#those bouts of inspiration come very random oof
chrrywvea · 1 year
creds to @epiimetheux !!!
i kept coming back to this beautiful artwork and i got inspired by it so here you go...
(disclaimer: i haven't completed a fic in forever, let alone published one, so i'm very anxious about this, i apologise if it's a mess •~•♡ love you guys)
tom watches from the side as his husband steps forward to his coffin. pete's head is bowed, but he can see the trembling of his lips and the coiled muscles in his jaw.
oh my love.
what i'd give to embrace you one more time.
he knew he couldn't reach his husband anymore. his time had passed.
that didn't keep tom from standing next to pete's side. keeping watch. protecting his wingman, as they'd promised to each other years ago on that fateful day.
when repressed feelings and pretentious rivalry finally made way for the unconditional love thay had never wavered once.
partnership that had lasted 33 years.
tom watched as pete took the wings off his uniform, laying them onto the smooth oak.
the gun salutes were no more than background noise, tom's sole focus lying on the man in front of him.
the moment he saw pete punching the wings into the coffin he felt an incredible warmth spread through his chest.
such a feeling had been limited to very few moments in his life.
in the cockpit of his plane, soaring above the clouds with ron at his back and pete right by his side.
the return from the layton mission.
aching and sweaty and all kinds of shaken up but alive, thriving on adrenaline and pent up energy.
they had only seen each other then.
not iceman and maverick, but tom and pete, right there on the deck, what ron had later jokingly called their "confession".
their wedding. finally being allowed to slip a ring onto pete's finger while surrounded by all their loved ones. to call him his husband for everyone to see and hear without having to fear anymore. forever and always - the ending of both of their vows.
when their son had come back to them.
pete, bradley and himself crying with relief in their kitchen as they embraced for the first time in years. pete almost losing it as bradley started called him 'dad' again, and tom almost following suit when 'pops' returned back to daily use.
in that hospital bed, when he'd kissed his husband for the last time. he had wiped the tears on pete's cheeks with trembling hands, mapping that gorgeous face he knew better than the back of his own hand.
hushed i love you's in the quiet of the room, both signed and said out loud as they held each other.
the last words he felt pressed against his forehead being 'forever and always', before he slipped away into neverland.
tom looked over his shoulder just as pete stepped back from the coffin.
the wings on his back were strikingly white. glossy and strong feathers fluttered softly in the wind, and tom couldn't help the smile that spread on his face.
i will protect you, my heart.
my wingman.
my everything.
carefully he guided his wings around pete's sides. shielding him for just a moment. providing the endless support he couldn't give in person anymore.
pete looked up towards the sky, just like the rest of the crowd, watching as the missing man formation flew by.
everyone watched the sky, but tom couldn't tear his eyes away from his husband. how the dusking sun reflected in those tender green eyes. the curve of his nose, and the sweet lips he'd kissed so very often, now being worried at between pearly teeth.
i love you, forever and always.
as if he heard him, pete echoed his words.
"forever and always, sweetheart."
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forever-yoongis · 5 years
My Chemistry Of Love
Ships: Yoongi x reader, Namjoon x reader, Jungkook x reader.
Genre: Fluff and angst.
This takes place BEFORE Sophie breaks up with Namjoon :(. Y'all will get a better idea when I make a masterlist of all my fics.
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"Well ain't this just fUn? ", Namjoon grumbles underneath his breath and Sophie giggles at that. " Well you KNEW this would happen right? What's the point in complaining now?" She pats his head lightly.
So basically, everyone in BTS apparently wanted to know the girl for whom their leader was just so whipped, and it pretty much ended in an invasion of poor Sophie's house one random evening which otherwise would've been spent peacefully with Ann and Exci. It was a day off for everyone.
"Jeez but I never expected this", Namjoon raises his voice slightly, casting a glare at the younger members, especially Jungkook and Taehyung who were currently ravaging the flat, blasting music and screaming " Why's this place so small? Sophie how do you fit??! "
"That is actually very rude", J-Hope interjects, flashing a huge grin and starts dancing to the music when he hits against the coffee table and flips it over. " Oof gukkie, I guess you're right," He says sheepishly rubbing his forehead.
"Could you guys like, stop insulting my girlfriend like that? " Namjoon groans. "I didn't ask y'all to come. " "So you're basically kicking us out hyung? " Jimin flashes his puppy sad eyes at the leader who sighs.
"Well at least my baby is not bothering anyone~" Ann cooes from the corner of the room where she sat in front a couch where Min Yoongi lay, well, sleeping and occasionally murmuring gibberish of having lamb skewers with her at 2am. Sophie laughs and replies, "don't worry, Exci's gon clean this all up after you leave".
