#this year kinktober’s gonna be crazy
livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Holy shit day two isn’t even done yet and I have 3.6k words 😭😭 is that one going to end up with 5k or what? Aint no way…..
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abyssruler · 2 years
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1ST MASS ♱ zhongli x fem!reader x raiden ei
homily — you’ve been the most devoted servant of the anemo archon since the end of the war, not noticing the heated looks by two gods that have followed you for millennia. in your moment of loss at the sudden slumber of barbatos after the battle with durin, they don’t hesitate to take the opportunity to convert you to their religion.
communion — comment or send an ask to be added to the taglist!
fem afab reader, dubcon, power imbalance, sub reader, praise, subtle manipulation, fingering, oral f-receiving, dom ei and zhongli, implied venti x reader
5 sundays of kinktober
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Lingering stares, stolen glances, and every excuse taken to see even a single glimpse of you.
If Morax and Beelzebub’s affections for the Anemo Archon’s priestess could be summed up into a few measly words, it would be that. Were Barbatos a more sharing god, perhaps he wouldn’t have left his two good acquaintances to pine hopelessly for his most devout follower for the better part of two thousand or so years.
He is not someone who lacks empathy, nor someone who could even be called possessive, but there is something so delightful about the idea of depraving two gods of your attention, that which only he is permitted to have.
Alas, such greed and mischief will be his undoing.
“Sleep well, My Lord. I shall await your awakening however many centuries it may take.”
(Barbatos wakes up five hundred years later to his friend corrupted by the Abyss and the knowledge that his once-devoted priestess is now the wife of two Archons. He hears the tale of how two nations nearly went to war for your hand, but the only thing on his mind is how it would have been three had he been there.)
In the aftermath of the Cataclysm, you are left adrift.
There is no room for you in Mondstadt, where people will gawk and bow in reverence for the mythical figure of Barbatos’ High Priestess in the flesh. Dvalin is to be left to heal in peace and recuperate from his fight. Your Archon has fallen into a deep slumber, and while you are happy to wait for him to wake up, your mind seeks to find something else to occupy it.
Much like the wind your god favors, you wander across the land sculpted by your god aimlessly.
That is, until the winds come bearing news of the death of Baal.
Beelzebub startles when you appear before her in a flash of golden leaves, bearing the scent of your homeland and something else that is entirely unique to yourself.
It isn’t your place to comfort gods, but she is a dear friend and not simply the shadow she always insists on being.
“Ei,” it’s the first time you use her true name (it won’t be the last), “I am sorry for your loss.”
And so much more than that. She has lost her sister, her companions, and has suddenly been thrust into the role of an Archon whilst her nation suffers the aftermath of the destruction that Khaenri’ah’s monsters left.
It is a heavy burden, even for a god. You would know — Barbatos had often lamented to you in the past few millennia how difficult being an Archon was, let alone being an Archon in the fallout of a war.
She approaches cautiously as first, as if unable to believe that you are truly here and not guarding Mondstadt as you so often are found to be doing. You take the initiative and offer your hand.
Her fingers close around your palm tightly. She’s shaking, you realize, so you offer your other hand with the promise of comfort.
She takes it and never lets go.
Ei, you find, is a very clingy friend.
She insists you hold her hand and accompany her to every little outing and event that she needs to attend as the god of Inazuma. At night, she asks you to hold her while she pretends to fall into a deep slumber. You let her arms wrap around you, unable to say that you know she’s not asleep. She is grieving in her own way, you tell yourself, let her have this. Even if her touches linger a moment too long and her hands roam places they shouldn’t.
Your soft heart and the principles engrained into you by your god tells you of kindness and the need to help others even at the cost of yourself.
Her hand brushes against the swell of your breasts.
Let her have this.
A letter bearing the seal of Liyue comes during the fifth month of your stay in Inazuma.
Ei looks up from where she nestled her face into your shoulder, shifting to get a better look at the letter and, in turn, shifting you as well from your place on her lap.
It is a thing close friends do, you tell yourself and ignore the intimate connotations such actions would bring up.
“Morax is inviting me for tea. He says he has missed my company terribly in the past few years we haven’t seen each other.”
Her grip on your waist tightens for an infinitesimal moment.
She is reluctant to let you go.
With Liyue comes spring and the Lantern Rite Festival that will be celebrated for the first time since the end of the Cataclysm.
Morax is as imposing as ever in his white robes and the majestic golden horns that rests at the top of his head like a crown. He welcomes you to his side with a smile, guiding you to your seat with a hand on the small of your back that lingers for a second too long to be appropriate.
You let it slide, just as you’ve let many of his and Ei’s accidents over the past.
He makes for pleasant company, but the winds in the mountain have been strangely upset. One particular strong gust of wind tips the dainty cup of tea over, liquid spilling and dripping down the table and onto the dress you had saw fit to wear on your trip to the land of contracts.
Morax apologizes for the state of the weather today, but you reassure him that all is well.
“I suppose this was my Lord’s way of telling me to wash away the dirt of my travels. I apologize, Morax, but it seems we shall have to cut our tea session short.”
He tells you that it’s alright, suggesting a place for you to bathe in and hinting at a meeting between the two of you again tomorrow. “Perhaps, since Barbatos is no longer looking over your shoulder, I might give you a tour around Liyue?”
“That would be lovely!”
You feel eyes resting on your naked form as you immerse yourself in the cold river water.
You tell yourself that you are in the wilderness, there are bound to be animals and all kinds of avian out and about, curious what the new scent of dandelions and sakura blossoms are.
Gold flashes upon your periphery, but when you turn to look, there is nothing but shrubs and trees within sight.
You spend more time in Liyue than you did in Inazuma.
And when it was time to leave to return to your nation, he refuses you.
Morax, unlike Ei, is a different sort of clingy.
Where Ei was soft, hesitant touches that lingered but never stayed, hidden stares and roaming hands when she thinks you aren’t paying attention; Morax is as hard and unmoving as the element he rules over.
“Please, Morax, I hardly think this is appropriate...”
And it is telling how much gravity those words hold, given how you never spoke such words to Ei no matter how much her hands swept over your breasts and thighs and lingered dangerously close to that one spot between your legs.
“Is it?” he asks, breath ghosting over the skin of your neck, sharp teeth brushing over the sensitive spot but never clamping down—yet. “I should think this constitutes as a simple activity between friends. Or was Beelzebub wrong in her assumptions when she mentioned how close the two of you have gotten in the last few months?”
“No, but—ahh...” Your voice veers off into a mere whimper when he presses his tongue to your pulse and licks a long stripe from the junction of your shoulder all the way to the underside of your jaw.
“Or did she lie when she said how you spend every night in her bed, letting her touch wherever she pleases without voicing a single complaint?”
“I-It wasn’t like that. I—Morax!” you exclaim when you feel one of his large hands grabs the inside of your thigh, shifting close (far, far too close) to that sensitive place between your legs. “You musn’t—”
He ignores your admonition and uses his other hand to pry your legs apart. “So she lied, then. I shall deal with her when the time comes, but for now...”
His hand starts moving closer. Frantic and much too distressed to use your vision, you weakly grab his wrists to spot the inevitable.
You feel his chuckle reverberate from where your back is pressed to his chest. It is all the more humiliating when he subtly bounces his leg that you’re sitting on to shift you closer to him.
His hand wrenches free from your light grip and clasps both of your wrists in one, utterly dwarfing yours in size. You try to squirm away from his grip, but in doing so, you unintentionally brush your clothed cunt over the hand that had previously been resting on your thigh.
Your mouth parts at the sudden contact, unconsciously clenching at nothing and feeling your face warm at the breathy laugh that escapes Morax’s lips.
“Don’t try to deny this, deny me just as you have done for thousands of years.” His teeth slides tantalizingly slow over your neck. “If the High Priestess of Barbatos didn’t want this, she would have used her power that once cleaved mountains to escape from my grasp.”
His fingers glide over your clothed slit. This time, you let him with only a mild protest that sounds weak even to your own ears.
You feel him smile against your skin.
You awake to the feeling of a knot building up in your stomach and the cool breeze over your naked form.
Golden eyes pin you in place. Only then do you register the soft, squelching sound that’s coming from between your legs.
In your drowsy, sleepy state, you can do nothing but pant at the foreign feeling overtaking your senses. “M-Morax, what...”
Your mind blares in alarm when you feel his fingers curl inside you.
But the alarm is replaced by the sheer, mind numbing pleasure that follows. You involuntarily let out a keen mewl that echoes around your chambers.
Something hard presses against your thigh.
You feel him thrust his fingers in and out of you at a brutal pace that has your head spinning and eyes crossing while Morax leans above you and licks his lips at the sight of you slowly becoming undone.
“M-Morax, I don’t want to... this is... wrong—” His thumb reaches up to rub circles on your neglected clit.
“Hm? But you’re doing so well. Doesn’t it feel good?” He soaks in the sound of your cries. Not stopping the pace of his fingers even when you’re begging with drool coming out of your lips.
“I don’t—please, please, wait—” He silences you by covering your lips with his and swallowing the protest that dies once he bullies his tongue into your mouth.
By the gods, you taste as heavenly as he’s always thought.
His hips begin rutting against the softness of your thigh, his tip leaking precum and smearing it across your skin. And with all the debauchery that a god can posses, he conjures the image of you covered in his seed. Thick, white spurts of his seed dripping down your face and slipping between the valley of your breasts. And he wants it so bad he is willing to burn the world for it.
“Morax,” you cry out, legs shaking and clenching around his fingers as your impeding climax approaches.
He shudders at his name being called out in such a wanton tone, grinding his erection harder against your soft thigh. Suckling at the exposed skin of your neck to mark what is his.
“F-Feels s’ good, I-I’m sorry... I’m sorry...” you mutter intelligibly, fingers clenching the sheets and nails almost tearing through the fabric. You legs start spasming violently, heart racing and breath hitching at the coiling tension threatening to release in your belly.
He watches you with rapt eyes and savors the lewd sounds of your cunt welcoming his thick fingers, your slick running down his wrists that he will make sure to lick clean after.
“L-Lord—” His cock twitches as he imagines you calling out to him with such reverence that was once reserved for a certain god. “Lord Barbatos!”
The coil snaps.
Your back arches, letting out a loud cry as tears spill down your cheeks.
Morax feels his smile turn to stone. A twisted feeling creeping up on him, the kind that makes his want to destroy and be the god of war he was once called millennia ago.
Lord Barbatos. He nearly scoffs. What does that drunkard have that he does not? He will have to make you see sense, but not now, not with this ugly emotion clawing at his chest and threatening to break loose.
He leaves you panting on the bed to reign in his bubbling anger, not confident in his ability to control himself at the state he’s in now.
As your high begins to die down, you nearly become sick with the realization that you had enjoyed coupling with someone who wasn’t your god.
You leave before the sun rises.
Ei welcomes you with a surprised but pleased smile—until she catches sight of your harried state and the bruises beginning to form on your neck and across your collarbones.
“Who did this?” Her voice could be likened to a storm gathering on the horizon. Inescapable and deadly.
You collapse into her arms in relief.
You were hesitant to tell her, but she is insistent, and so you cave.
The only thing that stopped her from marching into Liyue’s borders and declaring the second coming of the archon war was you.
She is gentle with you, comforting you with her embrace and letting you do as you pleased.
(And if she takes advantage of your harried emotions by indulging herself to your addicting scent and running her hands over your velvety skin, well, there is no one there to disapprove of her actions. Much less a certain alcoholic god to snatch you away from her grasp.)
Inside, she is seething. Angry and bitter that Morax got to have a taste of you before she did. To mark your skin with bruises and hear your debauched moans as she pleasured you herself. There shall be no interruption within the halls of Tenshukaku, only you and her and the sounds you will make once she gathers the courage to take you for herself.
“You are always so good to me, Ei.”
Perhaps that time will come soon. Ei would like to cover the unseemly bruises made by Morax on the expanse of your flesh with marks of her own.
She’s more handsy than usual. It’s the first thing you note after laying down the bed beside her and immediately being smothered into her chest.
You feel her hands running down your back, the thin robe she insisted you wear every night leaving nothing to imagination. Her touch leaves a trail of goosebumps in their wake, leaving you shivering but not from the cold.
Ei buries her nose into your hair and inhales like it’s the last time she’ll get to smell your scent — perhaps it is. After what she plans to do tonight, you might just denounce her name as you did Morax’s.
It starts small. Lips trailing over your hairline and fingers ghosting over every inch of exposed skin, light as a feather. You want to say that this is merely her being touch-starved as she always is, but there is something in the air, something heated and coiling with unmistakable tension.
Her hand lands on the soft flesh of your rear.
You pull away from her, hands on her shoulders to keep her at bay.
“Ei, what are you—” She cuts you off with a searing kiss.
Your lips taste as divine as she always imagined them to be.
Her hands are quick to untie the knot of your robe, pulling them away in one swift motion and leaving you naked for her to see.
You flinch away from her kiss when cool air brushes over your nipples. Heat making its way to your face once you realize the state of your undress.
Ei grabs your chin and forces you to look into her vivid purple eyes.
And you finally see what you have been resolutely ignoring these past few months.
There is an unmistakable want in her dilated pupils, gaze lidded with lust and the corners of her eyes crinkled with something you couldn’t hope to discern (is it desire, possessiveness, or—love?)
Her lips find their way to your collarbones, nipping at your skin and teeth biting just hard enough to mark but not draw blood. Your hands land on her shoulders, not knowing whether you should push her away or pull her close.
Your breath hitches when her mouth latches on your nipple, her hand moving downwards to a place you know should be reserved for your god only but—
A whine leaves your lips when her fingers begin to rub circles on your clit. Her pace begins to build up, tearing gasps and moans from your throat as she eases you to a painfully quick climax.
Your toes begin to curl against the sheets, hips bucking up to gather more stimulation. Your mouth opens in preparation for a cry—
But then she pulls away.
You hadn’t realized you’d been crying until you look down at her and see only a blur.
“Please, Ei, please I—”
You wail when her tongue lands on your slick folds, lapping at them and grinding the tip of her nose at your abused clit.
She inhales, long and slow, and nearly comes undone from your scent alone. Her hands grab your thighs to pull them further apart, burying her face deeper in your cunt, tongue making obscene noises as she continues to sloppily lap at your slit.
“Feels s’ good... Ei, please... please, I want—” Your pleas turn into incoherent babbles when her tongue begins to fuck into you.
Your slick smears across her face, dripping down her chin and into the wet spot that’s gathering on the bed. Ei will have it remain unwashed for the rest of eternity.
Your hands find purchase in her hair, tangling your fingers in the thin strands and pushing her even closer to your cunt. Loud, shaky breaths escape your lips, thighs closing around her head as the heat in your abdomen begins to build to a crescendo.
Ei feels your thighs shake, so she moves her tongue to your clit and starts suckling at it. One long, slender finger enters you with a wet squelch that she’ll repeat in her head for centuries to come.
You come undone on her face, hot spurts of liquid squirting out of you, and Ei is all too happy to run her tongue over the mess you’ve made and swallow your release.
Silence reigns save for the crude sounds of her lips on your folds.
As you sit in the wake of your high, you cannot even bear to think of your god.
You had thought Morax would come for you as soon as he realized you left. A part of you hopes he had, if only so you can finally sort out the confounding feelings that swirl in your chest, threatening to drown you with their sheer intensity.
Ei busies herself with her nation, working on a project she has yet to tell you about.
“I will reveal it to you at a later date,” is always her reply whenever you broach the topic.
It leaves you feeling a sort of fondness, watching her work in a way she had never been able to when she was still a kagemusha.
On the fourth month after you left Liyue, she presents a puppet to you.
“This is Kuni.”
You stare down at the young looking boy who greatly resembles the former Electro Archon, from the soft swell of his cheek to the smile he greets you with. But there is also a hint of you in the slope of his nose and the shape of his lips.
And you wonder, just for a moment, if she had made him with something else in mind other than the keeper of the gnosis.
That night, in the middle of languid kisses and groping hands, you playfully ask her if this means the two of you are parents now.
She splutters and turns red in the face, but she never denies your question.
With Morax comes the shaking of the earth and Tenshukaku in a frenzy as soldiers frantically begin arming themselves at the threat of the Geo Archon himself.
Thunder rolls across the clouds, threatening to bring unforgiving storms and strike anyone who dares to defy it.
Beelzebub meets him halfway across Inazuma City, a crash of thunder against rock that could be heard even from Seirai Island.
You are left in Tenshukaku with the puppet who has never called you his mother but looks at you like you are. He cries when he sees tall stone spires rising to the sky and flashes of lightning that bring golden pillars to the ground.
You hold him close and press a comforting kiss to the top of his head, this boy who has your lips and your nose and perhaps the crinkle in your eyes when you smile.
It takes two days and two nights for the earth to settle and the skies to clear.
Ei returns with Morax, a compromise between them.
You don’t disapprove of it.
You feel your insides get split apart as Morax sinks into your heat.
His cock is the same girth as two arms and has scales that only a dragon could possess. By the time he buries his whole length inside you, you’re nothing but a drooling, crying mess.
Ei kisses your temple from where she has you on her lap, legs twined with yours to keep them apart and two fingers spreading your folds to let Morax stretch you open.
