#tho I tried to make it look more like winged eyeliner so it loses the effect
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Been in a state where I've wanted to change my sona for a while - so new main fursona time !! (My main non-fur-sona is stuck as is for a while) I've become a pink fiend as of late so ,,, pink non-specific-lemur
#oh crap art#art#artists on tumblr#fursona#lemur fursona#It looks mostly like a ringtail but thats what I get for using the striped tail#I tried to take the patterning from several different types of lemur tho#like the big fuckoff ears from aye aye nd the more diamond shaped eye rings from things like fork-marked lemurs-#-and a couple others#tho I tried to make it look more like winged eyeliner so it loses the effect#adn also like mouselemur hands kinda. w pawpads bc my city I can have whatever weird mits I want to#htats it thats my thought process#maybe some time I'll put some clothes on this beast
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BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 15: I’m Just Tryna Have a Good Time
Its Tuesday, T-minus 5 days until the dance and I have made up my mind on my pressing issue. Dress is 90% ready and I was feeling all my stresses leave my body.
-Stats and Strats with Jin-
“Hey, whatcha get on the quiz?” Jin asked me quietly “I didn’t do so hot.”
“I got a 90%, its passing” I responded back “and you?”
“I got an 86, thats my lowest test score in this class!” Jin harshly said “I’m losing it!”
“No you’re not” I comforted him as I took his test to compare “look here! Your responses on the short answer weren’t extensive enough and...you got one multiple choice wrong.”
“Did you get that one wrong too?” Jin took a peek at the two tests “I’ll be honest I didn’t understand that one, like what the hell is the percentage of successful cases in the country? We didn’t go over that!”
“Yeah I got it wrong too, I thought I was trippin because I swear I saw that number in a different class” I reflected back “I aint too worried about it tho.”
“You really are maxin’ and chillaxin’ huh?” Jin sighed as he took back his quiz “I’ll go talk to sensei about it then.”
Class ended a bit early and I had no after school duties, so I had extra down time to get my dress finished and fill out my internship paperwork. I teleport to the dorms and see the boys practicing their slow dancing in the commons room.
“Um am I interrupting something?” I tried to suppress my laughter “what am I looking at here?”
“AH! Palma-san!” yelped Kirishima “we were just practicing our slow dancing, since we all have dates.”
“well...everyone but Koda, Iida and Mineta” Ojiro sliding in with the facts “but Koda isn’t going, Mineta is gross and Iida is having trouble asking a certain someone.”
“Oof I heard about his trouble asking” I bluntly stated “I heard they’re hard to get a hold of but they seem to be close from the way he speaks about them, hope they meet soon.”
The boys looked at each other and exchanged looks of confusion. “So like, who do you wish would ask you to the dance?” asked Sato.
“I don’t really care, maybe somebody I know? I don’t have eyes for anybody” I thought out loud as I took off my shoes “I just want to look and feel pretty while having fun! Having a date is optional in my agenda.”
I walk to my room and the boys murmur when I closed my door. I didn’t leave my room until everyone was in their rooms so I could have a quiet dinner. My dinner in the dark was disrupted by Iida turning on the lights, thinking I was the food thief that’s been eating other’s lunches and leftovers for the past 3 months.
“Oh its you!” Iida said relieved “I know you aren’t the food thief.”
“hahaha nah, I’m just having my dinner” I giggled “time flies when you’re putting finishing touches on your dress.”
“It’s near completion? That’s great to hear!” he congratulated me “how’s your offer choosing going?”
“I decided to go with Best Jeanist”
“WOW! with the number 4 hero!” He exclaimed as he pulled me in for a hug “I’m so proud of you for getting such an offer! He’s an amazing person, Bakugo interned under him and turned out better than ever!”
I was taken by surprise with the hug, he was squeezing me but not like he used to. It was much more gentle and I wasn’t lifted up, face smashed against his chest. I took in his scent and it was pleasant and not too strong, I put my arms around him forgetting that I was in the kitchen. If I didn’t snap out of my little daze, I honest to God would’ve kissed him and ruin everything.
“Thank you Tenya” I said breaking off the hug “glad that you’re happy with my choice.”
“It’s just that my classmates were giving me flack on turning down alot of agencies that they wanted to get offers from” I said turning back to my plate of food “but all I said to them was ‘get gud’ because it’s MY choice and I know what the heck is up.”
“That is true” he said yawning “well I’m going to bed, good night Ita”
“Good night!” I say with a forkful of sliced beets. I thought to myself as he walked away wow what is wrong with me? Thats the 3rd time I’ve been tempted to kiss him but I know better! He’s just being nice and its just my stupid feelings getting twisted when I get any sort of attention from boys.
