#this would've been my valentines edit
swallowedabug · 2 years
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JENNIFER TILLY Chucky (2021-)
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izloveshorses · 8 months
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ANYA/DMITRY + tv tropes™ ~Anastasia the Musical~
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helsa-valentines-day · 8 months
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Let's celebrate love~ 💖
@helsadiscord proudly presents: Helsa Valentine's Month 2024! Come join us to participate in a month-long celebration (1-29 February) on Helsa + love of all kinds (romantic, platonic, family, and so on).
Week 1 (1-7 February) — "You're still the one" / "You keep me warm"
'Maybe it's Fate, maybe it's meant to be. It might have been a while, but you're still the one.' / 'Like a cup of tea on a rainy day, your embrace keeps me warm.' Hugs, kisses, affection.
Week 2 (8-14 February) — "Darling, you are my home" / "The heart wants what it wants"
'They say home is where the heart is, and you're the one I keep coming back to.' Comfort, safe haven, friends to lovers. / One's heart's desire, mutual pining, passion, infatuation, forbidden love.
Week 3 (15-21 February) — "In another life, I would've really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you" / "I choose you"
Right person, wrong time. Reincarnation, paralel universe, soulmate, isekai. / Wedding vow, commitment, redemption and second chances.
Week 4 (22-28 February) — "I was enchanted to meet you" / "Stay with me"
First meeting, first glance, blind date, sparks, masquerade. / Cuddles, emotional connection, yearning, longing.
Free days (29 February) — Free Day
The examples above are merely ideas. Feel free to use your own interpretations of the prompts.
When posting your work, please:
1. @helsa-valentines-day
2. Tag #Helsa Valentine’s Month 2024, #HelsaValentine’sMonth2024 and #Helsa Valentine’s Month along with other appropriate tagging (fandom, characters, ship, spoilers, NSFW and content warnings).
Don’t be afraid to be creative, let inspiration flow! Create fanfiction, fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, anything you fancy! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! :)
💖 Have fun and Happy Valentine's Month! 💖
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mxhirus · 8 months
Valentine's Day Headcanons
In honor of Valentine's Day, here are some headcanons! Of course, the setting is modern AU, ft. ships my friends like (i might do a second edition if you guys send asks for some pairings hehehe >w<)
Mika ended up asking Yuu out to a fancy dinner, which he thought was just a friend thing because who wouldn't think it's a friend thing? (LITERALLY NOBODY YUU)
Yuu really sucks at social cues which is evident, and Mika sucks at expressing feelings
Mika has to straight up tell Yuu that he was asking him out, not like a friend.
Once Yuu realizes that it is a date, he gets all giddy and excited, kind of how Mahiru would if she were in his place with Guren. (He was raised by GureMahi with honorary uncle Shinya.)
The bill was expensive as hell but Mika's privileged rich self was able to pay because of his Krul budget
Yuu was planning on giving Mika tomochoco (lit. friend chocolate), and got embarrassed that he hadn't planned anything else
Didn't matter anyways because Mika wanted Yuu and nothing more, though he did enjoy the chocolates
Yuu dragged Mika along to many different stalls in the heart of the town they live in to try different foods, Yuu quite likes eating
Spent the rest of the day at an arcade, playing video games (Yuu likes Street Fighter, Mika likes Tekken)
Now that they're adults, they're able to do whatever they want. They've been married for a few years. Guren is quite shy, and simply wakes Mahiru up with a nice breakfast which he heavily struggled to cook. Mahiru enjoyed it, she likes anything Guren gives her
Guren spent the entirety of the night before planning their day together, Mahiru had obviously planned something extravagant to spoil Guren with, aware of how embarrassed he gets over being spoiled
They went out to the mall, Guren was equipped with his credit card, ready to enter debt (Mahiru has quite the fancy taste)
They bought matching sweaters because they're cheesy and corny like that
Then they go and have lunch at a local shop, and they share a bowl of curry because they are, yet again, extremely corny. Plus, it's cold.
Mahiru, noticing Guren's particular favor towards the curry, buys the whole menu, wanting to see Guren's reaction wholely
He got quite flustered
After their day has nearly ended, Mahiru blindfolds Guren and takes him on a long drive, entertaining him with some background music and conversation. She drives him to the place where they first met, and Guren, being Guren, rolls his eyes to the sky but ends up blushing like he would've when he was younger. Guren is quite overwhelmed with the amount of nostalgia, and peppers Mahiru's face in kisses, which are happily returned. They spend their day sitting in the field they played together in.
This time, Shinya would do the planning. He's a pretty simple guy, a small act of kindness could impress and make him quite happy. Guren is a light sleeper, he has to sneak around him to get stuff done. Guren is awoken with Guren Squad outside as a mariachi, playing romance songs very terribly. Despite this, Guren appreciates the effort
Within the time Guren is distracted by the mariachi (Guren has a short attention span, and can be easily distracted depending on the topic), Shinya prepares a bouquet of Forget-Me-Nots.
Guren really likes the color, it reminds him of Shinya's eyes.
Once Guren is given the bouquet, he grows to be quite flustered and rolls his eyes and says he doesn't want them. When Shinya moves to take them back, in order to challenge Guren, he quickly takes them and puts them in a vase.
"I thought you didn't want them?" "They're mine."
Shinya had initially planned to spend the day at home, watching movies.