“You’re doing so well taking me in,” he chuckles when he sees your fucked out state, brushing a hand over your face and wiping away the sweat that had gathered.
He starts pulling out, feeling your walls clench down on him and nearly coming undone at the simple action. Ei toys with your breasts, tweaking your nipples between her fingers as she covers your neck with sloppy, wet kisses.
Morax slams his hips against your so suddenly, it leaves you crying out in both pain and pleasure as the tip of his cock presses against your cervix. He sets a furious pace as he thrusts into you, the ridges of his draconic cock sliding against your clit with every snap of skin against skin that echoes in the room.
“My Lord...” You feel him still. Between the haze of pleasure in your mind and the tight knot building in your stomach, you don’t notice this. “Lord Morax, please—”
A deep, guttural groan reverberates from his throat. With one, quick thrust, he slams himself balls-deep into your cunt and enjoys the way you sob as he keeps hitting the entrance to your womb, leaving you heady and unable to form a single coherent thought.
You register the feeling of a hand snaking down your breasts into the spot between your legs.
Ei rubs circles into your clit, her fingers setting a fast pace that has you seeing stars and babbling wordless pleas. “S’ good, I wanna... Ei—Morax—please, more please, don’ wanna stop—”
He grabs your thighs in a bruising grip and starts pounding into you at a merciless pace that has you crying and drooling, tongue lolling out as you failed to decide whether it’s pleasure or pain that’s making your toes curl and back arch in ways you never would have thought was possible.
A mouth latches on to that sensitive spot beneath your jaw and sucks, leaving you gasping and legs twitching as the knot in your belly tightens until it threatens to unravel before you. Ei licks at the bruise beginning to form on your skin and watches the way your face contorts as you approach your release.
“‘m so close... so close—”
Her fingers press hard against your clit just as Morax hits that spot in you that has you convulsing and creaming around his cock, mouth open in a silent scream and tears running freely down your face.
With a grunt and a choked off gasp, he cums inside you, stuffing you full to the brim, cum leaking out your hole even when he hasn’t finished emptying himself in you.
He pulls out after a few quick thrusts that has you whining from overstimulation and pleasure. As soon as his cock is slips out, his thick, white seed pours out your hole. You clench down on nothing, feeling empty at the absence of him inside you.
Ei scoops his cum into her fingers and pushes them back inside you, a lewd squelching sound reverberating in the room as she fucks his cum back into you with her fingers.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, high pitches pleas for them to stop going unheard. Soon, your legs begin quivering as your second release draws near. Morax’s cum mixed with yours drip down the slit of your ass and into the sheets below, making an utter mess.
It comes quick and just as mind-breaking as before. Harsh puffs of breath escape your lips, a gasp that turns into a sob when Ei shoves her fingers knuckles-deep and curls.
Your walls clench down and clamp violently around her fingers in a vice as your climax reaches its limit.
You’re nothing but a drooling mess, head spinning and eyes lidded and blurry with tears, a fog over your mind after experiencing two consecutive orgasms.
In a daze, you faintly register hands cradling you close and lips brushing against your temple, murmured words of praise and adoration spoken to your skin.
You fall asleep between two bodies, covered in sweat and release but in the most content state you’ve ever felt in thousands of years.
Five hundred years later, Venti appears before you and starts whining about you replacing him with Ei and Zhongli.
You laugh and embrace your dearly missed god, telling him that he still holds a special place in your heart and that you’ll always be his Priestess.
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5 sundays of kinktober
word count — 4.4k
taglist — @pardofeliscalico @monicahar @monikidk @sunhareskies @thearcanafan @kaeyats @luvrsthrist @xinii @w9vyy @ineedavirtualboyfriend @holynix @karasuneo @rei-vi @shuvvs @miss-fantazmagoria @bunnlatte @shironakuronatasa @leleforpresident @scaranaris-lil-niko
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itsohh · 1 year
Kinktober 2023
October's coming up soon and you know what that means! I'll be going of the official kinktober list again this year. (There's a couple of days I steal from other days cause I don't like any of the kinks. Now (and until until about three days before the actual date) is the time to send in character requests for any selected days.
The usual rules for who I write for apply but I'll allow anyone to request on anon. Like last year I'll update the list below with a selected character. So feel free to request (MDNI) any R6S or MW2 character I write for and what day (and what pronouns!).
List is subject to change
Pegging - Smoke
Roleplay - Blitz
Hate sex - Ace
Teratophilla - Gaz
Collaring - Doc request
Gags - Kapkan request
Stuck in a wall - Soap
Titfucking - Ace
Stripping - Glaz request
Praise kink - Ghost request
Sensory deprivation - Valeria
Public - Lion request
Size difference - Price
Orgasm denial - Lion request
Temperature play
Double penetration in one hole - Ghost and Soap +
Threesome or moresome - Ghost and Soap
Exhibitionism and voyeurism - Glaz request
Panties and lingerie Lion request
Intercrural Sex
Deep-throating and facesitting
Sex toys
Double penetration in two holes
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knifefather · 2 years
me thinking im gonna have time to do Kinktober and then looking at my calendar for October 💀
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lixiektty · 1 year
the range — kinktober day one
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word count: 3.5k (i got carried away lol)
warnings/kinks: harddom!heeseung, sexworker!heeseung, sub!reader, language, oral (m. receiving), protected sex, squirting, degradation, a little praise, fingering, spanking, pet names, dirty talk pls feel free to let me know if i missed anything!!
author's note: long time no see! i'm back for kinktober. i'm really trying to work on being active on here, after kinktober i hope i can accomplish just that. i hope you all enjoy my upcoming works for this month!!
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you had heard about this place a few halloween's back— you hadn't expected it to reopen this year, giving you again another chance to go. the reviews were good but there was no way of seeing exactly what you should expect when going in.
all you friends pushed you to go, not that any of them had been before either, but they thought it'd help you let loose a little. you were just questioning yourself nonstop, mind switching between going and not going. you thought, maybe this could be a little fun...
tonight was halloween night, a ticket had to be bought within 24 hours of your arrival, so you rushed to your computer yesterday morning and bought one for yourself. you dressed up in a strapless tight leather dress, fishnets hugging your legs. it was basic, yes, but you looked hot, and your besties thought so too when you sent a picture to the groupchat.
walking into the attraction had your heart racing. the main area to scan your ticket was a small booth right before the entrance to the actual building. a lady sat there, face speaking for itself, saying she's bored and over it. you had to sign a waiver which honestly freaked you the fuck out, what happens in there other than a good fuck?
when entering, it was pretty loud. smoke filled the small hallways; lights were flashing brightly. you didn't know what you were supposed to do or where you were supposed to go.
it was a good two minutes when you finally heard footsteps right behind you. before you could even turn, a hand was placed over your mouth to mumble your screams and you were yanked through this curtain that hid a door right behind it. once you got into the room, it was decorated as if you were in a horror film. the hands on you let you go but still didn't turn you around. you felt shaky, all of this was so new—so unexpected.
"you're a pretty little thing, aren't ya'?" the man spoke, placing his cold hands on the back of your thighs, fingers running between the spaces left from your fishnets. he breathes heavily, almost like he's hungry, as he felt around your body.
you hadn't even gotten a good look at his face, wanting to know the face of the guy who was about to fuck you crazy. for a second you had hesitated to turn, but you finally did and looked up into his eyes. the only thing that had been on his face were two fake smile cuts— blooding dripping from them, he was attractive though, no kidding. you couldn't get enough of the way he looked down at you, still wearing his acting face and trying his best to continue portraying this character while you're still in front of him looking like that.
"did i tell you to turn and look at me?" he asked. no, but you wanted to.
"i— i just wanted to see what you looked like..." you replied, feeling so small with all the dominance he carried.
"does it matter? you're not gonna see it while i'm fucking you, you can barely see with these lights anyways."
"but— i saw enough," heeseung was a nice guy in real life, this character though was the complete opposite— aggressive, rough, overly dominant and so on. having to keep going on with this facade when you said things that had him blushing and instead of treating you like a princess, he'd be treating you like a slut.
"on your knees," he said through gritted teeth.
right away you were kneeling before him, face to face with his bulge and looking up. he held your chin to tilt your head up a little bit further. "what an obedient slut," he chuckled airy and let go of your face.
you watched as his hands trailed down to fiddle with his button and zipper of his black jeans. the feeling of excitement filled you and it caused a pool to form in the lace fabric you wore.
the minute heeseung pulled his cock out you didn't even get to give a reaction before he was forcing himself inside your mouth. you hummed lightly, loving the way he tasted on your tongue. he watched your head move forward without his help, watching the dirty sight and listening to your moans in satisfaction.
heeseung threw his head back, exposing his pretty neck you were so aching to mark, "fuck," he let out softly followed by a few pants.
his hands move to the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair and gripping onto it tight. the sting sent to your scalp added a whole new feel of pleasure, nothing was being done to you, yet you were making more noises than heeseung was.
your eyes had closed just a little while ago and once you opened them and look back up, you make eye contact with the man. he squints and tilts his head a bit, that being enough to intimidate you and closing your eyes yet again.
"ah— nope, look at me," heeseung says, demanding voice deep and raspy.
you hesitantly open your eyes again and look up into his eyes. heeseung pushes himself deeper down into your throat, holding you there until your nose was almost kissing his pelvis. tears filled your water line, and you let out very few choking noises before he was pulling out fully removing himself, thank god for your lack of a gag reflex.
his heavy cock hung right in front of your face, your black lipstick leaving one single ring around the base, "look at how good you take it, so messy— just how i like it."
heeseung rubbed his tip between your lips, glossing the precum all over them. the aching between your legs just seemed to grow and it wasn't like you could tell him to hurry up, that'll just piss him off. he didn't like being rushed, plus he was control right now.
everything had happened so quick, one minute you were on the floor and the next you were being thrown onto the bed— fishnets ripped and underwear at your knees. the leather hugging your body had barely moved and heeseung just needed to see more, see how your ass moved against him and your hips rocking back and forth.
"you're so wet darling, who's got you all worked up?" he asked, a evil chuckle following.
you hadn't answered, too afraid to speak if you were being honest and heeseung didn't appreciate that. a sharp slap was sent to your ass, and you jumped, gasping but enjoyed the sting.
"i asked a question, don't start acting up now," he sounded hot every time he spoke, if only you could see his face right now.
hands gripped onto your hips, eyes trailing down your body and falling in love with the view. with the amount of shifts he's worked here and all the people he has fucked he had never been so into a customer like he was into you.
"you, you did—" you finally say.
"good, you speak," he says, "now keep going with that pretty mouth of yours."
two of his long slender fingers plunged into you, curling and sending this new shockwave throughout your body. an exaggerated moan left your mouth, you hadn't remembered the last time you felt someone else's fingers but yours and it feel amazing.
"you're sucking them right in, doll," heeseung comments. his fingers moved steadily, a twist of his wrist every now and then.
his digits were nearly soaked from you, not like he really minded anyways. if anything, he thought it was hot you were this wet for him, dripping from his fingers and making all these noises.
screams, moans, and the faint sound of the spooky music they had playing could be heard— along with the smoke machines and buzzing of lights, yet your moans were all heeseung could focus on.
"shi— more, please more," you begged.
heeseung couldn't resist, making enough space to add another one of his fingers and move faster. each thrust of them became rougher and had you clawing at the sheets. he did so well, and of course he knew what he was doing, he worked here for a reason.
"good god, you're so tight," heeseung bent down to press a kiss to the back of your thigh, licking up the arousal that had dripped down and groaning from the satisfying taste, "and you taste so good."
all he could think about now was how he wanted to go raw on you and feel the way you clench around his cock tight, barely allowing him to move, but it was a requirement that the workers use protection in order not to catch nor spread anything. it made him grow this irritation because he really just wanted to know how you felt— and even filling you up with him cum and watching it leak from you, though he knew he couldn't do that, the thought just didn't go away.
"wish i could fill you up, but i'm afraid i can't doll," he says, disappoint heard in his voice.
you wondered why, then remembered what you had read on the contract about the protection rules. to feel his load was only something you could imagine, now you wondered if you would see him again, run into him and flashback to this night. he'd take you back to his place, or even yours and you could finally see his face clearly, clear of the fake scars and being able to actually see it in the light.
"you'd probably take it so well, huh?" he asked. you hum and wiggle your hips, moving them side to side to add to the pleasure, "what a proud cumslut."
that familiar knot tightened up in your stomach and your bud throbbing, aching for the attention. if you would have reached back what if heeseung slapped your hand away and denied you of any contact? which is exactly what he did when you tried.
you tighten around his fingers and feeling your mind getting fuzzy, heeseung pushing you closer and closer to your high.
"i— i'm close," you moan out.
"so quick?" again, you moan out but in embarrassment.
it just felt so good, how could he blame you? with each thrust of his fingers and jerk of his hand, it was only a matter of time before you soaked the both of you. heeseung watched as you squirted, twisting and turning his fingers roughly inside you as you did.
"didn't know you could do that," he said, smirk plaster on his face.
his fingers were out of you after being trapped in for so long, your hips collapsing trying to get some rest but heeseung wasn't done. and he wasn't giving breaks.
your hips were soon propped back up, heeseung placing your knees on the bed. he needed to fuck you now, feel every part of you. he nearly forgot to get protection due to how distracted he got watching you drench his fingers and clothing like that— your cum running down the back of your thighs, oh was it a sight.
heeseung grabbed the condom that usually was left on the nightstands, grabbing and removing it from the package. he stripped himself from his jacket and his shirt that was wet because of you, rolling the latex slowly onto the head and down his shaft.
"hurry and fuck me," you say, with a wiggle of your hips just barely hitting the head of his cock with your heat.
"you're an impatient little bitch," heeseung rolls your dress up to your waist, sending an aggressive slap on your ass—making you flinch. he held onto your hips tightly before pushing himself in, the sound of him hissing behind you at the feeling made you clench tighter around him, "sucking me right in, how fuckin' pretty?"
heeseung's hips started at a slow pace, a small whimper leaving your lips as he filled you to the brim, so easily controlling you with everything he did and every word he spoke. as his pace started to grow faster, your hands clenched onto the comforter—feeling all of him, inch by inch.
"m'gonna abused this sweet pussy of yours, darling." he smacks your ass harder and began pistoning into you. each stroke went deeper and deeper, splitting you open like no one has before.
you moan loud, all the wet sounds and skin slapping overpowering the loudness of the smoke machines, other women's screams, and anything else that made noise outside of this room, "how are you so fucking big?" you struggled to ask, genuinely wondering how someone could be the size he was but fit so perfectly inside you.
"it's a blessing, i guess," he shrugged, knowing how cocky that sounded but it just played into his character.
he continued to pound into you and letting out the nastiest of groans, getting lost inside you. never in the two years he's been working here as he ever felt like this before. it was always nothing but a fuck, a paycheck, and then going home after fucking girls back-to-back, but you... he could fuck you without your money even being involved. you were a goddess in his eyes, and the slutty costume you wore didn't help him control his thoughts.
heeseung pulls out of you, manhandling you onto your back, yanking your panties down from your knees and discarding them then pulling your dress up more. your legs spread for him instinctively and his cock filled you back up immediately. heeseung watched how your body reacted to him—fucking you with sharper thrusts this time.
"pretty girl, give me another?" he hovered over you, bringing one of your legs up to your chest. you nod in response, heeseung smirking as you let out another moan, "good, i want us drenched."
as time went on, and heeseung's movements only got faster—you felt yourself being pushed further to the edge. ear splitting squeals left your throat and soon you were cumming fast and hard. heeseung pulled out, fingers immediately traveling down to your clit and rubbing harshly throughout your orgasm. heeseung's torso was now dripping, the picture of his state locked in your mind.
"fuck baby, can you do it again for me?" heeseung asked, fingers still toying with you bud gently causing you to jerk up into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut and letting out and mumbled whimper, "please?"
that made something in you snap. you felt so obedient, so needy and it was all for him. you nodded to the best of your ability, heeseung grinned the second you did. something about his sinister makeup made him so incredibly attractive in a way, so much more dominate.
he stood back up straight, positioning himself to slide back into you with ease. your back arched off the bed giving heeseung a chance to slip one of his arms under you and hold you in place. his body was pressed against yours, his hips beginning to move again.
moans spilled out of you, you were just too sensitive and already worn out—anything you did you had no control of in the moment. you felt like a toy for him to use, which wasn't a bad idea at all, infact you were hoping he'd treat you as just that.
heeseung looked at your scrunched up face and open mouth, letting out the prettiest sounds he had ever heard. he plants a kiss on your chin, trailing them down to your neck and your collarbone, leaving a few marks behind.
"i could fuck you all night until you pass out," he mumbled against your skin.
you clenched around him at the thought of him using your body until you were putty in his hands, "i-i think i will s-soon if you make me cum again," you stuttered, your sentence causing him to giggle, "and i-isn't there a ti-time limit-t?"