-Next day, leaving the nurses office-
“Oof that exam took longer than I thought Muffin 2.0″
“Yes! it took up all of class time and 5 minutes of lunch”
“Wow really?!” I exclaimed as I turned the corner to head to the intel wing “so much for catching the last half of hero class.”
I walk down the hallway where classroom 1-A is and see Iida walk out.
“Oh hi Tenya!”
Iida looks up to see me and the robo-dog.
“Ita! You’re ok!” He said running toward me.
“Yea hehe, I was due for my well-being check up and it took up all of class time.”
“Oh I see...did everything go well?”
“Yes, I am in better shape than 2 months ago thats for-” I started then got disrupted by my phone, it was a text from Mimi.
My face turns pale and I didn’t hear what Iida was saying.
“...so if you’re already going, it would be my-”
“hmm? Oh sorry to cut you short but I’m needed at the situation room” I said as I started running down the hall and turned back to follow up “um if you aren’t busy later we can finish up!” Before Iida could say anything I bolt out of sight with the robo-dog. I get to the situation room (its just our commons room where we cook and eat) and see a bunch of students freaking out over the rice cooker that was on fire! I didn’t know what to do and I spotted Mimi and Jin screaming at Diya sensei in the corner, huddled and rocking himself.
“I have contacted All Might!” screamed Hansai “HELP IS ON THE WAY! I REPEAT, HELP IS ON THE WAY!”
“What the hell is All Might going to do?!” I yelled at Hansai “flex out the fire?! fuckin DETROIT SMASH our rice cooker and call it justice?!”
“You know what, I didn’t think that call all the way through” Hansai reflected on his choices “oh boy, press F for our soon to be deceased rice cooker.”
Our door bust open with All Might crashing in “do not worry agents! I AM HERE!”
We all point and scream at the rice cooker and All Might looked like he was questioning his life choice on becoming a teacher as he stared at the comically unfortunate fire. He takes his hand and just smothers out the fire, we just explode with how anti-climatic it was to have the number 1 hero to just lightly pat the fire out.
“Thank you All Might, and your yaoi hands!” spoke up Jin.
“Jin you can’t just say that to a hero!” I said face palming at that comment.
All Might looks at his hands, realizes Jin is right and just walks out without saying anything.
“SEE! Now he’s insecure!” scolded Yuka “how the hell do you just make the number one hero insecure?!”
We never let Jin live that down. Our day went about normally and I went to the dorms to see if I could finish that conversation with Iida. He was busy and I felt sort of bad that I just brushed him off like that. I really wanted to know what he wanted to tell me. It bothered me into the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. Its day of the dance now and I was going to have fun! Ain’t nothing going to ruin this for me! I made the last stitch on my dress 2 hours before I was supposed to get ready and she was perfect! I get started on my hair and makeup when I get knocks on my door, what now?
“Who is it?”
“its the girls! we have an emergency!”
“Oh no! come in!”
The girls burst in and Mina melted part of her bottom hem, Uraraka went too heavy handed on the eyeliner and Asui’s curls didn’t come out right. With some teamwork and cooperation from Momo, I got some matching trim to sew on the hem to hide the blunder. I had Uraraka wipe off her makeup while I brushed out Asui’s hair to redo the curls. I redid the makeup while the hot curlers were working on Asui. When everything got fixed and they went on there way back to their rooms, I saw that I had less than an hour to get ready! I really pushed my luck to finish but I was still the last one to get ready. All my panic left my head when I put on my faux mink coat, I took one good look in the mirror, I felt so pretty and looked gorgeous. I spritz on some perfume and grabbed my clutch to feel my fantasy before walking out.
“Ah! sorry I took so long!” I said briskly walking to the commons room to meet the girls “had to perfect my makeup and lost track of time.”
“PALMA-SAN YOU LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS!” squealed the girls over my final look. “The bouffant updo really makes for the princess look!” admired Momo.
I blush and we took our photo and some selfies before heading out.
“Ok we should go now! We had our dates wait long enough downstairs” said Uraraka walking to the stairs “Are you coming with us Palma-san?”
“Oh uh I was just going to teleport there” I played it cool like I wasn’t a little envious that I was going dateless “see yall on the dance floor!” They leave and I see them walk arm in arm with their dates. I text Mimi and Jin that I am making my way over soon, as I’m typing all that out, I hear someone from the boys side close their room and walk to the commons room. In walks Iida, wearing a dark grey suit with a lavender colored dress shirt and gold bowtie, he had a small white box in his hands. I looked at him and stopped typing, he looked so handsome and a bitch might get wild and hold his hand. He stared back at me as he couldn’t believe his eyes either.
