#this was supposed to post before the landsmeet polls 🙃 idk what happened
dragonagekeeper · 3 months
Disclaimer: This is not recorded in the keep.
Denerim Polls
Dragon Age Origins Polls
See quest and choice descriptions from Dragon Age Wiki/Keep below
After rescuing the queen from Howe, Anora informs the Warden that something is wrong in The Alienage. She believes that her father is behind it and she expects the Warden to find proof in order to erode Loghain's support in the Landsmeet.
After entering the Tevinter Warehouse, you will be met by Devera, a Tevinter elf involved in the slave trade. Regardless of how you deal with her, you will end up meeting with the boss slaver, Caladrius in the northern room who will recognize the Warden's identity as well as Alistair's, if he is in the party. If patient, you can learn something about how the slavers have been operating; in particular, Caladrius will confirm Loghain's tacit involvement in their schemes.
In the slums, the elves are suffering from an apparently blight-related sickness. Those identified as ill are quarantined at a Hospice by members of the Tevinter Imperium. However, it turns out that none of the sick have been seen and many elves, led by Shianni, are questioning the Tevinter healers: Veras and Saritor.
If the slaves are not freed:
Slave trade not stopped
“Amongst the city-born elves of Denerim, things remained as they always had. The rumors of slave traders working secretly in the shadows persisted until riots in the Alienage forced the throne to intervene. The slavers were shut down, but not without the loss of many elven lives.”
Accepted his offer to buy the documents and let him go [slaves are not freed]
Allow him to make an offer wherein the Warden will pay him 100 gold, allow him to leave with his slaves, and get the evidence confirming Loghain's involvement.
2. Fought and spared him, and accepted the blood ritual [slaves are sacrificed]
Allow him to surrender and accept his offer of a constitution +1 boost; this kills all remaining elven slaves.
If the Warden accepts the Blood Ritual
Most companions disapprove.
Alarith will not trade unless the Warden is a city elf. 
If the slaves are freed:
Slave trade stopped:
Alistair is king
“With the slavers shut down in the Alienage, the lot of the city-born elves improved for a time. The new king even named the local elder to his personal court--a scandal amongst the humans, but a sign of new hope to the elves.”
Alistair is not king
“With the slavers shut down in the Alienage, the lot of the city-born elves improved for a time. A food shortage years later forced Queen Anora to come down hard on elven rioters, an act not quickly forgiven and a sign that tensions between the elves and humans were far from resolved.”
3. Fought and spared him, allowing him to flee [slaves are freed]
Accepting his surrender, he will turn over the evidence confirming Loghain's involvement and flee without the slaves.
4. Killed him [slaves are freed]
The Warden refused Caladrius' Blood Ritual
City Elf Wardens can return to their home, where Cyrion will give them the Fang dagger that belonged to their mother.
Other Wardens can speak with Valendrian at his home, who gives them the Gift of the Grey dagger that was wielded by Duncan.
The party can trade with Alarith.
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