#this was so much more difficult than you can imagine but i feel sooo satisfied with how it turned out
wiltking · 1 year
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i've spent the past few weeks putting together a rainbow of playlists with songs that are chromatically, thematically, lyrically, and sonically attuned. intended (and curated) for chronological listening but you can jump around if you want. did my best to stick to less know artists (with only a few exceptions) so hopefully you'll hear something new and interesting in each playlist. you can listen to every color individually or all together. without further ado here is PRISM;
SEX 💗 - the cold bones of your smile burn my flesh, splitting me down to the meat. see how i glitter? see how the angels sing with your hand in the organ of my chest?
LIFE ❤️‍ - i fear not the scars that will blanket the skin where barbs once rooted. i'll pluck them out one by one, spit them out like abscessed teeth and give my blood a home along the pillow of a softer tongue.
HEALING 🧡 - underneath the scouring sun i burn that which no longer serves me, evisceral effigies left out to dry, scattering paper ashes to the earth. snakeskin shed, all is embers to the tides of time.
SUNLIGHT 💛 - bathe in honeysuckle light. shatter and reform with sun seared welding, diamond bonded. and rest this new body awhile.
NATURE 💚 - veins as wires in a carbon carapace, i glow in the night; poison green, treefrog warning. am i not what you expected? or will you bruise your knees wanting for the sting of my touch?
MAGIC 💙 - the shadow of your frame is safe place to lie, where the grass grows velvet blue and free, where the sharp blades kiss their soft flanks to my razor edged scales.
SERENITY 💙 - i love you alive and i love you dead. i love your softness, your cold metal caverns. i love your meat, your sharp jasmine oil scent. i love you as machine. i love you as human. i love you with all i am.
SPIRIT 💜 - the void is long and all consuming, engorged with pinprick stars and mystery. there's a galaxy in your heart waiting to expand. it's been pressing on your ribs all your life. isn’t it time to let it breath?
PRISM 🌈 - all the light refracted in the backs of your eyes caught in the palm of my hand, reverent wine, ritual heart, rainbow communion. (all playlists | 80 songs | 5 hours)
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Sooo, I saw someone else do this, and I really loved the idea. Since ur my fav writer👀 (*winkwink), I would absolutely die of happiness if you did an aot boys househusband headcannons. Idc which aot boys as long as Reiner is in it (fr tho he's the most househusband material 😩).
aaAAA i feel honored, thank you so much!! i hope you like it <3!!!! o(≧∇≦o)
❁ shingeki boys!
❁ eren, armin, reiner, jean, connie, levi, porco, niccolo
❁ little implied mentions of sexual themes 
- he tries his best, don’t judge him.
- if you’re out for more than a week, he’ll die of hunger.
- “honey how am i supposed to cook pasta?”
- “just put it in boiled water.”
- it wasn’t that difficult, but he left it in water for too much time while playing some video games and it is now a mass.
- he stays by your side while you cook, watching it cautiously, but he ends having you against the kitchen island.
- “Eren, i’m cooking, please.”
- his mouth bitting your ear playfully.
- “i’ll be satisfied just with you, no need of food.”
- usually he orders a pizza after that because the food ended being a mess.
- “Eren Jaeger, the next time you distract me from cooking...”
- but, he cleans really well.
- he’s really constant and he keeps doing it until it shines.
- he usually cleans while you work, and he leaves the automatic vacuum working before leaving for his work,
- but, once he puts his headphones on and connects online with his friends...
- his desk is a huge mess, full of energetic drinks’ cans and empty packs of snacks. he cleans it once he’s finished playing, but sometimes he forgets,
- he’s waiting for you on the couch when you arrive late, dressed with his shorts and with his hair tied in a man-bun.
- “i was waiting for you, i missed you so much today...”
- he’s really clean because he doesn’t mess or mess up things, so you can have the house organized.
- he only makes a mess when he's studying for important exams.
- a lot of books on his desk and around his chair. A lot of papers with appointments.
- "just leave this, i promise i’ll clean it once my exam is done!"
- he cleans it, unless he arrives really tired from the exam, then he goes to sleep automatically.
- when he's alone, he cleans the pets' houses and gets rid of their furr
- also takes naps with his cat while waiting for you.
- he’s really good at ironing, he’s really fast at it.
- his shirts are always impeccable. 
- he’s also trying to learn how to cook.
- trying.
- “i made breakfast but i think i burned the pancakes”
- he's a huge man and he seems clumsy, but no
- he's incredibly good at tasks.
- he wakes up early, even earlier than you, to prepare you a bath and breakfast for you two.
- “Rein, you don’t have to do this, you can sleep until your work hour”
- his work has night turns, but he shakes his head and keeps doing it for you.
- when you try to wake up early to do the same for him, he’s already awake, pulling you closer to him again.
- “why were you up so early.” he says , his sleepy voice caressing your ears when he speaks. 
- he’s also really clean, and it is not new, Bertholdt says he was like that when they shared a flat.
- his breakfasts are the best of the world: strawberry smoothies and fruits salad with fluffy pancakes.
- when he has free day, he likes to buy little things that remind you to him when he walks with the dog.
- “I bought you this chocolate lip balm because you said your lips are getting hurt because of the cold.”
- he also loves kids so much. he wants to have a family. 
- “just imagine a little girl waking us up at morning to accompany her to school.”
- he's so clingy he would do tasks just to be next to you.
- like, doing the laundry in the washing machine room, so small for two people, and be really near to you...
- and at the same time, he wants to show you he deserves to be your husband.
- he works a lot just to show you he can be your husband and the daddy of your children.
- "look babe, try my spaghetti"
- they were actually good, if he cooked a little bit more he will master it for sure.
- "imagine if we make here a garden with a couple swings for our babies?"
- he started working o a cute garden for you two spend the summer days out.
- he put white roses and pink dahlias, and a table with a couple chairs.
- he also put some lights for the night, to power them on and be a even more incredible garden.
- he also proposed to you under this lights.
- he lazy
- he just wants to watch tv, eat and sleep.
- but, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do tasks.
- not a lot of them, but he does.
- like he does, but not all of them.
- “i don’t know how to use the washing machine.”
- “then mop the floor.”
- “but that’s so boring, baby please...”
- when he goes to the supermarket, he buys cups of instant ramen and sodas.
- “Connie we need real food to survive. We can’t eat everyday instant ramen and cola.”
- “but you look the color of the lettuce and i don’t know why, so imagine i take a poisoned lettuce because i didn’t analyze the color and we both die”
- he cleans the house in deep every two days. 
- he also keeps it organized.
- actually the thought of having kids bewitches him but scares him, just thinking about all the toys in every part of the house.
- he’s a really clean man, and you also clean up the house while he works.
- he likes to spoil you with his acts, like preparing you bubble baths, helping you to sew your clothes and making you braids.
- fortunately, your bathtub is big enough for the two of you bathing together.
- he likes to caress your waist and torso quietly, just the sound of water and your quite breaths.
- his hands on you makes your skin feel electricity.
- he enjoys that moments of privacy and intimacy.
- also drying your hair when you’re about to go to sleep.
- "if you sleep with it wet you'll catch a cold, dummy"
- he usually avoided the chores, but when you moved with him, he started to pay more attention to what he had to do.
- he’s more fixed on the way your hands take his clothes than on the things he has to do to wash them.
- “i’m paying attention!!”
- his excuses are always that you're a distraction for him.
- "but you're so gorgeous... i need you. now."
- "porco it's the fifth time you say that today..."
- "and not the last."
- you can't say no because you're as needy for him as he is for you, but you try to hide it.
- at the end, he needs help for all the tasks.
- he cooks sooo well
- every time you arrive home, he’s cooking something.
- pizza, seafood, cakes...
- the house always smell so nice...
- you don’t know how to cook that well, but you help him cleaning all the things he uses for his plates.
- and you help him giving him what he needs.
- “could you pass me that knife, please?”
- his hands always touches yours when he takes the knife
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backandimbamon · 3 years
Bonnie playing with Damon's hair and he all sleepy 😊
this really took a while because… i was going to stop at the first half but i wanted to consider Bonnie’s perspective (: and then it got a lil spicy and i was like *sigh* why must you always take it there? but i mean- 👁- i always take it there because we were robbed!!! Damon is practically a self proclaimed sex god and i hate how they separated Bonnie from her sexuality, or really any form of intimacy for sooo long. and the scraps we got were NEVER enough. okay anyways yeah i’m finally done, like let’s get into it.
Damon notices that Bonnie touches him sparingly and really not because she wants to but because it happens accidentally every now and then, one of the perks about frequently invading her space.
Being stuck on the other side, there is less room for her and more for him, she’s in his world now which means it’s his duty to make her feel as uncomfortably comfortable as possible.
He notices everything; how her cheeks turn red when their knuckles brush against one another’s, how she takes in an exasperated little breath when their shoulders touch, how she rolls her eyes when he stands entirely too close. Damon hangs on to these moments because this may be his only form of female contact he’ll receive for a very, very, long time.
That is the only reason he hangs on.
Anytime she touches him intentionally, he feels a pride swell deep in his chest that he’s liked by Bonnie after a rocky road of ups and downs, fussing and fighting, he is finally deemed worthy enough for her to care about him even if it’s brief, even if it’s the smallest skin to skin contact imaginable.
And yes, he cares because if he has to spend the rest of eternity with one person, they might as well get along.
Movie night comes around so he rests his head in her lap, testing the waters, to see how she will respond to him. He senses her tense up a bit as predicted, but then she relaxes into it breath by breath like she’s doing a tricky yoga pose.
Bonnie’s body lotion makes her skin smell edible- cocoa and honey- she’ll never know but that’s why he nicknames her Bon Bon, she always smells good enough to eat. At this point, Damon can’t recall the VHS movie on the block of a television, his focus has been robbed by Bonnie and this new form of contact she allows him to try. Half of his smile sinks into the cotton of her leggings.
Her eyes never leave the screen when she laces her fingers through his hair, nails surfing through tufts of raven-black and the gesture is so shocking and embarrassingly arousing that a strangled groan gets trapped in his throat.
She panics, and he can tell by the change in her heart rate before saying. “Did I hurt you?” He has to clear his throat to speak.
“Hmmm mm, feels good,” he mumbles feigning casual so she can’t realize how he needs this so so bad that he’s fearful of it being taken away. In his mind he thinks about what if.
What if she wakes up and decides she doesn’t want to tap dance on the line between what is and isn’t acceptable for two best friends. What if she remembers that he’s actually a terrible person who has done horrendous things to her and everyone she’s ever loved.
She shouldn’t like him or try not to laugh at his jokes. Not at all. Bonnie should’ve killed him a long, long time ago because if anyone could do it, it’d be her. He can see her now, all badass and angry with a wooden stake in her hand, vengeance in her eyes, the very last thing he’d see before his lights went out forever.
Bonnie, the giver and the taker.
Bonnie, the only god he knew.
Damon finds himself thinking so intensely lately that he checks the mirror more often than not to make sure he has no brooding lines like his little brother. Stefan’s expansive forehead has the room for it, his perfectly shaped forehead does not.
She laces her fingers back through his hair again and his eyes flutter, that’s how good it feels. It’s sensational. And while he’s had his hair pulled in and out of the bedroom, the innocence of her touch makes him want to melt. He finds his lids growing heavier, like how they used to do a century-and-a-half ago when he was human.
Running through dandelion fields in the overbearing Virginia heat, the sun up above sending heavy gusts of sunshine beams, a moment he considers to be oppressive now, used to be magical then- miraculous -and despite sweating through his britches and overcoat he never cared enough to stop running through the fields. The sun was the greatest thing all those years ago, back when white was his favorite color.
And after drawing a long, hot bath, he’d sink deep into the water while the bubbles floated to the top. Damon would close his eyes, hold his breath, see if he could break his prior record. Then he’d get out and the sleep would welcome him like any drowsy being, with open arms. And there he’d fall.
Bonnie has that affect on him. She makes him think of home, his past, when times were simpler and he was human.
He feels that exhausted sometimes, a boy who’s never stopped running through dandelion fields, whether it snows or rains or burns him alive. Her fingernails rake through his scalp- orange leaves on browning grass. Ruining Stefan’s piles for the fun of it. His lids droop. Tired of being consumed by himself, by Bonnie, he admits defeat this time. When he finally drifts off, he remembers that the Virginia heat gave him this same warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
“You really don’t know how good this feels,” his final words are hoarse before he drifts off but the last thing he sees is Bonnie.
The giver and the taker, the only god he knows.
Bonnie refuses to relish in the magic of the moment, the fact that it’s so rare Damon ever completely lets his guard down around her. She can always feel his eyes on her, constantly watching because Damon has a presence that’s inescapable.
Being so close to him when he’s extremely vulnerable makes her realize that in all facets, he’s stunning. A stunning that’s almost suffocating but with the dynamic they possess, he only needs to know that he’s not that much of an eye sore.
Now, she stares with wide eyes while she can, memorizes the smooth expanse of skin, every strand of dark hair. Relishes in the feel of his arms around her waist, the weight of his head in her lap. It’s been a long time since she’s felt a body besides her own and as much as she likes to ignore the fact, she has needs, needs that have swelled from being in the presence of Damon for too long.
He’s sexy without any effort, she examines. His dark t-shirt has risen and his pants are low enough that she observes the waistline of (silk?) boxers, taut muscle, navel, happy trail, yeah. Bonnie drinks him in like a cool glass of milk before bedtime- never has this much pretty been in her lap before. Her hands find their way in his head again, tousles through and he nuzzles up against her in his sleep. It’s difficult to pull her eyes away from him, but when she does, the credits are rolling on the screen.
This is Damon she’s thinking about like this, her best friend and also her first best friend’s boyfriend. She repeats it again, not satisfied that the guilt isn’t drowning her like it sometimes does when she catches herself lingering on his attractiveness for too long but Mystic Falls, the real Mystic Falls seems so far away. Elena, Caroline, Matt, Alaric, her old life just seems unattainable, no bigger than a memory she occasionally mistakes for a bad dream.
There’s no denying that being away from it all, here with Damon as the only other person in the world, she feels…safe. Maybe even protected, it’s a stark contrast from the real Mystic Falls where her life is always on the line.
