#thomas kinard: kids today like being talked to like they're 47 and we're at brunch right?
rcmclachlan · 3 months
wip wednesday
From THEE most self-indulgent thing I've ever written:
When Tommy walks into the living room, Jee-Yun is bent over the couch and kicking her legs. She smiles smugly. "I beat you!"
"Yeah, you smoked me," he agrees. "You going to hog the whole thing or can I sit down too?"
"It's all mine!" Giggling, she shimmies onto the couch on her belly and spreads out. She then pushes up with a disgruntled look. "I don't like Uncle Buck's couch."
"Jee-Yun, I'll give you twenty bucks if you tell him that."
A couple of weeks ago he gave Evan a handjob on that couch and then had to see a chiropractor about it—not to mention the leather was so slippery that Evan slid off the damn thing mid-orgasm and nearly gave himself a concussion on the coffee table.
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