#tho she forgets that she didnt have a successful date with a girl for like two years so she sucks at it as well
hatsunevita · 3 months
we all sleep on the funniest brosistp that could possibly be created in mha, which is
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each of their interactions is hilarious cuz they have similar personalities and can constantly annoy the shit out of each other.
don’t tell me they’re not gonna be friends in epilogues.
at first they just accidentally see each other all the time at the hospital for their regular check-up, and they banter and bicker all the time. then they start texting each other and miruko is absolutely ruthless with jokes about katsuki’s obvious crush on his Best Friend and she becomes SO invested in bkdk’s development like😭😭
miruko, texting: Are you coming to the hospital today?
bakugo: Nah, me and Izuku are going to train together, so I’ll check in tomorrow.
miruko: Lol ur down so bad
miruko: Ok good luck on your date
bakugo: IT’S NOT A
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lanamemories2 · 5 years
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clip clops in on horseback wearing a pointy little dunces hat n sipping frm a rly long crazy straw tht says ‘goblin’ w all of the swirls. Hlo. i’m nai n it’s rly nice to meet u all!!! 23 n she/ha pronouns. i’m one of the three admins here (cleo lazuli on the main) n i’m literally So Excited to get started i cld honestly beat my chest like caesar the ape over it. more abt lana under the cut!!! also like this or hmu if u wna plot n her pinterest is here 👺🌚 
『KRISTINE FROSETH ❙ CIS-FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like LANA JAMESON is here for HER JUNIOR year as a DANCE student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be VIVACIOUS, ALLURING, CHILDISH & IMPULSIVE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ NAI. 23. GMT. SHE/HER.
scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open. 
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly…. took a dark turn there….. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably Very Pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
(hypersexuality tw) this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of… almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended radcliffe n lived in a house w a group of guys near campus. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially…ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n a guy called zeke slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). ANYWAY he ws found guilty n sent to jail so it ws like Intense n a gd example of the kinds of disastrous relationships she gets herself into. perks of being a wallflower voice: We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve.
always smells vaguely of wild cherries or strawberry starburst or jst the candy aisle in general. if she ws a vinyl record she’d b this one n she’d only play good vibrations by the beach boys, dancing on my own by robyn, play that funky music by wild cherry, femme fatale by the velvet underground n (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones 
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. 
deliberately puts on tht kind of Magnetic Alluring Act tht femme fatales wear in movies w most ppl. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand ridiculously absurd n chaotic stories
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. 
always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. 
she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. 
daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually ever been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. 
mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? 
a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other.
a fake dating plot cld b fun honestly 
someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh
an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool)
someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label
someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh
umm a good influence too mayb? 
oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. 
honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. world’s our oyster fellas!
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lanamemories · 5 years
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crash lands a giant animatronic john travolta (wild hogs era complete w a receding hairline n leather jacket) onto the dash n dismounts frm his back without any explanation as to my vehicle...... helo........ nw tht i’ve made the world’s most unsettling entrance i wil? introduce myself. i’m nai n i’m 23 n live in Manchestoh (typed w a fitting n blood curdlingly british accent). my pronouns r she/her n i currently want a pet baby yoda i can feed strawberries to n tuck into a tiny baby yoda sized bed. anyway. lana’s pinterest can b found HERE n more abt her is under the cut!!
KRISTINE FROSETH / CIS-FEMALE — don’t look now, but is that lana jameson i see? the 21 year old dance student is in their sophomore year and she is a rochester alum. i hear they can be exuberant, alluring, childish and impulsive, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet she will make a name for themselves living in murphy’s beach homes. ( nai. 23. gmt. she/her. )
aesthetics: scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red smudges on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open.
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly…. took a dark turn there….. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of… almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended lockwood n lived in a house w a group of other guys. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially…ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n zeke van doren (full name it’s official business Babey) slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). ANYWAY he ws found guilty n sent dwn bt the trial ws only recent so. it was just intense all around. crosses my fingers across my chest to ward off his Evil
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. worlds our oyster fellas!