Bonnie starts to get up when she feels his hold on her tighten to prevent her from moving away. They play tug of war for a bit but she eventually stops fighting because Damon is a vampire after all, physical strength is going to get her nowhere. “Fine,” she grumbles, then plops down which causes the end of her top to ride up enough that she can feel the press of Damon’s nose on the curve of her waist. Despite trying to inch her shirt back down, she has no luck. Naturally Damon doesn’t mind.
He inhales her skin deeply, makes a sound of approval before groggily muttering, “Going topless now, are we Judgey?”
She grabs his hair again, yanks his head back as a rebuttal, and Damon bites his tongue so hard that it bleeds. He has to ensure that all of the blood in his body isn’t rushing south too fast but unfortunately, he would have to sever both his arms completely off to stop the blood flow.
Bonnie realizes the dazed look in his eyes isn’t one of pain nor is it from sleep, “Not the reaction you expected, huh?” He asks, gesturing for her to look down but she doesn’t, she can’t. She’s embarrassed, and to make matters worse, a teensy bit turned on.
“You scared, Bon Bon? I thought you were big and bad,” Damon mocks, pulling between his legs to make more room in his jeans, “it’s okay. I know Jeremy left much to be desired.” He sits up with swirls of longing still in his eyes, then grabs a pillow to place in his lap.
“Scared?” She guffaws. “Of what exactly?”
“And that means?”
“You’re a smart girl, Bon, figure it out.” Damon taunts, holding her eyes with his. “It’s awfully lonely here.”
She says nothing for a while, refusing to break eye contact first. “So.”
“Soooo, I won’t tell if you won’t.” It’s almost a joke, almost because she has a feeling if she says yes to whatever sort of ambiguous proposal he’s thrown up in the air, there won’t be any laughter. If she says no, it’s no different from his usual innuendos but boy, will she wonder.
“Wanna take a walk on the wild side?” He asks in a singsong tone, eyes dropping to her lips then back up to her eyes.
There are no alarms, no cell phones, no one here that can interrupt this moment. She has to answer, though she has no idea what will come out of her mouth. Bonnie shuts her eyes to make the moment less real, as if it will change the fact that she whispers, “Just one kiss,”
They’re nose to nose when Damon whispers back, “a peck.”
She swallows his breath. “Mhmm,”
“It’s nothing,”
“As light as air,” he presses his lips to hers for a brief moment then pulls back again. “See.” He peppers more kisses on her lips, down her jaw, the side of her neck, but they’re heavier. They have a density now. His tongue is on the flesh of her shoulder, teasing up her neck. She feels the light imprint of sharp canines, arousal surges through her like a power circuit, so intense that she moans. When he makes his way back up, their mouths both open in a feral kiss that robs them of air.
Bonnie holds his face in place though he makes no attempt to move away. The pillow falls out from between them when he grabs Bonnie’s leg to straddle him.
It’s nothing.
Nothing separating them from attacking each other’s mouths, nothing stopping Damon from gripping his best friend’s hips, nothing saving Bonnie from discarding his shirt.
His skin is cool enough that she can stream together some thought in between relentless kisses. “Damon,” she tries her best to sound admonishing.
“Please, not right now.” Damon cuffs both her wrists behind her with one hand and plants a hickey just above her cleavage. She sees stars. He already knows what the inflection in her voice means- the timing couldn’t be worse.“Let’s save the guilt for tomorrow morning.” His tone is octaves lower, almost as low as his lids. He drags his eyes up to hers, and they’re so shiny she can see her reflection. “I need this, Bonnie. Don’t you?”
He doesn’t bother waiting for a response, just continues on with his ministrations, hypnotized by the pheromones seeping off of her in waves, wanting to memorize the scent with his tongue. She whines his name, like actually whines his name, and the feeling that sits in the pit of his stomach scares him. Bonnie is so oblivious to the appeal she carries but if she sat in his skin for a day, hell, for a moment, she would realize just how long she’s been driving him insane.
“We can’t,” she groans weakly. “We can’t.”
Damon tries to breathe easier, but that feeling is lurking in his gut. She’s right. The things he’d do to her, he’d break her in half. He removes Bonnie from his lap, separates from her warmth, her scent. Backs away until the tv threatens to fall off the stand. Everything in him tells him to go back, to reenter the magnetic pull, to poke at her forcefield.
He backs away even further if possible. Her breath catches at the distance.
Bonnie’s cheeks are flushed, warm and red like fruit. If she was an apple, she would have already been eaten down to the core. If she was a peach, it would be easier to explain why he ate her. He thinks to himself that he’s officially off the rails, comparing Bonnie to fruit like he is, but he’s trying to rationalize his irrationality. Because if Bonnie never stopped him, he’d definitely be eating something by now.
“Nothing happened.” She says, ignoring his expression and the silent plea in his eyes.
“Nothing.” He deadpans, throwing his shirt back over his head.
Damon thinks of how different things would be if he had his way. Bonnie, spent, drunk, high off of him. Bleeding and wild, pretty and dangerous, yelling for God. He would plunge Jeremy right out of her, help her find her magic again. Give her everything she could dream of. He gulps.
She doesn’t sleep with him tonight, not in the same bed. She’s on the opposite end of the boarding house when he hears her slide under the covers.
The next morning, he thinks to himself, if she even utters a word about last night, he’ll pick up from where he left off. But she doesn’t, her eyes are far away again, and the only proof he has of their adventures is the wonderful, purple hickey.
When movie night comes back around, his head is in her lap and her hand is back in his hair, running to and fro like him in his lavender fields.
That’s all he gets.
Every now and then, it’s enough.
Bonnie gives and takes, then takes away some more.
She’s the closest thing to God he’ll probably ever know.
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tiredspacedragon · 3 years
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Happy FUCKING 810NICLE Day, y'all! I've got a lot of stuff I want to post today, so I'm getting started at the end. Have some Stars revamps. Or, total redesigns, really. Built from scratch in a set-plausible design intended to stick as closely to their original looks as possible while still fitting into the scale and aesthetics of Bionicle's later years.
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Tahu was designed as a hybrid between his original Toa Mata appearance and the aesthetics of the Adaptive Nuva. He's an Inika build, representing that the Adaptive Armour is (partially) active, but has the slimmer silhouette of his Mata days (Plus a back gear, if you can believe it. It's not visible in any of these pictures, but it's there. Doesn't do anything, but it's a fun little decoration). I wish I could have given him fully orange limbs to match the set better, but the red hardly looks bad. I'm particularly proud of how I managed to incorporate the Stars armour pieces on the larger build, especially since it means I can do...
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...this. All six of the original Golden Armour pieces still fit perfectly onto this Tahu, though I've taken the liberty of swapping out the shield for a bigger, more practical piece. He's very shiny.
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Gresh has slimmed down a lot since his days as a Glatorian. In-story, I imagine this would be a result of ditching the ornamental, overly showy armour worn by most Glatorian in favour of lighter, more effective combat gear that compliments his new Air powers. Like Tahu, I was able to carry over his Stars set armour, though not quite as elegantly. He's a bit of a stick figure, but I still love him, especially since he's the only one of the six whose colour layout is basically exactly the same as his official set, part for part, with the exception of a black neck.
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2010 Takanuva is supposed to be the Toa of Light in his normal form, just with his colours altered to camouflage himself as a Toa of Ice to avoid drawing attention to himself. So, here he is scaled up into a Metru build to keep him at the proper size. I didn't feel like painting anything here, so his torso's colours are off, but I can't say I care that much. He also has a working gear function, sooo...bonus!
Also, I don't know about anyone else, but I always thought it was ridiculous that Takanuva would discard his Power Lance, an amazing tool that not only channeled his powers, but also amplified them, in favour of the Twin Light Staffs, which do nothing of note except exist as a pair. So, have this headcanon: At some point during the reign of Teridax, Takanuva's Power Lance was broken. Unwilling to surrender the advantage the tool gave him, Takanuva fashioned the broken pieces of the lance into the Twin Light Staffs, specifically opting for two as a nod to the twin Power Swords traditionally wielded by Av-Matoran. Thus is the thought process for using Air Sabers as the heads of his staffs in this revamp.
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Nektann is a Piraka build. And that's about it. I kept his hands, feer, and weapon from his set form, and slapped 'em on a basic Skakdi body. Took a bit of work to get his head on, but nothing too wild. After that, it was just a matter of attaching his spines to his back and arms and he was done. Technically, Nektann is supposed to be larger than the average Skakdi, but I haven't figured out a way to make that look good as of yet, so this is all I've got for him, for now.
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Also, in the realm of revamps that are just tweaks to existing sets, have Winter 2009's Skrall, now in lime green and without a shield. New feet though! Yeah, this one isn't terribly creative on my part, but it is what the figure should look like, canonically speaking, and that's what I was going for, so I'm satisfied.
At least this guy gets the satisfaction of being the only one of the bunch with a launcher.
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And finally, the Rahkshi of Heat Vision, alternatively and unofficially known as Zirahk. The Rahkshi design, oddly enough, was not difficult to translate into Inika scale at all, thanks to the pieces of the Stars set. The neck plugs into the front of an Inika torso with ease and the spine attaches to the back just as easily. There's even enough room to wedge a little Kraata of Heat Vision in there. I'm still amazed I have one of those. Anyway, the big challenge here was the size. Did you know Rahkshi are supposed to be 9 FEET TALL?? Because I found that out only recently. Naturally, a stubby little Rahkshi was't gonna cut it, I had to make this lad TOL.
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And as you can see, it's still too small! As is, Zirahk is taller than an average Inika build; not quite as much as it should be, but it's as good as it's gonna get, methinks.
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And to close, another group shot. Once again, happy 810 everybody. More to come.
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nautiscarader · 3 years
Prompt for “the clock’s ticking”, Multimouse trying to finish a quickie in time for Aspik to be able to reset and relive it a couple times
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On one hand, I SO wanted to write a Ladrien quickie fic... on the other, the original prompt was SOOO good... and then I realised... hang on! I can unify them :)
So, have a delightful Ladrien-Aspik-Multibug lemon.
- We only have thirty minutes... - That will be more than enough...
Marinette's voice reassured Adrien, as the couple crashed onto Adrien's bed, his needy hands on Ladybug's ass. Half an hour - that's all they'll have for the next two weeks, until Adrien would return from his trip. If only he learned about it earlier, he would leave Ladybug with just a kiss last night.
Marinette knew as well that the quick moment of peace would be gone in a flash, even if his kisses and caresses made her forget about the passage of time, as her mind slowly became blank, when he reached her neck.
Marinette opened her eyes in a sudden moment of realisation, as a devious and dangerous idea appeared in her mind.
- Ladybug?
Adrien noticed her half-petrified, half-excited expression, as she pondered her decision. It was so wrong, and yet, so tempting...
She turned her head and looked at her boyfriend, his shirt unbuttoned, and she felt the need burning between her loins, being cooled down with an icy-cold voice that sounded very much like Tikki's, and her own, from time to time...
- Adrien - she started, biting her lip - I-I have an idea how to make this moment last longer... Would you like to? - Y-yes! Obviously, but how-
She reached for her yo-yo, opened it, and with Adrien's permission and with a flash of light, she reached into the miraculous box, bringing a shiny piece of jewellery.
- You remember how does this one work, right, Aspik?
Adrien's eyes widened.
- Oh, Ladybug... That's... - Abusing my power as a Guardian? - she finished for him - Yeah, probably. But for you, I am willing to take the risk... - Er, no, I was going to say that it's really, really sexy.
Words got caught in Marinette's throat, as Adrien addressed her, making her cheeks match the colour of her red costume.
Adrien slipped on the malachite-coloured bracelet, releasing the adder-like Kwami.
- Greetingssss... - Sass hissed, and took a quick look at the situation he was summoned to: Ladybug, sitting in Adrien's laps - I sssee what'sss going on...
- Hey, don't judge - Adrien countered - If you could rewind time to spend it with your girlfriend, you'd do it. Scales slither!
A bright, green flash enveloped the blonde model, and when Ladybug opened her eyes, she saw his, matching ones, against her face, as the superhero pressed his sleek body against her, pushing her into the bedsheets.
- T-Take me... As many times as you want - she whispered, and relaxed her body, rendering herself defenceless. - But what about you? - he suddenly asked - I'm going to be reliving the same moment over and over again, but you... - Oh, Adrien... - she cupped his cheeks and kissed him - You are so considerate... But, I...
She shied away for a moment, as a second, even more difficult idea came to her mind. And as her lips coiled into a smirk, Adrien knew he won't be the only one stretching this moment into infinity.
Marinette dipped her hand once more into the Miraculous void and brought a, pinkish-grey necklace she quickly put around her neck.
A mouse-like Kwami appeared between the two, equally perplexed by the heated position of the two young adults.
- Oh, oh dear - Mullo squeaked - Am-Am I interrupting you two? - Au contraire - Ladybug answered - I need your power. Unify!
With one more bright flash, the superheroine lying underneath Adrien transformed again, the red of her costume turning grey.
Her hand sneaked between their bodies, undoing a few scales around his crotch, freeing his cock that only looked more imposing, and slipped a condom onto him, a moment before their urges overtook them.
- So, Aspik... - she spoke, her voice dripping with desire - Yes, uh, Multibug? - As I've said... take me... Take *us*, as many times as you want...
She used her newly gained power and a second, slightly smaller Multibug appeared next to her, taking her place in Adrien's arms. The two exchanged knowing looks, strengthened by years of Ladybug explaining her complicated plans to him with a single word, and Adrien knew exactly what was going to happen.
Their lips met, and with only twenty minutes to spare, Adrien put his mouth, hands and hip to work. The sheer thought of Ladybug using her powers for such earthly, low, dirty needs drove him insane as he tore her and outfit apart, revealing their naked, hormone-filled bodies.
Adrien grabbed her thighs and unceremoniously rammed himself inside her, listening to her high-pitched voice, crying his name, as his hips pushed her deeper into his mattress, while his tongue slithered around her nipples, giving her the modicum of foreplay he could offer her.
With each minute on the clock, he pushed himself deeper inside her, feeling her hips replying to his frantic, erratic bucking. Next to them, the original Multibug masturbated, watching herself and her boyfriend engage in a heated mating session between a predator and prey.
- Adrien... Adrien...! I love you!
Multibug moaned her proclamation as Adrien felt her body shuddered and she came, pulling her lover with him, as he flooded the rubber with several hefty spurts of his seed.