“Wow Ita” he broke the silence and walked toward me “you look so stunning!” He got my hands in his “I can’t believe you made this dress yourself! The result was well worth the effort, so beautiful.”
I turn red “you don’t look bad yourself!” I look at the box he set on the table “is that for your date OH that reminds me! Who is your date anyways?”
Iida looks at the box then at me with embarrassment “Yes and um, you see, well...” He let go of my hands to pick up the box “I’m not good at these things but um I was trying to ask you to be my date to the dance. And I had so many opportunities that we were alone together for me to ask but...the words couldn’t come out and I got nervous every time.”
“Oh Tenya” I said now realizing that I was the elusive certain someone “how could I not put 2 and 2 together that you were trying to ask me! Sorry I’m such a mess!”
“No no no! I was being a coward!” he shifted blame on himself “so... if it’s not too late, Itati, will you be my date to the dance?” he said as he put his hand out to me, shaking.
I giggle and put my hand in his “I’d love to go with you Tenya.” He looked at me surprised that I said yes at all. He smiled and kissed my hand. I open my purse to reveal a boutonniere I made with a fresh white rose, baby’s breath and white sage with a gold ribbon. “I made this in case I got asked last minute at the dance, but since you asked me here, this is yours.” He leaned in for me to pin it on his coat pocket.
“I got your flowers too” he said as I lifted my arm eagerly to get the corsage “hmm? why are you- oooooh, it goes on your arm” he said like he fucked something up.
“Whats in the box then?” I asked suspiciously, now that I looked at the box, it was more like a cake box than a corsage box.
“Ok so funny thing... I was under the impression that the flowers you give to your date is supposed to go on your neck or something and-”
“So what is in the box Tenya?”
“It’s flowers, but” he said as he opened the box to reveal a half circle of white roses with violets and sprigs of lavender with a gold ribbon on the ends “it looks like this! hehehe please don’t get mad.”
“I love it! it’s like a flower crown!” I cried out as I stuck my head out for him to put it on my head. He carefully puts it on my head and I get giddy “how do I look?”
“Like a princess, shall we get going, your majesty?” he said breathlessly as he stuck out his arm to me.
“Yes lets but lets teleport there!” I said as I sent the text I meant to text earlier to Mimi and Jin “um it gets a bit, awkward so um close your eyes!”
“Oh ok” he complied “so now what-” I stopped his sentence as I got his arm to shove into my cleavage, as it gets tricky to teleport things when I wear certain bras that hide my sternum. When he opened his eyes, I had already teleported us to the place but he also caught glimpse of where his hand was before I dropped his hand.
“Oh look we’re here! hehe HEY ITS MY FRIENDS! See you inside!” I tried to play it cool as I T-posed to Mimi and Jin.
“Ita! you look like Princess Diana!” fawned Mimi.
“And you two look like 90′s prom king and queen yourselves!” I complimented back.
We walk in and see that it wasn’t poppin yet, Jin and I took care of that as we dished out some hot dance moves as Mimi gassed us up. Everyone else joined in soon after they saw Jin praising the Lord, thats when I dipped out to find Iida. I saw All Might, Aizawa in his sleeping bag, Nezu, Vlad and Midnight chaperoning the dance. Midnight saw me and called me over with Iida
“Aww look at you two! Let me take your picture” she said as she took out her phone to take the picture. We pose ourselves facing inwards with his arms on my shoulders and mine on his waist. She takes a few pictures and sends them to me. As I was about to get some water from the refreshment table, Midnight came up to me and whispered in my ear “do you need condoms? I got some if you’re not heading back to your dorm right away.”
I gasp “what- no! I’m not- not with him!”
Midnight opens her purse and put 3 in my hand “Here, just in case. Have fun! Be safe” she said as she winked and walked away.
I ran to my purse to put them away before anybody saw me. I danced to more songs and saw that Iida was just sitting at a table by himself, not really having fun. They announced the slow dance and I teleported over to Iida.
“Hey, shall I take this dance?” I asked with my hand out
He laughed a bit “Aren’t I supposed to ask you that?” as he put his hand in mine.
“Who cares!” I cried out as I lead him to the dance floor “We’re just trying to have fun!”
The slow dance was to Love on the Brain by Rihanna, I put my hand on his shoulder and the other holding his hand. We start moving but clumsily, I noticed that his other hand was pointed outward like he didn’t know where to put it on my body and was too afraid to guess.
