#those facial expression are whats gonna be the death of me
foxy-kitsune · 2 months
going fereal over lee haechan has become a daily thing for me at this point
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
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Prompt Day 4: Eddie
Word Count: 994
Rating: G
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
CW: Language
Summary: A collection of Eddie's reaction to different parts of the book A Court of Thorns and Roses. Inspired by those wives who filmed their husbands' reactions to the books and provided me with hours of entertainment.
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A sigh and the closing of a book has you looking away from your own book and over at your husband on the other end of the couch. Your eyes dip down to Eddie’s lap where your copy of A Court of Thorns and Roses lays shut. A look back up at Eddie’s face, staring towards the carpet while in thought, gives you no further clues as to why he has stopped reading.
“What’s up, Eds?” you ask.
He lets out another sigh and drops his hands to the cover of the paperback that’s balancing on his thighs. 
“What the actual fuck?” he starts off. “Feyre kills a wolf—because apparently, she’s the only one supporting her family! So, it’s some faerie wolf and it’s supposed to be a life for a life kind of thing? But then this fucking creature busts down the door all viciously and then is like, ‘nah I’ll just have you come live with me instead.’ What?”
As hard as you try to contain your amusement, a small giggle slips out. You tilt your head as you look at your husband, confusion creased on his forehead.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, babe.”
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“This book has some weird as shit names for creatures,” is how Eddie greets you when you step into the bedroom, just out of the shower with a towel wrapped around you. 
“Says the Dungeon Master,” you tease as you walk towards your dresser. “There are no demogorgons in that book.”
“No,” Eddie counters, “just the Suriel. Nagas. The Spring Court is a goddamn death trap! And that’s even before we met this other guy who I just know is gonna cause chaos in some way later. Rhysand. Dude seems dark and I can’t say I hate it.”
You focus on keeping your jaw clenched tightly as you change into one of Eddie’s old t-shirts. If this was the other way around, Eddie would’ve already slipped up and spoiled something as big as Rhys’s role in the series, but you knew watching this all unfold before you would be well worth it.
“Feyre is getting all the feels for Tamlin, too.” Eddie looks over and gives you a cheesy grin. “Is that how you felt about me when we first met?”
“No,” you say with an over dramatic sigh. “Maybe you should’ve barged into my home and whisked me away to a magical escape room and I would’ve. But you missed your chance.”
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You sit down on the couch after dinner and it’s not thirty seconds before your husband has his head in your lap and gazes at you with those doe brown eyes. 
“Hello to you, too,” you say, immediately reaching down to play with his hair. 
“Lucien is a cool dude,” Eddie says. “I like him a lot. I hope he doesn’t die.”
“You’ll just have to keep reading to find out,” you tease. 
Eddie raises his arm in the air and it’s the first time you notice he has the book in his hand.
“Gonna start now,” he says. “I think some shit’s about to go down.”
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It’s impossible not to watch Eddie’s face as he finishes up reading the first book. The man has always been one of the most expressive people you know and that includes while reading as well. His facial expressions provide grade A entertainment. 
Finally, Eddie closes the book and drops it on the couch cushion beside him. He releases a long breath, followed by an even longer inhale. 
“So Rhys did have reasons,” he starts, nodding his head as he speaks. “He wasn’t just the asshole we were led to believe he was. I actually think I like him the best. Tamlin’s alright and I do like Lucien a lot. But I felt more of a connection with Rhys.”
You listen to him, a smile on your face. The whole time he’s been reading the book you’ve been anxious to see what he’ll think of the end.
“A lot happens, doesn’t it?” you ask.
“Hits the ground running,” Eddie agrees. “Feyre’s tests were brutal. That worm maze was badass though! And I’m glad Amarantha is dead. God, what a bitch.”
“What part were you reading where your nostrils were flaring?” you ask with a giggle. “You looked pissed.”
Eddie thinks for a moment, then his head lifts and he snaps his fingers.
“That was when, ugh,” Eddie pauses, an irritated groan rumbling from his chest, “when Tamlin doesn’t do a fucking thing to help Feyre! Holy shit. Just sits there on the throne except when he gets to make out with her. Jesus Christ. If that were you, I would’ve been out of that goddamn seat and taking anyone down I had to to keep you safe.”
His impassioned words make your heart flutter.
“My High Lord,” you coo.
Your husband seems to like that, a smirk growing on his face as he noticeably looks you up and down.
“You know,” Eddie drawls. “I do have those pointed Elven ears. They could definitely be fae ears.”
Slowly, you push yourself up out of your chair and saunter over to the couch. Eddie leans back as you climb into his lap, straddling his thighs. 
“Eddie Munson, High Lord of the Hellfire Court,” you say, wrapping your arms around your husband’s neck. 
“Mmm,” Eddie hums, angling his head down to press a few kisses along your throat. “Maybe then you could wear the ears and be my Feyre, let me cover your body in paint.”
“Technically she was still a human at that point so she wouldn’t have the pointed ears,” you say softly into his ear. 
Eddie’s fingers dig into your sides, tickling you until a shriek squeaks from your lips.
“Had to ruin the moment with your nerd knowledge, huh?” Eddie asks with a playful smirk. 
A smug grin lights up your face as you answer him.
“About time you got a taste of your own medicine, Munson.”
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lylian333 · 6 months
Kaiser x reader bully au
This is my first time writing and english is not my first language
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
word count :1036
warning:bullying ,harassing ,maybe suicidal (the reader is gender neutral but will be pregnant in the future of the story)((these were written before I knew his past)
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You hated school...you didn't see any point in it, everyday you dread going to that miserable place with those shallow people.
From monday to friday you had to endure constant mockery from your classmates, you weren't the prettiest...smartest or athletic so you were an easy target for bullies.
Kaiser especially had a fun time picking on you...he knows you are a coward who doesn't fight back.
"Wow Y/N you came to school looking like that? Arent you embarrassed?"
You try to find another way out so that you could go to your class but kaiser grabs your backpack, making the other students laugh.
"Awww did I scare you so much you dropped your book bag on the ground?" He starts to laugh and makes the other students laugh with his ridicule towards you. "Did you know she cries at night...she can't even say one sentence without stuttering."
The students laugh and point at you. Kaiser gives the other kids a high five for making you seem so weak.
You try and reach your books but he holds your bag high above your head, he's tall so it's difficult for you to reach it.
"Let's play a game...you want your books back right?"
The classmates all start to laugh watching you struggle just to get your own stuff back.
Kaiser's facial expression is one of superiority, knowing he is much stronger than you....he could easily keep you here for hours if he so wished.
"Let's see here...why are you so weak?"
The other classmates laugh, he knows the answer...he just wants to hear you say it.
You try to speak up but you end up stuttering
"Oh? I think she's too scared to answer...let's all make her say it!"
The other classmates start to chant.
"Say it Y/N!~"
"Come on Y/N, speak up!~"
They're all waiting and anticipating your answer.
You end up giving him the answer
He finally releases your backpack and looks at you with a sadistic smirk.
"Hm...let's see here...you are weak because....your parents are poor...am I right?"
The classmates laugh, your parents being poor was something people always used to bully you...they knew it was true.
"Yeah, yeah that's it...you're family is poor and you can't afford nice things."
You grab your backpack trying to get away again
But since that he got an answer he doesn't care anymore, he lets go of your backpack but he has one last thing to do before he let's you leave.
"You do know I'm just gonna keep doing this right...you're always going to get bullied as long as you're weak."
He makes a motion of making muscles in his arm in an effort to show his strength.
"Remember what I said...you're weak and poor."
He laughs and turns his back on you leaving you crying, having gotten his kick from bullying you again.
When you finally got back to class, your eyes red from crying and your nose running. You look around the classroom and see the other students whispering amongst themselves laughing while pointing at you, some are shooting you death stares while others are smiling and chuckling mockingly.
The teacher notices you and gestures everyone to quiet down, she looks at you and asks the dreaded question.
Teacher: "Y/N...is everything alright dear? Were those nasty boys bullying you again?"
You hear the other students snickering, they already know the answer to that.
You reply to the teacher by whispering yes
The teacher feels sorry for you but it's obvious she's tired of you getting bullied all the time, she knows the other students get their kicks from it...you're the easy target. You can see the sympathy in her eyes though, she's really trying to help.
Teacher: "What were those boys saying to you this time? Can you tell me?"
"he said that i'm poor and weak..."
The teacher's expression changes to one of anger as she tries her best to stay professional but it's obvious she's upset.
Teacher: "Those horrible brats...they should know saying such things is wrong."
The other students roll their eyes at the teacher, this has happened many times before. The teacher turns to look at you, wanting to know if there was anything else.
The teacher's tone softens as she continues to speak to you.
Teacher: "Don't listen to them dear, don't let what they say get to you...just come to me whenever you need."
She has sympathy for you, she knows you're lonely...bullies target those who appear weak. She sees herself as your guardian. And she truly wants to help. The other students laugh and whisper to eachother making fun of the teacher and her words.
You went back to your seat
The teacher gives you a small smile as she sits back down and the class starts.
When you sit down at your seat, the other students whispering and laughing mockingly at you behind your back. You're sitting silently and waiting for the class to begin. You're trying your best to keep a low profile and get your mind off all the humiliation and bullying.
Your trying to think of something else but it keeps going back to Kaiser's words...you're poor and weak. You try not to let it get to you and keep your mind on the class, hoping it'll distract you from thinking about what happened in the hallway.
*timeskip till the end of the class*
As soon as the bell rings the class ends and everyone rushes to the doors trying to get out fast.
The hallway is filled with the sound of students laughing and talking loudly, their voices echoing off the walls of the school. The students are mostly talking loudly about the newest gossip going around, making fun of random people as usual.
You make your way out of the classroom and to the hallway but you see Kaiser waiting for you...he smiles as he sees you walking through the crowd of students.
He quickly approaches you and pulls you aside into an empty part of the hallway, the other students don't notice as they're too busy making fun of anyone they can think of. The hallway is still full of whispers and laughter even though the bell had already rung.
(also this is like a enemies to lovers but with bully and this story may contain....things)that all from me hope you guys love it
bonus: ai
I apologize if you don't like pink but it is my favorite so deal with it >:)
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charmwasjess · 3 months
Stupid sexy the Acolyte why I am still watching you
Ugh, because it unfortunately rules, that's why. I don't know. On one hand, I still have all of my concerns about the portrayal of the Jedi Order and my absolute exhaustion with the plotline of "oooh, but wHaT iF the Jedi bAd?!" while offhandedly massacring interesting cool Jedi who are voluntarily and honorably living out their convictions as empty plot fodder. I am so tired. But I also keep genuinely finding things to like about the show.
I really like the big chunky boxy lightsaber designs. They remind me of my first car: one of those perfectly square Volvo station wagons. I think the prequel Jedi lightsaber designs tend to be a little industrial/ utilitarian, whereas Dooku's generation (in the few example we have, I'm thinking of his, Sifo-Dyas's, and Jocasta's, because those are the ones I've looked at too many times) can be a little fussy and overdesigned. It's cool to see how generations of Jedi riff on popular designs for their era.
The size makes for a big impact when characters do things such as hold the emitter against the head of another character, or as in last night, bring it up to someone's throat, because damn, that thing is a clunker. It looks so dangerous.
Master Sol. Master Sol. Master Sol. I'm not sure I have ever seen a live action role where the actor has more uniquely and specifically captured what I love about the Jedi in one character.
The scene where he goes down to reset the transmitter and has his little micro-breakdown after the "team is dead" bit. What an powerful moment. The amount of acting he did with absolutely no dialogue, no one else in the scene to bounce off of, just a quiet moment of grief, rage, and loss. I've read both criticism and rebuttals of Jedi acting - oh, they're wooden, no, they're accurately playing a person with a lifetime worth of trained emotional control - and this was such an incredible example of portraying a person with a lifetime of emotional control training realistically experiencing an excruciating, heartbreaking loss. You see him lose control, open himself up to the Force/self soothe, and regain it. All just with a sequence of facial expressions. Honestly, if I get absolutely nothing else out of the show and hate where they go with this, it will have been worth watching for that alone. It's that important to me.
And just - Sol. :') When he gives Not-Osha a big HUG? I'm such a sucker for Jedi onscreen hugs. Man, his inevitable death is gonna blow.
Aww, and speaking of death, confirmation that the Osha and Jecki vibes were really there. Just kill me. And I kind of love how Qimir phrases it, this idea that the Jedi she loves will never love her back the way that she wants them to, but also the twisty subtext there. Maybe this is me giving the show too much credit, but I got a lot of Sith-version of love "to love is to possess a person" vibes in the way he talked about that?
BUt ohhhhh nooooo ewww stupid sexy Qimir trying to s-seduce (?) Osha by being all sexy and funny and likeable and weirdly kind and not like a classic Sith. Pffffh. Yeah, he's going after the other twin now. Completely and totally expected. Oh, good. And now he's taking off his stupid shirt and his beautiful body is there in this dumb stupid scene. He loves to show off his awful muscles and handsome dumb face, as if anybody is interested in that. Presumably his dark side dong is out. Who would care about that? Not me, a scholar.
Whatever, who even cares about this show. CLEARLY I DO NOT
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hongtiddiez · 15 days
4 minutes ep 1 raw reactions
idk if i'm gonna delve too deep into this and do my normal analysis so for now i'll just type up my raw reactions as i'm watching lmao.
the title sequence is fucking stunning, obsessed.
ooh he has a maine coon. rich boy maybe? expensive cat and nice apartment.
i really enjoy that the heartbeat sounds in the elevator scene sound like a heartbeat heard through an ultrasound. very interesting.
but umm. if you're having severe chest pain and trouble breathing please see yourself to the hospital my friend???
oh ok definitely a rich boy, hello fancy car.
the music in this show is fucking gorgeous but like... also why so dramatic
ok so korn: transport -> investments (secret operation??? tf?) and they want great: university -> transport. got it.
ooh 12:39 okay i see you.
ooh 12:43 ok, 4 minutes, i'm listening.
also like why was there a pedestrian in there???
i also hate that great initially ran bc now it's gonna take so much for me to like his char, which i'm sure is the point but still (;′⌒`)
aah. okay. i understand. it seems like she didn't want to do it tho. like yeah maybe suicide but... kinda seemed like suicide under coercion? or some form of intense external pressure.
HE'S SO THIN??? BBY ARE YOU EATING OKAY? i mean good for him if it was healthy and what he wanted tho.
this other doctor is so fucking hot tho who the fuck are you sir god DAMN. jaw for days.
ooh those dark spots on the ultrasound look like internal bleeding.
sexy doctor why shifty eyed??? i have a weird feeling about him. ok his name is tyme. as of rn we do not trust tyme.
more gorgeous music tho.
oh don't twirl your scissors like a douche.
he's got dead eyes and not much for facial expressions, he's freaking me out.
ew you don't even know your patient's name??? I DO NOT LIKE HIM SAM I AM, I DO NOT LIKE TYME EGGS AND HAM.
ok i dont like tyme but i WOULD like to see him and job's character fuck nasty. i am not immune to yaoi propaganda.
GOD BAS IS SO HOT I CAN'T GET OVER IT. I'VE MISSED HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. i love bible a lot but bas is everything to me. i used to reblog the same picture of him everyday. that's my sweet cheese, my good time boy, my rotten soldier.
oh i don't like this set up tho. this feels human trafficky. or like a no way in no way out. mmmm baby what do y smell is it death? OH LMAO IT'S GAMBLING. same thing kinda.
korn seems sensitive to smells, or maybe just smoke. he's just like me fr.
oooh curly hair girl isn't here to gamble, she's here for info of some kind.
the fact that he opens up to his boyfriend and talks about his troubles as much as he reasonably can o(T ▽ To)
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oh my god get OFF HIM there's no way your refractory period is that short.
not a huge fan of how korn came over, dumped his issues, had sex, and left tho. not great.
obsessed with this asymmetrical collar of great's shirt tho.
yeah i do love that no one fucking asks if great is ok, how he's doing, etc. he just went through something horribly traumatic and he could've been hurt, like. yuck. and his mom seems sweet but the fake sweet, like saccharine.
ooh why does his watch say 11:00??? something's gonna happen, huh.
fuck bas has an fantastic ass. i know we saw it but it somehow looks even better in those pants, my god.
ugh i love brothers that can only be (mostly) themselves around each other. i really hope that's the direction this is going. two gorgeous gorgeous men on my screen, just an absolute feast for my eyes.
omg wait. wait. korn doesn't like the smell of cigarettes and he doesn't want great smoking. is there cigarette trauma? or does his dislike of cigarettes come from his concern for his brother's health?
OH facial expressions from tyme!! what a little grandma's boy.
11 am....
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exploring the psychological depths of near-death experiences. the '4-minutes' phenomenon.
INCHRESTING. was manee coerced into suicide by someone trying to obtain a real time test subject for this phenomenon???
ooh he took the stairs today.
4th floor... 1:10 (13:10)... room 4... 1:11 (13:11)... ran into tyme outside room 1... at 1:14 (13:14)...
so in theory is each cardiac event he's suffering technically a near-death moment which is triggering the 4 minutes phenomenon where he has an out of body moment where he can see future events???
oooh he ran into him again. perhaps to show some things are simply inevitable?
damn the end sequence is gorgeous too.
fuck. i might be obsessed. uh oh.
god damn it sammon, you got me again.
wait so back to when it was 7:13pm... 19:13... 9+1=10, 3+1=4 so more 1s and 4s ₍ ˶•̀⤙•˶ ₎ hmmm
idk if i'm cooking or burning the kitchen down but i'm excited to find out
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seeingstarks · 1 year
hips don't lie
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summary : having a huge crush on danny, anna encourages you to act on it. his lil' dance being both a blessing & curse. pairing : daniel garcia x afab!reader (ft. anna jay & chris jericho) cw : cursing, teasing, slight babygirl/daddy dynamic, french/kissing, fondling/touching, begging, cockwarming, lap-sitting, fingering, piv (wrap it b4 you tap it), biting, slight praise/ownership kink, scratching a/n: reblogs are very much appreciated! had this in the drafts for a bit but y'know - got in my head n' all. x) word count : 1,626 words tag list : @harmshake , @adamjf , @josiewrites gif credit : @allelitewrestlings
the moment daniel started doing his little dance you were fucked. being enemies ever since signing with all elite, the two of you were constantly bickering with one another but the moment his hips swayed and hands were up in the air you were at a loss for words. luckily, he never seemed to take notice.
staring up at the monitor, you watched silently as the match went on between chris and daniel. a simple house show as the two men battled in the ring.