"am i not the worker?" heeseung asked, looking into your eyes with his dark gaze, "if i'm having a good time i can do whatever the hell i please... meaning if i wanna fuck you for hours on end and make you squirt over and over again, then i will do so." he goes on to explain.
you weren't sure if he was still in character—saying the things he'd say to any of the girls that came to the range, or if he got so lost in the moment that he forgot he was supposed to be acting for the sake of good tips and instead meant every last word he said.
heeseung thrusted up hard into you, getting closer to his orgasm. he felt so pussy drunk, he was feeling dizzy and his hips began having a mind of their own. you felt his free hand coming to toy with your clit again, rubbing like he was trying to get you to cum messy and fast again.
"f-fuck, fuck i'm gonna cum~" you cried out. heeseung chuckles devilishly, leaning down to lick across your jawline and then whisper into your ear.
"be a good slut, make me cum and i'll make you," he whispered.
you whine, clenching down onto him, your eyes snapping shut as you tried to hold on—hoping he was close. his slender fingers slide up and down along your soaked core, pounding into you until he released. you had only wished it was actually inside you. the thought itself made your hips twitch and you were cumming again—this one hitting a lot harder than the previous ones.
both you and heeseung's moans synced with one another, feeling sticky from sweat and cum. you stayed like this for a while as you tried catching your breath. heeseung's body had collapsed onto top of yours, his hips still slowly moving.
once he had finally got up, he wiped his abs clean using a folded towel left on the nightstand—tying his condom and throwing it into the trash.
"made you break character," you comment, chuckling afterwards.
heeseung laughs at you as he got dressed, kneeling down to pat your inner thighs dry. you examined your thighs as he did so, dripping from your many intense orgasms, ripped fishnets and flushed skin from the amount of harsh skin on skin contact.
"you're fucking amazing, my favorite customer by far," heeseung comments, collecting your panties as he was still on the ground and handing them to you.
"yeah?" you asked, leaning back on your hands and spreading your legs a little further, earning a smirk from the man between them, "better than all those other whores you screwed?"
heeseung stood up, throwing the towel into a different bin—an airy chuckle escaping his throat, "you're the best whore i've screwed, baby." he admits.
you hum, leaning forward and looking up at him with big eyes, "you tell all your customers that?"
heeseung upperhalf bends down, your chin ending up between his fingers, "only the pretty ones, and they don't come often," he says, forcing your head up slightly—lips so close to his, "you're different though. i like how your body reacts."
he lets go of you, holding his hand out to help you to your feet. you take it, pulling your dress back down once you did finally get up. your legs felt weak, your entire body felt weak, and your brain was still trying to process what the hell just happened.
"not to mention you know how to suck dick like no other," he adds as you were trying to fix yourself before you walked out that door, "should come back again, can't promise you'll get me next time though."
"what if i don't want anyone else next time?" you asked, cocking your head to the side.
all he does is smirk before placing his hand on the doorknob, "i'll just tell my coworkers to keep their hands off of you until i find you." he says as he opens the door for you, "you have a goodnight now...i need to get back into character. you fucked me up."
you smile before saying goodbye, walking out of the door and through the curtain. you walk down the hallway you originally entered the room from and went back to the front to collect your belongings.
"how much would you like to tip?" the lady behind the booth asked.
once you got your purse back, you pulled out a 50 and gave it to her. her eyes widened when she took it into her hands, looking back up at you, "good time huh?"
you nod, giving her a soft smile before grabbing your things and walking away from the building. it was almost an internal instinct to grab your phone and call your best friend.
the phone only rung twice before yunjin answered, "hello?" she spoke.
"hey..." you said lowly. she didn't know what to make of it. either you hadn't gone, or you did, and it was a disappointment.
"oh my god, did you not go through with it?" yunjin asked, you could hear shuffling on the other side of the line.
you chuckle, still walking to the parking lot, "no...no i went through with it alright."
"well, what are you waiting for? spill!" yunjin said, urging you to share your experience.
you thought back to what had just taken place in that building behind you five minutes ago, wanting to say fuck it and start running back and pay extra just so you could see heeseung again.
"the guy i was with was so fucking hot, jen. i'm telling you right now, that is the best sex i've had in a minute." you admitted.
"see! we told you it'd be fun," she says, you could just tell she was smiling as she said that, "did you get his number?"
"unfortunately, no," you said with a frown as you approached your car, unlocking it and getting in, "but i think i'll be coming back soon."
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randomshyperson · 11 months
Lacy - Werewolf!Reader x Wanda Maximoff - Kinktober #07
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Summary: This Halloween, Wanda receives a surprise visit from her favorite werewolf. The problem is that it's very difficult to keep a crush hidden during mating season.
Warnings: (+18), mutual pining, semi-public, very vague allusions to omega verse, beefy!reader, power!bottom wanda, a bit rough but they are actually sweet to each other, some praising and dirty talk. | Words: 3.144k
A/N-> First, I know nothing about werewolves. It was never my thing growing up (I’m a witch type of person I suppose) but I know about omegaverse stuff and since it’s wolf-based I tried some references from that lore. Also, I was totally thinking about Wednesday's show (and Wenclair ship tbh) when writing the school but you all be free to image whatever you wish. Also, the name is from Olivia Rodrigo’s song, ‘cause it’s such a friends-to-lovers/mutual pining coded lyrics. Good reading folks! 
General Masterlist | Kinktober Collection | AO3 | Wattpad
The mating season was always the most tiring part of the year.
Even as a child, her days were marked by hard work and running errands - her mother was always very busy with orders, and somehow, the twins were obliged to finish the tasks in record time, so as not to delay the calendars and keep Natalya busy when her customers needed her.
As the largest and most respected apothecary in the country, Natalya Maximoff was also one of the biggest dealers in magical items - and this also included natural suppressants. Her customers wrote to her from all over the world, many famous packs like the Romanoffs or the Howletts only bought her products, and the witch was always very busy at this time of year.
So when their mother told them that she would leave the Maximoff Magical Articles Boutique in their care for two whole days, while she delivered packages around the world, none of them were surprised, as this had been done dozens of times before.
Wanda's indignation stemmed from the fact that her twin brother, as soon as there were no more magical remnants of the portal his mother had conjured to travel through, put on a jacket and told her he was leaving.
"But you can't leave me alone!" Wanda hurried away from the counter. Pietro chuckled, adjusting his hat on his silver hair. Since he had turned 18 last month, he had grown a good few centimeters, and even with her best serious expression, Wanda, who hadn't grown much since she was 15, no longer succeeded in frightening him. That, and well, like his father, Pietro had a bastard heritage of lycanthropy, and with his new skills, he had also gained extreme confidence.
"What, you gonna tell me you're scared of some little wolves?" He sneered, his fangs protruding from his smile. Wanda huffed angrily, her cheeks slightly red. "Don't be silly, Wanda. You're a witch. Nobody's is crazy enough to mess with you."
He tries to pat her on the shoulder, but Wanda pushes a finger against his chest. "I'm not afraid of any wolves, you selfish idiot! Mom says the store is our responsibility. And you're sneaking off to do who knows what! I don't want to spend all night looking after this place on my own. Apart from the season, it's Halloween, and kids go apeshit and-"
"Jesus, Wanda, I'll make it up to you!" He cuts in, already pulling away and ignoring the other girl's protests. "I've got to go, I'm taking Crystal to the movies, then we'll settle up!
"Pietro!" But the call was ignored and the store door was slammed in her face.
Wanda huffed to herself. She could survive a Halloween night, but her brother would owe her a lot if he didn't want to be snitched on. She returned to the counter, texting him another dozen curses before texting to her mother that everything was under control.
And lucky for her, that's how the evening actually went. 
Most of the few customers who showed up were locals, a few sorcerers in need of ingredients, and even a traveling vampire who needed to replenish some reserves for a long trip. Some children also asked for candy, and tired of getting up so often, Wanda decided to leave the jars outside.
It was almost at the end of her shift, when she was ready to close the shop, that a delicious smell wafted into the room. Wanda, who was distracted by the holiday lessons that the institute where she studied always offered when there were short vacations or not, was snapped out of her concentration by the fascinating smell. She looked up just as a figure stumbled into the store, covered by a school uniform hood.
She didn't need you to remove the cap to recognize you, and yet, when your face became visible, Wanda felt her heart unlearn how to beat properly. 
"Good evening?" You looked between the shelves, approaching the cashier, only to hesitate as soon as you saw Wanda. "Oh, h-hi. Uh, is Madame Maximoff around?"
You looked uneasy, adjusting your hair and fiddling with your fingers. Your flushed face must have been due to the walk from the Institute to the store. 
Wanda shook her head as she replied: "She had some orders to place. How can I help you?"
The color of your face deepened, and you couldn't look her in the eye for more than two seconds. "Hmm, I kind of need... suppressants." And it was the turn of Wanda's face to heat up. You continued talking anxiously. "I thought I still had some, but my reservation ran out, and since I'm in the dorm, I wouldn't want to... well, would you have any left? I know it's very short notice but I really need it."
Wanda nodded quickly, equally at a loss for words. You see, if you were any other of her werewolf colleagues, the situation might even be comical. She wasn't like Pietro and didn't make friends very easily, but she shared the same taunting nature. One horny wolf in the store and Wanda would have jokes for the rest of the year. But it was you, her longtime secret crush, emanating a very pleasant scent and in need of something so intimate that Wanda could barely control her own thoughts about what other ways she could help you if there were no other suppressors in the store.
"My mom usually sells everything before the season starts, but I can look in the warehouse to see if we have any leftovers. I'll be right back." She says, smiling softly at your anxious figure.
Wanda has never seen you in heat before; the mating seasons for new wolves begin at the end of puberty, between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, and the vast majority of her werewolf classmates at the Institute return to their packs at this time of year, already matched with their partners in the traditions of the lycanthrope. Wanda only knows about the rituals from her father's family, because each clan, from the Vampires to the witches, is very private about it all. Witches like her mother, who specialize in all kinds of products, are the exceptions.
Wanda tries the storeroom next to the counter, but after a few boxes, she snorts in frustration. Her mother really did sell everything, and she almost reprimanded you for not planning properly. For older, mismatched wolves, being without suppressors could be really dangerous. For you, a new werewolf, it would only be quite painful. It was easier for her to feel sorry. 
And while she tried the last few shelves at the back of the storeroom, you grew even more restless outside. Wanda had no idea how intoxicating the essence of a witch, especially a witch one cared about, was. If you hadn't been so desperate, you would have given up going into the store as soon as you could smell her from around the corner, but then again, your brain wasn't working very rationally right now.
And there was also a scarf on the counter, Wanda's most characteristic item since she had received it as a gift so many years ago. Many of the times you've noticed her, she's worn the item around her neck and it made sense that her scent was so strong in the room, even though she was upstairs.
Your limbs moved by instinct, you didn't have to think much, just let yourself be guided by the urge to exhale that distinctive smell more deeply. 
Your face was pressed against the scarf when Wanda reappeared, and her confused giggle made you jump away mortified.
"Are you all right there?" She ventured, receiving a very quick and embarrassed nod. Wanda chuckled again in amazement, and without caring much about your current condition, she approached. "I looked upstairs, but my mother sold everything, sorry. There's something else you might like to try, maybe a calming potion so you can sleep while... well, this happens to you."
You quickly agree, still embarrassed at being caught. Wanda doesn't mind, if anything, she always found it very entertaining how different you were from the other werewolves she knew; loud and confident to the point of being idiotic. Pietro was a prime example. And if it wasn't for your distinctive stature, she could easily have assumed from your shy and careful personality that you were just an ordinary human, perhaps a mermaid from the way you seemed to bewitch Wanda's attention all to yourself.
"I'm sorry." You mutter suddenly, while she is searching for a sleeping potion on the shelf under the counter. Wanda turns her face up in confusion, but you're looking away. "From the scarf, I know it's... weird. But my body seems to be acting on its own. Just forget about it when we get back to school, okay? I'll be normal when it's over."
"Don't worry, I don't mind." She assured meekly, before finally finding some bottles that could help you and taking them back to the counter. She bit her lip at the way you were panting, and the way your trembling fingers pulled some notes and coins out of your pocket. "You can take these two vials today, and this one in the morning if you're still..."
"Horny'?" You joke, and take Wanda by surprise, but she manages to return the short laugh. Your hands push out the money and she turns away to pack the vials into a small bag. "So, one now and two tomorrow."
Wanda quickly denies it. "No, darling, two now and one tomorrow. Are you... are you sure you're all right? You're sweating-"
"Just give me a minute." You interrupt her with a gasp, the sudden wave of heat catching you completely off guard. The room starts to spin, and for a whole moment, all you can feel is your own arousal and the way you want to touch the witch in front of you. Your body gives way, and your hands force down on the counter, disastrously strong enough for the wood to crack. Wanda jumps in fright, worried, but you grunt quietly. "Shit, I'm really sorry-"
She hurries around the counter, and her soft hands make you jump away. "Hey, it's okay, I just want to help you stand up."
But you gasp in despair, wrenching your body away from her. "Don't touch me, Wanda, for God's sake." You grunt, and if you hadn't sounded so affected, Wanda would have taken offense. Instead, she stands ready to catch you if you lose your balance again, and that's exactly what happens. This time, your weight falls forward, and Wanda's body serves as a barrage. 
Your wolfish weight is almost too much for her, and it doesn't help that your face is buried against her collarbone, and your arms embrace her clumsily. "Hm, so soft." She hears you sigh, as she struggles to drag you over to the reading area of the store's bookshelves, where there's a sofa to put you on. When you fall into the cushions, you look up with dreamy eyes and an easy smile playing on your lips. Wanda gasps softly from exhaustion. 
"Wait here a moment, okay? You feel like you're burning up with a fever. I'll get you some water." She explains, but it doesn't seem like you're listening very much, disconcerting her with the way you're looking at you so discourteously, your pupils dilating. Wanda adjusts a strand of hair, self-conscious under your gaze. "I'll be right back."
She practically runs out of there, and alone, realizing her own hands are trembling as she remembers the sensation of having your body against hers. She shakes her head to push the thought away, you were clearly in a vulnerable moment right now, and Wanda doesn't think she'll survive the shame of being rejected once the heat wears off.
When Wanda returns with the water, she almost drops the glass on the floor. You haven't moved, but you've changed position, limp against the sofa, evidently rubbing yourself down the item as you whimper. 
"Oh, detka, let me help you." Wanda abandons the glass on a shelf, and rushes to your side, kneeling beside the sofa. You gasp in embarrassment, trying to escape her gaze, but Wanda's hands grab your warm face. "Let's go upstairs. I'll make it better." She whispers the invitation, but the thought alone is enough for you to grunt in affection and pull her face towards you. 
It's a hungry kiss, and the position doesn't help. Wanda has to grab your shoulders to keep from falling to the floor and ends up breaking into a giggle when a moment later it's you who's throwing yourself at her, desperately kissing her as if she's going to disappear. 
The lightness disappears quickly. She feels very hot and bothered, especially when your tongue slips into hers as if you already knew exactly how to kiss her, and your hands touch her entire body with determination. Her plea for you to slow down turns into a moan when your knee pushes between her legs.
It's almost primitive the way you seem willing to have her right there on the floor, angrily trying to pull her clothes off while your moans mingle. Wanda's face burns and she struggles to match the kiss, losing that battle all too easily when your palms begin to stimulate her nipples. 
She can feel the wetness begin to bother her through the fabric of her panties, and perhaps, you can smell it too, because you grow more impatient, and begin to murmur disconnected compliments into her skin, your hands reaching down to unzip her pants. Wanda chokes between moans, practically whimpering when your fingers find her so ready. 
You enter her, all at once, without a second thought. You suck on her tongue as she squeezes your fingerprints and soaks your hand. It's dirty and rough, and Wanda couldn't hold back even if she tried. Yet the store door opens, and she has to bite down hard on your shoulder to muffle her own noises.
Whoever the customer is, asking if there's anyone there or if the store is open, Wanda makes sure they don't see her. Her eyes are scarlet, and it's never been harder to do a concealment spell than it is now, with your fingers thrusting inside her as if the world around you hardly mattered. Finally, the customer leaves and her magic plays its part in locking the door before Wanda digs her nails into your back and comes against your fingers.
It's not enough - Nothing seems to be. You continue your movements inside her until Wanda is spasming again, begging for a pause. Your hungry mouth finds its way into her most intimate place then, just to tear more pleasure out of her. She loses count of how many times she comes, on your fingers and tongue, until the whole store smells of sex.
Fuck, she has to move you before Pietro comes back.
It's only when you let her breathe, retreating like a wounded wolf, that Wanda notices the puddle of moisture on your pants. You came at the mere act of watching and touching her. 
"Hey, are you okay, sweetheart?" She coos gently, propping herself up on one elbow now that you're lying on your back, one arm over your face. Your clothes are as torn as theirs, but there are many more marks on her body than on yours. 
You sniffle quietly, and Wanda looks at you with concern. "Why didn't you stop me?" you ask upset, and Wanda stares in shock for a moment. Then, swallowing dryly, she works up the courage:
"You didn't want this?"
But your reaction is to laugh incredulously. "Of course, I wanted it, Wanda! But I'm talking about you. Why didn't you stop me? You're a witch, you could have knocked me down, look at you! You're all purple, and I... God, I can't believe I... hurt you." 