"HEYY that's just wrong! ", Exci protests vehemently from the floor where she sat with her legs crossed observing the maknaes. " I won't be doing ANYTHING at all. This losers will clean up after themselves, I'll make sure of that", she points at Jungkook who was currently stuffing his mouth with some snacks he came across in the kitchen. "Whawt-mm-di-mm-I-do? " Jungkook speaks while chewing spilling food from his mouth at which Jin screams, "STOP THAT THIS VERY INSTANT. THIS IS NOT HOW I RAISED YOU". " Oof-momma, no need to get that triggered", Tae pats his hyung's back grinning.
"Well guys how bout we do something constructive instead? " Jungkook flips up his head at that. "You mean Overwatch? Sophie do you have Overwatch??" "Kook, don't interrupt me while--"
"Yeah I think I do", Sophie smiles at the maknae who flashes her a wide smile. " Excellent you're the best", and he jumped on the sofa waking up Yoongi in the process who started cursing at the younger member. Jungkook shuts up immediately and looks sheepishly at the annoyed hyung who was probably going to potentially murder him for interrupting his nap. But before things took a turn for the worse, Ann interrupts, "Yoongs how bout you keep your head in my lap and sleep? ",she says smiling at him. He gives one last glare at the maknae and slips off the couch laying his head on her lap, curled on the floor. ;-;
"Aw before things start getting cheesy here, let's do this game", Taehyung jumps on the sofa next to Jungkook and then looks at Exci who was sitting by herself on the floor. " You wanna join? " He wiggles his eyebrows excitedly at which she murmurs, "don't make it sound so weird, I'm coming", and makes her way slowly to the sofa.
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*Time skip an hour or two*
"Well isn't it just unfair that you three (or five staring at Ann in the corner who was contentedly threading her fingers through her boyfriend's hair as he slept) get to have all the fun? " Sophie complains as Jungkook once again screams, "YES I WIN" for probably the tenth time that day, or hundred, it doesn't really matter. But he ignores her blatantly and keeps on playing. Sophie sighs and looks at Namjoon who shrugs. "Can't we all do something together? " She suggests, at which Exci and Tae looks up. "Like? "
"Idk truth or dare? Situations? Memories? Anything really", Sophie murmurs and closes her eyes resting her back against Namjoon's chest who presses her kiss to her cheek.
"Well I'm up for it", Exci says and slips off the sofa. Taehyung starts stroking his chin, pretending to be in deep thought. " I think I might likey this idea too. Plus, this has gotten boring, Jungkook wins every time", and he throws the game control on the sofa and joins Exci. Jungkook complains loudly, "hey that's not fair you two. You all are just unworthy, accept it!" But seeing that he has no option, he joins the group on the floor, sitting cross- legged. "Ann would you joi-" Sophie begins, and then she notices that even Ann had fallen asleep resting her head on the lower part of the sofa.
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After almost an hour of truth and dare of an extremely violent kind, coz Jin kept slapping Jimin whenever he came up with a lewd dare which ranged from "asking Sophie to make out with Namjoon to asking Hobi to lick Jin's face (which gained him an extra few glares of course)"... Taehyung decided that it was time to spice things up a lil bit. Which ofc wasn't exactly a brilliant idea. Or maybe it was. Who knows?
"I dare you", stretching out his words as he pointed a finger at Exci who raised her eyebrow skeptically, " to sit on Jungkook's lap", and he pointed his other hand towards Jungkook, then immediately burst into a fit of giggles. Exci burnt a deep red with anger and so did Jungkook, who was more shy than mad. Realising the imminent danger to Taehyung's life for if looks could kill, he would have burnt into a crisp by now, the BTS leader stepped in. "Okay guys, break! Break! We need a break". Waving his hands clumsily, "lets do something else, yeah?" --- his eyes flitting back and forth between Tae and Sophie, silently trying to gain her support. "Yeah of course..." she mumbled, then clearing her throat, "am I right Ann?" Blushing a deep red when she remembered that she was actually asleep, she stuttered, "I-I meant Exci, yeah".
"We could play our old game of making situations".
Heads snapped towards the direction the voice came from, and Sophie's eyes widened as she saw a very smug-looking Ann staring back with a lazy smirk on her face, her hands threading through Yoongi's hands who was still sleeping very soundly, letting out smol snores now and thenxD.
"What?" She raised her eyebrows, "isn't that an excellent idea? I thought you two would be applauding me by now".
"A-are you sure? Uhh..." Sophie got taken in by surprise at the sudden suggestion by her friend. "What's this game all about anyways", spoke up a curious Jimin who was always ready to jump at any juicy proposal brought up. "The rules are simple really", Ann stated twirling a strand of Yoongi's hair about her finger. "Ann--", Exci warned but like always, Ann would ignore her every warning completely. I mean, who gives up a chance to spice stuff a lil?
"Look, this game was sort of inspired from the original 'Truth, Dare and Situation' that we all know of. You'll be given a situation of any kind, and you've got to think of a way to handle it. You might be asked to show how you'd react, or reply or act accordingly..."