Panting, he saw the clock on his wall strike the full hour, and just as Nathalie knocked on his door, he gently pushed his lover to his side, and called his power.
- Second chance!
With a bright flash, time was rewound, back to when Multibug called for her double. But now, she did it again, while the first copy lied, tired, and sweaty next to them.
- Round two.
Adrien spoke to his new lover, and feeling his virility come back, he rolled his hips to hear his lady scream his name again.
Four times they did it the regular, and satisfying, if not slightly boring way, before Adrien decided to put a spin on his lover - literally flipping her around to ram himself in her ass, much to hers and the original Multibug's surprise.
Next Multibug offered to blow him, closing her lips around his cock, and giving him the longest and most sensual blowjob she could, receiving a mouthfull of his seed in return.
The next one was face-fucked, as Aspik used her mouth as if it was her pussy, indulging in a fetish only his new powers could provide.
Eight one grabbed the condom and slid it off, declaring she wants to know how does it feel to be mated, and Adrien stood up to the challenge admirably, supplying her with hefty, thick spurts of his seed.
That only encouraged Adrien, and two more were fucked raw as well, after Adrien folded them in half, and put them in a mate press, eager to flood their wombs with his virility.
Five next Multibugs received a stellar oral treatment, as Aspik gallantly decided he's had enough, eager to see how many times he can make her come with only his mouth. Being able to rewind time, he explored her body thoroughly, so that he could make her come in seconds, knowing just where to kiss and press his fingers.
Sex with sixteenth went on so long, he missed the deadline, and refused Nathalie inside, giving her a rather loud and lewd presentation of what he was doing to his lover.
Ten more times Adrien Agreste claimed his lady, who sang loud praises to his body as she surrendered herself to him, living through orgasm after orgasm, without having to rewind time.
And when Adrien did it the final time, he was greeted to the sight of pure bliss. Three dozens of Multibugs, one from each of the timelines lied around him, all naked, most leaking, or wearing his cum, all satisfied beyond belief after having been totally dominated.
It looked even more bizarre to Marinette, who only speculated how the combination of their powers could look like. One moment she was watching her copy scream in agony, and next second the room was full of them, all serving as a proof of his powers and needs.
But there was one last thing to do, and when Marinette called her doubles back, she realised there was no way she could have prepared herself for this.
The feeling of dozens of orgasm, all happening at once flooded her mind, body and soul. For a moment she thought she was gonna choke, as the after-feelings of several blowjobs tested her gag reflex, resulting in her imagining sucking off ten or so Adriens and tasting their combined cum.
She also felt the same unmistakable feeling of warmth spreading inside her, as she realised that at some point Adrien decided to ditch the condoms. She pondered the consequences of letting his combined releases fill her right now, and she shuddered with pleasure at the very thought of it...
She felt his mouth and kisses all over her body, her breasts, her lips, her *lips*, her ass... there was no place of her body, inside or outside left unmarked by Adrien Agreste and his love for her.
In the end, Marinette did not know how many times has she climaxed, spilling his name from her lips, but when her body finally stopped collecting memories of all her doubles, she felt as if they spent half a day making love, something reserved only for cheap romance novels or on-line fanfics... And she wouldn;t be surprised if it was true.
She opened her eyes, and was greeted with sight of Adrien Agreste in his travel suit, handing her the green bracelet back.
- Thank you, Ladybug. - he spoke with his unmistakable charming smile, as he kissed her palm - That was... unforgettable. - I... I should thank you...
Marinette spoke, still looking all over her body. She was so glad she didn't have to take hour-long shower from the cum she would have been painted with. She realised she has just invented the cleanest way of making love possible.
- I think that should satisfy you...
She stood up and kissed him.
- And if not... just call me, and I will use the horse miraculous to portal myself to wherever you are.
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thenotetoselfpod-hq · 3 years
“The answer is yes if you were wondering if y’all were spoiled. Whew, Chile. Don’t ask me for NOTHIN’ else.” Zion chuckled sweetly as she dramatically cleared her throat. “Lets get into it. Welcome back to another episode of the Note to Self podcast where we talk all things self care of the body, spirit, mind, work ethic, sprinkled in with a whole lot of motivation to carry us into a new day. I am your host Zion Taylor and with me in my makeshift studio is my lil baby who listens to all of my problems, my boss friend THEEEEE Brilliant O’neal.” Zion air claps as she smiles over at Brilliant. “How are you on this lovely day, mama?”
“Hey, hey, hey! I’m so excited to speak to the note to self listeners all over, it’s been fun listening in and making my own input here and there but wheww being here feels so rewarding.” She said warmly before playfully exhaling. “I’m doing good, managing like I usually do but good nonetheless. How are you?! What jewels do you plan on dropping for the people today?”
“I’m probably doin’ a little less good than you since you’re managing but girl .. I cannot complain at all. So thankful to have you here for this episode and to just catch up. We’ll get into the tea of it all a little later. We start every episode with a brief recap and I wanted to thank everyone, again, for all of the love. I hope you all were inspired to really keep killing shit in the industry that you’re in and watch the doors open up for you. Last weeks top listeners were the beauty that is known as @royalnike who spoke about her Black Owned Mechanic business and the short term goals that she has for herself in that business. Of course you, Mrs. Brilli Dis, founder and owner of The Glamour Parlor, and the beautiful @syxrai, who I’m obsessed with on IG by the way, but who also is a film producer ALL shared your short term goals which inspired me tremendously. If you missed out on that go give it a listen and drop your own goals in the comment section.
Music is the only thing that gets me through my week sometimes. This week is on you because Channing is still pressed about Good Days so that shit rings in my head every day because of her.” Zion laughed, “What have you been listening to this week? Any new music you wanna share? Put us on.
Brilliant cracked up in laughter at the mention of Channing. “That baby got taste, because that’s my jam! But this week I’ve been on my Gangsta Brilli, I’ve been playing A Gangsta’s Pain by MoneyBagg on repeat. I think his track with Jhené is the perfect vibe, so if y’all need something to vibe to, with a nice little glass of wine, One of Dem Nights, but the whole album bops.”
“Okaaaay. Now see I haven’t always been a MoneyBaggYo fan up until his songs started getting airtime on the radio. I’ma definitely have to give that a listen once Channing is done boppin’ to her fave.
And that brings us right into the TEA for the day. I’ve known Brilliant for several years now and I feel like I’ve only known her as this amazing business women, wife and mother. We both know how crazy it can be going from Hashtag Living Single to Mommy Duties real quick once you’re married and have wifely duties, etc. How long did you know your Husband before you two decided to make it official AND tie the knot? Was marrying young something that you were open to or did it not matter? What’s that young love story you can’t wait to share with your kids?” Zion smiled as she looked over at Brilliant.
“So I always tell people that me and my husband’s love story is literally crazy, and I don’t think it could’ve happened any other way. Because were short on time, for the real how we met tea, watch our YouTube video! But..I think we dated for about a year before I got pregnant and just because of the type of man he is and how in love we were, and how happy we were when our son Justice was born, we got married when he was about 3 months. I honestly didn’t see myself marrying that young or having children..and my life did a whole 180. I just thought damn I’ll probably hate it here but when you have that person to make those defining moments with..it was a breeze and I found myself being happier with my little family than when I ran the streets. I don’t think marrying young is for everyone but when you make the right decision..man the moments you’ll create..priceless. Still a hot girl though, don’t get that twisted.” She said with a playful laugh.
“EXACTLYYY. I have to remind Lex all the time when he sees me playing dress up in my boots and coochie cutters that mama BEEN a stallion, okay?! Hot Girl Summer me, please!” She laughed, “No but seriously the feeeeels. I’m obsessed with the love you two have for each other. It’s infectious. But I’m sure it hasn’t always been cupcakes and rainbows, right. Y’all, shit gets real after the wedding and the vows and even after that honeymoon phase. I know for me and Carmelo, I’m more of the opinionated one and I really had to learn to step down and let my man LEAD our home. We were pregnant before the wedding ... liiike ya girl had her dress taken OUT 4 times before I was satisfied with how my hips looked in it.” She chuckled, “You said something so special, when you have that person to make memories with you will DEFINITELY not want to live a single day without them and expanding that love into children only makes it better. Melo was trying to get me pregnant BEFORE he proposed to me and I wasn’t having it because at the time I was dealing with fertility issues and having a baby seemed damn near impossible. I always say that he spoke the life of our son, Lexington, into existence because I didn’t think that I could physically carry.” She stated, smiling again at the thought.
“I remember you alls last video where you announced the pregnancy of my other child, Jewel” She chuckled, “Um, what was the experience like for you? Having to go through all that you did for the blessing that is currently your literal shadow. She looks like her Daddy but has your everything else. What was that like?”
“That’s your child for sure.” She said with a laugh. “It was actually on the difficult side, she’s my rainbow baby. I suffered a miscarriage and some issues with fertility so I actually got pregnant with Jewel through IVF. I adore her, it’s scary having a mini version of myself. Someone who’s with all my hair, makeup and nail antics because my son Justice is not with it at all! He won’t even let me take his picture half the time.” She laughed momentarily. “I know it’s the same way with you and my baby Channing”
“I can imagine it being extremely difficult. When God’s mind is made up we can only pray that He’s included us in His plans and when he made Channing? He definitely had me in mind.” She laughed. “I still don’t know how we got so lucky but I don’t question anything. She’s obsessed with all of my clothes and hair and everything in between.”
“The last thing I wanted to talk to you about is what’s been going on in the media with Porsha, Falynn, and the Husband who I don’t even know his name yet. So Porsha Williams brought onto the Real Housewives of Atlanta show her friend Falynn a few years ago. Maybe like two seasons ago. This is someone who was also featured on this last season of the RHOA show that was filmed in 2020. Apparently the two are no longer friends and Porsha is now ENGAGED to Falynns’ Husband because they haven’t even gotten a divorce yet. I wan’t to know your thoughts on the whole situation. What type of friendship dynamic do you think they had for Porsha to be comfortable MARRYING this man?”
“Engaged. To. A. Former. Friend’s. Husband.” She said slowly before letting out a low sigh. “Now, the first mistake she made was being engaged or dating a man who is still married. I don’t care what the circumstances are, he is legally married! It is literally code and decency not to date or marry after your friends. If y’all are friends or have ever called each other friends, that’s just unacceptable. I would beat the breaks off anyone I called a friend for going after my husband if we ever were to divorce. That’s just grimy and I don’t think Falynn is mad enough. I do know though, one of my followers who is a hair stylist said how she married one of her old client’s ex husband and child’s father. Do you think that’s acceptable? Say I did a woman’s hair for years and nothing besides that and I went on to date her ex?”
“Absolutely not. Unacceptable and I’m the type of crazy that belongs in jail so you already know how that’s gone gooo. It’ll forever be up until they give me life.” Zion laughed and shook her head, “Period. Porsha is most definitey a fucked up individual but I would LOVE to hear y’alls thoughts on the matter so leave alll comments in the comment section below.” 
“Thank you all so much for listening to me and Brilliant catch up. Brilliant please tell my listeners where they can follow you and how they can support The Glamour Parlour. Alsooo, when’s the next brunch or giveaway?”
“It has been sooo fun talking with you! I’m glad I got the opportunity to talk with to boss friend Zion! I get this question a lot..so often.” She let out a low laugh. “All I’ll say is to stay tuned, we’ll be turning up soon and the giveaways won’t stop!”
“Ayyyy so there it is people, the beautiful Brilliant O’neal. Be sure to check her out across all social media platforms at @brillixdis​ and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Byyyyyyyye.”
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so-cool-day6 · 5 years
Dreams Do Come True [M]
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tags|smut, wet dreams, blowjobs, yeosang being an angel, literally just giving yeosang oral
[8:23 AM]You’ve been up for the past 30 minutes, getting ready and making breakfast for you and your boyfriend. Now, you're happily skipping towards the bedroom to wake Yeosang and tell him his food is ready. 
But just before you enter the room, there’s a single sound that makes you stop in your tracks and raise a brow. 
It starts off as a simple whimper, but after listening closely, you conclude that there’s panting mixed in as well. For a moment, you try to decide if it’s a good idea to walk in, but you shake it off and say of course it is. For all you know, he could be having a bad dream and needs a sweet kiss to wake him up. 
Lightly pushing open the door, you're met with a painfully angelic sight. There’s Yeosang, laying on the bed with his messy hair that still managed to look perfect, his face scrunched up in concentration while sweat begins to form on his forehead. His hips are thrusting into nothing as he’s trying desperately to gain any friction. 
You wonder what he’s doing, humping nothing under the covers. “Yeosang?” you call out to him, but he doesn’t respond. He only continues to thrust into the air and let delicate whimpers leave his plump, quivering lips. 
That's when you realize that he's still asleep. You almost coo at how cute he is. Poor baby is having a wet dream, you quietly chuckle to yourself. 
It looks like he’s struggling. What to do with him... An idea pops into your mind. But is it an idea you should do? The food will get cold soon and won't be nearly as good. On the other hand, there's no harm in letting it go cold when you're helping your boyfriend with his little problem.
Sneakily, you tiptoe towards the end of the bed. And just as silently, you lift the covers and crawl through. The sun provides enough light through the window that you can see everything underneath. As soon as you're laying on your stomach, over his legs, you’re face to face with something rather prominent. 
Yeosang’s hard on is straining in his gym shorts. Slowly, you reach for the elastic band that clings to his hips. For a second, he jerks at the unfamiliar touch, but he calms again soon after and goes back to shifting uncomfortably in his shorts.
Sliding down his waistband midway down his thighs, you can see the outline of him nicely in his briefs. There’s a small wet spot at just the tip, which brings a smile to your lips. Seeing the way his cock slides up and down in his briefs makes you want to get to work right away. So you do. 
First, it’s a poke and immediately, his breath hitches. Then it’s another poke, and your finger glides gently up and down him. Above you, Yeosang’s whine sounds like heaven. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that you’ve managed to end up with someone who’s the entity of everything light and beautiful. 
Your craving mind demands that you look at the angel himself. For a second, you lift the blanket to get a glimpse of him, and you’re glad you did. Everything from his messy bed head to the heavy rise and fall of his chest makes you melt. The way his needy expression sends all sorts of tingles around your body reminds that you have a job to do. You scan him one last time before letting the cover fall over you again. 