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cactusbaseball · 5 years
things that happened at the seattle fiatfv show, July 24 2019
writing all this down so i dont forget
-i went with the lovely @meloncandyy
-we didnt have vip passes but we were in just the right spot to hear the vip set really well
-I met two nice girls who were standing next to me and then i realized they were both younger than my little brother which was WILD and made me feel OLD ASF
-Geoff’s set was really pretty and he told cool stories about the old new jersey days with the beginnings of mcr and thursday
-He had a new song that he said he wrote about his drug dealer (but that he had recently gotten sober which was awesome)
-Franks set got wild and it was awesome bc im only truly at home when im getting thrown around in a mosh pit
-he gave a really cute speech about creativity before bff
-he had a converstaion with someone about why he wouldnt hand them a pick
-someone in the audience was dressed as boozey for the ENTIRE SHOW god what an ICON
-he said he loves the pnw
-he said people had weird reactions to fever dream live but that he was sure “Seattle gets it”
-The punk rock gods smiled upon me bc somehow i ended up second row dead center by the second half of the show and i was losing my mind (might have hearing loss tho)
-he put on someone’s pride flag at the end!
-i recognized @anothersuperstition with her portfolio and awkwardly said i loved her art (sorry if i seemed weird lmao)
-after the show, i waited outside to see if frank would come out. My friend and I saw a girl with a naked giants shirt so we went to go compliment her, and it turns out shes dating someone from car seat headrest? and she was really cool and we all talked for a while
-also met a girl with a les paul just like pnasy that frank had signed and we started talking, turns out she has met EVERYONE cool, Frank, Green Day, even Brian fucking May. She said she plans to meet obama next.
-Kaleigh (spelled right? probs not) came out and she had some really cool advice about being a successful musician especially as a woman in the punk/rock scene (work your ass off, never stop, dont talk shit)
-A bunch of people were all talking to Evan so we joined in and we discussed pizza sauce, donuts, future band names, etc.
-then these girls came out and evan was like “you gotta check out their band” and apparently they were 2/3 of Skating Polly? who ive heard are good and i know theyre playing riot fest? so that was really cool to meet them, and i asked them if they were playing local shows soon andt hey are playing summer camp so i really hope i can go to that
-then evan shamed someone for vaping which was hilarious
-and then he had to change so he hugged everyone goodbye and then we left
-frank never came out so i didnt get to meet him but it was still an amazing show and experience. shout out to my mom for bringing me and waiting after
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myheartbeatskids · 5 years
Jon: how long ago did you see him, it was a long time ago, i know!
Me: it was over a year ago
Robbie: and did you think id wait?!?! O.O
Me: yeah.
And I just laugh. Cause I know he did. Watch he will tell me.
Robbie: well shit, I did! But how did you know?!?!
Me: it isn't about me, Robby.
Jon: wow
Me: its about you. You know what is important
Robbie: my kids
Me: yeah And yourself. That's why we get a long and i know you don't need any one.
Robbie: you know how important my friends are to me and i left them all for you
Me: you know you didnt. You know my email.
MWII laughs heartedly
Me: hush it Matt. I only saw one kid and I know you guys had daddy's girl and mommys girl. Did you bring both?
Robbie: yeah you know I did
Me: so you had someone waiting at home for You when I saw you the first time?
Robbie laughs: she was with friends. See that's why i get you, you're so strict!
Me: yeah well when i got to my car I cried. You had me all fucked up.
Robbie: but why?!
Me: because you don't just strut into a Wal-Mart 900 miles from home like it ain't a thing.
Robbie: I know! I didn't!
Me: I know.
Robbie: but why did you cry
Me: because you made Me smile.
Robbie: wait what
Me: you made me laugh. But mostly because I knew.
Robbie: that I left? And i made you proud? Hey I ain't a kid. I'm a grown man!
Matt laughs
Me: shut up Matt. I know. A kid wouldn't know what to do.
Robbie: oh
Jesse: I see this thing between you too. Its different than me and her. You two. Im gonna cry. Its pure joy.
Robbie: happy to be alive. We made it. Sabrina, you did, too. That's why you cried. Because you knew I left And took both my kids. You knew you cared enough about me to teach it to me. And you cried for you. Me. And everyone in between. I'm a totally different man because of you. I thought i was good. I knew I was good. I thought I was deep. But you made deeper my thoughts, my joy, my temper. That's what I see you don't know. How much you impact others. You type and you stay angry and you fight and you fight and you will until you die. That's what you told me, now isnt it?
