#thorin oakenshield x elf!reader
master-muffinn · 21 days
Lotr/the hobbit x druid!reader pt2
Ori x reader, Thorin x reader, Elrond x reader
Here is the >> part 1 << thank you so much for +500 likes/reblogs for that one! I hope you like this one too! ^^
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🧸 You're the most beautiful being he has ever laid eyes on. At the start he would be too shy to approach you. So he will ask his friends about love and relationships, but also what they know about druids, which isn't so easy since druids aren’t common at all (at least in my fanfictions).
🧸 Ori LOVES your animal forms, specially the ones with fur and he will ask you as nicely as he can master, if he can pet you in any of it's form.
 “Excuse me y/n, if you ever would have the time to transform into any animal, would it be alright if i could pet you? Of course only if you would be fine with it and if it wouldn't make you uncomfortable?”
🧸 If you came with them on their journey to take back Erebor, Ori will tell you awkwardly and a bit shyly, that he doesn't mind holding you if you ever get tired of flying/walking. 
🧸 He is going to try so hard for you! You are so strong, dependable and just so amazing to him. Ori is really looking up to you and he wants you to feel like you can depend on him too! He wants to protect you too, even if he isn't so strong, but he will train extra hard for you! You probably have to tell him once in a while that he is good enough or he will think he is unworthy of you.
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💎 Doesn't believe Gandalf when he tells him that a druid will be supporting them in their journey. 
“Nobody I know has ever met a druid and hearing about them isn't often. I bet they are nothing but a myth”.
💎 When Thorin meets you he still doesn't believe you're a druid. Just probably an odd wizard/witch that is playing tricks on him. Until you transform…holy shit! Can wizards/witches do that?? He looks at Gandalf only to see him smirking. 
💎 It isn't your animal forms or element abilities that interest him, but the way you transform. The way your body bends and takes shapes after whatever you are supposed to transform to. The moment you change, the moment he has his eyes on you. It may be weird for you or him, but Thorin can't help it! It's so fascinating and it's like he is trying to figure out how you are doing it, but always fails. 
💎 Thorin has probably been looking at you a little too much during battles because the way you fight with your abilities makes you look so gorgeous. Which could leave him getting seriously injured if his teammates didn't watch his back.
“Y/n stop distracting Thorin! Or he loses his focus and dies before making it to Erebor!”
“What!? I didn't do anything?!”
Thorin: “S-shut up!”
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🍁 He knows the moment he sees you, that you're a druid. 
“It was a long time ago I met a druid. I’m glad to see there's still some more out there”.
🍁 Elrond will invite you over for dinner and have them serve you the best they can make. And he’ll offer you a place to stay for a few days if you're not in a hurry somewhere else.
🍁 Elrond love's to watch you using your ‘magic’ on flowers and plants. He loves to watch how you move your hands so gracefully and shape the plants the way you want it. It's so stunning every time! 
🍁 The first time you showed him your powers. You'd asked Elrond about the beautiful flowers in his garden and if you could take some seeds with you. Elrond of course accepted and was about to go and get you the seeds but he stopped in his tracks and watched you move your hands around one of the flowers and give it enough energy to have it grow the seeds you needed. Elrond stood there speechless. That was something he’d never witnessed before and it was so magnificent.
“Would you like to have some other flower seeds as well?”
Thank you for reading! Have a good day! ❤ Reblogs are very appreciated 🥰
Post made by @master-muffinn
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astarothstarion · 7 months
“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”
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Ship: Thorin x Elf!Reader
Trope: Childhood friends to enemies to lovers
Length: 3 376 words.
Warnings: Injuries, violence, guilt, guilt trip. Thorin being Thorin, Thranduil being Thranduil. Angst with a happy ending.
Note: @sorisooyaa I have something for you. I made a thing. I don't know what to make of it. But I have made a thing. Tags - if I forgot someone sorry and please tell me so I can not forget you next time: @heilith @sotwk @asgardianhobbit98 @middleearthpixie @glassgulls @evenstaredits @fizzyxcustard
Vocabulary point: Nethig = Sister, little sister (diminutive) - Sindarin
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You were here to help.
Of course, you had come to help.
The battle of Erebor would be known as the one where great elven and dwarven warriors perished. It would still be an understatement before any of the gods who listened. The Durin line barely survived by the skin of their teeth. If you had not been there to prevent the massacre... Thorin stopped the thought there, fearing what it would bring to mind.
You, whom he had known since he was a mere child, your parents and his - if not in agreement - cordial to one another. At the time, you knew Erebor's halls almost as well as he did, despite having grown in the shadows of the Greenwood. Often, you would meet, in secret, away from the prying eyes of both your families, running away, chasing dragons and seeking battles made out of air.
Now, he wished for these times to come back.
The dwarven king owed you his life and the life of his nephews.
That was why he was at your side, watching until you woke up. If you were to wake up.
Why was he waiting? He knew not. Or, he knew as he had known for years, yet stopped himself from hoping you would know too. He was not the young dwarf he once was, careless with his words and promises, careless in his affections. The sovereign he had become could not make foolish choices as Kili had the luxury of making. Nevertheless, the hope in him would not die, not until you gave him an answer to a question he would not dare ask.
You were there. You were there when his grandfather had refused your brother and your people what was owed to them. The look of confusion and disappointment on your face had not left his thoughts in all those years. Where the regret and sorrow as you followed your brother away from the dragon’s massacre felt like a heavy scar, this first betrayal was still bleeding through the walls of his mind more vivid than it had ever been.
For since the battle, you would not wake. And he would not sleep.
Maybe, this was his atonement for not having intervened sooner in the feud between the elves and his people. Maybe it was punishment for not having told you, as a child, what those feelings were, leaving you blindsided for the rest of your life.
His breath came to a halt when you stirred in your sleep. His surroundings were dark, only lightened by the moonlight shining in the room. Everything was so pale, the sheets, your gown, the light. He felt sick for a moment, in pain with each breath. Thorin was sitting in the most uncomfortable seat he had ever been in, his back hunched over, elbows on his knees, rubbing at his face to erase the deep sleep in his bones.
Thranduil opened the door. His eyes racked over the dwarf’s figure. The deep circles under his eyes and the hollow of his cheeks were clear indicators of his state. Your brother would have been blind not to see your injuries’ effect on Thorin.
Despite what people knew of him, the elven king was not as heartless as he seemed. He had sustained many injuries over the years, many terrifying experiences, and too many meaningless deaths. His heart was a closed sanctuary now, only opened for those he trusted. Even if he was not trusting Thorin, he trusted you. You, who had sought him out all those moons ago, trying to stop a raging war between your families. He had refused to listen and what it had cost him would never be counted accurately. The elf was old and weary of war. He wanted this to end, almost as much as you did. When you were playing in Erebor’s halls, he was with his guardian, resenting you for not having to attend all those boring meetings nor being with him when he had to learn all those awful words in Khuzdul. No. You had learned with a friend. The ultimate betrayal for him was that you were allowed to. No one saw the harm in the shenanigans you orchestrated. You were children, what was the harm? Only when you grew, beautiful as a newborn star, people started talking. He dismissed them all in public. Chastised you in private. “Behave as you were born”, those were his words. It was then that Thranduil had known. It was too late for you. You had fallen for him, having known him for so long. His stubbornness familiar to your equally stubborn mind, the wits of his tongue matching your own, your secret kisses shared in the mistrusted shadows of the woods or the corridors of the dwarven city. You would not let him go. But, soon, even Thorin dismissed you, in favour of dwarf women more suited to be by his side. Your heart was misplaced. Lost with someone who had no use for it.
After that, heartbroken and deep into your mind, you let yourself perish to the brink of death. Thranduil’s wife and son became your only solace, throwing yourself into the family life you yearned for, but could not have for yourself. With your brother, you would not talk of love for the prince. Only a “misplaced trust” as if it was enough to describe what it was you were left with.
That “misplaced trust” was all that was needed for Thranduil to care.
“Thorin Oakenshield.”
His face barely rose to meet the elven king’s eyes, falling back again in an impolite manner, now familiar between the two.
“It’s you.”
The elf had a hard time not snapping at him. But even he knew, the pain he was in. Your brother kissed your brow in slow motion. Nothing moved in the air, as he was adjusting your pillow, smoothing your sheets, sitting down next to you, eyes lost on your face. The room reeked of balms and healing herbs. Thorin ran a hand over his face once more, the stiff figure in front of him immobile and solemn. 
“I remember.”
The sound of his voice was barely above a whisper, yet it took up all the space in the room. He had that effect, your brother. You used to be so proud of him when you were little. Trying to get his affection every time you could. He wondered if you would still look at him that way.
“When you were young. Both running around in our legs, trying to get some attention, only to run away just as easily.”
Thranduil might have seen a soft smile appear on Thorin’s tear-stained cheeks if the darkness was not so thick. He did not see.
Instead, the elven king grabbed your hand, ever so cold, between his own seizing your fingers, growing accustomed to your unresponsiveness. All those hours spent in silence by your side had made him weary. The loss of his wife was an everlasting memory at the back of his mind, as he was praying to anyone who would listen for your recovery. Not again his mind would say. Not her his heart would scream. 
And maybe it worked somehow, after all those days, all those weeks, because then you opened your eyes.
The light was faint. You could make out parts of the walls and ceilings. It was home. A breath of relief left you, making your chest ache. You winced, eyelids shut close, brows furrowed. Your hand was captured in someone else’s, warm, alive. You were alive. Every part of your body was in pain, sharp, akin to the edge of a fine sword twisting your guts and bones. Soon, you could hear a voice. Voices, you realized. You turned towards the tall figure holding your hand. It seemed to be calling your name.
Thranduil. His face came to a focus, his forehead meeting yours as you were holding his hand to your chest for dear life. Tears streamed down your face, not being able to stop them in any way.
On the other side of your bed, Thorin had not moved. His mouth agape, he was waiting for you to see him, to look at him. The minutes and murmurs exchanged with your brother were lasting, echoing in his mind. The chuckle escaping your lips was a balm to his undone heart. King, he was, yet he would have been on his knees and given it all up in a heartbeat if it would keep you from crying as you were.
You could not see past your brother and you did not want to. How stupid could you have been to throw yourself and your soldiers into this death trap? For what? An old flame nothing could light again? Thorin’s affections for you were long past, a mere child’s play you took to heart when he did not. The young and everlasting hope in your chest would not die. In the end, it almost had you killed. Deliberately, Thranduil pulled himself away, his protective gaze still on you. His eyes met someone else’s over your shoulder before coming back to your face. He helped you sit up, one movement at a time.
Upon seeing who it was, you started crying again. Not of joy, nor pain. In relief. How your heart could be a trickster. The moment was clear in your mind, despite the anxiety creeping up your spine. The moment you thought he was going to die in front of your eyes. It was without a second thought, you had pierced the chest of the orc before Fili or Kili could be harmed. For Thorin, your heart had lept in your throat as the menace of losing him became more and more obvious, the more the fight went on. The prince you remembered, the one you had loved, was brave beyond any elven or dwarven standards. He still was. You had hesitated, the ever-nagging thought of him being upset upon being defended by you. Until the last minute. When you had jumped from your vantage point, it had been all a blur, the only thing remaining the clear sky above you, the sun on your skin. The edge of the sword had pierced through armour and flesh, close to your heart. As if hurting it more was a feat anyone could accomplish. In a last stroke of luck, elven warriors had flooded the place, while you were still staring at the sky becoming darker and darker with each passing moment. You could hear yells and angry cries, strong arms cradling your head, and a soft, profound, grave voice begging you to stay alive. In your haze, you had thought… you had thought it belonged to him.
