is some kind of monster and the helmet keeps him whole. Well, in their defense, Tim did start spewing black smoke everywhere when it got removed!
The first of the Bats to know that Tim isn't human is Jason during the Titans Tower attack. At some point, Jason wanted to see the fear in his replacements eyes so he ripped off the helmet and froze at the sight. His replacement had no head. His replacement. Had. No. Head. Tim takes his chance to knock Jason away and stops holding back, using his thickened smoke to blind him and then allowed the strands of dark energy to tie him up like a spider web. Jason managed to break free and fled the tower with the strange strands of black energy chasing him out as Tim stood still right where he was left.
Jason quietly wonders why and how Bruce managed to recruit the Thing that haunted his nightmares after he saw it looming over him from atop a dumpster.
Tim edits the footage of the tower security so that it all goes dark when the power does so that none will see what he did. What he is.
I have watched the show, but it's been so long since I've seen it that I've forgotten everything :(
However, your AU is super rad!
I'm curious if Tim has any other powers related to being a dullahan or if a motorcycle enhances anything (if it's treated like a horse). The black fog effect was a neat power and I so want to hear more.
Particularly, I'm curious about Bruce and Dick's reactions, how it affects Jason's grudge against Tim, and whether Tim's status affects Damian. I hc that Alfred is some type of creature too (that's why he seems to live forever), and has been silently helping Tim with whatever special needs the kid may have (not that Tim knows). Bruce suspects Alfred is something but doesn't know the details and doesn't want to anger the older man by asking.
Perhaps Jason, due to his revival status, is also some type of creature. I'm hcing a wraith or a similar being. Due to dullahan's dealing with death, maybe Tim and Jason have some sort of dynamic there (like Tim can always tell when Jason is close by like a sixth sense or something).
As far as Tim's head, does he start to freak out when his mom dies and he realizes he has no clue where it actually is? To add on, how does he do school or public appearances as Tim Drake?
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sturniozo · 9 months
Savage Love part Nine
Matt Sturniolo x reader Mafia AU
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Kyler looks up at me in disbelief. He leans back in his chair. “You what?” He asks with a laugh.
“I want to quit the piece.” I repeat.
“The Matt Sturniolo piece? The piece that would be our biggest set as a paper, you’re quitting it?”
“Yes.” My heart begins to race as Kyler realizes I’m not joking and his face begins to become angrier.
“You’ve put out the least amount of articles out of everyone in this paper, you’re pieces are shit that no one wants to read, and the one good thing you could bring to this paper you’re quitting?”
I begin to feel smaller and I nod slowly, a lump forming in my throat preventing me from speaking.
“Get out. I’ll give the piece to someone else, you’re done. You contribute nothing to this paper. You’re fired.”
I flinch at his words. I didn’t think I’d get fired for this. “Fired?” I ask again.
“Without that Sturniolo piece you contribute nothing of interest to the paper! Either do the piece or pack your things.” Kyler stares at me waiting for my answer.
“I’m not finding anything on Matt because there’s nothing that needs to be found.” I say calmly. “My desk will be cleared within an hour.”
I turnaround and take a deep breath, holding back tears. I loved this job. I loved working as a journalist alongside my best friend. I loved working so close to home.
I get to my desk and start gathering all my things. Emma looks at me confused.
“What are you doing?” She asks as she gets up from her seat.
“I didn’t want to do the Sturniolo piece. Kyler fired me.” I say trying to stay calm as I pack up my things.
“Why don’t you want the piece, it’s amazing, it’s a game changer, a life changer. You have the chance to see the life of a Mafia boss and tell the story to hundreds of people. Why don’t you want that?” She asks.
I just stare at her for a moment and the realization dawns on her.
“Oh. Oh. Oh my god. No, tell me you’re not-“
“He’s not as bad as everyone made him out to be. I’ve never seen him do or imply anything about actually being in the Mafia, as far as I know he’s the head of some company that transports goods and-“
“Listen to yourself! He’s definitely the head of the mafia, y/n! Head of a company? Transports goods? He’s a drug trafficker and a suspect in at least a dozen murders-“
“He isn’t a suspect-“
“Because he has dirt on everyone! No one will prosecute against him because they’re scared of him.”
“Or because he didn’t do it!”
“Y/n listen to yourself!”
“You don’t know him, Emma!” I snap at her. “He’s not the kind of guy who could do those things. He’s kind and gentle and he’s never hurt me or anyone that-“
“Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say!”
“Emma he’s not a bad person.”
“What about all the things you had told me about? How he took you to his house because he thinks someone could be watching you? That someone might hurt you to get to him?”
“I’m sure it’s more business than physically hurting me-“
“Y/n! What is going on with you? You told me everything-“
“But you don’t know the context to it, I don’t even know the context to most of the conversations I heard.”
“Y/n, listen to me! That man has been a suspect in over a dozen murders, he’s a suspect in a drug trafficking ring, as well as illegal cargo from other countries.”
“How do you know he’s an actual suspect?” I ask her.
“I sleep with the chief of police regularly, and he’s got lots of shit against Matt Sturniolo, but that man has the police I er his thumb, I’m telling you. That’s why they can’t convict.”
“Y/n, you can’t believe the shit you’re saying.”
I look down and sigh. “I know.” I say softly.
“Y/n, dont tell me you actually…”
“It’s not like that, I swear, I just… I don’t want to write something against him. He keeps his occupation secret for a reason.”
“You really care about him?” Emma asks and I just nod. “You know, we should have guessed you’d not be able to do this without catching feeling for him. Hooking up just isn’t who you are.”
I laugh softly. “I know. Can you help me get my shit out of here before Kyler freaks out about me still being here?”
“Yeah, I’ll help you.”
Emma helps me pack my things into a few boxes.
“Want help bringing them to your car?” She asks.
“Shit, no, I didn’t drive here.”
“Matt drove me, fuck I forgot…”
“I’d drive you home but if Kyler saw me gone-“
“No, I know, I’ll just… I’ll figure something out.”
I sit in my chair and rub my head. As close as I live to work, I don’t feel like I could carry three boxes all the way home or make multiple trips before the paper closes for the night.
“I’ll just call Matt.” I mumble.
“Matt?!” Emma’s head shoots up in surprise.
“Yeah he’ll come get me.” I press call on Matt’s contact and put the phone to my ear.
Matt almost immediately picks up. “Hey, baby, is something wrong?” He asks. “I just dropped you off a few hours ago, I thought you worked until 5?”
“Matt… can you come get me?” I ask.
“I’m kinda busy right now babydoll, but I’ll send a driver to you. What’s this about, what happened?”
“I’ll explain it all when I see you.”
“Was it bad? What happened baby?”
“I’ll explain it later, Matt.”
“Okay, well I’m sending a driver to take you back to my place.”
“But I need to stop at my apartment.”
“I can’t have you there, my guy hasn’t done a full sweep to see if someone’s watching you or not.”
“How come I can go to work but I can’t go home? If they watched me at all they’d know where I work.”
“I keep a guy staked out at your paper too, dollface, just in case.”
I pause for a moment. “What.”
“It’s just a precaution.”
“The driver will be there in a few minutes, hold tight, dollface.”
Matt hangs up and I’m left staring at my phone.
“What was all that about?” Emma asks and I sigh.
“He’s just… worried about me and he’s protective.” I say and stand up, grabbing my boxes of belongings. “I’ll talk to you later, Emma.” I say as I carry the boxes to the elevator.
I go to the lobby and wait by the door. Soon enough a black car much like Matt’s pulls up. The driver steps out and I immediately know it’s someone that works for Matt, as the guy is in a full black suit with sunglasses and an earpiece like a spy of some sort. He walks over to me and takes the boxes from me. He open the truck of the car and sets the boxes inside and I get into the car.