Me: yeah And I'm not finished.
Robbie: but almost. Dad?
Jesse: yeah I'm there. I see I know her because of you. They're different, don't you see, Sunny?
Sunny: yeah. I want to be happy too
Robbie: see there. That's what I mean. That's how Sabrina feels almost every day and the Annie. "But doesn't every body" that's what you used to say. I remember.
Me: I used to always think about that. You were the first person in a very long long time I talked to about happiness.
Robbie: well You did good. It stuck with me this while time and it changed my life completely. And I want to marry you
Me: I could say yes. [I try to skip MWII quickly] whoa shit your father is sitting there
Robbie: what's that got to do with anything?
Me: Idk he might try to compare dicks or something.
MWII: wow I think I'm embarrassed. I thought I was retro romance but he's good
Bobby: I'm telling you!
MWII: but she got babies!
Me: Matthew!
Bobby: like hes an annoying younger brother.
Jesse: well You can! You're Tarah's kid!
Robbie: mmm. Well what do you think, Sabrina?
Me: well we could date... Man it would be So nice just to have a turtle shell so I could just hide!
Robbie: no I'm for the whole thing
Kenny: no I've been trying to get her to get with me for months and I started years ago
Robbie: but see youre too busy you don't know how to make time for her or how t9 make her laugh
Jesse: is that true? He knows how to do thwt for you?
Me: yeah. Matt, quit! You're not about to be watching porn and youre gonna get blue balls all night!
Matt face palms: i hate myself
Jesse: well You are insane aren't you?!?!
Matt eagerly: uh huh. And i think you need to leave Robbie!
Jesse: he used to take my hat and throw it out the front door. Sabrina found 5 hats under the porch one day all belonging to me because obviously i wouldn't leave but my hat would stay!
Robbie: he's a little orphan and hasn't found anyone to love yet
Me: hes like a poltergeist.
Jesse: well this is really romantic.
Me: yeah it's a little strange isn't it? And he's your son and every thing to top it all off
Jesse: do you care?
Me: no its just unexpected. Like when I saw you at Wal-Mart, Robbie.
Robbie: yeah I know! You ran off!
Me: well i didn't mean to initially. I turned to tell Annabelle but she was gone.
Robbie: yeah but you did linger, we noticed. Well my daughter did
Me: I saw you running after me
Robbie: yeah well I didn't know your car
MWII: ohhhh shit.
Me: yeah I guess that makes sense. But then you got in your truck and i thought your daughter had gone in the store
Robbie: yeah she did.
Bobby: omg this is romantic!
Me: you run really fast. Like I thought I was crazy I was all no.. he probably went in the store. No one with that short legs can move that fast! And then disappear!!!!
Chuck: remember that ghost truck yesterday?
Me: that shit was funny.., i was all dam I thought it was a real truck... Then i got disappointed it was!
Robbie: is that what made you cry, that I disappeared?
Me: no you waited to run.
Robbie: well i told her what I was gonna do first.
Bobby: which was what? I'm on the edge of my seat.
Robbie: follow her home.
Bobby: to do what?
Robbie: tell her how I feel.
Me: O.O oh
Robbie: you're as lame as me. Hey dad. She used to do this shit to me. All sure and secure of herself and I would be all "oh" "but" "uhhh"
Me: he was cute tho.
Robbie: oh i bet. Cause you kept doing it.
Jesse: well go get her and bring her to me so i can place my hands on her head and bless her
MWII: well go on now, you know I don't want to marry you
Me: no Jesse! You just wanna suck what's left of my brain!!!
I decide to go out and smoke...
Jon: she looks like me when I was 10 ans ahe wanted to save me from the kid factory and I said "this lady loves me too much!!"
(Jesse did)
Out side:
Me: Chuck
Chuck: do what you want
Me: no, Chuck give me some advice.
Chuck: I wanna marry you!
Me: Jesse! Please tell me you don't wanna fuck!