As aforementioned, he is quite the simple man. However, in turn, Guren tells him that he has ordered cake for them to share, so they must go to the bakery.
They pick up the cake, and Shinya, being the nosy mf he is opens the box. The cake inside says "Happy Valentine's Day, Shinya." and in smaller text under, "I love you" is written. This instantly has Shinya smitten, as he squeals extremely loudly to piss off Guren he likes teasing him.
"AWW YOU SHOULDN'T HAAAAVEEE. GUREEENNN!!! Someone catch me, I'm going to D-I-E!" "Oh my fucking God."
They ate the cake together and watched their favorite movies, cuddled on the couch and fell asleep.
Valentine's Day is the competition of who can be more extra than the other, for Shinya & Mahiru. In this point in time, they would've been married for many years because of the arrangement. Mahiru wakes up first luckily, meaning she had more time to get everything done. However, Shinya wouldn't lose so easily.
Mahiru quite literally dragged a massive teddy bear into the living room and plopped it down onto Shinya's favorite spot on the couch, littering the couch with cards and flowers.
Shinya, on the other hand, anticipated Mahiru's awakening and very very quietly prepared baking supplies, as Mahiru thoroughly enjoyed baking with him. He also just so happened to have bought her yet ANOTHER car (Hiiragi flex).
Mahiru bought Shinya a shiny silver watch, because it compliments the color of his hair nicely, and she likes seeing her very handsome husband.
Shinya ends up walking into the living room, to see what Mahiru was up to. He sees the massive teddy bear. He is a simple man. Looks soft, hug. So, he dragged Mahiru to the teddy bear and hugged her, along with the teddy bear.
Mahiru grew quite flustered, but is responsive to his attention. She likes it a lot.
After a good cuddle session, Shinya drags Mahiru to the kitchen. She sees the supplies and gets excited. they quickly get to work on baking a batch of red velvet brownies. Mahiru and Shinya had both initially bonded over their particular favor towards sweets.
They end up very good, and they forget about their competition altogether because they made out and did some interesting stuff for the rest of the day. (That is up to your interpretation heheh)
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nattinatalia · 2 years
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Welcome to my little Jack Harlow made up world. From first dates, to marriage and kids, enjoy <3
Baby Shoes
10 Questions
Go To Him
Go To Him pt 2
10 Questions pt 2
Baby Nursery
The Harlow's
Baby's 1st Birthday
Dad & Daughter Day
Miami nights
Family Day
Saying Goodbye
Baby Harlow's
Date Night & Babies
Magazine Covers
Facetime Calls & Throwbacks
Proud Husband
Proud Husband pt 2
Handprint On My....
Date Night
Surprise Visit
Mom & Dad
It's Giving Bumblebee
Besties Collab
Booked and Busy
Appreciation Post
VMA's pt 1
VMA's pt 2
Mama At Work
10 Questions pt 3
Start of Tour
Day 1 of Tour & Matching Shoes
First Date
Staying Busy While Jack Is On Tour
Baby 3
Home for 24 Hrs
Matching Family
Touring Together
Missing My Baby
Would've Been The Hottest Bride
Hottest Bride pt 2
He Wants Me To Be Wifey
Family of 6
Ojitos Lindos
10th Date
Babies & Halloween
Parenting & Working
Atlanta Show
Sick Babies
Saturday Night Live
I Apologize For Making You Feel Special
Harlow's No More?
Father and Son
That's Mine
Me Or Her
Me Or Her Part 2
Surprise Visits
Music Video
Christmas With The Harlow's
Baby Mama Drama
Baby Mama Drama pt2
Baby At Work
Good Luck Bubs
Valentines Day (baby mama drama edition)
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Hey guys!
I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone for being so patient with me, and for all the support you've sent! I can't even express how much all your kind words mean to me!
The best I can do to show my thanks is give you a poll - I would've picked something super controversial (my love language is acts of violence), but I thought this one was more fitting in the end.
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Submission 580
Valentine's Day is the best holiday
It's a holiday about love! I love my friends! That's all that matters!
Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
Edit: I'm not 100% sure, but I think the original image used for this poll might've been AI generated, so I've changed it.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Why nothing makes sense part 6.
Ghosted premiere edition 👻
When I woke up and read people talking about her being there, I definitely expected something much worse than it actually was. Don't misunderstand me; I obviously wasn't happy she was there, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be if she were there.
As always, there are things that just don't make any sense to me.
In the past few weeks, we've received no articles about them; the article about Chris didn't include her. However, on the day of the premiere, ET included pictures of the Valentine's Day video, and the Daily Mail also included her. It was like a reminder that, hey, he is supposed to be in a really loving and committed relationship with this Alba girl, remember? He was spotted alone, and we hadn't received any new content since Valentine's Day. The cheating rumor was also posted. I understand why many people think we are getting to the end of this shitshow, because it felt like it.
What's up with Tara and her family? So Tara and her family were in NYC yesterday, on the same day of the premiere, and Gully even met them before the event. Why wasn't she or they at the premiere? The fact that they were there on the same day and even met Gully would be too many coincidences if she or they weren't supposed to be there. But if both Tara and Alba's appearances were planned, then she couldn't have been the reason why she didn't go to the premiere? And they had time for it because, as it turned out, they went to the Broadway Museum before the premiere started. Or was she there? Because I know some people say she was, without any evidence, of course, but if she was there, why didn't we see her? And why wouldn't she arrive with Chris and Alba?