The ride to Matt’s place is silent. The only sound is the sound of the car driving and the low music playing from the speakers in the car. I stare out the window not saying a word the whole time. Partly because I’m unsure what to say, and partly because there’s nothing to say.
Tags: @stargirlsturniololover @sturniolobessed @eyelessdemon00 @sturnioloenthusiast @sturniolopookie @urmommysbathroom @qwertytit @whatever1021 @chrisfavoritepepsi @stramboli4life @sturniolosreads @timmyscomputer @iloveneilperry
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thefourchimes · 3 months
Encanto Dashboard Simulator
haha guess who just decided to try something completely unhinged in an attempt to be funny and is probably failing miserably at it?
#im trying my best #this will probably crash and burn but hey at least i tried right #say hello to an encanto dashboard simulator #the movie but in tumblr lmao #or rather this is a day before the movie #also i think i fumbled on some of the characterizations...im sorry pls go easy on me ahahsfiuhasf #oh and dont question too much about time periods because i have no idea either #i kept it as vague as possible lmao
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🕯 encanto-updates May 20
Antonio Madrigal, the youngest member of the magical Madrigal family, will be having his 5th birthday and gift ceremony tomorrow!
The ceremony and celebration will be happening at Casita by 7 in the evening!
#madrigal ceremonies #the madrigals #madrigal family #antonio madrigal #the encanto
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🔁👀 hidden-in-plain-sight reblogged farmingwoes May 20
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🏯 probablymagicalplaces Follow May 20
does anyone have any theories on what the youngest madrigal's gift will be?
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🥣 magic-soup Follow May 20
maybe something similar to his siblings?? dolores has superhearing and camilo has shapeshifting. what could be a possible gift like those?
or maybe like his mom! something closer to nature, maybe
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as long as it isn't like his mother's gift, pretty much anything is good
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🔇 shhhhquiet May 20
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
hey man @farmingwoes u really shouldnt be saying things like this, u know? i mean, what if a madrigal sees it? u'd be screwed!
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as if the family would check this hellsite
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
u never know tho...they could literally be reading this right now
#theres always a chance ur words will come back to bite u #:]
759 notes
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🙃 aaaaaaaaa May 20 • Liked by nothingswrongimtotallyfine
#screams #more screaming
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🔁💃 his-shine reblogged her-sun May 20
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🎶 her-sun Follow May 20
@his-shine Mi vida, I have a cup of coffee with your name on it.
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💃 his-shine Follow May 20
You are a lifesaver.
#gracias #i really appreciate it #<3
59 notes
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🧍‍♂️ listentomeimserious Follow May 20 • Because you follow #the madrigals
Finally, after three whole months of researching and writing, I have done it.
Here, in all its glory, is my analysis on why the Madrigals and their supporters are a cult, complete with sources, pictures, and pure undeniable proof to drill the point home and shut the doubters up.
Let's begin.
` Keep Reading
#the madrigals #encanto #this took me so long to gather and write #but i have finally done it #here is your proof!! #the madrigals are a cult!!!
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🔁🪓 please-take-a-break reblogged need-a-break May 20
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🪓 please-take-a-break Follow May 20
I did not expect that tree to fall down the way it did.
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🔪 need-a-break Follow May 20
Ay...come here, mi amor.
#eheh...lo siento
68 notes
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🔁🫠 nothingswrongimtotallyfine reblogged lovercorn May 20
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👊 gotintoafistfightanddidntdie Follow May 20
there's a donkey munching hay outside my house again...
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🌽 lovercorn Follow May 20
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op, are you okay...did you get enough sleep
32 notes
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🧶 wondrous-crafts May 20
⚫ Anonymous asked: any new projects you made recently? will you share them?
Oh! Well, I do have some things I created in the past few weeks. A stuff toy and some embroidered items ready for events...
Not sure yet if I'll share them but we can see how that goes!
#got a couple things prepared for my family #but we'll have to see if i'll share them hahaha #yeah
47 notes
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🔁🐀 iaminyourwalls reblogged jumpedbyacapybara May 20 • They're back!
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🤕 jumpedbyacapybara Follow May 20
sure hope tomorrow won't be a disaster in the making
#knock knock knock #knock on wood
360 notes
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hi hi! i love ur works sm!! i found u when i was searching for a malleus x reader fic and i LOVEE the lipstic stains fic!! but then i went into ur blog AND I FOUND OUT U WRITE FOR OBEY ME TOO??? URE AMAZING!! so i got an idea after reading the malleus fic, can i request the demon brothers doing the "stay with me, i dont want you to leave" trend with gn!mc?? you can ignore this if you want!! thank you so much nd i love ur works! <3
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stay with me, don’t want you to leave
.obey me (older brothers) x gn! reader
a/n: so glad you enjoy my works >< also this is such a big brain idea anon, i want to look into your head– also i’m rly sorry this took so long >﹏< but hope you enjoy! 
cw: making out, hickeys, slightly suggestive, ft. flirty bastard mc
he’s never been one for social media in general other than the occasional devilgram post that diavolo asked for, so he doesn’t really know what you’re talking about until you show him a video.
becomes intrigued and a tad smug once he finds out. 
you want to do this with him? he hopes you know what you’re signing up for here.
he doesn’t participate in trends but he can make an exception for this (and for you).
“you should wear lipstick in the house more often, my dear. you look beautiful.”
“flatterer,” you giggle, gently placing your hand under his chin and tilting his head upwards– your thumb slowly dragging against his bottom lip. oh, you know how weak that makes him, evident in the way he squeezes your waist ever-so-slightly at the action. the response is subtle but it’s there.
“ready?” you ask, but he doesn’t get a chance to answer before you kiss his lips, more gently than he was expecting. he’s about to quickly recover and reciprocate– but you’ve already moved on to the rest of his face.
he feels your lips on his cheeks, on his forehead, his jaw, his throat, the sensitive spot on his neck only you know– and he doesn’t have to look into a mirror to learn that he’s absolutely covered in lipstick. it’ll be an absolute pain to take off but that’s just more time spent with his beloved human master. and what else could he ask for?
all too soon, you’ve pulled away and he bashfully looks down in an effort to save face.
“look at me, luci,” he obeys without hesitation, you’re the only one he’ll permit to call him that (among other things).
“you should wear lipstick in the house more often,” you tease, repeating his words. he narrows his eyes to look intimidating– like the demon he really is but it’s a fruitless effort. you’ve never been as scared as you should be when it comes to him.
you smile and give him one last peck on his nose. “going to set it up now, i won’t be long.” their phone is on his desk but he knows that you’re referring to how clingy the demons in this house can be, including himself.
he doesn’t take his eyes off you as reapply the lipstick in front of the camera and he watches you purposely mess it up. he takes your chin in his hand as you did with him just like in the rest of those videos, and gently rubs off the smudged colour. there isn’t a trace of his previously flustered state and everything is perfect and done in one try. as expected from someone like him.
you end the recording within a few seconds and turn to him– but before you can escape his hold he asks, “someone needs to be held responsible for all of this.”
“all of what?” you reply cheekily. “i don’t see anything wrong.”
he doesn’t have time to give a response before you kiss him once again. he all but sighs into it, and your teeth nip the soft skin of his mouth in the way you’ve learned he adores. by the end of it all, his lips are swollen and your lipstick is just as messy as his.
he honestly saw this trend before you brought the topic up.
and when he watched the video, he immediately pictured the two of you doing it. safe to say the rest of that night was spent in embarrassment.
is so glad you’re the one who suggested it because as much as he tries, he could not get his mind off of this.
“you should take a picture, mams. it’ll last longer,” blood rushes to his cheeks at being caught, despite not being very subtle in the first place.
