#those jayston fans who uploaded his works on youtube and that russian youtube thing thank you thank you thank you
edeschmedie · 7 months
What an interesting week. I was going through a Romanov period which proved a very short one because after watching Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) I found out that Michael Jayston had recently passed away.
I remember him from my absolute favourite BBC miniseries, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1979). His Guillam left quite an impression on me and I remember thinking Benedict Cumberbatch coming short in the film version. (There are so many things I am not happy with in the film version but I don't think I should start). I know many people rave about Alec Guinness as Smiley but I have always thought Jayston's Guillam is meant to be the character the audience identifies with. Knows enough to know that something big is happening, but not enough to still be amused/annoyed at Smiley's seemingly random exploration. Jaded enough to feel put off by Tarr's general annoyingness but still cares enough to pick up on Tarr's genuine fear for his life. Excellently played by Jayston.
But then, upon further digging, I found out that he was also the Rochester in my favourite BBC adaptation of Jane Eyre in 1973. I watched it on TV so many years ago that I never knew who the actors were. Whenever I read Jane Eyre again since then his has always been the face I see for Rochester. Watching other Rochesters in the other adaptations has not dislodged that face. The 1973 version is the definitive Rochester for me. And yet, I never even suspected it's the same actor who played Guillam! I honestly cannot believe that 2 of the best TV characters I have loved for years were played by the same actor. What are the odds!
So when I came down with the flu on Monday I took the chance to spend my days off rewatching Jane Eyre (1973) and Tinker Tailor (1979). To nobody's surprise (my partner simply asked if he could put all my Romanov books back on the shelves!) I immediately got myself on a Jayston binge, devouring everything I could find online. Thanks to a small but very dedicated Jayston fan community, I discovered so many old gems but my favourite is an obscure little family drama, Flesh & Blood (1980). Only series 1 is available online and even though Jayston apparently didn't return for series 2 I still want to know what happened to the Brassingtons. I am so invested and I can't live not knowing what happened next! Oh well, for now I will just spend this unfulfilled energy screenshotting Jayston as Ross Brassington, adding to my growing Jayston folder.
RIP Michael Jayston. Thank you especially for your Peter Guillam, Mr Rochester, Tsar Nicholas II and Ross Brassington.
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