So the one and only time we say Alba was when they got out of the car with Chris, and then when we saw her going in with two people, who are supposedly Chris's friends or whatever. Where was everybody else? Tara was in town. Scott, Steve, Lisa, Shanna, or Carly? Where was everybody? They would've been better company for her, especially since they all adore her. Chris gave something to her; it wasn't his phone, that's for sure. They looked like some kind of tickets, I guess; maybe she got Tara's 😂 People also say they kissed in cars, but there is no evidence of that, and there is no way somebody can tell that from that video. I thought that if she were there, she would walk down the red carpet with him, which didn't happen. I'm not complaining, and I don't believe he was either. But what was the point of her being there? Why wasn't she on the red carpet with him, like his family members and friends usually are? I remember the Lightyear premiere, and I remember seeing Steve on the red carpet, behind Chris, while he was giving an interview. Why wasn't she there too? And please don't say that because of "backlash" or because "they didn't want to get bullied", because I have an easy solution for that: don't bring her to the premiere. He's never had a problem with not bringing his partners to premieres, but he didn't have a problem being at Jenny's premiere, for example, and he didn't seem to care about the backlash then. This whole premier thing was just as half-assed as everything else in this shitshow. You want to come to the premiere? Okay, I will do the bare minimum. You can get out of the same car as me, and we can have a fast chat, and then you can do whatever you want.
I hope those who said this will be the last thing he needs to do and then bye-bye PR contract and Alba are right.
That's my take on everything at this exact moment. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake here and there 😊; I was trying to write down everything until this whole thing was fresh in my mind 😅
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Then and now - shippy edition! 💜
Enabled and inspired by @pinkyjulien @humberg @arcandoria @breezypunk @kharonion and everyone else who's done something similar XD My little VP and modding journey featuring Vince and Kerry over the last few months!
So, I figure, most of you can relate to my disappointment when I realized at the end of my first playthrough that there's so little interaction possible with the main NPCs outside of their respective questlines. The text messages your LI sends you are adorable, yes. Being able to sleep in their bed and then waking up next to them? A+ game design, 100/100, every game with romances needs this. But where is my option to hug, kiss, spend time with Kerry? Rude!!
Still though, I was undeterred to create some shots for my new favourite blorbos with my vanilla game (I had never heard of AMM then (or at least was too chickenshit still to install it)).
Behold, my first attempts at creating something shippy (and I do still like these a lot) - title: Kerry meets Nibbles.
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The idea behind this is probably kinda self-explainatory XD I had these as desktop background for so long, it feels so nostalgic to look back at them now. I think I have some slightly edited versions somewhere but cannot find them for the life of me, but there's no big difference really, just some slight colour/contrast editing.
I was always a bit bummed out by the fact that Kerry's default outfit for idling at the villa is the one with sunglasses on (while over the progression of his questline he wears it less and less as he gets to know V better, as if he is letting his guard down). But oh well! Also yes, that was and still is my favourite photomode pose for V really, because it is very versatile:
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But that's... really it when it comes to opportunities for shippy moments outside of the quests.
I was yearning for more!! As you can see, these are only 3 days apart. I had done some research and learned about the "[NPC] Interactions Enhanced" mods that I highly recommend for the options to kiss and hug your LIs alone :3 And! More shippy shot opportunities, because Kerry will finally be somewhere else in his huge-ass villa besides the sofa or the bed, and take off those beloathed sunglasses:
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Hhhh.... I can't tell you how happy I was about this shot. I remember yelling to my friends on Discord about it half in tears (none of them really knowing much about the game yet apart from my occasional screaming about all the angst and plot twists). I think I described it as "Vince finally feeling some actual, real happiness, daring to imagine a future", just content and relaxed, having a late night talk with Kerry. I still like it a lot, and because of the mod enabling me to take this pic I still low-key wanna look into quest-modding some day and see if I can make something in a "romance-enhanced" direction. The "Kerry calls V and wants help with cleaning up the villa" quest we all deserve xD
Another couple of days later, and with one toe dipped into modding now, I finally installed AMM (I think, since this was around Valentine's Day, this must've been when I saw a tutorial by @pinkyjulien on how to pose your blorbos for kissing poses with AMM, and my mind was blown XD). My first attempt to even get anything accomplished was kinda frustrating though (because I wanted to do too much too quickly). In a couple of the other "then and now" posts I saw earlier that the more common approach for getting into AMM used to be "swap your characters with NPCs around the city" and I was like.... "oh, yeah, that would've made things a lot easier" 🤡 Nope, I went right in with spawning them in and trying to squish them together with poses that somewhat matched XD
The following were my first AMM-posed screenshots that worked how I wanted them to, and aösdhfdsaf I am somewhat self-conscious about them still. What is a "look at" feature? What are expressions?