Jesse: i don't wanna fuck
Sunny: this is too funny!! Let me meet him and I'll tell you what to do. I'll be your bridesmaid. Me and Annie we will share duties
Candy: me too mom
Me: sunny! Well it sounded like you already decided!!!
MWII laughs hysterically: shes all WTF?!?!
And laughs forever.
Shome: no one can tell you what to do.
Me: I know.
Bobby: then why you ask?!
Me: it's just so sudden!
Eric: it's been over a year
Me: well see I been busy. And i was just telling Jesse and the kids that i don't need any one.
Bobby: but romance!
Me: but I'm not like that.. I've pretty much always been single
Bobby: well that's stupid if you believe in true love and you know MWII ain't gonna do that for you. He just tries to protect you. Thats all.
Jesse: you look sudden but you already knew. He did everything you wanted. Did what -- did you promise?
Robbie: yeah.
Jesse: see thats all I have to say to you.
Robbie: Well shit Sabrina don't forget to breathe!
Me: oh! Well shit!
MWII: shes so funny
Me: you and kept calling me dumb! And he was sitting there waiting why didn't you say something! Well shit!
MWII: cause i didn't want to! Fuck you bitch! You're my sister!
Me: well quit telling people you're my husband!
MWII: shut up. Don't contradict me!
Me: alright, so you'll need to meet the kids
Robbie: all?! 0.0
Me: what if I said yes?
Robbie: 2 and Candy. You know my 2 already love you.
Jesse: do they?
Me: mmmhmm
Jesse: how do you know?
Me: they told me.
Jesse: well shit, idc go on get married
Me: you gonna pay for my wedding, daddy? You know you always wanted to be my daddy.
Jesse: I don't talk about money with strangers that fuck my son
Me: how about kids you baby sit and encourage you to take back your living ane abused kids like Jon?
Jesse: that's your kid, too. I'm bored. Hurry up and get married so i have something to do.
Me: brain wssh us? Do our laundry? Dirty dishes? Cook us food?
Jesse: are you not an adult?
Me: half the time lately im five or 6 why? Dont act like you're not 22.
Jesse: don't tell my real age. People can do math you know.
Me: ok, well Robby. Let's hang out, I don't have time to schedule a wedding
Robbie: oh yes you do!
MWII: sabrina goes what?
Me: no I was just gonna argue. No open ended questions, you know I stand my ground.
Robbie: oh friendly banter!
Me: well why aint you called or anything?
Robbie: well You look busy! And i just been working. And to be truthful I did need my time, you were right.
Me: well You do run really graceful.
MWII: shut the fuck up Sabrina you're just a nerd. Just say it Jesse you know you want to
Jesse: I can't! I'm shocked and pleased! Im surprised she actually found someone to love.
Bobby: now Sabrina don't cry
Me: wow that's a tall order! It's easier to get married!
Jesse: she's a tough cookie, and it would be one of my kids. I think that's pretty amazing.
Me: you know me and the bestie talk about this...like men living on their own to get to know themselves before even thinking about marriage
Eric: well now its time!
Jesse: I was wondering why you get along so well. I remember the first time you saw her, your eyes lit up with joy. No not at your parents in Okmulgee
Me: oh Oklahoma. When I was walking in the street with tiffany
Jesse: yes
Me: and you hid your eyes
Robbie: i thought they were making fun of me and i was already married a month and a few days And unhappy. I didn't want you to deal with that
Me: then I saw you at UNM after i gradh9and went to have lunch with the bestie.
Jesse: how do you remember that?
Me: because both times I said how did hot and sexy get on this Earth and both times he ran away too fast. And I've only said that about him.
Jesse: O.O well go on get married then!! Sunny you don't need to meet him!! That's what I prayed for! I put that in Mr Gloom for her!! God works fast, doesn't he!!!.?
Me: yeah. I didn't put anything in it, I couldn't think of anything. I knew I work too hard not to be a success. So thank you.
Jesse: well aren't you a little bitch? Seriously. You didn't put anything?
Me: I didn't.
Jesse: you sent me the link and you didn't?
Me: I didn't get to it. I was busy trying to fix everyone else's.
Jesse: like you tried to fix his.
Me: i should put wrinkles tho, I noticed my frown lines are deep and solid
Jesse: there's always next year
Me: i figured if I just smiled more, they would go away on their own. So it looks like you already put it in for me this year.
