#this was the only good scene in the movie the rest was sooo meh
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Tomie (1998)
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s-moresccino · 5 years
So I just Watched Kingdom...
...and it was the first Kdrama I genuinely liked.
I’m not a huge fan of zombie franchises (I’m interested in watching Shaun of the Dead...but the rest just look meh) so I can’t really say anything about the horror elements (because c’mon, I laughed at the first big zombie scene at the courtyard), but I do like how the characters are built and developed
The first character that comes to mind is the crown prince, Lee Chang. I was honestly surprised that I even grew to love the guy since I’m usually not into main characters since side characters tend to end up being more interesting.  Aside from giving him believable flaws, the movie also gave more depth to his motivations.
First of all, I like how they’re okay with introducing him as a character who wants nothing more than to survive. Not only does this fit his character as a prince at court who’s in danger of deposition, but also with the entire theme of trying to survive from zombies. I like how we’re shown Chang running for his own life from the outbreak in Dongnae before he finds the resolve to lead the people to fight back. Even then, he doesn’t suddenly turn into this plucky commander who turns invincible the moment he takes up the mantle. In fact, my favorite scene is the on where they show him crouching inside a room after the first stand at Jiyulheon. That scene made me picture him reciting “I mustn’t run away” while rocking back and forth
Also, I like how he insists on not abandoning the common folk because it makes him different from the Haewon Cho instead of spouting stuff like “justice” and “duty as the crown prince”. It may not be much but I’m all for writers working with existing character traits and dynamics instead of adding new stuff that come out of nowhere.
Speaking of relationships, other stuff I particularly liked where the flashbacks of the Emperor and Lord Ahn Hyeon. At first, I wasn’t entirely convinced with Chang wanting to investigate his father’s death outside of securing his own position at court, but the flashback where they showed the Emperor (was it the Emperor? I thought it was because the man wore red) gently telling little Chang to survive clicked so well with how their relationship is presented thus war. Heck, it made me feel sympathetic for the Emperor! So it’s a huge plus.
Also, I like how they present Chang’s relationship with Lord Ahn Hyeon. This is probably just a pet peeve of mine, but I don’t like adult main characters being told they have a strong sense of justice when their surroundings are too cynical for justice to be a thing at all (especially since the Hanyang court is shown as a corrupt dog-eat-dog world from when Chang was a kid). Sooo I thought it was a good decision that they made Chang get his good character traits from Lord Ahn Hyeon, who acted like a second father to him.  Their relationship was organic and I loved it.
Lastly, props to Ju Ji-hoon for giving us this quiet but emotive male protagonist I identify with. People may hate me for this, but I DO NOT find most kdrama or jdrama characters relatable. Wato from Miss Sherlock was the only good exception I could think of, but even that series was way more flawed than Kingdom in terms of writing (as well as production qualities). In any case, I never expected to find a freaking crown prince (a character type I roll my eyes at in dramas) as someone I can identify with but here we are.
I can’t wait to see more of Lee Chang in season 2. I know heads be rollin’ but even spoilers can’t keep me from being excited.
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yumidarkheart · 6 years
k for the fandom ask!
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
The first character i ever fell in love with:
I’m not gonna lie... My first K love was Isana Yashiro (adolf) and I still love him...But the red idiots stole my heart lmao.
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A character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Akiyama Himori.I still like him...But idk, at some point I started to see him as a plain character ans stopped paying attention to him
A ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
KuroKuri (Kuroh x Kukuri)I don’t hate it on the actual day but I just slowly forgot about it and now it’s kind of meh for me(?)
My ultimate favorite character™:
In this especific order and I can’t talk about faves without think on the other two(?)
- Eric Surt/Soult/whatever go-go wants to call him(?)
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Gif by @mikoto-tatara​ (direct tag since the gif search never give me the actual gif -.-)
- Kushina Anna
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- Neko (Ameno Miyabi)
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Prettiest character:
Everyone in this effing series is pretty tbh...But if I have to choose I’ll say neko without think twice for the girls
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And Hisui nagare for the boys
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My most hated character:
Mizuchi for being an asshole who experimented on a poor child and pretty much killed her parents when she tried to scape from that hell and also fucked up her whole life (Thanks god homra appeared on the escenario).