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I never shared these publically before but hhhhh... this is it, this is the moment where the brainrot started. They're at Dark Matter, talking about V's childhood in Charter Hill, musing about how it's insane how they both occupied almost the same spaces for such long periods of their lives and only never ran into each other due to their age difference. I'm actually still (slooooowly) working on a little comic with this scene/story as topic, cause it is so essential and important to me (based on a random spontaneous decision I made about V's past before even knowing the Dark Matter existed... right across from V's childhood home asdöasdhfjds. Setting the whole "we were destined for each other" trope I have going on with them so much in stone ;A;). This is one of the shoots I'd also really like to redo with my current VP skills... maybe when I've finished my hand-holding poses, cause yeah... hand holding ;__;
Speaking of which:
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Five months later, still stupidly in love with each other, still regularly back at the Dark Matter because the place is so gorgeous and important to them. Kerry's getting some more outfits slowly but surely (even with sunglasses!), I have a much better understanding of AMM and the VP possibilities in general now. These two unlocked completely new ways of creative expression for me that I wouldn't even have dreamed of possessing or wanting to follow. VP has become such an amazing creative outlet, for creating all those little scenes I wish I existed in the base game, or which I'd love for them to have in their future.
Am I crying about fictional pixel men too much? Maybe. But over a short period of time they've become so important to me, and I got to meet so many cool and inspiring people in this community after not really feeling part of or even drawn to creating for a fandom for a long time anymore. Can't wait to update this post some time in the future to see where my and their journey will lead to!
I feel like my progress is kinda slow, and I wish I had more time to dedicate to them and all my creative endeavours, cause they'd deserve it for all the joy they bring me xD But alas... Fingers crossed for more spare time and better time management in my future! Thanks for reading this far and coming to my blorbo talk 💜
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djservo · 7 months
january lasted 100 days and nights and now february has practically flown by BUT i returned to hallowed ground (tumblr) to get your reading recap! did you make room for any romance reads what happened i’m all ears
surprisingly not really any romance specific reads though I think love was sort of the implicit/explicit thread stringing these all together so in a way it was still kinda fitting!! I did watch Touch of Pink (2004) on Valentine's Day which was a silly + sweet (if not slightly troubling) time!!
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Since I Laid My Burden Down by Brontez Purnell
if I disembody my adoration for Brontez as a person and try to see this as just any other work of fiction, I could see the kinda jumpy/non-linear structure and casualty not working for me, but because it's Brontez and because I've adore him for years, it's impossible for me not to read this in his voice and demeanor specifically + thus get such a kick out of this!! in fact I'd say the casualty and rough edges are such a big component to its charm + narrative voice. reflective in such a real + funny way without pretension, and I think really indicative of his roots in zines and peak early internet blogging era (at least from my first introduction to him)
Punks by John Keene
poetry! really great when it was good but kinda cliche when it was weak which was disappointing. I'm not a big fan of repetition poetry (? not sure if there's a specific term for it) and there was just one too many in this collection for me to take seriously. could've cut down on a few poems which I feel like I've never thought about any poetry collection before so maybe that's actually a testament to Keene's generosity on not skimping on page count lolol. still I appreciate the good parts for what they are - love letters and testaments to simply existing as a gay man during a time of so much death and strife, proof of life as impossible as it seems to confront sometimes
I Love Myself When I Am Laughing... And Then Again When I Am Looking Mean And Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader edited by Alice Walker
admittedly added to my tbr way back mostly bc of the name alone (which may just be the greatest book title ever) and somehow didn't realize this was a reader/anthology? I knew it included her famous 'What White Publishers Won't Print' essay so I just assumed it was just a collection of essays ANYWAY. I wondered if I would've appreciated this more had I already read the entirety of the works featured (aside from Their Eyes Were Watching God, the only one I've read) or if this was actually an ideal way to get a better sense of Hurston's variety of writing. I'm leaning towards the latter since I really enjoyed just about every piece and genre - folklore and memoir and fiction - and getting to witness the similarities in how she writes each form and also the background context of her life/controversies added so much to the experience. simply love a woman with capital "A" Audacity and it's so clear from the intro alone (amazingly done by Mary Helen Washington) that there was no end to it!! inspiring!!! I also adored the afterword of Alice Walker's journey in trying to weave together Hurston's legacy with varying accounts + recollections of her life while trying to find Hurston's unmarked grave, which honestly could've been its own book bc it was that engrossing. loved this
Sula by Toni Morrison
buddy read this with one of my best gal friends which I think is the best way to read this ugh so damn good I barely have the words. The Bluest Eye floored me and set such a high expectation that Sula somehow surpassed and now I'm finishing up Song of Solomon which has been soooo ??#$?!!? IDK how Toni does it each time, not even just consistently amazing but somehow sharper than before. and with a vengeance!! I love stories about how friendships shift overtime with differing life outlooks n values to the point where you're wondering how you were even friends in the first place, and to create such a rich and complex net of characters and histories in less than 200 pages? just unbelievable. highly highly recommend this one
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ladyhindsight · 2 months
what do you think about Clare saying she created Thule partly as a response to reviews calling Clary useless and stuff? Personally it made roll my eyes lol, no doubt there is *some* misogyny involved but like Clary is just written insufferably 💀 Like in CoLS (the book which opened my eyes to how bad TMI is but I digress) all I remember her doing was pining over jace, getting high and pining over Jace. And then in the climax she conveniently gets handed the sword (which her friends worked to get🙄) which she drives into jace and becomes the hero 🥳🙄 like that’s all i remember about her character across six books just plain bad writing but sure it’s all just misogyny to Ms Clare lol
Did Clare create Thule to hype up Clary? To tell (and never show) the “haters” how integral Clary truly was in the grand scheme of things because Clare herself did a shit job at showing and justifying any of that essentialness in TMI? What even. You can never completely rule out misogyny, for sure, but it was also Clare’s go-to excuse when faced with criticism on her writing.