No time is wasted anymore. As smoothly, and as desperately, as you can, you pull his briefs down enough to allow for his member to pop out. It hits against his stomach, and he stirs more from his dream. You take a hold of his cock with one hand and admire it. 
Is it possible for a dick to be so pretty? Because his is beautiful like the rest of him. It’s pretty pink tip spouts precum and drips down his shaft. 
You wipe a thumb over the head and he jerks at the contact. You almost swear that you heard him mutter, “Please,” but it could’ve been your imagination, but you wish it's not. And to hopefully confirm your suspicions, you rub around the head again, spreading the precum around, making it easier to move. But instead of being met with words, you’re met with more precious noises from your lover.
You’re still for a second, listening to find out if he’s awake yet. However, he’s still breathing slowly and whimpering quietly. Eventually, you lean in and give him an experimental lick. His mouth twitches open as he gasps. The sound alone is enough to keep you going. 
Another lick turns into multiple flicks of your tongue against him. Yeosang jerks up, nearly hitting you in the face, but you’re quick to move out of the way. A lovely rushed moan escapes his lips and blesses your ears for the first time that morning. You’re so pleased by it, that you could only hope for more. So you were going to work for it. 
You flatten your tongue on the base of his cock and leisurely drag your tongue all the way back up to his tip. Once you reach the head again, you teasingly press your lips against it. Within less than a second, your mouth falls over him and takes him in at once. 
There’s a pleasant gasp above you followed by another moan. Yeosang’s eyes snap open at the abrupt sensation. He’s barely woken up, and he’s already trying to catch his breath. Though, it’s difficult to even do that when there are diverting tingles going up and down his body for unknown reasons. He hasn’t fully processed his surroundings until he struggles to hold in a groan. 
Quickly, he lifts the covers off of him to see a sight that has his eyes lust-filled instantly. There you were, the little demon, Y/n, who was currently sucking him awake and raising him from the land of wet dreams and make-believe. 
He almost feels embarrassed at the thought of it. He remembers every single detail of his dream, from the sweet hurried kisses to you hovering above him and riding him like your life depended on it. He must’ve been acting it or something, and that alone made his cheeks tinge darker than before. 
But god, if he isn’t thankful for it. 
Just as you take him in all the way again, Yeosang’s hand instinctively reaches out and threads itself with your hair. Your gaze snaps up to him at once and you stare at him with dark hooded eyes. He stares back with his mouth hanging open. His hand subtly pushes you down, making you stay in your place with his cock down your throat. 
For the briefest second, you think you’re going to gag at the lack of oxygen, but he lets up a moment later. After you come back, there’s a devilish smirk placed on your lips, “You know… I have breakfast ready,” you draw out. 
He’s still gasping from how much damage you’ve done to him. He’s so weak for you, even in his dreams, even in his sleep. “So?” he asks, out of breath and face painted pink, almost matching his bed head. 
“Sooo, do you want to eat?” you asked, your tone high and serious. However, you already know the answer. It's just fun to tease him. 
Yeosang furrows his brows as he utters a simple answer, “Fuck no. You feel too good.” Those few words were enough to bring you back to him. It’s occasional, but when he swears, it makes you want to ruin him even further. You plan on keeping that silent promise as Electric shocks tingle down your body and straight to your heat. 
Promptly, you wrap your lips around the head and fill your mouth with only him again. Him, the only person you want to be with. Him, the love of your life. Him, who is writhing beneath you. Electric shocks tingled down your body and straight to your heat. 
The more you sucked and licked, the more desperate both of you become. Him, wanting to cum. And you, wanting him to cum and doing something about your own little problem. 
His fingers fiddled with random strands of your hair, tugging each time your tongue goes down the side of his cock. Yeosang mutters curses and whimpers praises, "God, you feel so good. I l-love you- jesus!" every time he speaks, he's interrupted by his own moan spilling out of his mouth like an endless sea. 
He thrusts into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat multiple times, and almost making you gag once again. You hold down his thighs so you can take it at your own pace and take your time pleasuring him. Though he still gently rocked into your mouth, he wasn't nearly as sporadic as he was before you took charge. 
"Y/n, I'm so close," he whispers a warning, a secret between lovers. His eyes are squeezed shut as excitedly searches for his release that's been tormenting him all morning. His lips fall open continuously to let in the air and to let out his feelings of desire.
Your gaze lingers on his features, admiring each and every single detail. To think you were just going to wake him and eat breakfast with him, seems like a choice only an idiot would make. You much rather have your breakfast in bed, with Yeosang being the full course meal.
You don't say anything to him, you just continue to suck harder and move faster to bring him closer and closer to the edge. And when you feel him tense under your touch and twitch in your mouth, you move even quicker. 
Yeosang's head falls back into the pillows, harder than before. Spontaneous moans flow through his lips while spurts of his cum fill your mouth and cover your tongue entirely. Shocks are sent up his spine and the sweet release he's been craving finally comes. 
Watching him squirm during his orgasm makes the wetness in your own pants soak through your underwear. You rub your thighs together hoping to satisfy that undying need for him that's been possessing you for the past few minutes. But it's barely enough for you. 
After he comes down from his high, he’s catching his breath and relishing in the moment. You finally release him with a pop of your lips. You lay there, looking up at him, both in longing and admiration. But you’re a patient person, so you wait. 
Once his breathing calms down, he glances back down to you and sees your eager eyes staring back at him. There’s a glint of pride and need in them that he notices. Yeosang lifts his head and he holds his arms out lazily for you, “C’mere.” 
You happily oblige and crawl into his arms and cuddle into him. He strokes your hair for a moment, then he makes you face him again. There’s a small smile on his face, “You did so well, sweetheart, waking me up like that,” he compliments. Licking his dry lips, he continues, “Do you think I should return the favor?” There’s a hint of something in his voice that sends shivers down your spine. 
Impatiently, you nod, “Please,” you whisper. The constant reminder that you need him in your pants is currently dripping. Forget about breakfast. Forget getting ready for the day. Forget everything else. Because he’s the only thing that’s on your mind, and he’ll be sure to remind you that. 
“Okay sweetheart, get on all fours for me,” he commands. You’ve never been so quick to move before.
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weareapackofstrays · 4 years
Addiction is hard. It is secretive. It is deceptive. You find small ways to lie and eventually your mound of little lies turn in to one big overwhelming lie. 
My addiction brings me so much shame. It’s not alcohol, drugs, sex...it’s food. I think most people would think that an addiction to food is not real. How can you be addicted to food? You must be lazy or just put the fork down, just stop. Right? No. If you have ever smoked cigarettes and tried to quit, you will find that it is insanely difficult. I have never been addicted to drugs or alcohol so I cannot compare, but I have quit cigarettes. You find yourself irritable. Easily agitated or emotional. Giving something up that helped you release or gave you relief suuuucksss. But with food, we actually need it. So you cannot just give food up entirely. So imagine having to break an addiction that you actually cannot live without or else you will die. 
It started out with starving myself in high school. I was a swimmer and was never naturally thin or petite. I compared myself to everyone. Why were all the other girls skinny? No ass, no chest. Why can’t I be like that? I wasn’t fat, though I didn’t know it at the time. Eventually, it became too challenging to starve myself since I needed food to fuel my energy since I expelled so much during swim practice. Plus in a latin household you can’t not eat. Your mama won’t allow it. Instead of starving, I turned to binging and purging. This helped a lot. Anytime I felt stress, felt my anxiety or depression coming on, PTSD episode, I would binge and then purge. It was like taking a puff of a cigarette. It was sooo satisfying. I had purged my demons until I would have to do it again later. This lasted into my twenties until my acid reflux and throat began to suffer. My voice too. Well, maybe I couldn’t vomit anymore, but I could still binge. 
There are days when I cannot believe I am not as big as I think I should be. I should be on that 500 lb life show or whatever it is called. While I definitely wish I could lose some weight, I no longer wish to be thin. Curves are fine. I have embraced that about myself. I will always have an ass and tits thanks to my mama and that is okay. More than anything, I just want to be healthy. I don’t want to be scared everyday that there is something wrong with me. The paranoia is too much. The anxiety is too much.
I feel like I am living a secret life. One that my family or my partner don’t fully know about. I know they wouldn’t understand. How could they? I have become a very good liar. I lie so much that I struggle to discern truth from fiction. I need help. Will I ever get it?
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Bill Skarsgård x reader nsfw imagine
No special warnings except for the usual "18+ please no minors" thing
Just a quick smut, so forgive my mistakes it's difficult to think clearly when it comes to Bill 😂
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You listen to the relaxing sound of water from the bathroom, lying on the bed, finally, after long exhausting day. You stretch with pleasure and roll over on your back, then on the side and on the back again. Bathroom door opens and as soon as you hear footsteps you quietly call "Biiiiill", he peeks at you from the corridor with a little chuckle "Already coming, baby! Can't make yourself comfortable without me, can you?". "Can't settle down without my favorite blanket, actually" you answer and lightly squeeze a duvet you're lying under as a visual confirmation. Then follows another subtle chuckle and it's been a few more minutes before you continue to beckon him "Biiill so where are youu?". Lights in corridor go out and his tall figure appears in the doorway at last. "So, you say you need your blanket? Okay, I'll bring it" he grins approaching the bed. You like how mattress is pushed down under his palpable weight as he crawls closer till he gets under the duvet.
Few first times he was beware doing it, but now it's becoming a commonplace, so you feel his limbs on both sides of you as he gently lays down on your small frail body giving you a satisfying sense of his heaviness. And that awesome touch of his bare skin on yours... Bill tucks his forearms under your shoulders and nuzzles into crook of your neck and you hug him tight turning your head toward him to lovingly rub your cheek on his. Feelings overwhelm you, so you run your fingers into his still slightly wet after the shower hair, "My sweet precious boy" you whisper barely audible. "Mmmhhmmmmlvusomuchh" is his slurring reply, tickling your neck with a breath. "Uhm?" you try to catch a word softly scratching him behind his ear. To be honest you even don't need an answer, you just want this moment to long forever and ever.
Bill lifts his head a bit just to put a little peck on your lips and repeats "I so fuckin' love you, babe". He goes back and rubs his cute pointy nose against your neck, against that very spot above the collar bone. "Oh Bill, it feels soooo.... uuuhhhhmhmm" and you realize that your accidental moan probably sounds too lewd. "What's up, hon?" you meet his questioning stare and guiltily bite your thumb without reply. His raised brow is so freaking cute, geez. "This?" he rubs his nose against you once more and you try your best to stay calm but it's too late, he has caught you on that. "I thought you were going to sleep, nuh?" he keeps teasing your neck and enjoys the result, your slight uncontrolled squirms are exactly what he encourages you for. "Bill!! I was seriously going to sleep!" you slap his shoulder with a laugh but blush and can do nothing about it "for God's sake please stop it!".
"Hmm? And why should I?" the tip of his perfect nose goes on with bringing you close to the point of no return "However, c'mon, make me stop if you want!" and a sweet torturing rub suddenly turns into mind blowing nibble at THAT very spot, and after it you feel Bill's sensual lips gently sucking on your skin. "Hhss..ssss" you intake air fitfully through your clenched teeth arching your back and bucking your hips, unable to keep your body in control. "Baby" he half-hums half-whispers in your ear "if that's how you gonna make me stop..." he drags one arm out from under yours to cup your cheek and caresses it with his thumb "you're sooo far from right way, can't say I don't like it though" his smug grin, oh God... You so hate and so love his talent to drive you mad in two shakes whenever he wants, but remind yourself that you can return him the favor anytime.
"Awwrrr you're such an asshole, Bill" you can't help but wriggle under him "but as well can't say I don't like it" your little chortle is interrupted by Bill's heady ravenous kiss, and, oh Jesus, you're afraid you can cum right now, especially when he forces you to properly feel how hard his boner is already. He presses his hips into yours and grinds a bit, his hand crawls to get a grip on your thigh, grazing a cloth of your panties. "Oh, take them fuckin off" you moan in his mouth and he bites your lip and gives your breasts a little squeeze before leaning back. He tears off your underwear in a flash, then pulls his boxers off and finally you both are fully naked, you look at Bill as he's about to go down on you but you stop him by grabbing his arms. "Please, love" you whine impatiently "I adore when you do it, but now please... Just fuck me right now" Bill doesn't need to be asked twice and he lays back on you.
Your legs are wide open and the head of his swollen large member touches your dripping wet entrance, your man licks his lips and half closes his eyes drawing you into deep kiss again. "Oh Bill..." you barely mumble when his taut veiny shaft slides out off your folds from his slight movement and you rock your hips back and forth stimulating your sensitive clit by gliding along his length. He breaks the kiss to look into your eyes while he guides himself back after a few strokes and you reach out down there to spread your lips for him and he slowly slips into you. Not in one thrust, but a bit in and out, then deeper in, giving you time to adjust to his size. He starts shoving never taking his eyes off you, you lay your palm on his cheek and shiver because of total closeness, you're about to faint feeling all his inches inside of you, as always.
Your thumb enjoys the softness of his bottom lip mimicking touches of his thumb playing with your sticking out nipple. He raises pace a little and then kisses your neck letting out a low pleasured moan, and oh god, you can't find any sound hotter than Bill's moans. He fucks you moving his hips only, but yet gives you sensation of his body thinly rubbing against yours, all that hard breathing, juicy wet smacks and softly creaking bed, oh yes... Tonight you both are not in the mood to play or delay, all you need is just a good pleasant sex. Bill raises a bit and props himself up on his elbows to get more suitable position as he quickens the pace more. You gasp and can't manage your constrained moans at that sight of him: bulging muscles, parted full lips and a lock of his hair on the right side swaying in time to the thrusts. Your hips kick sharper towards his, you feel your bodies get tensed and bed creaking sound becomes rather loud. Both of you are beyond aroused and even can't talk properly, Bill leans his forehead to yours, so then you know he's very close.