“don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grumbles, looking away in an attempt to hide his flustered state. suddenly, he feels your hand on his jaw gently turning his head to look at you. when did you get here so fast?! he doesn’t have a chance to truly think about it before he feels your lips on his.
it’s only a chaste kiss, but his eyes and the slight rise ‘n’ fall of his chest make it look like you’ve just stolen his breath away. he breaks out of his reverie when you raise your eyebrows, challenging him to say something.
“o-oi! give a guy a warning before you pull a stunt like that!” he’s not truly angry, of course. evident with the flush on his cheeks and the fact that he hasn’t let go of you.
“that kiss was the warning, mammon. there’s a lot more where that came from– unless you want to stop?”
“i never said that–” he’s cut off once again by another kiss. this time, he makes sure to shut up, just in case you do stop. 
and it’s nice, letting himself get pampered. you’ve always been affectionate with him, much more than you are with his brothers (take that lucifer, and the rest of you punks), but it never ceases to make his hearts skip a beat. his arms are wrapped around you as he continues to feel your lips all over his face but eventually, you reach elsewhere. you gently nibble and suck on the sensitive parts of his neck– and he quickly gulps, trying to hide how much this is really affecting him. and it’s stupid really, you’ve given hickeys before, why is he so affected every time? but you soon pull away and he has to stop himself from leaning in.
“whoops, i think i got too carried away.” whoops? whoops?!
“this isn’t part of the trend…” he says, acting like he didn’t immensely enjoy everything.
“think of it as an added bonus,” you give him one last peck under his eye before taking out your phone and setting up the video.
as he impatiently waits for you to hurry up and finish so you could continue where you left off, he sees his reflection in a nearby mirror. and good god, he was a sight. already, the hickeys were starting to form (he swears it’s not his fault, you must’ve put a spell so they would appear for the trend), and he was absolutely covered in lipstick stains. some bright, some faded, some clear and some smudged. and his neck was more of a mess than his face was.
he doesn’t know why he’s surprised at the sight, but he is. imagining it in his head and truly seeing what he looked like was completely different.
“ready, treasure?”
“u-uhh– yeah, yeah i’m ready,” is he really going to show this to the world? …yes, without a doubt. he’ll prove to everyone that you wanted to do this with him and him alone. you wanted to cover him in kisses and show the realms that he’s yours– no one else.
he sucks in a breath just before you start recording and puts on his model/actor face. if he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. he stares as you apply the lipstick and purposefully mess it up– and he reaches over, gently rubbing off the smudge and turns your head to face him with his index finger.
the process is quick and it’s over before he knows it. the recording stops and suddenly, he feels himself being pushed onto the bed by a gust of wind, followed quickly by the human who probably caused it.
“you look cute like this, mind if i give you more?”
it’s just some stupid normie trend that he doesn’t care about at all.
no he did not think of you when he first saw it. no he did not scroll through dozens of videos as he imagines you doing something like this to him.
but he wouldn’t say no if you asked… 
“ack– umm.. i mean, i wasn’t staring!”
the look on your face makes levi hide behind his fist once again– refusing to make eye contact with you. it’s been like this ever since you asked him to do this trend with you. after a few minutes of telling him that ‘yes, you do want to do this with him’, he finally agreed (as though he didn’t have a bunch of those types of videos liked and saved on his ddd).
he hears footsteps nearing his bathtub and he’s suddenly met with a kiss on his cheek. it’s light and quick but he scrambles his words like a high school boy seeing his first crush.
“y-you can’t do that! i have to prepare for the battle first, give me time to equip a few weapons so i can handle this boss fight–”
he’s cut off by yet another kiss, but your lips linger just a second longer than truly necessary. you let go and he’s about to let out the most pathetic wobbly whine known to demon and man before he feels a gentle pressure on his forehead, then his nose– and all over the rest of his face.
he swears he’s about to faint, this is so sudden! a surprise attack to render him defenceless against your onslaught of everlasting affection that makes sure to leave a permanent mark on his heart.
levi feels light-headed once you’re done and he almost doesn’t hear your voice calling out to him.
“levi? leeevviiiiii, you okay?”
he’s so obviously not and you know this, yet you still choose to ask. still, he gives a nod as best as he can with his head on the edge of his bathtub– hoping the cold of the glass will help him regain thought.
and thankfully it works (for the most part, he’s still in a bit of a daze and he thinks he’ll never be able to get rid of the pink dusting his cheeks). he watches you set up your phone near him, press record and reapply your lipstick. you smudge it and he quickly gathers his thoughts the best he can and wipes the mark off for you. …you really are beautiful, especially with the blue light of his room gently hitting your face and that teasing smile.
you turn away as soon as the audio finishes (he pats himself on the back for getting it in one try) and quickly turn to him.
“soo… you wanna cuddle in your bathtub? you look like you need it.”
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ghostlythunderbird · 2 years
Alpha!Ghost and how he met his mate
Authors Note: Ok so this might be a bit rushed but I didnt wanna overfill this. Thanks to @l-lend who is now my forced beta reader XD for the ideas.
My work is not to be reposted, translated or used without my permission
Warnings: Drunk men, Fighting, Very uncomfortable situations (Hints of R*pe) dont worry Simon beats them up :)
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Now ghost wasn’t one to ever play a hero, being a hero meant your actions are out there for everyone to see. He was never there, not a hero but a ghost that preys on those who try to live in the dark. He preferred it that way as it was something that made him who he was. The darkness was never his enemy to begin with; it was his friend.
But somehow by some miraculous chance he just so happened to be at the right place at the right time. The streets of Manchester were lonely when the sun started to set, only those who lived the night city life were the ones out. Hopping from bar to bar every few hours, all while traveling in well ordered packs; Mixes of Alphas and Betas forming the outer ring while the Omegas were always kept in the center.
He happened to be walking right by the backside of a popular nightclub when he heard it; A faint distressed chirp that echoed through the darkened space. He could have sworn his neck had damn near broken by how fast he had turned, His Alpha snarled; begging to investigate the source of the chirp. He looked all around the streets before entering the darkness, shadows engulfing him almost instantly.
Once he caught sight of the back door light he saw the source of the noise. You were backed into a corner with an alpha leaning over you, his two beta friends had their backs to you standing guard. Ghost could smell the alcohol from where he stood that billowed around the group. As he looked at you in more depth he could tell you were scared, the telltale signs of anxiousness were all there; trembling, elevated breathing, your eyes were wide and brimming with tears.
It broke his heart and made his skin boil with hatred, how dare this Alpha corner you and make you cry, and more importantly how DARE these Betas turn their back to this. It didn’t matter if they were drunk at this point, it was the fact that a drunk person’s words were their sober thoughts. The drunk Alpha leaned into your space even more before speaking “Awe come on now sweetheart, no need to cry right now I haven’t even done anything yet.”
Just that sentence alone made the hair on the back of Ghost’s neck stand up. His Alpha was snapping under the surface of his skin, murder is starting to get better and better for these three. Stepping forward towards the group gave him away “I suggest you leave her alone mate, she doesn’t want you near her.” The words growled out as they left Ghost's chest. Four heads whipped around to look at him. You couldn’t fully within the darkness to completely see the stranger who seemed to answer to your distressed chirp only minutes ago. But what you could see was his build and the menacing glow from the crudely printed skull on his mask. This alpha was easily bigger than the three knotheads put together.
“How about you mind your fucking business then ‘Mate’, come on little omega lets go somewhere where we cant be bothered.” The drunk alpha attempted to grab you, but you had already begun moving towards the shade covered alpha. You had almost reached the alpha before the Betas blocked your path “And where do you think you're going, pretty Omega?” One had slurred out, it made a shiver crawl up your spine. You needed to get out of here. Now.
Seeing the blockade these knotheads put up to try and stop you, Simon stepped forward grabbing one beta and shoved him back. “How bout’ you two take a hint, she doesn't want to be here.” 