“Oh Tenya hehehe your other hand goes on my waist.”
“Right! ok” he complied and got in the groove of my movement. We were locking eyes at some point, I think damn am I really gonna go for it and ruin our friendship? Boy is giving me those love me tender eyes. Meanwhile, Iida was thinking Okay Tenya, you’re in position to kiss her DONT MESS IT UP DONT MESS IT UP! Oh god she’s giving me those concerned eyes, I’m losing her attention! My gaze shifted to Kirishima and Bakugo, kissing on the dance floor.
“Look! I knew they had a thing going on.” I whispered to Iida to look where I was looking.
He looked and cleared his throat “urm um, should- should we be doing that too?” he asked nervously with sweat beading up on his forehead.
“I mean if you want to” I said calmly “I won’t force you to do it.”
“Ok then, here I go” he whispered as he brought me closer. My mind went crazy holy shit he’s really out here, giving into peer pressure...why is he shaking? oh jeez thats alot of sweat, dude chill! I was about 2 inches away from his sweaty face when I heard the 1st word of Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.
“OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG!” I yelled as I broke away from Iida, realizing I kinda fucked up I turned back and said “uh rain check on that kiss?”
Iida sighed in relief “Yeah! um you go ahead and dance and I’ll just go...over there.” He briskly ran into the bathroom and wiped down his face and hands that were damp with nervous sweat. He looked at himself in the mirror “What a mess of a man I am! I couldn’t even kiss her with consent! Maybe she doesn’t like me back and I’m just wasting my time because I’m not cool enough to be a love interest.” He washed his hands and shot himself down with all the reasons Ita doesn’t see him as a love interest before leaving the bathroom. Tokoyami steps out of his stall, then followed Kirishima and Bakugo out of the big stall, and lastly Tetsutsu in the stall far from the others.
“Wow that was so sad” said Tetsutsu “who was he talking about?”
“Our classmate Palma-san, the agent” responded Tokoyami “he’s been trying to confess to her for months and he barely asked her to the dance literally 10 mins before the dance.”
“Oh the girl with curly hair and speaks spanish?” Tetsutsu realized “he’s not the only one, my buddy Shinso and classmate Monoma have a thing for her too. Don’t blame them! She’s talented and can kick anybody’s ass.”
“Are you serious?! Two more people are after her heart?” Kirishima perked up “Iida-kun needs to seriously seal the deal with her. They’re meant for each other~”
The other boys look at Kirishima like he’s delusional. Back at the dance, there’s a full blown whipping circle of 20 people. The dance ends like 20 mins before curfew and I wasn’t ready for anything to end yet.
“That was fun but this after party is gonna pop!” I holler with Mimi and Jin as Iida walked beside me.
“What’s an after party?” curiously asked Iida.
“Its someplace people go after an event just to hang out or party some more until the sun rises.” I explained “all the cool kids are going to the Intel 3rd years’ after party in their dorm! Super exclusive, invite only thing that we and a plus one got invited to.”
“Well, I’m a plus one” slyly said Iida “Can I go?”
“Can you handle being awake for that long?” I asked concerned “I wouldn’t want to ruin your regime.”
“HA! I can handle it! I can be cool” he said flexing his arms “the night is still young isn’t it?!”
Jin looks at his watch “Its like 8pm, the after party starts at 10pm, so yes the night is very young.”
“Well what are we waiting for sukas!” Mimi said striking a pose “portal us to the nearest convenience store baby boy!”
Jin summons a portal and drag Iida into it and we walk into said store and bought a variety of snacks and juice. We walk out and spot Mirio and his friends
“Oh jeez its them!” I said trying to lower my voice “Jin summon portal before naked man spots me!”
“aw fuck ok!” Jin said rushing a portal “this portal may or may not lead us 4 feet above the living room.”
We run in and pile on the intel 1-A living room. We laugh it off and Iida witnessed us pre-gaming on half a bottle of white wine while preparing the snacks we were going to give.
“I didn’t know you were a drinker Ita” observed Iida “I could understand your friends being drinkers but not you.”
“There’s alot of things you don’t know about me Tenya” I said before downing my last glup of wine in my red cup “I’ve been drinking for a while but mostly just at these parties with the right kind of company.”
“Would you like a sip of wine?” Jin offered Iida “there’s enough for another quarter cup if you’re game.”
“No thank you” Iida declined politely “I won’t touch the stuff until I’m of legal drinking age.”
“Oh man good on you!” I said feeling the wine take its affect “I couldn’t wait that long so when my crush offered me some sour vodka during band camp, suddenly BOOM I became a one of the cool kids.”