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daniel managed to slip out of the codebreaker, he was known for his swift reflexes so it came to no surprise.
telling others you weren't impressed with the outcome, daniel winning via pinfall however your facial expressions gave it all away.
"woah, you actually know how to smile - and for danny of all people?" anna questioned with a nudge to your shoulder.
rolling your eyes over at the georgia native you shrugged off her playful nudge, "no idea what you're on about -"
anna held back a chuckle and shook her head, "uh-huh tell that to the big ol' smile on your face, y/n. maybe i should call danny boy over here or get photo evidence, hm?"
no matter how much you denied, your lips couldn't help but curl upwards at the mere thought of daniel. he may be a real pain in the ass sometimes but you liked him, a lot.
a few moments passed by as the next match went on for the night, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through tumblr not finding anything that caught your eye, choosing to ignore anna for the time being.
"ah, i see. we're playin' the quiet game now? bet you and danny can get on real well together - wonder who would lose first." she teased.
not looking away from your phone as the screen shined bright, "anna, you're the only one i've told about my so-called crush on danny. we wouldn't last one night in the same room together."
"without ripping each other's clothes off?" an all too familiar voice rang in your ears, too distracted by your phone to even hear his footsteps, practically jumping off the crate and hiding into anna's arms.
"shit, do you think he heard everything?" you asked anna in a hushed voice while looking up at her, your grin turning into an embarrassed face as you scrunched up your nose, the same one you used to make seeing his dance.
"well, he certainly did now." anna confirmed as you felt a weight shift on the crate and hot breath near your neck, red death himself.
"so, little ms. y/n has a crush on me? should've known when i caught you staring at my hips that one time and not my face.. all that yelling and i only had to shake my hips a lil', hm?" he asked in a taunting tone.
you didn't even move a muscle to look over at daniel but every single fiber in your being wanted to, cheeks starting to heat up the more you hid your face against anna's shoulder shielding his view.
"y'know - y/n really likes watching scary movies. maybe you two could have a night in together, as friends or something more." anna suggested and flashed an encouraging smile.
the georgia native was always there for your ups and downs, especially those you took interest in. once you revealed your crush on danny you never heard the end of it.
"if he's up for it i'm down." your voice was muffled due to hiding against anna, "what's that, babygirl? couldn't hear you.. gonna need you to speak up - you'll be screaming for the neighbours tonight." he winked.
"i'll uh- leave you two be." anna waved goodbye giving you a soft hug as you turned to face daniel, "i'd love to spend tonight with you but i don't think i can wait that long.
"daniel became speechless as he eyed you up and down taking in every last feature from head to toe, absolutely stunning.
he hummed and carefully wrapped his arms around your hips before leaning in to plant his lips on yours.
returning the kiss you deepened it and he allowed your hands to wander as they danced along his abs, sweat still glistening on them from his previous match. you never wanted to come up for air because kissing him felt like the best thing in a long time.
daniel gnawed at your lower lip before slipping his tongue in your mouth, you doing the same as they moved around in no particular motion, hands reaching for any body part as you and daniel sat backstage on the crates fondling each other like two horny teenagers.
that was until someone walked up to the two of you and did a fake cough, "ahem, not that i mind whatever you two have going on but let it happen somewhere else." chris chuckled and threw a locker room key between you both, silently thanking the man as you stood up from the crates and stretched a bit.
"looks like your little friend came out to play-" you giggled.
"trust me, y/n. there is nothing little about chris." daniel added.
"oh- okay. i meant that little friend," you point to his growing buldge moving closer to him trying to hide from the view of others but he thrusted his hips up against you. "but i could say the same thing. making me so needy, danny. let's go, please?"
"don't have to ask me twice, beautiful."
you two swiftly made it to the locker room of which formerly belonged to j.a.s. but would now be used for other purposes. daniel shut the door behind you and took a seat on the sofa, patting his thigh.
"sooo... anna told me a few things you like. wanna come here and warm daddy up?" he asked in a low tone.
your jaw practically fell to the floor hearing those words come out of daniel's mouth. never thinking the day would happen. you nodded your head but instead of walking, crawled over to daniel seductively.
once making your way over to the sofa he pulled his ring gear down and sat you on his lap, "such a good girl, already listenin' so well for daddy danny." he praised.
"mhm.. you're so big. already wet just thinking about it."
"is that so? lemme' see-" you wrapped an arm around daniel and ran your hand along his abs, caressing them as a moan escaped your lips the moment his fingers met with your wet lower lips.
"fuck, you truly are soaked babygirl.. look at you almost making a mess on my thigh. let's get you taken care of, shall we?" he asked.
"yes please, danny. so needy all for you. 'wanna warm your cock up."
not a single word more and he was tearing your shorts and underwear to threads, starting with the tip as he lifted you up and your mouth made an "o" shape daniel wasted no time inserting the entirety of his length inside you.
you squirmed and bucked your hips against his lap, him taking hold of them as you adjusted to his size while small moans of pleasure escaped your mouth, being full of someone never felt so good.
"d-danny.. o-oh my." you nearly moaned his name and he was completely still, you squirming slightly as his warmth consumed you.
"you're so tight, baby. fuck.." daniel bit his lower lip and groaned, "moaning for me and we barely even started, tonight's gonna be fun." he smirked.
daniel began with placing love bites along your neck, starting soft and building up to where they would definitely leave a mark.
"mm, you're all mine now, isn't that right?"
you simply nodded but guessed daniel didn't find that satisfactory enough because he bit harder on your neck and thrusted into you deeply, "d-danny!" you yelled out in pleasure.
"yes, daddy. i'm all yours. every last inch of me." you cooed.
"i could never get tired of this or you, y/n. seeing you sitting on my cock like the good girl you are.. can't help but moaning my name when i," daniel stopped talking briefly and thrusted up into you, feeling hot breath against your neck, "do this.. the noises you make are music to my ears. no matter if we're fucking or going on cute dates together i want it all with you." he confessed his feelings to you, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
the kiss lasted until either one of you had to come up for air, moaning in between it as you felt his cock twitch inside you, "that's all i ever wanted to hear, danny. you and your silly dance make my heart beat twice."
he smiled against your neck before teasing with a few slow and taunting thrusts then doing deep ones which felt like he was up in your stomach, "daniel, motherfuckin' garcia!!!" you scratched along his abs marking him up as he glanced up at you enamoured by the way your breasts bounced when he thrusted into you and how much tighter you squeezed when he went deeper.
sweat beaded on both of your foreheads, feeling a release near however a knock could be heard on the door and it didn't halt daniel's actions.
"be quiet for me, babygirl? wouldn't 'wanna ruin all this fun now would we?"
you shook your head and bit down on your lip, "d-daddy.. feels so good!" you cried out hardly even trying to keep quiet as you came on his cock feeling him burst with one last thrust as you panted.
"good thing i remembered to lock the door." daniel laughed and you playfully punched him.
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iwriteloveletters · 10 months
Bring Me to Life (Yan!Eren Yeager x Reader)
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Hello it's Cherub! It took me a bit to write this chapter but thats bc I am lazy but i am soooo hoping I can write more frequently. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this if this fic happened to be your cup of tea, sorry if things are moving slow but i pinky promise its gonna pick up!
Warnings - Death being briefly mentioned
Description - Eren finally realizes he's reliving the exact day he loses everything and develops the desire to wipe out all of the titans, but what happens when his focus shifts to you? You now become his purpose and reason to fight.
Tag(s)- @dreamsarenicer
Words - 5K
“Can you see the future?” He asked, tilting his head to the side in hopes it would make him look like he was asking an innocent and silly little question all kids must ask at some point. 
It wasn’t. To Grisha, it felt like Eren knew something he didn’t and wanted to torment him even further than he has already, this was another stab in the heart from his future self.
All the man could do was force a chuckle followed up with “why do you ask such a silly question?” He was beyond nervous, while no one would believe Eren, it was terrifying enough that he knew something, even if it was the tiniest detail. It was more than enough for Grisha. His young son was practically tormenting him with such a question. 
Eren looks up at him with empty green eyes, thinking of how he’s going to word this next. He knows what his father is seeing, he was there while it happened the first time. 
“I know,” Eren started off, “I know what I am doing, I know what I’ve done.” His words were no longer spoken like a little boy’s, neither a man's, but someone who has guilt transcending lifetimes hovering over him at all times, worrying Grisha even more. What has he done? 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You do, and I need to tell someone about this otherwise I won’t know how to go on. Again.” 
Eren nods slowly, placing his hand out. 
“You’re going to go on your trip and you’re going to give me the key.”
Grisha’s eyes widened, the Eren he spoke with was an Eren that knew a lot more than he anticipated. He was practically being commanded by his own son. 
Eren still kept those empty green eyes locked on Grisha’s own eyes, reading him as best as he could. He may not have been intelligent compared to Armin or naturally strong like Mikasa, but he was able to read facial expressions, he was observant.
“Why? Why do you need the key and what are you trying to tell me.” Grisha hesitated, he knew what Eren was capable of even at this age, he didn’t want to question him of all people. But he needed to know, what was it he needed?
“I need everything to happen the way it’s supposed to. I need the future I was a part of to happen again, you’re unable to understand that because you grew comfortable too fast. Did you really think your past wouldn’t catch up to you?” His pupils began to dilate, memories of Carla’s death alongside yours flooded his brain, causing adrenaline to flow through him. He felt it all happen again. He didn’t want to keep answering Grisha’s pointless questions, he wanted the key, he needed him to leave, and he needed someone to know that he was here. 
Grisha was truly haunted in this moment, not by his past but by his son – or the ghost of him that is. Was this him failing as a father at this moment? 
His hands shook as he reached for his own throat, grabbing the wire that wrapped around it. After a second of hesitating and overthinking what he was doing he finally did it. He gave up his basement key and gave it to his son. 
“Now go.” He commanded, “go do what you have to do.” 
This was someone who truly knew what Grisha’s final purpose was. And that was to carry out Eren’s goal, always as planned.
Eren laid his head to rest, hearing the muffled voices of his mother and father, he thought of how much he was gonna miss them and the quiet moments like these. He truly didn’t want to see them goal but he’s so certain that his end goal is to save you, and he was more than happy to put you above himself. 
He heard the door close and now everything has been set into motion. All he had to do was be patient. This made him feel a sense of dread, eventually his life will end abruptly and another will begin. His poor, poor mother. He actually felt sick to his stomach now, but he didn’t want to see his mother for comfort. He didn’t want to get too attached to her; there was no way in Hell he’d be able to save her. Things happen for a reason, him coming back a second time for example.
 He was there for a reason, but not to save her. 
He decided to shut his eyes so tomorrow can come faster, then he’d get to see you again. This makes it all worthwhile, seeing your genuine smile and ignorance of how cruel the world truly was worth it for him. 
Then as he was dozing off into a deep sleep after an exhausting life he heard the door open, they were quiet footsteps but not light enough for him not to hear, it was his mothers. 
“I know you’re asleep but I love you.” She whispered, “and tomorrow I’ll make you a wonderful breakfast since you didn’t eat dinner.” She placed a small kiss on his forehead. 
His heart dropped, his skin felt cold, the feelings from earlier were returning but he tried so hard to keep still. Enough for him to not catch her attention. 
He waited till she left the room before he bursted out into sobs, he didn’t want to do this but it was the only way. He had no choice, was there any choice? Of course he was a normal child and not a titan shifter so he couldn’t really weigh out his choices. 
“Mom… I’m so sorry mom…” He whispered to himself between sobs. He was horrible for these actions. 
But you were an end goal he was going to achieve. It had to have been done. 
He truly felt like he was the Devil, turning his own mother into a martyr? What an awful action. 
But after years of little to no sleep in uncomfortable places he finally slept, with tears still coming out of his eyes and his breath shakier than normal. He slept comfortably. 
Everything felt warm like he was supposed to be there and when he opened up his eyes, he wasn’t in his bed. He was somewhere completely different, he was in a forest, with his back against a gigantic tree, everything felt confusing. The sunlight was shining above him and there he saw you standing in the middle of a field of your favorite flowers. This was a dream of course but it felt too much to be a dream. 
He got up and practically ran towards you, you were older. This is how you looked when you died, this was the last version of you he saw. You were in your black uniform, you looked at peace, simply staring at the sky. Eren aged as well, he was also the last version of himself. 
You turned to him, “Eren…” you sighed and gave him such a warm smile.
“(Y/N)...” was all Eren said in return, he’s always happy to see you again.
“You have to let me die, Eren.” 
He felt disgusted with your choice of words, how could you say that? How could he think of you saying these things? 
“You can’t keep clinging on like this, this will only make you worse.” 
Before he could fight against you and your sickening words, he woke up. He was shaking and sweating, how dare you say that? 
He had to find you and make sure you were okay. He will never ever let you go again,
He rushed out of the bed and quickly his own house, only shouting goodbyes to his mother while she got the table ready for the day. He will simply eat whatever is at your house or he will have lunch. Breakfast wasn’t on his mind right now, you you you you only you. That was all that was going through his head. 
He needed to find you again, he was desperate. Due to it being early you were at home, finding you was the easiest thing he could ever do. You didn’t live too far from his house, four or five houses down and there yours stood. 
He frantically knocked on your door till someone answered, it was your mother. 
“Yes?” She looked down at him, confused as to why one of your friends was looking for you so early in the day. The sun was only out for about three or four hours now, she felt like he didn’t need to be so frantic over you at this hour and the simple fact that he sees you at every given moment. It was like Eren never knew what space was, a very obvious crush on his end but she never pushed you for any details about it. You were both young anyway.
“Is (Y/N) awake Mrs. (L/N)?” He asked, practically shouting it. 
She flinched at his volume, “No need to be so loud kid… Yes (Y/N) is up.” Your mom was a lot more different than his. She was a lot more casual with strangers compared to his mom who was more polite and soft spoken. 
“Can (Y/N) come down to play with me?” He tried his best to force a smile despite all the stress he’s been under since yesterday. 
“Sure,” She said as she turned around, “(Y/N)! Your friend is here to see you!” She screamed into her quiet home. 
Footsteps began to boom down the hall, there you were excited to see him. Maybe you had a crush on him too. Again not her business and she didn’t care for the most part. 
“Eren!” You ran to him, “what brought you here so early?!” Your smile meant everything to him. How he wanted to keep you smiling like this for the rest of his days, he would devote himself to keeping you happy like this. 
“Just wanted to see you, that's all!” He cheered, “c’mon let’s go I don’t wanna waste time.” He added, he truly didn’t know how much time you two had left. Anything was possible in this timeline, and he didn’t appreciate that. 
He gestured to you to follow him and you did just that. You followed him to his favorite tree so you two can sit and enjoy the early morning sun. He wishes you could follow him everywhere, he’d take you all over the world if it meant you’d follow him.
“You seem to be doing better than yesterday.” You congratulated him, you were worried and even a bit scared by his behavior yesterday. That was unlike him and you thought maybe he had a secret second personality or had hit his head and got a concussion, but he appeared to be in better shape thankfully. 
“Yeah, I always have been, you know?” He said.
You chuckled at his response, “absolutely not, you were going crazy yesterday! No one had seen you like that.”
Well yeah, he did die, watch you die, watch almost everyone in his life die, just for him to come back into a world where none of that happened. It was strange, scary, and stressful all at once. He would think to himself. He was definitely going crazy. 
“Was not.” He grumbled, still trying to convince himself and everyone else that he was fine. He wanted to be his old self more than anything. He was so angry and so ignorant, now he’s simply angry. 
“You were definitely crazy, haha.” You reminded him once again. 
Eren chooses not to respond and only watches you play with the grass below you, you twist it into little knots and throw it back on the ground. 
More silence passes and Eren still watches you, you’re so focused with your own thoughts and your grass. But you know, you know he’s watching you. It makes you truly wonder what had happened to him. One day he’s loud and almost annoying in an endearing way; now he’s silent and only watches the world around him. You can tell there’s something wrong but he won’t say anything. 
“I have to tell you something.” He finally speaks. 
You were dying for this moment. 
“Yeah, what do you wanna tell me?” You begin to nervously play with the grass, maybe you can finally find out what it is that’s been bothering him for the past day. 
Eren sighs, preparing to break horrible news to you. Hoping you’d believe him.
“The world is going to go to shit soon and I really want you to be prepared.” He said. He didn’t mean being prepared by having food and water but being prepared emotionally. You were about to lose everything you knew. 
You burst out laughing nervously, “what?! What are you talking about?!” You yell, he’s starting to worry you even more now. Your friend of a year or so suddenly acts strange on a random day and proceeds to tell you things are going to end soon. You were scared and wanted to believe he was wrong. 
“It’s not funny!” He screamed, “I’m trying to prepare you and you’re not listening!” Moments such as these were the only times you saw the Eren you always saw and not the one who has just been watching the world carefully as if something was going to happen at any given moment. You didn’t enjoy the sudden change in him, but you were willing to accept it. 
“You need to relax.” You inhale after laughing so hard, you simpy didn’t know how to react and you felt a bit guilty for laughing at something he seemed to believe so hard in. 
“No, I can't relax, (Y/N).” He grumbled, he was unhappy with your reaction but he knows that you won’t understand it well nor understand him. 
“Yes you can, let’s just go find the others and maybe not talk about the world ending, we’ve been at peace for hundreds of years, we’re fine. You’re fine.”