And well, let's just say after the other beta splashed their drink on him in an attempt to drive him off, it was an all out brawl. The first one down though was the Alpha, after seeing this bastard make you cry and keep you from leaving it's easy to say he was marked. It made Simon’s inner Alpha much happier after knocking a few teeth loose.
The Betas were not much of a fight compared to someone of Simon’s size, It was easy work and it honestly made him thank whatever god that he was born an Alpha just this once. In the end all three were on the ground and Simon got in a decent workout, He was still catching his breath as he looked over to you. In order to not get caught up in the fight you had backed up into the corner he had found you in originally, Your eyes were wide and if you were asked by anyone you'd say your eyes never once left the large Alpha. How would anyone believe you that this mysterious and quite frankly attractive Alpha came to your rescue out of nowhere anyway?
You were only snapped out of your stupor as the Alpha stepped over the groaning bodies on the ground, His already massive frame only continued to grow as he got closer to you. But unlike the Alpha on the ground, this one didn't make you feel uncomfortable even with all the eye makeup and the skull mask. But it did add on to his intimidation factor, and it wasn't all just for show as you had just seen.
“Are you ok?” He finally asked once he got close enough, His deep raspy voice made your knees weak. Looking up at him you were slightly thrown off as his eyes weren't as cold as they were with the Alpha and two Betas. From the black around his eyes you could tell they were a beautiful brown, it made you wonder what they looked like in the light. Realizing you were staring you sheepishly looked away “Y-yeah, thank you for all that.”
Simon looked you over ensuring that there was no damage to your person, it wasn't until he had seen you move away slightly did he realize he might be making you uneasy. Ducking his head to get a better view of your face “Let’s get you outta ‘ere then love, not a good place for someone like you eh?” Holding his hand out, he waited patiently for you to take hold and lead you away from the alley. Looking back Simon could tell all three men were completely out either from their drunkenness or the fact he purposely hit them in the head.
The two of you walked for a bit until he finally stopped you. “Should be easy for you to get home from here.” Slowly releasing your hand from his grip as he turned to face you, It was hard to look anywhere else as your eyes kept drawing him back in. It had him wondering what compelled him to even help you in the first place, something about you just seemed to pull him in.
He couldn’t place if it was just because you were an Omega or if there was something more there but he wasn’t about to complain. “Actually…..would you be able to walk me home?” It was a small request but mostly you wanted him to say yes so you could spend a little bit more time with this mysterious man. He was quiet for a bit before leaning down “Yeah I can do that love.”
You couldn’t help but let out a thrill, the smile you gave him could have rivaled a supernova with how bright it was. It made him feel like a live wire was loose under his skin, a rumble was caught in the back of his throat as he held out his arm for you to loop yours through.
Once you were both connected you couldn’t help yourself as you leaned into him. Reveling in how muscular he was, even if you couldn’t fully see now fit he actually was. “I hope this isn’t awkward but do you have a name?” Your question was a harmless one but it made Simon question what name he should give you. “Just call me Ghost.” His response was curt. Your brows furrowed as you risked a glance at the mask he wore.
“Ghost. Huh, what kind of person are you to get a name like that?” You joked. Simon angled his head a bit, he couldn’t give you the exact reason but he settled for something close to “Guess someone who does good in the dark.”
Your eyes lit up at his response “Well then I guess I can say you're my Saving Spector then!” You giggled. With that he couldn’t help but agree.
After the walk home you definitely gave him your number, the need to learn more about this mysterious Alpha was overwhelming you even over the tipsy feeling that buzzed throughout your body. Luckily you weren’t the only one either. Simon couldn’t help but run his thumb over the ink that spelled out your name and number. While he told himself it wasn’t something he should really push for, it couldn’t hurt to try. Besides who else was supposed to be your saving Spector but the Ghost himself?
Taglist: @kelpiesummer, @grizzersmamma, @fatedeniedhope
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 2
series masterlist
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Previous chapter
Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Hi, im suppose to be tutoring somebody.” you told the lady at the front desk. The last 2 weeks had been stressful but out of extreme luck you managed to get all A’s but that also meant you had to tutor the people that were not doing so well in school.
“Oh yes, you must be Y/n.”
“I am.” you confirmed.
“Min Ho.” The lady calls his name and he jumps out of his seat.
“You gotta be kidding me.” you look at Min ho and he seems just as surprised as you are. “There has to be some sort of mistake, I can't tutor him.” the lady looks at her computer for a second and looks back at you.
“Sorry but there is a specific note from the teacher saying you can't switch.”
“What? Who wrote that.” you asked.
“It was your math teacher. Take a seat and get started.”
“I can't believe this.” you said sitting down.
“Do you think I want to do this? I have no choice.” Min ho rolled his eyes.
“Whatever can we just get started.”
After two hours tutoring you were done but to you i feel like 5 hours because every 10 minutes you and Min ho were arguing about something different.
“Thank you.” Min Ho says. You look at him in shock, you were never expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“You have manners, I see. Can I get an apology too?” you asked hopefully.
“It happened almost 3 weeks ago, get over it.”
“God you're such a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“We have Alex next.” Kitty said. “Oh my god we still have to walk up the stairs.” you said, you were tired already and it was only your 2 period.
“Do you want to go to a ramen place after the 5th period?” Kitty asked.
“Im Pretty sure I don't have to tutor today, so yes.”
“How is it? By the way, you are still not getting along.”
“Nope now i have to sit with him in alex class, because he wont let me change seats.” you rolled your eyes.
“Dude you have 4 months left until winter break, at least try to stop hating each other.”
“He's the problem, not me, he won't apologize. He said thank you yesterday when i tutored him but that's it.” you explained to Kitty. You honestly don't think that you and Minho would get along every chance he gets to make fun of you. He's gonna take it and you're tired of it.
“The problem is that you are both stubborn.” Kitty grabs the handle of the door and lets you into the class, she gives you a ‘be nice look’ and takes a seat.
You walked over to your seat and to your surprise Min Ho was already sitting down, he was always late. You take a seat and don't say a word to him.
“No greeting?” he asked
“What do you want?” you say in a cold tone.
“Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” he smirks.
“I just don't have time for your bullshit today.”
Lucky Alex didn't have you guys do anything with your partner work today you didnt think you could handle it anyways.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them into your backpack.
“y/n?” you stopped in your tracks and looked at the guy that called your name. Minho also stopped and looks at him.
“Yes?” you look at him confused. You've never seen this guy in your life and you had no idea why he was talking to you.
“I'm Derek, I was just trying to see if i can get your number.” you look around to see if anybody was watching and behind him were his friends waiting to see your next move. You didn't want to seem stuck up or anything, so you just smiled and typed your number into his phone.
“Great, I'll text you.”
“Cool” you watch him walk away and turn to Min ho. “And why did you stay?”
“What does he want with you?” “What do you mean?”you asked, confused.
“His dad is literally a millionaire.”
“I honestly dont give two fuck about that.” you said.
“It had to be a dare.” Min ho shook his head.
“Oh really? Just because an attractive guy asked for my number that means it has to be a dare?” you said offended. Min ho knew he messed up, he always jokes around but he knew that what he said really affected you.
“That's not-”
“Save it.” you walked away.
For the next few weeks you continue talking to Derek, you thought he would be a jerk but turns out he wasn't. He was really nice and listened.
“Where are you going?” Min ho asked Q. “Oh the nature club is having a hike today.” Q said, putting on his shoes.
“Great i'll come” Min ho got up from the couch. “You can't.” Q said.
“Why?” “Club members only.” “Dude i went last time.” Q stayed silent and didn't say anything. “Unless you don't want me to go for some reason?” “It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that y/n and Derek are going to be there and I don't want you messing it up for her. She told me what you said when he asked for her number.” Q confessed.
“That's not what I meant, I tried to tell her that.”
“You should have said it in the first place, are you jealous or something?” Q asked.
“What no… no”
“Yup that sounds so convincing.”