I told one of my band camp stories to bide the time before heading to the after party. We take the elevator to their floor and we enter when things were getting interesting. It was basically a dorm themed club with live DJ set, bar and lounge areas. I get a drink and chat with some of the upperclassmen that took the practice test with us while Mimi was tryin to get lucky. I spot Iida looking around and feeling a bit out of place, I walk over to him
“Hey, you feeling ok?”
“Yea its just that I don’t really know these people aside from you.”
“Well, I guess then I should stick by you” I said with all the liquid courage running through my body “but first, I gotta get another drink.”
“Please allow me!” he said taking my cup “you just save me a seat over here and I’ll refill your cup.”
“Whatever you say Tenya” I said throwing myself on the lounge chair to save his seat.
He walks up to the bar “Um hi, I’d like to refill whatever the girl in the flower crown was drinking.”
“Sure thing dude” said the 3rd year as he mixed up the drink and served it with super speed “also would you give her this, and tell her to call me sometime” as he slid a champagne glass of a sparkly pink drink with a number written on a sticky note.
Iida takes the two drinks “thank you, I’ll let her know” knowing damn well that he’s not going to because she’s his date, not this 3rd year. He walks over to her and gives her the champagne glass, sans sticky note.
“Whats this?”
“They were out of something so I said to give me a drink that a pretty lady like yourself would drink and they gave me this.”
I was too tipsy to pick up on the smooth talking “Oh si? Spot on hehehe”
“Yea and I got an alcohol too, just trying new things tonight.”
“Cheers! I’ll drink to that” I said clinking my drink to his “to new things!”
He takes a sip and almost spits it back into the cup. It was sour and strong with a weird texture. He looks into the cup and sees its this pink drink with gummy worms in it, turns out its 2 parts sour apple vodka, 1 part watermelon juice, splash of Bacardi and sour gummy worms to taste. Iida was about to get his shit rocked as he downed the drink to look cool and proceeded to dance like never before on the dance floor. Ita joined him on the floor just to make him feel more comfortable. Every time a boy got a bit too close to her, Iida swatted them away with his chops to let them know she was off limits.
“Wow Tenya! Nice moves!” I gas him up “Now you’re having fun!”
A bit later, when I was drinking some water to cool down and sober up for more drinking, Iida gets sloppy on me.
“Hey! Pretty lady...you’re pretty”
“Oh man Tenya, drink some water”
“nah nah! I’m good! I just wanna...uhh tell you somethin”
“Oh si? Like what?”
“Like, hehehehe you make my brain go stupid and I wanna kiss you”
“You’re drunk, thats just the liquor talking!”
“No...I mean it, I want to kiss you. I’m gonna kiss you right now!” he said as he leaned in, over puckering his lips. Before he could, I saw him gag a little and I knew that he was going to throw up.
“No kissing! You need to go to the bathroom!”
“I don’t need to go potty! I’m a big boy!” he mumbled as I drag him to the bathroom so he can puke. Lucky for us, the bathroom I chose was empty. I unbutton and loosen his bowtie “You wanna see my muscles?”
“No, I want you to throw up before you embarrass yourself.”
He looks at the toilet and gags again until he gave in and threw up. I rubbed his back and told him it was alright to let it all out. After 5 mins of on and off vomiting, he stood up and started crying.
“You hate me! don’t you?! I ruined your night!”
“No you didn’t! I had a great night.”
“Not that!” he said in between sobs “what kind of man doesn’t kiss their date? I’ve been wanting to kiss you and give you what you want, I know you like kissing and dancing, so whats wrong with me!”
“There’s nothing wrong with you Tenya! I just think I’m just not the best 1st choice” I explained myself half tipsy still, wiping the vomit off his face with a wet paper towel “I drink, lie, fight dirty, swear like a man and kiss strangers...not exactly first choice or worth the trouble for somebody worth more.”
“S-s-shut up Ita! You’re like, the most amazing girl in my eyes, I want you to be my love! I love you!” he said slumping himself onto me “there, I said it! Don’t be mad.”
I sigh tiredly as I know it’s just the booze talking and I shouldn’t take his word seriously “Come on big guy, lets get you to bed.”
“Will you sing me a lullaby?”
“If you behave”
“And tuck me in”
“Of course!”
“And tell me goodnight?”