He wishes you were right. He wanted to be fine more than anything, he wished for safety and comfort, he wished he could just have a normal life with you. The one he promised the both of you all those years ago. 
“No, you have to listen to me. Everything is gonna take a turn for the worse. You NEED to listen to me.” 
“Eren, you’re scaring me.” You said as you were getting up. 
He wanted to pull you back to the ground so much, but he didn’t. He didn’t get up to follow you, he didn’t want to scare you even more. He just wishes you’d listen to his warnings. 
As you were walking away you slightly resembled the version of you he saw in his dream, just younger of course. Would ten year old you wish to die as well? Would you ask him personally to let you die? The further you walked away the more dread he felt, as though you were going to die right this second.
All these possibilities and none of it made him feel better. 
He finally gets up to chase after you, “Wait!” 
You turn around, preparing yourself to hear more insanity. 
“Just… Just stay safe. Be careful.” He huffed, trying to catch his breath. 
“Okay, I’ll be safe, Eren. I suggest you do too, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt, trust me, I’m more worried than anything.” 
You walked away from him finally, you felt guilty for not hearing him out but why would you? You didn’t want to think about losing your family as well as the only world you knew, especially not to titans or a plague. Whatever the cause of the world ending was, it was something you didn’t want to hear about or prepare for. All you can do is hope he gets the help he needs currently, something is clearly eating him up. 
There was, but you didn’t know that yet. Eren didn’t want you to know that either. At this point you would be better off not knowing and simply finding out for yourself, not to prove that he was right but because he wanted you to experience it first hand again. He wanted you to see how cruel and unjust the world was to people like you. All at the expense you lose your whole world of course, but everyone lost something close to them that day right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have been as passionate as you once were. 
These things happen for a reason, he thought to himself. 
He wanted you to be the same (Y/N) he watched grow into a marvelous person, the one he fell in love with at sixteen. There were some things he wasn’t going to interfere with, the loss of your family and his own mother was one of these things. He simply wanted you to survive, and he will interfere with your life because he knows it's what’s good for you.
He was willing to throw down whoever to achieve his goals, he has and will do it again. Even earlier in his life. He truly believes you’d appreciate all the work he’s going to put into keeping you on this Earth. Even if his subconscious is telling you otherwise. 
After some thinking about how he was going to do this in the next upcoming years he decided to walk home, he was starving. He hasn’t eaten good food in a long long time. While the food was poor quality given the living situation for everyone in Shiganshina, it was a home cooked meal made by his mother and he loved it. He will surely savor these last few moments with his mother. 
In a matter of time he made it home, seeing smoke rise from the home's chimney. She either was still preparing breakfast or just finished making it. He’s certain there’s still some of what she made for breakfast ready for him. 
He opened the door to Carla and Mikasa sitting at the table, it was oatmeal with bread on the side; it must have been bought the night before or Carla wanted to get rid of it before it molded and became a waste of money. 
“Where have you been?!” She scolded him before he could even greet her, “all because it’s just me at home doesn’t mean you can just leave like that. Anything could have happened to you.” 
“I went to see (Y/N)...” He pouted, he hopes that he believes her. He had no reason to lie, but he knows sometimes people may think the worst of things when they’re worried. 
She glares at him, as much as she didn’t like being mad at her one and only son, him being hard headed and insisting he does his own thing without consulting her didn’t help her one bit. She wasn’t furious with him but she wanted him to know that he couldn't do whatever he wanted. That's how you raise terrible people after all, if you don’t show them that they had to abide by basic rules they could become terrible people. Her son wasn’t meant to be a terrible man. 
“You cannot run out of the house without telling me at least, you’re only a boy. Anything could happen to you.” She sighed while placing a hand on his head. She truly can’t stay mad at her boy. 
“Even if it’s to see (Y/N)?” He asked. 
“Yes, even to see (Y/N). You have to ask next time. Besides, what made you wanna leave so urgently?” 
“Had a nightmare that something happened to them.” He frowned, seeing you at nineteen years old asking you to be left as dead was a tragedy and he had to make sure that you were okay, that’s how he saw it at least.
“What was the dream about?” Mikasa asked from the table, still enjoying her oatmeal. 
“They died.” Another thing that wasn’t far from the truth.
“Oh.” Her jaw slightly dropped, she didn’t ask for any details beyond that. Death was a sensitive topic for her and wouldn’t want to think about a close friend of hers dying. She can’t handle another loss. 
“Yeah, anyways is there any breakfast left for me?” Eren said, it was a perfect chance to change the subject. He walked into the kitchen which was also the dining room. 
“Yes of course, and you have to apologize to me Eren. I don’t want you scaring me like that ever again.”
“I’m sorry.” He looked at his mothers soft expression, she truly was worried about her baby. He looked down afterwards because the tears were threatening to spill out again.
 No matter how much he pissed her off she wore that soft expression amazingly. She was truly a gentle woman, loud but gentle. He will make sure to appreciate this face more than he did last time. He will never allow himself to forget it.
She walked over to him and gave him a hug, “but you’re not getting off that easily, you’ll be doing garden work today while me and Mikasa read for a few hours, we found a book we thought we’d enjoy together.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “what?!” He truly thought his reasoning was kind and noble enough to escape any form of punishment. That soft face tricked him once again like it used to. 
“Oh it won’t be so bad, now eat up so you don’t pass out, your father is in another district currently so we have no way to reach a reliable doctor if that does happen.”
“Yes mom…” He grumbled. 
One thing he didn’t miss was his mothers scolding and punishments. He hated the consequences of his actions, a lot like all children his age. 
As he stepped outside he enjoyed the silence one last time, this would probably be one of the last days of his life where he will find peace. It felt bitter, it felt angry, he wanted to rip the flowers out of his mothers beloved garden and scream! He was almost ashamed of himself, but he had to keep moving forward. He had to for you. No amount of shame or sorrow he felt for anything he’s done will stop him from preventing your death. 
He sat in the grass, he had some time to kill before he had to go to work, he wanted to enjoy this. He wanted to breathe in the fresh air, the air smelled like pollen. It was summer. He was as free as possible in those moments. If he had to die again he could only wish he could come back to this day for the rest of eternity. Maybe next time instead of crying like a crazy person he would try to hold your hand instead. 
He looked up at the sky and something didn’t feel right, all the birds were headed in the same direction, but everyone knows that birds don’t do that till the end of fall. 
“Shit. Was today really the day? It can’t be.” He began to tremble, maybe it was a storm on the way but he knew the truth. 
He heard a loud boom. Stones were raining from the sky, today was the day. The start of it all. 
“No no no no.” He ran back into his house, Carla and Mikasa were frozen in their tracks. They heard it too, everyone heard it. 
“We have to go!” Eren grabbed Mikasa.
“Eren what is going on?” Carla screamed to him, they could barely hear each other over the screams and crashed outside. 
Eren wrapped the scarf around Mikasa’s neck and grabbed her hand, he can’t do this. He didn’t want to do this. 
“Titans are breaching the walls mom.”
He pulled Mikasa, he just wanted to get the hard part over with. He needed her to die, it was the only way. 
“We all have to get out of here.” He said as he opened the door. 
One titan, two titans, then three, they’re starting to grow in numbers. He needed to escape as fast as possible.
“Where are we gonna go?” Mikasa said while following Eren outside. 
Carla was falling behind, her legs were going weak from fear. It wasn’t flight or fight at this point, her body just wanted to give up and die. 
“Mom, you have to hurry!” Eren shouted, even though she had to die he still wanted to do everything in his power to fight for her. A part of him wanted Carla to live, would his plan work out? Would he still join the Survey Corps? He didn’t wanna stray away from saving your life so he will have to sacrifice others life to achieve it. 
“I’m trying to catch up, just keep running.” 
Was this simply fate forcing her to die? Was she never gonna make it no matter the universe? Though Eren needed her to die here, he still wishes that she lives in every other universe, she has to! 
More debris came falling from the sky, a stone falling on top of the house he grew up in. Carla was barely getting out the door. Eren and Mikasa are only a couple feet ahead of her, the distance made such a drastic difference, that could have been them and Eren’s attempt at a second life would have all been for nothing. He never considered how close he was to dying besides that one time where he was swallowed whole by a titan. 
“Mom!” He screamed. He truly was reliving the same sense of horror and grief the way he originally did in his first life.  It felt terrible, it felt ugly, he felt ugly. He was the monster who somehow caused this to happen yet he was so unaware before. Was he innocent then or does that make him as evil as it did now? 
“Eren! Mikasa! Get out of here!” She screamed, the pain she was feeling was unimaginable. Luckily due to the rush of adrenaline she didn’t feel as much as she should be feeling. That gave Eren peace of mind. 
He even had a rush himself, but it was too much for his body; it caused him to freeze in place. He wanted to fight for her more than anything, but he had to weigh his chances for once. This was a fight he could not win, a fight he was never destined to win because a version of him was pulling down that scale to the depths of Hell. 
“We can’t leave your mother.” Mikasa said, rushing over to whatever was left of his childhood home. The only home he’d ever known. 
“Wait!” Eren chased after her. 
They began to attempt to remove the rubble off of her body but with the roof weighing her down it was near impossible to get her out. 
Hannes ran up behind them, “what the hell are you two doing?!” He said as he quickly realizes their attempts are not being wasted on a dead woman but rather one that was alive. He was heartbroken to see it was Carla who got caught in the midst of this. 
“You have to take them Hannes, please!” Carla shouted. 
“No. You’re not taking us!” Eren said, he wasn’t going to give up. It’d eat him alive otherwise
The smiling titan nears his home, Hannes try to step up to it and fails, deciding to snatch up Eren and Mikasa and run away. 
He could bite, kick, and scream all he wanted but deep inside he already knew. But this only fueled his urge to have a grief fueled tantrum even more. Knowing but feeling like a powerless pig at the slaughterhouse angered him more than anything. Regardless of all of this, this only made him certain that his destiny now was to protect you. 
He saw the way that titan carelessly ate his mother and imagined the way she hurt in her final moments. 
It made him wonder, were you scared moments before your face was blown into pieces? What did you think of? Did you think of him? Most importantly, were you in any pain? 
He eventually made it to the last escape boat and caught sight of you and Armin, you look so scared. This invoked an emotion he’s never felt before in either lifetime. 
“Y/N!” He screamed and frantically waved his hands, you looked up at him like he was your savior. You actually felt happy to see Eren despite how weird he’s been acting these past few days. 
“Eren!” You shouted in return. 
He finally dashed up to where you and Armin were, it seemed that the only remaining adult in any of the children's lives was Armin's grandfather. You lost everyone you knew, you felt so alone in the world but seeing your friends; you felt somewhat safe despite the bloodshed you witnessed. 
“How are you feeling?” Eren pulled you to the side, where the others couldn’t hear you. 
“Scared and sick.” Was all that could leave your mouth, you didn’t know what else there was to say, your family got trampled by titans and you were the only survivor of your family. You had no clue how to go on in life, especially this young and helpless. 
Eren was determined to be your savior however, he wanted to save you from this dark place. He was gonna make sure you were never gonna be afraid of the world ever again.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna kill them all.” He hugged you, you surely needed one. After all, now all you had was Eren right? 
As long as you had him you would never be put in harm's way ever again, this was the promise he will carry out for you. Even if it meant putting the entire world down once again. 
He knew what he was going to do from here on out. He was going to wipe out all the titans and humanity. Because he knew who truly killed your family and everyone else's.
He was going to be your hero.
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towriteloveontheirarms · 11 months
Easy smiles and loud laughter (Osferth x reader)
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synopsis: 5 times Osferth made you laugh and 1 time he made you cry
warnings: fluff, pregnancy, angst, character death, afab reader
word count: 1.6k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged in the `kissing booth AU´, for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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The first time Osferth made you laugh, you didn´t even know his name yet. You were working your shift at the ale house serving food and drink to the patrons, when suddenly the door swung open. The cold fall wind sweeps through the establishment, prompting you to whip your head around towards it right as you set down a pint in front of one of your regulars. He stumbles in a few steps behind the rest of his friends. While they are laughing boisterously, joking and pushing each other around as they do, he is a lot more quiet. A shy blush on his otherwise sickly face. You can tell this has not been their first stop in search of something to drink. Nonetheless you serve them whatever they order and when night falls you are not surprised when they ask for free rooms they could stay in for the night.
“How many rooms will that be?” You ask with a tired but friendly smile in place on your lips.
“Well, that depends, you see.” The man with short dark hair and a beard says with a mischievous grin.
“Depends on what?” You ask curiously.
“Depends if the baby monk is gonna grow a pair and talk to the pretty serving girl he fancies or not…” He and the other men laugh, though not in mean spirit. Your facial expression remains unchanged until you see the monk, the Irishman alluded to. His face is as red as a tomato and his eyes are glued to the floorboards as if there is nothing more interesting in the world.
“Finan…” He whispers sharply to his friend, making you break out into a chuckle anymore. He was just too adorable.
“Well? What´s the baby monks name?” You turn to fully face him as you ask.
“I am called Osferth.” His voice is quiet, but at least he looks up at you through his lashes.
“Well, it is nice meeting you, Osferth.” You chirp and wink at him, before turning back to the other men, who very badly try to conceal their laughter. “You are in luck. We have just enough rooms left for you.”
The second time he makes you laugh, you had just joined the group around Uthred a short time ago.  Still new to the life and the people, but you had made quick friends with Finan. The Irishman had a loyal and funny side that you could only appreciate. Even more so when watching him and Osferth spar. You weren´t much of a fighter yourself, so you had dedicated yourself to learn how to heal, to at least be of some use. So, while you watched the two men train, you studied any relevant book you could get your hands on. It is during one of those instances, that you get interrupted. Finan had just `defeated´ Osferth once more when he turns to an approaching figure in the distance. A smile spreads on his lips.
“Go, fetch Lord Uthred. Tell him we have a visitor. And tell him it is a woman.” He says to the blond man beside him.
“How can you tell it is a woman?” Osferth asks. Earning a raised eyebrow from Finan and an amused headshake from you.
“You have to ask?” The look Osferth gives the Irishman is what beckons a laugh from you as you stand up from the fur that you had laid out underneath you.
“I will go and get Uthred. You two stay here and greet our guest.” You say as you make your way inside.
The third time he makes you laugh, your little group sits around a campfire. It has gotten cold fast and the lot of you are freezing even through the furs over your shoulders. The mood between the five of you had dropped just like the temperatures. Icy silence hanging in the air, the only sounds around are the chattering of your teeth, the crackling of the fire and the bubbling of the stew that was cooking above it.  Then into the silence sounds Osferth´s voice.
“It is so god damn cold I cannot even tell the stones in my shoes from my toes.”
It is a stupid joke, really. And neither of you feel like laughing. Yet, unlike your companions who scoff at his words, a laugh leaves your lungs. The sound light, almost bell-like and bringing an unknown warmth to his insides. Meanwhile, you can´t stop laughing. Even under the looks of Finan, Sithric and Uthred, who all silently question your sanity at the moment.
The fourth time he makes you laugh, you are sure is the moment you really start living. He pulls you aside during the day. A serious expression firm in place on his face, that is rarely seen anymore in quiet times like these.
“Is everything alright, Osferth? What is it you so urgently wished to speak about?” You ask quite worried by his behavior.
His eyes are trained to the ground, like the first time you had met. Avoiding yours at any cost, as a blush dusts over his cheeks.
“I um… I needed to… To talk to you about…” He starts to play with his fingers from nervosity.
You step closer to him and lay a gentle hand on his cheek, making him look at you, which has him in even more of a nervous mess than before.
“It is fine to take your time. Just take a deep breath for me and then try again.” You take a deep breath for him to mimic, which he does. Finally calmed down a bit he even is capable of looking you into the eyes.
“In the months since you have joined us, I have caught myself falling for you. Deeply. And though I am aware that you do not feel the same, I still needed to tell you.” You want to hold in your laughter as to not possibly hurt him more, but when Osferth looks at you with what can only be described as puppy eyes, you can´t hold it in anymore.
“I love you too, Osferth.” You kiss his warm cheek, which instantly becomes a deeper shade of red and watch a small, happy smile break out on his face to replace the serious look from before.
The fifth time Osferth makes you laugh, the two of you had just found out that you were with child and couldn´t be happier. In those days a smile seemed to be plastered on your faces constantly. To Uthred´s and Finan´s amusement. Sithric seemed to be the only one with a little understanding, congratulating the two of you and then backing off. You still traveled a lot, but you had built yourself a nice life in Rumcofa. One night you lie in bed, cuddled close under the furs, one of his hands resting on your belly that would soon swell.
Laying one ridiculous name on you after the other until you feel like you can´t breath anymore from how hard you are laughing.
“What do you think about Uthred or Finan if it is a boy?” You suggest while catching your breath, though it is clear that it is meant with all the sarcasm in the world.
“I think they would never speak to us again if we would choose either of those names.” He chuckles along with you. And as he still speaks you get the perfect idea.
“Alright. Enough with the jests… I am thinking Leofric if it is a boy and Mildred if it is a girl.” You whisper, laying a gentle hand atop his. Turning your head you see his eyes shimmering with tears. “I am taking we have found ourselves some baby names?”
“Yes.” He says, clearing his throat, “Yes, we have.”
In that moment everything feels more real than ever. The love you share, the pregnancy, the life you have lived so far and the life you would soon live.
The one time Osferth makes you cry, is the day you are sure you will never feel alright again. The attack on Rumcofa came seemingly out of nowhere and without any real fighting skills you were of no great use. Running around to heal people left and right to the best of your ability, though you are aware that it isn´t enough. The attackers are too strong and too fast.
When you hear a scream by the docks you quickly run towards it. Not quick enough as it seems. With cold horror you have to watch as Ingrith is being thrown off her horse and Finan leave Osferth to help her. With shock freezing you in place you have to watch as your love gets stabbed by one of Aethelhelms men. Your mouth opens, though you don´t hear the scream that comes out of your lungs. Finan is by Osferth´s side before you are. Holding him in his arms as blood flows heavily from his side and the corners of his mouth.
