#tho tops aside i prolly need more bottoms
miss-floral-thief · 11 months
kinda bs that weight gain might make your chest grow but if you lose weight it wouldn't necessarily shrink your chest
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you so much @altocat for including me!!! Plz plz go drop your dinner and check out her blog! There is SO much effort and heart poured into everything she writes—stories or asks. They’re really gems!
Now, let’s see how these questions fare against my stunningly metaphysical intellect *plops laptop in water to see if it floats*
Three (Friend)Ships
Soooo I actually don’t dabble with romance *dives behind a couch.* It’s never been my jam. My jelly tho? That would be the interactions between characters and exploring how deep their bonds go! The words “best friend” send me to another world <3
1 ~ Zack Fair & Sephiroth (FF7) If you know me, even just the most microscopic tad, then you prolly know these two have organized the Louisiana Purchase on my heart. They are BEANS! I love them SO MUCH!!!! Adorable polarity aside, I’m just absolutely infatuated with the story these two share. I will always imagine their mutual tie to Angeal being what draws them together, able to empathize with each other’s grief in a way nobody else can. They need each other: Zack needs someone to look after him, protecting his enthusiasm, and Seph needs someone to mend his trust… and make him smile <3 <3 They become inseparable, all that bitterness Banora and Modeoheim stirred faded into nothingness. Come Nibelheim, and those books and mumsy have nothing on these two. Sephiroth already has too much to cherish to throw it all away <3 Poor mumsy. Can’t brainwash someone who’s gotta pupper who loves him more than you :3c
2 ~ Hiccup & Toothless (HTTYD) There is NO animal-human friendship that beats this one. Nope, nope! Sorry! Vetoing that thought (pssst your opinions are wonderful and valid). I think what makes these two SO powerful to me is that Toothless is never treated as a pet; he is Hiccup’s bestest friend and they are equals. They love each other to death and would do anything to protect the other <3 Seeing their bond evolve and the parallels unfolding between them is magical. I don’t think there will ever be a scene that tops Hiccup and Toothless walking towards the door, Toothless with his prosthetic tail and Hiccup mirroring that with his leg. It is godly <3 (I’m also always using these two as springboards for my writing. Small details like Zack always referring to Seph as “bud” are plucked right from here!)
3 ~ Mikey & Leatherhead (TMNT) Their friendship begins with Mikey spoon-feeding soup to the adorable, scaly bean, who’s plopped right on his bottom. The frequency of the SQUEAL I made. This is just one of the healthiest, most wholesome friendships to ever exist and I will love them forever!!! Mikey has unwavering trust in him from the moment they meet, helps him gain control of his rage, and offers his teddy bear for emotional support <3 Nothing but not judging a book by its cover and earning a true blue buddy as a result.
First (friend)ship: Hmmm… ig any two smash bros characters I visualized having a movie night lmao! l got my hands on a controller when I was 4. The first character dynamic I fell in love with tho was prolly Ash & Pikachu!
Last song: Hailee Steinfeld/DNCE, Rock Bottom
Last movie: Malignant & Ferdinand (watched back to back for some genius reason. The shift in tone was like being slapped with a trout)
Currently reading: The Catcher in the Rye
Currently watching: Inside Job (I’m verrry slow and hardy watch anything shdhdh. I suck)
Currently consuming: Nada! Already brushed my teeth and that’s my personal moral
Currently craving: Anything because I brushed my teeth and I’m hungry. Maybe like a mozzarella stick or something
Passing along to @zimithrus1 @polaris-talks-fandom @aerislei! I knowwww that’s not 9- I passed kindergarten by a hair- but most of my mutuals have already done this lmao! For those who did fall into my lasso, no pressure at all, and plz only hop in if you’re comfortable! I know how annoying tags can be if you’re not into them.
Plz tho, if you see this and want to join in, you are welcomed to with open arms! Share your wonderful, weird and beautiful tastes with the world!
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kokoro4kakashi · 8 years
11(x2) Questions
Tagged by @letliv3 (gr can’t tag here) :)
1. What is your favorite movie soundtrack and why? Yanno, I listened to the soundtrack from Gladiator a million times. In the car, at home - I loved it :) It was just so moving. A close second is The Mists of Avalon.