The sobs had stopped. Thorin stepped closer to you, his right hand outstretched. His palm touched your cheek sloppily, checking if he was not dreaming. Yet, you were swiftly pulling him away, careful not to touch him for too long. You exchanged a few words with Thranduil, and he stepped away, one final hard stare at the dwarf before leaving the room.
“What are you doing here?”
It was more to yourself than to him that you asked this question, in a hoarse voice you did not recognize. His arm lingered in the air, in your vicinity. How much you wanted to bury yourself in his chest and never let him go again. The harm he had done to you, on the other hand, was too heavy on your heart to let go of.
He swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. The rejection was bitter-sweet. He knew his faults all too well. Against his first instinct, he got up to his feet, grimacing under the weight of his flesh wounds. Seeing you in pain was so much worse than that.
Around you, the night lights were shivering, dawn simmering under the cover of the clouds. It was now or never.
“I have something for you.”
A snort escaped you and you coughed. Startled, he approached, but you stopped him with a gesture of your hand.
“If it’s not an apology, I do not want it Thorin.”
There. Plain as day. The look on his face, you never dared to hope he’d show for you. His gaze softened as you mouthed the name you had not spoken of in years. His name. Delightful to hear you say it, if only it had been in different circumstances. Alas, it was not. He had to make the best of this. Even if it killed him. Because a life without you was only worth death, the unmerciful kind, slow and feverish, agonising. He could not bear it anymore.
“I hoped you would agree to listen first and see what to do afterwards. Yet, you stay faithful to yourself.”
His voice resonated in the room even as he claimed the words one after the other, softly, trying not to scare you away. He smiled. One of those precious smiles you came to banish from your mind, year after year, as it plagued your waking hours almost as much as your dreams. You turned your eyes away from him, a heat blooming in your cheeks. Although you could not see his face, you heard him, coming closer to you, sitting near your calves, hands on his knees. He was loud as dwarves are. Sometimes, you dreamt about that noise. Dreamt of him coming home to you. You shook your head a little, the world blurry for a moment before your eyes.
“Could you… would you, at least, look at me?”
His voice was pained, smooth around the edges of his sorrow. He did not recognize that voice as his own. It was the voice of heartbreak. A sweet relief came over him when you finally looked at him.
It was short-lived. Your face, he remembered. Ever-lasting as the poets said. Engraved in his heart, beating erratically with every minute spent in your company. The bruises, the sharp cut going from your cheekbone to your chin. The edge and the indifference. All of that he did not know and wanted to rub off. His hand twitched in his lap, fingers extending into nothingness.
“I am incredibly happy you are alive.”
His words were met with pure harshness, almost hostility. Sorrow in your eyes, a headache growing behind your eyelids.
Thorin licked his lips.
“I came here to thank you. Personally.”
A snicker stopped him. You sniffled again, ungracefully wiping your nose in your sleeve, wincing at the effort it took you. His palm felt warm on your knee. You were not one to bet, but if you had to, you would have assured a tattoo of his palm was to appear on your skin at how hot it felt. How right. Still, unnerved, you did not move.
“I came here because… When we thought… When I thought I lost you, I came to realize how much of an imbecile I had been.”
You bowed your head. Biting your lips, your hair hiding the desperation in you. You could not bear it. Could not bear hearing him say the words without meaning them. He had done so before, what was stopping him from doing it again? It would destroy you.
“Stop. Just stop!”
Tears formed at the corners of your eyes. You did not try to stop them from falling. His hand reached you before you could stop it, meeting your cheek, and wiping away your tears. Stilling your heart in its ribcage, prisoner of his touch, again. His beautiful eyes were worried, brows furrowed, lips pinched together.
“Why are you torturing me so? Telling me what I want to hear? After all those years? Am I just a toy to you?”
You bit your lips harder, drawing blood. Without saying a word, he smoothed the skin there, smearing blood on his fingertips, unbothered merely grateful he could do it at all.
“Never. Amralimê, never.”
He frowned. Only then did you notice how close he was, the word in his mouth settling near your heart, his forehead a breath away from yours. Blue eyes boring into yours, lips parted, his cheek covered by a white and black beard. He had aged, as we all do. How could he still make your heart beat so loud and your stomach flutter so even after all these years? It was uncanny. Impossible. You wanted to take his hands off of your face, gripping his wrists in a vice grip.
He held on, gritting through the pain shooting in his arms, your face cradled in his warmth.
“I have been wrong all this time. I thought I was better off without you. Hoping you would find happiness without this love we did not see coming. But, no one can stop the sun from rising and I could not stop myself from loving you.”
A whimper escaped you when he pulled away, reaching into his coat for a small thing, wrapped in grey cloth, worn with time and travel. Carefully, he grasped your hand putting the itchy material in your palm.
“I should have given you this, at the time. I am giving it to you now. I hope you keep it.”
His words were ringing in your ears as you pulled the package open. Inside was a trinket you recognized immediately. You smiled, half expecting it to be a fever dream.
“A courting bead.”
Clenching your hand around it, you felt the walls around your heart beginning to give. Taking your hand in his, one more time, he pried the cage your fingers made one after the other, relinquishing in the feeling of your fingertips.
“Not exactly.” Giddy with excitement, he leaned close to you, as if in confidence. “It is an engagement bead. I figured we were past the courting steps at this point.
- Are you serious?”
The question had escaped your lips in a bewildered whisper, not quite wanting to believe him. Thorin became self-conscious again, nodding, bashful. He was shy. Thorin Oakenshield had gone soft. The world was going to collapse.
“Why now?
- After this close call with death, I don’t think I have anything more to lose but you.
- What of…?
- The others? I do not care. Not anymore. If you’ll have me, I’ll be there. Whenever you need me. As who you want me to be.”
Without thinking, your hand reached out to his cheek, bringing him impossibly closer. In a familiar gesture, your lips met his. 
Thorin had become tender with the years. Surprised and inhaling sharply, his fingers gripped your gown at the waist, in a desperate attempt at getting you flush against him, your warmth comforting his melting heart through your skin.
The pain shot through you interrupting you both.
“My apologies, I’ll be more careful from now on.”
You smiled against his lips, pushing yourself a little bit further into his embrace.
“I doubt that.”
He arched an eyebrow.
“You were rough once. Harsh even. Don’t stop now on my account…”
You bit your lip and saw his pupils darken, a thin line of blue at the edge of it all, holding you down under this lustful stare.
The kiss he gave you next was nothing short of hungry, wild and powerful. You felt the fragility of your body in his hands, even more than you had during the battle. His palms spread a heated river down your waist, straight between your legs. Yet, it would have to wait. Only for a night or two, you thought. If you would restrain yourself. As if reading your thoughts - he had always been good at that - he replied.
“We have all the time in the world for this, now. If you’ll have me.”
He was worried. Still. You could not blame him, after all these years you had spent avoiding him only to find out he felt the same for you as you did for him.
“Yes. We do.”
Your tone left no doubt. Affirmed and self-assured, you knew this would be the beginning of something new. This was a new chapter in a lifetime of stories, you could not wait to find more about.
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snazzynacho · 1 year
Snapdragon & Co. Masterlist
The Hobbit fan fiction/Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!fairy!elf!OC
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(My (mainly lotr/hobbit) account is @whorin-oakenshield yet I’m posting this on here bc this is where I’ve already posted my fan fics to lol)
Read on ao3 here
Read on wattpad here
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Dragon Sickness, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Found family, Mage, Magic, Psychic abilities, Just kiss you idiots, Fae, Fairies, Fae magic, Thorin got that Royal Rizz™, Fili and Kili are sillies, Multiple Endings.
Synopsis: A lonely half-elf-half-fairy and her long-lost sister, whose speciality is magic, join forces with Thorin Oakenshield and Company. To them they are doing a noble thing but little do they know what darkness lies ahead. And what of their past they have to face.
Or, in which,
Nessa had a heart of gold and Thorin was addicted.
chapters under the cut:
More coming soon!
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sorisooyaa · 2 years
Thorin x Reader - Childhood friends to enemies to lovers
But.....reader being related to Thranduil, possibly his sister
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months
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Who am I? – Poppy. she/they. 31. bisexual trash gremlin w/ a caffeine addiction. @gloomwitchtales is my personal blog.
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Missed Hints (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Misunderstanding (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
Mint & Stone (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader) ... coming soon
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Rainy Reunion (Aragorn x Female Reader)
Burnt Bread (Éomer x Female Reader)
Gentle Dark (Haldir x Female Reader)
A Sudden Spark (Éomer x Female Reader)
We Won’t Be Missed (Legolas x Female Elf Reader)
An Unexpected Catch (Boromir x Female Reader)
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Untitled Captain Rex ... coming soon
Untitled Din Djarin ... coming soon
Untitled Hunter (Bad Batch) ... coming soon
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Dark Knowledge Masterlist (Miraak x Hermaeus Mora x Female Reader)
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Ink & Needle Masterlist (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Dangerous Pursuit Masterlist (Captain John Price x Female Reader)
Imagines & What If Main Masterlist (Task Force 141)
Locker Room: Part One // Part Two // Simon's POV (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Second Act Masterlist (Task Force 141 Masked Metal Band AU)
A Brute, Brute Heart (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader)
Thinking Of Series: Knight // Viking // Hacker // Hitman // Pub Owner // (Summer) Olympics // (Winter) Olympics // Regency // PornStar // Gladiator // BlueCollar // Bodyguard // RockStar // MMAFighter
Untitled Simon "Ghost" Riley Post-Apocalyptic AU ... coming soon
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Winter 2023 Collection Masterlist
Fluffuarry 2024 Masterlist (Star Wars Edition)
Spring 2024 Collection Masterlist
Summer 2024 Collection Masterlist
1k Follower Event Masterlist
3.5k Follower Spooky Bingo Masterlist
masterlist banners: created using Canva profile picture: taken & edited by gloomwitchwrites profile banner: taken & edited by gloomwitchwrites (oracle cards from Threads of Fate)
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. I only have one other platform and that’s Wattpad (same name).
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Spider-Man (Spider-Verse)
Your Sweet Neck (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Only You, Darling (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Come Back to Me, It’s Almost Easy (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Late Night Moments With Miguel O’Hara (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Between Your Thighs (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Yandere!Miguel O’Hara Hcs
I Need You to Stay (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
We’re Both Sinners (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Don’t Think You Can Escape (Yandere!Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Welcome to the Family (Miguel O’Hara & Spider!Teen!F!Reader)
You Set My Soul Alight (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Give Me Reasons We Should Be Complete (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Yellow Night Has Had Enough (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Restless Night (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Noxious (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
I Want to Destroy Me so I’ll Feel Better (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
You’re Right By My Side (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Tell Me How U Feel (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
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Final Fantasy
baby, i’m yours (Biggs x F!Reader)
Dangerous, Tainted and Flawed as You (Biggs x F!Reader)
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Game of Thrones
Be With Me (Robb Stark x F!Reader)
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Mortal Kombat
When Their S/O Draws a Painting of Them… (Cassandra Cage, Hanzo Hasashi, & Erron Black…)
Hanzo Hasashi Drabbles #1
Tomas Vrvada Drabbles #1 #2
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Trigun Stampede
I’mma Haunt Your Dreams (Nicholas D. Wolfwood x F!Reader)
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The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Kili Durin Blurbs #1 #2
Thorin Oakenshield Blurbs #1
Thranduil Blurbs #1
Can I Not Think? Will You Love This Part of Me? (Elrond x GN!Reader)
On Vit Dans Cette Love Story (Legolas x F!Reader)
You’re Gonna Wish You Never Had Met Me (Kili Durin x F!Elf!Reader) Ending 1 | Ending 2 , Coming soon!!