“No! No, no, no, no… My love, look at me. Please look at me.” You ramble desperate to stop the bleeding from the wound on his side.
“I don´t want to die…” His cries become quieter and more strained as the seconds pass.
“Shhh, save your strength. You will not die today. I will not let you.” You sniffle, not even sure if you can believe yourself as you wipe away the tears that cloud your vision. Returning to your efforts to stop his bleeding you don´t see his eyes become more dull, until all the life has drained from them. The already shallow breath ebbing in his chest and his head falling to the side. You refuse to admit his loss at first, but when there is no lying about it anymore and your lips graze his forehead one last time, you let your tears run free. That day you are certain a part of your soul dies with him.
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prawndip · 2 years
Familiar Gifts
CHARACTERS: Kaeya, Kaveh x gn!reader
TAGS: secret admirer, pining, friends to lovers (kinda sorta?), reader is a bartender (kaeya), slight 3.4 spoilers (kaveh)
SYNOPSIS: although their secret admirer is just that, a secret, they can’t help but find familiarity in the gifts they’ve received.
WORD COUNT: 2 028 in total, 1 014 on average
NOTES: spedran kaveh's when his drip marketing dropped after I sat on this for way too long (blows up schoolwork with my mind). was gonna do more characters then was like I wanna post this BEFORE the end of feburary yknow? this is not that good I humbly apologize in advance.
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kaeya enters his office at the knights of favonius headquarters to find a box of cookies on his desk. they're freshly baked, he figures, judging by the delicious smell that has filled his office. the box is decorated in a way that makes him think he has a secret admirer on his hands. hm, he thinks, now this is a first. most people who profess their love just do it to his face.
he seems to be unable to get any work done that day when all he can think about is how delicious those cookies smell, and he can't help but take one out to eat while looking at the paperwork in front of him.
so he figures he should ask jean, who would most certainly be aware of who enters and exits the headquarters. however he was met with the most peculiar answer! jean, who shakes her head and sputters out that she heard someone enter and exit, but wasn't sure who, nor did she bother to check when she was drowning in paperwork of her own. kaeya wonders when he should tell her she's a bad liar when it counts. for the time being, he believes her.
the next day, he finds freshly baked bread. on the third, he finds a pie. and both times, master jean claims to have not seen anyone. now he thinks he's starting to find a familiar pattern. the baked goods were warm, sweet in his mouth. the taste reminded him of someone he knows.
when he goes to the tavern later that night, he's delighted to find that you, his best friend, is working behind the counter tonight. you, who is capable of mixing his drink just how he wanted it, with absolute perfection. as a frequesnt customer, the two of you have become quite good friends. today he decides to have something different as he stews over his latest admirer from the shadows.
"Say, why don't you make me a... fruity cocktail tonight? Extra sugar, please." Kaeya leans his elbows against the countertop, sliding over the mora needed to pay for the drink. He absolutely adores the way you give him a strange look at his request.
"Huh? what happened to your Death After Noon?" despite your confusion, you start making him the drink regardless, before letting out a mock gasp. "Don't tell me... You're brooding over something that's been on your mind all day, and now you've come to me to tell me all about it?"
Busted. Kaeya always ordered a fruity cocktail as a secret code for I've been thinking about this thing all day. Can you help me? Of course, you were more than happy to help him out. He was your friend!
"So, how can I help you out?"
That's how Kaeya started explaining to you the mysterious guest who visits the Knights of Favonius Headquarters as you finish prepping his drink. He tells you how someone has been dropping off gifts in his office. He watches your facial expression very carefully as he talks, the way you make his drink with a forced concentration. When you slide the drink over to him, you do so without making eye contact. When you go take someone else's order in the middle of his tangent, Kaeya notes the way your eyes linger on his figure for just a moment too long before fully averting your attention. Even then, he notices the way your eyes occasionally flicker back to him as you make the other man's drink.
When you return, you realize Kaeya never stopped looking at you. "Um.. You're staring. Is everything okay?"
"It's nothing. It's just..." You're just so beautiful, Kaeya thinks to himself, but the words dies on his tongue. "Nevermind. Besides, Master Jean is such a horrible liar when it counts, so I'm sure she knows exactly who's been sending gifts into my office..."
He takes a sip of your drink as he continues to talk. It's sweet, warm, just like a certain someone he knew. If he didn't have his answer about how the two of you felt right there and then right there and then, then he might as well as retire from being the Calvary Captain.
"Say, why don't you help me confront Master Jean tomorrow morning? With enough pressure, I'm sure we can get her to spill the beans." he suggests, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, and you agree to at least come along.
Though you never get the chance to confront Jean about something you were telling her about, because the following morning, you find a box at your doorstep. Elegantly wrapped, you open it to find a bottle of wine and a note.
Looks like Lisa convinced Master Jean to take a day off, so there's no need to go bother her about any secret admirers, not when mine was the one serving me a drink last night. Say, why don't we get dinner together? It'll be my treat after all the effort you went to get such wonderful gifts for me. I didn't realize you were so good at baking.
We can even call it a first date! Isn't that right, secret admirer?
~ Kaeya
Your heart races as you read the letter, hastily bringing the box inside before preparing the gift you were going to bring Kaeya on the fourth day, your own bottle of the most exquisite wine. Too bad he figured everything out before you could give it to him as his secret admirer.
No stone is ever left unturned when it comes to the Calvary Captain and the things he cares about.
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a bouquet of flowers shows up at the door step to alhaitham's house. because of alhaitham's increasing as the (soon to be resigning) acting grand sage, it's almost always for alhaitham keyword: almost.
"what? the acting grand sage has another secret admirer?" "actually, this one's for you." "it's funny. do you think they know you just put them on the kitchen table for me to- wait, what?"
he practically flies off the couch to snatch the bouquet from alhaitham's hands, beginning to inspect the bouquet closely. the flowers were perfectly arranged. there weren't so many that they felt cluttered, but also not enough where the bouquet felt empty. the flowers perfectly complimented each other in colour and shape. it's kaveh's architectural dream in flower form!
he can't help but feel something neg him in the back of his mind, a nagging, persistant feeling that
“It wasn’t me,” Alhaitham is not sure which is better: Kaveh on a normal day, or Kaveh in distress over a secret admirer. “Besides, you’ve been given flowers before in the past, so what’s so different about them now?”
“You don’t understand, Alhaitham!” Kaveh had been inspecting the bouquet for any sort of name or symbol that would point him to someone, anyone, who may be the sender of this marvelous gift. At some point he had given up, placing the entire bouquet in a vase with some water and admiring it in the kitchen. He’s keeping the bouquet alive for as long as he can, and he thanks the archons for being given a vision of Dendro over the other six elements. “Whoever sent this bouquet has though carefully about the placement and colour of every flower, so that it’s all one cohesive bouquet without anything being too much or too little. Do you know how hard it is to come across flower arrangements like his these days- Hey! Don’t ask questions and then ignore me when you can an answer!”
With Alhaitham turning in his soundproof earpieces and retreating back to his room, Kaveh was left staring at a bunch of flowers perfectly arranged within the vase. Karen didn’t dare undo the ribbon that held the flowers together, lest he ruin the beauty in its structure with his carelessness. How kind of his secret admirer, to arrange something a beautiful as this, let alone drop it off at the doorstep-
That's when it hits him. How did his admirer know he lives with Alhaitham? He’s left thinking about it. Did they already know? If not they must have asked someone close to him about his whereabouts. Or maybe Alhaitham was right in saying he’s too much of a lightweight at the tavern?
This someone must know him very well, right? What's with that feeling bothering him in the back of his mind?
“Are you still gawking at those flowers?” Kaveh is surprised to hear Alhaitham, the scribe having left his room to grab an apple off the kitchen counter, his eyes narrowed as he looked at his roommate unimpressed. “You’re not going to figure out who it is from just a bouquet of flowers alone.”
As quick as he came, Alhaitham was gone, leaving Kaveh in a stunned silence at the kitchen table. Alhaitham is blunt, straight to the point, suually in an irritating way, but as much as Kaveh hates to admit it, Alhaitham is usually right.
That’s how Kaveh found himself wandering through the marketplace in Sumeru City the very next day. It’s not that he would be buying anything, but he liked to admire people’s handmade crafts or smell the delicious food coming from their stalls. Despite all that, Kaveh finds himself lost in thought again, before his body collides with someone on the street.
"Gah! Kaveh! Are you ok?" He finds himself staring at you, who had grabbed him by the shoulders as a means of steadying him before he fell over. You, one of the Akademiya's best alumni, and someone he's gotten to know briefly during your years as a student. "What's wrong? You looked lost of thought before you ran head first into me."
"I'm fine. It's just..." It hits the architect why he had been feeling so off about the secret admirer despite the attention to detail in the gift attached. It's because he's already in love with you, and had he not been swamped with debt and his work as an architect, he might have expressed his feelings sooner. But people keep confessing their love to him behind gifts, and it brewed feelings of doubts in his heart.
He takes a deep breath. "Okay. I have another secret admirer."
Kaveh sees the ways your expression flickers into something unreadable for a brief moment, before turning into hat of surprise. it almost makes him want to take back what he just said.
"Another one?" you let out an amused huff. "Seriously, between you and Alhaitham the two of you get enough gifts to be able sustain yourselves!"
"Come on! We don't get that many!" Kaveh laughs back, lightly punching you in the arm. "Besides. They were just flowers. Really, really pretty flowers I have to admit. Whoever sent them must know me really well, haha..."
He chews on those words as he speaks them, for as pretty as those flowers were, there wasn't a lot he could do with them when his heart was ready to be given to someone else.
That is until he catches the look on your face. A combination of dumbfounded and a little bit flustered, he seemed to have caught you gaping at him, and his expression changes inot that of wonder and realization.
So the one who gave him those flowers was...?
"Uh. I've got somewhere I need to be. I'll see you around!" You say in a hurry, sprinting past Kaveh in an attempt to hide your raging blush the best you could.
For the second time, Kaveh was left in the dust, standing in the middle of the marketplace. That was when he noticed two things. The first was that you were hiding a nice bag behind your back the entire interaction, as if it was something Kaveh did not need to see.
The second thing was the direction of your clumsy sprinting. It was towards the direction of Alhaitham's house, Kaveh's current place of residense.
He stifles a warm laugh that threatened to escape him. Today he'll buy the nicest (but cheapest) flowers he could find, and tomorrow he'll give them to you.
In person, of course.
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alicelufenia · 2 months
A few haphazard post-MSQ thoughts for Dawntrail
okay first of all fuck Zoraal Ja loved your trial
Dawntrail in general makes me want to go back and actually finish FFIX, and part of that is also to actually find out more about Kuja's deal. I was in vc with my static over DT ending and my co-tank pointed out Zoraal Ja's whole arc is a dead wringer for Kuja. Which makes sense based on the wiki summary I found. I just also dreaded the possibility of people comparing him more to Zenos, which thankfully, I haven't actually seen much of. But then I'm not on Twitter, and only just started exploring the tags, so maybe that take is out there. Sorry but as a dedicated Zenos Fucker I still don't see it XD not every violent man with daddy issues is a Zenos.
Speaking of daddies, it's a genuine accomplishment for Dawntrail to bring us both the BEST and WORST dads in the game. Congrats Gaius your seat at the bottom has been taken, but Man did Zoraal have to earn it.
Just one little issue. WHO IS GULOOL JA'S MOM??
I cannot believe this wasn't even at least questioned at any point, they put more words towards reasoning how he must be Zoraal's kid cause of his coloring but didn't question who his mother could be? Especially with Sphene the LITERAL QUEEN right there looking AWKWARD AS HELL when he's brought up.
My guess is this will be explored in the patches, but good GOD you thought FFXIV was shitty with its female characters, Gulool's mom wasn't even a character! Legit negative for me and any further storyline is just going to make me question why it wasn't relevant earlier.
However to shift tracks to GOOD female characters, I freakin' love Wuk Lamat! I love her design her facial expressions her voice good god her VOICE, I love her goals and how she tries to relate to her enemies but will not hold back but also won't sacrifice others to get what she wants.
I know she's every shonen protagonist rolled into an orange tabby, and that's great! They didn't stumble once with her as far as I'm concerned.
I'm probably gonna have to devote a whole other post to thoughts about Sphene and the Twelfth(?) reflection's fate. I appreciate that the stakes have been simultaneously scaled back but also shifted, I guess sideways would be the best description?
I find it interesting that the main threat is very similar to in Endwalker-that of moving on from dead end ways of living. But while Endwalker was finding a reason to go on living, Dawntrail is about finding peace with death. Cause you need both to live a happy life, and to have a society that doesn't eat itself, or everything around it.
Also a quick comment on msq-appropriate jobs; obviously any job is great, but I feel really good about sticking with both Dark Knight and Viper throughout. Viper in particular, for having both its roots in the main setting, and its capstone ability Reawaken has you call upon the memories of your hunter forbears, a kind of healthier version of the regulators' soul consumption ability. And Dark Knight is just my WoL's canon job, but also her self-styled title comes from DRK's quest title The Boundless Dark. So I HAD to finish the expansion as The Boundless Queen standing against The Queen Eternal.
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Unfortunately, the Neo-Ishgardian Top didn't get the texture upgrade, so it clashes a bit too much. I'm gonna have to work out a good glam, but am using the Fallen set plus pieces of the Neo Kingdom Fending set as I get them.
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Viper on the other hand, is perfect as it is and I love it. I don't even have to finish the role quests except for completeness. Look at the worn folds in the leather!
Anyway those are my current thoughts, I've only since unlocked Expert roulette and will start the normal raids later tonight, and then level crafters this weekend. Time to do the mmo bit!
Edit: Also the raid series is gonna be perfect for Alice. "Time to honor the memory of your queen! With Bloodsport! Let's go Zenos!" *Shinryu minion squealing sounds*
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tooxmanyxships · 11 months
In response with the challenge to kinda give u an idea which u can make a story out of that’ll make u cry ,
A critically ill Nico trying to contact Lewis, but since the number is unregistered, Lewis refused to pick up. Nico thought that was Lewis response, thought he hadn’t forgiven him yet, and just settled for a written letter, forbidding anyone from telling him (since it’s clear that he was not interested). It took some friends (their former grid mates) hounding and screaming at Lewis for him to go and visit, but once he went, it’s already too late, Nico is gone. And Lewis can only fall to his knees, beg Nico to answer, and upon reading the letter, he can only cry, he came too late, he was too late.
Ah nonnie, you really took my challenge to heart and I absolutely love you for that!
Y'all better be ready....
Warning: character death
Nico just stares at the doctor when he shows him his test results.
They're not good. Not good at all.
A month. Maybe two. That's all they're giving him.
It's not fair. It's not fair at all.
What has he ever done wrong to deserve this.
There's no cure, so Nico refuses any kind of treatment.
It might give him a longer lifespan, but he doesn't care if it's not a lifelong cure.
He has a month to say goodbye to his loved ones.
His parents, his kids, his ex-wife, his friends.
And that one person who's always in the back of his mind.
The person he ends up calling first when he walks out of the doctor's cabinet at the hospital.
His phone's dead, he forgot to charge it, so he manages to ask a nurse where he can make a call.
How he actually manages to do that is all a blur to him.
It's a damn pay phone. He didn't even know they still existed.
Luckily he doesn't need his phone to get the number. He memorized it by heart.
It goes to voicemail. Of course it does.
Why did he even call him?
He hangs the phone back up with a sigh, not leaving a message.
He's gonna go say goodbye to the people who do still care about him.
He was just a fool to believe that mister 7 time world champion was still one of those people.
He decides to gather all of them all together, so he only has to explain himself and do this once.
And with them he doesn't mean his family and closest friends, because they already know.
'Them' are past and current f1 drivers Nico's always liked and vice versa.
He explains what's going on and does his personal goodbyes. But before he lets them leave his apartment, he forces them to do one last thing for him.....
"You can't tell Lewis." As expected, some of them are ready to argue (especially Sebastian), so he holds up his hand and continues. "He didn't pick up his phone when I called him. I don't think he'll care. Please. Swear to me that none of you will tell him."
They eventually assure him that they won't tell his long lost childhood friend that he's dying.
But he doesn't trust them. He knows them.
Nico leaves the next day to Greece.
It's the one place he knows he can find peace at before he dies.
Covered in memories.
"You need to talk to Nico."
Lewis frowns at Daniel, who's pulled him aside.
As if Seb's bombardment of texts weren't enough, now Daniel started too?
"Why would I do that?" it's not like Nico had been trying to talk to him either.
"Because.... I just think you guys need to talk. It's important, Lewis."
And okay, being told a million times in texts by someone is one thing, but getting the message in person hits differently.
Daniel's facial expressions and whole body language are very worrying.
"Okay, what's going on here? First cryptic texts from Seb. Now you." Lewis crosses his arms over his chest. "What is this about Nico that's so important?"
Daniel shakes his head, "I can't tell you. You need to hear it from him."
"Daniel - - -"
"He's in Greece. You probably know where." Daniel puts his hand on Lewis' arm and gives it a squeeze. "Don't wait too long."
That last sentence was so ominous, it gave him the shivers.
He had to get there as soon as he could.
Watching the sunset one last time on his balcony really was beautiful.
It was time. He knew it was.
The nurse who cared for him at the house he bought had brought him to the balcony in his wheelchair.
He was too weak to walk anymore. He was too weak to do anything that was really physical.
He could still write a little, so, writing his name at the end of the letter he spend too much time on writing.
His hands were shaking as he folded the letter so it would fit into the envelope.
'Lewis' was written on the front of the envelope.
He gave the envelope to his house nurse.
"Make sure he gets this."
He doesn't know how she would do it, but, she promised him she'd deliver the letter and he has a feeling she'd do anything to make that happen.
"You may leave now."
He can feel her hands on his shoulders. The soft kiss dropped into his hair. Footsteps walking away.