"I want you to cum while I'm kissing you, little one" he utters and obviously it's not easy for him to form the words now. "Oh then I'll cum twice harder" you breathe out and fall into hot steamy make-out session, tasting him, belonging to him. You're melting and ready to explode at the same time, you moan desperately in his mouth and try to reciprocate his lustful tongue caress, one your hand rests on his jawline and the other grabs sheet or duvet, you don't know for sure what exactly. Bill lets out right THAT VERY moan, deep and raspy, your hand travels from his jawline to the back of his head as tingling spasms in your lower abdomen break out into the sweetest orgasm, and you feel his hot liquid gushing out deep inside of you, you tighten and contract around his throbbing member over and over and he gives it all to you, he leads you to the very end. Some time later he gradually slows down and smooches you with a sigh of bliss and of course there ensue some more slack kisses. You both take your time to catch your breath back just lying like this and fondling each other's cheeks with your fingers..
"Jesus, Bill" you start and can't hide your smile because of his quite self-satisfied look which he even doesn't bother to mask. "But imagine, you could be just peacefully sleeping right now, so boring, nah?" he says alternating words with tenderest pecks, gosh, such a big kisser he is and you never get tired of how he can't restrain his lips. "Screw you!" you laugh and squeeze him lovingly with all of your limbs "Will I make it to the day when you'll become my blanket and we won't fuck right after that?". He portrays deep thoughtfulness "Hmmm... I don't know, I'm not sure... But please keep trying, I love it so much!" "Natch, of course you love!!" you playfully resent and move a little as you feel that he's still in. You slightly push him at his shoulders urging him to climb off you "I need to go shower, Bill, and don't even think to follow me!" you get out of bed. "Okay, but please hurry back, now that's gonna be my turn to be needy for blanket" he reaches out his long arm and gently slaps your ass as you walk toward bathroom. "Don't even think!" you wag your finger at him trying to act severely, but he knows that you already hasten your steps.
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stevenbasic · 5 years
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“I’m so glad we have this date today…I really like having the chance to talk with you,” Melissa said, returning to the table with our coffees, a disarming smile and a powerful pair of swinging hips. “And now I’ve got you all to myself.”
“It’s, uh, not a d-...” I began, but heard my voice fade as I watched her big ass strain against her too-tight jeans as she moved to sit. Jesus, it’s huge. And she has absolutely no waist...
She giggled at my stammering as she sat, the chair taking her weight. It was our second official Friday Management Meeting, and I have to admit I was looking forward to it a little too much. Just the chance to sit and stare at this woman, have her undivided attention, bask in the her salient admiration while away from any others who knew us. Yes, I know it’s salacious and that I was a married man and believe me I was not proud of it. But christ that body in those jeans and that top. She’s an absolute Amazon, all curves, and I was feeling myself more and more fixated on her with each day that went by.
“So,” she started, eyes glittering over her coffee as she spoke, looking me up and down, “I guess you forgot it’s Casual Friday?” Her dark hair, soft and relaxed today, fell around her face fetchingly.
“Oh, uh…” I replied, suddenly conscious of my out-of-date tie and rumpled shirt. I put my cup down, ran my hands over the wrinkles of my khakis.  “I thought this was kinda casual..?”
Melissa giggled, satisfied. She and her friend Randi had established ‘Casual Fridays’ in the office last week. My silence had obviously been taken as a passive, spineless approval, and here I was in my own ‘casual’, complicit attire. “It’s okay, you look cute,” she added in an aside, indulging me with a smile, “like a little kid wearing his big-boy clothes.”
“Hey..!” I laughed, taking to my own coffee, watching her take a sip of hers and giggling at me. Truth be told, my old shirt was loose around the collar that morning, and my pants seemed too big. I had even had trouble getting the knot of my tie done, getting the right length.
So maybe I did look a little like a teen in oversized clothes, and Melissa hadn’t failed to notice. But, despite the teasing, there was something else on her mind that morning, for sure.
“So what’s up?” I asked, tabling for the moment the list of business items I wanted to get through, to make this an actual meeting, maybe.
“Well, it’s kinda silly, I guess, and I sorta feel silly asking but...are we, like, friends?” she asked.
“Oh...uh...” I stammered, caught off guard.
“Because I’ve been really feeling like we are getting to be friends,” she said,, “y’know, hanging out, going out together...talking. And I, like, hope I’m right? Am I? Are we...friends?” She was speaking a bit faster, belying her nerves.
This was weird, but it was bringing butterflies to my stomach. This girl - this young, buxom, drop-dead gorgeous girl - was nervously asking to be friends. She was hanging on my every word, and I didn’t know what to say.
If she saw my expression, she was having as hard a time reading it as I was expressing it. “I mean...if that’s okay?” she blurted, laughing, “Is that okay?? Is that, like, alright? To think? Since I, like...work for you? Can we be...friends?”
”oh, uh, I, uh…yeah, of course,” I finally answered, obviously flustered but doing my best to seem casual. I was nervous, she was nervous, and I didn’t want this to seem like a big deal. But...yikes… “Of course we can,” I said, my voice now more confident, “I’d be proud to be your friend.”
To that, Melissa visibly beamed, her smile growing, relieved, encouraged. Heartened.
I had tried not to stare as her chest swelled. “As long as you, uh, don't mind being friends with an old crank like me?” I asked.
“OMIGOD STOP!” she laughed, leaning in to slap my knee, “You’re so not old. Plus you're the smartest, nicest, best guy I know. And I need all the friends I can get.”
I laughed, and took a drink of my coffee, ignoring how fast my heart was racing. But what did she mean by that? That she ‘needed friends’. I mean, a girl like Melissa...she must be, uh, very popular.
“C’mon,” I countered, “You must have lots of friends, boy friends, I m-mean...friends who are guys” Ooof. I was digging a hole with my stammering. I saw her eyes giggling at me, and knew I should stop, but my mouth was ahead of my brain. “...a boyfriend?”   
She was kind enough not to laugh at me, and instead answered plainly and politely, “No it’s frustrating, the kind of guys I attract,” she said, breezing over my awkwardness and candidly explaining her situation, “Guys always try to...change me. Make me something different. So I’ve been on a break, a long break, so I can…” She took a sip of coffee, to choose the right words. “...concentrate on my career.“
”Oh,” I replied, feeling weirdly...weird. And feeling like there was more to the story...but it wasn’t my place to pry.
That’s when the air changed. A serious expression clouded her face as she drew and released a deep breath, cast her gaze down. At the same time I first became aware of her perfume, a cloud of which had slowly drifted across the table. Oh, wow...I drew in a deep breath of it. My eyes fluttered.
“Dr. J, I am so happy you consider me a friend, it means so much to me,” she began, steeling herself for something that was obviously difficult for her, “because I know the girls at work don’t really like me…” Her tone was uncharacteristically sober, and her frankness took me suddenly off-guard.
“Oh, don’t say that…” I answered, immediately seeking to solace the mood, possibly cutting her off. I knew I had to acknowledge her concerns, I couldn’t lie and tell her she was wrong, but I didn’t want her upset. “You’re...new. New to them. You’re...different. Different than Jeannette was.” She watched me, listening with wide, patient, slightly sad eyes from across the table. We both knew she was speaking the truth...but I also knew she was in fact understating it, that she didn’t fully understand how deep their petty antipathies were actually running, or that they despised me even more than they did her. But I had to try to make her feel better about it. “It’s maybe going to...take some time, time for them to warm up to you. But...you’ll see, keep try-”
“Dr J, it’s okay, it’s okay,” she said, stopping me with a hand, her left one, reaching out to grab mine. Her smile was wistful. “I'm actually used to it, I’ve had to deal with it, with women acting this way towards me before. It’s been this way ever since I grew...these.“
At that - hand still on mine - she drew her shoulders back, dramatically sticking her chest out. Her massive bosom swelled to fill the space between us and with a thin, resigned smile she patiently ignored me attempting to stay composed.
“Big, huh?” she quipped plainly, subtly squashing her breasts between her arms to further emphasize her mass and forcing me to finally look away. She sat back, removing her hand and allowing me a moment to recover.
“Y-y-yuh…” I tried, nodding, trying to appear understanding, “I can imagine it’s, uh…”
“Yeah, they’re a blessing and a curse,” she continued, candidly, “I’ve always wanted to succeed through my, like, brains. Through hard work and skills and, y’know - education.”
I continued nodding, agreeing, giving the appearance of understanding. Encouraging her to continue because there was no way I could say something insightful, in that moment. My tongue was paralyzed, my brain racing to pull itself from the quagmire of her bosomy display.
“But the boobs totally get in the way. Everyone always thinks my successes have been because of...this.” She waved her free right hand up and down, over her dramatic curves. “My body. How I look. How I dress. And sometimes - well, a lot of times - I think they were right. I was given things too easy, sometimes. Jobs, promotions, raises. This job is the first one that I really think will let me do what I want, show what I can accomplish through hard work and brains.”
Acutely aware of my guilt, of every horrible instinct and purile thought in my pathetic male body, I bit my tongue and stayed quiet. I was no better than anyone else who had given her these jobs, these promotions, these raises in the past; she certainly didn’t get this position of Office Manager in my practice on account of her resume, skills or experience. I was just as much of a boob-monkey heel as the rest of them...but she obviously didn’t know that, and I was not about to tell her. She thought better of me, which made it all the worse.
“So...help me!” she laughed, leaning in to shake my shoulder -  in jest, yes, but she was strong. Her tone had been slowly becoming more confident, more self-assured, and now it was her encouraging me; it was me who had become more reticent. “What do I do, Dr. J, with the staff? With the girls in the office?” She looked at me and, seeing I had no immediate answer, continued to speak. “It’s like there’s two parts of me: one that wants to try hard, to really make friends with them. And then there’s the other part…” 
Her perfume was so strong. Strong and captivating. I felt like it was enveloping me, blurring out the world around us. It was focusing me totally on her.
“The other part doesn’t want to make friends,” she continued,  “The other part wants to be strict, be the boss.” She played with her cup, toying with it in her hands, and then looked at me with new confidence. “So, it’s like there’s the nice part and...the strong part.”
I felt myself struggle to swallow. gulp.
“And the strong part, Dr. J, it’s...it’s been getting stronger.”
I’d known it soon after I first met her. There was something inside her, something growing, something blooming - and it was happening even as we spoke. I saw it in her eyes, and I saw that she felt it too. It was new to her, and it was thrilling.
It made my heart race, seeing her excited.
“Anyway, it’s sooo important to me that you’re supporting me,” she said, casually reaching her hand out to my knee. She watched as I looked down at it, and then up at her again. She smiled at me, and kept her hand where it was. “I know I’m new. I know you’ve known the other girls longer. I know it must be hard, putting all your trust in me...”
A new wave of her perfume, so intoxicating, kept me focused on her. Her hand was still on my leg, squeezing it firmly. Her glittering eyes were glued to mine, making my mouth dry, empty of words.
“So...Tell me. What do you want me to do?” she asked, sitting back, sitting straight, now having released my knee, “Try to make friends or…” As I watched, she straightened her shoulders, raised her powerful chest. She seemed to grow six inches, just sitting there.  “...do you want me to be the boss?”
My body shuddered, and before I could catch myself, I heard myself speak.
“I-I want you t-to...to be the b-boss.”
She smiled, thrilled, and it was at that moment that I realized it...I had a raging hard-on. I was telling her exactly what she wanted to hear, I was feeding into the blossoming confidence of this breathtaking but woefully unqualified woman, and it was so fucking hot.
“Ok, then...first,” she began, “I think I need to exert my authority.” As she spoke - she’d obviously settled her mind already - she took a moment to casually adjust her bra, tugging on the band on her left side through her thin pink shirt. “I need to show that I’m in charge...but I don’t want to be, like, mean. Stoop to their level. I want to show that I can be, like…” she sat up straighter still. “...the bigger person” 
I realized I was staring, and fumbled for words. I knew I should be offering guidance, but could only stammer as I watched her tuck her hair behind her ear. She was waiting patiently for my response.
“o-okay…” I managed.
“But still, they need to know that I am their boss,” she said, shifting in her seat, “I have to do something. Something to...show them.”
“h-how?” I asked, unable to fathom anything else but a question, “wh-what?” Were there even any other people in this coffee shop? Why was I being so sheepish?
“I don’t know yet,” she stated, a brief, grim seriousness in her voice that soon disappeared as she looked at me, shrugged, and giggled. Her breasts bounced, and I think my jaw had been hanging open.
”Anyway, thanks for listening to me,” she concluded, her mind newly set, “You’re always such a big help to me, and I totally appreciate you.”
“Oh, it’s n-no problem, I’m ha-happy t-“ Had I noticed that soft, fleshy bulge of hip, escaping her jeans before?
“And you know you can talk to me, too,” she said, reaching out for my hand again, now taking it in both of hers, “About anything, even stuff at home.” With that, she paused, and just held my hand.
I looked up into her eyes, which were glued on mine. She was obviously talking about my marriage, and my heart skipped. “O-okay, wow, thanks…” Was she looking for more, here? For me to open up about my problems with Sheryl? Her glittering eyes, her soft, thick hair, the magnetic caress of her perfume was making it hard, but I knew not to say any more.
“I’m serious, I can be there for you,” she said, immediately seeing my reticence...but being respectful of it. She leaned in, closer to me, squeezed my hand in support. “We’re a team now, you and me. You have to learn to confide in me. Got it?”
Her smile was so pretty.
“g-got it,” I nodded.
“Good boy,” she giggled, releasing my hand to take her coffee cup again. “I’’m so glad we’re friends now…” She took a playful sip of coffee before looking at me and declaring...
 “I really need a good man in my life.”
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01littleunicorn · 6 years
I know this isn’t in your normal request structure, but I really want to see a fiction where Reyoma keeps lecturing Takumi about stuff he keeps messing up on, and Takumi ends up getting really mad at Ryoma. I imagine it happening sometime before the war, as something that feeds his insecurities you know? (This sort of thing happens between me and my sibling and it made me think about if something like this happened between the two of them.)
Hey there!!! 
Finally, I am done with your request! Sooo sorry it took me so long to finish it - -’’
As you may have seen I had quite the struggle with this fic at first, but I pulled through and now I quite like the final result ^^ I did derailed a bit from the prompt you gave me so I hope you’ll still like it ^^’’
(And don’t worry for not using the typical prompts, I gladly accept all type of request ^^)
So here goes!
Prompt: none in particular
Pairings: Takumi & Ryoma (no ships)
Warnings: Angst (but it’s Takumi so no big surprise).
Also take note that Takumi is a very unreliable narrator xD Open ending so you can chose which path Corrin will chose later on ^^
- Takumi!