I also kinda hate Niki, he as a character is really interesting in the novels but them the movie appeared and I just get exasperated xDU
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I also like MikoTotsu, Mikoizutotsu, IzuSeri and KuroShiro lol.And the abc homra boys ships in general because I’m a multishipper sucker lmao.
I couldn’t call it a NOTP, but I’m not a big sarumi fan (blame facebook latinamerican fans).Also ANY SHIP related to Anna that isn’t sukuanna.Also any ship with neko, to me she is mentally a kid, ship her with anyone on me has the same effect as ship Anna with anyone from the main cast and totally repulses me.
Favorite episode:
K Memory of Red: Chapter 6 & 7 (Basashi Panic)
K project: 01. Knight (Great exposition) & 06. Karma (I like to hurt myself with my 2 fav clans lol)
K Return of Kings: 01. Knave (cuz homra foes speaking and interacting and I’ll admit it...I fell for the fanservice of the first part with everyone fighting and I keep laughing over Awashima shameless hentai like fanservice because my humor sense sucks) & 09. Kids Room (Interesting plot points and the formal izuseri it’s a A+++)
K Seven Stories: Memory of Red: BURN.
Saddest death:
Mikoto’s death...I mean Totsuka’s death hurts as hell and after MoR (Manga and movie) it’s painful as fuck, but it’s a plot point and it was an announced event years before it happened by Anna, so even if it’s painful and everytime I see it I cry a little, Mikoto’s death it’s sadder for me.He is a man with a serious depression that was never treaten, his biggest “stabilizer” was one of his best friends who was a frigging moron. His friend gets murdered, and in a horrible way, it was recorded and it was in the birthday eve of one of his most dearest people on his life, Anna. He get unstable and get blinded by the rage and pain and only wanted revenge, even if that means he can die in the process and let his other best friend behind with a little girl and all this boys who stimated him so much. Then he finally get his revenge but hw knows he can’t scape his fate, no matter how he see it he can only die, so he practically forced one of the persons he trusted the most to finish what he started, knowing there could be consecuences but just giving up since he knows he can’t do anything else. Giving his last words to the one he knows would be more affected for his actions because she will be now alone in a colorless world.
Yeah when you compare the contexts...Mikoto’s death it’s hella sad...
(I also think nagare’s death was sad but I’m more salty over how slightly unfair it was rather than how sad it was)
Favorite season:
Season one. K project, even with a lowest bucked have a better direction on scenes, fights and script. The fanservice wasn’t obsene at all, Go Hands didn’t abused of the CGI and managed to make a good balance between CGI, photography and actual classic animation and gives you an interesting mistery that even if you could solve it in like chapter 4 still makes you wonder what is going to happen.
Least favorite season:
K Return of Kings.
It has a horrible script direction, things start ridicoulusly slow and then it’s like gora remembered they only have 13 chapters to finish it all and make everything so fast its absurb. it took 4 CHAPTERS for the actual protagonist to appear and even when shiro appeared it didn’t gives a big impact until chapter 6 or something like that. Nagare it’s an interesting antagonist but the way go/go settle him don’t give much chance for people to care much about his cause until the last shapters (and it was because they aired Dream of Green at the same time of the series itself because if not it would be hard to get attached to the green clan out of certain escenes) and then the friggin kings battle of the tower came.