It’s Just a Small Cut! (Legolas x GN!Reader)
Practice Makes Perfect (Legolas x F!Hobbit!Reader)
A War of Ice and Fire Preview (Thorin Oakenshield x F!Targaryen!Reader)
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The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon Blurbs #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Watercolor Eyes (S2 Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Baby, You’re No Good For Me (S1-2 Daryl Dixon x F!Walsh!Reader) Part 2 | Part 3
When You Come See Me (S2-3 Daryl Dixon x F!Grimes!Reader)
Payment-In-Kind (Shane Walsh x F!Dixon!Reader)
‘Til I Know You’re Mine (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Don’ Say a Damn Thing (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Darlin’, Don’t Lie, It’s Okay That You Crave Me (Daryl Dixon x F!Virgin!Reader)
I Will Love You ‘Til the End of Time (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Daryl Dixon w/ Lady Gaga Songs (Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader)
Closer (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
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multific · 1 year
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Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Summary: Thorin's sickness was getting worse by the day.
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As you stood there and looked at yourself in your gold gown, you felt utterly lost.
Dwalin did warn you about this sickness that overtook Thorin. You knew, yet this was worse than you could have ever imagined.
It all started when you entered the mountain.
Thorin's confession and promise of eternal love came as a surprise, yet you accepted his love. You felt the same way about him for a long while now.
Ever since you first saw him in that blacksmith workshop.
And now, he called you his Queen as he sat upon his throne, calling out for you to join him while the others looked for the stone.
He requested for you to change as he had placed a dress in your room.
The door behind you opened and in came Bilbo. With tears in your eyes, you looked at him.
"You have it." you whispered and he nodded once. "Give it to Gandalf, or the Elf King, I do not care but this... man, is not my Thorin." you said as he nodded once more and you exited your room heading to the throne room.
You dried your tears before Thorin could see and offered him a smile.
"My Queen! My gorgeous Queen, dripping in jewels and gold as you deserve." he said as his hand moved to your face and his other to your waist.
You held back your tears and leaned in to kiss him.
He twirled you around, but he wasn't admiring you, no, he was looking at the gold.
You begged for this to end soon.
"Thorin! We must help them!" all of the dwarves begged but Thorin didn't listen.
"Are you against me as well?" he looked at you and you looked at the floor. "TRAITOR!" he yelled which made you jump.
You finally had enough.
"You are not the dwarf I fell in love with! Not the King I followed here! Not the man I want!" you said before you turned and got ready for battle with tears running down your cheeks.
On your way out you did see Dwalin enter the room, you only hoped he would put some sense into Thorin.
You were out of breath as you ran.
The fight was over and you have won.
But where was Thorin and Bilbo? Kili and Fili?
You asked Gandalf but he just smiled and as you turned, there they all were. Thorin, injured yet alive. Kili was in bad shape and so was Fili but they will survive.
You rushed over to Thorin, hugging him close as he groaned but soon stopped with his complaint.
You pulled back and looked at him.
"Now, this is the dwarf I fell in love with." he smiled as you kissed him.
"Marry me." he said when you pulled back to catch some air.
"I thought you would never ask." you said with a laugh as everyone around you cheered and celebrated.
It was so much better to get ready for a wedding than a funeral.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname224646
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
A Love Enduring All Of Time
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Word Count: 2.2K Warnings: Angst...?
Author's Note: I made myself sad :( BUT IT ENDS HAPPILY SO :)
As they gathered around the fire, no one seemed to want to sing or dance. They were cold, tired, some bruised and wounded, but mostly exhausted. They quietly ate and readied for bed, and she couldn’t help but feel discontent at the lack of wind-down from the day. She lay in her bedding, staring up at the night sky; Thorin lay beside her in his own bedding, Fili above Thorin, Kili above her, Bilbo on her other side.
Bilbo was shifting beside her, a telltale sign that he was restless; she gently put her arms behind her head, and asked, “Bilbo, would you like to hear a story?”
A few of the dwarves groaned but she paid them no mind, looking over at Bilbo who blinked and nodded his head. “A good bedtime story would be nice.”
Her smile was bright even in the darkness and before she could even open her mouth, Thorin muttered, “We need rest. A story will have to wait.”
“Oh pish,” she retorted and settled in to tell her story. “Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived beside an elven castle. And she—”
“Of course, it’s an elven bedtime story,” Dwalin griped and the others chuckled whilst she threw a rock at him.
“Let me tell my story!” she cleared her throat. “Now, where was I? Ah yes, once upon a time!”
“Thalaweston,” Colfindaer muttered. “The girl is here again.”
The silver-haired elf looked over towards the gates, seeing the little girl standing there, a hopeful look on her face; the second she saw him see her, she waved wildly at him. He let out a sigh and said, “I’ll be right back.” He could hear his friend chuckling as he walked towards the gates, stopping just before them; he bent down and greeted her with a smile. “Hello Kaeralina.”
The girl blushed and looked at her feet, quietly holding up the flowers she’d picked. “I…I brought these for you.”
He took them through the ivory gates, gazing at the stems that had been hastily plucked and the dirt brushed off. “Thank you, they’re beautiful.” Looking back at her, he asked, “You’ve been coming to give me flowers quite often, Kaeralina.”
“Mhm,” she murmured, swaying slightly. “Mother said elves like flowers.”
“Your mother’s wise, we are connected deeply with nature.” Thalaweston tipped his head to the side. “Kaeralina, does your mother know you come here? It’s awfully dangerous for a little girl to be all alone out here.”
“I’m not little!” she retorted, bringing her eyes back up to his. “I’m ten years of age!” He chuckled and she felt her cheeks warm, dropping her gaze again. “I know how to get here and home safely.”
He let out a sigh. “Kaeralina, it isn’t safe for you to keep coming back and forth. You could be hurt, or worse. There is danger in the forest.”
“I know,” she said, kicking at the ground with her boot. “But…I wanted to give you the flowers.”
Thalaweston looked at the flowers in his hand again. “They’re lovely flowers, Kaeralina. While I thank you for them, you have to stop coming as often as you do. If anything were to happen to you, your family would be very sad.”
Quickly, she turned around, sniffling, and he felt a pang of hurt in his chest for hurting her feelings, but just as fast as she’d begun to cry, she turned back around, a determined look on her face as she declared, “One day, I’m going to marry you!”
His eyes widened in shock and before he could even reply, she nodded her head resolutely and dashed off into the thicket, leaving him to go back to his post where his friend was laughing hysterically and teasing him about the girl.
It had been many, many years before Thalaweston ever saw her again. One and a half decades in fact, but a mere fifteen years was but a blink of an eye to elves. He’d been given relief of duty to join a hunting party towards the west of the forest, just on the other side of the human city growing next to the castle.
Splitting up from the rest of the group, he journeyed on his own, quietly stalking a deer he’d seen in the distance. When he’d come upon it, he raised his bow, pointer finger feeling along the steel of the arrowhead, breath leaving his lungs as he began to release it, when the buck suddenly dropped towards him, an arrow in its chest.
He lowered his bow but dove behind a tree for cover in case it wasn’t one of his people; watching cautiously, he waited for the mysterious shooter to come from the trees and when they did, his eyes widened. A mere human girl had shot from hundreds of yards away, a managed a perfect shot.
Thalaweston crept behind them as they pulled the arrow out, pulling a knife to begin cleaning when he stepped on a stick, the crack echoing through the forest. Quick as lightning, they spun, bow raised and ready to fire; he raised his hands in surrender and he caught sight of eyes beneath the red hood, bow slightly wavering as they said, “Thalaweston?”
He cocked his head to the side, stealthily reaching for his dagger. “How do you know me?”
They reached up and plucked the hood off and he let out a breath at the sight of her. “Kaeralina?”
She had grown into a beautiful young woman; her shock gave way to joy as she reached out to hug the elf. “Oh, it’s been so long!” she wrapped her arms around him. “You look well! How have you been!”
He was in shock himself. “I—I am well. Nothing much has changed in my life. How are you?” he pulled back, looking towards the deer then to her. “When did you learn to draw a bow?”
A shadow crossed her face and she said, “My father…he died when I was still a child. My mother and I had to fend for ourselves. I picked up a thing or two watching the hunters in my city. I am leading the hunting parties now, believe it or not!”
“Congratulations.” Thalaweston looked around. “You’re quite a distance away from the city, are you not? More into elven territory.”
He saw the telltale sign of embarrassment come across her as she looked away, suddenly interested in the deer. “Yes, well, the deer favor elven company, so it makes sense to hunt here.”
“Really?” he asked doubtfully. “Are you sure it’s not because you have a fondness for elves?”
She shot him a look. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Are you sure? Because I have quite a few bouquets of flowers that beg to differ.”
“I can’t believe you remember that,” she muttered. “I was a child.”
“A very sweet, earnest child,” he agreed, kneeling beside her. “I kept them, you know. Pressed them to make them keepsakes.”
She blinked at him. “You did?”
He nodded. “If nothing else, a reminder that humanity was good to us elves once.”
“That’s…very sweet of you, Thalaweston.”
He smiled and looked at her. She really was so beautiful. “You’ve grown since I last saw you.”
Her smile was more bittersweet. “Humans age much faster than elves. It’s been fifteen years, did you know?”
“I do.”
“I can’t believe it’s been so long.”
“Time does fly.”
“That it does.” Exhaling, she gestured to the deer. “I should get this back to the city. I’m sure they’re waiting for me to return.”
Before she could even attempt to lift it, Thalaweston did for her. “Allow me.” He ignored her dissuasions and added, “Think of it as a chance for us to catch up. I’d love to hear about how life has treated you. Nothing ever changes for us elves in the castle. Life is always boring.”
She smiled, looking down at her feet as she kicked at the ground. “Oh…alright, I guess you can.”
“So, tell me, have you promised to marry any of the men in your town or are we still—”
Thalaweston lay beside her, gently brushing aside the silver hair on her head, caressing the warm skin on her forehead. “How do you feel, melethel?”
Her eyelids fluttered and she looked at him. “Tired, my life. Very tired.”
He couldn’t fight the lump in his throat as he rested his hand on her chest above her heart. “Are you comfortable?”
“I am.”
“Should I get the children? Do you need me to get them? I will go—”
“My life,” she calmed softly, resting a hand atop his. “I have said my goodbyes to my children. This time is for us.”
Tears shone in his eyes as he dug his head into the pillow and whispered, “I am not ready for you to go, melethel.”
She smiled sadly, but there was a warmth there as she reached over with her free hand, swiping a stray tear. “You will never be alone, my life,” she said. “My heart travels with you always. It is in you, in our children, in this life. I am with you through the ages, always.”