Ryoma’s voice resonatedfrom the end of the hallway and Takumi instantly stopped in his tracks, sighingand preparing himself for what was to come. As his brother’s footsteps gotcloser and closer, the younger prince closed his eyes, fists clenched inanticipation.
Even if he knew Ryomahad caught up to him, Takumi chose to stay silent while waiting for his brotherto initiate the conversation.
- Would you care toexplain to me what happened back there at the council?
Ryoma’s tone was stern,strong and demanding. His voice stayed calm, yet Takumi could feel theunderlying scolding laced in it.
- Nothing…
His own voice feltmeek and subdue. He tried to sound detached and composed, but like every other timebefore, he lost it all when facing his brother.
- Exactly. Nothing atall!
The samurai’s voicewent up a notch and Takumi felt himself flinch involuntarily.
- Not once did youraise your voice to contribute to the discussion. You just sat there, with thatforlorn look in your eyes, as if only waiting to be dismissed from the room.Tell me… Am I wrong?
Even if his wordswere phrased in the form of a question, Ryoma left no place for contradiction.No matter how much Takumi could protest, his brother had already made up hismind about what was true and would not listen to him. He had learned thatlesson before and didn’t even attempt to defend himself.
- No…
A long silencelingered for what felt like an eternity while Takumi could feel, without evenseeing it, the glare of disappointment from his brother crushing him down.
- Takumi…
A word and sigh.That’s all it took for the tears to start brimming at the corner of the young prince’seyes as his teeth gritted tightly. Yet, he just stood there and said nothing…How pathetic.
And Ryoma continued.Continued to berate him about how he is a prince of Hoshido, how he hasresponsibilities and that he couldn’t just be slacking off. “This is a war theyare fighting and doesn’t he want revenge for Father and Corrin? Hinoka andSakura all seemed to understand it so, why couldn’t he?”
Takumi had heard itall before… So many times he stopped counting, truly.
The first event he couldrecall happened not too long after their father’s death. Hoshido was nowwithout a king and, despite Queen Mikoto stepping up to assume the role ofleader, Ryoma still had to bear the pressure of both being the future king and havingto take on the mantle as the new defender of the family. And, although Takumidid understand that his brother’s position was difficult, he couldn’t help butfeel that Ryoma had become much stricter and demanding, especially towards hisyounger brother.
So, one day, while theywere all sitting at the family table, the samurai suddenly brought up how herecently learned that the two youngest royals had been trying to avoid attendingthe last formal event. Being put on the spot like that was already rather humiliating,however, when Ryoma turned around to put the blame solely on the younger princeinstead of scolding them both, Takumi just couldn’t believe it.
Yet, there it was andthe young boy could only sit there, as his brother clearly explained how such ascheme had to have come from him and that he clearly was a bad influence on hislittle sister.
Truth be told, it wasSakura who had been the one to come to him and ask for a way out of theseevents. She hated being in front of people and having so much attention on her,with her stutter and shyness only making it a real nightmare. Takumi alsodreaded these events, mainly because he hated playing the social type,especially in such dire times. That’s why he instantly acceptedto help both of them find an escape plan.
Ryoma, however, didn’tknow that. And there was no way Takumi would try to get out of this mess byblaming his sweet little sister.
Therefore, he stayedsilent. He could feel the heavy disappointed and judgemental looks from hisfamily crush him, yet he chose to stay his tongue. And, despite Sakura’s pleato let her confess the truth to Ryoma and Mother, Takumi hushed her to staysilent, somehow feeling it was his cross to bear.
And it went on foryears.
No matter what hedid, it always ended up being the wrong thing to do, in Ryoma’s eyes anyway.From his choice of clothing not being appropriate for a prince, to his attitudethat was apparently too off-putting, every aspect of his life seemed to bedisapproved by his older brother.
On the day he waschosen as the bearer of the Fujin Yumi, Takumi foolishly found himself thinkingthat, finally, it would show his brother that he was actually worth something. Afterall, he was now the only one in the family, besides Ryoma, to be able to wielda divine weapon. But, if he indeed showed some pride on the day of thediscovery, the samurai was quick to remind him of the pressure it also involvedand that he now had to prove himself worthy of such a legendary item.
And Ryoma wouldremind him, constantly. Should his training get even slightly slacking orshould he end up losing against some of the castle’s retainers, he would havehis brother lecturing him on how he had to be more serious and diligent. TheFujin Yumi wasn’t just any weapon and he had to show the proper reverence andresolve it deserved.
Yet, even when Takumitook his words to heart and almost lost himself in his training, there werestill things to criticize in his brother’s perspective.
According to Ryoma,princes couldn’t rely on brute force alone and he needed to hone his intellectjust as much as his strength.
It’s not that Takumidisagreed with his brother on that point, after all, history books had alwaysbeen a passion of his. Except that now, instead of enjoying a good read by thefireplace, he had to read through every book he could come across, subject bedamned, in hopes that it could provide crucial information in their war againstthe kingdom of Nohr.
The books were interestingand he did find himself learning a lot of things he really enjoyed, but havingto read through countless books out of obligation to his country instead ofpassion, took a lot out of the experience. However, he kept those thoughts tohimself again and simply did as he had been instructed.
Nevertheless, whenall was said and done… it still wasn’t enough.
And now, here he was, being lecturedabout his lack of participation in the war meetings, as if his brother didn’trealize how pointless it would be. The people of the council wanted Ryoma, theHigh Prince and defender of Hoshido, and not Takumi, the always useless secondprince.
But, like in every past instancewhen faced with his brother’s disapproval, he kept his mouth shut, simply feelingthe weight on his heart grow heavier.
- So, can I count on you to, at thevery least, try to show some interest in the next council?
Takumi already knew there was onlyone possible answer to his brother’s query.
- Yes brother…
The words were empty and he’dalready given this answer more time than he could remember. Yet, it seemed tosatisfy the samurai who nodded approvingly before turning around.
- Very well. I will be counting onyou from now on.
Then, for a second, there was somesort of hesitation in the air. As if unsaid words were just hanging there, inwait to be spoken.
- Takumi…
There was something in the samurai’svoice. Something that Takumi couldn’t quite pin down. Something that made hisheart beat with a hint of hope, though the archer didn’t even know what he washoping for.
-…. Good night brother.
And, with that, the moment was gone.Ryoma simply continued forward in the hallway, walking away from the youngerprince.
And Takumi was left there, feelingonce more like a fool.
Before anyone could see him, he quicklyturned around and ran towards his room, eyes tightly shut to stop the tearsfrom running down his cheeks.
But it all came crashing through the moment he found himself behind closed doors,unable to contain his bottled emotions any longer.
His back slowly slid down againstthe door until he was sitting on the floor of his room, knees huddled close,while he buried his head in his arms to muffle the sound of his sobs. Likeevery day before, he would probably end up crying himself to sleep, only forhis fear of failure to follow him in the nightmares that would then fill hisnight.
What a pathetic sight for a princeof Hoshido, his brother would probably say.
Yet, Takumi couldn’t help it. Itjust hurt too much. He always tried so hard to keep everything under control,to not show his emotions, his weakness. All he ever wanted was for his familyto be proud of him. For his brother to acknowledge all the hard work he wasdoing.
But it was never enough… HE wasnever enough.
The full moon was bright in the sky andits light was falling perfectly on Takumi, as a spotlight shining on hisfaults.  When he finally raised his eyes andhis gaze fixated itself on the star filled sky, the Hoshidan prince suddenly feltsomething shift in him.
What was he doing, crying on theground like a little child?
With a swipe of his arm, he quicklywiped away his tears, instantly hardening his face.
That was enough.
Now, he had to be strong. More thanthat, he had to stand tall and proud, to really become the prince he wassupposed to be.
No more tears, Takumi decided.Starting today, he would keep it all inside. He wouldn’t let his weakness show.He wouldn’t let anybody, not even his siblings, close enough to hurt himanymore. He would build walls around his heart and simply focus. Focus onproving himself.
Filled with a new purpose, thearcher rose up from the ground, walking slowly towards his window. And, as he baskedin the light of the moon, the Hoshidan prince hardened his resolve.
No longer would he let his family’sdisapproval shame him in thinking he couldn’t do it. Not even Ryoma’s. He woulddo what was necessary. He would work tirelessly, endlessly, to prove to theworld what he was worth.
And maybe that day… maybe thenightmares and the pain would finally go away…
Yes, Takumi thought, he WOULD provehe was a true prince of Hoshido!
Or he would die trying…
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Chasing the Dream
I’ve been working on FFAK for almost four years now. Its the longest project I’ve ever committed myself to by far, and every part of this journey is really a “first time” kind of experience for me. One thing that I often think about while learning about the creative process of making a long-format comic is that.. I wonder how much of this is normal?
Working on my comic every day, obviously, you go through ups and downs. Just like how life is. Its not really always an exciting thing, my comic is often kind of just part of my day as naturally as eating a meal. When you do something like that, its easy to look at your project differently. Its not a exciting, spontaneous thing its a loyal, loving dedication, but how do you keep that spark that first ignited the flame of creativity in the first place? how do you manage this.. relationship? I so crave to hear from other artists about what they do about it. especially from comic artists that i admire and look up to, just to get some sort of frame of reference of what i should be expecting from this, all the while knowing my personal journey is mine alone and could never be replicated again.
One thing that is difficult to get accustomed to is that, people will (hopefully) have opinions about your comic. Its the ideal thing is to have people talking about it. But that stuff can really get in your head too. Not in a positive way. Learning about those boundaries is an essential aspect of the creative process. I wish i could give proper tips with this, but its something I struggle with too much to feel like I can really confidently advise on. Its also not really the focus of what I want to write about currently.
I feel somewhat lost with my life a lot of the times, with goals and directions. Since putting ffak down all around me, like building a bridge to an unknown future- I suddenly feel like I have somewhat of a stable home to return to that i want to uphold and see to the end. A frame of reference for myself in what i want to be part of my identity and be known for. But that in itself, is intimidating. I don’t know how to protect it properly to let it grow, I have to catch myself for when I face an unexpected challenge and i dont know what I’m building towards most of the time. I have a lot of dreams of what that might be, but I don’t know if im ever going to reach it with this bridge.
When it comes to thinking about my far off, no holding back dreams are, it really doesn’t feel like I’ll ever get there-- but I also never thought I would be where I am standing now, and I am still walking and building towards.. something. The motivation to keep forward even if I don’t know where i will go, while imagining that far off dream and if I’ll be lucky to obtain parts of it is something that keeps working for me. But really, its almost just putting faith and truth in my fantasy dream. I just have always wanted it so bad and hungered for it. Even in the title of FEAST for a king i feel that it reflects that passion inside me and how its haunted me, inspired me and frustrated me. The comic is such a reflection of my own inner demons, spilling out in a tangled imperfect mess without the cosmetic editing to make it more palatable to read. (I know its a mess, trust me. I’ve just learned to accept that as part of its unique charm. Much like accepting my own mess of a self as part of my unique charm.)
When working on this bridge, I think a lot of my efforts are really the desperate effort to find somewhere I belong. I imagine this familiar hand to someone I dont know, stretching out from that void beyond my bridge and saying “There you are, welcome home” and i’m so eager to take that hand when I know I’ve seen it. I just feel that if I keep working that opportunity will make itself present to me and my anxiety of where I need to be will go away or at least diminish. I’m not sure what that hand really belongs to. Fame? Success and recognition? Companionship? Security? A Family? Is it my own damn hand?! Who am I really chasing after that I feel I don’t have already? I just question it a lot while still going forward, because its better to keep moving now that I’ve got a start on things. I’ve been stuck in one place for so many years and decades, In a lot of ways I am still stuck but this comic has helped me become unstuck.. or at least aware of how much i hold myself back from experiencing life for myself, or carving my own path in the world where I don’t have to feel like I need to be entertaining (or fitting a certain criteria) enough to be allowed there.
I really don’t know what its like to work on a long term project where you are working with publishers, editors, ppl who will help market you -- the support I get is from really 100% my readers and friends. That belief and excitement they give me is enough to feel like im doing SOMETHING. Maybe not something perfect, but it is something that is happening as apposed to not doing it.
Actually, to come back to how its important to have boundaries with what people say about your art-- i talk about this a lot because I am pretty defensive over my choices. When I feel like someone doesn’t “get” what i do, I would get very frustrated. But it was also really fun to feel that way, I enjoyed getting all wound up over my own story and how people were interpreting it. It helped me reflect and figure out myself and as time went on, comments don’t bother me the same as they did anymore. Generally though, people are pretty nice to me. Either that or they just don’t bother reading my comic at all because it has too many weird sex things in it and is too long and confusing. That is cool too.
When people say something about my work where that, my comic is “OK” but not “great” -- or something along the lines of mediocrity-- that’s where it really hurts a lot i think. There’s no contesting that, its just how they feel. Intstead of that image of a hand reaching out, you know that hand is not going to be there. Its different from a hand slapping you across the face because they get angry about it. Of course, aggressive violent flappyflap hands are not fun to deal with too, but for some reason there’s still the presence of them BEING there. Even if they’re enraged, its like, they are enraged enough to stick around and try to tell you off. But when someone’s read your work and just felt Meh, there’s a certain kind of rejection that is hard to accept. It really challenges the artistic pride. And its sooo easy to take that as some sort of universal acceptance of your work, because its like-- am I though? Is my bridge just going to be this average, mediocre one? Is that even a bad thing? Shouldn’t I be content with that? But then the faded idea of your dream and your true, secret selfish goals kind of come back to focus. Your hunger returns and you don’t feel satisfied with that answer.
When I keep working, i just try to imagine that I’m not just an artist, I’m the greatest artist ever. That might not even make sense, that statement, but when I feel hung up or defeated and not good enough, I just know that I cannot stop here because.. what would the best artist ever do? they would figure out a way to get over it and keep going forward. There is no obstacle to that person. Even if I am not that person, pretending I am is enough to get me a little closer to where I want to be than I was before. And so i find myself sort of chasing after that imagined version of myself. And in three going on four years, I can at least confidently say I have made that gap between me and that other self..just a little closer.
Anyway, thank you for reading this or my comic!
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angelsfluffysmut · 6 years
A Tight, Divine Bond (Or, I Tried So Hard to Accept My Goddess’ Extremely Lewd Reward, And I Tried So Hard To Be A Good Partner For Her, But In The End I Bit Off More Than I Can Chew...!)