"The only change in our modified rules is that, you'll only be given romantic or rather, embarrassingly juicy situations and you've gotta come out of those. This is like one of those otome simulation games that many play, only we will be the ones to make them up. Which means,you can also introduce multiple... suitors...in this game," Ann concluded triumphantly, "this game was an absolute favourite of ours back in highschool", she winked at Exci who turned beet-red.
"Lovely!" Taehyung clapped his hands, rubbing his palms together. Jimin was equally thrilled and Jin merely sighed with a "kids these days..."
"Look I've got no problem, as long you always pair me up with Sophie in the situations," Namjoon smiled, looping a hand through Sophie's, who nodded in agreement.
"Hopeless romantics", Ann sighed.
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"Noo ofc I won't choose him!! I WON'T!", Exci started waving her hands frantically about her and furiously shook her head in disagreement. "B-but", Jin sputtered, "I made such a romantic scene..."
"...and oH so tragic", Hobi clutches at his heart and pretends to sob. "Still a NO", she shook her head. Jimin intervened. "I TOLD you that she needed smut. That's why she isn't saying yes..Hyung, you really know nothing about relationships these days..." he leans against the wall.
"Yeah do whatever, just stop pairing me with her. It's weird", Jungkook sighs, putting a hand on his forehead. "I won't do half the stuff that you're making me do in the situation".
"Oh but you will, when you're in love", Taehyung jabbed a finger at him.
By now, almost everyone's gotten a situation of their own, and almost everyone had said yes to their partner in the end. What with Jin's romantic sprinklings, Ann's juicy scenes and Hoseok's tragic angst, it was hard not to. But it was only Exci who hadn't said yes even once, but she had been paired with Jungkook every.single.time. And the real Jungkook was tired of listening to the fictional him jumping in front of cars, bridges and whatnot for saving her. "Why do you need so much of saving, huh?" He rolled his eyes.
Exci exclaimed, " I wouldn't have crossed a busy road in the first place. Jin's an idiot". "Yahh, who are you calling that?", came Jin's threatening voice. "Exci's heart is icy ", Hobi pretended to shiver. "Don't even remind me", Ann intervened. "It was just so damn hard to make her say yes. She might be the most clichéd person you've met, but trust me, I'd be awake at night thinking of all kinds of ghastly situations that would make her say yes to the poor guy".
"Hey, I did say yes sometimes! Remember that ones you made on Chaol and Tomoe?" Exci tried to defend herself. "Who's Chaol?" Jungkook pipes up, suddenly. Ann gives him a 'Really now?' look and said, "Yeah yeah I made a lot of stuff".
"So did I", Exci says smugly. "There was Hak and Zen, Yuri and Zero..." She counts the names off her fingers. "...Usui and Newt, Laurie and Jason", Sophie ends in a flourish. "Ooh Ann, so many!", Hobi exclaims in surprise. "Continue you both", Jimin says in a serious tone, "Yoongi needs a report on this", he pretends to take down names on an imaginary notepad. "Yah stop you both", Ann exclaims, crossing her arms defensively. "This was almost a decade ago!"
"There were more, I think", Sophie pretends to tap her chin, as if deep in thought. "You will stop right there sweet, if you don't want me to mention our good ol' 'Percy' ", Ann chuckled, putting air quotes around the name with her fingers.
Sophie's eyes widened in alarm, her eyes darting side to side, thinking of what to say. "Who's Percy?", Namjoon turned to her sharply. "N-none that you should be worried about Joonie!", Sophie exclaims waving her hands in front of her defensively. "Just some age-old crush I had in highschool". Namjoon visibly relaxed at her words, shaking his head a little for getting so worked up over such a silly matter. Sophie glared at Ann, who giggled in response. "Sure sure, whatever floats your boat", Ann muttered smirking.
Eager to avert the topic, Jin comments, "Exci, I really like those earrings of yours. Where did you buy them?", he asks quickly. Exci looked a bit taken abackby the sudden question and her fingers automatically goes upto her ears, caressing them. A thoughtful look takes over her face as she seemed to struggle to remember. "Ah these? I don't exactly recall, but I've had them for a long time now. Was a gift from a dear friend, I think". She stopped for a while, her hands still on the earrings, as if holding them might trigger her lost memories. "It was a girl....no, a boy...", she squints, trying to recall. "A party....a birthday party....and rabbits?" She shakes her head. "It's no use, I've the memory of a goldfish haha. I don't even remember his face, but we were very small, like in primary school. Before we met", she nodded at her two friends, Sophie and Ann. "I faintly remember someone crying...was it me? But what does it have to do with a earring..." she trails off, " a kids' park... with swings and a slide..." " We used to live in a different area back then. I remember staying there for a couple of years only before we moved".