She climbs into your lap before you can despair, ignoring your soft protest and grabbing your crying face. "I haven't stopped you because I've wanted you to since we met." She assures you determinedly, caressing your cheeks. "I'm in love with you, you idiot."
Sniffling softly, you raise hopeful eyes. "Really?"
Wanda smiles, her weight against your chest. "Really." She assures you. "And don't worry about the marks, I... like it rough."
You groan in embarrassment, looking away and amusing her. There's a moment's pause, and then finally: "I like you too."
Wanda bites back a smile. "I got that impression, you know? When you were all whiny on me." 
Your laugh is sincere and shy, and Wanda kisses you as your hands grip her thighs. But before she can deepen it the way she'd like, you break again.
"Thanks for helping with the heat... but I'll take you on a date after this. I promise."
She pulls on your bottom lip with a provocative bite. "I'll charge." She assures you in a naughty whisper, and you sigh contentedly as she presses your hips together. Smooth movements, and you're already seeing stars again. 
Your breathing becomes shorter, and Wanda traces her fingers along your jaw, while her other hand moves down. "I bet you're all warm and tight."
You sigh, closing your eyes and nodding in agreement. Wanda kisses you leisurely, also taking time to slide her fingers into your pants and assess the effects of everything so far. She's not surprised by the immense wetness, but the sensation of sinking into you is overwhelming. She can feel ready for another when she starts to stimulate you and watches you squirm beneath her.
"So good... don't stop..." You moan helplessly, and the grip on her thighs is almost strong enough to hurt. Wanda makes a mental note of how to make you lose control of your strength, before curling her fingers inside you and being rewarded with the sweetest sounds in the world. "W-Wanda!"
She decides she likes it very, very much when you whimper her name like that. She continues her motions a few more times until you come hard on her fingers. Wanda thrusts a few times, before removing them and bringing them to her mouth, sucking them clean while you try to catch a breath. 
Your murmurs are labored, and Wanda kisses your cheek a few times. "Come on upstairs, sweet baby, I'll take care of you." She tries to get up, but your hands steady her on your lap.
It's almost ridiculous how easily you lift the two of you, and Wanda has to hold onto your shoulders, chuckling softly at your uncertain stumbles on the way upstairs. 
She'll have time to look after the store when you fall asleep. Right now, she's more focused on kissing you again.
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reidbae · 11 months
DAY 30: Scream — costumes w/dom!spencer reid & dom!aaron hotchner
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: After vaguely mentioning your attraction to the Scream character, Ghostface, your two boyfriends decide to dress as him for Halloween. And, needless to say, they aren't afraid to make you scream.
pairing: dom!spencer reid and dom!aaron hotchner x sub!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: use of pet names for reader (princess, honey, angel, baby, love, doll [sry i went crazy]), reader is fairly shy, spencer is more soft!dom and hotch is more rough/hard!dom, obv use of masks and veryyy heavily implied mask kink, loads of degradation and a lot of praise, hair pulling, blowjob, vaginal sex, unprotected piv sex (pls do not do this <3), choking, teasing, small implication of hotch being a little older than reader, lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 3.5k
a/n: this took me so long PLSSS and i'm not even that crazy about it, but i think i will be posting the second part of this for halloween tmr so i hope that will be better <3 i hope y'all enjoy and have a good halloween tmr/had a good halloweekend!
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1 @mrs-ssa-hotch @boimlers-gonna-boim
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You were walking through the doors of the the bullpen of the BAU, large bags of candy in your hand as you waved hello to various coworkers of yours.
The BAU, thanks to Derek Morgan, was having a Halloween party to celebrate the spooky holiday. Work had ended a few hours ago at this point, so everyone had finished most of their case files and papers of the like.
To your surprise, a lot of your coworkers were here, and a lot of them were dressed up. It was surprising to see, considering that it was a Tuesday, but it wasn’t an issue, really. As for yourself, you were dressed up as a princess this year.
Well, kind of.
You didn’t feel like going out to get a Halloween costume, so you decided to wear a dress and heels, some jewelry, and call it a day.
“Hey, Y/N. Cute fit,” Derek teased you the second you reached your desk, wrapping his arms around you in a friendly hug. You smiled, rolling your eyes at him.
You pulled back to look him up and down, observing his simple attire, that looked very similar to the henley and jeans combo that he wore on a daily basis. “Thanks, Derek. And what are you supposed to be?” you smiled..
“I’m me, obviously. Can’t get much better than that,” Derek chuckled, taking a sip from the glass that he was holding. You shook your head, giggling.
“Of course,” you said. “Um, where’s Hotch? A- And Spencer?” you then asked Derek, curious as to why you had yet to see the two of them.
It had been common knowledge among your team that you, Aaron, and Spencer all had something going on, but none of you had ever specified what that was.
It would be a simple answer, but you never felt the need to explain your business nonetheless. Aaron and Spencer were both your boyfriends, and while not romantically involved with each other, they were incredibly enamored with you.
So when you noticed neither of them were there, you felt not only concerned, but also suspicious.
“They just went up to Hotch’s office, I think,” Derek said, shrugging his shoulders.
You nodded, setting the bags of candy that you had down on your desk before saying, “Thanks, Derek.”
The blinds in Aaron’s office were shut as you approached it, causing you to raise even more of an eyebrow.
What the hell were the two of them up to?
Throughout the week hat Derek had been raving about this party, Aaron and Spencer had refused to tell you who they were dressing up as, or if they were even dressed up at all. You figured the two men would want to confide in you about their costume choices, but apparently, your help wasn't required.
Which only made you more sure that the two of them had something up their sleeve.
You knocked on the office door and put your ear to it, wondering if you could hear the two of them talking. You found that you could, but all of their dialogue was inaudible. Sighing, you decided to just open the door, let yourself in, and see what they were up to.
You turned the knob and pushed open the door. The view you were met with was one of Aaron and Spencer stood next to Aaron’s desk. Aaron had his arms crossed, and there looked to be a mask of some sort in his hand.
And from what you could see, Spencer was holding the very same mask.
The two men’s eyes met yours when you walked inside of the room, and their appearances sent a quick rush of butterflies to your abdomen.
Spencer was in a white button-up, black vest and tie, along with black slacks and belt. Aaron was wearing the same attire, except he was only wearing a collared shirt, slacks, and belt. While you were unable to tell who the two of them were supposed to be just yet, you grew nervous nonetheless.
They had to be doing this on purpose.
“Hey, princess,” Spencer smiled at you, taking a second to look you up and down and turn his body to face you. “You look amazing in that dress.”
You smiled shyly over at Spencer, a cheesy smile across your face. “Thank you. Um, so—What are you guys supposed to be? You—You never told me,” you didn't fail to remind them, crossing your arms.
“Oh, well…” Spencer 's voice trailed off, gazing over at Aaron and beckoning for him to say something.
Aaron cleared his throat and held up the mask he was holding so you could get a better view of what it was, smiling. “We’re not really resembling the original, but this is what we came up with.”
Aaron was showing you a mask that made your heart flutter; It was a Ghostface mask, the mask of a killer from a franchise of horror movies that you thoroughly enjoyed.
A killed that, despite your role as an FBI profiler, found very attractive.
You remembered vaguely saying a word or two about the masked man when the three of you sat down to watch Halloween movies a week or so ago. You made a brief, dismissible joke about the killer being attractive, and how you wouldn’t be afraid of getting injured if either Aaron or Spencer was wearing the mask.
Needless to say, though that wasn’t really true. Your pulse was going like crazy, and it was no doubt because of the nervousness that you were feeling.
You seemed to short circuit as you stood there, your eyes widening in response to the two men's choice of attire. Finally, when you didn’t speak up, Spencer smirked at you and asked, “Something wrong, love?”
You shook your head a little too quickly, looking down at the floor. “No, n- no!” you defended, giving a heavy sigh. “Nothing’s wrong. Um—You guys look—Really good," you barely managed to get out.
“Do you want to see them on?” Aaron asked as he smirked at you, holding his mask up as he spoke in reference to it.
If your pulse was high before, it was through the roof now.
“Um, su- sure?” you said a little anxiously, finding yourself annoyed at the fact that all words were failing you all because of a mask.
But, God, you couldn’t help it.
The two men gave each other a knowing smirk, one that you couldn't miss, before putting the masks on their faces and securing them in place. They both turned to look at you, waiting for some sort of answer from you.
But, unlike they were probably expecting, your response was physical, not verbal.
You were damn near weak in the knees at the view before you, your face, neck, and ears all growing warmer by the second. They could probably assume your look was one of unease, if it weren’t for the fact that they knew you, and they knew what you were feeling.
“Wow, you look—Good. Um, great, even,” you stuttered out, rubbing the back of your neck in a nervous manner. Before you could even think it through, your next words were gushing from your lips. “I’m going back to the party now,” you said in a muddled rush.
You were squealing as you walked out of the room, blushing as you replayed the scene of your two masked boyfriends in your head. You could hear Aaron and Spencer laughing as you left the room in a hurry.
You knew they liked to tease you, but, damn, really? You didn't think they would do this, of all the things.
They just didn’t have a care in the world about making you feel this way.
And if there was one thing you were sure of, it was that you’d be a mess by the end of this party.
You were sitting in an abandoned office in the BAU, doing your best to relax and calm yourself down with the way the last hour had just enfolded.
Your boyfriends were dicks. Assholes. Whatever you wanted to call them, that's just what they were,
They’d been walking around the place for the last hour like they owned it, knowing just what they were doing to you as they did.
You both hated and loved how grand of an effect such a simple action, such a simple costume could have on you, all because it was them who were doing it, and them who were wearing it.
You ran your hands through your hair as you stood in the room, trying to slow down the pace of your breath.
And trying to ignore the needy feeling between your legs.
Just then, as if on cue, a knock sounded at the door, causing you to jump out of your own head to pay attention to it.
And, of course, who could it be but the two men on your mind?
“Y/N, honey? Are you in here?” a calm male voice called out for you, opening the door to the office you were in.
Spencer, whose mask was perched above his head, walking in, Aaron behind him. Your eyes flickered between the two of them for a second, before you spoke.
“Hi,” you said shyly, crossing your arms the same exact way that you had earlier on in the evening. “What’s up?” you asked, attempting to make your voice sound as casual as possible
“You kind of ran off there, princess. We got worried,” said Spencer, a sly smile over his face as the two of them approached you. “Everything okay?” he asked, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You looked down as he did so, feeling your cheeks flare up with heat. “No, yeah, I’m—Okay. You guys can go back to the party,” you muttered to them, avoiding their eyes.
From the corner of your eye, you could see your boyfriends throw that same knowing smirk at each other, the same look they'd given each other earlier, before Aaron spoke up. “Alright, stop with the shyness and spit it out, honey. What’s on your mind?”
You looked up at him, and then quickly looked away as you again saw his mask, which was in the same place as Spencer’s was. “Nothing. I told you guys, it’s nothing,” you said to them again, sighing.
Spencer walked up to you, his tall appearance causing a lump to form in your larynx. “Well, obviously, something's the matter, princess,” Spencer cooed, bringing his thumb to rest under your chin. Deciding to get to the root of the issue, Spencer asked, “Is it the masks, honey?”
That was when your nervous gaze finally met Spencer’s eyes, and you nodded, feeling like a little girl being forced to admit to misbehaving.
That’s sure as hell what it felt like.
Spencer smiled down at you, and looked back once at Aaron before asking, “You like them, huh?” his tone somehow caring yet coy all at once.
Again, you nodded.
“We figured you would,” smirked Aaron from behind Spencer, moving closer to you himself. “That was why we got them, really," Aaron shrugged.
“Yeah,” Spencer laughed in response, grinning at the two of you. Spencer’s eyes then softened as he looked down at you as he noiced the shyness of your demeanor. “We’re glad that worked.”
You gave a small, nervous giggle, too, and you couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen now.
No doubt, whatever it was, it wouldn’t be able to leave this room.
“Well, uh, we’ll be happy to put them back on for you, princess,” Spencer smiled at you, smoothing his thumb over your cheek. “Is that something you’d like?”
Your words fell quickly from your lips as soon as the query was spoken. “Y- Yes, please,” you eagerly said to the two of them, suddenly finding a voice as soon as Spencer promised you that they’d put their masks back on.
You couldn’t dream of anything better.
“Mmhm. Just do us a favor, okay?” said Aaron lazily as he moved closer, running his fingers over your hips as Spencer backed up a little. Aaron then put his mask back on, looking down at you. "Don't scream."
Spencer followed through and put his mask back on as well, and your eyes widened at the view of your boyfriends, dressed as one of your all-time favorite horror roles. They were so, so close to you as they looked down at you.
It was a wonder you didn’t pass out on the spot.
Aaron backed you into the wall of the office as Spencer walked away to close and lock the door, leaning his arm on the wall next to you. Spencer joined the two of you seconds later, positioned next to Aaron.
You felt yourself grow weak in the knees as the two men hovered above you, closing your eyes as a fiery blush filled your cheeks. Aaron cupped your cheek, and if you could see his face, you’d be sure that he was smirking, gazing down at you as you shyly slid down the wall.
“Aw, what’s the matter, princess? What’re you so nervous for?” Aaron chuckled in a jeering tone, holding your face in a soothing manner as he smoothed his thumb under your cheek.
“Give her a break. She’s just shy,” said Spencer in response. Spencer reached his hands out to grip your hips, chuckling. “Aren’t you, honey?”
“You guys are such teases,” you murmured more to yourself than them, earning chuckles from both of them.
“We just love to play with you, honey. You’re so easy to mess with,” said Aaron, like that fact was common knowledge. “How do we look?”
You looked up at him, like that fact was common knowledge. But, “G- Good,” was the only word stuttered you could get out of your mouth without your tongue slurring the words.
“Glad you think so,” smiled Spencer, running his hands over your body.
"But we'd look better with you between us," said Aaron in a sly tone, pulling you closer, so that you were flush against his front.
You couldn’t get a word out as Aaron picked you up from the ground, walking you to the couch that was in the room. He put you down on it, and, just like he’d said, put you onto all fours, so that you were bent over for the two of them to see.
Spencer had his arms crossed as Aaron ran his hand over your back, looking down at you. “Oh, look at you, honey. Fucking adorable,” Aaron groaned. He turned back to look at Spencer. “What do you think, Reid? What should we do with her?”
Spencer chuckled behind his mask and sat down in front of you on the couch, cupping your cheek with his hand. “I think our princess here needs some attention of her own. Wouldn’t you agree, angel?” Spencer cooed.
You were eager to nod, feeling your pulse quicken at Spencer’s teasing. “Y- Yes, please,” you whimpered.
Aaron obliged, moving himself behind you and grabbing your hips to keep himself steady. You could hear his belt unbuckling from behind, followed by the sound of it clattering to the ground.
Aaron lifted your dress up, and didn’t misuse even a second as he yanked down your underwear. The older man thumbed your thighs, and then your clit, causing you to let out a low mewl.
“Fuck, doll, you’re dripping. Eager, aren’t we?” Aaron laughed at you, rubbing your clit more, just to get you going.
You let out small whines and whimpers as Aaron touched you, and from what you could see, Spencer was hardening in his slacks from the sound of your moans alone.
That only made you want the two of them more.
“There you go, honey. Let me hear those pretty moans of yours,” Aaron encouraged you, moving his thumb at a quicker pace over your clit.
Spencer, eager to be engaged in some way, began to tease your nipples through the fabric of your dress. Your bra wasn’t doing all that much to stop him from doing so, and, it was then and there that you knew you were done for.
You looked back to see Aaron pulling his boxers down, revealing his aching cock, that was just as hard as Spencer’s was. He let out a low grunt as he moved his hand up and down on himself for a few seconds, readying himself for you.
Meanwhile, Spencer’s attention was fully on you, and he chuckled as he cupped your cheek again. His other hand fumbled with his belt, and he tilted his head at you, his mask being what was gazing back at you.
“You don’t mind me using that pretty mouth of yours, do you, princess?” Spencer cooed to you. You quickly shook your head.
“That’s a good girl,” Spencer whispered back to you, smoothing his thumb under your cheek.
You moaned as Aaron then suddenly, very suddenly, pushed himself inside of you from behind, slowly inching his cock inside of your cunt. Your hand almost immediately went to cover your mouth while Spencer yanked down his pants.
“Ready, angel?” Spencer cooed like nothing else was happening, like you weren’t getting fucked goddamn senseless by Aaron, even if it'd only been a couple seconds of sex thus far. Nevertheless, you nodded, and did just what Spencer asked of you.
Spencer’s size concerned you only a bit as you went down on the brunette genius, bobbing your head up and down on his dick as Aaron pounded into you from behind, and maybe you’d gag, or choke, or cough.
But it didn’t matter, just as long as you got to have them.
“Fuck, doll—You feel so fucking good,” Aaron muttered to you from behind, fucking you at a pace that should be considered illegal for how quick it was.
And how good it felt.
“Such a good girl,” Spencer whispered to you, petting and pulling your hair as a means of pulling you down more onto his dick. “You’re taking us so well, angel,” he cooed.
“Mmhm,” Aaron hummed in response. He moves both of his hands from your hips to your ass and grabbed you by it, pulling you closer to him, and thus pushing himself further into you. You let out a loud mewl in response.