The priestess finally gets some time to relax, before bed. As soon as she enters her room and closes the door, all of her clothes are just shed, leaving her down to her underwear.
A goblin raid's surprisingly easy to fend off with some adventurers, despite the damage they can do. However, fixing said damage is the hard part. Luckily, that's what this temple's workers are here for--securing connections and sending able hands, they rapidly set up their usual system to provide aid to the town. Medical assistance, food, repairs...
Her hand finds its ways over her panties, rubbing slowly, bringing herself to a half-mast. Coordinating all this was fairly taxing on the high priestess. The last day of three, she so wished to have some time to herself... But, with the relief effort almost done, she gets a moment to relax.
...Though, she probably ought to do her prayers... Patiently, she waits for her erection to fall, sits straight on the bed, and clasps her hands together in silent prayer. Her hair has long since turned blue from channeling so much divine energy, gifted to her for her zealous service. It powers the abilities of her acolytes, who wander the world once in a while looking to lend their help.
But her prayer never quite yielded something like THIS.
A tinkling sound breaks her out of her reverie, and she slowly opens her eyes. A vaguely door-shaped mass of light stands in the middle of her room, exuding a divine radiance she can't quite understand. And stepping out from it, is someone she'd only previously seen in visions. Her Goddess.
...Only her divine robe is incredibly sheer, leaving very little to the imagination. Seeing everything there is to see on her own Goddess' body, the priestess blushes profusely. And then, she blushes three times as hard, realizing she's wearing nothing but underwear.
"G-Goddess..." "Shh." With a gentle, but impossible to resist touch, the Goddess pulls the priestess onto her lap after sitting onto her. Far more closely and intimately than the priestess could have ever hoped. "I wanted to visit you."
She runs a hand up the reddening woman's neck, onto the side of her face, then down her chin, her thumb brushing against her lips. "My priestess... You're so devoted... And so kind... You deserve a reward. And I want to give it to you."
And she tries so hard to not do it. She tries so very, very hard to avoid this very inappropriate act. But she fails utterly, and her rapidly growing erection slowly spills out of her soft silk panties. And it just becomes worse when the Goddess puts her lips up to her ear, and whispers. "Don't be shy. It's normal to be aroused. That's exactly what I'm here for, sweetheart." "B-but..." Filled with shame, the priestess can't help but vaguely stop herself from saying yes. The Goddess' pillowy body makes it difficult to concentrate, especially when in so close contact--and she throbs once. "It's... Not appropriate. I would... Goddess, I promise you I would love to. It's simply... I'm a priestess, and you-"
"Would you like it if I didn't give you a choice?"
And her heart jumps. And it sort of doesn't stop beating so hard. But her mouth simply won't say the one word that she wants so badly to utter, so instead she huddles up to the Goddess, grasping onto her meekly. And she hopes against all hope that she will interpret that as yes.
The Goddess gently grabs her wrists. Her touch is gentle, with no force behind it, yet it's impossible to resist. And she raises both of those hands above her head, slowly laying the priestess on the bed. She leaves her in this position for a moment, delicate fingers reaching around to remove her bra. And then, thin, glowing golden chains materialize, binding those wrists together, then tying them to the head of the bed. Another set of chains materialize around her ankles, binding those together tightly. And then, the Goddess straddles her torso, smiling kindly.
"Mmm... You look so wonderful, all tied up and helpless. And panting sooo hard..." She-- she hadn't even noticed. Having already given in, the priestess feels the strength draining from her body, out of raw submissive arousal. And the Goddess drags herself up that body, and places her crotch up to her partner's face, her vagina already wet and dripping with glimmering juices. "First... Taste me."
Somewhat hesitantly, she touches and teases the wonderful vision, almost a fantasy, in front of her. And it... Tastes so incredible. Sweet, rich, wonderfully so. She dives in more eagerly, only dimly aware of the fact that she's causing her Goddess wonderful pleasure. Hopefully she enjoys it... But her erection starts to harden more, and more, and even more, much more than she thought possible. And despite loving her Goddess' ambrosia, she begins to squirm in untold need.
"Hmmm?" And the Goddess notices, and looks down at her with that same kind smile. "Is something wrong, love?" She lifts up just enough to deny her access to her crotch, and runs her hand over her lover's chin, and then uses her thumb to pin that tongue to the bottom of her mouth. "What is it you need? Tell me."
She just moans. It's all she can really do through this gesture. Her hips thrust into the air, desperately, and the Goddess giggles teasingly, reaching a hand back to brush over her thighs--frustratingly close. "This, sweetheart?" Desperate squirming. "Hmmm... Alright."
After moving back down, to the crotch, the Goddess wraps a hand around that needy dick, and--and, oh Goddess, it's--it's such a silky touch, and her pressure is just right, and as she moves up and down she coaxes precum out impossibly quickly, and then, she drags her wonderful tongue all over it, slick and soft and warm and wonderful, and soon she has her lips around it and it's bliss and so hard to think and ahhhhhn~
Then it stops, and she looks down, but she doesn't have time to be disappointed... The Goddess is positioning herself above her sensitive dick, the head already tantalizingly close to the entrance of her divine pussy. Her hand is slick with her own juices--the thought that she may have been masturbating is so flattering...
And then she goes down, slowly. Tight, wet, warm, impossibly so; it feels like heaven around her most sensitive spot...! The priestess moans, but she's not the only one--the Goddess enjoys this as well.
"Aahhh~ This size, it's just right... I could get off to this..." Seeing the priestess' hopeful eyes, she smiles kindly one more. "Don't count on it, honey. It's incredibly difficult, for a mortal. Just enjoy yourself... This is for you." She goes up, then down, then up, then down, gasping every time she goes down, and it inundates the priestess with so much pleasure. She throbs, then harder, and spills so much precum inside, it's... Oh...
Oh n-no, she's there already, but the Goddess doesn't seem even close... She tries to last longer, but it's so hard when the Goddess feels so good... Frustrated at her own weakness, she cums helplessly, unable to take even one more second.
And the Goddess lies with her, caressing her face in affection, and kissing her cheek lovingly. But the priestess can tell she wasn't fully satisfied.
"...You still don't feel fulfilled?" "I... I wanted to be a good partner for you, my Goddess." "Awww." She kisses her again, and smiles kindly once more. Then, she reaches towards the chains... But stops. "Would you like me... To leave you tied overnight?" The priestess' heart jumps. "I'll have it so they vanish a while after you wake up."
And so she sleeps tied and helpless. ~~~ It happens again in a week. The Goddess materializes, and gently and lovingly lies her down and strips her, and ties her down. She feeds her ambrosia, and teases her, then pleases her with her hands and her tongue and her mouth.
Then... She slips down. She moans, the Goddess gasps. That divine tightness... It envelops her again and gets so much pleasure out of her. It truly feels impossible to resist... But, it's for her Goddess' sake.
"G-Goddess. Please..." It's interrupted by a moan. "D-don't stop. Keep going... I'll last long enough for you to f-finish, I promise!"
Surprised, the Goddess' kind smile changes to a mischevious one. She begins to move up and down at a faster pace, not too much, but certainly enough to make the priestess moan and immediately regret her decision. "Mmmmph... You've always been so devoted... I'll entert--ahhhhn--" Getting a moan of that caliber out of the Goddess already feels wonderful... "entertain this effort. But if you really want to help me finish... Priestess, I won't hold back..."
With this new pace, the Goddess' breath quickens, and she begins to have trouble stifling her gasps and moans. But this--this tightness, this pace, it's--ah fuck, it's testing... She throbs already, hard, as she contemplates that--that she may have to contain her orgasm... For... Quite a while, if this keeps up...
Then the Goddess plants a hand on her partner's torso, and increases her pace again, moaning shamelessly. And instantly, the priestess is at her limit. "Oh... Ooohh, my priestess... I haven't been this far... In a long time... H-hold on for me!" Trembling and stifling moans in obscene effort, she holds on as best she can as the Goddess rides her like a storm, planting her other hand down and leaning her full weight on her as she increases her pace yet again. The priestess helplessly witnesses her Goddess quivering and scream-moaning, her body ekeing an orgasm out of her and her partner inch by inch...
"Priestess...! I am... Aaahn, I'm... I'm cu--Haaa--haaaaaah...!!" Something beyond her wildest dreams, the tied-up priestess not only watches her Goddess orgasm, but is providing for it... She doesn't get to do it too long, as immediately, the Goddess' canal begins to contract and squeeze and tighten and f-force so much cum out of her and she can't register her own moaning and she's... She's... S-so happy and satisfied...
Her Goddess' tired and panting voice is honestly a siren song, as she leans down and grasps her little sub's face on both sides, pushing their lips together in an awkward, tired, sloppy kiss that nonetheless feels like heaven. It takes a while for her to back up, but she does eventually. "It's been so long... My little priestess, you've fulfilled me in a way you can't even comprehend." She blushes--she didn't know there was room for more blush. "I will continue to visit you, if that's alright with you." No objections. "I imagine you'll want to sleep all tied up tonight too?" A nod.
The Goddess tiredly plops down next to the still-trembling woman, huddling close, and sighing contentedly. And she moves up to her new partner's ear, and she whispers...
"If only you could last more than once..."
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the-vaporverse · 7 years
Starless Horizon RP File #29
(Vela’s part in italics.)
Having been checking over a console on the other side of the cockpit, Vela immediately made her way over to Dritz when he spoke, glancing at the viewscreen before kissing the top of his head between his antennae. She rested her hands on his shoulders, lightly massaging as she kept a contemplative gaze on the sight of the station slowly approaching. It had been a long journey once more, but nothing about it seemed long. The days had been filled with engaging conversation and discussion, games, and long hours spent in simple enjoyment of each other's bodies. There was nothing in the universe she would have traded that time for.
[I'm glad we're here,] she finally signed to him after they had been cleared for docking with station personnel. [It's been a wonderful trip, of course. But I've been looking forward to our quarters, and even if the hologardens aren't as wonderful as Chrysala, I've missed it too.] It might have been the time she had spent there with Dritz which made her so fond of it, but she also loved how frequently the scenery could change there.
Suddenly she frowned, the sight of the dock interior bringing up a memory. [You don't think... he is still here, do you?] From her slight scowl, one she never wore otherwise, it was absolutely apparent who she was referring to.
Dritz groaned in a way that seemed to be agreement, "I can't wait for our actual room again! The Nova's bunks are actually comfier than I'm used to, but there's never anything quite like a real bed, especially if you've not been in one for a while!" Truth be told, he was also looking forward to making love in what felt like their own bed again. He smirked a little at this thought but didn't express it further.
He stretched, his antennae flattening against his hair as if also doing so. He of course knew who Vela meant. "I dunno, flower. I can't see that he and Ori really need to stay in the station? He's probably got some fancy property elsewhere in the galaxy, he's probably whisked the guy off or vice versa. I'm sure there won't be anything to worry about."
Unconvinced, Vela made no reply as she moved to the navigation console and began entering the sequence for landing. It would be easy enough to think that Dritz was correct and the snobby prince of Coronus had taken Orion to some amazing destination or another far away from the station. But Vela had a feeling it was not going to be nearly that easy.
Once they left the Nova safely in dock, she did feel a little better. The paperwork necessary, such as it was, didn't take too long as they were only returning instead of new visitors. As they carried their small bags of possessions from the ship and toward their lodging, she almost even sighed in relief.
"Hey! You two! Aren't you a genuine sight for sore eyes."
Vela could make no sense of this expression, but turned toward the instantly recognizable voice of the human they had met what felt so long ago. Orion looked the same as before, but with a little more stubble on his face along with an extra weariness around his eyes. "It's good to see you. Listen, I... hope you're not upset with me for this, but I had someone I met in management keep a watch out for your arrival. I didn't want to miss you in case you had plans to fly off somewhere else soon."
Though she signed a brief greeting, Vela hung back a little to be sure Fera was not about to appear. Orion held his arms out, apparently expecting Dritz would want to hug him, but he only extended one hand to her and bowed over it when she accepted, which she preferred at the moment. Maybe Fera had left on his own and cut contact with Orion. Again, she thought that was too simple an outcome.
The sights of the station, the clean (ish) streets, neon signs, the bustling and busy folk, all felt strangely like a welcome. The station had become a home, one that he'd build with Vela, despite it being neither of their "real" homes.
Dritz turned at the sound of the voice with instant recognition, a wide grin already in place as he laid eyes on Orion. The human was notable in his scruffiness, but Dritz wondered if that was just because he hadn't seen him for a while. Of course, he lunged forward without much warning, dropping his bag and scooping Orion up with ease into a big hug.
"Ori! It's sooo good to see you!" he gushed, squeezing the man before finally putting him down gently. "How have you been? Where's that prince of yours? How's he been?"
Not surprised at all by the gigantic hug Dritz gave him, Orion's eyes did widen to be lifted completely off the floor in the process. He knew he wasn't exactly the heaviest but it was still impressive, even considering an average Chrysalan's strength.
Dritz placed him down again with the utmost gentleness, and the human stepped back with a wide grin, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I'm pretty glad you're so happy to see me. I've been alright. Just... busy. Real busy. Between work and Fera, I've had so little time that I really was worried I'd miss you when you got back. I've been eager for details of your trip."
He paused a moment, watching Vela. She looked lovely as ever, but was currently squinting at him in a way which he thought meant she was a little suspicious. Maybe she just wanted to know where Fera was. "As for the prince himself, he's been... well. As well as he can be, anyway. He gets pretty mad sometimes when I refuse to leave the station, though. But I still have work to do. He hasn't left me yet at least. Right now he's probably aboard his ship. Been spending a lot of time there lately... I think we're doing well together. Or I hope we are. Never a dull moment with Fera around."
That was an understatement. The prince of Coronus had many moods, but generally he tended to be either extremely flirtatious or incredibly grumpy. It took some getting used to; Orion thought he had done a good job with that.
"Hey, but I know you two want to get your stuff to your room and settle in. I'll walk you there, and then maybe we can meet up sometime later? You're... not leaving again real soon, right?" He fell into step beside them, fighting back further curiosity despite how difficult it was. Dritz and Vela had become two of the best friends he had ever gotten to know, surprisingly, and they had begun to mean quite a lot to him.