“Yes Tenya”
I take him back to the party to give him water and some chips and orange slices to eat to mask the taste of vomit when he wakes up in the morning. I say my goodbyes and I teleport him to his room. I stumble a bit, as I am still a bit drunk and helping a drunk to bed. I take off his shoes, coat, bowtie and glasses so he can lay comfortably in bed. He lays down and almost instantly falls asleep, I tuck him in and I get sleepy just looking at him. I check the time, its 2am, gently kissed him on the forehead and decide to lay down next to him. Because I know these beds can hold 2 people. I take off my shoes, coat, flower crown and bra to lay down next to him. As I drifted to sleep, I secretly wished that he said all those nice things about me when he’s sober. And that he’d kissed me as he held me close. My eyelids felt heavy and I closed my eyes on one of the amazing nights of my life.
“Goodnight Tenya” I whispered “don’t freak out in the morning.”
-End Chapter 15-
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#bnha#mha#not canon#self insert au#chapter 15#will update regularly#ask me anything#i wish i could draw the dance scene#can you tell Iida is my fave lmao
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90 Questions, Beauty Edition
Helloooo, I’m starting to jumpstart my blog here. I really miss it, and a few encouraging people from my school have told me to start blogging and posting about what I love which is skincare and makeup. I saw two tags on tumblr and decided to form this 90-question tag. You’re free to take this if you want it, but I’d love to see your own answers!
1. Do you remember your first makeup item?
My first makeup item was most likely a cheap kohl liner that costed me like 20 pesos or something. Bands like Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Greenday, etc. were really famous when I was in elementary school and my best friends started getting into putting heavy black eyeliner... of course, I had to follow!
2. Describe your perfect mascara?
I’ve got straight-ass baby lashes, and I think I’ve found my holy grail: Marc Jacobs Velvet Noir mascara! It’s really good and doesn’t smudge on me. The first time I put it on I was aoskdfasdfjhaeuirjhj!!!!!! WOW!!1 Are those really MY lashes! Wow! I put it right before my law school finals and was really happy the whole time because I felt so stinking’ cute with my lashes, lol.
3. What kind of coverage do you prefer from foundation?
Full-ass coverage to hide my imperfections. But that’s usually uncomfortable, so when I just have school or stuff, I do like light coverage.
4. Favorite high-end makeup and skincare brands?
For makeup, I have a favorite brand for each item like eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. It’s hard to choose. But I freakin’ love everything that Anastasia Beverly Hills releases. For skincare, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Herbivore Botanicals. Everything seems to work for me and my collection of theirs is growing.
5. What cosmetic and skincare brands have you always wanted to try but still haven’t?
Boscia. Vinter’s Daughter. Sunday Riley (I keep canceling my orders because I just can’t justify the price tags. Ugh). Laneige. Indie Lee. Chanel. Giorgio Armani. Guerlain. High-end stuff my broke ass can’t ever afford, lmao.
6. Favorite drugstore brand?
Maybe L’Oreal. I love their clay masks and the Miss Manga mascara too much.
7. Do you wear fake lashes?
Yes! But they’re such a hassle, so only when I’m going to some party (or when I’m taking selfies lol)
8. Is there any kind of makeup you can’t leave the house without?
I would say lipstick, but the brows really make the face and these days I really can’t leave the house without putting on some dip brow. :( Kilay is life.
9. What is your most cherished beauty product?
I’ve got a lot since I’m finally, finally (after 120312932 trials and errors) finding my own holy grails, but it’s probably Glossier Cloud Paint in Haze. Started my whole “drunken blush” thing going on lately. It also lasts forever even on my oily skin. I put it on in the morning once, and when I went home my mom asked me “why are you so red? are you drunk?” And I just. Yassss.
10. How often do you shop for beauty products?
Too often for someone who’s kind of dirt poor and in law school, tbh. I pick up one or two items every week or two. But again, as I’m discovering my HGs, I’m trying to cut down on my impulsive buying. (It’s hard.)
11. Do you have a “beauty budget” or do you spend freely?
As long as my parents are in a good mood I spend freely... just not excessively!
12. Do you utilize coupons, reward cards and sales when you shop for products?
Of course, I try to. But sometimes I can’t wait to get my hands on a product so I just pick it up already!
13. What type of product do you buy the most of?
Lipsticks. I’ve got way too many. (70-something.)
14. Do you avoid certain ingredients in cosmetics and skincare?
Avoid parabens! And sulfates! And weird things like bird poop and horse fat! (I know right?)
15. Do you have a favorite place to shop for makeup?
Yes! Russian’s The Beauty Source in Makati! Super friendly people there. The sad thing is though, it’s all high-end. I mean I do tend to buy high-end stuff but things like La Mer are... phew. Never in a million years.