The main problem (there are apparently many main problems according to me lol) is that Clary has no goals. Even from the very beginning the writing does bad job establishing even scene goals! Why does Clary seem so aimless when she wakes up in the Institute for the first time and barely thinks of Jocelyn until loads of pages later and after that even barely? Because Clare doesn’t set her any goals. Jace is who pulls the story forward, but that is also because Jace is the actual protagonist and Clary is there to observe stuff.
Clary becomes essential when Jace is either dead or possessed. And not because of her own drive and set goals or her instigating the plot brought her to that point. Clary is mostly—because there are times when she does take action on her own—is just dragged along the story and ultimately finds herself where she needs to be.
In City of Glass, Clary barely does anything towards waking Jocelyn up. Other characters do that work for her and she finds herself in the right place because of that. Otherwise it’s just Jace this and Jace that and Sebastian who. She stands up and takes action when it comes to the Alliance Rune, and it was the first time in the series that I felt some sort of impact from her words. Then she jumps into action by portaling into the Lake Lyn, once more completely unprepared and almost kills herself if not for Valentine.
City of Fallen Angels is so criminal for dragging Clary along. Clary barely interacts with the poor excuse of a rag-tag plot and still finds herself in the final showdown. Not because of her actions or anything she did had any actual impact. And she doesn’t get to do anything! Simon and Jace defeat Lilith!
City of Lost Souls is different just for the fact that Clary infiltrates Sebastian and Jace’s boyband and eventually discovers their plan and the place of the final showdown. But even during all that, she had no clear goals: she just wandered along, her “detective work” acting as a smokescreen for the fact that Clary still had no proper scene goals. Honestly Simon should’ve been the one to strike Jace down with Glorious. He had earned it.
Edit! Now thinking about it, oh oops, except there was this one tiny thing: the sword did not "activate" in his hands because he's not Nephilim, but blazed up in Clary's, so... :D I'm sure it could be worked around, Simon having ingested Jace's extremely angelic blood, and that having more consequence than just being able to walk in daylight. What a nice circling back that would've been also.
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cherryliqueurkinks · 8 months
cherry lips and candy hearts - part 2
femslash february: valentine's edition
pairing: betty cooper/hermione lodge
When Veronica suggested that Betty work under her mother for the summer to build her network, Betty hadn't expected much to come of it. She wants to get into journalism to investigate and deliver hard-hitting truths, and she doubts the tabloid writers and gossiping socialites that Hermione Lodge knows would help her craft that image. Still, it would've been silly to turn down the chance at an easy paycheck as a personal assistant to a woman who barely lifted a finger. With maids and housekeepers and personal shoppers, Betty doubts Hermione Lodge would find much for her to do.
At least, that's what Betty had assumed.
"A-ahh, ah!"
Betty's head tilts back with a mewl as Hermione continues sucking at her nipple, humming indulgently and sending delicious vibrations across Betty's flushed skin as she squirms under the relentless attention of her mouth and her wandering, groping fingers. She doesn't quite know how they keep ending up like this, but it's far from the first time this summer that Betty has ended up straddling Hermione Lodge on top of the velvet chaise in her walk-in closet, and she knows it certainly won't be the last if the woman has anything to say about it.
Hermione may be the one on the bottom at the moment, but they both know that Betty is the one who lives to please.
"Ah!" Betty gasps as Hermione bites down on her nipple before releasing her breast with a wet pop, the obscene sound making the blush deepen across Betty's cheeks.
Then Hermione flattens her tongue against Betty's other nipple and begins lapping at it in slow, broad strokes, making Betty wriggle from the white-hot pleasure that shoots straight between her legs. She tightens her arms around Hermione, tucking herself in closer in a desperate attempt to seek more friction from her tongue, and the shift of her hips has her throbbing clit sliding against one of the buckles holding Hermione's stockings in place.
And Betty's eyes nearly roll back from the sensation as she lets out a wanton whine.
"Did you like that, mija?" Hermione murmurs as she nips at the underside of Betty's breast. "You're such a sensitive little slut that can get off on anything, aren't you?"
"No," Betty pants, starting to shake her head in protest, but Hermione tightens her grip on her hips and grinds Betty against her again, scraping her clit against the garter buckle through the thin, thoroughly soaked lace of her panties, and a moan falls from Betty's lips before she can quite catch it.
Hermione's eyes glitter as Betty blushes harder, if possible.
"My little liar," she coos, digging her perfectly manicured nails into the flesh of Betty's ass. "You're making such a mess on me and yet you think you can say it's not because your cunt is as shameless as you."
Betty whines, squeezing her eyes shut, but Hermione simply chuckles as she grinds Betty against her again and again, making her gasp with every glide of her clit over the garter buckle. Their bodies are pressed so tightly that their tits brush and their nipples rub together as she rocks Betty on top of her, and it doesn't take long before Betty feels her hips grinding down a little faster, a little harder, her body angling to get even more friction on her throbbing bundle of nerves. She's shamelessly riding Hermione's thigh as more wanton whimpers fall from her lips, and Hermione grasps at the waistband of her panties, tangling her fingers in the flimsy lace for more leverage as she helps Betty gyrate her hips.