Bobby: well fucking shit! Im gonna cry!
Just about every one else: its about time you catch up!!
Bobby breaths it back in: there I'm caught up... O no I'm not!
Robbie: well You know you could be kissing and they will pucker up.
Jesse: looks like I did it for you two times.
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brothalynchhung · 6 years
2018 overview
goddddd im so late lol i didnt forget about this blog I'm just active on my other account also I'm never uhhhh home and I'm so busy now god i feel like I'm losing myself and my youth hood from not updating here fml life got me fucked up
ANYWAYS 2018 was fucking crazy what the hell how did so much shit happen in one year
in the 2017 overview i talked about regretting and trying to make up time and ohhhh bitch.... looool
anyways lets start:
2018 immediately started with some bullshit
literally started 2018 turning up LMFAOOO
so it was a good start 
spent new years w old friends some shit ill never do again
hotel room bullshit, eating out, running around outside, late drives listening to early 2000s music
OMG the hotel jesus i remember now i started 2018 on that trash ass app
talking to weirdos
being liked by over 2000 people?
wow what fucking redemption from middle school and high school 
but like... i learned all men are fucking losers LMFAOO
had two weird ass “dates” aka not really since i dipped those things quick aFFF lmao
fuck my old dumb friends for encouraging me to do that shit lol
was funny tho so who cares
this time (january) last year i was
depressed about gl, no job, hating school
i was sooo depressed like 2018 until june i was literally just depressed and borderline suicidal cuz not having a job and being broke as shit was stressing me out so much
i tried so hard to get a job anywhere but for some reason it wasn't working???
i met(?????) that bitch HB LMAFOOOOO
godddd that fucking 5 hours 3 am call
all that weird obsessing and calls we used to have LMFAO he was such a fucking hoe why did i even waste my time
but yeah fuck him for calling me too thick but THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH
highly he was one the best things to happen to me in 2018?
he called me thick i got cheesed and 
I LOST 15+ POUNDS IN 2018 
honestly after years of saying ill lost weight ill lose weight I FINALLY FUCKING DID
god 2018 was honestly year of the grind
gym every single day
rip school gym LMFAOOO i lost all my weight there god bless
oh yeah i became vegetarian!! and now I'm vegan LMFAO plot twist?
anyways he weirdly kept on trying to hit me up even after he called me too thick infront of the boys (to which they still defended me shout out boys) fucking loser... i shut him down lol
ntcntcjkjkntcjkntcjkjk lol
threw up from that night i got too drunk LMFAO what an experience never again
i turned up too much in 2018 -_____- i don't even like it wtf
was a lot of fun tho like thats what i wanted right? reclaim my time i lost in hs/early uni because those hoes we don't speak of
i really didnt do shit other than obsess over being broke depressed and missing gl in the beginning of 2018 sooo.. lets just... fast forward? god what a weird ass year
and going to the gym everyday
counting calories
i need to start doing that shit again cuz I'm actually terrified i might be 120 again after fucking dubai
my old ass friends who i basically used to make up for my regret and reclaim my youth from high school was basically all of the beginning of 2018 . yes thanks for the memories thanks for helping relive my past that i lost . thanks. ur appreciated it was fun
but fuck y'all cuz y'all never had anything in common with me and y'all r embarrassing and boring . i was the exciting and better one 
also fuck y'all for letting me down . after y'all fucked off i got successful 
when i obsessed over that ugly weird guy in my phi classes and then i saw him up close and he was UGHLYLYYK GHU AND WEIRD AF 
and he was on my tip crazy with his weird low key fetishing internally racist bullshit LMFAOOO
i think the fuck not
he's still in one of my classes now i gotta spend the whole semester avoiding him IFNWFUWifhqfuwighau
discovered my love for white rabbit
finally finished that lonely ass semester
went straight into summer school w/zainb
love her ass lol
wait was 2018 the year i ran into that weird at the mall who tried to kiss me withing 10 minutes of meeting me at bubble tea? LMFAOOO WHAT A FREAK GOD 
my fucking life fam istg
watching hxh ugh best time ever
got a job!!! 