Munakata and Iwafune’s fight it’s good, it’s normal to think iwa-san have more experience in batlle since after Adolf, he is the oldest king there, he is from an old generation of kings and participated on the kagutsu disaster and lost everything there, and for the aparent nature of his powers it’s kiiind of credible for him to overcome munakata sicne he can go on a offensive and defensive way thanks to his fog thing...BUT WHAT IT’S THE EXCUSE FOR THEY TO JUST PUT ANNA AND SHIRO ASIDE!? I’m sorry go/go I’m not going to swallow that thing that iwafune’s sadness it’s so frigging strong to let anna unable to move. Yeah, she is empathetic, she can feel other people emotions and read minds for her strain powers. But thats a excuse and we all know it, you just didn’t know what to do with the little bird lolita who can use fire and with her aura put on a complicated corner iwafune because he can hide but not scape a fire wall. I can understand shiro step back since he is a pacifist and it’s not used to fight, but you showed us Anna learned to fight and use her aura for offense so if you’re not going to use her i could be better to idk, actually knock her out not inmovilize her with iwafune’s crippling depression??Also what’s the excuse for neither Kuroh or Shiro to stop the effing elicopter with the slate when it was in a close height???? Seriously the plot conveniences on that chapter are so much that it stressing and more when you did it so great on the first season and even on the movie before this???
And I could be rambling about the script problems for hours but I’m not a youtuber and neither a critic so I’ll let it here for this...
Also don’t make me start with the fanservice... Ussually I don’t pay mind on fanservice, I even find it hilarant, but here was so overbold and in your face it was actually irritating.
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate am not so invested in:
Yata and Saruhiko, I don’t hate them but I’m just not sooo invested in them as the whole fandom is. LSW make me understand them better and stop hating them but still if I can choose, I can keep ignoring their existence and it isn’t going to affect at all y fandom experience.
My ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Can I say Eric and his sass tongue? no?Okay then, Shizume’s don juan Yoh Chitose and his impulsive ass of a king Suoh Mikoto lol
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Totsuka Tatara even if he is more like a SINnamon roll...But he actually deserved better lol.Also Anna, please let this kid have a rest with her family full of stupid big brothers and her step father the stressed bartender who is going to kick everyone with a chancla at this rate after get drunk(?).
Also Fujishima just for that short story with the friggin octopus, the baby just wanted a pet why you’re so cruel gora???(?)
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Any ship with that surpass the father like relationships.Read as: MikoAnna, IzuAnna,ShiNeko, IwaHi (Iwafune x Nagare), IwaSuku.Also any ship between the main cast and the underage characters.Read as: SaruAnna, YataAnna, NagaSuku, YukaSuku.
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: 
- ReiSeri. I see them more as co-wrkers but they have cute shipping material.
- AkiSaru. I ship them for the aesthetic lol.
- YukarixNagare (I forgot the ship name lol). They’re cute and have a good chemical, but I’m not that invested into them.
- Most of ABC scepter4 ships. Sorry I’m not too invested in this clan but they have good shipping material that I can appreciate even if they’re not my favs.
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madnads · 7 years
[Movie] Power Rangers (2017)
Ok, I can do this now! :D
There was a great many things that I loved about this movie. Though, quickly, I think Rita wasn’t used to her fullest potential. She and Zordon use to be friends, it would’ve been way more interesting if she had a redemption arc, or really more motivations to her than ‘I’m evil, I want the crystal’. Also, her out fit >.< The went way too generic with her. Don’t get me started on her outfit..... >.<
As most probably can predict, I don’t like the loveydovey looks and emphasis between Kimberly and Jason. Don’t go there Power Rangers, please, let them be friends and a team first.
I’m SO NOT ok with them racing the train. No! Bad! NO! dumb kids, good thing they had their transforming rocks.
Zordon is meeh, Alpha 5 also kinda meh (I do perfer his older self)
Now all the wonderful fabulous things: I LOVE all of the new power rangers.
My Favorite: Billy. He is such a sweet curious boy. Though I fear what his mom will say when she notices her van is missing and found totaled on the mountain. I Love that he’s mostly pacifist. He’s really smart, scared but so courageous. <3
Trini: <3, I adore her. I think I overheard some where, someone said she could keep up with the boys, I think she’d lead them in recklessness. I love the way she can deadpan! <3 and her little bros!!
Zack: I love this guy, his story, why he’s up in the mountains so much.... <3 hes sooo reckles! (I want to see both Trini and Zack rushing off to do reckless things together and rest of team be “noo, waiit hoold up!”)
Kimberly: She’s awesome! <3 (I SERIOUSLY didn’t like the over the top doe eyes between her and Jason) She’s fun, and She and Trini should have awesome girl times. <3 the cafe scene of them fighting over the last piece.