She hates that she's about to come like this, shamelessly grinding against her best friend's mother's lingerie-clad thigh, but she's so close to coming that she can't bring herself to feel embarrassed.
Not when Hermione bites down on her nipple once more, the slight burst of pain heightening Betty's senses right as her clit grinds down on her thigh, and Betty comes with a keening cry, writhing atop Hermione's lap as her orgasm bursts through her. She tosses her head back and rides Hermione's thigh without abandon, too caught up in the throes of pleasure to do anything else but ride the waves of it as they crash over her, her wetness spilling all over them as she comes and comes.
Hermione coos softly, stroking a hand down Betty's now-untamed ponytail before winding it around her hand and tugging, making Betty gasp as her chin is forced upward.
"You did such a good job at polishing my garter with the dripping little cunt of yours," she muses with her lips against Betty's throat as she nips at the delicate skin there. "Perhaps you should help me polish my boots next."
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bylertruther · 2 years
hi! when did you start shipping byler? what’s your favorite moment of theirs? and what’s your favorite part about being here on byler tumblr? have a good day ❣️
hello! i hope you have a good day, too! :)
i started shipping in 2017 after watching season two! i didn't, like... actively ship-ship anything, but i did think they were super cute. i clocked how special and distinct their relationship was from their other connections with the party, especially and specifically in mike's case, and i thought there was something there. not exactly, like... explicitly romantic just yet, but "something" as in there's potential between these two characters for something big. mike was Exhibiting Behaviors in my eyes, but i felt like he wasn't mature enough yet to realize exactly what makes their relationship so special to him. additionally, i knew will was gay, but i didn't think that he had feelings for mike yet lmao (edit: i saw him as in the beginning stages of a crush / not yet at mike’s level). if you've been following me for some time then you already know this, but you can imagine the fucking whiplash i got once season three came out lmaooooo. twas brutal.
hm... this is tough. i really like the rain fight, because that and the shed scene are the true basis for byler i think. shed scene because mike confirms his relationship with will is the best thing he's ever done and the memories he tells will show that he views him as a hero that has saved them all. rain fight because i felt that was when will "realized" his feelings were unrequited and that's why he's pulled away from mike so much, and mike realized how badly he'd fucked up and it makes him go back (as much as he can) to how he was with will before and made him realize that their friendship was just as important to will, too. mike learns that will doesn't want to lose him in s3 and will learns that mike doesn't want to lose him (again) in s4 either. it's validation earned in the most painful way lmao. i also like the rink-o-mania fight, because it fascinates me how:
mike felt that will not talking to him sabotaged his day, even though his girlfriend literally just got harassed by everyone in the rink. and he's hurt because he feels like if will had just picked up the phone and talked to him then this never would've happened. bc will always tells him things! will never lies to him! and he's been trying to be better after the rain fight but in his eyes at that point it was like will gave up and now everything is shit because they're not talking anymore.
mike didn't back down from, hesitate, or flinch at the romantic connotation of will's "and us?" after he says el is his girlfriend. repeating "we're friends! we're friends." with such emphasis is so telling, too. who are you trying to convince? why did your mind go there? why are you not... idk, taken aback at all whatsoever? (and is that why you couldn't hug him and have been watching him the whole time?) these are perfectly normal and straight things to do with your boy bestie who you know doesn't like girls, who you can't touch anymore without your breath catching, and who you've been calling nonstop for six months in 80s small town indiana despite him never reaching out first. very normal, heterosexual, and platonic behavior especially when paired with the fact that you haven't ever told your girlfriend that you love her lol not even in ur letters or with valentines day cards.
mike wrote a "book of letters" to el and he says they're romantic and thus not for friends, but he only ever signed them with "from, mike" which led el to believe he doesn't love her romantically anymore. so he goes from not being able to be romantic with el anymore to then having romantically charged conversations and tension with will that entire season.. lol.
mike tells will "that's just not true" when will says he doesn't care about anything he has to say and doesn't reveal that he tried calling him all the time and even complained to dustin about the busy tone. why? why not tell him? and why not send him a letter if he never picked up? is it because then he'd find that he can say "love, mike" in his letters to will but not el's?
and i thought it was interesting how in the car he looks at will but not el, his girlfriend who again just got harassed in front of everyone and needs support lol.... and then he makes a passive aggressive comment about what she did at dinner. like, ok, mike. way to make ur feelings super clear today.
like... yeah, their tender scenes are great, but their fight scenes (and how they make up after them) are so revealing it's insane. it's also very easy to show your love when all is well, but it's so hard to show it and more impactful to witness as a viewer when it comes out in fight scenes even when they're both upset, withholding things, and hurt. mike is only ever vulnerable with will, even and perhaps especially when they fight. he does not do this with anyone else, including his own girlfriend. he treats will better every single time in every single fucking scenario lmao. so they definitely take the cake for me, because the proof is in the pudding and all that. rain fight + rink-o-mania fight solo every other byler scene 100% in my eyes.
my favorite part of byler tumblr is thankfully having found people who are very kind, funny, and intelligent and who share that with us all on these e-streets. it's always a treat to read different analyses and i love people who point out things that have been hidden in plain sight. i also LOVE the memes n shit posts! my dash consistently makes me laugh multiple times a day lol. and it's really cool to see people who are just as passionate as i can be hehe. :^)
thank u for asking! :D i'd love to hear your responses to these questions if u feel like stopping by again. <3
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narrators-journal · 1 year
hey it's me again and about the chapters 19 and 22 they were excelent. could be longer the chapter 22 tough but got good any way.