Aaron covered your mouth, letting out a chuckle from behind you. “Didn’t we tell you not to scream, honey?”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered with flushed cheeks, pulling back from Spencer for a moment to not only speak, but to also catch your breath. “I’m—Trying.”
“Try harder,” Aaron said roughly as you reattached your lips to Spencer’s cock. “We’re the only ones who get to hear how much of a whore you are," your boyfriend shamelessly degraded you.
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you whined for more pleasure, feeling overwhelmed by the two men in front of you.
Or, well, behind you.
“Fuck, just like that, love,” Spencer groaned, not paying too much attention to what Aaron was saying. “You’re doing so good for me. So, so good," Spencer praised.
You moved your head up to get a better view of Spencer as you sucked him off. He looked so hot like this, as he did each time that you blew him.
That mask only magnified that fact.
“You should see how much of a slut you look like, honey,” Aaron chuckled. He ran his fingers through your hair and grabbed a handful of it, pulling your head down and guiding you as you sucked Spencer’s dick. “Fucking whore.”
Your cheeks were warm with arousal as your brain did the best it could to keep up with Aaron’s degradation, mixed in with Spencer’s praise.
Your eyes were rolling back into your head as the scene unfolded before you: Aaron pounding into you from behind, you gagging around Spencer’s cock, and you knew it was going to send you to the edge so fucking quick.
And just when you believed it couldn’t get any better, you were quickly proven wrong.
Aaron, like he’d done so many times before when the two of you were having sex, used a hand to grab a hold of your neck, and squeezed down with force. You found yourself coughing at the sudden, but arousing action, causing both Aaron and Spencer to chuckle.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” Aaron chuckled, administering a small slap to your ass with his free hand. “You want it harder, doll?”
You did what you could to nod, and even pulled away from Spencer’s dick again just to get the words out. “Please, I—I want more, A- Aaron.”
“You’re going to have to beg me better than that,” Aaron said cruelly, beginning to slow his pace down as well. You whimpered in response, ready to give some bratty remark back to him.
But your body needed him too much.
“No, please—Please don’t stop. I’m—I’m begging you. Please,” you whined, feeling utterly helpless to him.
“Please, what, honey?” Aaron teased you anyways, as if this couldn’t get any worse for you, as if you weren't already in the most vulnerable place you could be, begging you for his mercy.
Like you’d said earlier: You were done for.
You let out a small groan at your boyfriend’s continued teasing, but were quick to concede, sighing. “Keep going, please. A- And, harder, rougher, fuck, please," you whined aimlessly, hardly sure of the words coming out of your mouth at this point.
Aaron, knowing that when you began to become incoherent, that you were close to the edge, smirked as he obliged your needs. He began to pound back into you again, and, out of habit, you began to suck Spencer’s dick once more.
Spencer was letting out groans of his own as you sucked him off, pushing your head down as much as be could without making you gag. “Fuck, baby, fuck, I’m so close. You’re doing so good,” Spencer whispered to you, running his fingers through your hair for the millionth time as he praised you again and again. “Good girl, just like that."
Spencer moved his hand over to your back, caressing you slowly for a few seconds before moving his hand down to your clit, just as Aaron had done before. Reflexively, you whined out in pleasure.
The mix of Aaron’s cock, Spencer’s fingers, and both of their moans, was building a pleasure inside of you that you didn’t think humanly possible until now. Spencer thumbed over your clit as quickly as he could, rubbing you in fast circles as the scene before you enfolded.
“You gonna cum for us, honey? Show us how much of a whore you are?” Aaron said in a malicious tone of voice, still squeezing down on your neck. Again, you did what you could to nod.
“That’s it, baby. Go ahead,” Aaron finally encouraged.
You didn’t need much more than that.
You were climaxing in seconds upon Aaron’s command, the room smelling of sex as the three of you filled it with your moans. You could taste Spencer’s seed as ropes of it made their way into your mouth, while relishing in the pleasure of Aaron filling you with his own release at the same time.
Aaron chuckled as he pulled out of you, getting up from where he was on the couch. You whined at the sudden exit, your thighs shaking as you moved your head off of Spencer’s tip and sat up on the couch. You then pouted when you saw Spencer getting up, too.
“Where are you guys going?” you asked with a sad face, already feeling incredibly bare without the two of them next to you. They had never been ones to have sex without aftercare, so the fact that they were getting up was worth raising an eyebrow over.
Spencer put his thumb under your chin and finally removed his mask, just to kiss the top of your head. “Giving you some time to come back down to earth, princess. You probably need it.”
“And we’re sure you’ll need us again before the party’s over. And after the party’s over,” Aaron chuckled, removing his mask as well.
You rolled your eyes at his teasing tone of voice, your cheeks warm from the unneeded jeering. All you could do was cross your arms in response.
Spencer smiled down at you. “Don’t worry, princess. There’ll be more fun later on, okay? Just as long as you’re good for us. Can you be good for us, angel?” Spencer asked you genuinely.
You looked up at Spencer in a pout, but, at some point, you sighed and nodded. “Yes.”
“There’s our girl,” Spencer cooed. Then,  Spencer turned to face Aaron, smirking at him. “Shall we?”
Aaron, mirroring Spencer’s expression, nodded, and the two of them walked out of the office, leaving you there to think about all that had just happened.
Your dress was ruffled, and your thighs were a messy, shaking mess in the aftermath of what had just occurred with your two boyfriends.
You wanted to hate them so bad for this. How were you supposed to go back to the party now?
It didn’t even matter. You heard what they said.
"After the party’s over…"
You couldn’t even conjure up the image of what was going to happen then.
All you knew was that it was going to be a hell of a Halloween.
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ oikawa + pussy jobs - you want to make a good impression when meeting your boyfriends family—too bad he’s adamant about you fixing his problem
♱ kinktober ⋮ find the masterlist here !!
♱ length ⋮ 1.6k words
♱ contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, needy oikawa, fingering, pussy jobs, male masturbation, pet names (princess)
♱ notes ⋮ this is the last of the edited reposts of last year omg bear with me
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oikawa tooru has never quite been known for backing down when he wants something, and you’ve been proven that time and time again. but still, you thought that he’d have exercised a little restraint at his childhood home—while you’re in front of his family, as you meet them for the first time.
truth be told, maybe you’re partly to blame for letting him drag you up to his bathroom in the first place, but you can’t help but cave when he subtly grinds his erection onto you from behind, the thin fabric of your dress and his pants the only thing that’s separating you from him. maybe you’re feeding bad habits, maybe you’re letting him off the hook—but maybe it’s not so bad…or so you reason.
“we’ll be back,” tooru grins to his family, placing a hand on your shoulder from behind you. you bite back a gasp when his hardened length prods against your ass as he leans in and presses against you. “just gonna give a quick house tour,” he claims.
no one even thinks twice, sending you both off with sweet smiles and short waves as your boyfriend turns you around to follow him towards the direction of his old bedroom. your wrist is clutched tightly in his hand, and he walks a little too fast for it to be a house tour—he skips three doors in his haste—but you doubt anyone notices anyway.
he has you pressed against the door of his bathroom the second it’s closed shut, lips hungrily devouring yours as his hips rut his hardened length against your thigh. moaning quietly, he bites lightly at your bottom lip, hands gripping your waist tightly while you let out a slight gasp.
“tooru are you crazy?” you hiss, trying to push his face away from yours to look him in the eyes. he has other ideas, however, and his lips are trailing hot, wet kisses down your jaw and onto your neck, sucking gently at the skin. fighting back a low moan, you grip his arm tightly.
“what’s so crazy about wanting my girlfriend,” he murmurs, smugness dripping through his words like the wetness already forming in between your legs. you send him a glare, and he offers you a playful pout.
“we’re in front of your whole family—”
“no, they’re in the living room,” he corrects, “and we’re in here.”
he’s always been a smartass, and you’ve always had half a mind to smack him upside the head, but your mind is a little hazed right now when his erection pokes your thigh like that, hot and heavy in his pants, ready to stretch you out as he splits you open.
you know you should end this now before it’s too late to pull away, you absolutely should end this if you want to make a good impression on his family—plane tickets from argentina to japan certainly aren’t cheap, and you don’t want this to be for nothing—but the way his thick girth, strained in its confinements, is now rubbing against your clothed clit has you forgetting all about his family across the house.
he’s irresistible—it’s not long until all you can think of is him—and you think he’s been counting on the way it’s so easy to persuade you.
“t-tooru, we really shouldn’t be doing this here—”
“please baby,” he whines into your neck, voice so needy, so desperate, you let out a shaky exhale. you both already know that you’ll be caving into his desires, it’s not hard to see that he’s got you right where he wants you. “please, i need you so bad,” he breathes shakily against the shell of your ear, pressing soft kisses there too.
and when he feels your hand finally reach forward and palm him through his pants lightly, eliciting a soft groan from him as he shudders, he knows he’s won you over this time around, and he couldn’t be more pleased with himself.
“you have a condom?” you gasp when his fingers travel up the bottom of your dress, moving your underwear to the side and rubbing circles onto your clit. two fingers just barely glide over your entrance, and you let out a needy whimper.
“no,” he grunts, “not on me.” hissing as his fingers sink into your folds and pump in and out of your cunt, you grip his hair, pulling lightly on the strands and making him moan quietly at the tugs of his roots.
“then get creative,” you huff, “‘m not walking around with a mess between my legs,” you say firmly. he pouts at you, but the glare you send him makes him shrivel with a whine, too needy to argue and risk you changing your mind altogether.
in a moment’s time, both your dress is hiked up and tooru’s pants are pulled down, leaving both of you bare to each other. it’s a risky ordeal, and his family is close, and you can only hope no one needs to use the bathroom any time soon—but none of it matters when he tugs you closer and you fell the cat tip tap against your clit.
“guess this’ll have to do,” he groans, cock sliding against the slick lips of your cunt, rubbing against your clit with each drag. you both moan in sync, and tooru’s head falls to press his forehead against yours, eyes closing at the sensation that tingles all the way down to the bottom of his spine from the friction.
his length is hard, pulsing and ready to release, aching to cum—and he wants so badly to sink deep into your walls and fuck his load into your heat, but he knows now’s not the time. whimpering when you feel his swollen tip rub against your clit, your hands tighten their clawed grip on his arms, a cry of his name falling past your lips no matter how hard you try to keep from making a sound.
“f-fuck, tooru,” you mewl, jerking your hips in rhythm to chase the friction of his member sliding against your pussy.
“s-so good,” he whines softly, digging his head into your neck, clutching your hips tightly when your hand runs through his hair. “needed th-this just as bad as bad as me, huh?” he smirks against your skin.
even despite shamelessly dragging you into the bathroom, lying to his family, and chasing an orgasm right here in the middle of introducing you to his loved ones, oikawa tooru still manages to flip the switch and be a cocky bastard. you think someone ought to humble him—but sadly, you find you’re not the perfect candidate for that job yourself. otherwise, you’d never let yourself get into something as compromising as this.
you can’t help but clench your walls, fluttering around absolutely nothing at the fact that he can be so smug. and you want to feel his length slam into you, to hit you right in the spot that drives you mad with his angled thrusts, the blunt head of his cock drilling against your sweet spot—but something about him just barely rubbing against your wet core makes your head spin with need, and the coil in your stomach tightens slowly, builds up in a steady ache, right on the verge of snapping.
“fuck, princess,” he grunts, “wanted to feel me just as bad, huh? is that why you’re so wet?”
he never fails to turn the tables, to let the pieces fall into his favor, to promise the ball drops in your court every time. maybe that’s what you love about tooru—or maybe it’s the way his lips press wet kisses along the column of your throat, sucking gently on your jaw.
“please—t-tooru, more,” you whimper, pulling a low chuckle from his throat.
“more? thought you said we couldn’t do that,” he coos, hissing as his slick-coated length glides along your folds, rubbing against him with enough to burn pleasure along his nerves, but falling just short to pool desperation in his voice. “god, i wish i could fuck you right now,” he huffs, voice cracking as he stifles a groan.
the ridge of his vein slides against your clit once, twice, a third time before somehow, even without his thick length splitting you apart, you’re cumming. your walls are clenching around nothing as they spasm through your high, your voice choked as you repeat his name like a mantra.
“tooru, t-tooru,” you repeat, crying out as you cling to him tightly. tears prick your eyes as the pleasure takes up what feels like every nerve of your body, your back arching from the door he has you pressed against.
tooru looks at your face, watches your expression crumble through your orgasm, and he groans—a bit too loudly, and you hope to god no one hears—quickly pulling his thick length away from you once you’ve ridden out your high. his hand fists his cock tightly, red and swollen and aching to cum, balls heavy and begging to release his cum in thick spurts. it’s nowhere near the wet, tight clench of your cunt, but you watch his expression break as he strokes himself a few more times, choking on a gasps and body stilling as he empties his load. you watch with hooded eyes as cum spills onto the tiles of his bathroom floor, coating his hand as he fucks himself through his high.
“ngh—sh-shit,” he rasps, and you watch in awe as tooru’s lips part with each cry he lets out, eyes screwed shut as his orgasm crashes over his body in waves. sweat covers his forehead and his hair clings to his skin, thighs quivering as he tries to keep himself standing upright through the devastation of his peak.
finally, with a few more thick ropes of cum, he catches himself against the door with his good hand, sweaty forehead pressing against yours as he pants and catches his breath with you. his cheeks are flushed red, and his lips are slightly swollen, but he looks utterly beautiful caging you against the door like this.
“you really are a piece of work,” you say breathlessly, shaking your head and running a hand through his messy locks, pushing them off his forehead. wriggling his brows, he steals a quick peck from your lips.
“i can’t wait till everyone goes to sleep so i can fuck you for real,” he chuckles, catching your hand when you go to smack his chest.
“i am not fucking you in your childhood bed,” you mutter, glaring at him. and when his eyes glint as he stares at you, lips spreading to a wider smirk, you gulp, glare faltering a little at his expression—he still has you right where he wants you, you realize.
“we’ll see baby,” he murmurs, “we’ll see.”
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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itstheoneshot · 1 year
Kinktober Day 15
Daddy Kink: Chanyeol
!dom Chanyeol
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You and Chanyeol had been friends for years. Your friend group was formed as young kids and now you were all adults, still as close as ever. Parties and catch ups every weekend after hectic work weeks, all now in careers so vastly different from one another, but you all bond over the need to relax. 
This weekend is no different, too many beers deep, you are on the sofa next to Chanyeol at his house, graciously accepting another bottle as he opens one for himself. You are dizzy, vision blurred when one of your friends decides to start up a game that none of you had played since you were in high school.
“Truth or dare!”
You glance over at Chanyeol beside you when it gets around to his turn, just as drunk, if not drunker, he laughs aloud before choosing to start with Truth. You know your friends well, you know that the question they’ll ask him will be much like the several others asked tonight, something immature, something that will make you look at each other just a little bit differently, not in a bad way, just in… knowing.
“What name drives you crazy?”
Chanyeol raises his brow, not understanding the question until it is explained that they mean, what question in bed drives him crazy. His ears turn a deep red and he gets instantly flustered, but after seeing everyone else succeed with their turn, his competitive nature would never let him fail.
You don’t comment, although a few of your friends do, but you aren’t one to go all in on a friend in an unfair ratio. Instead you wait until the game is finished, and Chanyeol leaves the room to get himself another drink. You stand to follow him a moment later, though he doesn’t notice until you both reach the kitchen, and he asks you if you would like another beer too.
“Yes please,” You nod, “Daddy.”
Chanyeol stiffens up at the word, staring at you a little shocked, and definitely guarded. You wink at him before he turns to the refrigerator, grabbing out two bottles and opening them before passing one to you. You let your hand linger, wanting to test him, unsure what has taken over you as you have never been like this with him before, but suddenly now you are wanting, ashamed to say how much that is because of the name, and curiosity about why he likes it so much. You wonder if he lives up to it, and from knowing him so well, you wouldn't be surprised.
“Don’t test me,” He murmurs, barely loud enough for you to hear over the music, “I mean it.”
You are just as competitive as him, it’s no wonder you get along so well, and you take his words as a challenge, “Or what… Daddy?”
Chanyeol grabs you by the wrist, almost spilling your beer as he drags you down the hallway, pushing you into the bathroom and locking the door behind him, “Are you having fun?”
You are, and it is written all over your face, “Oh,” You pout at him playfully, sneering, sarcastic, “What’s wrong? Daddy doesn’t like being teased?”
He has you backed up against the bathroom counter, looming over you, eyes glazed from both drunkenness and arousal. You feel it too, throbbing between your thighs as he leans forward, closing the gap between you to press his lips to yours. The kiss is charged and forceful, messy and desperate, but controlled in a way that confirms there is a reason he likes being called what he does, it all makes sense in the way that he is both tender, and dominant.
“No, sweetheart,” He replies, his voice is husky and choked up between kisses, “Daddy doesn’t like it, you’re gonna regret that.”
You gulp, opening your eyes to see the way his facial expression has changed, like a whole other person is in front of you. Rather than the soft, goofy, loveable Chanyeol that you know, this one is strong, confident and powerful. He has you spiralling, happily moving to sit up on the counter to fit him between your legs, back pressed against the mirror behind you as he works to undress your bottom half quickly. Each second is too long without you, and you feel exactly the same way, attracted to him in a way that you can’t quite explain in words, but hope that your dripping wet cunt will explain for you.