Jason: He’s good. Smart (what am I saying all these kids are smart) his conflict.
I Love how he armor is like directly on their skin (though over their clothes?)
TOo much shaking camera at times, it makes me dizzy but its countered by  a lot of amazing camera shots(when they are reach the water wall) very well done!
My questions: orig only Billy Kim and Jason are in detention, why was Zack and Trini there in the end? If the stone protected them from dying in the train crash, and they’re mostly uninjured, why do they injured so badly training? Kids! CPR!! Kimberly knows how to take pulse! She’s a cheerleader and Jason is on football team, they should know CPR right??? (I know it’s plot point cuz of Billy rest of team is able to unite) What is the history between Rita and Zordon?
But honestly, that’s what fanfiction and metas help fix, I LOVE the characters!!!
I look forward to next movie and seriously hope they show more of the different smarts all of them have. Their different personality. and I want MOAR of Trini and Zack!!! As a team, they are ADORABLE!! Feature them as a TEAM, they get semi equal screen time please! (don’t just focus on part of the team)!!!
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zmbkl · 7 years
Nano 14
Hello everyone,
I missed another day yesterday. I am trying not to let it defeat me. I have to try to get back on the horse and write for at least the rest of the month.
Thursday sucked a lot. As you will remember from my previous posts, my boss, Nakamura, reported my assistant manager, Randy, for making up data. I let Nakamura know that it was hard for me to go to Randy for QC issues because I don’t trust his judgment. It was just a little aside. I thought it was relevant information to the fact that he was making up data.
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO did that not turn out great for me.
So Nakamura said he talked to the COO about this. They agreed that we need to restore the chain of command, and he was going to let Randy know I didn’t respect his opinion in the hopes that Randy will try harder. I told him to PLEASE not do this as Randy has power over me and this won’t end well. He said he will grab a translator and we will talk more about it. Julie in HR, would have been a great intermediate to discuss this, BUT she was on a trip to the east coast.  She had to attend a job fair and help recruit people. Instead of HR, Nakamura grabs the production manager to translate. I like Roy. He’s a great guy, but he is not good with people. His real name is Takumi, but most of the Japanese pick English sounding names to help with customer relations, so we call him Roy. I told Nakamura, through Roy, PLEASE don’t tell Randy I don’t trust his opinion. I will go through the chain of command. I got screwed once by Randy’s bad advice. He advised on a ginger teriyaki sauce which had the viscosity collapse. He said it should be OK, and it was not. Ever since then, I stopped going to Randy. If he wants me to respect the chain of command, then I will ALWAYS go to Randy and I will just let the chips fall where they may. I told Nakamura all this through Roy. I also told all this to Julie in an E-mail.
That killed my mood for the week. I couldn’t look at Randy without the anxiety that he knew what I said about him. This is the EXACT reason I was afraid of getting in between my managers. I chose a side and now I am paying for it. I could have just played dumb and I would have been happier.
I got very stressed out on Thursday. I went to my friend Akiko’s house again to help out with her new born. She was the woman having trouble because her husband was on a business trip. I watched the baby while she showered, did laundry and dishes. She said she would have to hold the baby while doing all these chores because she could leave him alone. He cried a lot in my hands. He kept trying to crawl away. He has like two months of motor development, but he used all of it to try to get away from me. She apologies, but I didn’t care. He has only seen like two people, Kosuke and his mom. He was calm when I fed him, and other than that I just let him cry. I tried to make it better, but he wasn’t having any of it. I was only able to stay for an hour and a half because Alia needed help.
Alia called me because she locked herself out of her car. I didn’t get a chance to finish my Japanese homework. I did half of it during lunch and I was starting it at Akiko’s when Alia called. I left to go get Alia and her spare key, and during the drive I was debating even going to class. I HATE this class. The students are SOOO disruptive, and I get SO much second hand embarrassment that it give me a head ache and a bunch of stress.