A sudden sound of a chair scraping against the floor makes Exci snap her head towards the source. Jungkook quickly gets up from his place on the floor near the chair, a strange expression on his face. "M-my leg had fallen asleep, I'm not used to sitting down for so long", he quickly says, moving his face away, as if hiding something. He looked weirdly restless as if something was bothering him a lot. "You can continue...I need a drink". Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he slowly moved towards the corridor. "Kitchen's that way, right?" Sophie nodded, a confused expression on her face. She looks at Namjoon who merely shrugs in response. Exci stares intently at Jungkook, her brows furrowed as if trying to grasp a lost detail. Taehyung gets up suddenly and says, "yeah Hyung, I feel stiff too. I'll go with him, we'll be back soon". Putting his large hand on Jungkook's shoulder, he slowly leads him out to the kitchen. Jin, annoyed at all the interuption waves them away, "yeah, yeah you all can go. You can continue though."
Why's he so interested in my story anyway? Thinks Exci, as she looks at Jungkook, who disappears into the kitchen. Sophie looks quizzically at Ann, who merely shrugs in response, her fingers busy threading through Yoongi's hair, who by now was letting out soft snores and occasionally mumbling something incoherent about 'adding a lil more salt to his lamb skewers'. Ann chuckled at that, shaking her head muttering something about how adorable he is when he sleeps. "So? You were saying..." Jin eggs Exci on to continue with her story, throwing a meaningful look at Taehyung who returned it as he too disappeared into the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah...it was a boy, I think. Small cute doe-shaped eyes", Exci laughs embarrassedly, "I don't know why I suddenly remembered that haha". "But the memory's so hazy...", she throws her head back, resting it against the sofa and stretches her legs on the floor. Closing her eyes, as if trying hard to remember, she asks, "are you really that curious?" "Yeah, I guess so... I mean, there's nothing much interesting to discuss about", Jin replies quickly. "Hmmm I guess so...", Exci continues to think with her eyelids closed. "A birthday party...whose? Mine? Or somebody else's? I remember crying over something a lot... And...well, a contest??" Exci opens her eyes, "I have the memory of a goldfish haha. It's difficult for me to remember much from the old days".
"A contest?", Ann chimed in curiously. "That reminds me how competitive you used to be when it came to singing contests in our school. As a kid, I used to steer right clear of you and your craziness", she laughed. "Yeah, I kinda remember all that", Sophie giggled from her place beside Namjoon who had one of his arms around her waist, her head resting on his chest, aka being all lovey-dovey. "Oh would you two please get a room?", Jimin rolled his eyes at the sight in front of him. "Why chim chim, jealous?" Namjoon piped in smugly at which Jimin replied with a "you wish".
"I think it may have been a singing contest, you know......." Exci said slowly and who seemed to oblivious of her immediate surroundings. "Actually it was a singing contest, yes...I remember now, thank you Ann, I think you were right". Ann merely shrugged in response. "Did I lose it? That must explain why I'd been so obsessed with being perfect at singing when I first met you all in school". "And perfect you are~" sung Ann and Sophie both, at which Exci shushed them. "Yeah, yeah I got ya".
"Jeez, talking about old stuff is helping me remember better.. I now remember that it was a birthday party of one of our classmates in kindergarten", Exci trails off, her voice sounding a little more certain than before. Jin nods at her as he stretches out his arms, a somewhat thoughtful look on his face. Sophie mumbled something under her breath and Namjoon drew her closer, pecking her forehead lightly. This scene got a few eye-rolls from the other members who were still seated and Ann, who suddenly poked at Yoongi and muttered, "what a lazy, unromantic boyfriend I've got". However, all that poking seemed to have no effect on him for he continued to snuggle comfortably on her lap, sleeping. She sighed and leaned back against the legs of the couch against which she was resting, thinking of ways to torment her poor boyfriend for being not enough cuddly, once he woke up.
A sudden sound made all heads snap back to Exci who suddenly looked very delighted and proud, her eyes shining with amusement. "I remember...", she mumbles. Then she suddenly started speaking very quickly. "This-- this earring...I-I wanted it. This was the prize they were giving at that birthday party if-- for the person who won the singing contest. I remember wanting it so badly, it was practically the only thing I was eyeing the whole time. My friend, I don't remember his name anymore was assuring me that there are many such beautiful earrings and I needn't worry so much about it. But I was ecstatic and obstinate too", she shook her head. "Hm I can imagine," Ann added thoughtfully. Giving her a look, Exci continued, "so I didn't even enjoy with my friends...I was rehearing outside the whole time with him supporting me...I mean, I realize now what a wonderful friend he had been, to have left his other friends and all and only supporting me". Jim nodded his head, saying "of course, of course" absently, glancing suddenly at the kitchen. "But I was too small to realize that the contest was for the birthday girl, and for her to win. And she did. She-she won that earring. And I was devastated", Exci chuckled. "He tried to stop me. I probably made a huge scene. My parents were away with work, so they couldn't make it to the party. I think I ran back crying". "How dramatic", Ann muttered.