“I don't like her, I hate her.”
“You know, you can hate and love somebody at the same time.” Q said shutting the door.
Min ho stood there thinking there's no way that he loves y/n? He hates her too much.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request the brothers reacting to MC having heterochromia eyes (two different color eyes). Im pretty sure there might be some demons that have it as well but what if just for this request, they dont. So the brothers never saw anyone have it until MC, although what do you think about that? Do you think there might be some demons that have heterochromia eyes?
Hellooo, anon!
You know, I hadn't considered this before, but I absolutely think there are some demons that have heterochromia. Especially if we consider that some demons are based on animals, there are animals with a higher likelihood of having heterochromia than humans. I also think you could argue that all our demons have a version of heterochromia. Partial heterochromia is usually where you've got a chunk of a different color in one eye, so it's slightly different where our boys are concerned. But each of them have at least two colors in their eyes. But if we don't count that, I do think there are probably at least a few demons that have two completely different colored eyes. I would think they're probably pretty rare, though.
Of course I wrote the request as though the brothers had never seen it before, as you asked! I also only considered complete heterochromia, with both eyes being completely different colors. I think this can be acquired by disease and injury in some cases, but for the sake of this request, I went with it just being genetic.
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC with two different color eyes/heterochromia
Warnings: none!
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When he first saw you, back at RAD the day you were brought to the Devildom, he was instantly struck by your eyes. He had never seen anyone with eyes like yours before.
He wanted to ask you about it, but he decided to wait until a quieter time. When he does ask, you'll have to explain to him that this is just how you were born. It's rare, but it happens sometimes.
He likes this unusual trait of yours. Often says something to you if you're avoiding his gaze. Look at him, MC. He wants to see those different colored eyes of yours.
They're his favorite thing to compliment, too. If you're in an argument with him, Lucifer will completely derail you by talking about your unusual eyes, how he likes to lose himself in their different colors. You get to decide if this works on you or not.
Huh? What's up with your eyes, human? This comes directly after he's just been threatening to eat you when you first meet. He's surprised enough to just straight out ask you the moment he notices.
You'll have to take the time to explain heterochromia to him at a later time. He doesn't care about the details, but he is absolutely fascinated by them.
Mammon loves them, but tries to act like he doesn't, as usual. You catch him staring into your eyes from across the room more than once.
Because he's looking at your eyes all the time, he's extremely familiar with how they change depending on your mood. He can tell exactly how you're feeling at any given time just by meeting your eyes. Acts like he knows nothing, but you can tell.
Woah. MC. Y-your eyes are so pretty. He doesn't really have a chance to realize until after he's done yelling at Mammon about owing him money. But as soon as he registers your eyes, this is what he says.
He loves them, he likes how unique they are. He's never seen a human with eyes like yours, or anyone else for that matter.
When he's more comfortable with you, he's going to tell you about all the anime characters he knows about who also have heterochromia. You can be sure he'll want you to cosplay as some of them. You won't even need to use contacts!
Levi's too shy to look into your eyes all the time, but he kind of wants to. They're so different, he can't really help it. But he'll only glance at them every once in a while, if he thinks you won't notice.
Notices immediately, but doesn't say anything right away. He first notices them when Lucifer introduces him to you that first day.
Satan already knows what heterochromia is, but he's never seen it in real life. Starts by asking you questions about how you have it. He thinks it's likely genetics, but isn't it possible for humans to acquire it in certain ways, too?
Not at all concerned about staring too much. He'll look into your differently colored eyes all day if he wants to. And sometimes he does. If this makes you nervous, he'll stop if you ask.
Absolutely pulls out the poetic descriptions of your eyes when he's trying to get romantic with you. But sometimes, he's simply struck by their beauty. Your eyes truly are unique, MC.
He also notices right away that first day at RAD, but doesn't say anything until later. You look pretty overwhelmed, so he's not going to add onto that by asking you all kinds of questions.
But you can bet he is bursting because he loves them so much. MC, your eyes are so amazing! Please say you'll model for him, he has so many ideas for beautiful photos!
His favorite thing is to do your eye makeup so he can compliment the rarity of your two different colored eyes. Piles compliments on you about them while he does it. Insists on taking a million photos.
Just like his brothers, though, Asmo is not immune to the desire to just… look at them. He's getting a little lost in them. He can't charm you, but he starts to think you have the ability to charm him with your eyes alone.
It takes him some time to mention your heterochromia. Not because he didn't notice, but just because he doesn't feel the need to comment on it. You must already be aware of how unusual your eyes are. He doesn't want to make you feel weird about it.
But eventually he can't help it. They're so different. They kind of remind him of himself and Belphie. Twins that look nothing like each other - part of a set and yet different.
Has no problem staring at them, either. Beel can get pretty intense without meaning to. He's already pretty quiet, so to have him just stare into your eyes can be a little intimidating. Say something to him about it and he'll apologize. He didn't even realize he was doing it.
Sorry, MC. He just really likes your pretty eyes. He wants to look at them all the time. You end up getting used to it and it's not like he's the only brother who can't stop looking into your eyes all the time.
Considering how Belphie first sees you from behind the door that keeps him locked in the attic, it's kind of surprising that he noticed at all. But he did. He noticed right away, but he didn't say anything. He doesn't say anything until much later, after you've made your pact with him.
He wants to tell you how much he likes your two different colored eyes, but he doesn't want you to think he cares too much. So he starts out saying how he's noticed the way Beel finds your eyes so interesting.
Call him out on it and he'll admit, he likes them, too. Of course he does, MC. He's never seen anyone with eyes like yours.
You're the only person with which he'll try to wake up first. If you're napping together or he just decided to spend the night in your bed, he'll do his best to wake up before you. Because it turns out that he really loves to watch your differently colored eyes flutter open when you wake up. Won't tell you this, but you figure it out when he always wakes up before you.
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part two with the dateables and Luke
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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tamarhasoddthoughts · 11 days
Rant time! Its 12am so ofcourse the thiam obsession is creeping back and i just want to talk about what everyone has talked about which is The Elevator Scene.
So we all know that scene, yeah but like. Lets talk about the before. So Scott calls Theo when he was about to dip from beacon hills(i think. I have not watched this show in 2 years everything I'm saying may very well be complete bs) and he specifically tells Theo to get ‘liam’ and the others out of there because of the hunters(?is that even correct?) and Theo hauls ass back to the hospital JUST in time to grab Liam and shove them both back into the elevator.
Its just. Do you realise the amount of times Theo has saved Liam? Like, not just from danger but from himself aswell. Theo has saved Liam so many times and i just Dont. get it?
Like you can, of course, argue that it's because Liam brought Theo back from hell and he feels indebted to the guy but i frankly just Dont believe that and i never will
Why? Because even though Liam brought Theo back SCOTT allowed him to stay out of hell. Lets all be real here. If Liam had not managed convinced Scott to let Theo stay his ass would have been back underground. Liam was insistent, yeah, but Scotts his alpha. He would have put theo back if he(Scott) really wanted him to. So, realistically, i feel like he'd be more indebted to Scott rather than Liam.
Of course he's still be grateful to Liam but not grateful enough to be running up and down beacon hills to save Liam from every and all mortal or non-mortal peril yk?
Like i feel like we forget as a community that Theo is SELFISH and not a really nice guy. Like he's one of my favourite characters of all times but he was not a good person in s5 and yeah he reformed in s6 (best character development arc Imo) but there's just some traits that have been so ingrained in you that you Dont really forget them and i hc that Theo still struggles trying to fight some of the instincts he's used to (spying, lying, idk counting the amount of heartbeats whenever he walks in a room YOU GET IT) and if it was, for example, stiles or fuck idk Scott, would Theo do the same for them?
Those might potentially be bad examples but literally think of ANY other teen wolf character: would Theo do for them what he did for Liam? Would he? I Dont think so.