Thalaweston gazed at the woman he’d created a life with, from the first moment he saw the little girl in a patchy dress to now, an old woman, his beloved wife, the mother of his beautiful two girls and boy. “I am scared to go on without you.”
“You must.”
“I want you with me. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold you in my arms. I want—”
She caressed his cheek and he fell silent, shutting his eyes against the flood of hot tears. “You must go on until our children no longer need you. Then, and only then will you be allowed to even think of me. They need you, my life. They are your purpose now. Promise me you will not come to me until then.”
He swallowed thickly, inhaling deeply as he nodded his head and whispered, “I promise, melethel.”
Kaeralina let out a low breath and tried to shuffle closer to him, which he saw and immediately shifted to hold her in his arms, his nose pressed against hers; they gazed into each other’s eyes. “Thalaweston,” she murmured. “Some think this was foolish. For a mortal to marry an immortal. But I want you to know, in all our years, I have never regretted a single moment. Not even now.”
Thalaweston smiled widely despite his tears. “I have been blessed by Ilúvatar to have made this life with you. I have loved you and will always love you, Kaeralina. I love you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the tops of hers. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you, my life.”
“And till this day,” she said, still staring up at the night sky. “It is said that in the heart of the forest lies a single stone encased by a great oak tree. The memorial of a single elf who loved his human wife so greatly, that he planted a great stone and tree. Of course, others say that the stone is his wife’s grave and he, the great tree that has protected and weathered all the centuries. A love enduring time itself.”
Bilbo was in tears as he looked at her from his small pillow. “He brought her the same flowers every day that she picked for him as a girl.”
“Even in her death, he was devoted to his lovely wife, always.”
He wiped his nose and eyes, trying to compose himself. “That was beautiful.”
“Long, is what it was,” someone, probably Bofur retorted, but he sounded weepy.
She merely smiled and Bilbo asked, “Is it a true story?”
Shrugging, she gently slipped a few strands of hair behind her ear, and he caught sight of the slightly pointed tips. “Who knows? But a love like that? Sure is desirable. To be loved and devoted even after death. I hope one day I’m lucky enough to be loved so much as Thalaweston loved Kaeralina.” She looked to the stars and murmured, “They were amazing parents.”
“What was that?”
She blinked. “I said, I bet they were amazing parents. I’m sure their children were loved beyond belief.” She tutted. “Now off to bed with us. Our bedtime story has been given.”
As they all rolled over, most already asleep, she gently turned on her side, looking up at Kili and Fili who were huddled close, snoring quietly, the eldest brother’s arm wrapped around his youngest. It reminded her of her sister and brother.
She smiled and gently reached over, brushing a hand through each’s hair, watching them lean into and make sleepy noises at the soft, mothering touch, before pulling her arm away, only to catch Thorin’s eyes on her; she smiled at him and he gave her one in return, a softness, and love, in his eyes as she laid her head down and shut her eyes.
He waited until her breathing evened out before he reached over and carefully took her smaller hand in his, holding it. Hers twitched in his grip before her fingers curled over his palm and he fell asleep feeling the warmth bleeding into his hand.
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The Hobbit/LOTR
Taglist: @mrsdurin
- Imagines:
You are a human warrior and Thorin wants you to stay
You and Gandalf found the gravestone of Thorin
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 1
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 2
Thorin is helping you on a winter night
Thorin don’t know what you do
Thorin’s help
Thorin with you when you are done
The Wolf and the Princess (Thorin x reader Imagine series part 1)
Thorin is a gently alpha
Thorin is a shapeshifter
Thorin don’t believe in himself
Thorin comes back home
Thorin takes you to a lake
Thorin sees you, when you dance
You want a horse, but Thorin don’t
Thorin is too tired
Thorin thinks you bewitched him
Thorin speaks about you in your wedding
Thorin is your fiance and You're jealous
You are a fallen star part 1.
You are a fallen star part 2.
You are a fallen star part 3
You are hurts by an orc and Thorin with you
You want Thorin
You are with Thorin before a big war
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 1.
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 2
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 3.
You are lonely in Erebor
Thorin writes a loveletter to you
Thorin is your father
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 1.
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 2.
Thorin thinks you are a flower
You are scared from noises in Erebor
Thorin is jealous
You found a dog
Kili don’t know how to babies are made (Thorin is a dad part 1)
Thorin is a dad part 2
Thorin is a dad part 3
Thorin is a viking and he have good voice
You are afraid and Thorin calms you down
You think Thorin is the King of elves
Thorin have a toothache
You want to make a surprise meal for Thorin, but you can’t cook
Thorin thinks you don’t know how to fight
Thorin promises you, he’ll never forget you part 1.
Thorin teaches you how to ride on a horse
Thorin found a sick barn owl
Your daughter wants to hear how you met with Thorin
Your parents hate you and Thorin saves you
You are happy, because you found your favorite flowers and the company don’t understand
Dwarves are wolves and Thorin is the protective alpha, because you are his one
You are the tired Queen of Erebor
You are in those days and Thorin wants to help
Thorin have a daughter and you are the mother
You want to play with Thorin
Drunken Thorin wants to dance
For the dreaming - Chapter one
Under the moonlight (Thorin x reader fanfic) 1. chapter
The king’s walls (2/1)
I See Fire chapter 1.
I see fire chapter 2
I see fire chapter 3
I See Fire chapter 4.
I See Fire chapter 5
I see Fire chapter 6
I See Fire chapter 7.
Furybaby (Elf!reader x Thorin drabble)
Home (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader really short drabble)
Drabble: Little secret
The Beauty and the Dwarf chapter 1.  (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
The Beauty and the Dwarf (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage) chapter 2.
The Beauty and The Dwarf chapter 3. (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
Dear Dad
About Time
When the light comes part 1.
Ghost on the barrow
Thorin’s dreamcatcher minipart 2
That Summer Love chapter 1
- Headcanons:
Thorin take care of you, because you are pregnant with his child
Your first time with Thorin
Your first date with Thorin
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Fandom: The Hobbit Ship/Pairing: Thranduil x F!Reader Trope: Unrequited love that’s requited after all Note: No idea. I probably made heavy mistakes in the mythology. Don't hesitate to point them out if need be. Warnings: Miscommunication, father-son relationship, rejection Word count: 6 282 Tag-list: @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @middleearthpixie @glassgulls @evenstareditd @fizzyxcustard @sotwk
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Seeing your friend after so many years made you so happy, your eyes were watering even before you could feel his arm embracing you.
“My dear friend. I am so glad you could finally come home.”
Decades earlier, the young prince and you had learned and grown together under the watchful eye of the Mirkwood. Small ones were a rarity, but two at the same time almost never happened. Once an adult, it became clear you needed to leave the palace’s grounds and see the world for yourself. The only kin you had left was your aunt Ede, and she encouraged you to go, despite being torn upon your departure.
Now, finally, you were coming back to your place of birth, filled with new memories and new experiences. During the war, you were following the refugees, learning medicine and healing amongst them as you had for the past decade. Fortunately, this knowledge became of vital importance after the conflict and here you were, talking animatedly with the Crowned Prince, sharing adventures and stories.
“I am sure your father must not have taken kindly to that friendship.”
Legolas laughed, his long hair moving with the winds around.
“No, he did not. Gimli is a close friend of mine and I would not allow him to be treated with the disrespect my father is so easily using. — Still. Of all the people present in the Company, the only one you find to be a friend is the son of Gloin? The very last member of Thorin Oakenshield’s entourage? — I did not choose, you know. And…”
Before he could finish his sentence, you stopped your steps. The place had grown so much since you last were there. The tallest trees reached peaks you could not see anymore, cutting into the sky slices of clouds and sunshine. The hall around you felt heavier. More grounded in stone than in wood. Ravages of the Great War had reached even here, it seemed. From the stairs in front of you, a tall she-elf, with her dark auburn hair and her proud stature, was staring right. Your feet guided you to her in a hurry. Her embrace felt like a warm bath, smelling of lavender and a quiet temperance you needed in that moment. Ede was one of a kind. She was the one who had taught you the basics to healing and the plants, as well as the stars. Your mother had been a valiant soldier of the King’s army. She perished on the front of the battle of the Five Armies. Ede became a support and an ally in the pain of her loss. It made you two grow closer, especially when her brother - your father - left for the Shores after his wife died. He did not see the future in as much brightness as he used to and did not want to become a hindrance for you. It was with the certainty of meeting him again that you let him go.
“Aunt Ede, I have missed you so much. It is a genuine pleasure to see you. — As it is for me, child.”
She pushed a strand of hair back, watching you intently with those profound dark eyes of hers. Once Legolas reached you, he saluted the Royal Healer before leaving the both of you, a soft smile on his face. You spent the rest of the day walking around and rediscovering the grounds with your aunt. They had planted bigger gardens next to the Healers Quarters. A gardener had been appointed specifically for them, allowing time and space for the now withering Ede. She was growing tired more easily and, despite her appearances, was becoming more depressed by the day. Her work was never done in this place, being the sole reference for every other healer in the woods and sometimes outside of the country and into others. Everyday that passed made her long for her home in Rivendell. Her husband had gone back the year before and the separation was taking another toll on her, time only making it worse. At the first signs of dusk, she brought you to your room, next to her own. It contained a simple bed and a desk as well as two tall windows, looking out on the garden below. The bag you carried when you arrived finally found a space to rest too next to the neat sheets.
“Child, I bid you goodnight. We shall talk more in the morning. -Yes, my aunt. I wish you pleasant dreams and a restful sleep.”
She kissed your forehead, smiled and closed the door behind her. Soon you crumbled into the heavenly made bed, but could not find sleep. After all, the real reason of why you left had been kept secret from everyone. Including yourself. You were becoming more agitated with every minute passing before meeting the King. You had not left on particularly good terms with him, a show of restraint on your part, inclining you to keep quiet and move on. Nevertheless, the memory kept replaying in your mind, as you felt yourself drift into a soundless sleep.
In autumn, the leaves fell, and Legolas was in the trees. Well, one tree. The tallest at the time, a great oak with leaves reaching into the sky as if trying to touch it. The Prince loved to climbed its branches, storm or high wind was of no matter to him, wanting to admire the sky more than anything. Also, it was the only place his father would not think of searching him in. Lately he had been adamant in having his son with him at all times, protected and locked in, close to him where he could not be lost. Or killed. That oak was where you found him.
“My Prince, I am afraid your kingly father will be upset with both of us if you do not come down this instant.”
Silence. Thranduil had asked you personally to go in search of his son. Out of the two of you, you were in appearances the more mature one. Even now young adults, you could not help yourselves and hid from each of your parents whenever you could, spending most of your times observing the wood’s life. The fleeting murmurs of the trees settled, leaving a melody of singing birds behind. Soon, he came down, looking sheepish.
“I am sorry. I did not mean to cause my father’s anger towards you. — No need to apologise. I understand why you would want to hide. Yet, you can not do so forever Legolas.”
He nodded, following you back inside. His father had grown tensed and tired after his wife’s death. Her warmth was the heart of the forest and once she was gone, every winter became colder and colder. The King only grew more weary of the outsiders, leaving no choice but to close the borders to most of them. You knew him in happier times, grew with his son and should have grown attached to the Prince. Yet, in your heart, Thranduil had the only space you could allow to be filled. It had pained you to acknowledge it, more so when Legolas’ mother passed. A voice inside wanted you to reach out and to pull the pain away from him. From them both, but you could not. As well as Thranduil’s borders closed, his mind and soul did too. For the longest time, he retreated so far inside that no one could reach in. Not even his son. Your arm looped around Legolas’ shoulders, trying to comfort him however you could.