"I know", Exci laughed, then continued, "my friend tried to come back, but his parents were there or something. Heck, I don't remember very clearly. But what I do remember is that he stood on my front porch for a quite a while after the party ended, til my parents found him there staring up at the windows", she giggled. "What I wouldn't do to get a friend like that now". "Yeah, Miss cliché queen, you would love that", Sophie commented, at which everyone laughed including Exci.
"But that doesn't explain how you got that earring!", spoke Hoseok, who had been very quiet the whole time. "Yeah I know", Exci sighed,"and that's the part where my memory is a little hazy".
"Hey, what's up with that behaviour? You all right??", Clearing his throat, Taehyung looks at the younger member, frowning. Jungkook was leaning against the kitchen counter, gulping down water. It almost seemed as if he was forcibly drinking glasses of water to distract himself. Rubbing his mouth with his sleeve, he replies absently, "yes, of course". Taehyung pretended not to hear his answer, or he chose to ignore it. His frown deepened as he voiced a question, "is she the one...?" Trailing off towards the end, he looks up at the younger member uncertainly, watching his reaction intently.
With a sharp intake of breath, Jungkook quickly puts down or rather, slams down his glass of water. Wincing a bit from the sound or perhaps, also from the question (which though sounded fairly simple seemed to have a deeper meaning for him), he blurts out a "no". Then his eyes widens in realization and he quickly tries to mend his words, "What are you talking about? I-I mean.." Stammering, he clutches hold of the glass that he had put down on the kitchen counter and brings it to his lips. Not meeting his hyung's confused-but-suspicious eyes, he gulps it down in one-go. Taehyung lets out a humourless laugh. "Who are you trying to deceive? I've known you for years now, you know", he raises an eyebrow at him towards the end but Jungkook simply shook his head. With slightly trembling hands, he tries to lift the bottle to pour himself another drink when Taehyung quickly strides across the kitchen and catches hold of his wrist. "You've had enough", he chides, "you don't wanna keep wanting to pee in Sophie's house. Namjoon would get mad". Jungkook chuckles a bit at that, but the smile didn't seem to reach his eyes. "I've been watching you for a while now", Taehyung speaks slowly, "you've got that faraway, sad look in your eyes that people get when they are in love", he smiles at him. "I'm not in love with her, " Jungkook is quick to reply, "o-or a-at l-least I'm not a-anymore..." his cheeks turn a bright shade of red at the confession. "So, you do know that it's her then, right?" The older member grins at him cheekily at which Jungkook groans. "I don't know!" He throws up his arms in protest. "I haven't seen her for a decade! I-I only remembered here name...", he trails off as his gaze turns towards the window and he stares out, looking at the vehicles rushing past the busy road and the abandoned building that stood opposite the road... _Hmm, there was a building like that in Busan too...we used to play-- "Kookie! It's dangerous! Don't go in there!" A shrill voice rings out. "It's okay Exci, I'll keep you safe!" He calls out from the terrace of the old building that had become a place for kids to play hide-and-seek. "You never listen to me", a figure stands straight on the road, hands on her waist and looking defiantly up at her friend that had decided to explore the old abandoned house that day.
"Jungkook. Jungkook. JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung waves his hand in front of Jungkook's face. "Earth to Jungkook!" The maknae looks back ta V startled, his eyes open wide. "What were you thinking? Already lost in thoughts of your girlfriend?!" He giggles. "Friend. A childhood friend. NOT girlfriend", Jungkook corrects sternly and turns around to look out of the window again. Taehyung had the vague feeling that he was probably trying to hide his face from him.
"You should go talk to her, you know", he suggests softly. Seeing Jungkook shake his head stubbornly, he sighs. "She doesn't remember your name or face, clearly". Jungkook lowers his head, as if in defeat. "Hey, I'm sure she'll be delighted to meet you again. She seems to have very fond memories of her childhood friend, it's just that she doesn't remember the name and face. Doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't care...you know?" He puts a hand on his shoulder, turning him around to face him. "I-I only remembered her face as a child...it was this vague resemblance that triggered my memory when I saw her face beside Ann and Sophie's." Taehyung pats his head softly and smiles. "I've been with you for almost a decade now. Being the two youngest members of the band has brought us closer than anyone might expect..." Jungkook smiled at him too at that. "I know...", he mumbled. V continued, "It doesn't take a genius to figure out that your inherent awkwardness with girls is not what other people make out to be. You were in love with your childhood friend..." Kookie repeatedly shook his head at that, "no, no--" "Let me finish. Your childish heart made a promise to itself that it would wait for the girl it had fallen for, you perhaps were too young to even realize the feeling as love. Isn't that so?", he chuckles to himself,shaking his head in amusement. Lowering his voice, he says, "Jungkook, you've left your family at such a young age...your emotions, feelings...you hardly got to understand them completely before you had to go into the idol life. You were still a kid when you had to enter this life of responsibility..." Jungkook stared at the older member, wide-eyed, listening. "I know it sounds weird to hear me speak about your feelings this way, but hear me out...your confused emotions never got a shape. Your feelings, your promise that you'd never open upto any other girl slowly manifested into that awkwardness you now always feel around other women". Taehyung stopped to look at him, then continued, "you may have almost forgotten her, or at least buried her memories deep in your mind... but your mind almost involuntarily kept feeling uncomfortable around other women of your age". He chuckles a bit. "You're still such a kid, you know. I actually had to sort out your feelings for you. Exci seems to be much more mature than you are, she'll do you a lot of good". He laughs at which Jungkook lowers his head, embarrassed and blushing. "She hasn't changed much, you know hyung?" Jungkook looks up suddenly, his eyes gleaming with fond memories of his past.