So Scott mentions Liam is at the hospital and in danger and Theo goes immediately, like turns that truck Around lmfao, and he saves Liam and then he opens his mouth and utters the lie ‘Look, I'm not dying for you’ because not only is he a lying liar who lies he's is also an emotionally repressed lying liar who liars.
Because in the same hospital in 6a(? Is it 6a or am i tripping) he literally made himself bait. There's a chance that Theo could have been shot and would have been forgotten. There's even potentially a chance that he could have been killed and sent back to the place he would have done ANYTHING to not go back to and what does he do? He sacrificed himself for Liam. FOR LIAM
And the thing is, i feel like before Scott called Theo, he would have been out of beacon hills in a flash. He potentially sacrificed his only chance to leave that hellish town because of Liam. Liam.
Liam is the only one that Theo continuously saves over and over and over again throughout s6 hell even SEASON 5 and yeah that was because of his mega evil plan but still. Theos just intentionally proving my point rn
So Theo lies and Liam lies back and they have that ultra gay stare down in that stupid fucking elevator and then Theo looks down and i know that it's a popular hc that Theo looks at his lips but me and many others choose to believe that Theo looks at liams heart because one of the many differences between these two hooligans is that Theo is an EXCELLENT liar and Liam is…. not. So when Liam lies ‘Im not dying for u either’ Theo can tell and ohmygodtypingthisoutismakingmemadwhyweretheynotcanon
And then they fight together and quite literally take bullets for one another (this ship makes me laugh why are they like this) after professing their fraudulent lies and Theo takes gabes pain and then they fuck nasty in the hospital bathrooms the end
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rhioth · 9 months
no because anakin was never dealt with a winning anything, my dude spent years as a slave’s kid working in the junk shop building droids as a form of fun.
i always enjoy the whole “Anakin just expected Obi-wan and Padmé to trust and listen to him?? Asshole” discourse because like… yeah??
not trying to self insert here but as a mentally I’ll individual 🫡 who in a fit of mania sometimes believes they are absolutely, 100% right and has the irrational thinking of; “im right, and you love me, you’re the person I love most, you should get it” & is totally irrationally emotional when they DONT, yeah… I GET THAT SIR!!
Even if it’s completely understandable, deep down I know they’re not at fault for not getting my own emotions, I’m in control of those — not others. I know this. Still, when my partner says something that goes against me it’s like nails against chalkboards sometimes
Again, when looking at Anakin he had nothing. He was a slave all his life, just to a different master each time. on Tatooine, to the Jedi/code, Palpatine and even to the Darth vader suit, he is never of his own free will. It was Qui-gon’s choice to win Anakin, to take him from his mother and home to what he thought would be a better life. granted it is, but he also finds himself isolated from what is imo what is supposed to be his “placeholder family”
MORE IMPORTANTLY Padmé is the love of his life, telling him that what he thinks they need, what he’s done for her and their family etc to be at peace/alive was actually WRONG!! BAD!! All meanwhile he doesn’t have any of his support at his side; Rex is off with ahsoka, obi-wan is fighting grievous on utpau meanwhile Palpatine has puppy Anakin at his every whim and call ((lets not forget that Palpatine had to have been grooming Anakin from a relatively young age)) They don’t get it, they didn’t see Padmé die before their very eyes, they don’t know what’s waiting them. Anakin is trying to save his family. Obi-Wan going against him is salt in the wound, even if Anakin himself knows it’s wrong and against the code and just completely evil.
I mean, Padmé FORGAVE him for the whole tusken massacre smh is it such a stretch to believe she would stand by his side as he waged war against the galaxy? i mean… isn’t that what love is…..? selfish, passionate, narcissistic, messy? she herself is a politician who often prioritized Anakin over her own duties I bet my man expected some “if you have a body in your trunk I’ll bring the shovel” type beat which also, i reiterate, WHY WOULDN’T HE when his wife forgave him for mass genocide, children included?,
he is emotionally/mentally fragile, he just recently slew younglings and killed Mace — you think this mf is thinking logically? Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt; he was a mess throughout the series, not once did he ever have his feet on the ground. He isn’t suddenly going to make the “right” decision, especially if it means sacrificing his loved ones. He’s an extremely flawed character, stop expecting him to make the right call.
The blocks of Anakin’s character have been set up to fall, Obi-Wan and Padmé are two of his most beloved relationships aside from his MOTHER that are completely dogging on his only hope of SAVING THEM. Anakin was never simply, “you have to do what I say or else I’ll get upset!” that’s a disrespect to his character — he can think logically. He isn’t a child. He is strategic, effective, in tcw he is the most efficient victorious warrior making Palpatine’s efforts look even better as leader of the republic. He builds droids from the time he is a young child all throughout his formative - adult years to the extent where knows how to understand their bleep bloops.
Anakin is flawed deeply, he was doomed from the get-go, never had a chance. His feelings are complex and deep and he questions the faith he swore to follow/protect. His character is so interesting to me and I have such a difficult time depicting the raw duality of man he wears on his shoulders everyday. Our desire to do good, yet to be evil; our desire to be unselfish, yet we are selfish.
This beautiful, scarred, monstrous mosaic of a man who from the very beginning, had a huge amount of pressure on him was meant to be so horribly dismantled. What other choice did he have? He is the chosen one, how could he be wrong? How could his idea of saving his family be any less honourable than the Jedi of the Galaxy?
He isn’t simply angry at them for not agreeing with him/falling with him, he feels betrayed. Personally. Obi-Wan and Padmé are pieces of Anakin, people that he loved so fiercely he labeled them as his enemies once they hurt him, he is too far gone to give them any semblance of second chances
anyways yep happy Thursday guys
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oswald-can-draw · 5 months
About your mlp infection au!! I love this one so much I'm so interested!! Maybe give us a rundown of a couple of the survivors and how equestrias chances are looking? How did the ponies infected by black magic change and mutate? Can spike or other species like dragons, griffins and zebras get infected since they dont have cutiemarks? Are foals who dont have cutiemarks yet immune until they get their cutiemark? How does that play in? Im so sorry if this is too many questions, I really love this au and I think its really cool!!! Its a really well thought out idea and I think its awesome!!! :D I hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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Someone being an autistic beast about my work is the highest compliment, so never apologize for that!
But, boy howdy, have we got a lot of ground to cover!
Let’s take it step by step:
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Foals (or those without their cutie mark), are a very complex cog in this AU. On one hand, they don’t have their cutie mark, so they can’t be infected, as there is no magic to corrupt. Great!
The bad news? Getting one’s cutie mark is often an unplanned thing, which means any foal can become susceptible to the Meanie Mark Virus at any time. There are many ways to deal with this.
One common one is to wrap the foal’s flank with compression gauze. Half a desperate idea, and half a way to forget their child’s vulnerability (or to hide when they DO get a cutie mark). Somepony suggested that it could “keep back” a cutie mark, and the rest of the populace decided to go with it.
Another way is to just try and keep the foal from anything that interests them. This works to a point, but the stress from their friends and family on the brink of death every day, and now any sliver of joy that they can find in this hellscape is strictly forbidden. This can cause a once rare, but quickly becoming more common developmental condition known as “Muted Cutie”. This causes a cutie mark to appear, but it’s based off of an outside tension, such as familial pressure, cutie conditions, and lack of input. It’s like a magical wisdom tooth — keeping the actual cutie mark from developing and causing pain and stress to the pony.
The third option is a last resort: quietly “taking care” of foals that were of cutie mark age or freshly marked.
Having a foal of a certain age can bar you from going into certain populated areas, getting ample supplies, and even contact with other ponies.
Of course, this is EXTREMELY traumatizing for the foal. Feeling like they aren’t wanted and that they aren’t allowed even the smallest of joys can make life miserable.
