#this was the sweetest Valentine’s Day event between two people who haven’t even actually confessed I’ve ever seen
Bruh……BRUH………The Valentine’s Day event between Kisa and Suzu actually KOd me 🥺
From start to finish it was nothing but love and sweetness!!! From Kisa going to check on Suzu and offering to get something for him. To Suzu “sneakily” being like “oh actually I’m in the mood for something sweet today!!! specifically seasonal sweets!!!” And Kisa just…not realizing what day it is….and being like “oh you always like seasonal stuff so sure ☺️☺️☺️”
At least she managed to get it soon enough once Mare showed up! Oh man Mare genuinely had me questioning if he actually knew what was going on with how much he was like “oh wow Kisa you know you and Suzu really like each other huh 😏😏😏 there’s so much love and you work great together” only to swerve and be like “oh it’s because of this drama I was watching 😇” Like, if it wasn’t for the fact that I HIGHLY doubt Mare could be sly to save his life I would truly suspect something there.
I had Kisa make a pound cake for Suzu since I feel like it means more for Kisa to give him something homemade instead of store bought, even if chocolate is more associated with the holiday itself. And awwww Suzu was sooooooo excited for the cake, I could practically see him bouncing in place, ready to try Kisa’s baking!
Suzu eating that cake and being like “this is the best cake I’ve ever had, 10/10, number one in the world” and Kisa just being like “I mean it does taste nice but number one in the world???” Like Suzu honey, you are something else!!! He really would be the number one wife guy, huh 😂😂😂 Listen I am so sad this game doesn’t seem to go as far as White Day because I need Suzu putting his own cooking skills to use and making a wonderful tasty White Day present for Kisa in return!!!!
And then 🥺🥺🥺🥺 him being all like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 “if it was Chance receiving something like this from Sissia he’d probably think ‘ahhh I really love her’” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 He really pulled the “I’m saying this as Chance” card to get away with telling Kisa how in love with her he is. Like I need to put down Suzu’s lines verbatim because of how absurdly precious they are!!!
Suzu: “You know…If Chance received something as good as this from Sissia. I’m sure he’d tell himself dozens of times, hundreds of times, ‘I really love her.’ He’d be head over heels all day, then he’d be thinking at night when he’s about to sleep, ‘Oh, wow, I love her.’”
Like wow Suzu you lovesick baby boy!!! Way to out yourself!!! I mean…he’s flirting with Kisa, there’s no way around it. The guy is seriously flirting with Kisa!!! Suzu, I didn’t realize how smooth you are 😏😏😏
And then he….asks Kisa if he can receive something sweet from her again next year….And Kisa agrees!!!!! And after she leaves the room, Suzu is basically blushing and kicking his feet and screaming in joy and says in the most adorably soft voice “I’m so happy!” Honey, I’m happy for you 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
And then the bow that ties this entire event together…Kisa thinks over how Chance and Sissia feel about each other. And then compares that to how she and Suzu feel about each other. And she goes down the list slowly, her voice becoming more and more tender and soft with each word…before the realization hits her….
She likes Suzu. She realizes she truly does like him…She had been having difficulty with the romance scenes between Chance and Sissia after Suzu stopped hiding his own feelings and used his own love for Kisa to act as Chance. Because she felt she couldn’t match Suzu’s passion and wasn’t even consciously aware of how she felt about him yet. But now she’s gone over everything and rethought all the thoughts and feelings she’s had about Suzu until this point. And she’s accepted she loves him…and she’ll use that love in her own acting as Sissia…
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