"I know", V laughed. "You wouldn't have been so entranced with her otherwise. I can observe people better than you think, you know..." Jungkook lowers his head again, but this time he chuckled slowly. "Hyung, never in my life did I think that I'd have to take life-advices from you. Its Namjoon hyung who's in charge of that department, you know". "Yah whatever do you mean by that??" Taehyung interjected, sending the flustered maknae one of his boxy grins. "I know what you mean, gukkie. But it doesn't hurt to be a lil philosophical sometimes, especially when it comes to solving your problems, you kid". Jungkook pouted at that, and Taehyung poked a finger into his puffed-up cheeks. Letting down his breath, he winks at his hyung, his face now practically glowing with joy, "C'mon hyung, I have a friendship to revive".
"You think I sound okay? My voice sounds so hoarse after practicing... I shouldn't have--" she sighs, her hands all fidgety as she looks at her friend anxiously. "I've told you a million times already Exci, you sound just fine", he says smiling, then adding with a wink and a playful smirk, "if you ask me, I'd definitely say you deserve that prize tonight", he ended in a flourish. "Yeahh, don't exaggerate!" Jungkook's meaningful compliment which,he hoped would please her seemed to have the opposite effect and she grew more distressed. "Don't lie kook, don't you lie to me!" She cried out, almost panic-stricken. Rubbing the back of his head confusedly, Jungkook confessed, "I was only trying to make you feel better", then noticing the devastated look on his friend's face, he quickly added, "but I wasn't lying! You sound so good, really better than that birthday girl". He nodded his head hopefully to emphasize his point but Exci grew more tensed and hysterical by the second. "You're saying that only so that you can leave me and go play with your friends! Other friends", she made air-quotes, "YOU don't want to stay here!" she pointed a finger at her friend accusingly. It was her friend's turn to get hysterical now as he vigorously shook his head from side to side, his long-ish hair becoming all the more messy and getting in his face. But he didn't care. Not when his friend, his best friende was accusing him of not being a true friend. "No Exci, how could you say that??" He cried at her, " I only want to be with you! I-I...We'll practice till you think its perfect", he hangs his head in shame, his cheeks tinged pink from all the emotion that boiled within him. Exci started at his saddened face and opened his mouth to speak, but then thought the better of it and merely shook her head. They kept practicing.
"Kook, I'm scared", Exci turns a tearful gaze at her friend that stood by her side, clutching her hand tightly. He gave it a squeeze, "you're very good, don't worry", he turned to smile at him. He gave her an enthusiastic nod and said, "you'll beat them girls. Trust me", he pointed at the group that stood huddled by the stage. "Kook, don't point!" She squealed in alarm, and tried to force his hand down which was now pointing at the other competitors. "What?" He blinked his eyes in surprise, lowering his arm. "It's true, you'll do well". Exci smiled at him sadly, "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. You're such a good friend ", she squeezed back his hand. Jungkook's eyes lit up with delight as he replied, albeit a little flustered, "don't you worry about any of that!" "Go,go", he gives her a push and as she gets up on the stage, she looks back at him and sends him a nervous grin and a wave, and Jungkook waves back with an enthusiastic grin and a nod to go in. "All the best", he mouthed to her.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jungkook smiled a bit as he remembered the memory. This is the story that Exci was now currently trying to narrate to the others, though very poorly. She has forgotten almost everything, and was stuttering and trailing off frequently, squinting her eyes trying to remember the details. "Memory of a goldfish ", Jungkook smiles, repeating the words to himself. Taehyung was leading the way back to the drawing room where the rest were seated, and her voice could be heard all the way from there.
"But that doesn't explain how you got that earring!", complained Hoseok at something she probably said. "Yeah I know", Exci could be heard sighing in defeat, " "and that's the part where my memory is a little hazy".