“Do not fret. He was scared to death you broke your neck. Once he sees you intact maybe he’ll calm down”
It did seem to make him chuckle at least, as he leaned into you. You felt ashamed feeling this way towards a brother’s kin. It was a torment you would not wish on anyone not even your greatest enemy. It became a soft agony and then a feeling deeply buried. Sometimes, you hoped you would find yourself looking at Legolas the same way you looked at Thranduil. It never happened and you grieved the proper relationship that would never be. It had been talked about, making a match between the two of you. The Prince could have been inclined. Your own affections lead you to say no, to the disarray of your parents and Legolas’ poor heart. He never resented you for it but you did. You resented yourself so much it blinded the young spirit you had into biding yourself to this place, when nothing new could be learned, nothing new could be seen. No new love would grow. Ede had mentioned leaving before. The idea was taking roots but Thranduil’s actions were the final push into the adventure of your life.
Upon arriving in the King’s room, you caught onto three things. The first, he was still worried sick, apparently repeatedly pacing the room with no signs of stopping soon. The second was that once he saw his son, he embraced him, where you had seen him lash out in anger at others. The third, you were sure that when his eyes landed on you, he would burn you right where you stood. He took his time, checking if his son was alright if he was injured, who’s idea was it to go out and hide like that. Once his nerves settled, he dismissed Legolas, closely watched over by two guards. As the Prince left the room, you shared a soft smile, already knowing what was bound to happen. Once he was gone, the air left the room and the reprieve you had ended right there.
“How dare you?”
Thranduil’s voice was carrying across the room. He was standing as far away as possible from you, as if trying to avoid catching a disease you had.
If only that was the reason, he would sleep better nights. Not watching the stars peak and go down every morning, growing mad with every time he saw you. He knew it was, in truth, for another set of reasons entirely. His body was betraying him. His heart ached in the most delicious ways, retreating from its hiding place. He would have thought it dead if it weren’t for you. You with your sharp mind and loud laughter. You who had a spirit all of your own. You who were the oldest friend and confident his son had. How could he feel that way for you, he never wanted to know. It would have meant accepting he nourished feelings for you. He watched you grow and become a mighty warrior and a spirited young elf. Once well in adulthood though, that was only then that he noticed you. Before that you were a shadow compared to his wife’s memory. He saw and perceived all too well your longing looks and tight smile for him only to see. It touched his otherwise dead heart. The pain of knowing that it could never be and the blossoming feelings he carried for you were growing inside of him intertwined. Now, your eyes haunted him at night, hot and feverish, lingering in his mind. He longed to be touched by you, when he knew he should not have. The remorse was ever present. What would she think of all of this? She would want him happy, cared for and content. He wanted it too. He would not yield, not crumble under your stare. He had to protect his people from disappointment in their ruler. He could not afford jeopardising his rule so. Even for your beautiful mind and gorgeous soul.
“How dare you compel my son into acting so? You and your ideas! Of course you were the one to give him such ideas about freedom and… — Your Majesty, with all due respect, I gave him what he asked of me, nothing else.”
He was livid. What he asked of you? A jealousy he had forgotten the name of, formed in his stomach, giving his wrath a fuel to keep on burning. What did he ask of you? What did you ask of him?
“How could you? You are full of yourself. Arrogant. Reckless. Do you not know the influence you have over him? How dangerous that could be?”
He could see you, bowing your head, biting your tongue. He drove the knife deeper still, wanting you to react, to do something. Anything was better than you not reacting at all. Especially to him. The cruel intentions in him a reflection of his frustrated state at seeing you and not touching you.
“Answer me!”
The scream rang through your body. Teeth clenched, you had been biting your tongue this entire time, not wanting to make this situation worse. Although, he was on the right path for it to get worse.
“Why would I? You seem to have all the answers already! About your son, about me!” You kept on going, even as he stepped closer and closer to you, domineering and hovering over you. “He needs to experience life! If you can not give him that, at least give this to his mother!” This touched a nerve, his face darkening with fury. Where he knew you were right, he wanted to make you quiet. Those truths either he was not ready to hear. “She would certainly not want her only son to go to the Shores having never touched life with his own hands. Never fighting for what he believes in, never seeing the sun high in the sky or never feeling the touch of a lover, because of you. Sire, you cannot keep him in a gilded cage like this. Either you let him go or he will escape.”
He was invading your private space now. You could not look up. You would not look up.
“How would you know how to care for a child who is not your own? — I know him better than you think.”
Better than you lingered in the air, unsaid, deeply felt. His long fingers gripped your jaw pulling your eyes along them, then his deep burgundy robe before meeting his darkened pupils. He narrowed his eyes, the very tip of his fingers were burning with the yearning of touching you. He could not give in. He would not give in.
“Do you now?”
His lips ghosted over the shell of your ear, in what was supposed to be a show of power. Both of you knew it was not, still thinking the other to not know about it. His teeth bit lightly into your earlobe before you could stop him. Frozen in place, you did nothing when his lips drew goosebumps down your throat. In a swift movement, he sucked a deep bruise into your skin. You cried out as he held your face in place, merciless in his grip. It was not a cry of displeasure and that surprised him. As your hand gripped the one holding your face, he searched your expression looking for a momentary lapse in judgement. Maybe something to stop him. Something to tell him this was wrong. He found nothing of the sort. He slid his fingers from your jaw to your cheeks, finding comfort into the plump and supple skin of your face, before all but tearing himself apart by kissing you. You kissed him in return, feverish and wanting. Too soon, he stopped. Disgusted with himself, he turned around, hurting like never before. His weakness was showing, all too visible to his own eyes.
“Go. Now. And never come back. — Sire…”
Your voice was but a whisper, the fluttering of your heart where his skin had met yours turning your whole body into a beating drum.
“Leave! Leave and never show your face again!”
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You did not let them and left the room, closing the door as hard as you could behind you. Once in your room, everything went blank. Almost as if on drugs, mechanically, you gathered your things, warned your aunt of your departure. She did not question it. She knew of your yearning to leave and did not stop you either. Only accompanied you to the main road, wishing you farewell and a heartfelt goodbye. Legolas received a delayed goodbye, by letter. He was angry with you, but understood. You never told him about what happened and it said a lot about his forgiving nature that he did not hold that hurt against you today. She figured Thranduil might have something to do with it when the next day he asked about you. He seemed hurt beyond measure when she told him you were gone, almost surely never to return.
The first rays of the sun sneaked through the glass windows, shades and hues of red and yellows nesting into the corners of the room. After a change of clothes and a frugal breakfast, you accompanied Ede to the gardens along with her pupils, witnessing the classes she gave to elves from all backgrounds and all horizons. Midday approached and she took you aside after leaving her students.
“Child, we need to talk. — Yes, aunt Ede. What do we need to talk about?”
Her next words startled you as much as they turned your world upside down.
“I will be direct, my child. I need you to replace me, here, at the palace. I need you to become the next Royal Healer.”
Ede and you had carried that conversation long into the night. She was adamant that it was you who was supposed to carry on in her place. On the other hand you were less than convinced. Especially considering that she always described the task as a burden - more so in the last years. You would not negotiate with her and complained, exposed, revealed what you feared and felt unable to do. She would hear none of it. Her sole purpose here was to give her place to you, of that she was certain. Deep within her a longing of her home had taken root and she had wanted to leave for a long time. If only for her sake, you had no other choice but to do what she asked. For your own, you would have to face Thranduil when that day would come. Maybe, it was for the best. You could not stay in this place of ignorance and avoidance. A quick walk through the garden and you found yourself, face to face with Legolas, all smiles and a hint of mischief in his eyes you were worried about.
“Good morning to you. -And good morning to you, my friend.”
His smile did not falter as he proposed to accompany you through the palace, talking animatedly as usual, until finally you reached the healers quarters.
“I do have a question though. — Yes, what is it?”
As he opened his mouth to say something, he closed it again, his eyes drawn to something - or rather someone - in the room behind you. The door had been left ajar. Distinctively you could see Thranduil’s back and when he stepped aside, your aunt Ede too. Her brows were furrowing and her lips were pinched in a thin line. That could not be any good. The King on the other hand, was towering over her, rolling his eyes and pinching his nose every time she spoke as you would do with a child. That, that was intolerable. Legolas tried to stop you, his hand slipping from your arm only to be left bewildered and strangely, amused, when you stepped inside, slamming the door open.
“Your Majesty. Aunt Ede.”
You bowed your head as he observed you from head to toe. Since that night, it was the first time he was seeing you again. As you, him. A beating sound rang in your ears. His sharp eyes looked down upon you, considering your face, your lips. He stopped and turned towards Ede again.
“Your Majesty, this is… — We shall talk about it at another time. ”
She bowed and did not dare question his statement. He stepped out of the room without another word, only mildly surprised at finding his son at the door. He inherited his need to meddle in other’s affairs from his mother. It both amused him and annoyed him to no end.
* “Ede, what was that about? — Oh, nothing. Have you eaten yet? I was hoping we could eat together and talk some more about your new position?”
There was no negotiating her. Soon, she led you towards a secluded spot under a willow tree you used to hide in when you were a mere child. It’s blooming branches looked smaller now, even when surrounding both of you in its fresh shadows.
“Aunt, please tell me what this talk was about. With the King.”
Ede sighed, plugging some grapes from her bag. She stalled, settling down cheeses and bread at a luxuriously slow pace.
“Aunt… — Yes, I know. Listen, it is a matter between the King and I and… — Was it about me? — Sort of.”
You snorted loudly, startling a few birds in the tree.
“What do you mean? — It was about my replacement. He disagrees with my choice.”
That should not have stung as much as it did.
“And I told him that I would not be changing my mind anytime soon. And that you would be taking my place in three weeks time as per what was planned. — Wait… Three weeks? From now? It’s too soon, Ede.”
She shushed you with a finger against your lips, as she did when you were younger.
“No discussion, no negotiation.”
She proceeded to tell you all about the Royal Healer’s position. You were to tend to the Royal Family, anytime day or night, big or small wounds. Fondly, she recalled a time when Legolas was still small, and had fallen off of a tree, breaking his wrist. He had been restless for the long process of the cast and even more when he had to not use his arm for weeks after that. Being light of foot was not something you were born with and he had mastered it with numerous injuries and various broken bones. You recalled the infinite patience his father had to show. The prince was not as quiet and calm as he was now. She kept on with an extended list of places you were expected to go and help, as well as the palace. Indeed, she had taken it upon herself to replace the old healers in all the neighbouring villages. Most of them had been replaced, yet there was still work to do and new persons to train. At the first lights descending in the sky, she excused herself, exhausted that she was. She kissed your temple and walked away.
Your room felt smaller once you reached its bed. The walls seemed to be getting closer with each moment and soon, you could not stand it any longer. The night had just settled, the first stars showing above. Without much thinking, your feet wandered around the place, finding bushes and crannies, the deep river you knew. Several times, you passed by the willow you had eaten under earlier that day. Somehow, it drove you to its shelter, the rays of the moon shining through the leaves, giving the place an eerie and melancholic air.