TWO AT ONCE and one of them was so crazy good for my career 
to the point where I'm STILL in contact with them
seriously getting a job changed the year for me so much
got out of my bad depression starting making money
straight grind
work gym 
like i accomplished everything????
its like the beginning of the 2018 year was me gearing up and mentally readying myself for when i fiINALLY GOT A JOB and then i accomplished everything i wanted
yo i was working 3 jobs and that catfish hip hop class 
i killed that shit lmao😂
met that weird ugly kid that was talking all this bullshit about us being the same and him thinking he had a chance w me LMFAOOO okay sure there
all cuz of fucking r and her high school esque bullshit
honestly fuck her LMFAOO i don't wish her anything just fuck off after all the bullshit since middle school you put me thru 
her and her ugly ass bf i had to deal with god I'm so happy she's out of my life
used you to make up from lost time 😂 i don't need u anymore Im at peace with myself BYE 
i don't even feel sentimental when i was run or i need u like i finished the book and i closed that shit and i feel better like i got so much closure this year
sister got married suwhoooo 
weird encounter w dal? tf? girl bye you've been dead to me since 2012 LMFAOO
so much people i really don't give a fuck about
honestly in 2018 i just lost all my fucks and only focused on me 
it gonna stay like that
made so much new friends i cant even name them all 
love all my work friends club GANG
chilling w hec and crew gang gang
oh yeah that taurus bitch i got confused feelings over and wasted my time 
cut his annoying ugly weird ass off lol but whatever lost time reclaimed it was very 2011-13 esque
got rid of everything from my sunken period thank god
got rid of so much shit
the closure/transformation was real
anyways uhhh so yeah so then fall semester started just continued working and gaming 
 lowest i got was 113 but idk wat i am now :( I'm so scared i really don't want to be over 115 but I'm like always bloated so I can never check I'm so sad rn
cut off annoying friends fuck them i have new better ones and i love myself
jjkjkjkjknctncjtkcktn lol 
good music good book watched so much movies
toronto trip!! mil trip!!! all on my own fucking amazing
end of 2018 was so good omg 
ran into 2% jfc
drunk called 2% lMFAOOO god just said sorry for nothing lmao i just want gl I'm clinging on to anything
OH YEAH that ugly broke bitch who wasted my time and objectified me yeah fuck him 
if he didnt do that disrespectful ass shit i wouldn't have called 2% ugh god
never using that trash app ever again 
ended 2018 in dubai 
didnt feel like a failure in dubai stunt on everyone
ended this year amazing
really looking forward to 2019
looking forward to losing weight -____________- still
looking forward to money
accomplishing goals
getting closer to gl
just happiness.. 
I'm happy. 2019 I'm ready lets fucking go. gl lets go . I'm on my way
went from broke hopeless no job depressed to thriving beautiful UP TO 4 JOBS everyone can fuck off
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lanamemories · 5 years
Tumblr media
strides in thru a bead curtain swirling a martini glass n accidentally sloshing it onto my own toes without noticing........ Hlo. my name’s nai n i’m 23 (:/ only jst turned it on the 23rd october n frankly i’m nt used to it yet i feel like rose frm the titanic, 84 n withered) frm manchester in the uk. jst gna go ahead n dive right in bt. OH u can find her pinterest here. ok bye
BRIDGET SATTERLEE / CIS-FEMALE. — lana jameson is really making a name for themselves as a sheep. i think that she is studying dance in their junior year at lockwood, living in alpha nu. originally from albany, NY, lana is known to be vivacious & alluring, but can also be childish & impulsive. — nai / 23 / gmt / she/her.
aesthetics: scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red smudges on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open.
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like... a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much... grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of... b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst... didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt... quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like.... she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of... drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably........ completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly.... took a dark turn there..... chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of... almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended lockwood n lived in a house w a group of other guys. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially...ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n zeke van doren (full name it’s official business Babey) slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). danny gt arrested n the trial is approaching n it’s jst....a whole intense mess...... n he’s quite evil. she hs a restraining order against him while he’s out on bail b4 the trial n he got suspended frm lockwood n it ws jst. a whole dramatic thing....tht ws prob heard abt around campus
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. worlds our oyster fellas!
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