2. What is your favorite smell and why? Peppermint! Dunno why, it’s just pleasant? I am very tempted to try and have another peppermint plant this spring but I can’t use the leaves for anything and I don’t wanna have it be a magnet for earwigs again - that broke meh gardenin’ heart to see it ravaged.
3. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I would haaaaave to pick something healthy just cuz it’d be silly to have french fries all the time.
4. What teacher has most influenced you in your life? Mrs Cole, my 6th grade teacher. I was in kindergarten thru 6th grade in the same elementary school and you’d hear near the end of the school year which teachers in the next grade were nice, cool, hard, etc... and she was one I’d heard prior to 6th grade who was tough, mean, yelled, etc... but turns out she was funny, nice, yelled for comedic effect, let us watch cartoons at lunch (go Chip n Dale!), kind (took me aside to ask if i was having problems in math), brought her two weiner doggies in sometimes and they’d sleep under her desk... I mean, she was the best all around and a good example to me of not per-judging someone.
5. Who was your idol as a child? Why did you admire this person? Oh geez, I dun think I can remember that... I liked most of my teachers cuz they had knowledge I didn’t ... does that count? hha
6. What kind of coloring books go you like? The simple and succinct ones or the intricate and detailed ones? Well... dunno. I remember liking coloring books when I was younger, but haven’t been inclined to pick any up now... I liked, when muuuuch younger, those fuzzy posters, which I think are still sold - those I tried to make look like a stained glass window.
7. What are your go-to pair of shoes? In the non-winter? Flip flops. Durable flip-flops, or ‘thongs’ depending on what you call em. Actually I usually have a crap pair I can throw on to run an errand and a good durable pair that’re comfy for longer standing time-required stuff.
8. What would you name your Direwolf if you had one? Hm... Cheza :)
9. If you could change one event in the past, what would it be? (It doesn’t have to involve you in any way.) Go back in time and make sure the ignorant cheeto in the white house wasn’t born?
10. What is your favorite memory you have with your group of friends? Prolly a montage of video game playing. Mario Kart version.
11. If you could become part of your favorite series/ movie etc. would you? Mushishi. I would wanna be able to see the mushi, too, and travel around with Ginko... or at least be a fellow mushi master who communicates with him from time to time since he seems, in my memory, to be one of the more compassionate mushi masters in the series. His point of view is valuable.
Tagged by @eeearnest :)
1. What is your favorite book? I need to re-read to make sure which one, but it was one of the ones by Amy Tan. Not necessarily the Joy Juck Club, tho.
2. Are you the author or the reader? (Or artist and audience) Audience! I used to screencap redraw things but got out of the interest, and I definitely never wrote stuff and dun now.
3. What genre of movies is your favorite in theatres? I haven’t seen a movie in the theatre since.. Signs? But, I’d go to any... horror or comedy. Or really anything if it was with friends.
4. If you write, is it on paper or computer? n/a But, when thesis-working - it was on paper, then on computer for editing and final version.
5. Do you tend to hold grudges? And if so, what are you holding onto? I have this odd grudge with someone who used to be a friend. Been going on for... almost 15 years? Sheesh... Anyways, we were friends as far as I knew, and then I heard she was bad-mouthing me to a mutual friend, that friend dunno why, and since then we can’t be in the same room. Soooo... dunno.
6. Where in the world are you from? Washington state, US ;)
7. On a bunk bed, would you rather have the top bunk or the bottom bunk? Why? I’d defer to whatever the other person wanted, if they had a strong want for either... but if it were up to me, prolly bottom so I dun disturb them if I got up during the night.
8. What is your ideal spot to read? Does it actually exist (my ideal doesn’t exist yet). Hm... until they invent a comfy reading position in bed, dunno! I usually just try and curl up in a comfy, quiet spot - wherever that may be.
9. What’s your favorite Studio Ghibli film? If you haven’t seen them we can’t be friends until you do. *mumbles a string of words that hopefully sounds like a title to you* >_____>;;
10. What do you do on Tumblr? What do I do? Haha I dunno, on the surface - post/reblog a lot about Naruto... but I enjoy the time I spend here, so that speaks to interactions ;)
11. Occupation? Or if student, what are you training for? Unemployed, heh. I was a student several years ago.
Thank you guys! ^_^ Lots of interesting questions!
Again, tagged several people recently and seen a lot of these get posted by others, so I’ll skip the tagging this time. <3
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