He stares out into the sunset and smiles.
It's time.
'Goodbye Lew....'
Lewis doesn't have to go searching where Nico is when he arrives in Greece.
He still knows the address and the way to it like the back of his hand.
The building still looks the same as when he was young.
Except for now - - - Now there's an ambulance parked in front of the door.
Two men riding a stretcher come out of the door. There's a body on the stretcher.
A very still body. Covered with a sheet.
There's some blond hair sticking out at the top---
No no no no.....
This can't be happening.
It can't be him.
But it is him.
As the stretcher rattles on the stones in the driveway, the sheet drops a little and Lewis can see the beautiful face of his once called best friend.
Lewis can't move. All he can do is stare at the lifeless face.
He jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder. It's a feminine hand and for a second he's scared to be faced with Vivian, but as he turns around, it's not her.
It's a woman with a nurse badge pinned to her skirt.
"Sir Lewis Hamilton?"
All he can do is nod. It's not rare that people recognize him of course.
He looks surprised when she holds out an envelope, eyes widening when he recognizes the handwriting.
"I've been mister Rosberg's nurse up until his last day. He asked me to give you this letter. Everything is explained inside it."
His hand is shaking as he takes the envelope from her hand and opens up the envelope.
"I'll leave you to it," the nurse says softly, resting her hand on his back for a moment before walking back inside.
Lewis unfolds the letter, holding it in one shaking hand as he reads.
Lew, (I refuse to write dear)
If you're reading this letter, it means I'm not here anymore.
Truth is, I've been sick for some time now and it's taken its toll.
About 2 months ago I found out I was terminally ill.
Weirdly enough, you were the first one I called. You didn't pick up.
Now that I think back on it, I think it's maybe because I called with a payphone at the hospital.
Back then I thought you still hadn't forgiven me.
And after that, I just didn't want to bother you, because I didn't think you'd care.
I told some of our old friends of the grid and made them promise not to tell you anything.
If you're reading this, it means they kept their promise.
Or you couldn't come sooner.
You just didn't care.
I really hope it's not the latter.
I want you to know that this house is yours now.
You can do with it what you want.
The paperwork is ready for you to be signed. Then it's not the Rosberg vacation home anymore.
Whatever you do, I hope you still cherish the memories.
Oh.... I changed the house number. Had to pull some strings, but I did it. And it's worth it.
If you haven't already seen it, just look on the door.
I hope you think it was worth it too.
If there's one thing that I usually wasn't, it's a coward.
But one thing I regret not telling you is - - -
I love you, Lewis.
I finally found the balls to say it.
Now when it's too late.
Please don't hate me.
Live your life to the fullest.
Make me even prouder than I already was, am, and always will be.
Goodbye, Pu.
P.S. I came to Greece to spend my last days at the place I always felt closest to you. It helped me. I hope it'll help you too. If you decide to keep the house.
He's shaking.
His whole body is trembling as one hand is clutching the letter, the oher clasped to his mouth.
He looks up at the door and he almost drops the letter.
On the door, painted in need black lettering, is the number '644'.
It's too much.
Lewis drops to his knees, biting into his own hand as a devastating sob rips through his throat.
He wants to scream but he can't.
All he can do is clutch on to the letter and cry.
Cry until he has no more tears left.
He was too late.......
Too late to even say goodbye.
Newsflash: F1's 2016 world champion Nico Rosberg passed away at his family's vacation house in Greece. His family hopes their privacy will be respected as they mourn their loved one.
Newsflash: F1's 7 times world champion Lewis Hamilton has announced his retirement from the sport. Rumors say he's moving to Greece but the former driver has given no comments on it yet. What definitely is the truth is that this man will be sorely missed on the grid.
Newsflash: Sir Lewis Hamilton spotted in Greece, brandishing his new clothing line; 'Pu 644'. Where it comes from, our guess is as good as yours. We're thinking a certain childhood friendship definitely needed to be honored in style.
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possiblylando · 1 year
Chainsaw Man 128 'Early' Analysis
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Going mostly off facial expression it seems like Asa starts to understand Denji's headspace more when it comes to Sex. It also confirms one of my more obvious observations from last chapter. Denji is using sex as a replacement for intimate feelings when talking about his dream. He wants someone to be close to him. Obviously he still wants to have sex. But he doesn't really have a way to put it into works so this is about as good as we're gonna get for now. Then Asa drops the nuclear fucking warhead.
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In one page Denji turned from bitchless to a true incel. It's over millions of devils must die. I really hope that Denji gets a moment later along the lines of "You're wrong, Women love a man with a chainsaw for a head". I haven't forgotten about the chainsaw man fangirls from that chainsaw man thoughts interview. Obviously Denji and Asa get sent to hell because Denji in unable to cope with the through of being an incel.
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I do not like these kinds of dishes where it's basically one thing and then it's just all garnish. Also there's a lack of eyes and ears. So what where those for? Denji Flees and we get to see how much he's grown since part 1.
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We saw this same technique in use when he first fought falling. His body stays active for at least a few seconds when his head is chopped off so he's able to actually reattach his head or use it as a weapon. It's a really neat evolution of his abilities that totally in line with what he can already do. Cause this isn't something part 1 Denji would be able to so casually pull off. I doubt this has any important but his rip cord appears on the outside of his shirt without it ripping. It isn't like he brought a shirt that had a hole for the cord either because in previous panels it's just blank white. Again probably unimportant.
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Denji come on man you're better than this. This is clearly just a joke at least because he's revving up to fight Falling again. Also I'm just now noticing this but Hell looks REALLY difference from the last time we saw it. Remember how it was previously the green field. Now it's just darkness. Is this a subspace within Hell? Did the Hell devil's death at the end of Part 1 result in this? Does the Hell devil control how Hell is? It could just be an unimportant detail but I want some information on it now.
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HE'S HERE- actually- How many times has falling been fucking pwnd since her introduction? Twice in 125 1. Gunfire
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2. Denji
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Once in 126 3. Denji Again
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Once in 128 4. Chainfraud Man
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HE'S BACK AND HE'S REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YARRRRRGGGGGGGGGG FUCKING INSANE CLUTCH THIS HAS TO BE THE SAME GUY RIGHT? Let me back up. You're more than aware of the Chainfraud Man theory by now but I'll summarize quickly. In chapter 111 we see a shadow of someone who looks like Chainsaw Man kill Yuko.
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However 2 pages before this we see that Denji is asleep at the time this took place. Meaning this couldn't have been denji.
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And that's all we got for actual appearances. Of course theories ran wild of things like: "Yoshida Octopus Shapeshifting?" "Chainsaw Man Devil?" ect
So backing up to chapter 126. I had previously theorized this to be Yoshida. However it appears that this guy was in fact Chainfraud Man the entire time.
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It also means Denji knows who this is. Well if he's smart enough to put two and two together. Which I doubt. Now depending on what happens at the beginning of 127 Chainfraud Man could potentially have one of the best feats so far. More than likely Falling will just regenerate and slam this dude. But if she doesn't then-
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Cause he sliced her head in half. If this will actually do anything is yet to be seen. God this panel is so fucking COOL
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HE'S SO FUCKING COOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE CHARACTER RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH Ahem Chainfraud Man is more than likely a new character who we haven't seen before. It could potentially be Yoshida but the odds of that are diminishing rapidly. So whoever this guy is really is the greatest. I do wonder if "Evade them until sunrise" is literal or metaphorical. Like will falling's attack cease once the sun literally rises? Or is it a metaphorical one piece sun rise where they have to beat falling for the sun to rise? If it's literal it'll probably be because Falling couldn't get the main dish in time for the "meal". Aka she couldn't meet her deadline. Great Chapter. 10/10
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criminalmindswhore · 1 year
What just happened?
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Emily and JJ had been undercover at a club in LA for almost an hour and nothing seemed to stick out. The rest of the team were watching through the security cameras as a man approached the two of you who were dancing but also profiling. "Hi, ladies!" The two stopped dancing and JJ almost vomited at the scent he gave off. "Which of you lucky ladies wanna come home with me tonight." He leaned against a nearby table and smiled proudly. "Look at their faces, something's off." Morgan pointed out how the female agents were trying to contain their facial expressions. Emily was trying to figure out this guy and JJ immediately recognized the scent, death. "I'm sorry my man but we're both taken." He stood straight up and got angry fast, "So two hot girls, come to the club, not looking for a hookup? That's bullshit, you're lying to me." Emily laughed, "Women are allowed to go out just to dance and have fun together." He shook his head and started talking with his hands rambling on about how the two were sluts for that. JJ eventually stepped in, "You don't ever, call my girlfriend," she grabbed Emily's hand, "a slut. Got it?" The man stopped moving and sighed, "Oh so you're dykes?" The two nodded and an "duh" kind of way. "Even better." He grabbed JJ's wrist and tried to pull her into him. He didn't succeed as Emily punched his wrist to make him let go. "Hotch move in, it's him." Emily spoke. "What the hell? You're cops?" JJ pulled out a pair of handcuffs from her purse, "Actually," she passed them to Emily who now had him face down on the table, "we're FBI."
As the handcuffs clinked shut the rest of the team walked to them and Morgan grabbed the guy, at this point everyone in the club was watching them, some even recording. "Joshua Livingston you are under arrest for the murders of 8 women." As Morgan started the Miranda Rights and walked him out of there, Emily spoke to Hotch, "I'm gonna go take a second in the bathroom before we leave." The team knew she was gay so it was understandable, he called them dykes. Emily was attacked in high school by some kids in Germany. They carved the word dyke into her back. It was small but painful. So she got her first of 4 tattoos. JJ followed her and pushed the door open before Emily could lock it. JJ locked it behind her as Emily laid her head against the wall steaming with anger. "A dyke? Is dyke the worst he could've done? Not a sinner or disgusting, anything would hurt less." JJ was the only one who knew what happened in Germany. Emily started pacing, "Those kids in Germany ruined my life for me. They outed me to my mother and made me develop an eating disorder for pretty much all of college until I got my tattoo." The team stopped in their tracks realizing Emily and JJ left their mics on and they could hear everything. They didn't know what to do, so no one moved. "Emily, I know it's a painful word, but it's just a stupid word. You shouldn't let it affect you this much. Fuck the word."  Emily snickered, "You can't fuck a word Jay." She received a slap on the arm for that. "But seriously thank you JJ."
The two hugged and as they started to pull away, it felt as though someone was pushing them closer together. JJ swallowed as Emily pulled her against her by her waist and started to lean in. JJ met her in the middle and their lips collided. Emily's hands rested on JJ's waist as JJ pulled her hands up to cup the brunette's face and eventually tangled in her hair as the two kissed for what seemed like ages. "What just happened?" Rossi asked as he pulled the earpiece out. "I guess we'll find out soon enough," Spencer said with a smirk and took his out too. The two kissing agents eventually pulled away with swollen lips and breathless. Realization hit Emily a little too late when her eyes landed on the mic pinned to the blonde's dress. "Shit. JJ, our mics." JJ stepped back and picked the mic up to her mouth, Morgan was still standing listening and laughing at the twos realizing the mics were on. "Derek Morgan you're a perv." JJ's voice very loudly came through the earpiece and Morgan winced in pain before ripping it out. The females laughed and walked outside. "You're a jerk." Morgan bluntly stated as they exited the doors. "And you're a perv. Let's go home." They all laughed and flooded into the SUVs no one wanting to talk about the kiss.
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minalblood · 7 months
And finally , long awaited ep 12. Sorry guys !!!
- We start off with one of the characters not wanting to deal with whatever they're dealing with. That's not gonna be relevant throughout I'm sure...
- Have I mentioned that I hate clowns? Cuz hate clowns
- Ah yes! Dean discussing lying to yourself, also gonna be relevant. But I'm even more intrigued that he ties this need for dishonesty intrinsically to hunting.
- John is completely lying to himself and projecting hard on Mary. Not that Mary isn't also lying to herself. Interestingly, John and Mary are the most evenly split here between Sam or Dean coding.
- ok, as someone who has a veritable collection of tarot decks that I also use, I'm so fucking happy to see the Minor Arcana mentioned in fiction. Especially since most just add in Major Arcana cards with little to no relevance or meaning as to why those cards drawn are Majors. And yeah, the witches here aren't doing a reading, but I still love to see Swords and Pentacles mentioned! Might even be a cheeky hint as to how the main witch operates since swords are commonly related to the mental aspect and pentacles to the material/monetary (Known in some decks as coins even). And what is she doing if not playing a mind game in order to win the game and gain the reward for it.
-God, she's an asshole to Ada! No one is an asshole to Ada!
- Well, Limbo def is an apt name. He def acts like a type of inbetween state where you're not dead but you sure aren't living either. I also find it fascinating in the context of Purgatory. Because to Dean Purgatory was pure (or better put for our purposes here, was unfiltered truth) whereas Limbo here is pure avoidance. Essentially ,if Purgatory worked as a place where Dean could be as uncomplicated and true as he could (which yes, that's very much an oversimplification) then Limbo is pure pretending/fake.
- And Mary is once again trying to take command, only here John is refusing, is pushing back against it, where before he'd have gone along or even tried to get the others to fall in line acting as mediator.
- The misdirect of the brother is hilarious in hindsight, they gave him such menacing music as background.
- Love that we have clear signs that if at all possible witches will try to hide.
-John & Lata, hell yeah! Love that she's checking in with him and that she makes sure to clarify that she's the one asking. And gives him the space he's clearly asking for, not pushing against his lie.
- Meanwhile, Mary& Carlos have a much more direct convo but no less empathetic though still focused on John interestingly enough.
- Adore that Carlos was so so shocked by her outburst and then again that she was faking.
- Love a soul trade that is basically a trap
- The way Carlos just forgot their cover. Hahahahaha OMG!!! I love them!
- And the echoes of Sam begin in earnest - parents dead, older brother trying to parent but not having the tools to do so, younger brother running away...
- It's interesting that Limbo was trying to remain in a perpetually happy state (and targetted those he saw as needing the same) but Clarence ended up essentially in a state of perpetual grief. He says he wishes he'd helped Roger through his grief but he himself just traded the grief of his parents death with that of Roger's being taken. An interesting contrast between Limbo & Clarence, and a clear echo of SPN!John there also - mild but present.
- Oh, Carlos,you absolute sweetheart! And no argument against the "you were just a kid too" statement, love to see it!
- OK, now comes me trying to argue that this Rowena is our Rowena. Exhibit A: she was so clearly lying about the Grimoire and not the fact that the MOL stole it - her facial expressions to me read very much like she just made up an excuse to be there and help Ada. We've seen how Romena acts when she's actually trying to get a powerful Grimoire, this was not it. at all. This felt more like her keeping appearences than actually working an angle.
- Neverming, forgot she literally spells it out for us. In other words though, I was right.
-I choose to believe that the demon trapped in the plant is somehow, someway related to her getting Crowley back. I love Crowley so I will not accept any other meaning here. I'd have loved to see what they wanted to do with Rowena later on. Ugh every day I mourn that we didn't get more of this show.
- I take back John projecting. I would actually like to formally apologize to John here cuz Mary is doing the tried and true "dealing with emotions" approach that Sam uses everytime aka she is trying to dictate how John should be reacting to kyle's murder just because he isn't reacting like how she thinks he should be. I do love seeing them fight here, It's a whole mess they've found themselves in and haven't dealt with it at all so far. Make sense it'll all come to a head in this away. John is actually our Dean-mirror here. This fight also echoes the fight between Sam & Dean at Mia Vallens place (word for word even, in some places).
- Also love that John pushes back. And especially that he puts to words what I think a lot of the fandom has said some variation of. That as long as there's one more hunt, a world to save, people in danger then considering an alternate future
becomes that much harder to go towards... And that's not to say this applies 1 to 1 to Sam and Dean, because they quite literally didn't have a choice, but it does speak to the fact that you can't really move forward until you let go of the past that's holding you back or more so even -  though we're moving away from what this ep has to say with this - that you can't really heal from trauma til you're out of the traumatizing situation.
- And continuing our Sam echoes here, it's in fact Mary who's 1st approached by Limbo, Mary who's pain calls out while all the eyes were on John (and once more I'm reminded of the
Werther Box and how it was Sam who nearly killed himself due to a Rowena hallucination via the Box that got so much worryingly closer than Dean who we saw from the start got hit by the spell)
"John: Mary wait for me
Mary: Nope! I do what I want (proceeds to get taken by monster) " oh how the turn tables...
- I gotta say, this wasn't John's fault here. Mary wasn't ok far before their fight and if it had just beenmthe fight then John would've been taken too then. I actually think Limbo might've been honing into people who were, yes in crisis, but refusing to deal with it just like he had been, people looking to bargain away the negativity in their life for even a false sense of happiness.
- I also gotta mention this is the...2nd monster who's source of power is a mirror (Loki/Gabe being the 1st) Are there others that I'm missing? Is this a pattern?? I don’t remember, pls lemme know.
- Carlos you absolute king! Once more being the one to offer the practical solution, Lata is our theoretical queen though, let it be known,
- FFS! Rowena literally says she's looking for info ABOUT CROWLEY! Is my memory so bad or is my subconscious so active?
-Oh Rowena, there was no need to hurt Ada. Why must two bad bitches fight eachother?!
- Ah John, there you are, stumbling straight into danger. Couldn't let Mary have this one, could you?
- Hate clowns!
- Don't mind Limbo that much right now.
- Wait!!!. John cheated his way here... like he cheated his way into the army, like he, technically, cheated his way to hunting (he's MOL legacy afterall)
- "We never have to fight again about my future or your anger" jesus christ, skinning me alive would hurt less than this line. After all, what causes the whole fight in SPN to occur if not Mary's lack of a future and John's resulting anger (spurned by grief) My god, this fucking line from Mary.
- John is truly our Dean mirror here "it wouldn't be real" echoes so much Dean's feelings about heaven
- Also the pain in John's eyes, even as he is forced to smile might haunt me almost as much as Dean faking a smile in season 7. And I legit cannot look at that scene with Dean.