16. Do you like trying new skincare products or do you stick to a routine?
I love trying new skincare products because my skin is so problematic and I’m always trying to find things that’d work for me.
17. Favorite bath and body brand?
I like The Body Shop, but my favorite scents are from Bath and Body Works.
18. Are you clumsy applying makeup?
I’m clumsy in general. So!
19. What do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
Foundatiooon. Duh.
20. What do you love about makeup?
It’s therapeautic for me, I found out. Like it makes me feel happy and calm whenever I do my makeup. Or even just do a swatch party.
21. Lipstick, Gloss, Lip Stain, Balm, or Lip Liner?
I just discovered Peripera’s Ink Velvet tints, and though they’re a bit drying I love them. So I’ll go with those since they’re the only ones that stay on after I eat and stuff, lol.
22. How do you make your Lipstick / Lip Gloss last longer?
I use lip liner, usually. And to make them last extra long you gotta stop licking your lips! 23. How do you pick a Lip Color that looks good on your skin color?
I tend to not go for super light shades because those wash me out and just don’t look good at all on my skintone. 24. What are some cheap ways to take care of chapped lips? Good ‘ol lip butter and some sugar scrub. Or vaseline.
25. Favorite drugstore lip product? EOS lip balms are nice.
26. Favorite brand name lip product? Kylie Cosmetics (for liquid lipsticks and lip liners), Fenty Beauty (for dat mf gloss bomb!), Peripera (tints)! 27. Do you usually play up or play down your lips? Play down. I love MLBB shades. 28. Eyeliner in Pencil, Gel, or Liquid? Liquid. B-)
29. How do you do a cat eye?
I just... wing it! Honestly. I’ve been putting on fancy eyeliner since I was like 13 so I’ve got the hang of it now. (Still mess up sometimes tho. Blame the shaky hand.) 30. What do you use to remove eye makeup and mascara? Right now I either use Pixi double cleanse, Skininc coconut cleanser water, and Maybelline oil-based makeup remover. The Pixi one works the best but kind of stings my eyes. 31. How do you make your eye makeup last longer? Good eyelid primer! Setting powder! 32. Cream or Powder eye shadow? Powder since I have yet to try any cream eyeshadows. I tried using Glossier’s cloud paint in Dusk on my eyelids once... it was a weird, sticky mess. #nope 33. What tricks can you do to make your eyelashes look longer? If you’ve got baby lashes like me (who am I kidding, even babies have longer lashes than me), just use false lashes lol. 34. How do you brighten up your eyes?
Glitter eyeshadow, inner corner highlight, concealer, nude kohl liner and black as FUCK mascara. Yes. 35. What color(s) go with your eyes?
Warm shades. 36. Favorite drugstore eyeliner?
I don’t use drugstore eyeliner! 37. Favorite drugstore eyeshadow?
I also don’t use drugstore eyeshadow. I’m picky as hell. 38. Favorite drugstore mascara?
L’Oreal Miss Manga voluminous mascara forever. 39. Favorite drugstore eye pallette? Eh, pass.
40. Favorite brand name eyeliner? K-Palette eyeliner! Asia represent!
41. Favorite brand name eyeshadow? Anastasia Beverly Hills for powder eyeshadow, Stila (Magnificent Metals Glitter and Glow!) for liquid eyeshadow. 42. Favorite brand name mascara?
Marc Jacobs’ velvet noir saved my life. 43. Favorite brand name palette?
Kat Von D Shade and Light Contour palette helped me lose like 10 pounds. 45. If you can only use one eye makeup product, what would it be?
Mascara, okay. 46. What is the difference between an eye primer and an eye base?
Imo eye primers are more of like the “glue” that holds everything together and an eye base is what goes over the primer as like. The base color. Makes everything bolder, brighter and last longer. 47. Any tips on applying falsies?
Pray. 48. Favorite brand of falsies?
I really love Lilly Lashes but they’re mad expensive (like $30). 49. How do you pick your shade of foundation? Whatever says medium lmao I go with that. I’m shit at picking foundation and concealer shades but I’m usually like a pure beige/medium/warm beige/nude warm vanilla things like that. Yellowy. 50. What's a good foundation for oily skin?
ESTEE LAUDER DOUBLEWEAR FOUNDATION SAVED MY OILY ASS SKIN. 51. What's a good foundation for dry skin? I’m not sure.