Carefully you immersed yourself in this small reprieve of the world.
What you did not know was that you were not alone, sneaking around at night, unable to sleep.
* Once done with the argument, Thranduil had left the infirmary in a hurry, not wanting to dwell in a room where you were. Inadequacy was not something he was fond of feeling. Legolas followed him back to his chambers. He could sense his son’s amusement from behind him. When he turned around, stepping into his bedroom, the very same son had the audacity to laugh wholeheartedly.
“You do remember you owe me allegiance, even as my son and heir.”
The elf struggled to gain back his composure and nod. Finally he had come to his senses.
“Yes, Father. Although I choose to find our relationship into its more domestic issues than its governmental ones.”
Or not.
“Legolas, I swear on your mother’s grave if you do not explain why you are mocking me I will send you to an early retirement deep in the forest with nothing but bread and water to survive, as well as the animals to keep you company.”
That made him stop. Thranduil’s threats were always outlandish. They were also never made in vain or carelessly. Legolas stepped closer to his father, leaning in as in confidence. The King’s eyebrow lifted in a show of not being impressed. From where he was sat, he could see the sparkle in his son’s eyes. The one that meant no good.
“Your affections are showing, father. — My…”
If he had not been angry to begin with, he might have been now. He thought back to that night and could not wash away the culpability creeping in. After you had left, he had spent sleepless nights, without an end to his thoughts about what he could have done worse. Never better. In fact, he had come to the conclusion that where you were concerned, things was to be left alone. A sort of status quo, left undisturbed. Nevertheless, he stayed quiet. The silence worried Legolas.
“Father, I never meant any harm. — I know.”
He couldn’t face Legolas anymore, a veil covering his vision. The King felt the weight of the past years weighing him down, sitting in that chair behind this table, his future in the eyes of his only child. How much he had wished there had been other children with her. Legolas was as perfect now as he was when he was born but he was alone. He released a heavy sigh.
Legolas obeyed, fearing something worse than a stern talking to.
“Nothing is ever meant to happen between…” The name on his tongue travelled down his throat to his heart. He chocked on it. “It is not meant to be, my son. Of my own fault. No harm can come to her. Not more than the one I have already done.”
Questions began plaguing the prince’s mind, almost wondering aloud what his father could have done to deserve your absence and his longing. In a way, those questions were answered shortly after he thought them up.
“I was the one who chased her away. — You…”
Thranduil’s hand stopped him. It barely lifted in the air, before resting again.
“In a very unkind manner. The behaviour I had was… Unworthy.”
No other words were necessary for he was one to choose them precisely. His close circle knew that. That knowledge was what made his son get up and look at him, with so much disappointment in his eyes he could have made his father drown in it if he so much as wished it. Legolas did not have any will in himself to do so. Instead, he channelled this frustration and shame into his words, chosen carefully as he had been taught to, many times before.
“Did you even try to talk with her? — No. — Why?”
His tone had taken a harsh turn, startling Thranduil in his immobility. No good excuse came to mind. He had been afraid and incapable of voicing his apologises. With you gone, gone was the possibility of redemption. Now that you were here again, he could try. Legolas’ mother was still in his mind, chastising him for his actions. He had come to accept that he would never forget her. That she would remain his conscience for the years to come, the years until his disappearance from this Earth. He had known her for so long, she would always be there. Telling him when he was doing wrong too. Even if it was with the voice of their only child, now grown, looking at him with something akin to violence in his eyes.
“She is out there, thinking she has done something wrong, when you could have freed her from that burden long ago. That, father, is not an unworthy behaviour. That is the behaviour of a coward. — How dare you speak to me in such a way? I am still your King… — Not as long as you behave like this, you’re not.”
He strode out of the room, slamming the door behind him. His words resonated against the walls and the mind of the one left behind. A deep frown settled on his forehead, erasing all traces of previous fury. A weary hand pinched his nose, narrowing his eyes at his own anger. In a careless gesture, Thranduil pushed everything off of the table before him. Papers, ink, quills… everything went flying across the room. The only thing left were his hands gripping the edges of the table, ready to throw it too. Soon, he found himself crying silent tears, trying desperately to stop them from falling. His hands were shaking, a whole body tremor going through him, as sobs escaped him. This had to stop. A knock at the door interrupted him in his misery. Quickly he composed himself and followed the council servant outside, attending absentmindedly the meeting he was supposed to preside over. Legolas’ absence thrust another surge of sadness, pure and raw, through him. His absence only making him think about yours. In this scenario, he could lose you both. He could have none of it.
Once the first rays of sunshine started disappearing behind the clouds and down the horizon line, his feet brought him to his son’s chambers. He had to at least try to make this right.
* Under the willow tree, you laid, head resting against the trunk, eyes up in the sky. Sleep would still elude you, in the most peaceful ways this time. The clouds were moving with the winds, hiding and showing the numerous constellations up above. A rustling of leaves brought you back to solid ground quickly. Someone had found your hiding place, of all the places in the palace.
“Legolas? What are you doing here?”
The shadow did not answer, only advanced and stepped in the moonlight. It was indeed Legolas, but his eyes were different. A solemn toll had taken hold upon them and it was strange, if not completely out-worldly to watch him be this serious.
“I fear, the same as you. I could not sleep. — How did you find me?”
He did not answer right away, throwing a glance behind him before looking back at you.
“I followed you.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. His steps had gotten more silent with the years, apparently. From your room to this place, you had not heard him once, not even in the gravel or the grass.
“Listen, I am here…” He hesitated a moment. “I did not meant to follow you. It was the only way. The most opportune one. There are things you need to talk about. I thought that if I was the first to show, you would feel less incline in running. — The first to show?” Fear ran through you. “What have you done Legolas? — I talked with my father.” Something sank within you. “About you.”
Your voice died in your throat. “I never meant to overstep my position, as your friend. I was worried about what he could have done to warrant such guilty actions from him. — What actions? Wait. Did he tell you…?”
Thranduil’s voice interrupted you both. His tall stature loomed over, albeit hunching over to pass through the leaves and come to you.
“Legolas, would you leave us for a moment, please.”
The gentleness in his tone surprised you. It seemed it was a normal occurrence for the Prince who reached and squeezed your arm reassuringly before leaving with a bow of his head.
“I believe we have much to talk about.”
Neither of you said another word, before he stepped forward and sat down next to you. It felt awkward to see your King in such an informal setting. You could see the discomfort it brought him to be this close to you. You were about to get up and go, when his hand pinned yours to the space between the two of you. Stunned, you looked at him straight on. He avoided your gaze at all costs, not taking the risk to say hurtful things again, out of spite. Out of fear.
“My rank demands an exemplary behaviour and it seems I have failed in that task.”
Your breath caught in your throat, you kept staring at his profile, making it hard for him to keep going. Through greeted teeth he added more words you never thought you would hear from him.
“My actions towards you were nothing short of ungraceful and puerile. You have my deepest apologies.”
Finally, he looked at you, tall and head held high. That was as far as he would go. Legolas might have had a hand in that forsaken apology. It was a needed humiliation, if he was to keep you in his court. With him. Near him.
“Sire, you have my sincerest thanks for this. There was no need for you to do so and you demonstrated a great kindness by this gesture.”
His face relaxed slightly, his jaw unclenching. His hand was still on yours. The feeling erupting from that meeting left you dizzy and energised at the same time.
“Was that all, Sire?”
Thranduil could see the hope on your face. Brows pulled down, frowning around your beautiful haunting eyes, lips pinched in a thin line. What took him over he would never know, for he did not recognise himself behaving like this.
“No. The kingdom is deeply grateful to have you back here with us. This land deserves excellency and perfection. That is why I can be demanding of my people. As well as of you.”
His hand gripped yours. You did not stop him from doing so, letting him finish his thoughts. He seemed to be needing it as much as you. A prickling in your eyes made you withdraw your hand for a moment to wipe it out. Your fingertips erased the tears down your cheeks, while your tongue felt as a leaded weight in your mouth.
“I understand.”
Only then did you put your hand over his, squeezing lightly. A sharp hope ran through him, a knife of helplessness felt deep in his bones. He did not want to recognise the feelings growing inside of him. He knew what they were anyhow.
“Thank you.”
Words ran away in the night. Your eyes found the sky again, the stars and the moon above lighting your way in the dark. He was staring. You could feel it. You kept on looking away, biting your lips and swallowing your tears down your throat. If this was what you could get, then you would take it. At least he was sorry. Your feelings, you could deal with on your own. Thranduil’s stare was boring into you with little care for his heartbeat accelerating. Here he was, sitting in the grass, in the middle of the night, watching someone he thought he had lost. Something to smile about, finally, he thought. He was committing to memory the shape of your nose. The curve of your chin. The apple of your cheeks, the soft trace of your eyebrows. The stubbornness and intelligence hiding in your eyes. As he did back when, his hand slipped down your cheek, bringing you to meet his eyes. He settled in your throat, slender fingers finding their place under your jaw. Half hooded eyes and a sharp inhale from your mouth were all it took for him to meet your lips. Slowly, both his hands came to cradle your face.
Then, you were the one to pull away. He frowned, trying to meet your eyes. You wouldn’t. Cradling his hand against your cheek, you pushed it away. Deep within, the restlessness of your heart had not gone quiet with his words. Only louder, the beating in your chest trashing around, begging to be freed.
“My lord, I… I understand. I really do understand what is at stake, here.”
You met his eyes, full of something you never thought you’d see again. Worry.
“Nonetheless, I want more.”
Thranduil opened his mouth to stop you. You stopped him first, the palm of your hand quietly overtaking his senses, when meeting with his face.
“This. What is happening here, I will not have it hidden away. I cannot. Not after this long. I…” You licked your lips, anxious at his reaction. “I belong to you. In whatever shape or form. But, if you give me this…” The skin of your thumb caressed down, meeting his lips. He had stopped moving. “There will be no going back. All out of the shadows. And, if you break my heart a second time, I will not be coming back.”
For someone with a patient talent for words, the King was left speechless. No proper sentence could carry his meaning. Only gestures, actions and demonstrations of his affection and commitment could. So he did. For the first time with you, he became hesitant, his mouth shaping itself around your throat, your open neck bathed in the moonlight. He clung onto your waist as one would a lifeline, your hands threading through his hair when he kissed you. His hunger and thirst for you was unmatched. Unparalleled. He had forgotten what that felt like.
That night, as many others afterwards, you found yourselves bound together, under the willow.
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The Hobbit x baby elf reader (both male and female versions.)
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Age: newborn after the eagles saved them from Azog the Company meets one of the greatest treasures in Middle Earth who happens to be the prince/princess of a rare species of elves.
These are fanfics from my old wattpad account I had trouble with the verification process it won’t let me comment, post or reply so I had to delete it but I managed to start a new with tumblr I saved my fanfics from my old wattpad on the notes app.
Male version:
No one's POV:
The company of Thorin Oakenshield had continued their Journey to Erebor after Thorin had recovered from his injuries. As they are in an open field they are shocked to find what appeared to be a battle field, dead orcs, wargs and elves with normal and unusual hair colors. From the looks of it there were no survivors that is to the eyes of men.