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* Zecora’s redesign is based off of the Karo tribe, a small tribe famous for body painting and self expression. Though I have done as much research as I can, there is still room for error. If there is something inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix the redesign accordingly.
Other species may not get the Meanie Mark illness, per se, but they do have reactions to parts of the evil clones that seep into the soil or the corpses of already infected ponies.
Griffins, for example, get something similar to food poisoning, with nausea, vomiting, and unseasonal molting. This is their body attempting to purge the toxins. Their flying also becomes affected, with severe bouts of vertigo and lost sense of direction. For the average, healthy griffin, this usually only lasts a week or so. However, if a griffin is elderly, injured, or any sort of health condition, this infection could be fatal. Fortunately, since griffins are so far from the Everfree Forest and spend so little time on the ground, this sickness is very rare, especially with certain security measures set in place.
Dragons are even luckier. Their stomachs are able to digest any trace of the infection, neutralizing it before it can cause any real damage. However, there is a phenomenon that has been unearthed due to dragons. The gems found near their volcano-filled home can actually be infused with the disease. The only sign of this having occurred is a slightly darker hue and a “rotten” taste, according to the dragons. A few dragons have been enlisted to dispose of infected material, as them consuming it is the only way it can be disposed of without putting more ponies at risk. Not many are up for the task.
Zebras, on the other hoof, have quite the reaction to infected material. While they aren’t infected with the true disease, the special, magical markings and body paint can give the bacteria something to feed on. This can cause weakness, confusion, gastrointestinal distress, rashes, burns, irritability, and even aggression. Zebras often have to be quarantined from the rest of their tribe in order to keep the disease from spreading and the victim from hurting anyone or anything. Removal of paint and markings can help, and are often reapplied after recovery, with additional markings showing their bravery, strength, and health. Unfortunately, some of them do not survive.
Any other living thing, including birds, mammals, plant life, and insects all have generally poor reactions upon exposure. Common themes in symptoms include weakness, vomiting, and confusion. Plants will turn away from the sun. Dogs will whine and curl into a ball. Birds will run into things and screech. Survival depends on the age, health, size, and care plan of a creature. Among them, usually about 73% survive.
Though no other species has the guaranteed death from the disease that ponies do, it can still cause some nasty, or even deadly, side effects.
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Since the Meanie Mark Illness is already a form of black magic, just more widespread and deadly, the disease has horrendous effects on those who have already succumbed to dark magic.
Though it’s a rare instance, the phenomenon has been observed. Whether the black magic or the illness comes first, it always begins and ends the same way:
First, a pony becomes much, MUCH more powerful. Instead of gradually gaining this talent through the virus, their black magic reaches a feverish pitch. The pony begins to have uncontrollable displays of magic, usually of the destructive kind. Explosions, rays, death, and evil spells emanate from them without stopping. This has caused many hasty villains to try and catch the famous Meanie Mark Illness — with this power, they think, taking over the world would be easy.
Second, the two opposing powers battling for control inside the pony begin to destroy the victim from the inside. See, the reason why ponies become a husk-like corpse and turn to dust at the end of the Meanie Mark’s cycle is because of the Tree of Harmony’s magic fighting the dark magic of the virus, which ends up destroying the pony in the process. But with the black magic far overpowering the Tree of Harmony, the pony has a different problem — their body can’t handle such raw power.
The pony’s hair begins to fall out, their veins swell, their skin begins to blacken with gangrene as less and less blood goes to extremities. The pony ends up rotting from the inside out, black sludge oozing from their mouth and eyes, magic still pouring out of them. Their cutie mark, both subdued from the virus and given immense power from the black magic, sputters and shines and pulses.
Finally, a pony will die within a few days, their corpse zombified and rotting. However, those who do survive the ordeal have poor quality of life, as their joints, brains, and some of their organs hardly work anymore. They will live either as a wandering corpse or a patient for their friends and family to take care of until their demise in the near future.
In other words, this is a quicker but much more painful death!
This disease can be spread very easily, especially among unicorns. If an infected unicorn casts a spell on another pony, they too will catch Meanie Mark. Other than that, a pony either has to come in contact with infected soil/plant life, an animal that has eaten said infected material, or a corpse. This means that, though the illness will be slow to spread at first, it will pick up speed as time goes on.
With the emphasis on foals and the amount that are being killed for mercy or safety’s sake, repopulating is going to be difficult.
As for a cure…perhaps the dragons can help, since they are the only one’s completely immune? Or maybe they could at least offer hints about how to stop this horrible disease?
All this to say — there is a chance of survival. But is Equestria quick enough to find a cure? Or at least keep the disease at bay?
1. Spike: Being a dragon has its perks. But being surrounded by ponies does not.
2. Big Mac: The pony you would want in an apocalypse. Still mourning the infection of his sisters.
3. Discord: Could he even…get sick? Isn’t he part pony? But he doesn’t have a cutie mark…
4. Rainbow Dash: Cloudsdale is on lockdown, and isn’t allowing anypony in or out. But it’s like herding winged cats.
5. Winona: Aids Big Mac. Since eating an infected piece of flesh, she avoids the infected like the plague.
6. Sweetie Belle: Was staying with Scootaloo right before Rarity got infected. Apple Bloom would have come, but she didn’t feel well…
7. Scootaloo: Her inventions are invaluable. But her lack of a quick way to escape could be the death of her one day.
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kichikichiko · 2 years
For you, and you only
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy!
This is my first time writing for cyno so his is a bit shorter 😭
Heizou,Kazuha,Kabukimono and Cyno (seperate) x gen neut!reader
Headcanon,fluff,not proofread, Kabukimono is Scaramouche 😭
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HEIZOU ▪︎ analytical harmony
He loved solving puzzles and mysteries and you knew that when you started dating him
He'd take you to events that was specifically made for nerds who loved using their brains
You ended up just following him around though as he did all the puzzle solving 😭
Every once in a while though, you would solve a simple puzzle/crack the code/find a clue and he'd praise you like youre the smartest person ever
Proud bf coming through
But when events like that are not available, he'd make puzzle boxes and give it to you
Inside that said box, would be a little paper filled with sweet little nothings, or just a simple "have a good day today love :))"
Must admit, you look forward to getting those puzzles from him
Its that little thing which makes your relationship all the more sweeter
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KAZUHA ▪︎ Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves
Gentle, poetic, a gentleman and handsome, he is truly the package
What more could you ask for anyways?