"Guess someone needs to fill up the gaps and speak in more detail", Taehyung's deep, loud voice fills the room. Exci and Jin looks up at him in surprise. "Oh you finished taking the drink?" Sophie interjects, lifting her head from Namjoon's chest to look at Jungkook and putting his hands away that were stroking her head, at which he let out a definite sound of protest. "What do you mean?" Exci ignores everyone else and stares at Taehyung, her eyes boring into his. He cleared his throat a bit, clearly uncomfortable of being glared at by Exci. Jin's eyes went wide as he looked from Taehyung to Exci and then Jumgkook". "He agreed??", he mouthed to Tae who seemed to grow flustered with wo many people trying to get answers from him. Jungkook glared at Jin and muttered, "oh just how many people did he tell my story to..." Taehyung grimaced, one of his hand moving back to rub the back of his head. "Uhh..." he seemed unable to form a complete sentence. "Can I finish your story?" Jungkook speaks up suddenly, looking at Exci. She stared back. "W-what I mean to s-say is, I know the rest of your story", he finishes lamely and winces at the poor choice of his words. "And how could you possibly know her story?" Ann spoke up in an amused voice, from the corner of the room. She stroked her chin, and muttered, "do you happen to be one of her friends from back then?" Exci stiffened and muttered under her breath, "it can't be,can it?"
Clearing his throat, he began. "You were devastated with how the contest ended. We were too small to know that the contest was arranged for the birthday girl to win. We, you weren't supposed to win", he took a breath, "you got hysterical and started crying in anger. I think you said some pretty harsh words to the birthday girl at which she too burst out crying. Then," he looks at Exci who seemed astonished. Both were thinking of the same incident.
"You!" She pointed a finger accusingly at the birthday girl whose face was tear-stained. "You're terrible, you cant even sing in tune. How did you win?" Her voice took on a higher pitch as she cried out shrilly. The birthday girl began to sob again. Exci cried harder, burying her face in her arms. The parents looked bewildered, some looked sympathetically at the two girls arguing. She had every reason to be angry, but it wasn't exactly the birthday girl's fault either. Both were kids after all. The girl's best friend stood up. "Exci its okay", the little boy ran to his crying best friend and hugged her. But she was crying too hard to notice. "You did well. You deserve the prize. I don't know why everyone is so unfair here", he glared at the birthday girl's parents who looked very flustered and confused, looking over her shoulder as he hugged her tightly. She pulled free from his grasp, her features contorted with rage. "No I'm not ready to accept that. You are siding with them, aren't you?" She sobbed and Jungkook shook his head helplessly. "No, no, no, you're getting me all wrong. When did I say that?" He cried, colour rushing onto his cheeks as he protested defiantly. "I-I..." he spluttered, and she went on, "save it! I'm going home", and before he could protest, she ran out of the hall. He tried to go after her, his feet automatically moving across the hall, but was stopped by his parents. They didn't approve of the horrible scene and absolutely did not want their son to be a part of it. "L-let me go!", He struggled against the tight grip that his mother had on him. He tried to pull free, then slouched in defeat when he saw that he wouldn't be allowed to go after her. "You can meet her after the party", came a stern voice and he was soon dragged back to the hall, helpless against his mother's strong grip on his arm. He sighed in defeat.
"you kind of ran out in anger, sobbing...", Jungkook laughed awkwardly as he looked at the eight pairs of eyes that were glued to his face. "U-uh, b-but h-how d-did you--", Exci opened her mouth in protest but ended up stammering badly. Pursing her lips, she gave a nod, urging him to move on. Jungkook's stare never left Exci's face as he continued, "I wasn't actually allowed to go after you, you see...my parents didn't want a scene. So I decided to check up on you after the party--" "Wait", Ann cut in sharply, "what do you mean by you wanting to go after her?" She glanced at her friend who had a very curious expression on her face. She seemed to be struggling with something on her mind, as if she it was difficult for her to grasp the facts that were being thrown at her. "Y-you mean..." She trailed off, looking up at him meaningfully. A flush began to crawl up Jungkook's neck, across his face and his behind his flashing, dark eyes that suddenly seemed unable to meet her eyes. He gave an almost imperceptible nod. Sophie audibly let out a loud gasp and Hoseok could be heard swearing. Namjoon murmured something under his breath and even Jimin, for once seemed unable to speak anything at all except, "oh my god". Jin, with a highly amused voice spoke out, "So kook, won't you tell us the rest of the story?" This earned him a glare from both Taehyung and Jungkook, and he effectively shut up after that. "Y-yeah, I mean...", He looked hopefully at Exci, who had a very unreadable expression on her face. Was she happy to see him? Or was she disappointed that her charming childhood best friend turned out to be the dorky maknae of BTS, Jeon Jungkook...It was hard to say.
"I c-could'nt follow you immediately though I wanted to, so I went after you after the party and--" "I remember that", she interjected, a sudden smile showing on her face. "You waited outside our house on the front porch for almost an hour. But I was either too sad--" and she laughed humourlessly at this, "or too stubborn and bitchy to come down". She chuckled genuinely at this, and he suddenly felt warm all over. Maybe she isn't too sad to get back her friend, he thinks.