“Daddy, please,” You whimper, pulling him closer with your legs wrapped around his hips, whining as he fills you up, his cock is long and thick, curved slightly upwards which only increases the pleasure for you, “Make me regret it.”
He does exactly that, fucking you in a way that you never had been before, a mix of both gentle and hard, he fucks you in a way that is so good for you, but feels as if it were only for him. It is crazy, your mind is racing, only able to stay focused, alive, with him holding you upright, pure putty in his arms, pleasure has you crumbling, waves of pleasure crash over you repeatedly with every thrust. You can barely speak, only mumbling daddy, daddy, daddy over and over again for him as he fucks into you with a strength that is almost inhuman. You have no idea how long this has gone on for, and you are sure that your friends have noticed your absence by now, but are too deep, physically too, to care. 
After a particularly hard thrust that pushes you over the edge, Chanyeol follows right after, releasing inside you without a care about safety or consequence, chasing the feeling of you constricting around him, milking him dry. He presses his forehead to yours as he begins to pull out, laughing as you try to keep him inside of you, not wanting this to be over.
“Please, Daddy,” You pout at him, “Not done yet.”
kinktober masterlist
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drakendaydreams · 1 year
~ Kinktober Day 4 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji ~
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A/N: I know last year was a little off since I got super busy before Kinktober started and didn't have nearly as much time as I'd have liked to get those pieces out for you guys... but we're starting this year off strong with some Kenny. And this year the collaboration is between all of my blogs so it's gonna be a little different. Remember, if you want to be added to the taglist your age must be in your bio or easily found on your page. The taglist is open until October 25th so get your names in if you want to be added! We'll be kicking it back off on this blog on day 12. 😌
Genre: One-Shot
Kink: Desperation
Word Count: 0.8k
TW: teasing, dirty talk, 18+ content, pet names, desperation, offensive language, fem!Reader, hair-pulling, minors DNI
Kinktober Masterlist 🎃
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There was only one person in this world that could make him feel like this. Make him feel that if he didn't get your touch soon he would absolutely explode. The insane urge to be with you every second of every day or he wouldn't be able to survive. And this, this was intensified by one thousand. He had never craved a woman's touch more than he did yours.
You had him hook, line, and sinker before you even knew that you did. The second that you touched his arm the first time that you met he knew that you were going to be everything to him. But he had never thought that it would be this intense.
You were supposed to be at a Toman party, spending time with all the other members and their better halves before the next big event. It was supposed to be one of the most dangerous "events" of the year, and there was only one thing that Kenny had his mind on.
He watched you from across the closed-in compound, staring at everyone who came near you. He inched closer to you every time he thought that he sensed something off. There wasn't a more protective man than Ken Ryuguji.
That's when he saw his opening. The others around you were starting to move away, all off to get another drink he figured, and that's when he was gonna pounce.
Kenny cleared his throat as he got close to you, his hand pressed on your hip lovingly as he pulled you close to him. But the sound of his voice was what would give him away. The gruff rasp he always got when he was in the mood made his voice impossibly deeper. The same one that made your pussy ache the second that you heard it.
"Look at you. You know what you've been doing to me for the past week. I've barely been able to function."
He was right. You had been partially taunting him, working late so he'd have to wait for you to get home, walking around in your skimpiest clothes before he had to leave for work or a meeting. You had wanted him to go crazy.
"Whatever are you talking about, Kenny?" You bat your eyelashes as you look up at him.
The aggressive and hungry way that his hands grabbed and pushed you into the wall behind you made a small squeak leave you. He was done for. You'd hear him begging if you didn't give him something soon.
Kenny gave you a devious grin as he placed a hand over your head, leaning down toward you. "Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about, pretty girl. You're testing me." He placed a hand under your chin and tilted your head up so you were looking at him. "But I'm far too impatient right now to fight with you on this. You have no idea just how badly I need you."
You pulled your head away from him and pursed your lips. "I don't know if I'm feeling that same need, my love. You might have to tell me more."
A growl reverberated in his chest as he watched you pull away, knowing that you were testing him. You wanted him to grovel at your feet, and right now... right now he wasn't above doing it.
Kenny placed a hand behind your head and laced his fingers in your hair, tugging your head back. The moan that left your lips made his cock twitch against his jeans. "I wanna feel just how wet you are between those pretty little legs of yours. Push my cock into you and not stop until you're fucked stupid and screaming my name. Doesn't that sound good to you? Is that what you want to hear, my darling?"
You nodded slowly, the anticipation in his tone making your thighs push together. You weren't even sure that you could make out words right now.
Kenny's laugh made a shiver run through your entire body. "I've been so fucking desperate for your touch all week, and here we are now. Looks like the roles might have just gotten reversed, huh?"
His eyes wandered down your body, his other hand slowly resting on your hip, his finger pulling at the waistband of your bottoms. "I bet that if I slid my hand in right now you'd be dripping for me, wouldn't you? And don't lie. You know I can always tell when you do."
A whole week of him craving your touch, a whole week of build-up. And it only took him a matter of minutes to get the same effect from you.
You'd never been more desperate for Ken Ryuguji.
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Taglist: @bakubabes-tatakae, @sherlockscumslut, @bontensbabygirl
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©️2023 drakendaydreams, please do not modify/repost my work without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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|| ︶꒦꒷𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥꒷꒦︶ | main masterlist ||
@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
Day 9: Slutwear, Squirting/Cumshots, Prostitution/Camming/Sex-for-Service
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𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩-𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥
| PAIRING(s): neighbor!Joel x haunted house organizer!neighbor | RATING: explicit material | 18+| WORD COUNT: 3.2k (jfc this one really got away from me) | CONTENT: no outbreak AU // we're gonna assume Sarah is old enough to be out of the house, two spooky idiots vibing with each other, mock arrangement of sexual favors for Halloween props | SYNOPSIS: In the 5th year of running your free to the neighborhood haunted house, your contractor neighbor Joel Miller expresses interest in participating.
The garage door was open, but Joel still knocked. “Hello?”
When you didn’t answer, he tried again. A few heavier knocks later and he heard footsteps scrambling his direction. You emerged from the doorway with strands of hair stuck to your forehead and a single overall strap securely snapped. He avoided looking at your tight sports bra underneath, for the most part.
“Hi, I’m so sorry. I was sanding something and didn’t hear you at first, I don’t think,” you greet him breathlessly.
“Nah, you’re fine, you’re fine,” he waves away your fretting. “Figured you’d be workin’ on somethin’ for all this.” He eyes the transformation in progress. He reaches out to tap one of the ghoul’s sinister, bony fingers from where it floats on the ceiling.
“Oh, yeah. It’s always sort of crazy this time of year,” you admit with a shy grin. “I, uh, I can move my car from the street if it’s–”
“Nah, I ain’t one of those,” he laughs. “Just always been curious to get a closer look. Seen you workin’ on this over the years. Real impressive stuff.”
You perk up at the positive feedback and note the “Miller Contracting” t-shirt that fits incredibly well across his broad chest. “Oh. Well, thanks. Sorry about the car thing. It’s not like you seem like a party pooper or something, it’s just—”
He waves his hand to interrupt you again. “I know some of the neighbors aren’t crazy about it. Fuck ‘em.”
Your smile goes ear to ear at the easy way he makes you feel confident in your not so typical hobby of having an open haunted house, free of charge to the entire neighborhood every year. It had started out with just your garage and backyard serving as a short walk-through haunted house, but now in your 5th year you’ve incorporated a few of your downstairs rooms into the layout. You slowly added new pieces and props over time, and it had become a huge point of pride for you to see the smiling faces and hear the shrill, excited screams of the patrons.
“Did you, um, want a look around? Have you ever done the haunted house?”
Joel relaxes his shoulders but insists he doesn’t want to impose. You insist right back that he’s more than welcome to see what you’ve got going on. You point to his shirt. “Could probably give me a few tips!”
He follows you as you start to walk into the house again. “Yeah, ‘bout that. Actually sorta why I thought of comin’ by….”
You turn to read his face, but can’t think past the infuriatingly adorable tinge of pink on his cheeks. 
“I, uh, would love to make ya somethin’. A prop or somethin’. I’m pretty decent with woodwork, and I think it’s pretty neat what’cha got goin’ on here.” He shrugs, but it doesn’t counterbalance his obvious nerves at offering up his services.
“Are you serious?” you breathe. “You’d make me something? I mean, you really don’t have to do that, but I can’t say it doesn’t sound fucking amazing.”
You’d seen his house before. You’d driven by it enough times to gawk at the beautiful renovations that had been done over time. It was the most gorgeous house on the street by leaps and bounds, and the owner and crafter of said renovations wasn’t so bad to look at, either. You realize you don’t know his name. You offer him yours and hope he’ll return the gesture.
“Joel,” he says firmly. Even his voice sounded deep and strong. He was even more gorgeous up close.
“Joel Miller, of Miller Contracting fame,” you amend with a playful smile and a nod to his shirt.
“The one and only,” he lobs back with a devastating smirk. Oh, the bastard was getting more comfortable around you, so now he was easing into a laid back confidence that made you want to gnaw your own arm off.
“I mean, I’d offer you some complimentary tickets to the haunted house in return, but it’s already free, so….”
He laughs under his breath and shakes his head. “No, no, none’uh that. This is somethin’ I’ve been kickin’ around for the past coupl’a years. Think it sounds real fun. Never really built a dedicated prop piece, but I’d love to take a crack at it if you’d let me.”
Your heart leaps into your throat when he admits he’s thought about your haunted house for years. That he’s wanted to be a part of it in a way for years. It was something born of pure passion and love for Halloween as well as something to nurture your creative side. The thought of Joel wanting in on it made your chest squeeze and balloon.
The rest of the afternoon flows easy with conversation and ideas about additions to your setup. It’s less than a week later when Joel texts you that the piece is almost done if you wanted to come check it out. You force yourself to wait at least 2 minutes before replying in the affirmative.
Joel’s house is even more stunning on the inside. You aren’t sure what stars aligned to get this man to offer you a prop piece at absolutely no cost. You feel like the luckiest person to ever walk the earth. You casually sip the beer Joel offered you while he details all the insanely detailed and impressive work he put into the prop piece he dreamt up with you.
“S’not too shabby, I think,” he nods in approval as he gauges his work. His eyes flash to yours when you don’t respond right away. You’re staring open mouthed at the piece, the shifting gears, the working levers. You can’t even imagine how much something like this would cost at a home improvement store.
“Show me again,” you urge with barely contained glee.
Joel smiles and snaps the lever down, releasing the guillotine and severing the dummy head into the basket. You legitimately clap this time and bob on the tips of your toes. His grin is wide and boyish as he taps a button on the floor with his foot, reeling everything back into place.
“I–I can’t even—HOLY SHIT, JOEL,” you laugh. You run your hands through your hair like you don’t even know what else to do, how else to react.
“Hope it’s not too tall for the–”
“Shutup, Joel, you know it isn’t too tall. You measured, like, 400 times,” you interject.
“I measured three times, but alright,” he chuckles. He looks back and forth between you and the prop. “So, you, uh.. It’s good? Ya like it?”
“It’s amazing!” you gush. A thought crosses your mind that immediately sets off a whole other level of excitement. “Joel, what would you say to operating this opening night at the very least?”
“What? Like, be part of the haunted house? I dunno ‘bout all that,” he mumbles.
“This thing is a work of art! Are you kidding me?! If anybody should be the first to terrorize people with it, it should be the person who made it!” you argue. You stomp across the room and stop dead center in front of Joel. “Seriously. It would be so much fun! You said you’d done the walk-through last year, so you know what you’re getting yourself in to – at least a little bit.”
“You seriously want an old guy like me tryna yank this lever and scare people? I’m more like’tuh throw my damn back out than scare anybody off,” he huffs in a self-deprecating tone.
“Joel,” you snort. “You’re built like a fucking brick shithouse. You’re broad as hell, and you’ve got muscles and all that shit. You’re, like, perfectly intimidating. Put you in an Executioner’s mask, and it’s a done deal!”
Joel smirks and raises a brow. “You think I’m muscular and strong, huh?” he teases.
You flush and swat his arm. “This is the thanks I get for trying to encourage you.”
“Said somethin’ about bein’ broad, too, didn’t’cha?” he adds as he bites back a smile.
“I’m just trying to flatter you so you’ll make me more free props,” you deadpan.
Joel coughs up his sip of beer in a laugh. “Damn, maybe I should make you pay for this after all,” he muses in false contemplation.
“Hey now, let’s not get hasty,” you giggle. You put your hands out to your sides in mock surrender.
“Typical. Shoulda known I was gettin’ fleeced. Suddenly it’s a ‘you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours’ kinda deal, huh?,” he teases.
“Nobody is conning anybody. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours! You give me a head—” you pat the decapitated prop head for emphasis “—I’ll give you head!”
Joel’s eyes widen with an amused sparkle. His eyebrows shot up at the same time as the corner of his mouth lifted devilishly. “Well now we’re talkin’!” he chortles.
Your face is on fire. You must have gone through every shade of red that Crayola has created. “Ohhh my god. Jesus christ. OH MY GOD, please— I’m so– I can’t–,” you sputter. You slap a hand over your forehead. “That was so fucking embarrassing and inappropriate. Joel, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe—”
“Whoa now, relax. S’alright. Just a bit of teasin’,” he reassures you once he realizes you’re actually mortified at the half slip-up half failed attempt at humor. “S’all in good fun, okay? No need to get bent outta shape.”
You chance a look at him with an absolutely humiliated expression and find his playfully warm eyes waiting for you.
“C’mon, don’t be like that,” he tuts and knocks a hand against your arm gently. “Was funny as hell. Needed a good laugh, so thanks for that, sweetheart.”
As if your face wasn’t already ablaze, the casual petname makes your heart stammer. You were not going to survive this man.
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“Alright, everybody, we got a 20 minute interval, so get yourself some water and a quick snack if you need one,” you announce to the group of volunteers. Frightening clowns and ghostly figures waddle and stroll into the inner rooms of the house not being utilized in the haunted house.
You glance around only to find Joel doing the same. You smile and walk up to him.
“So the girls didn’t talk you into the shirtless get-up, huh?” you giggle.
Joel rolls his eyes through the black mask obscuring his face.
“So, is Mister ‘I’ve scared more kids in one night than any other scene volunteer in the past 4 years combined’ enjoying himself? Or do you need to make a couple more 12 year olds pee their pants before you’re ready to admit it?”
Joel lifts the fabric mask over his head and grins at you. “Like you’d give me all that credit. Already heard you earlier talkin’ ‘bout how I got the ‘good corner’ that’s out of sight until it’s too late.”
“Yeah, that’s true. Probably would’ve only made two 12 year old piss themselves so far if you weren’t given the good corner,” you shrug. “Oh well, that’s what special treatment gets ya.”
He laughs and runs a hand through his sweaty hair. Your stomach lurches with want.
“So am I hired or what?” 
“Hired? Hm, no, that implies pay, and you’re not getting paid,” you reason with a giggle.
“Damn. Free props and free labor. I’m gettin’ the short end of the stick, I think,” he mock gripes.
You feel a twinge of guilt even though you know he’s joking. He had already supplied you with an amazing element for the haunted house, and you’d sort of strong-armed him into acting in one of the sets tonight. “You know if you really did end up feeling like you should get some sort of compensation, I’m sure I could come up with, like, a payment plan or something,” you offer.
“Dunno, I’m still pretty interested in that offer of head,” he quips.
Your head inches back in a jerk as you snort in surprise. “Oh?”
Joel instantly shifts into apology mode and expresses his regret at the tasteless joke.
You put up a hand to stop his frenzied blabbering. His mouth hangs open with panic, but he stops talking. You force a swallow past the ball of nerves in your throat and inch closer to him. You graze the tips of your fingers against the shiny polyester costume stretching across his chest.
“What if… what if I was interested in getting to know you better? In the kinda way that that joke about ��� ‘scratching each other’s backs’  isn’t really a joke?” You fan your fingers across his pec and work up the nerve to look up at him.
His dark eyes study your face for a moment before a hand snakes across your lower back and pulls you closer. “Then I’d say you got yourself a pro bono prop master and scene volunteer, sweetheart.”
You break into a nervous fit of giggles and glance at the clock. Only 15 minutes until everyone is due back to their places. “Come with me,” you whisper. You grab Joel’s hand and lead him upstairs via the rear staircase. You guide him through the dark and into your bedroom.
The moment the backs of your knees hit the mattress, you tug Joel down on top of you. He settles onto the bed with an oomph and quickly gains his bearings. His hands are all over you, and you thank the high heavens that neither of you are wearing any face makeup for a costume. One less thing to worry about as you hungrily lick into one another’s mouths.
You turn Joel onto his back against the mattress and tug at his garments until you shimmy his belt and jeans loose. He shoves them down enough to free his cock. It stands at attention with a weighty bob.
“Fuck,” you gasp. “I would’ve done this sooner if I knew you had such a big dick!”