- Nooo, not the clowns ...
- Carlos and that big heart of theirs saves the day. I love it.
- Lata is however absolutely hilarious here though.
- l love Rowena so much. And she's gorgeous as always!
- Of course we'll be dealing with souls being used up, tiny Jack and Lily Sunder echo, nice!
- Exhibit B for Rowena, she just vanishes into thin air, not her usual way of leaving prior to Queen of Hell status
- Ugh, the "it's been 30 years" since Clarence has seen his brother. The Mary resurection of it all. And John with the "better than never seeing them again" hits hard man!
- Oh Mary, sweetheart.
- I like their resolution a lot. And Millie just giving them all the good news
- Yes Lala you figured it out baby!
- And Ada, I know she ends up telling them, but god when this first aired the Winchester stupidity was fresh to mind so I was soooo concerned for her.
Just the finale left now, I am sad 😔 but excited!
See y'all then!
@noybusiness - thank you for the encouragements! Its finally here!
@shallowseeker - I love reading your thoughts on SPN and had a fantastic time beta reading for you so here's something for u to hoefully enjoy! Hope you feel better soon!
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angel-eyes05 · 2 years
i remember his hands - chapter 2
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PAIRING: kang the conqueror x fem!reader
SUMMARY: after a scientific experiment goes horribly wrong, you've been transported to the quantum realm and have been stuck there for the past decade. with no company, aside from janet van dyne, your life changes forever when a mysterious man in a golden ship crash lands next to your settlement. startled with his initial presence, you two have a rocky start. but as time goes on, you two find each other slowly drawn to one another. you have secrets though, and he has a past he refuses to bring up. can you two make it through navigating an unknown world together, discovering any ulterior motives, and stand the test of time in a place where time has no meaning at all?
INFO: slow romantic burn, pretty fast sexual burn, kinda enemies to lovers????, takes place during that little flashback janet has during quantumania, idk how accurate this is gonna be to canon stuff cause i get very confused about the quantum realm lol, reader is in mid to late 20s while kang is in his “early 30s” (ik he like technically doesn't age or whatever idk the lore but i just made it accurate to jonathan majors age and wanted to give an accurate age range/gap/count), y/n will be very fleshed out like i'm gonna give her everything lol
WARNING: bl00d mention, explicit language (both swearing and ig sexually)
NOTES: i just now realized the summary said y/k this whole time instead of y/n, i knew something looked off lmao 😭 just ignore that lol. also if you guys want me to make a taglist, just lmk in the comments and if you want me to tag you or not
To your surprise, you opened your eyes to find yourself alive in your bed. Your head throbbed in a sharp, piercing pain. You looked into the mirror that sat in front of your bed to examine your facial injuries. You had a bandage wrapped around the right side of your head. As you went to touch the place where the rock was smashed into, you winced from the pain as it shot into your head. It wasn’t as deep of an injury as you thought it would be, but it wasn’t doing you much good either. You also noticed a bruise on your left upper cheekbone, very quickly growing into a black eye. You assumed it was from when the man tackled you into the creek. You moved down to your throat area to find two dark purple bruises on the front side of your neck. Other than those injuries and a couple of scratches on your arms and knees, you figured you were in better shape than your attacker. You wondered what ended up happening to him. If you were here alive, it meant he probably survived too. Left out there, he was probably finished off by roaming mites. Either way, it wasn’t your problem anymore.
You hear a knock at the door. “Come in”, you struggle to get out, a spiky pain going down your throat after you the words escape your mouth. Janet opens the door and walks over to your bed with a glass of water and some more bandages. “Yeah that sounds as bad as I thought it would be. Whoever caused those neck bruises was really trying to kill you”, she replied, sitting down next to you on the edge of the bed. “Really? I thought the bloody dent in my head would be more of a giveaway”, you sarcastically reply in pain. You got a small chuckle out of her. “Even a near death experience couldn’t take away your wonderful sense of humor”, she jokingly replied. You smiled at her remark. Janet went to unravel the bandage on your head. You grimaced as she tried to rip off the parts that were dried on by the blood. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine”, she said after noticing the expression on your face. “You’re a tough girl. One of the strongest people I’ve met.” A slight smile crept onto your face. She dipped a cloth into the bowl of water, then started to dab it onto the wound. As much as the process of getting to it sucked, you enjoyed moments like these with Janet. You know, even though finding you out there bleeding out from your head probably almost scared her to death, that she enjoyed them too. You took a sip of water from the glass she gave you, which improved your throat pain significantly. Once she finished cleaning your head, she wrapped another bandage around the wound. “Alright, I’m fixing up some breakfast for you in the kitchen. If you need anything, just ring this.” She placed a little bell on your nightstand as she gathered her stuff to leave.
After failed attempts to fall back asleep, you decided to head out to the kitchen to help Janet. You gently placed your legs over the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. You slightly limped over to the mirror to assess yourself again. Your head looked slightly better with the change in bandages, but the bruise on your cheekbone had now fully turned into a black eye. You winced as you placed your fingers on the swollen area around the bone. The bruises on your neck had stayed about the same size as the last time you saw them. You rolled up your pant legs to find two bandaged gashes on your right knee, most likely from the tackle as well. You slowly turned and hobbled towards the door to walk into the kitchen. You made your way across the hallway of the cabin into the kitchen and living room (it was more of just a little kitchenette with a couch in it). You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the fluorescent lighting of the room. As you opened your eyes again, you could hardly believe what you saw going on by the couch.
Janet was kneeling on the floor next to couch, tending to the same man who tried to kill you. She was cleaning up a cut he had on his left tricep, as he laid there shirtless on the couch. Your heart sunk as your eyes laid on him. He was still unconscious, but the thought of your attempted killer being in the the same house as you made you nauseous with fear. “Janet!” you whisper yelled at her, half from the fear of waking him up and half from the pain still in your throat. She didn’t turn around. You yelled again. She rolled her eyes as she finished changing the bandage and walked over to you. “What is he doing here?” you asked like she was insane. “I couldn’t just leave him there to become mite food y/n”, she truthfully replied. “Uh, yes. Yes, you very well could have. You are aware of the fact that he almost killed me, right?” you asked, still concerned the situation wasn’t getting through to her. “Yes I am, and that’s exactly why I brought him here.” All you could do in response to hearing her say that was nervously laugh. “Listen to me y/n, I’ve been here for much longer than you have. So I know for a fact that when people arrive here, it’s either from some extremely fucked up accident, or for a very important purpose. I believe he’s here due to the latter. We need to keep him alive to find out that purpose, alright?” she snapped at you. You hadn’t seen this side of her much, so whenever you did, you knew she meant it. You nodded in response. “Alright” she said as she took a deep breath “Now help me with breakfast.”
He could see the bright white lights seeping in from his eyelids as he slowly opened his eyes. As he regained consciousness, he immediately felt shooting pains in his shoulder, abdomen, and foot. His groaning caught Janet’s attention as she walked over to where he was with damp cloth. He tried to move back slightly, but if he moved any more, the pain would get worse or he would probably fall off the couch, which was definitely too small for him to lay horizontally on it. Janet looked at him for a consenting look before taking the cloth to the right of his abdomen. He hesitantly nodded. He groaned through the stinging pain of the water mixing with the bloody wound. “I’m surprised you were still alive by the time I got you inside. This one right here should’ve had you dead within the first three minutes of getting bit” Janet said to break the silence. “W…Where am I?” he asked tiredly. “My cabin. I’ll tell you the rest of it when you’re awake enough to pay attention to what I’m telling you.” Janet placed her hands on his back once she noticed he was trying to sit up. He cried out in pain through his teeth as he tried to sit normally. “Woah, woah, woah, I don’t think you’re ready for that yet”, Janet said concerned. “No time”, he said between short breaths. “Need to get back to the sh-.”
He cut himself off when he saw you standing by the kitchen counter, your back to him and you head lowered. He kept his eyes on you for a bit and examined your frame, trying to understand how someone as small as you could reduce him to this. You could feel his eyes on you, like a laser burning into your back. The longer the moment went on, the more you wanted to take the knife nearest to you and finish the job you started. After what felt like hours, he finally turned his face back to Janet. Being able to tell what he was going to say next, she said “She lives here with me. And before you ask, no she isn’t going anywhere. And until you fully heal, you aren’t leaving either.” Janet turned to face both of you. “And until that time happens, I need you two to try to not kill each other. Alright?” You reluctantly nodded your head. He did the same. “Ok good.” Janet finished with his abdomen wound and walked over to you in the kitchen. “I’m going into town for a bit to get some more medical supplies, so I’m going to need you to finish with his shoulder and foot” she told you, already noticing the horrified look creeping onto your face. Your heart sunk and your eyes widened hearing her say that. “Janet, no, there’s no way. You leave me here alone and there is no doubt he’ll kill me” you whispered quite enough so he wouldn’t hear. Janet pulled you outside with her to talk. “Listen, I know you don’t trust him and I don’t entirely either, but have you seen him? It would take a miracle for him to get up right now and charge at you again. Plus, I need you to try to get information on him while I’m gone, ok?” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Ok.” “Thank you.” Janet gave you a little peck on your forehead. “I’ll be back soon.” She started walking off into the distance. With Janet’s good luck kiss, you turned to the door to walk inside. As you went to turn the doorknob, you noticed your hand slightly shaking. You took one last deep breath to calm yourself before walking inside.
You walked inside, determined not to make eye contact with him the entire time. Once you got to the kitchen counter, you could already feel his eyes on you again. You could’ve sworn he had some kind of laser eye power, because you could feel yourself getting hotter with each passing second. It was almost paralyzing how it made you feel. “Could you stop that please?” you finally said, hoarsely. You heard a slight chuckle from him. “Sounds like I did a number on you after all. Not good enough though, since you’re still walking” he replied in a rich, slightly menacing tone. It was enough to send a slight shiver down your spine. You could hardly believe Janet trusted him enough to not kill you. You took yet another deep breath, and grabbed the bowl of water, a sewing needle and thread, a roll of bandages, and a damp cloth. You still avoided eye contact, but out of your peripherals, you could see he was still staring at you. What you couldn’t tell though, was if he was slightly smirking or not. 
You placed the bowl down on the ground and you sat right in front of his foot. You reached to unravel the bandage wrapping his left foot, but he moved it away. You sighed. You knew exactly what he was doing. Giving in to what he wanted, you finally make eye contact with him. His eyes were just as sharp and full of anger as they were when he first punched you in the chest. “Please don’t move. This will be easier for both of us if you stay still”, you say to break the tension. You go back to his foot to unwrap it, but he moves it yet again. You huffed to yourself and turned back to him. “Listen, I know you’re upset with me over the arrow, and I’m sorry. My intention wasn’t to hit you. But I have every right to be mad at you as well. Now I know you don’t want me here, but I hate to break it to you, you’re stuck with me until Janet gets back. Now can you please hold your foot in place so I can take off this god damn bandage!” you yelled as loud as your injured throat let you. You must have turned red or something because you noticed a smirk slightly tug on his lips. He moved his foot in front of you. “Thank you”, you remark, turning away from him again. 
You unravel the bandage to find Janet already stitched up the wound on his foot. That made things easier for you at least. You took the damp towel and dabbed it on the wound. You couldn’t believe you were here, cleaning the wounds of the same man who just tried to kill you. Apparently he couldn’t believe it either, since his eyes were still locked onto you. You finished applying the water and wrapped his foot back up. You moved over to his shoulder next. You were much closer to him now, forcing you to have to take looks at him. It was the same expression every time though. Anger, mixed with annoyance, mixed with a hint of fascination. You unraveled this bandage. This was the one Janet hadn’t gotten to yet. You figured this would give you a chance to redeem yourself though, fixing up the wound you gave him. You kneeled in front of his shoulder with the threaded needle and stuck it into the wound. As soon as you put it in, the man clenched his teeth and groaned in pain. He wiped his face with his hands in anguish. 
You pulled the needle through the skin, and at some point you must have hit a specific spot, because his hand shot down and took hold of your thigh to hold as leverage. Butterflies flooded into your stomach as he squeezed your thigh with every pull of the needle and thread. You looked down and took notice of his hand once again. Noticing how big it was, how tense it would get, and whether he did it with intention or not, how he would occasionally trace his thumb across you clothed skin. Once previously around your throat, now seizing your thigh and tightening its grip with every movement of the needle. You felt your cheeks getting brighter with each tighten. Part of you thought he was doing this to fuck with you, but the looks you saw on his face proved you otherwise. 
Being this close allowed you to take notice of all his facial features now. From his plump lips, to the two identical scars running down his face. You knew they had to have some sort of story behind them, but you decided to ask another time. You were unable to reach a certain spot on the inner part of his shoulder, so you sat up slightly to move more into him to reach it. This is when it hit you how close you two were. Feeling his hot breaths on your cheek, hearing his slight moans and groans of pain, and now with the movement of his hand from on top of your thigh to your sensitive inner thigh. You were embarrassed to admit the combination of everything made you slightly wet. You had to use your spare hand to push two pieces of his skin together that were too far apart for the needle to get in naturally. As you pushed, he moved his right hand to grab yours. Now that it was touching your bare skin, you could fully appreciate the feel of his skin on yours. You felt how rough it was as the calluses on his hands slightly scratched against your knuckles. 
You finished up and closed the wound and started dabbing it with the damp towel with the same hand that was holding the needle. He still hadn’t moved either of his hands, his moans and groans now turned into short pants. You sat there for a second, embarrassed with how comfortable you suddenly were with him. Part of that embarrassment also went towards how wet his hand being on your upper inner thigh made you. “Are you ok?” you asked, having to say something in fear of what you would do if you just stayed like this. He nodded slightly. He opened his eyes after having them shut from the pain and looked into yours again. Only this time, they weren’t filled with anger. You couldn’t tell what look this one was. Maybe weakness from his pain. Maybe wonder. Maybe…. After clearing his throat, he finally took his hand off of yours. Then, almost as if he were teasing you at this point, he dragged his hand off your inner thigh agonizingly slow, finger by finger. Cheeks flushed and stifling the noise you felt building up in your throat, you grabbed your materials and moved them over to the kitchen counter and made your way back to your room without saying another word. “Wait”, you heard him call out. You popped your head out from behind the hallway corner and stood there waiting for what he was going to say.
“What’s your name” he asked softly.
“Y/N” you hesitantly answered.
“...I’m sorry for earlier y/n.”
“I’m sorry too…” you signaled to him for his name.
“I hope you heal well, Kang.”
“You too.”
You walked back over to your room, using whatever self control you had to stifle any feeling that might have been awoken in those moments.
A/N: dude i dont think you understand how much i enjoyed writing that HJFHJF. there will be more to come soon dw. but i hope you enjoyed this chapter (this took up 9 google doc pages lmao) since shit actually happened lmao. as regarding whenever chapter 3 comes out, it might take a little while since the ideas for the preview-chapter 2 came to me super quick, im still thinking about what direction chapter 3 will take. It shouldn’t take any longer than a week, but please just be patient. thank you for reading!
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rocketbirdie · 7 months
MASSIVE dump of thoughts about Rebirth. Obvious major spoiler warning for pretty much every story beat aside from side quests. That goes for the compilation as a whole.
Think of this as a collection of what would otherwise be literally hundreds of separate obnoxious text posts. Half-review, half liveblogging. Genuine praises and criticisms interspersed with unhinged nonsense. This post is so long it's making my computer lag, so make of that what you will.
To keep it organized and make it easier to find specific moments, this is split up chapter by chapter. I cover the Zack/Biggs stuff in a separate section just before the final chapter, and then follow up with some miscellaneous thoughts.
I'm not of hardcore OG FFVII faith. I love the original, and I view it as separate from Remake/Rebirth, so I embrace most of the major changes. This is generally a very positive review, aside from a few nuisances *cough cough WHISPERS cough* and only one genuinely upsetting letdown. Rebirth is more than I could ever have asked for, and I can't wait to spend the next 4+ years obsessively gushing about it. And now, without further ado...!
Chapter 1: Fall of a Hero (The Nibelheim Incident)
Love seeing Cloud's teenage squishiness scrambled together with the Zack mannerisms. Restless as a little puppy! Body language, facial expressions, etc. I wonder if they animated a lot of it with Zack's model first, and then replaced it with Cloud? Modders are gonna have a field day with this when the PC version drops.
Sephiroth really was just Some Guy, huh? It's very refreshing to see him acting fully human for once. Helps sell the catastrophic mental shitshow that ensues.
Horfin' down those sandwiches Strife style
"You went into my room?" "I did..." LMAOOO THE SHAME IN HIS VOICE. Cody Christian doing god's work voicing this sopping wet pathetic mess of a man
Zangan manhandling Cloud like that was NOT on my Rebirth bingo card.
The bridge collapse scene is beautifully expanded upon. Such a delicious moment if you know the real story. RIP Ramirez. o7
There is NO fucking way Sephiroth just... stood there unfazed by waist high rushing water. Y'all have any idea how dangerous just ankle-deep water is at those speeds? At least the generous use of artistic license in physics is established very early on.
Tifa demonstrating incredible self restraint by choosing not to strangle Zack to death at the mako spring. I would have walloped his cocky ass lol
"Such a puppy." We're establishing the homoerotic tension right away as well, thank god.
oooOOOouhh the way you can pinpoint the precise moment that Sephiroth starts to lose control at the reactor. The way he walks up those stairs.......
Mwahaha-ing over the visual parallels. Raising his hand to the candle flame... Jenova's face flickering over his own... wow. Every shot, every angle is carefully chosen. Cinematography at it's finest.
OG painted a picture of "no survivors," so it surprised me how many people seemed to have escaped from Nibelheim. Although, it's not certain what their ultimate fate was. I imagine they did it this way to show that the incident impacted far more people than just Cloud and Tifa. Makes sense, considering "sheer scale of suffering" is a recurring theme throughout the Re-trilogy so far.