They began picking up the bodies to bury the elves so they can be put to rest but doing so the sound of crying is heard, Bilbo walks over to the dead couple a she elf with silver hair and a fair complexion, holding her protectively was a male elf he assumes is her husband with midnight blue hair and a tan complexion. the crying seems to be coming from them, when he got closer he saw something moving through the she elf's arms "Ohh my." He said gently moving her arms to reveal a bundle of white blanket.
Bilbo managed to remove the bundle from the corpse but when he did so the crying got louder. He moved the blanket reveling to his, the dwarves and Gandalf's surprise a baby elf! A male elf to be precise he looked just like the male they assume was his father but his hair faded to pastel blue at the tips. When Bilbo held him the little boy opened his eyes to reveal that he had two different eye colors, one eye was the color of starlight while the other was the color of amethyst. Thorin was enhanced by those eyes that held so much innocence and curiosity within them. He was a sucker for children and he had heard that elves couldn't reproduce very often like dwarves and that they are very protective of their young like dwarves "By my beard! Your a pretty thing aren't you little one?." Gandalf asked picking up the child who was looking around in curiosity "We should take him with us." Thorin said "Even thought he's an elf he's just a child who just lost he's family." Dwalin said placing a hand on the elflings head earning a squeal from him "What's that on his wee neck?" Ori asked. Gandalf saw a gorgeous silver crescent moon necklace with a sapphire around the boys neck and gasped "A pendant of power. You are the prince of the moonlight elves my boy." Gandalf said holding the boy protectively making the dwarves gasp "I thought they disappeared centuries ago after the war in the first age." Balin said eyeing the necklace around the child's neck "The boy is more special then I thought." Dori said "I think the boy has a name though. Look at his blanket." Oin said pointing to the blanket. Thorin took the corner of the blanket to see a name Y/N engraved in F/C threading "Y/N I like it." Bilbo said smiling fondly at the elfling.
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Not wanting to waist anymore time the company continue their journey to Erebor with their newest addition in Gandalf's arms. The boy was a true angel, he slept the whole night, he was only fussy if he was hungry, needed a change or a nap but he seems to have a severe trauma with orcs after they killed his parents and the guards with them when they saw Orcs on the cliff side.
After they arrived at Beorn's home Y/N seemed to be fond of the skin changer dual to his size "Hello little fawn." Beorn said gently holding Y/N who was squealing from the butterfly on his little nose "Your very energetic Y/N." Beorn said letting out a deep chuckle. The company arrived to Mirkwood in order to get to Erebor but they had to stay on the path. Fili, Kili and Ori were watching Y/N with Fili holding him while the two brothers and youngest dwarf made you laugh.
All was peaceful until the spiders attacked.
Thorin held you protectively after Bilbo cut them all free but Bilbo was no where in sight anymore like he just disappeared and all Morgoth fell lose when the woodland elves came and killed the rest of the spiders and take them in for questioning "My prince they have a child!" one of the elves said taking you from Thorin "What are you doing with a child filth?" The blond asked taking you into his arms! When he did he removed the blanket to see to his surprise that your an elfling "DID YOU KIDNAPPED THIS CHILD?" He shouted to the dwarves upsetting you "Legolas please." A she elf with red hair said "I'm sorry little one." Legolas said gently cradling you thus calming you down "We shall move out." Legolas said carrying you "You have beautiful eyes little one." Legolas said "Look at his hair." A black haired elf said pointing to your midnight blue fading to pastel blue hair making Legolas look at it as well "So unusual." He said running his fingers through your hair while you just poked his cheek in curiosity like the innocent little bean you are "HE'S SO CUTE." A she elf gushed at you making you giggle at the attention you where receiving earning chuckles from the adult elves.
When you reached Mirkwood palace
you received more attention although you didn't like to many eyes on you so you whimpered "What's wrong little one?" Legolas asked hearing and seeing your discomfort "Oh it's ok little brother." He said with a smile 'I hope Ada will be gentle with him.' Legolas thinks to himself walking to the throne room after his father finished interrogating Thorin Oakenshield. Legolas stops in front of massive double doors with two guards blocking them, upon seeing him the guards bowed and opened the door for him. Once he was inside the Throne room Legolas sees his father. King Thranduil sitting on his throne with his signature bored expression until he saw you in his sons arms "That child." Thranduil said in awe getting up from his throne and slowly walking towards you and Legolas. He gently placed his hand on your head making you giggle from how big his hand is compared to your little head earning a small smile from the king as he gently took you from the prince "Where did you come from little one." He asked looking into your starlight silver and amethyst purple eyes until his eyes landed on your necklace "You are of the moonlight elves." He said holding it in his palm as you cooed at him until a growl came from your stomach making you whimper once again "Ohh don't cry little brother." Legolas said while a maid came in with a glass bottle of elks Milk in hand.
Thranduil takes the bottle and begins feeding you then burps you.
With your stomach full you fell asleep in the kings warm arms making him smile warmly at how tiny you are in his arms "Good night little star." He said gently kissing your head as he watches you close your eyes with a little squeak.
The next morning Bilbo managed to free the dwarves and grab you without the elves seeing him with help from his lucky (cursed) ring of course.
Long story short in Laketown Bard and his children love you, When Smaug attacked Sigrid held you the whole time, during the battle of the Five Armies you stayed with the Bardlings, after the battle everyone survives and makes peace, Thranduil adopts you as his new son after Legolas heads out to find Strider, Thorin and Thranduil mended the alliance between Elves and dwarves and as for you. You became the new prince of Mirkwood after Thranduil adopted you and everyone is wrapped around you chubby little finger.
Female Version.
No one's POV:
The company of Thorin Oakenshield had continued their Journey to Erebor after Thorin had recovered from his injuries. As they are in an open field they are shocked to find what appeared to be a battle field, dead orcs, wargs and elves with normal and unusual hair colors. From the looks of it there were no survivors that is to the eyes of men.
They began picking up the bodies to bury the elves so they can be put to rest but doing so the sound of crying is heard, Bilbo walks over to the dead couple a she elf with silver hair and a fair complexion, holding her protectively was a male elf he assumes is her husband with midnight blue hair and a tan complexion. the crying seems to be coming from them, when he got closer he saw something moving through the she elf's arms "Ohh my." He said gently moving her arms to reveal a bundle of white blanket.
Bilbo managed to remove the bundle from the corpse but when he did so the crying got louder. He moved the blanket reveling to his, the dwarves and Gandalf's surprise a baby elf! A female elf to be precise she looked just like the female who they assumed was her mother but with her father’s hair and skin and her hair faded to pastel blue at the tips. When Bilbo held her the little girl opened her eyes to reveal that she had two different eye colors, one eye was the color of starlight while the other was the color of amethyst. Thorin was enhanced by those eyes that held so much innocence and curiosity within them. He was a sucker for children and he had heard that elves couldn't reproduce very often like dwarves and that they are very protective of their young like dwarves "By my beard! Your a pretty thing aren't you little one?." Gandalf asked picking up the child who was looking around in curiosity "We should take her with us." Thorin said "Even thought she's an elf she's just a child who just lost her family." Dwalin said placing a hand on the elflings head earning a squeal from her "What's that on her wee neck?" Ori asked. Gandalf saw a gorgeous silver crescent moon necklace with a sapphire around the girls neck and gasped "A pendant of power. You are the princess of the moonlight elves my girl." Gandalf said holding the girl protectively making the dwarves gasp "I thought they disappeared centuries ago after the war in the first age." Balin said eyeing the necklace around the child's neck "The girl is more special then I thought." Dori said "I think the girl has a name though. Look at her blanket." Oin said pointing to the blanket. Thorin took the corner of the blanket to see a name Y/N engraved in F/C threading "Y/N I like it." Bilbo said smiling fondly at the elfling.
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Not wanting to waist anymore time the company continue their journey to Erebor with their newest addition in Gandalf's arms. The girl was a true angel, she slept the whole night, she was only fussy if she was hungry, needed a change or a nap but she seems to have a severe trauma with orcs after they killed her parents and the guards with them when they saw Orcs on the cliff side.
After they arrived at Beorn's home Y/N seemed to be fond of the skin changer dual to his size "Hello little fawn." Beorn said gently holding Y/N who was squealing from the butterfly on her little nose "Your very energetic Y/N." Beorn said letting out a deep chuckle. The company arrived to Mirkwood in order to get to Erebor but they had to stay on the path. Fili, Kili and Ori were watching Y/N with Fili holding her while the two brothers and youngest dwarf made you laugh.
All was peaceful until the spiders attacked.
Thorin held you protectively after Bilbo cut them all free but Bilbo was no where in sight anymore like he just disappeared and all Morgoth fell lose when the woodland elves came and killed the rest of the spiders and take them in for questioning "My prince they have a child!" one of the elves said taking you from Thorin "What are you doing with a child filth?" The blond asked taking you into his arms! When he did he removed the blanket to see to his surprise that your an elfling "DID YOU KIDNAPPED THIS CHILD?" He shouted to the dwarves upsetting you "Legolas please." A she elf with red hair said "I'm sorry little one." Legolas said gently cradling you thus calming you down "We shall move out." Legolas said carrying you "You have beautiful eyes little one." Legolas said "Look at her hair." A black haired elf said pointing to your midnight blue fading to pastel blue hair making Legolas look at it as well "So unusual." He said running his fingers through your hair while you just poked his cheek in curiosity like the innocent little bean you are "SHE'S SO CUTE." A she elf gushed at you making you giggle at the attention you where receiving earning chuckles from the adult elves.
When you reached Mirkwood palace
you received more attention although you didn't like to many eyes on you so you whimpered "What's wrong little one?" Legolas asked hearing and seeing your discomfort "Oh it's ok little sister." He said with a smile 'I hope Ada will be gentle with her.' Legolas thinks to himself walking to the throne room after his father finished interrogating Thorin Oakenshield. Legolas stops in front of massive double doors with two guards blocking them, upon seeing him the guards bowed and opened the door for him. Once he was inside the Throne room Legolas sees his father. King Thranduil sitting on his throne with his signature bored expression until he saw you in his sons arms "That child." Thranduil said in awe getting up from his throne and slowly walking towards you and Legolas. He gently placed his hand on your head making you giggle from how big his hand is compared to your little head earning a small smile from the king as he gently took you from the prince "Where did you come from little one." He asked looking into your starlight silver and amethyst purple eyes until his eyes landed on your necklace "You are of the moonlight elves." He said holding it in his palm as you cooed at him until a growl came from your stomach making you whimper once again "Ohh don't cry little sister." Legolas said while a maid came in with a glass bottle of elks Milk in hand.
Thranduil takes the bottle and begins feeding you then burps you.
With your stomach full you fell asleep in the kings warm arms making him smile warmly at how tiny you are in his arms "Good night little star." He said gently kissing your head as he watches you close your eyes with a little squeak.
The next morning Bilbo managed to free the dwarves and grab you without the elves seeing him with help from his lucky (cursed) ring of course.
Long story short in Laketown Bard and his children love you, When Smaug attacked Sigrid held you the whole time, during the battle of the Five Armies you stayed with the Bardlings, after the battle everyone survives and makes peace, Thranduil adopts you as his new daughter after Legolas heads out to find Strider, Thorin and Thranduil mended the alliance between Elves and dwarves and as for you. You became the new princess of Mirkwood after Thranduil adopted you and everyone is wrapped around you chubby little finger.
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bluebellhairpin · 5 months
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; You leave the mountain in search of a lost loved one, and find an old foe turned friend. Meanwhile, Kili is left to watch as his family turn foe.