Joel erupts into laughter at your lewd candor, and you giggle while shushing him. “Shutup before somebody hears us and comes upstairs to check on the noise. I’ve only got about 10 minutes to suck you off.”
“Fuck, you really doin’ it? You don’t hafta–”
You cut him off by taking him as far into your mouth as you can. He makes a strangled hissing sound, his arms flailing as they search for something to grab hold of. One hand settles on the back of your head, and the other grips the sheets. You shove a hand down your pants and insert two fingers into yourself. Joel made the most obscenely divine noises you’d ever heard.
You don’t let up as you work his length in your mouth, not quite able to take him all the way without your gag reflex going into overdrive. He gives you a few polite seconds of warning that he’s about to come, and you ready your mouth at his tip while stroking him up to his climax. His hips jerk as he unloads into your mouth, grunting obscenities and praises.
You swallow and pull off him with a smug grin. You watch him catch his breath in the rays of light from the streetlamps. You shimmy back up to his face and capture his mouth in a deep kiss. He groans at the taste of himself on your lips, groping and grabbing at you. He rolls you off to the side and yanks your pants down without warning. His fingers slide through your soaked folds before pausing at your entrance.
“Fuck, yes please,” you beg. He stretches you with two fingers and only pumps a few times before you’re clenching around his digits. You come down from your high enough to realize it’s not long before you need to be back downstairs. “Should at least earn me a couple of smaller props, no?” you pant.
He snorts and rests his forehead against your chest. “Guess we can work out a bartering system,” he jokes back.
You both take a moment to get yourself together before heading back downstairs. The rest of the night is an absolute blast, and you revel in the excited compliments over your newest addition of the Cursed Souls of the French Revolution room, many comments centering on a certain terrifying Executioner who was very good at his role.
The last walk-through group empties out onto the street, and you close up for the night. Another successful event with a few more nights this week to show off your best haunted house yet. When the last volunteer other than Joel heads out, you turn to shower your breakout star with all the feedback and fanfare he’d garnered.
He’s slow to accept the praise, but after a while you beat him down enough to accept a few of the milder compliments. You sit side by side on the couch, watching a classic horror film as you count up the donations you’d earned throughout the evening. You count the last bill and tally it up on your sheet before tucking it away in the metal cash box.
Joel grips an arm around you and tugs you into his chest. “Got enough for your next big idea, or are we gonna have to figure out another form of payment?” he asks with a suggestive wink.
“Think I came up short on the cash. Damn,” you mutter in feigned disappointment.
Joel grins at your tongue-in-cheek humor but pauses after a moment. “Thank you, by the way. For lettin’ me join up with all this. It was really fun. Not used’tuh doin’ stuff like this, but I’m real glad I worked up the nerve to walk up to your garage that day,” he admits in earnest.
“Yeah,” you agree with a breathy laugh. “Me, too, Joel.”
His thumb caresses the top of your cheekbone as he considers you. “Meant when I said I’d like’tuh get to get more involved with it. With… with you,” he stammers.
Your chest feels warm and cozy. You can’t help yourself with what comes out of your mouth next. “Is this your way of asking me to be your ghoul-friend?”
Joel shuts his eyes and throws his head against the top of the couch. “Now I know I’ve got it bad for ya when that ain’t enough to send me hightailin’ it outta here,” he groans.
“Okay, you do one to me and see if I’ve got it bad for you, too,” you suggest.
Joel thinks for a moment then grins to himself. He turns his head your direction and delivers a classic. “If you’re my ghoul-friend, does that mean I get to see your boo-bies?”
You both lose it over the awful jokes and barely manage to get yourselves back under control long enough to speak full sentences again.
“Okay, it’s official. We’ve both got it very, very bad for each other,” you declare as you wipe a tear from your eye.
“Guess I’ll just have to live with that,” he says softly.
“Yeah, guess we’ll both just have to learn to deal with it,” you chuckle under your breath.
The rest of the movie plays to a distracted audience as you and Joel mess around on the couch well past the credits rolling across the screen.
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This was way too much fun to write. I hope y'all don't mind me playing fast and loose with some of these kinks lmao.
This idea originally came from some Joel characterization ideas that I guess made quite the impression on me. This particular fic drew inspiration from my last idea on the list:
🛠 🪵 🎃 prop maker Joel who admires your open to the public haunted house you construct every year. he offers to make you a prop piece, free of charge. you both love Halloween.
The temptation to write more of those silly ideas into my kinktober shit is super strong ngl. Whatever you do, don't encourage it. Don't you dare suggest I make a poll for which character should get which trope. DON'T YOU DARE.
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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hello-kuni · 1 year
♱ welcome to my kinktober 2023 masterlist! i'm really genuinely excited for this year's batch of fics. i'm gonna commit to these. i swear. it'll be a wonderful sinful time. i hope you stick around to the end because i've saved the best for last.
♱ as to be expected, reader discretion is advised, all works are 18+
be my once in a lifetime : knight!diluc & princess!reader : body worship
after many set backs on your journey, you had no choice but to stay the night at a small inn. that cramped space did no favors for his years of infatuation. how long can he last before he shows you his long-kept secret?
TBA : frankenstein!jing yuan & monster!reader : power imbalance
some would say his love for you made his crazy, but he thought he was quite sane. no one would accept your existence except for him. while you dreamed of the outside world, you knew the only place for you was at his side.
TBA : vampire!kaeya : blood
with reports of a mysterious man prowling the streets of mondstadt, it was ill-advised to invite strangers in. but he's so handsome and charming. letting him take refuge refuge from a storm couldn't do any harm...
TBA : dragon shifter!clorinde : monster fucking
feared for her strength, she hides away in a castle carved into a mountaintop. there, the only one she's let in is you. the only one who doesn't cower in her presence. and the only one who she's willing to submit to.
TBA : hitman!gojo : ???
running could only take you so far. with no other options, you make a deal with him to ensure your survival. whether it was a good idea or bad is still up for debate. but one thing is certain: while sudden, his love for you is pure.
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oncasette · 1 year
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hello my loves! i know its been so so long since i've been active and i'm so so sorry! here's some ideas i'm throwing out for kinktober/tember since i'm gonna try and space these out enough to not burn out and actually have time to write them for you! so much of this is thanks to @inklore and her haunted hoedown!! i wanted to join in on that but life got super crazy suuuper quickly! anyway, i hope you'll join me for this year's celebration of my favorite season! and, as this isn't a completed list, give me more ideas here and, as always, here's my guide.
you can have my isolation, ethan landry obsession, dub-con
love bites (so do i), eric northman vampire, blood kink
oh baby, don't you know i suffer, kai parker somnophilia, dreamwalking
reach out, touch me, phil wenneck taboo, best-friends brother
you left me no choice, stu macher toxic ex, knife play
big girls don't cry, jake seresin dacryphilia, clothed/naked
come and take this pink ribbon off my eyes, harley quinn
doctor patient, sensory deprivation
personal jesus, harvey specter
power play, tied up
set you free, jason dean
fear, manipulation
mutuals! @bl00d-bunny @ridestomars @ohcaptains @sapphireplums @blondedmuse @zstrn @fitzells @seasonsbloom @ladylannisterxo @hope-drunk @glodessa @sunderlust @dameronscopilot @gretagerwigsmuse @callsignvalley @bruisedboys @littledemondani @sugarsaints @lilacletter @oldtowrs @rafesmuse @aemondvelaryon @cosmal @andersonlore @thyme-in-a-bubble @voidcameron @beskaryce @bradleybeachbabe @wolvisms @urvampgf @ghostlyfleur @bcyhoods @inkluvs @sebsxphia @bradshawsweetheart @dunster @lovings4turn @vnusology
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
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[ OCTOBER 25TH ] BYAKUYA KUCHIKI x fem! reader (teacher x student au)
synopsis; it's the famous halloween party at your college and everyone is invited. it's so annoying how all the teachers are there, keeping an eye out for troublemakers. wk; 3k
warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, office sex, 69, dirty talk, weed, alcohol, cunnilingus, blow job, oral (both), fingering, nicknames, brat taming, daddy kink, handjob, public sex, beta read!
notes; i think this has to be one of my favs smut i've written idk it just got me good and hot. i also rlly like byakuya he is so fine on so many levels its crazy. also i made the costume that y/n wears a bunny bc we representing my brand ppl! anywho, remember to unhide mature posts, like, reblog, and comment, that would mean the world to me!!!
-nav : kinktober m.list : kinktober taglist
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“holy fuck, girl. you look hot!” your friend groped your boobs as you were stuffing them in your hot bunny costume. you were posing and checking out yourself in the mirror, ready to indulge. you couldn’t lie, you looked amazing. your makeup was done in a sexy but soft girl look. then you added a bunny ears headband and wore a tight, black one piece outfit with shirt cuff sleeves, your ass almost showing with your fishnet stockings. you wore your 9-inch heels and had a cotton ball tail on your butt. you looked delectable and were the cutest bunny. 
“i know right,” you fixed your hair. you were waiting all year for this day. it was the day for the most popular raving party ever. it was a halloween party. each year the college held one for the students. everyone that was anyone went. 
“your boo is gonna pick us up? it’s at the gym slash cafeteria room.” your friend read her text from your boyfriend? 
“that’s the plan.”
the door knocked and it was your boyfriend and a couple of his friends. “this is gonna be the best party ever! it’s gonna be lit.”
you rolled your eyes. you knew your boyfriend wasn’t the brightest man in the town. “yeah, yeah, yeah. you got the stuff?”
your stoner boyfriend nodded, giggling like a school boy, “yeahhhh man. i got you babe.”
“oh shit,” you stomped your foot. “aren’t the teachers gonna be there?”
“for real?” your friend twirled around angry. “why the fuck? they’re just gonna ruin everything and treat us like we’re in a christian party.”
“it’s because last year they found those guys smoking in the bathrooms…” you stared at your boyfriend, hands on your hips. “i wonder who’s fault that was?”
“bro, whatever! i didn’t know they were gonna smell us? so what? we’ll do it in my car babe. it’s gonna be fine. they dumb as fuck anyways these dumb teachers.”
you were starting to walk to the car. “sure…the teachers are dumb. but theres that teacher byakuya kuchiki? he is not an old, senile teacher, he’s gonna know.” that was the literature professor in the college. 
“then maybe the way you can get him off our backs is fucking him, he’d love to fuck a cute little bunny,” your friend cackled as she smacked your ass. 
you laughed as you drank back some alcohol. you wanted to get super drunk and nasty today. “ehhh who cares. let’s just get fucked up! and who gives a fuck about them teachers!” everyone wooed and drove to the cafeteria. 
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when your group got to the party you saw that some students were already secretly pouring drinks into the fruit punch. 
“who you going for tonight?” you asked your friend. scanning the dance floor. 
“maybe that smart teacher, i mean look at him y/n.” your friend pointed to mr. kuchiki. he was not wearing a costume since he was a more monotone chill teacher. he was not one to joke, only sometimes and you had never seen him laugh or smile. he was much more serious. he spooked you a little because you wondered if he even liked being a teacher. he stood, glaring at everyone to make sure they were behaving. he was tall, his long black hair was pushed back on one side only. he wore a tight, black suit, a big watch on his wrist as he looked at the time and then the party. he looked like he didn’t fit in with all the idiots that were here. you couldn’t help but stare however. he looked so handsome. so manly. his eyes with a glare of daggers. you couldn’t unglue yourself from him and his eyes found your stare. they looked directly into yours, causing you to fumble and trip. 
“you okay y/n? you looked like you were eyefucking the professor there.” 
“it’s doesn’t matter. let’s just go in the back and smoke. i saw like a deserted janitor room behind the auditorium. we could do it there. i didn’t see any vents.”
“yay! okay get your boo and we’re out of here.”
as you were going to get your boyfriend, byakuya made his way to you. he seemed to already be annoyed or angry. “y/n?”
“yes, professor? are you enjoying yourself? are you dancing a lot?” you twirled and shook your ass near him. wanting to see if you could crack him. instead he grabbed you by the arm. 
“do you think this outfit is a appropriate? look at you?”
“what? what are you talking about?”
byakuya closened up, his chest pressed against yours. he towered over you and his eyes darkened. “this costume is provocative. what attention do you want from disgusting boys? i mean look at you, i can practically see your ass. you think i didn’t notice.”
“then if my ass is such a problem, don’t stare! listen old man, i don’t know if you know this but i’m a grown ass woman. i can do whatever the hell i want and wear whatever the hell i want. news flash i think i look great! and your opinion doesn’t matter to me so fuck off, professor!” you flicked your hair in his direction and stomped away. not caring that his eyes darkened and he shook with anger. 
you were going to live your life and everyone could suck it! you were the popular, hot girl in school. the girl that could get away with anything and was maybe a brat. you wanted to do everything in life, wanting to live reckless and immature as a college student was supposed to live. this was going to be an unforgettable night!
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“oh yeah, that’s the good stuff,” you chuckled uncontrollably. feeling all the weight of classes and the semester being lifted off your shoulders. it made you comfortable with this blanket-ness of floating. you blew out smoke and saw your friends eyes were red. this made you laugh even harder. “who knew we were gonna get fucked up like this.”
“right! and no teacher has come in to check on us. i’m gonna finish this and then care to dance and eat with me? cause i’m literally starving!” your friend fixed her makeup in front of the bathroom. 
you as well added gloss on your lips and saw your boyfriend was practically passed out. “shit. that’s probably going to be a problem.”
“do you think it smells in here?” your friend totally disregarded your statement. 
you sniffed the air, “nah. maybe? a little? i don’t know but help me. i’m going to stick him in the car and i’ll check up on him in a few hours. he’s probably going to want cake.”
your boyfriend started to babble and sit up. slurring and making a ruckus. he was becoming loud and you were afraid it would attract unwanted attention. 
the door to the empty janitor room flew open and there standing in the doorway was professor byakuya. his lips in a scowl, all mad as hell. his eyebrows were furrowed. he looked around and saw your boyfriend, your friend and then you. 
he pointed at you and you noticed right then and there, you were the only one holding a blunt. “wait but i wasn’t the only one-”
“you two, go home. i’ll be telling the school about this tomorrow. and you? you’re coming with me. not only for this stunt but also for the way you talked to me earlier.” byakuya saw you were about to scramble out the window and grabbed you forcefully. he hurled you over his shoulder, your ass near his face. he was strong and his height made you feel like a tree was holding you. “do as i say, or else.” he threatened you. 
“fuck you man!”
byakuya hauled you all the way to his office which was at the opposite side of the school. he threw you into a chair and sat at his desk, typing away something. “what are you typing, mr. smarty?” you snickered at your joke. 
he glared at you, his eyes traveling from your legs to your face. “none of your business, you brat.”
you sighed, “look professor. it won’t happen again i promise! it was a one time mistake, honest!”
“you think i’m dumb y/n? do you?”
you pouted, “no.”
he continued typing, “i am sending an email to the school to make sure you all have consequences. especially you.”
“are you fucking serious?” you stormed up, pounding his desk. “c’mon! please don’t!”
“yes, i am. and for god’s sake, wear this. i would be freezing in that.” he stared at your breasts for a quick second. a second you too noticed. byakuya took his jacket off and handed it to you. you wrapped yourself in it and realized how much bigger he was than you and how good he smelled. 
you sat back down and saw the way his muscles flexed under his white buttoned up shirt. he groaned as he sat back and loosened his tie. his legs wide opened as he sat at his desk. 
“professor byakuya, are you single?”
his head snapped to yours quickly. “why are you asking me that?” he bit his lip as he got back to typing. 
“to kill time i guess. i was just wondering because i never see you with anyone.”
for the first time you saw him smile. it was quick and it was small but it carried a hint of a chuckle in it. it was splendid. it made your heart quicken for some odd reason. you were the reason mr. grumpy pants smiled. “love the observation. but i am single. wife left me, it’s a whole story.”
you took gum out of your purse and popped it in your mouth. you played with the sticky substance on your finger, “you cheated?”
“no y/n, i did not cheat. and what does school say about gum?” he clicked his tongue. 
you chewed it annoyingly, mouth sounds loud. 
“spit it out.”
“spit it out.”
“no!” you smiled evilly. you loved pushing his buttons. 
“i said-”
“i know what you said mr. kuchiki. and i said n,” you opened up your right leg. “o.” then your left. you had opened up your legs wide for him to see. you knew your outfit was caught in your pussy lips and was stuck in your ass so he was seeing all of you. you also knew that right now you were wet. so wet because you were playing with fire. “i do what i want, professor.” you chewed loudly again. 
byakuya’s eyes darted to your pussy and his eyes laid there a second too long. he quickly darted to you and put his hands out in front of your mouth. “spit it out.”
“you want my gum professor? here.” you pulled his hunching form to you by the tie and kissed his lips. at first he was hesitant but then you could tell he needed it. being single and all probably was hard on his body. he had no one to fuck. his mouth widened so that you could shove the piece of gum in there. his jawline moved in perfect sync with your open mouthed kisses. you wrapped your legs around him, his jacket slipping off as you moved your hands to his long hair. your fingers getting caught in the length. it was so soft to the touch. 
“yes daddy,” you bit his ear as you moaned at feeling his hard on under you. “just like that.” you could hear him chewing the gum you gave him. he put your body against his desk. stomach flat on the wooden surface. 