"Jungkook! Come home", spoke a voice from beyond the gates that led into the front porch of her house. "It's really late", said her mother kindly, and with a swift glance at the top window that had heavy curtains drawn across it, commented, "she's not in a mood to talk tonight. You can come again tomorrow". "You did your job as a friend, right?", interjected his father as he looked at his son wearily who stubbornly refused to move from the place. "I promised you can come here again tomorrow right after breakfast tomorrow, okay?" She lay her hand on his shoulder. They've been standing here for a while now trying to convince him to leave. "I guess you are right", sighed the boy in defeat, and his mother led him towards the gate. But he stopped to look back after every few steps, reluctantly turned the corner on the street and the house disappeared from view.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Enough with the daydreaming guk", Jimin's bored voice as he twirled a stray strand of hair around his finger, broke him out of his reverie. He turned to look at him with a "huh?" and a blank look on his face. "Now how many times do I need to tell you that you need to cut that hair!", Jin's loud voice echoed around the silent room, "you look horrible with that long hair. And Jungkook, you should pay more attention to your surroundings--" His ramblings were cut off by giggles from Jimin who rolled his eyes and said, "okayy mom". "Hey you-" began Jin, but he was once again interrupted by a groan that came from where Yoongi was sleeping. He seemed to have finally finished his daily quota of naps and was letting out a yawn. "Yah! Why don't you close your mouth?!", came Ann's voice who raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend that lay sleeping on her lap and who was now giving her a sheepish grin. "Hey". "Rise and shine, Min", she poked him on the already-puffed up (from sleeping) cheeks and he frowned. "No 'baby I had such a good time stroking your head while you slept?' I could feel you doing that, you know", he smirked up at his girlfriend who positively rolled her eyes. "Yeah not so much, especially when I can't even feel my legs now coz you were sleeping on it for so long", sighed Ann, "now get up and see what you missed". She grinned and winked at him. He looked ready to protest, but was interrupted by Jin. "First you rudely interrupt my lecture, then you act all lovey-dovey with Ann here. Kook here was telling us his childhood love story..." "Not a love story!", cried Jungkook, who had turned a bright red and Exci who sat opposite to him also blushed deep red. "Whose? Kook's?" Yoongi looked genuinely surprised as he looked at Jungkook. "What have I been missing out on--" he stifled a yawn that escaped his lips at which Ann snorted. "You can go back to sleep now. You've missed a lot, but you ain't gettin a recap", she huffed and looked away. "Why's she so salty?", pouted Yoongi and looked at Hoseok who merely shrugged in response. "Maybe coz you've not been cuddling her enough?", Jimin raised his eyebrows suggestively with a glance towards Sophie and Namjoon. Namjoon was currently pressing a kiss on Sophie's forehead, with one of his arms around her who was laying quite still on his chest. He was whispering softly to her while threading a hand through her short-trimmed hair. She was mumbling something in response and nodding her head.
"Ahh", exclaimed Yoongi and turned around with a smirk. "You need my attention?", he says with his eyes sparkling with mischief and sends a cheeky grin. Ann turns around immediately, her eyes reduced to slits as she huffed, "ofc not! Huh", then continued to mutter afterwards, "who'd want your attention?!" Yoongi rolls his eyes and said, "I heard that, you idiot". Ann turned around to retort, when Jin cleared his throat. "Ahem...", and when they all turned to look at him, "ahem, so yeah as I was saying, Kook here was saying something." Yoongi, who looked a little annoyed since his moment was disturbed, rolled his eyes and waved him off, "yeah Kook, I'm all ears now".
"Exci is down with fever, honey", her mom sighed for probably the hundredth time that day. Jungkook had been standing there for almost an hour now, refusing to leave before he got to see her face.
Shaking his head frantically, he speaks in a high-pitched voice, his eyes all wide and cheeks flushed, as he tried his best to make her understand how urgent this was. "I said I have something to give her! Please, it won't take more than a few minutes!"
God, why are these kids so stubborn, Exci's mom thought resignedly. She let out a sigh once more and slowly trudged up the staircase, leaving the flustered, yet desperate kid standing behind, who had a small parcel clutched to his chest.
"Exci, he won't leave until you see him. I have a lot of work to do other than acting as a mediator between you two kids. Resolve your fights on you own. I'm asking him to come up." Exci grumbled from under the blankets. She wasn't really sick. Half ashamed of the utter fool she made of herself yesterday and half mad at him for no reason whatsoever, she was just being a bratty little kid, refusing to face her best friend's worried face.
"Mom I'm telling you that I'm not in the mood right now. Just ask him to leave, I can't believe he won't budge even though you're saying I'm sick! " She screamed from under her blanket. When she heard no response from her mom, slowly she peaked out,pulling the blanket away from her face.
[ Jeez, gotta apologize for this one. I posted this mistakenly while scrolling through my draft. This scene is NOT complete as yet!! But uhh since I already posted it, I'm gonna keep it here ig? And keep adding a few paragraphs to the scene whenever I feel like it?! Hehehe~ ]
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