I had this inner dilemma while driving. I don’t think I should quit something because it’s stressful. I want to be the kind of person who can handle a lot and take on a lot, so I don’t want to quit because it’s too stressful. I tried to convince myself that I could handle it and I should challenge myself. Don’t get my wrong, if some is actually TOO stressful then I’ll quit, but I was sure it wasn’t that bad. On the other hand, I hate this class so much that I am not learning anything. I have such distain that I don’t retain anything. I need to recognize when I am wasting my time. I might be able to learn more on my own without this class. I could try again next semester and maybe I’d have a better class and environment to learn.
I decided not to go. I decided that I will take at least this day to decide what to do. If I feel better Tuesday then I’ll go back. So instead I spent the rest of the night with Alia, at least that what I thought. I got home and started watching youtube videos. Alia asked me to empty the dish washer then to come to the living room and keep her company while she washes dishes. I did that, but I don’t remember anything after that. As soon as I got comfortable, I fell asleep on the couch. I remember Alia tired to wake me up, but I didn’t want to get up. I woke up about two hours later, around 11:30pm. I went to bed and didn’t do my Nano for that night.
Today I wasn’t excited about work. I mean it’s work, but I usually have a positive attitude about it. I am usually excited about proving I can do a good job and I try to challenge myself. The whole Randy thing just got me down. I dragged my feet though the day, but I picked myself up after lunch.  
Alia said we should go out tonight. She got a lot of sleep and we haven’t felt this good on a Friday in a while. I messaged some friends to see if they wanted to come too. Everyone said no. I think I asked seven or eight people ): . it’s OK. I know everyone is busy and have a lot of responsibilities. We went to get pizza, went to four bars, and ended with Karaoke. I sung, “Everyone wants to rule the world.” I know the lyrics well because of the NSP cover. It was a fun night. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow to make tempura and ramen. Should be fun.
That’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been feeling anxious due to this whole Randy vs Nakamura thing. My Japanese class is causing my stress, and the more time I spend decompressing the more I fall behind on my projects. I still need to plan and make changes to my DnD campaign for Monday. I want to keep up with these Nano’s and I want to get into shape. I also want to try to put more time into my friendships. I feel like I’ve been lacking lately, and I need to challenge myself to do more. We’ll see, I dunno.
I’ve been getting back into Gravity Falls. I’m not actually watching the show, but I’ve been watching fan videos and comics. The show gets me a lot more emotional than it did back when I was watching it. I saw a comic about Pacifica Northwest running away from home and it got me teary eyed? Which is weird. It’s one of those situations where I had an emotional response without realizing why. The scene where Mabel feels like Stan betrayed her also gets me. Not too sure why either. I got really into Stanly and Stanford’s relationship too. I think I liked it more after seeing the new Thor movie. I saw a post that mentioned how quick Thor was to forgive Loki and work with him. It defended that idea because they were brothers who grew up together. The post suggested that because they used to be so close it was easy for them to fall back into the supportive brother role. I mention this because seeing Stanford and Stanly repair their friendship always got me too. I am a sucker for siblings coming together. I don’t know if this says anything about me. Meh.
I do this a lot though. I come back to old shows I used to watch and consume a bunch of fan made content I missed. I did this with Undertale last year. I used to cry about Sans a lot. I’m trash I just keep it under wraps well.
If I had to take a guess as to why the Pacifica thing got me emotional, I’d say it had to do with the way I see myself leaving home. I was so happy to be out of my home town. I don’t like my parents. I am confident that if I stayed with them I would have got dragged down. My mom and dad are supportive of me and I’m grateful I still love them, but I cannot live with them. My dad has a lot of anger issues, conservative views, and he was abusive. My mom was very neglectful, leached off my grandmother (stole from her a lot), and enable’s her boyfriends to ruin my grandmother’s home. They are both heavy drug users. I am SO happy I got out of there. I wouldn’t have gotten out if it wasn’t for my first girlfriend Jessica. I think the Pacifica thing makes me said because her parents were kind of shit too, and it makes me really happy to see her get out of that situation. I dunno this is kinda a stretch, but I’m just trying to rationalize a feeling.
Anyhoo, It’s getting late and I have a lunch at my friend’s house tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.
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