“spread your legs,” he ordered you, kissing your neck. 
you listened and heard him ripping your fishnet stockings. he needed your cunt as quickly as possible. “i can smell you. are you dripping wet, wanting to fuck your professor?”
“mmmm yes. touch me and you’ll see what you do to me. i love when you order me.” you chuckle, biting your lips. 
byakuya looked down and his veiny hands traveled between your legs. you were right. “fuck, you’re soaked.” his watch tapped lightly against your thighs. it was cold on your skin. his long, thick fingers lightly touched your pussy folds. he wanted to collect your juices and spread them against your cunt. his fingers swiped from your pussy to your tight asshole, loving the way your ass jiggled at that movement. 
“am i a bad bunny, daddy?” you whined. loving how that turned him on more. you loved your power. he must have had his eyes on you before. 
he bent over to your ears, his hot breath coming out, “you’re so bad you need to be punished.”
he grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed you on your knees in front of his cock. he looked so dominating like that. his long hair created a waterfall around his face, his eyes half lidded from the lust. his mouth heaving from being out of breath. his nipples hardening through his shirt as his muscles almost busted out of it. his tight black trousers were now tighter from his cock almost breaking through. you could see the indent of it and how big he was. his thumb lightly touched your cheek, soft like whispers. in that moment you were ready to give him everything. ready to listen, ready to take him in. 
he thought you looked angelic, so cute. your ears were placed perfectly on your face. your eyes staring up at him, glossed lips parted slightly with a flushed look from being hot with need. your boobs were squished together as you sat there, obeying. “i want you to give it to me…please.”
he unzipped and let his hard dick out. it was veiny, and so thick. “will this fit in my mouth, professor?” you looked all around it, shocked that this is what your literature professor was hiding. 
again he smirked, his lips quirking into a smile. “i know you can take it, baby.”
you put your hands around his cock. the feeling of his skin hot under your touch, “i need to know though.” your eyes darkened. “i am the only student that can do this to you. nobody and i mean nobody can touch you that way i am.”
byakuya squeezed your cheeks with his huge hand, “the same goes to you. you’re mine now y/n. you belong to me. so fuck that scrawny boyfriend outside that can’t even take weed.”
your mouth widened, shocked at his order. you forgot you even had a boyfriend! 
byakuya pushed your head to take in his cock. you opened your mouth wide to take him fully in. you gurgled and gagged around his length and girth. “mmmmmm,” spit dripped from the sides of your mouth. byakuya’s hips subconsciously moved back and forth, fucking your mouth. loving the way your tongue flicked and twirled around his girth. “fuck, shitttt. that’s it baby. just like that. try to take more in?”
you nodded and started bobbing your head back and forth. loving how his cream was starting to coat your mouth. you went faster and faster. you were making byakuya become so turned on he was ready to become animalistic. “come here.” he urged you and carried you like you weighed nothing. he pushed everything off the desk. you were upside down, ass in his face. “don’t stop sucking, brat.” you listened and kept bobbing up and down, while byakuya smacked your ass as he laid back down on his desk with you on top of him. and that’s when his strong arms urged your ass to plop on his face. 
“professor!” you were shocked but then in heaven. 
in between licking your folds he said, “i said don’t stop sucking.”
you went back to diving your mouth around his cock. your nose touching his pubes while he ate you out. you both were doing 69. 
you couldn't contain your moans as his fingers grabbed a hold of your ass cheeks, spreading them as he licked at your delicious cunt. he spat on it and open mouthed kiss it. his tongue swiping from your clit to your hole, diving his tongue inside your hole, in and out, fucking you with his tongue. you didn’t stop gurgling around his cock, spitting on his swollen head. 
that’s when a knock was on the door.
“fuck,” you said as you tried to get off but byakuya had a hold on you. surely he heard the door? you bit your lip as you sat on his face, trying not to but you couldn’t help it but ride his face. loving the friction of his nose pressing your sensitive clit and his slobber and spit all over your wet fat pussy. 
“babe? hello? i think i’m sober. i was wondering if you want to go get a bite? are you in there? shit are you getting reprimanded, damn. i’m sorry babe. i promise i’ll make it up to you if you get suspended. just hope it’s not that bad. i’m gonna go though and get some cake and i’ll meet you up in the car.”
you couldn't help but jump on byakuya’s face as his tongue dived in and out of your hole. your hand was covering your mouth, you were almost crying cumming. to think that your boyfriend was talking to you not knowing your pussy was literally being eaten out by your professor. byakuya slapped your ass. you listened to hear your boyfriend leave and that's when you let go a scream. “fuck! right there professor. right there! oh my god don’t stop. your tongue feels so good inside me!” you uncontrollably grinded his face. almost there. 
you again deep throated byakuya, feeling him hit the back of your throat. you could tell he was almost there. in sync, you orgasmed. feeling the wetness come out between your fold and byakuya drinking and sucking all your juices. “right there baby. i’m gonna cum.” white spurts came out of byakuya and spiked inside your mouth, you drank him all up. he tasted way better than your boyfriend. he was the best fuck you ever had. 
“shit, fuck,” byakuya groaned and you saw his chin glistening with your juices. 
you tickled his tip and put his cream in your mouth like it was whip cream, “mmm delicious.”
“you’re a naughty bunny, aren’t you?”
you giggled cutely. i thought you realized that already, mr.”
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starryeyedjanai · 11 months
touch me the way no one else does
kinktober prompt: public | @eddiemonth prompt: library Jeff/Eddie | 2.3k | explicit tags: semi-public sex (they don't get caught), fwb, idiots to idiots in love, blow jobs, hand jobs
Summary: Jeff's been trying to think of a one-liner that would be sufficient for what he's feeling, but all he can say is, "If you don't stop touching my knee, man," trailing off. "What?" Eddie asks, a smirk on his face. Jeff knew he was doing this on purpose. "What are you gonna do?" Oh. He hadn't thought that far ahead. But he has years of learning to think on his feet as practice, so he says, "I'll drag you back inside the school and make you do something about it."
read on ao3
Eddie keeps touching Jeff's legs through the holes in his jeans like he doesn't even realize he's doing it and it's been driving him crazy for the better part of an hour.
They're sitting at his stupid picnic table, and Jeff's been watching him turn on the charisma for Hawkins High's most popular ilk like it'll make a difference how they treat him come Monday morning.
Eddie's sitting at the table normally, facing the direction his potential sales are coming from, and Jeff is sitting on the same side as him, facing away - mostly here because he hates the idea of Eddie being out here alone dealing with the same people who try to make their lives a living hell at school. Though, they're nice enough when they want something from Eddie, not making any of the kind of remarks they make at school.
And in the down time between sales - because Eddie apparently gives people an actual scheduled time to come here - Eddie turns towards Jeff and keeps reaching for Jeff's knee as they talk. His jeans are ripped at the knees and Eddie always has to be doing something with his hands.
He slips his fingers under the rips, playing with the little strings, as they wait for the next person to come by and it's driving Jeff a little bit insane. The light touches on his skin when Eddie's fingertips brush his knee, the absentminded way he's casually touching him - it's making Jeff wish they weren't in the middle of the fucking woods.
Eddie pulls his hand away when he sees the next person coming and is all business when they sit down at the table to buy whatever it is they came to get.
Jeff idly listens as Eddie overcharges someone for a dime bag.
The guy, some random jock Jeff's sure he's never seen before in his life, pays the money and disappears just as quickly as he came.
Eddie turns and sits sideways on the bench, straddling it, and his hand returns to Jeff's knee like it belongs there. His fingers slide under the fabric, further than before, touching the inside of his thigh, and Jeff has been trying so hard not to get hard this whole time, but Eddie touching his thigh? That's gonna do it.
Jeff's been trying to think of a one-liner that would be sufficient for what he's feeling, but all he can say is, "If you don't stop touching my knee, man," trailing off.
"What?" Eddie asks, a smirk on his face. Jeff knew he was doing this on purpose. "What are you gonna do?"
Oh. He hadn't thought that far ahead.
But he has years of learning to think on his feet as practice, so he says, "I'll drag you back inside the school and make you do something about it."
The look on Eddie's face is smug, so fucking smug.
He says, "You know, that was my last customer of the day. If you wanted to make good on that."
Jeff spares a thought about how Eddie's definitely going to get him in trouble one day before hopping up from the bench.
"I'm not actually gonna drag you. If you want my cock, you'll have to come get it," he says, walking back towards the school.
He can't help but smirk when he hears Eddie scrambling to follow.
The doors to the school are still unlocked - sports practices still going on out on their various fields - but the halls are empty.
It's late enough that no one is in the library, the librarians gone for the day. Jeff is a library aide, so he knows from watching one of the librarians lock her keys in the office that it only takes a hard jiggle to get the lock to unlock, so he heads for the office of the library because that's the only place he can think of that's safe enough to do this.
He feels Eddie's eyes on him as he jiggles the door and it opens.
"You know, I kind of feel like a bad influence on you," Eddie says astutely.
"You are," Jeff agrees, holding the door open for him. As soon as Eddie's through, he closes and locks the door. They'd be able to hear someone open the main library doors, but he's not taking any chances.
He turns around and is surprised that Eddie's just looking around, not already out of his pants.
He pops open the button of his jeans and unzips, his back against the door.
Eddie stops looking around to look at him instead and Jeff shivers under his gaze.
He pushes his pants down a little and gets his dick out, stroking it from root to tip, watching Eddie watch him.
"You gonna do something or are you just gonna watch me jerk off?" he asks, a little impatient after all the touching Eddie was doing earlier.
Even though Eddie springs into action, shuffling closer, he says, "Wouldn't be the first time, would it?"
It wouldn't. They've been doing this for a few months now, jerking off together which lead to tentative touches which lead to mouths tasting skin for the first time. It's been fun and good and Jeff is going to be so sorely heartbroken when Eddie gets his fill, when he moves on and finds what he's really looking for.
He pushes it out of his mind. If he focuses on an imaginary future instead of the present, he's not going to enjoy this as much as he should.
Eddie gets down on his knees on the hard linoleum floor and Jeff puts his hands in Eddie's hair reflexively. He gathers his hair up and holds it behind him to keep it out of his face.
Eddie looks up at him with that same smug look as before and then licks a stripe up Jeff's dick.
He plays with the head, flicking his tongue on the frenulum, making Jeff sigh as he tries to keep quiet.
He can't hold in his gasp as Eddie sucks the head of his cock into his mouth, his plush lips wrapping around him as he continues to lave his tongue on the head.
He keeps holding Eddie's hair as he takes him in his mouth, bobbing his head.
He starts moving his hips after a minute, holding Eddie's head still, fucking into his mouth, pressing into his throat the way he knows Eddie likes.
Eddie reaches down and presses the heel of his hand against his dick in his jeans as Jeff thrusts into his mouth slowly.
Jeff can't help but think about what this might be like if it were real when he looks down into Eddie's eyes, when he pushes his cock into his throat.
If this were real, he might call him pet names and look at him adoringly. If this were real, he might tell him that he loves him.
The L word shocks him to his core and he's fucking up into Eddie's mouth harder than before because of it.
He loves Eddie?
He loves Eddie.
Eddie moans around him as Jeff fucks into his mouth faster, barely giving him any time to breathe before fucking into his throat again and again and again.
He realizes he doesn't want to come like this, he wants to be kissing Eddie when he comes. So he pulls Eddie off his cock and urges him up.
They're both breathing heavily as Eddie shakily gets to his feet.
"What was that about?" Eddie asks, because Jeff isn't usually like this - he's usually much more in control, of his emotions, of his actions when they're together. Tightly controlled so he never lets anything slip.
He reaches for Eddie's waist, dragging him closer. He tries to unbutton Eddie's jeans, but Eddie swats at his hand.
Eddie says, "Not until you tell me what got into you just now."
Jeff covers his cock with his hand since this is apparently going to be a conversation.
He looks at him and Eddie doesn't look upset - he's not upset that Jeff was rougher than normal. That's good at least.
He's not so sure he'll keep that luck going if he tells him how he feels.
But there's something soft in Eddie's expression, something fond.
So Jeff asks, "Do you ever think about what this could be like if it were real?"
His heart is beating too fast in his chest and there's a prickle in his eyes like there might be some tears forming, but he breathes deep to tide them over.
"Real?" Eddie asks, voice quiet.
"Like, if we were dating. Or something."
Eddie leans forward and presses his mouth to Jeff's.
It's not the first time they've kissed - far from it - but it feels different than any of those other times.
He brings a hand up to cup Eddie's jaw as he licks into his mouth and tastes himself on Eddie's tongue.
They kiss for a long moment, sharing the same breath, tongues caressing each other.
Eddie pulls away and says, "Jeff, if I thought for a second that you wanted to date me, I would've asked you out before we ever even started messing around. I thought this was just... fun or stress relief or something for you."
Jeff wants to shake them both for being so fucking stupid.
Instead, he says, "You mean I could have been wining and dining you this entire time?"
Eddie grins at him. "You could have been doing whatever you wanted to me. I'm kind of easy for you, you know?"
Jeff laughs. "Yeah?" he asks. "You mean you don't suck off anyone else in the dingy little library office?"
It's supposed to be funny, but Eddie just looks at him and says, "You're the only one I want to be doing any of this with."
And that makes the tears prickle behind his eyes again. He clears his throat.
"Are you getting choked up, Jeffrey? Aw, you choked me up on your dick and now I'm choking you up with my words. That's so sweet," Eddie says, voice saccharine even as Jeff shoves him away from him halfway through his sentence.
"Why do I like you?" he asks, the corners of his mouth turned up.
"That's between you and God, man. I've got nothing to do with it. Now is your first boyfriendly act going to be leaving us both hanging? 'Cuz that's kind of rude," he says, looking pointedly down.
"Come here, you whiny baby," Jeff says, tugging him closer again.
Eddie opens his mouth to say something undoubtedly stupid, so Jeff shuts him up with his mouth.
He kisses him and Eddie melts into his embrace. He grinds forward against Eddie where he's still hard in his pants and feels his own dick twitching.
He licks into Eddie's mouth and eats his gasps as he reaches down to grip him through his pants.
Eddie sighs into his mouth as he undoes his pants and pulls his dick out. He grinds his cock forward into Eddie's, the heads rubbing up against each other.
He wraps a hand around both of them and jerks them off as they kiss. He jerks them in quick strokes, biting Eddie's bottom lip.
Eddie breaks the kiss to bite his way down Jeff's neck and he knows that means Eddie's close - he always wants to bite when he's about to come.
He jerks them off faster and one of Eddie's hands comes down to wrap around Jeff's so that the grip is tighter the way Eddie likes.
Eddie sets his teeth against Jeff's collarbone and bites down as he comes, his cock jerking in Jeff's hand, spurting come all over his hand and his cock.
Jeff moans quietly at the sight. He jerks Eddie through it and fucks up into his grip, the slide made smoother with Eddie's come lubing the way.
He's totally normal about Eddie's come on his skin - he's not at all affected by the way his cock glistens with it as he strokes himself from root to tip.
Eddie groans against his neck, his oversensitive cock still in Jeff's grip.
He would let go, but he's so fucking close. He puts a hand in Eddie's hair and pulls him into another kiss, desperately licking into his mouth.
He only manages a few more strokes before he's coming too, his come coating Eddie's still twitching cock.
He trembles through the aftershocks.
They're a mess, he realizes as they come down. His hand is covered in both of their releases, their cocks are wet and sticky with it too.
God, he wants to get his mouth on Eddie, taste their come on his softening cock. But they’re already pushing their luck being here this long.
Eddie pulls away first, going straight for the tissue box on the desk.
He lets Eddie clean them up, painstakingly gentle as he wipes Jeff's cock and his hand.
When he's done, he leans forward and kisses Jeff again, slow and chaste, just their lips pressing together softly.
He pulls back and smiles at him, says, "Hi, boyfriend."
Jeff looks down. "Is that what we are now?"
"You didn't correct me before and I believe there's a clause somewhere about no-takesies-backsies once a deal has been sealed with a kiss," Eddie says and Jeff rolls his eyes, a grin spreading on his face.
"You are one of the weirdest people I've ever met," Jeff says, his voice unbearably fond.
"Same," Eddie says, looking at him with, with love in his eyes.
He leans in and kisses him again.
Jeff whispers against his mouth, "I think the deal's at least quadruply sealed now, so there really is no going back, boyfriend."
"Quintuply, even," Eddie says back.
"I'm gonna take you on a date," Jeff says, leaning his forehead against Eddie's.
"And if I want to take you out on a date?" Eddie asks.
"I'll allow it," Jeff says. "But it has to be something good. Sitting in your van and smoking does not count as a date."
Eddie scoffs. "I am so offended. I'd at least take you to Skull Rock."
Jeff groans. "We are not going to make out at Skull Rock."
"Lover's Lake?"
Jeff sighs heavily. "Lover's Lake is fine."
Eddie grins triumphantly.
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americanwh0rerstory · 22 days
Kinktober gonna go crazy this year. just wait, im not holding back and i’m into some craaaazy shit. got so many ideas already. learning how to write for james just so i can embody some of my ideas
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