That man wants to let you know every waking moment that you are deserving of his love
And what other way would be more romantic than giving you weekly haiku's
He's settled on making one every week so he doesnt overwhelm you too much (which isnt true you love how he expresses his love)
And he wants to make a Haiku that truly resonates how he feels towards you
Kazuha only wants the best haiku's given to you
Alwaya puts his all into it
Because you deserve the world <33 (thats him he is world)
Sometimes, when he reads his haiku to you he'd give you a maple leave, or something he saw that gave inspiration for his latest haiku
You kept them all, youve got a shelf full of the trinkets he gave you as he recited his haiku
And placed his haikus in a special box
His goal for writing haiku's was not only to remind you of his love
But to also comfort you when he isnt around
Kazuha is a wanderer, a ronin, his home is in mother nature and he wants to travel
You understood of course, you would join him in some of his journeys when fate calls for it
But if you cant, reading the haikus he gave helps a lot as if he was truly there with you
His love is with you all the time no matter how far apart you both are
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CYNO ▪︎ Judicator of Secrets
When you both first started dating and youre upset, Cyno usually freezes up and stares at you
Dont blame him though, he was afraid anything he did would make you even more upset
He never wanted to make you upset ever
You were his lovely partner he only wanted to make you smile and happy
It was really hard, especially with his serious personality
After a few months though, he finally found a way to comfort you
He'd sit down next to you in silence
Then crack up the most downright horrid joke ever with a blank face, looking straight at you
It never fails to make you laugh
He knew you were laughing at the fact that the joke was bad
But to him it didnt matter because he ends up seeing you smile
You were the only one who actually liked his stupid jokes, and listened to him as he explained it in great detail
You made him happy
It was time for him to return the favour
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KABUKIMONO ▪︎ Puppet without a heart
He is a puppet, barely understanding human emotions but always trying his best to be just like them
When you both started dating, he felt more human than he ever did
He adores and appreciates you so much
He wants to be able to pay back all you have done for him
He doesnt know how to though, human emotions are complex and beautiful
Just like Kazuha, he wants to give his all when it comes to appreciating you and expressing his love for you
Sometimes, he'd walk by the shore of the beach
And if by some chance he's lucky, he'd find a seashell that reminds him of you
He doesnt pick a random seashell no, he'd collect all he sees as he walked around
And when he thinks he's found enough, he'll pick the prettiest one that reminded him of you
When he gave you a seashell for the first time and explaining in full detail why it reminded him of you
You almost cried, you appreciated it so much you made it as an accessory
He loved that you brought it around
That man started going out more finding more small things that reminded you of him
Half of the time he has his eyes stuck to the ground finding things to give to you
Everyone teases him for it, but Niwa would always defend him
Kuni just wants to see your eyes sparkle and see you smile when he gives you stuff
He wants to be the reason you smile
He'd spend his whole life time finding ways to make you happier than ever
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turquoisetuber · 3 months
everyone who liked or replied to the post here it is (apologies for tags and i hope i dont miss anyone) @moonmacabre01 @george228732 @nokk0 @c0ffee-7 @patchyworx @smax-maxs @autumnleafdraws @moonsharkss
LONG LONG POST. it is under the cut!!
The Dimensional Mirror was created at the first release of Void, by a goddess called The Glassworker residing in Dreamland. This mirror was a portal to a copy of Dreamland, Popstar, and maybe even the universe—this was the Mirror World.
It was built as a defense from Dark Matter. Every person in the galaxy could be made a counterpart, a counterpart with split concious, therefore if their mortal bodies were corrupted, their soul lived on in the Mirror World until they were free.
This was meant to be done with "cores": Mirror Worlders don't have a soul, or a heart, but a core. The core refracts their original's memories to create a copy of who they are. However, when executed and tested, the concious wasn't split, and both remained entirely sperate people.
The Glassworker was upset by this, but she decided that she would keep her Mirror World, as the people that lived there were still, well, people. And therefore, she continued making people to live in it.
Dark Mind:
With her carbon-copying the universe, she had accidentially copied the essence of Dark Matter, thus creating Dark Mind, commander of Dark Mirror Matter. Aeons passed before he became a threat, but those aeons he had spent gathering strength. Because of the power Mind began to aquire, The Glassworker needed protectors of the Mirror World other than herself, as his power was too great.
Thus she looked to Dreamland once more, this time to two of its most powerful soldiers: the king and his knight. She sculpted them cautiously, ensuring they could work together. They were appointed the Mirror World's guardians, but before she could finish their cores, Mind had sabotaged her.
The duo was created empty, and Mind had promised that if they followed him they eould feel that fullness.
SDDD didn't care. He was fine being who he was. He followed Mind, but never fought for anything more than what he was.
DMK, however, longed to be whole. He followed Mind, and fought a million battles for him.
(Author note: Shadow Kirby has similar lore, he just refused to follow Mind and I'm not rewriting the same stuff three times)
Battle of The Amazing Mirror:
This led to the events of KATAM. When MK went into the mirror world to defeat Mind, DMK attacked him, not just on command, but out of fear that he'd lose his chance to feel whole.
Then Jade arrived, and fixed the Dimensional Mirror, despite DMK's best efforts to stop her from defeating him. DMK was temporarily killed by Jade, with Dark Mind defeated soon after.
As DMK watched MK and his daughter work together as his broken body was mended in the Dimensional Mirror, he realized quickly that what he lacked was any meaningful relationships. He had no son or daughter, and couldn't get along with his "sworn partner". He wanted a child to raise and train...
The Glassworker heard his wish and created a counterpart to Jade, but... as matter cannot be destroyed, she was sabotaged again, and this counterpart was left empty, without emotions.
Mind had decided to use DJ and DMK to his advantage. He re-corrupted DMK and filled DJ with Dark Mirror Matter and convinced her that she was created to serve him and DMK.
Thus the plan came around for DJ to replace Jade, the same way DMK had, and try to take out their family. This is the mission she was trained for.
However, when on the mission, DJ faltered—she got attatched to this family, specifically Jade's brother, Cloud. DJ, or as Cloud soon renamed her, Peridot, had become whole on accident by discovering how to feel.
Unfortunately, though, Peri still had a job to do. And maybe fortunately, she failed. Mind lost his grip on her and DMK, and she ended up abandoning her role as a counterpart and became her own person.
The Glassworker was proud. Peri was soon appointed as a guardian alongside her father. But when she isn't doing that, she lives with Jade's family. Now she has a bigger family with Shirby and Shadee, but... Part of Peri wishes she had more siblings. But *that* is for another day.
Mind's Wherabouts:
Mind still lives in the Dimensional Mirror, but Peri and DMK work tirelessly to keep him at bay. The Mirror World is peaceful now. As it should be.
THANK YOU for reading!! i hope this all makes coherent sense, i have been working on this for 2 months
if you would like to borrow some elements from it, go ahead and enjoy!! <3
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opiumsturn · 9 months
(did not do capilizations nd punctuaction nor did i check spelling on this cs idc)
Okay now this may seem crazy and so un-true but what if the triplets are quitting?
i do NAWT wanna hear : 'its like u want them too' or 'you guys are getting outta hand this is why they wanna quit' mixaroo type bullshit thanks! ITS A THEORYYYY
Now with everything happening this could 100% be abt The Laura theory but hear me out.
When Chris' acc got banned the first time he mention Laura was the one who got it back for him so what if Laura felt salty if she actually did get fired and got his acc banned same way she got it back. Other hand could be what if they really do quit what if he asked Laura to get his acc banned because he wanted to delete it but knew it would be too obvi if he did so he got it banned instead
Matt- lets start with the tiktok "You'll never find someone like me" this one could be abt Laura because from what we know Matt has not been in a relationship in a while so why would he post a tiktok like that if we didnt know it js wouldnt make sense and he also does not post content like that soo?? now with his videos being gone besides one. i 100% believe there has to be something about that tiktok that means something. i mean why that one? Now there are so many reasons to get rid of Laura but what if one was because they are ready to quit and wont need a manager anymore?.. think abt it
Nick- Now nick has always been on tiktok and is the most active on his own from matt and chris and hes more active on not js tiktok but also ig and snap and he hasnt been on either recently. but back to tiktok why would he remove over 500 fucking posts?! maybe all those post are what show their life as ytbers and if they quit he doesnt want people who dont currently know them to come on his acc and see his past? nick also still has posts w madi but he was also closer w madi so the chances of them still being friends even if Laura is fired is there.
general- Okay so lets talk abt the warehouse. if they cleared out the warehouse for 'new years' then cool right but why? its so random and could have been done any other time. what if they are getting rid of merch because it will be the last ever sold before they quit if they do?.. When they post (mostly matt here) they take it down. If a vid does not stay up no one profits off of it. Their work as in Matt,Nick,and Chris' work only is always in the mix w laura and zstardigital taking their credit as "ours" when its 110% the triplets. what if they are slowly trying to get rid of their yt past to quit?? not to mention chris has also not said a word abt his tt acc? its almost like.. its normal to him? oh and what abt their recent 'disappering' joke tiktok vid. Thats not very funny gangaroo.. no but fr like what if they actually mean it. ik this is insane but im a crazy overthinker.
as in 1/7/24 this is what i have. anything else will be below.
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