52. What's a good foundation for normal skin?
Probably the Fenty Beauty foundation and every other foundation in the world, you lucky ducks. 53. How do you pick a foundation for your skin color? You pick one blindly and hope it’s a match. Hehe. 54. Tinted Moisturizer, BB Cream, or Foundation? Foundation. I love tinted moisturizers in theory but they don't work for me (for some reason the NARS one stings?) and BB creams are TOO white for me. 55. What is a BB Cream? Blemish Balm cream. Also known as the culprit for my ghastly white face in old pictures. Boo.
56. What do you use to apply your Foundation? Either a beauty blender or a foundation brush by Artis, BH Cosmetics or Real Techniques.
57. How can I make my nose look slimmer or straighter?
Contour, boo. 58. Cream, Powder, or Liquid Blush?
LIQUID BLUSH CHANGED THE GAME FOR ME. 59. Favorite foundation?
Estee Lauder doublewear.
60. Favorite concealer? The Tarte Shaptape is real good imo. Not sure if it’s holy grail material but it’s good for what it’s worth. 61. How do you conceal a pimple? I fail at that.
62. How do you conceal dark circles?
First you gotta color correct (I use the LA Girl pro concealer in the orange shade) and then you put on the concealer. Use a beauty blender to blend the orange color corrector first then the concealer. 63. How do you get rid of or lessen dark circles?
If you know the answer to this that doesn’t involve water or sleeping early, please hmu. 64. What is your daily skin care routine? Morning: wash face with my The Face Shop Dr. Belmeur foaming cleanser, tone with witch hazel, put on vitamin c suspension (The Ordinary), then Hyaluronic Acid (also The Ordinary).
Night: remove makeup with the Pixi double cleanse, cleanse with The Face Shop ^ cleanser again, use a mask, tone, put caffeine solution (The Ordinary) under eyes, put hyaluronic acid, then rosehip oil (The Ordinary).
65. What is your weekly skin care routine?
Theta’s it. I use masks like Herbivore’s Blue Tansy as often as needed and advised. 66. How do you prep your face for makeup?
PRAYER. 67. How do you take off your makeup?
Double Cleanse, wipes, and Micellar Water (Garnier). 68. What are some DIY face masks?
Honey + avocado + apple cider + oats. 69. Where can you buy face masks?
I usually purchase mine from The Face Shop, Herbivore Botanicals, L’Oreal and just korean brands. 70. What facial moisturizer do you recommend?
I don’t know. I want to try the Fresh Seaberry oil though. 71. How can I get rid of or shrink my big pores? THAT IS MY CURRENT PROBLEM. :( 72. How do you highlight your face?
I use a good high-end highlighter (my favorite one is from OFRA), wet my brush using MAC Fix+ after dipping it into the highlighter, and bam. Cheekbones, nose bridge, tip of the nose and cupid’s bow. 73. How do you contour your face?
I use either Kat Von D’s contour palette, or Too Faced’s milk chocolate soleil. 74. How often should you clean your makeup brushes? Depends on how much I use ‘em.
75. How do you clean your makeup brushes? I either use some soap + olive oil or the Daiso or Beauty Blender cleansers. 76. What are some inexpensive makeup brushes? BH Cosmetics’ are really nice!
77. Do you prefer matte or shimmer eyeshadows? I used to love matte shadows but now I super love shimmer shadow. 78. Do you prefer matte or dewy skin? Can I have dewy skin that doesn’t look oily, please.
79. Do you prefer matte or shiny lipstick / lipgloss? Matte because it lasts longer. 80. When did you start wearing makeup? Officially started getting really into it when I was like 13. 81. Who taught you to put on makeup? Myself. 82. What is your favorite brand of makeup? Already answered this!
83. What product do you never leave home without? I always have lipstick in my bag, powder be damned. 84. If you only had $50 dollars for makeup and skincare, what would you buy? I’d buy all the shit I have in my Althea cart (all skincare)! 85. Who is your favorite beauty guru on youtube? BRETMAN ROCK. Does he count? 86. How long do you take to get ready in the morning? Like half the day. 87. What online makeup store is your favorite? Sephora! 88. Who are your favorite beauty blogs on tumblr? Temptalia. Does that count? 89. How long should you keep a product? Until it ain’t spoiled, lmao.
90. What product are you hoping to buy next?
Honestly, I really want the Fresh seaberry oil and I’m waiting for it to be in stock again.
#beauty tag#questions#100 questions#tag#skincare#tags#skin care#skin#kbeauty#beauty#makeup#marc jacobs#herbivore botanicals#abh#anastasia beverly hills#loreal#glossier#cloud paint#oily skin#rustans#glorietta#kylie cosmetics#fenty beauty#fenty#kylie#kylie jenner#kpalette#kat von d#korean makeup#bb cream
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