Persona 4. Caracteres: Margaret and narukami.
The plot is based on the ova of Valentine's day of persona 5, more specific sae's date. Is narukami and margaret having a date on a fancy Restaurant and narukami and Margaret are Just chatting and teasing each other about what they can do later while narukami gets envious glares and in the end he grabs her ass
If you need some source about her attires for this plot here is https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7732593
Haha! Two posts tonight baybeeeeee! Even if I couldn't exactly find the ova you referenced that would play, so we winged this hardcore lol.
Now, granted, this would've been out a lot sooner if I hadn't needed to edit the bejesus out of it after writing it at 2 am QuQ. Now, granted, this little skim was given at 6 am, but I can't nurse this thing forever. I just hope you enjoy it!
A fresh, newly bought button-up, check. his best dress shoes, check. Hair brushed, check. A tasteful dash of Dojima's fancy cologne, check. All that remained was sending a quick prayer to Izanagi that Inaba's two flower booths werent out of roses for valentines day. Thankfully, they had one left. So, the tall man snatched it up and headed off to the fancy little restaurant at the edge of town.
It was pretty new to the town. One in a small push of new businesses to expand the town and bring in some fresh blood with a few new attractive places. It wasn't that busy, though, which was perfect for Narukami and the beautiful woman that seemed to appear from the darkness of the quiet, small-town night to snake her arm under his.       "Hello, my wildcard." The silver-haired woman about purred. Dressed, at a glance, in her usual dark blue dress, but upon closer examination, this version lacked her everyday dark leggings and the long sleeves that usually hid her arms. Now, both her smooth arms and thick, well-sculpted legs were free for him and any customers of the new restaurant to see. However, Margaret didn't show a lick of shame at that fact. She merely pressed herself into Narukami so that her plump breasts pressed against the arm she held captive.         "Hello, pretty miss, come here often?" He hummed back, the compliment and goofy opener earning a small smile on those pink-painted lips while he opened the door to let her into the restaurant.
The place was comfortable and quiet. Most lovebirds off at the better-known, familiar restaurant in the small town, leaving them plenty of privacy as they ordered and settled into a booth further from the window or door.         "So, my dear wildcard. What's the plan for tonight?" Margaret hummed, smiling at the persona user after he gave her the rose he'd made sure not to squish or drop on the walk there.       "My plan is to seduce you, Margaret. Give you good food, maybe get you a little drunk, and see where it goes." He hummed back, making her raise her eyebrows and chuckle slightly. But, she didn't seem too against the idea.         "Sounds like tonight will be plenty of fun then." She mused lightly, Narukami feeling her foot sliding up the side of his leg as she spoke.         "Well, I do seek to please, ma'am." And after that, the night truly picked up.
Narukami and Margaret had a rather odd relationship, to say the least. She was his velvet room attendant after all, there to help guide and watch over his progress in his journey as a wildcard. Yet, as he grew into an adult, and was able to find a way to reconnect with that little pocket dimension, things began to go a different route. He'd, naturally, changed, and she, while physically the same since the day of her creation, was far more aware and experienced with humanity, and not as monitored by Igor.
So, what was a rather simple relationship with nothing beyond her crushing on him for a short time at the start morphed into a true friendship after they reconnected. And, after finding out the oddities of how velvet room attendants age and are created, the wildcard decided to let the relationship grow on its own.
After all, she was still very curious about humanity, and he was curious about her. So, without the odd protective role she had once somewhat held, they were free to feel things out a little better. Which, was how he'd netted such a lovely woman as a date on valentines. Swapping innuendo, flirts, and sly touches over dinner.
"So, are there any other places you want to take me, after this?" Margaret eventually asked as she finished off her food and sipped a glass of pomegranate-colored wine with her golden eyes glittering at him like a dragon's treasure horde. Inviting him. "Well, that depends," Narukami hummed back, poking around the remaining vegetables on his plate coolly. "Where would you like to go after this?" "Oh, do I get to choose?~" She almost purred, her beautifully painted mouth quirking in a coy smile before she tapped a finger to her chin playfully before she answered, "I think I'd like a tour of Inaba if you wouldn't mind. Maybe show me the bath house around here." And Narukami chuckled at that, giving her his own charming smile. "I can do that, for a pretty lady like you."