Sephiroth's mass slaughter is bone chilling. The music, the tension, the iconic shot of the flames framing his figure. Goddamn. And then there's the poor trooper, reaching out for his mom.........
"Why didn't they just shoot him?? They had him surrounded!!" 1, Fear doesn't give a damn about rationality. 2, It's SEPHIROTH. They were almost certainly correct in assuming that their dinky little hunting rifles weren't gonna do jack shit.
Catch me giggling over the most mundane shit. LOVE the detail of the sword tip clanking on the metal floor as Tifa drags it. I'm obsessed with lovingly crafted, nearly unnoticeable sound design like that.
"Mother, they have come again." THANK FUCK they kept this line. I don't even know why, it just stuck with me so hard from OG.
Not sure why people are cranky that the flashback cuts off. It ends at the exact same point as in OG. That's the point, it's supposed to be frustrating.
Seeing an unfathomable number of dumbass comments going "huh??? why did cloud tell the story all wrong??? that's not what happened!!" Dear Lord Please Give Me The Strength
AERTI!!!!!!! hell yeah
Tifa being proactive instead of stewing in confusion!! Love that for her. But damn it didn't go down well, huh. "I was so happy to see you again, but maybe I shouldn't have been." BIG OOOOOF
OUCH. Cloud. At least take off the pauldron if you're gonna sleep on that side LOL
Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins (Kalm and The Grasslands)
Very interesting news broadcast ya got goin' on there, Shinra...
Kalm is so so so so pretty. Feels like an actual full sized city now! Wish we could have seen more of it at night, like in the OG.
Broden!! I like him. I want the best for him. I know he's fucked. But really, it's cool to see more SOLDIER characters. We get to see Cloud's uh-oh brain static moments from the outside perspective, and boy howdy, it ain't pretty.
Broden says he's "...on your side. Got a contact at HQ." Meanwhile, my delusional ass: CONTACT? KUNSEL? IS IT KUNSEL? DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE NAMED KUNSEL?
Mentioned it in a different post— I suspected they changed the arrangement of Midgar's sectors. Sure enough, it's confirmed by looking at Rebirth's world map. Is this a meta fate-has-been-altered thing, or is it just a curious retcon? Maybe a bit of both?
Oh my god, her name is CHLOE????????? "Chole" was a typo this whole fucking time???? I can't handle this
My sweet son Chadley has returned from the time void.
Ok serious talk. Wtf is up with the audio mixing. Someone gave the thumbs up for this production?! The default music volume is WAY too loud and overpowers voice lines. Doesn't help that Remake's npc dialogue deluge in crowded areas hasn't been addressed at all. C'mon people, you had years to fix this shit. It's a shame too, because I would love to hear all of the beautiful music and talented voice acting, just... separately, please.
The Soggy Strife Agenda is off to a great start!
I know Midgar Zolom was a blind idiot translation, but I dunno man. Midgardsormr just doesn't do it for me. Zolom sweetie come home :(
FUCKING. FUCK. WHERE'S THE LINE. FUCK!!! Apparently Sephiroth Did Not Do This. Goddammit. Fucking blasphemy. Genuinely gutted that they didn't include that line. Imagine if they had pulled that shit with Me Gongaga. Unacceptable.
Chapter 3: Deeper into Darkness (Mythril Mines)
"Enough for her Standard Course twice, right?" keep it up Aerith you're doing amazing :)
Ah, the opening area of the mines has been converted into a museum. No wonder people are allowed to just waltz right on in.
ELENA!! Oooooh I love her voice!! She's got that young overconfident sass. Fits her perfectly. She's got me sweating bullets seeing her kick a grenade around like a soccer ball though YIKES
Those Boulders Are Not Made Of Solid Rock
Not much else to say about the mines. Love when the original version of the music kicked in. Barret and Red's dynamic is so good!
Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Era (Junon)
We just, uh, waiting for the bus there, folks? OH SHIT sorry about the bird of prey thing man, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon
Contrary to maybe popular opinion, but I actually love it when you know exactly what a character is going to say or do next. It means the writers have done a great job at getting that character across. Predictable does not always equal bad; tropes exist for a reason after all.
Under Junon. mwah <3
Priscilla!! Omg she's so cute and annoying. Just how I remember.
Soggy Strife Episode 2. This time featuring an off-putting amount of romantic tension between Cloud And That Dolphin
Lowkey disappointed that they cut the uncomfortably long CPR minigame. Gamers nowadays have no idea how good they have it. Back in my day, we had to give mouth-to-mouth for 5 minutes straight in deafening silence.
YUFFIE!!!!!! Oh my god the leakers weren't exaggerating about the naruto run
Yeah ok just. gonna do some good night crunches. Very. Uh. Normal of you, Cloud Strife. God I love this weirdo
ROCHEEEEE My Boyfriend Has Returned
Aerith and Priscilla doing the arm bump thing............ yeah...........
Yeah you work those tanker controls gay boy. I was really expecting a jumpscare as the tanker lifted up. Would have actually shrieked if Sephiroth was just like "sup lol"
WOW the sister ray!!! Honestly the first moment that made me go "DAMN this is Final Fantasy alright!" What a view.
Glad they kept Junon's silly amount of elevators.
Oh hi Glenn
So Aerith wants to know if there are any good restaurants in Junon. Well, maybe if this guy hadn't been busy barfing in an alleyway....
Gee Tifa and Aerith, it's a good thing you guys practiced your highly choreographed military drill, just in case you ever had to pretend to be a trooper during an inaugural parade. Gotta be prepared for even the most unlikely scenarios! (As a writer, I know how it is with suspension of disbelief. But it's still kinda doofy lol)
That being said, I'd let the commander have her way with me
Tee hee omg it's so cute to see Cloud in his element! Look at that boy go. He's so into it. I like hearing all of the Seventh Infantry's interactions, too. Really hammers it in that they're all just normal people with their own worries and hopes.
Oopsie daisy. I am not immune to Shinra Propaganda. Huh. Well done, writers.
Awww look at all the 1/35 soldiers! Man. This whole chapter is just one huge love letter to the OG. So much nostalgia, plus so much new exciting stuff. God I could go on and on
This Just In, Entire Junon Nursing Home Full Of Elderly People Dies Of A Heart Attack After Rufus Shinra Decides To Fire The Fucking Cannon
Roche please sign my forehead
Uh oh. Yuffie
Yeah Ok don't mind me, just a SOLDIER 1st Class, protecting these little infantrymen with my life. No parallels to be found here, folks
Oh good no hard feelings. Well. Actually. Uh
Chapter 5: Blood in the Water (Shinra-8/Ship to Costa)
Oh to be a girl hiding away in a cargo hold with another girl.......
Little bit of Traces of Two Pasts! So Aerith told Tifa about Faz, the weird guy that was a little bit too nice to Ifalna. Apparently Aerith is still shaken up by that. Don't blame her.
Ok. I've been avoiding the topic of Queen's Blood, because frankly, my opinion on it is completely unfounded and irrational. I fucking hate card games in video games that are not supposed to be solely about card games. I can't help it. I'm here for the pretty people rpg and the gut-wrenching t4t heartbreak, not for the Magic the Gathering subplot. Any time this game so much as breathes the name Queen's Blood in my direction, I feel something visceral welling up inside of me. So as you can imagine, The Chapter Where You Play Queen's Blood is not my personal favorite.
But I get it! It's not like there was much to do here in the OG. I like that they went out of their way to flesh the ship out and give it more to remember. And for people who like Queen's Blood, I'm happy for them!!
Silly boy humming the victory fanfare I love himmmm
Gotta get me one of them bigass cardboard cutout palm trees to put on display inside of my grungy metal hallway. Wow what a vibe
THE MOONWALK SJHSYAFDFKKFFJF oh mny fuckijngh god the terrified kid crying his eyes out LMAOOOOO
Dang It! I wanted to see what Cloud looks like swaddled up in that hammock. Why do you deny me that which I desire. Screw your fade to black.
Good to know Hojo is just as disgusting and disturbing as he should be! Yayyyyy :(
YEEEHAAWWWW time for another absolute fucking banger of a Jenova remix!!!! I cannot praise the soundtrack enough.
Chapter 6: Fool's Paradise (Costa del Sol)
Obligatory beach episode
Johnny!!!!! My favorite dramatic idiot with a heart of gold! It's ok babygirl I love your seasmell hotel. I'll stay there anytime.
Cloud acting like that lei is strangling him. Sameeee dude same but no really. This place sucks. Too many people trying to force this poor guy to have fun against his will.
If I have to hear "hang loose" one more time, there will be bloodshed.
I do not trust that man to ride safely and sanely on that wheelie. He can't even walk on his own two feet without endangering every physics object in the vicinity.
Empty materia moment actually made me gasp out loud
Cloud's Tits Out: An unusual sight. I feel like he should be smooth under there like Link BOTW. He looks a little too robust for someone who's got Big Oil And Brain Worms In There and hasn't slept in weeks. I appreciate the commitment to making him pale as paper and flat as a board. No top surgery scars lose points big time. I'm neutral about the toes. 4/10
Cloud's Business Casual: Immaculate. Tastefully hideous. That blue is NOT your color, girl. Chocobo imagery is always a plus. Absolutely mystified by the untied capris + 3/4 sleeve scoop neck combo. Pretty sure he's not wearing any socks with those tennis shoes. Sneakers in the sand is a helluva sensory experience for an autistic guy like him, I deeply respect it. 9/10.
Tifa's Frilly Miniskirt: Cute and confident. Split between it being utterly out of character for her, or 1000% perfect for her. The white and purple is a great color combo. Slightly concerned about the structural integrity of the neck strap. Uncooperative hairstyle is understandable but kills the vibe a bit. Jealous of the sandals. 8/10
Tifa's Tie Front: DAMN. Stripes with the collar, black jean shorts, hell yeah. The giant belt buckle is just asking for a nasty burn mark, though. Whatever. She's rockin' it. I dunno man, I'm at a loss for words, you just gotta see it to believe it. 10/10.
Aerith's Keepin' It Simple: Tried and true. Pink always works in her favor. Love the little matching flowers in her hair. The wrap around wallet chain is a welcome sprinkle of weirdness. Otherwise masterfully boring; it suits her city-slickin' down-to-earth attitude. 9/10
Aerith's Floral Cover Up: Classy. Got that Final Fantasy princess look with the ruffled sleeves and the push-up cut. The long skirt is nothing short of perfection. Lovestruck by the splash of lime green with the leaf pattern. Can't imagine how annoying those shin-high sandal straps might be though, that's gonna leave a mark. 9/10
Barret's Bear Wearing A Marshmallow: Pillsbury Dough Man at his finest. Faithful to the original, exquisite in 4K HD. Hoist hook arm adds that extra sailor flair, sealing the look. He's having fun with it, and that's what matters most. 10/10!
Ok back to reality
uh oh.
Yup, somehow they managed to make Hojo even more nauseating than ever before. Good. The more we hate him, the worse it'll sting when he keeps dodging his comeuppance. Hohohohoho.... That's Good Writing, Babie! Twist that knife. Keep us ravenously thirsty for revenge!!
Seen a lot of complaints about the women that accompany Hojo to the beach and shower him with compliments and oohs and aahs. Not sure why. Pretty sure it's heavily implied that they're being paid SHIT LOADS of gil to act that way. It's stated outright that they're working for Mayor Kapono, and it's well established by that point that the mayor is wrapped tight around Shinra's pinky finger.
The moment that beach fight started, I knew right away... GRAB THAT UMBRELLA, DO YOUR LEGACY PROUD
Aerith showing her vengeful side, just a tiny bit. So much pent up hatred and grief. Love how it mirrors Cloud's character. She's so forgiving, she doesn't know how to turn anger into action. He's so caught up in his anger, that he forgets what forgiveness could do for him. Man. :'(
Yuffie joins the team!!! Cloud's just like. >:/ lol
Chapter 7: Those Left Behind (Corel)
Fun time is over folks
Huh. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but that's not even close to being a Weapon. Major retcon, or legendary fakeout?
Sighh... Aerith looking up at the sky like that... The longing sure is long isn't it
WELL! Ain't that the dolly zoom of a lifetime! It's absolutely wild to watch Cloud's mental state worsen gradually in real time. Seeing him almost walk off a cliff was freaky. Good stuff
Poor Barret...... damn dude. The people of Corel were nasty to him in the OG, but they cranked that up to eleven in Rebirth. Wow.
"She your new wife? Well good for you..." istg i'll reach through that screen and choke you out with my bare hands bitchass
"NO." Well that settles that! Gee I wonder why Cloud's not interested in helping out the doctor with his test...... hmm......
Yuffie honey... read the room.........
Chapter 8: All That Glitters (Gold Saucer First Visit)
And now for a jarring tonal shift! Yeahh... this game suffers from awkward pacing. A lot. Though I do suppose that's the point— hellish suffering juxtaposed with distasteful extravagance, just how Shinra prefers it.
Dio should snap him in half like a twig. I think it would be good enrichment for Cloud.
Ok. I'm pretty sure this is like. the fourth time Cloud's pupils have gotten all blown out upon seeing Sephiroth. There may be a clinical explanation for this, but there sure as hell ain't a straight one. The submissive little gasps are NOT helping.
I'm fucking pissed on behalf of anyone who has to stay the night at this dumbass hotel. Oh my god. How could anyone fall asleep in this obnoxious hellscape.
At least the receptionist looks good tied up and struggling ;)
Cait Sith meowing his own theme song is doing something unfathomable to the part of me that almost became a furry back in middle school. Oh god no he's so adorable. I'm screwed
I'm going to dismantle that tonberry robot bolt by bolt.
Aerith and Cloud commentating the races omg kicking my feet like a little schoolgirl i love them so muchhhh
The bike minigame is just not the same without Roche's "encouragement"
Jessie 😭
Ok I'm glad that it's made clear from the get-go that Barret isn't responsible for the shooting, and he also doesn't try to take the fall for Dyne. That left a bad taste in my mouth in the OG, so this is a welcome change.
Cait Sith is a little bit too enthused about the muggin' maimin' and murderin' lmao
OH MY GOD CLOUD. Baseball bat to the back of the head was genuinely shocking. As if he didn't have enough brain damage to begin with D:
Oh yuck. Gus is insufferable and nasty. I've known this guy for all of five seconds, and I already hate his guts. Fantastic characterization right outta the gate. The music is hilarious.
Billy???? How the hell did you end up here????? Kid you GOTTA get tf out of this place
LMAOOO Elena is my favorite turk confirmed. "NO VANILLA."
Oh man. Dyne time. This entire part is so damn good. Barret wants so badly for Dyne to be the beloved friend he used to be, but he's just way too far gone. So much resentment and grief.
Second half of the Dyne battle is a little bit weird, but I can tentatively accept it.
Was definitely wondering how they would handle Dyne's suicide given the teen rating. They circumvented the issue by having Shinra troopers gun him down in a crazed last stand. Different from the OG, but still believable and well written, considering their limitations.
Now that I think about it, this game is REALLY pushin' it with the teen rating. I'm willing to bet the rating boards were like, "yeah uh we can make an exception. it's FFVII we're talkin' about." Still... wonder why they couldn't go as far with Remake.
"You carry that guilt... That weight..." Wow. That line.
Annnnd jarring tonal shift! Robot frog fight versus the comedy relief villain. To be fair, I can't think of any other decent place to put this boss, either. On the bright side, Anuran Suppressor is awesome. Favorite fight in the game so far!
I need this soundtrack in my possession right fucking now.
Oh hi Glenn
Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs (Gongaga)
dune buggy :)
Oh Yuffie... just keep a barf bucket on hand or somethin will ya?
"I just... I feel like I've been here before." Well wouldja look at that... no jenova static...
Going over the hill and seeing the reactor... damn.
CISSNEI!!!! Ouuugh girl you know EXACTLY who tf he is, don't lie.
Noooo give Cait his little mushroom back you meanie :(
Ah. The deranged picnic music.
Gongaga has a much different vibe than it did in the OG. The intense feeling of mourning and hardship is missing. No hazy purple hues or Anxiety playing. Seems like they went in more of a CC direction, with the bright blue sky and uplifting soundtrack. Can't lie, I'm a tiny bit disappointed; I was really hoping for something more heavy and melancholic.
The existence of ordinary chickens in the FFVII universe has some frightening implications for the true nature of chocobos. If you have ever kept backyard chickens, you'll know what I mean.
Ohhhhhhh.... Zack's home............. :((((((
No. No. Don't play Sky Blue Eyes. Don't fucking do this to me. I'm gonna fucking cry. Oh my god no.
"They do say no news is good news, right?" I'm gonna do it.
You know shit's bad when even Cloud "I'm Fine" Strife admits he needs to have a lie down. Yikes.
Man, I really wish we knew more about Tifa and Aerith's chats. Dramatic irony's a bitch.
They sure went all out with the mushroom thing, huh. I know they were trying to differentiate Gongaga in terms of gameplay and worldbuilding, but I feel like they went a little overboard. Gongaga was its own unique thing in OG, not sure why they felt the need to quote unquote improve upon it. Just kinda weird.
Now the reactor is a different story. They did an incredible job here. The scale of the reactor, the unprecedented destruction—
Oh God Damn It The Whispers Are Back
Seriously trying so hard to justify in my own mind why the whispers are here. I don't despise them as a concept, but their implementation is awkward and overdone. In the Gongaga reactor, they fulfill the same narrative purpose as the black robes would: to facilitate the Reunion by mentally dragging Cloud along. Sigh... I get it's because they want to familiarize the player with the whispers in anticipation of future scenes, but it still pisses me off.
That being said, the whispers' theme goes HARD and I'm elated to hear it again. It also fits super well in the Gongaga reactor. So I guess I'm not that pissed.
Touch Me renamed to Amphidex. Can't have shit in Gongaga :/
ooOOOOO!!! The mako fumes getting to Cloud's head! Poor guy's about to pass out. Nice touch.