Warnings; Thorin STILL has the dragon-sickness. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, is called 'Princess', and is Human.
Listening to; 'Willow Tree March' by The Paper Kites - "With your lust and your greed weighing down and you weaken your love and you hold it above your head."
Part 13 || Part 15
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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The mountain looked beautiful from where you were.
Looking back at it from over the ruined Dale was something you decided to skip on your trip up, but you looked a little longer now in the early morning light.
Since Smaug was gone, the direct route back to the lake was through the abandoned city, and as you’d walked through it that night, you were able to take it in a lot more. The heaviness behind the destruction left there was still the same, but there was now some beauty behind it. Sometimes things like this were less destruction, and more a way of clearing a path for rebirth.
Looking down at the city and seeing there were now refugees from Laketown bustling to create a makeshift home there, faintly through from the distance you were at, but still there - it filled you with a bit of hope. One you felt you’d lost during your time in the mountain city. Perhaps Dale no longer had to be a place of ruin.
But despite the pep it gave your step, you knew you couldn’t stay pondering long.
If Fili was still alive - as unbelievable as it was - he might not have long left. So you turned and went back on your way again. Laketown was ahead of you, some parts still smoking, and you could see a lot of it was complete ruins, even from the distance you stood. Hell, you even had the Long Lake to cross just to get to those ruins.
Before you could move more than a few meters, to your right you heard a noise, still faint, but still there. What you saw made your heart both sink and almost beat out of your chest all at once.
Thranduil was coming. The march of soldiers had your hackles rise, and chin sink into the cloak Balin had handed to you before you left - but seeing the antlers of the large elk the elven king rode had you angry more than frightened.
The last thing you needed now was to be taken back to Mirkwood as some locked away princess. So you kept on walking - more like a careful jog over the stones and grass - and kept your head down. It was cold, and stopping to gawk at Dale didn’t help in keeping your blood circulation up - if you were lucky you might get mistaken for someone from Laketown. But the sound of a set of hooves getting louder had you gearing up from a jog to a run.
“Princess!” someone called behind you. It wasn’t Thranduil. “Please wait!”
You slowed slightly, considering turning and giving the unknown person a piece of your mind - however decided against it. You doubted they did anything to justify being the recipient of your sour mood.
“Who are you?” you asked, looking up at the elf as they stopped a distance away - one of Thranduil's guards, if the fancy uniform and out-of-place white horse was anything to go by - who had ridden over to you.
Further behind him was Thranduil. He obviously wasn’t going to make the effort to stray from his path as his soldiers continued to march toward Dale behind him - but honestly you weren’t bothered to stray either. But he was still watching how this conversation would go.
“I am Maether,” he said, beginning to follow you slowly as you started to walk away again, “The King wishes you to join him.”
“I am not joining him, I’m going to Laketown.” you scoffed, stopping as you looked up at the elf, “You can tell him he can help me get there - or leave me alone.”
Maether looked at you, slightly shocked - probably since it’d been a while since someone so directly opposed his pompous lord - before smiling tightly down at you, nodding once.
“As you wish. I’ll tell him you said so.” He rode off, and you kept walking. It wasn’t long until you heard him return with someone else. You felt your eyes roll as you sighed.
“Listen - Maether, wasn’t it?” You said, “I don’t want to go with Thranduil, I need to get to Laketown. Just tell your King that -'' Your words caught in your throat. Having finally turned around you could see that Maether wasn’t there at all. It was Thranduil himself, looking down at you with a smile in his eyes, and a rider less horse beside him.
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Enjoyed this chapter so far? Read the rest now over on Archive of Our Own! (Chapter Thriteen Continues Here!)
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l-itraklies · 2 years
Little Elf
Warnings: none
Pairing: no specific but Thorin x reader, Kili x reader and Fili x reader
Part 1 of ???
Words: 1008
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Narrators POV.
Running through the dark forest, she could hear the laughter of her brothers on her tail. "Y/N!" She heard her brother Bucca announce. "Mana, otorno?" She replied ("What, brother?"). Stepping on the branches of trees and jumping to the next, each hanging over the only path into the city. "Come back!" Algar, her oldest brother replied. She landed on a rather larger branch and crouched as low as she could. She pulled an arrow out of her leather quiver, pulling it through the bow. She drew her bow back and swiftly let it go. She was hitting the tree right above one of their heads, leading them away.
She let out a light chuckle before whistling calling her horse, Álváró, to her. The sound of hooves approached her, and she slipped through the branches onto the back of him.
Thorin and his party (pre-Bilbo), made their way to the gates of the elven city of Lindon. "Thorin, must we keep going?" Bomber complained, "We haven't stopped since breakfast!". Thorin sent him a glare sharp enough to cut stone, sending a fearful shiver to the dwarf. "The wizard says there is someone we need here," he stated bluntly and quite rude if you ask bomber. “It is true” Gandalf announced to them.  A crack came from the trees outside of the path. "Uncle?" Kili muttered, "Yah hear that?" The company listened closely, but the noise did not repeat. "No, lad!" His brother responded cheerfully.
As they neared the entrance of the city a tall stone wall appeared, covered in embellishments. On the top sat guards undisturbed by the dwarves. The gates began to open far before they reached the wall. "Can they see us?" Ori questioned, then the sound of hooves came running. On a jet-black horse road, a beautiful elf had long platinum hair as smooth as fine silk on its back.  She road straight through the party, bursting with pure euphoria and laughter. Gasps of amazement emerged from the group as she rode straight through the gates. She whipped her legs off the horse and hopping down, she turned toward the gate.
A silver crown lay on her forehead, despite her dirtied and ragged clothes. She wore a blue blouse and a grey corset that cinched in around her waist. a small dagger was stowed in the corset and she carried her bow across her chest. Her hair was half braided and the rest was left untouched. "Let them in!" She announced.
"Who request entry to Lindon?" One guard announced
Thorin stepped off his pony responding, "Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain!" The rest of the dwarves follow him and step off their ponies. "Y/n, daughter of Merila queen of Lindon," she said lightly, bowing, her brother's road through the gates mad with rage. "We have guests brothers."
Kili's POV.
She looked as if she was a dream, angelic yet reckless looking. "... and my brother Kili," Fili said interrupting my thoughts. I gave a warm smile, "At your service." She smiled walking up to us all slowly. "Not necessary," she hummed with a bright smile. she stretched out her hands. Her smile turned to a look of confusion. "What is it?" I asked. "I'll take your things," she replied. "We have none," Balin answered. "oh-" her smile returned as she began to walk towards the palace when a tall elf, with red hair, emerged. "Y/n what is the meaning of this noise?" he said.
Narrators POV.
The elf was the king, Angrethor. "Well, they are dwarves," Y/n replied, "they seek your company." Though, she was the queen's daughter she was not the king's, and would not address him as such. "Fine"
Y/n stood in a long pale green dress, that flared at her knees, and had a sweaty heart neckline revealing an emerald medallion around her neck. The room was lively there were elves dancing to the music, eating, and laughing. Except for the company, they sat at a separate table, slowly eating in a brooding manner. “Thorin?” came a voice from behind them, it was the princess, they all noticed her rather shorter frame, for elves and most dwarves as well. “Aye,” he replied, grimacing. “The king will see you now,” she hummed. “Very well,” he growled getting up. 
Thorins POV.
As we walked into the king’s quarters, the company laughed and belched behind me. “Quiet,” I hissed, whipping my head back. “Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain, was it?” the king said, he did not seem remotely like the princess. His hair was as red as blood, his eyes were black instead of green. “Why is it you seek my company?” He questioned. “We wish the Pirncess, to join our company and quest to reclaim the lonely mountain, our home, from the dragon,” Balin explained, the princess was not in the room only the three princes and the king. “I reject, she is to be married,” he responded, “but you may stay as long as you please.” Suddenly the doors burst open, revealing the princess.
 “How dare you! I am not to be married, you have no power over me FALSE KING!” She yelled stomping toward the king red with rage. 
“I am your king and you will obey.” He said calmly
“What does she mean?” Dwalin questioned, to which the company just shook their heads.
Narrators POV.
Y/n lay in her bed, dried tears down her cheeks. She fiddled with her tiara in her hands. She wore her riding clothes, and she had daggers tucked into her boots and her quiver was filled with arrows and her short sword was freshly sharpened. The door squeaked open, and she thought it to be one of her brothers or palace caretakers. She threw a dagger toward the door just missing it and it dug into the wall beside the door. “Woah, ye almost took an ear off princess,” Bofur said from behind the door. “Sorry" Bofur stood by the bed, taking small breaths. "Would you join us?" he said, slightly quiet. "That false king is not my father, you know." she said, ignoring him, "My father was a dwarf, he served Thror and Thrain, to the day he was killed by orcs. and my mother,... killed by her own people for love, she was the true queen." Bofur stood there shocked, he couldn't believe what he'd heard. "Yes," she said looking up at him, "I will help you reclaim the mountain." The rest of the party walked in laughing, gloating, and throwing bags of coins at each other. "Bets will get you nowhere, dwarves."
"We know, little elf," Thorin said jokingly
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months
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Winter 2023 Collection Masterlist
Winter & holiday themed one-shots and short fics from across multiple fandoms.
** Indicates Community Label
Star Wars: (complete) Frozen Ground: Part 1 // Part 2 ** (Din Djarin x Female Reader)
Din travels to a farming planet to recruit a reclusive group of Mandalorians to help retake Mandalore. While there, Din falls in deep with one of the locals.
Call of Duty: (complete) Punch Bowl ** (Task Force 141 x Female Reader)
At a required SAS holiday party, you and Task Force 141 have a bit of fun in an empty office.
The Hobbit: (complete) Spiced Wine (Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader)
During a winter festival, you dance with a stranger.
Winter Gem (Thranduil x Female Elf Reader)
Seeking something precious for Thranduil, you're caught in a storm. When you don't return, he goes searching for you.
Skyrim: (complete) Snowberries & Wolf Teeth ** (Vilkas x Farkas x Female Reader)
At the New Life Festival during Evening Star, the Wolf Twins make a claim on you.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
@padawancat97 @foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @garfunklevibes2012 @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @spicyspicyliving @dameron-grant-spector @childofyuggoth @sharkbitesblog @coffeecaketornado @wren5650 @aykxz98 @kayden666 @36namey @wrathofcats
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Asks Master List
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A Walk in the Woods - Thorin x reader (Post-BOTFA Where Everybody Lives)
Absolute Beginners ~ Thorin x reader (Post-BOTFA Where Everybody Lives)
In This Moment ~ Thorin x reader (Desolation of Smaug Slight AU)
Blind Date ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU
Stroll ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 2
Dessert ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 3
Lockdown ~ Guy of Gisborne/ John Porter Crossover AU Part 4
Cake ~ Guy of Gisborne/John Porter Crossover AU Part 5
Hot Apple Cider ~ Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (Post-BOTFA AU Where Everybody Lives)
Fireworks ~ John Porter x Reader
The Fountain ~ Lindir x fem!reader
Moonlight ~ Lindir x elf!reader
The Escape ~ Thorin x ofc Carys Greenleaf
The Escape, Part Two ~ Thorin x ofc Carys Greenleaf
The Harp ~ Thorin x fem!reader
Fair Enough ~ Éomer x fem!reader
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