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
Arith and Iriel Masterlist
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[I'm only including information I still consider relevant, to help keep this list as up-to-date/efficient as I can]
Toyhouses: Iriel Arith
Good Omens OCs aesthetics sideblog: @saltandsugarcore
Spotify Playlists
Arith's playlist
What Arith would listen to
Iriel's playlist
What Iriel would listen to
Arith x Iriel playlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Arith and Iriel fluff alphabet (12/10/2022)
Lucky, a fanfic by @/practically-an-xman (12/13/2022) (bonus memes I made abt it)
Headcanons/General (from oldest to newest)
What type of angels Arith and Iriel were/are (10/29/2020)
Wandavision AU (2/7/2021)
Arith & Iriel: affection ask meme (2/9/2021)
What Arith and Iriel would've been like as parents (2/9/2021)
Arith & Iriel: work ask meme (2/11/2021)
What if Arith and Iriel had more kids (2/18/2021)
When Iriel found out the truth about heaven (4/13/2021)
Mentioning Arith and Iriel's wedding (slightly outdated because I am as of this post, writing something about it) (7/29/2021)
Who Arith and Iriel kin (9/19/2021)
OC-tober day 9, Arith and spicy foods (10/9/2021)
Song analysis (Arith's spotify playlist) (1/31/2022) part 2 (2/5/2022)
Me and @/shenanigans-and-imagines' OCs interacting (2/23/2022)
Arith's voiceclaim (4/23/2022)
Good Omens OCs and their wings (4/28/2022)
Iriel stimming with her wings (9/13/2022)
Arith bingo ask (9/20/2022)
Major angst (9/27/2022)
Iriel appearing as a deer to humans (10/13/2022)
Character dynamic (11/13/2022)
My OCs and their handwriting (12/2/2022)
Arith and Iriel and the afterlife (12/6/2022)
Iriel and her eyes (12/30/2022) (updated: 12/31/2022)
Arith and why he doesn't hunt deer (1/1/2023)
Iriel and Arith and their horses (1/13/2023)
More Arith facts (1/17/2023)
Art/Edits/Videos/Etc. (From oldest to newest)
First painting of Iriel (7/16/2019)
First sketch of Arith and Iriel (7/22/2019) and the redraw! (12/19/2022)
Iriel and her horse, Rose (not completely canon anymore but idk it depends) (7/26/2019)
Arith drawing (2/1/2021)
Arith and Iriel colored sketch (2/4/2021)
Arith moodboard (2/12/2021)
Arith and Iriel Valentine's day moodboard (2/14/2021)
Name meanings aesthetic (9/8/2021)
OC-tober day 1, Iriel and her horse (10/1/2021)
OC-tober day 11, moodboard (10/11/2021)
Some old art (12/30/2021)
My good omens OCs and their hands (art) (1/15/2022) added feedback/analysis from @/practically-an-xman (3/20/2022)
Arith and Iriel painting based on Running Up That Hill (1/25/2022)
Newer Iriel painting (1/28/2022)
Arith painting (2/2/2022)
Arith and clothes he would wear (3/14/2022)
Ghibli scene redraw Arith and Iriel edition (3/17/2022)
Iriel and clothes she would wear (3/20/2022)
Arith and Iriel art (4/1/2022)
Arith's wings (4/28/2022)
Arith sketch (4/30/2022)
Arith dressed up (7/5/2022)
Iriel's death and flower symbolism art (tw blood) (8/3/2022)
New Iriel painting (9/7/2022)
Arith and Iriel collage (9/12/2022)
Iriel moodboard (9/18/2022)
Arith and Iriel cuddling sketch (9/24/2022)
Gifset of Arith's faceclaim (11/16/2022)
Arith and Iriel doing each other's makeup sketch (11/25/2022)
Arith and Iriel as textposts sketches (12/6/2022)
Iriel and baby Kaia sketch (12/16/2022)
Iriel and her wedding dress (12/17/2022)
Arith painting (tw blood) (12/18/2022)
Short Arith and Iriel animatic (12/20/2022)
Gifset of Iriel's faceclaim (12/30/2022)
Arith and Iriel interior design moodboards (12/30/2022)
Lucky scene redraw (1/2/2023)
Arith Urstyle set (1/9/2023)
A fake old painting of Iriel (1/14/2023)
Some soft Arith and Iriel art (1/17/2023)
Random Notes
Daily Ariel Quotes
Incorrect quote (4/11/2021)
OC-tober day 8, mentioning favorite candy of theirs (10/8/2021)
Incorrect quote (2/1/2022)
Kinda incorrect quote (2/1/2022)
Arith and Iriel text posts (4/6/2022)
Arith meme (4/30/2022)
Incorrect quote (5/2/2022)
Incorrect quote (5/2/2022)
Alternate faceclaim for Iriel? (5/11/2022) and another one! (11/16/2022)
Arith text posts (5/30/2022)
Incorrect quote (6/27/2022)
Incorrect quote (7/5/2022)
Arith meme (9/4/2022)
Iriel meme (10/22/2022)
Incorrect quote (10/26/2022)
Incorrect quote (12/16/2022)
Meme (12/21/2022)
Cue convo but Arith and Iriel edition (12/29/2022)
Incorrect quote (1/16/2023)
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happyhauntt · 1 year
anya and alina 👀
Send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them and I’ll tell you what I think of the idea. / @nikolaislanstovs.
no because in every other universe, anya & alina are it!!! they are everything!!! i have always always said that if anya & nikolai weren't so tied to each other, if anya had met alina first, they so would've been a thing. they are soulmates in every universe except this one and i love that for them, honestly. i even made an edit for them for the oc valentines challenge 2022 back when anya had a different faceclaim and it is still one of my favourite things!!! these little bitches mean everything to me
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nattinatalia · 2 years
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Handprint on my...
Would've Been The Hottest Bride
Hottest Bride pt 2
He Wants Me To Be Wifey
Baby Mama Drama
Baby Mama Drama pt2
Valentines Day (Baby mama Drama Edition)
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