Sephiroth/Jenova taking advantage of Cloud's mako poisoning... Oh man... the instant change in demeanor is nuts. So fucking good. Here we get to see the first time that Sephiroth has total control over Cloud, and it does not disappoint. Ruthless.
Tifa honey how and why tf are you keeping it together right now. Girl, you do NOT have to fix him. You do not have to show him your boobs a second time. You do not have to take a single thing he says seriously. You can just get up and leave I promise he's doomed by the narrative until further notice 😭😭😭
Telluric Orca Vore Moment was also not on my rebirth bingo card but Okay
Teasing the lifestream. Sure, I can get down with it. Just... y'all got a bit of a whisper problem down here. Want me to call pest control?
"No! Don't take him too!" Damn...
I would not feel safe alone in a room with a man who just tried to kill me, let alone even remotely consider intimacy, but maybe that's just me. It is refreshing to see Tifa and Cloud actually talk things out for a change.
Cloud knows there's something wrong with him and he's so scared... man :'(
What does Aerith say to her???????????? ARRRGHHH
So we're all just perfectly fine with Cloud continuing to be in charge? Nobody's got any objections to that? Alrighty Then
SURPRISE Cid Highwind!! Leaks were right, he's cleaned up. No cigs, less swears, very friendly guy. Not as off-putting as I worried it might be. I'm convinced it's just because he's got a business to run— we'll see good ol' cranky Cid in part 3.
Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale (Cosmo Canyon)
Red's real voice reveal! Red's real name reveal!! Though I really would have preferred to see his name change to Nanaki in the menu and subtitles...
Cosmo Canyon is coming off as a hippie stoner tourist trap. Yeah all of these people are correct about the planet and the lifestream, but dang if it doesn't feel like someone's about to heckle me into buying healing crystals and dreamcatchers.
The nostalgia is A++. Beautiful remaster of the music, too.
BUGENHAGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!! SO jealous of him zoomin around on that sick af crystal ball. Screw the Costa wheelies, I want one of these bad boys.
...A legendary fakeout in the making, I think!
The observatory is stunning. Can't even put it into words. The planetarium brought me to tears, it's such a flood of nostalgia and a deeply emotional scene. I love the nice detail of the planet being different from Earth— mako tinted oceans instead of deep blue. Watching the model planet rot and crumble broke my heart.
Sobbing the whole way through Aerith's speech. My god. Poor girl. Knowing what her fate is in the OG makes it hurt even worse.
Gi Nattak. Would
Expanding upon the Gi. Unexpected but super cool. Their story reminds me of FFIX, with the parasitic planet Terra lurking deep within Gaia. The Gi and the Cetra seem to have something similar going on. Who was here first? It almost sounds like the Cetra and their lifestream are invaders.
I could easily relate to the Gi's opinion, that the endless cycle of the lifestream and the persistence of the spirit is tantamount to torture. Never being able to truly rest in peace sucks. Don't worry friends, I'll bring you the black materia! :) (THIS USER CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH THE BLACK MATERIA)
Aerith sticking her hand into the mako..............
Chapter 11: The Long Shadow of Shinra (Nibelheim)
The intense gaslighting about Nibelheim was one of my favorite things about the OG. It also helped seed even more doubt into Cloud's existence as a real person, setting up his descent into madness over the black materia and vulnerability as Sephiroth's puppet. So the changes they've made to Nibelheim in Rebirth are... unnecessary, to put it lightly.
The villagers do not argue with Tifa or Cloud about their memories of the town. They greet them and tell them all about the town's development into a mako poisoning treatment center. Sigh... Part of what made OG's Nibel revisit so dreadful was the unshakeable feeling that you are not welcome there, and that you're being watched like a hawk. I feel a little bit too comfy here in Rebirth Nibelheim, with how friendly and open everyone's being.
Love the chat with Tifa in her old room. We get so much insight into her thoughts and feelings about Nibelheim, Avalanche, and about Cloud and herself.
"Every time we made eye contact, you'd look away. And when I tried to talk to you, you'd ignore me." ouch, don't gotta poke him in the autism like that
Ohoho. The hotel's digging up some memories. I've said my piece.
LORD have mercy. This boy's noodle is scrambled like you wouldn't believe. Good news, he remembers Zack, sort of. Bad news, he thinks he fucking drowned?!???? It's intimidating to see the lengths Jenova/Sephiroth will go to to obscure the truth from Cloud. Damn.
Ok Yuffie is actually starting to get a bit obnoxious. Please stop interrupting emotionally charged moments. We get it, you're excited about materia. Cut it out.
If I were Tifa I would be shitting my pants terrified right about now. Girl I do NOT know how you're holding it together.
And now for the most distasteful tonal shift and momentum killer of all time. It's silly kitty cat hijinks time!! ...What the actual fuck. I like Cait Sith, but this is unacceptable. The basement is supposed to be a sickening place of fear and tragedy. Turning it into a cutesy little box chucking playground is downright disrespectful to the original FFVII. I can't even believe I'm writing this, it's so absurd as a concept. This is the only major change that I'm legitimately seriously upset about.
And by god does it drag on. Every time you think, surely this is the final section!... nope. It just keeps on fucking going. Fuck my life, my blood is boiling. Unreal. Remake's slow ass hand-crane highway thing is nothing compared to this. I'll take a Queen's Blood tournament and a hurricane of whispers any day over this unrivaled masterclass in unnecessary bullshit. Fuck.
At least to some people, the reward for getting through the Cait Sith Crate Slog is worthwhile— a few cutscenes starring Vincent Valentine, and a battle against Galian Beast. But if you're like me, and you're not utterly obsessed with Vincent Valentine or Matt Mercer, then by this point, you're just feeling drained and disappointed.
Overall... least favorite chapter. Mellow start, juicy build up with great potential, completely shafted by baffling nonsense.
RIP Roche. Heartbreaking. It's been a good run. Side note, Roche's conversion into a black robe was... quite bizarre. That's just, uh, how that works, I suppose? Okie dokie then
Oh hi Glenn
Chapter 12: A Golden Key (Gold Saucer Revisit)
Always felt weird about the Gold Saucer revisit in the OG. Unusual pacing. Well, at least Rebirth's being consistent in that regard.
What's the point of the theater if you're just going to do a VR performance instead? I know it's a silly little nitpick, but I wanna hear some soles squeaking on a hardwood stage!
Ah, that's the point of the VR. So Shinra can use a dead woman's likeness to keep selling tickets to their overhyped shows. Surprised none of the characters say anything about that, given Avalanche's well-established anticapitalist message.
This is what Genesis Rhapsodos decided to hyperfixate on? No wonder the guy's hair started turning grey and falling out in chunks. [SARCASM]
Barret sobbing uncontrollably, right next to Nanaki looking like a rejected Crash Bandicoot reboot clapping his paws together. Sums up this entire game so far.
The "audience participation" in the play is altered significantly from the OG. It's, uh, very neat and tidy. I strongly prefer OG's hysterical secondhand embarrassment and awkward ad-lib.
I NEED to know what happens if you fail all of the QTEs. Please tell me it goes off the rails and Cloud gets booed off stage PLEASE.
Pretty song. But my god if that is Not What She Would Sound Like.
The gondola rides!! Overall fantastic. So difficult to pick a favorite. Tifa's is obviously phenomenal, but I think I still have a soft spot for Aerith's. I like that Barret's is taken more seriously; it's such a heartfelt moment. Yuffie reminiscing about Zack was adorable, as well as Cloud relating to her being bad with feelings. The Cait Sith/Cid/Vincent one had me laughing out loud, it was so stiff and awkward lmaoo
THE SCOTCH AND KOTCH DISS TRACK IS SENDING ME???????? SKSJKHAGAAAFDSDSDHHBFD I'm so happy to see these freaks doing their thing again.
Yeah, no Cait Sith, you ain't garnering any pity from me. Not happening after the crate incident.
Chapter 13: Where Angels Fear to Tread (Temple of the Ancients)
So the temple is to the north now. Understandable, since that's where the Forgotten Capital is, too. Still took me by surprise. Also means we won't be going back to Gongaga... aww :(
HOLY FUCK the way the temple assembles itself... now THIS is what I'm talkin' about!
Teasing us with that fractal square symbol since all the way back in Remake...!
Roche....... "my... friend..." :(((((((
These troopers are NOT getting paid enough for this shit lmao
Oh howdy there Rathalos from Monster Hunter, you look a bit different than I remember
Thank goodness the Cetra had the foresight to incorporate some aesthetically appropriate rest benches into their temple's design!
Aerith's seance + the camera angle of the whole team watching... beautiful nod to FFX...? <3
That better not have been Kunsel.
Reno jumpscare
Elena's pretty pink pistol with the charms and stickers is so goofy. I love her. Hopefully Cloud won't try to chop her head off within the next sixty seconds or anything like tha— uh, nevermind.
oooOOURGHH Cloud is SO fucking terrifying throughout the whole temple. Cody hitting it out of the ballpark BIG TIME with the voice acting. DAMN.
Everybody but Cloud has memories to retread... broke my heart. Sad and scary. By the way Hey uhh Temple? Why the fuck would you do this to us? :(
ugly sobbing
Followed up by the Gayest Thing I Think I've Ever Seen In Video Game History
Oh god no you're going to make me fight Demon Gate aren't you
Wait. Cloud. Hey. Can we talk about it for a sec. Come back please
"There's no point fighting over a fake." WHOA I actually straight up forgot about that twist! Hell yeah! What a wham line!
"I wish I hadnae skipped leg day." pFFFFT LMAOOOOO
"Yeah... I'm good." The Fuck You Ain't
The temple's transformation is breathtaking. And that music score, too, holy fuck.
Honestly I'm not even mad about the whispers being there, they're just a setpiece at this point. Adds to the frantic atmosphere. I'm choosing to ignore their narrative relevance until absolutely necessary.
THAT BOY on his hands and knees SCRAMBLING for that black materia. Gayass
LISTEN. Listen I cannot formulate coherent thoughts about this. Go see it for yourself. Just go.
tee hee hee he's so proud of himself handing it over :3
It Begins.
Interlude. The Zack Moments so far:
Yeahhhh not a huge fan of Zack just dropping Cloud off at the nearest recognizable npc. Not after he almost gave his goddamn life to protect him.
MAN! Finally get to see what it's like to enter/exit Midgar. No fade to black, just on your feet and out the gate. Feels good; kinda surreal honestly. Never realized how bad I wanted this.
Regardless of what you think about the Zack thing, you gotta admit, the atmosphere during his sections is ethereal. So beautiful and calming in such a tragic way.
Love how he fights different than Cloud. Throwing punches, brutal kicks, shoulder checks, much like in Crisis Core.
HOLY FUCK don't mind me just gonna uhhh rip this five hundred pound metal post out of the ground and chuck it like a toy hammer. Suddenly the Buster Sword doesn't seem all that unwieldy.
......RIP Barret, Nanaki, and Tifa. Oof. What a way to go out.
Damn bitch you live like this??? To be fair, that's probably the most luxurious resting spot he's had in literal YEARS. Like wow there's a mattress!! And a roof!!!!!
Good to know that Cloud's goofy ass flinging himself out of bed straight into a combat stance thing from Remake is actually a Zack mannerism lol
Ohhh... my heart... seeing things from Cloud's perspective... I like the how this expands upon what the OG established, about "dreams" of this type. Sort of like the sleeping forest scene. Also makes Aerith's resolution scene in Remake all the more curious.
Aww... walking out onto the balcony and seeing the whole garden dead...
Obsessed with the music that plays during Zack's sections. Wow.
Awwww Marlene and Zack are such a silly duo :')
Biggs wtf did you do????????
Ziggs crashing hard onto my list of OTPs. Oops.
Divine intervention preventing a headshot? I'm sure some CS:GO players can relate.
Biggs' and Zack's conflicting memories of Cloud, plus the "broken internal clocks" is intriguing.
"Zack-of-all-trades" tickles me :D
All of their dialogue together is so self-aware... two characters who have had their narrative purposes torn out from under them, desperate to find a new one. The fact that there is no reason for them to be here is the whole point.
"We're all headed for the same place. You'll see your daddy and Tifa again." Oh ok yeah sure go ahead and rip my heart right out of my chest Elmyra
"Hello in there..." 🥺
So Remake Aerith bestowed memories of her future death upon Marlene. Is childhood innocence a prerequisite for this ability to work? Seeing as she did something similar with Nanaki. Otherwise, you'd think she would try to entrust her own fate with someone more influential, like Tifa or Barret.
I cannot fucking believe that Zaclerith endgame is real. Am I dreaming
Aww Zack has Aerith's ribbon tied around his hand...
Chapter 14: End of the World (Forgotten Capital/Final Chapter)
Ok Tsengru shippers. I finally see it. You are 100% correct about them.
Now we're getting WILD with it. The timeline shenanigans are in full swing. Speculation aplenty ahead.
"...or 'homeward bound' maybe?" Still trying to make sense of what exactly these sky-rift worlds are. Aerith's line here seems to imply that this is some kind of purgatory...? Where timelines go to wallow in their death throes? That's my understanding, so far. Especially with all of the mournful npc dialogue.
Aww... Aerith's date with Cloud mirroring the one she had with Zack in Crisis Core :')
I tell you what, the Stamp figurine made me GASP. So that's three timelines now. Beagle, Terrier, Spitz.
So Terrier Zack goes to Hojo in hopes of finding a cure for Cloud. Not his finest idea... but oh well. Jealous of his motorcycle. ;)
Sephiroth is combing timelines for one version of Aerith in particular...? Am I on the right track here? Is this the same Aerith from her resolution scene in Remake?
THE PUG made me spit my fucking drink out. Hot damn, there's four! We saw this timeline's conception in the form of the bright flash of light when Terrier Zack chose to go to Hojo.
So Pug Zack instead goes to Biggs at reactor 6. I really, really love this scene. The pump is dry, the planet's life is flashing before its eyes. A heartfelt moment shared between two characters who have had their narrative purposes torn out from under them. Zack gets a delicious bit of character progression, wanting to take back control of his life. Price of Freedom playing in the background has got me wailing like an air horn.
"I'm sick of taking its shit!" WHOA Zack swearing caught me way off guard. He flees from battle for once, instead of facing Shinra head on in this timeline. Wonder how that'll change things.
"You don't look like you're on a date... More like 'at a funeral.'" Mhm. duly noted
Give it up for timeline number five! Corgi Zack is sitting on the stairs at the church.
"Cloud, Biggs, or Aerith... How the hell am I supposed to choose?" You don't have to, darling. It's called a polycule.
Sephiroth slashes a hole in reality, and the black whispers drag Corgi Zack through it. Starting to think I shoulda done my Lifestream Black/Lifestream White homework.
So far, Aerith+Cloud's date "dream" has taken place entirely in the Spitz timeline. It's not clear if this is also true of the scene inside of the church, especially since Sephiroth comes waltzing in after we just saw him outside in the Corgi timeline. I'm getting the impression that time and space are a very hand-wavey thing in this layer of reality.
And now for one of the most exhilirating things I think I've ever seen in MY LIFE.
"Behold... The true nature of reality. When the boundaries of fate are breached, new worlds are born. The planet encompasses a multitude of worlds, ever unfolding. [...] In the planet's embrace, all life is as one." Sephiroth's entire dialogue here... I got goosebumps. That's all.
"Very poor form." LMAO
I notice now on my second watch through, that as early as the sleeping forest scenes, we're cutting back and forth between two different timelines, I believe. Whenever the black or white whispers rush past, we shift perspective from one timeline to another. Pay close attention. Two worlds, simultaneous, but different.
Cloud delivers the white materia from one Aerith to another. Is this the same white materia we see from the beginning of Rebirth? I don't think she swaps the materia out, just transfers its power into her own empty materia, then hands Cloud the newly empty one.
Interesting! Looks like the timeline had already split, all the way back when Cloud handed over the black materia. Previously we saw Cloud and Aerith fall, but now— the white whispers rush past— and we see him rescue her and pull themselves up before they fall. Interesting!
Some youtube theorycrafter will piece together the symbolic significance of literally every tiny detail in this prerendered cutscene and make perfect sense of it. Looking forward to it too, because this is WAY above my paygrade.
Hello, whiper pest control services? Hi, yes, I would like to know why the white whispers are suddenly getting in the way? I thought they were my friends :(
Aerith's prayer :(((((((((
OHHGH MY GOD fucking legendary use of the haptic/adaptive triggers. Holy shit.
👁️ 👁️
Meanwhile, Zack Fair
me, banging my fists on the table: KISS! KISS!!! KISS! KISS!!!! JUST KISS ALREADY!!!!!! KISS!!!
Lmao Zack is so indifferent to this interdimensional insanity. After being the protagonist of Crisis Core, he's just like "lol whatever this is fine"
"Look at you takin' charge! I like it!" 😏
Zack+Cloud synergy attack!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
"What in the hell is going on!?" SAME ZACK, SAME
the hand hold 💔
i'm incoherent. i'll figure out my thoughts about this some other time
Oh hi Glenn— OH SHIT??!?
Man... the in-game skybox does NOT do that rift in the sky justice. Absolutely staggering in the final prerendered cutscene.
Next time I have a migraine aura, I'll be at ease knowing that it's just the timelines rippling and merging. No big deal
Two separate worlds, one where she lives, one where she dies. Realities overlapping and intertwined. Cloud's fragile mind fluctuating between both… wow. Can't wait to see where this leads in part 3.
Misc. thoughts, not chapter specific:
Love the accentuated mako in SOLDIER eyes. It irked me that the iconic mako color was so muted in Remake, so seeing it so vibrant in Rebirth is sexy as hell.
Um. No comment on Glenn, really. I'm not heavily invested in his story; maybe I'd be more interested if SE had actually done anything substantial with First Soldier and Ever Crisis. I don't mind that he's here, and the Jenova/Sephiroth twist was pleasantly surprising. Matt and Lucia name drop was also a nice touch. It's pretty obvious that the only reason Glenn is here is to help set up a confict against Wutai for part 3. Fair enough.
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