"Phew, yeah, I don't imagine having a royal partner is any kind of fun," Dritz laughed. After a beat, he added, looking somewhat panicked, "Not that I don't think he's fun or anything, I just mean, what with being kinda spoilt, being... I dunno, handed stuff from birth? I don't know much about how royalty works, since Chrysala is so different. But from my understanding, it sort of elevates someone above others? He's probably used to folk following his every whim and word. I guess you don't do that so much!" He laughed, thinking of Fera asking something ridiculous of Orion and how the human would likely refuse in some incredibly lovely and reasonable way. He was not a pushover, but then, Dritz suspected one couldn't sustain a relationship with Fera if one was.
"I can't see us leaving again for a good while yet. Out business is important, but it's also something that can wait for a while so we can enjoy actually being back!" Dritz explained, glancing at Vela to ensure he was thinking correctly.
Despite himself, Orion had to laugh at how quickly Dritz tried to cover over his first statement. Fera was definitely "fun," but maybe not in the conventional ways some might expect. "No, you're fine. You're exactly right, there's no one above him except his parents on his planet. So he always got his way and could tell anyone what to do... and that doesn't work with me. Seems like he doesn't mind it too much for some reason." In fact, he suspected a structured relationship with boundaries and mutual respect might be the biggest reason the prince was interested in him. From what Orion could tell, previous lovers (when they lasted long enough) had been too willing to bow to his every wish. And strange as it sounded, Fera really just needed someone willing to tell him "no."
"Spoiled is definitely a good word for him," the human chuckled fondly. "Just don't ever say that to his face. He'll never forgive you. Or at least not for a very long time."
He nodded enthusiastically at what Dritz told him, also looking at Vela for her confirmation. [No, we will not leave again soon. There are preparations yet to be done by others, and we will need more credits again. So we will stay here and work for some time... but not just work, of course.] It looked like her mood was softening, and Orion smiled as she reached for the Chrysalan's hand to hold as he translated. Besides being good friends to him, Dritz and Vela were just an adorable couple who he liked to admire whenever he could.
By this time they had reached the room, and Orion gave them both another friendly grin and handshake. "It's been so good to see you. I'll send you a message... tomorrow maybe? I'll help you look for work if you need to, and we'll plan out a time to meet. I'll also get my princely boyfriend to join us. On his best behavior, or at least I'll try to make him be," he added with an amused shrug.
There was something immensely reassuring, not to mention satisfying, about Orion saying Fera's orders wouldn't work with him. The scruffy human was, if there were any doubt, very good for the spoilt prince.
"I'd never say that to his face," Dritz said immediately, almost sounding slightly offended. He always tried his best to be as accommodating and friendly as possible, with everyone.
As he translated for Vela (noting with fondness that Ori seemed to be listening harder, and was watching Vela more closely, clearly trying to pick up more Aurian), Dritz squeezed her hand, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.
With the promise of seeing the other two men again (as well as further hugging), the two of them were left alone once more outside of the room they rented.
"It was so nice to see him so quickly, wasn't it?" the Chrysalan was asking as they wandered into the room, "I'm glad we're alone now though."
[Yes, it was nice,] Vela had to agree, shutting the door carefully behind them after they entered. Even if it had brought Fera to mind again. She wasn't looking forward to seeing him again, and wished there was some way to avoid it. Yet she couldn't leave Dritz to have to go through such an ordeal on his own.
For now, however, she was quick to forget all about princes, or anyone other than herself and Dritz. She dropped her bag on the floor and nodded at what he said, showing she felt the same by kicking off her soft boots and leaving them where they lay.
She took a long, slow moment to look at him, then smiled slightly and removed her leggings as well. This left her in the oversized dark tunic she had chosen to wear that day, as it tended to be colder in the Nova than the station in general. She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, arranging her pale legs carefully to one side but not signing anything, just watching Dritz to see his reaction.
Dritz watched Vela with half lidded eyes, languidly taking his time over removing his own shoes. As her leggings slipped off, a small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Her slim, pale legs looked as invitingly soft as always, and his fingers itched to trail over them again.
Nevertheless, he took his time in removing his jacket, folding it over the narrow-backed chair that sat by the compact desk, before slowly tugging off his shirt and stepping towards her. Once he was stood over her, he leaned down and kissed her very gently, slowly moving to kneel on the floor in front of her.
"You comfy there?" he asked teasingly, gesturing to her bare legs, "We've only been here a few minutes and you're already stripping off." He grinned, kissing her again.
Vela followed Dritz's actions closely, alert and attentive to all he was doing. It seemed her idea was working, and he had similarly removed his shirt before kneeling in front her. She returned his kiss, then smiled faintly as she nodded.
[I am. I have realized how much I miss being here. It's like a sort of home, isn't it? At least for now. I just want to be comfortable... with you.] It would be a good enough reason in any case, but it was the truth. The desire to be close to him, the way their unclothed bodies were so different yet fit together almost as though made for each other...
Having said this, Vela's smile grew. [That's true, but then you did the same.] Her gaze slipped down his front, and she couldn't resist touching his chest and stomach with worshipful fingers. He was so warm, so soft... Surely she would never tire of how beautiful she thought he was. There had been no one like this for her on Aurctas.
She drew her legs apart slightly so they were touching him, her anticipation and increased pulse causing the soft down covering them to raise in a barely noticeable manner. For the moment there was little she could say, but she leaned forward to press her lips to his again in a way which left no doubt that her passion was rising as well.
"Hey, I just copied you, flower," Dritz chuckled as he trailed his fingers further up her legs. He leaned down and kissed her thigh sweetly.
She was right, though. They had made such a nice space for themselves on the station, not through decor or things, but the life they'd started to build, the friends they were making... It was strange how comfortable it had become. As he thought about their surroundings, trying to imagine how they could make it even more like a home, he lifted her top up, sliding it up over her flat stomach, replacing the fabric with his kisses.
"I feel like we make ourselves comfortable anywhere together," he mumbled against her skin before being pulled up and kissed in a way that told him all he wanted to know. He shifted them, moving Vela further up the bed and settling with her, kissing at her neck and shoulders.
Lazily, Vela nodded as Dritz moved her to lay more fully on the bed, joining her before covering her in more kisses. She sighed softly, sitting up long enough to just remove her top instead. Once Dritz had his trousers off too, she couldn't resist signing with a playful smile, [But we seem the most comfortable here, I think.]
Very carefully, she pushed at his shoulder until he lay down, moving her slighter weight on top of his. She could feel all of him underneath her, which was exciting in more ways than one. It amazed her all over again to consider the day they had first met. If she could have seen herself now, the way it had all turned out... her past self never would have believed it.
Without noticing, she had begun moving in a way which was obviously pleasing to them both, keeping her legs on either side of Dritz as she went from his lips to his neck to his collarbone with soft but sensuous kisses. Most of the rest of her thoughts were quickly leaving her as she began to focus on pleasure instead, but for now this wasn't a problem to either of them.
Dritz leaned back long enough to admire Vela's naked form, angular and firm with the gentlest suggestion of curve. He signed slowly and carefully [I agree. And you look perfect at this moment.]
He couldn't help the smirk that came from Vela's more forceful hand. She was very upfront with him, even without a word, and it was a trait he very much enjoyed. As soon as her hand came to his shoulder, he knew they wouldn't be remaining so casual and gentle for long.
By the time she had moved on top of him, however, he wasn't really thinking about their pace any more, focusing instead on only Vela, as he knew she would be focusing on him.
Afterwards, they had collapsed with heavy breaths and loving kisses, remaining quiet for a long time, content to lounge together until Vela pointed out that they had left their bags, and should unpack. Despite some protests, they managed to untangle themselves from each other long enough to unpack before immediately resuming their embrace, falling asleep shortly after.
Early the next morning, Vela awoke to the sound of Dritz's snoring and the feel of his warm arm wrapped around her, holding her loosely but also pressing her against his side. She had to wiggle free cautiously in hopes to not disturb him, but he must have been incredibly worn out from their arrival or, more likely, their lovemaking the night before. He barely moved, but did shift a little more onto his back and stretch his arm out, almost as though trying to find her again.
With a loving smile, Vela went to grab the datapad from where it rested on a table, returning to bed to curl up next to Dritz once more. The room was a comfortable temperature, and she delighted in the fact that she didn't need to put on any clothes. Being naked was such a novelty to her that she almost wished she could remain so more often.
She hadn't noticed it before, but the green light on the corner of the datapad was blinking. Instantly curious, she touched the screen and could see that Dritz had received a message. The short preview said it was from Orion, and actually addressed to her as well, so she pulled it up to begin reading.
'Dritz and Vela -
Hey. I hope you've settled in alright. I hate to be really abrupt with this, but there's a problem with Fera and I'm pretty worried. Can you guys meet me around 0900 station time near the shopping district? I'm not sure it's safe to send a message about it. Reply to this if you can't make it, which I'd understand. Thanks,
Vela set the datapad down and glanced over at Dritz's sleeping form, frowning. A problem with Fera? What would that mean? A very small, selfish part of her wanted to delete the message and to pretend they just hadn't received it. But if Orion needed help, she didn't want to leave him in an uncomfortable position, no matter who he chose to associate with.
After a little while she began to read on her latest topic of choice, doing her best to forget about the message until Dritz was awake. At the very least, she wasn't about to wake him up early for whatever this might be, especially considering there were hours left before Orion asked them to meet.
Dritz was just on the cusp of waking, unable to feel Vela near him, but soon dipped back into proper sleep for a while, finding that when he woke up a little more again, she was back where he expected her, reading as she always did while she waited for him to wake up.
"Good morning," he mumbled into her side, squishing up against her. His voice was thick with sleep still, but he smiled against her soft skin. Her body has cooled somewhat where she was without bedding, but given that Dritz was still bundled in bedsheets, it was a pleasant sensation to be against her.
"Sleep well? What are you reading about today?" He whispered, rolling onto his side properly, running a hand over her thigh.
Vela smiled as Dritz slowly woke, gently smoothing a hand through his hair before she replied. [I did. What about you?]
She glanced down at the datapad. It had proven harder to forget about the message than she thought, but she answered his second question truthfully. [I was reading about the royal family of Coronus. I think their people are very odd and superstitious, but it's almost heightened in their rulers of the past. Apparently they used to have barbaric customs involving ritual and sacrifice, though I couldn't find any evidence they still practice such today.] Knowing the current prince, she entertained a dark (and probably unfair) opinion that he still might.
Sighing gently, she shook her head. [The reason I was reading about it is because we received a message from Orion. It was about Fera. I don't really know what to make of it.] She gestured to the datapad on her lap. [You can read it now if you want, or wait until you're ready.]
A soft chirp came from Dritz's throat as he tilted his head into her caress, nodding, "Yeah, good. Felt good to be back here, didn't it?"
The subject of Coronal royalty made Dritz raise his eyebrows. It wasn't particularly a subject that he would have picked, or even one that he thought she might have picked to research, but then, he knew she was incredibly knowledge thirsty, eager to learn of everything and anything in the galaxy. Coronal royal history seemed... far too dark for his liking. Sacrifice? He couldn't help but cringe a little. Sounded pretty gross.
He sat up with a frown, "Ori sent a message about Fera?" He took the datapad and read it over. "Wow... I think maybe we should help if we can,  but if you don't want to go, I can see what I can do alone?" He wrapped an arm around her, kissing her temple, "I know how you and Fera don't get on."
Vela leaned against Dritz, debating with herself. She had no urge to see Fera or deal with any problem he might have. At the same time, she just couldn't leave the Chrysalan to handle it on his own without her, even if she knew she would be no help whether she came or not.
[No, I will come with you. I want to help you, if not him.] There was no use saying she was concerned for Fera, since it wasn't true, and Dritz likely knew that.  She also wanted to make sure the prince didn't do anything strange, as usual.
[We have a couple of hours,] she continued, glancing at the small clock resting on the table by the bed.  [Plenty of time to get ready and have some breakfast before we meet him. I'd rather not worry about it until then.] She gently kissed him, letting her hands wander across his body in a way that comforted them both for the moment. [But I almost wish we didn't have to dress... it's so nice here.] Though referring to the temperature, she also did mean that their proximity (and nakedness) was far too appealing to let go easily.
"Thank you, flower," Dritz said. He knew Fera was very low on her list of priorities, and that she was likely going for his, and Orion's, sake. But, as she rightly said, there was no point concerning themselves until they had to. As Vela's hands trailed over him, he rubbed his own down her back, having to agree.
"Mmm. Maybe one day we... could?" he suggested with a grin, "We could make sure we have plenty of food here, and just spend the day in bed, not getting dressed if we don't want to..." He knew that, for two folk such as them, it would actually be difficult to achieve. They were both such hard workers and seemingly loved being busy that they may grow restless, but that was something they could deal with when the time came.
Dritz's suggestion made Vela pause just as she was about to get up. The idea of not being clothed for a full day was even more intriguing than it was exciting. No one on Aurctas would even be able to imagine such a thing.
[We may become... a little bored at times,] she signed truthfully, though she was quick to continue, [but not bored of each other. Maybe we could do some reading, have some small projects to work on...] The more she thought of  it, the more she enjoyed the concept. It wasn't something they would like to do frequently, but every now and then... Being able to work on small projects, but still be close to Dritz and able to enjoy intimacy whenever they liked was entirely too appealing.
[Someday we will,] she finally signed with a smile, taking Dritz's hand and tugging him along. [But for now we need to get dressed.]
"Oh yeah, we'd have to have things to do to keep busy," he agreed, letting himself be tugged out of bed and nudged towards his clothes. As he dressed, he made lots of light-hearted suggestions as to what they could do on their special 'naked day', as he seemed intent on calling it. Starting the day with tea in bed, some games, breakfast, and then working on whatever project they decided on. He couldn't seem to think of specific things for them to do that might also be productive, especially since he was tempted to suggest something decidedly unproductive, but incredibly enjoyable.
Once he was dressed, he shrugged his jacket on.
"Right, shall we see if Ori is okay?" he said, somewhat more serious than before. And Fera, he thought, but that was not going to be either of their highest priority.
There was just enough time for a quick breakfast before they met with Orion. Vela would have insisted in any case, knowing they had need of their energy, especially if they had to deal with Fera in any way. But the human's message had not said he was bringing the prince along. She kept up her hope that they might not see him.
After their meal (and further pleasant conversation discussing their plans to spend a day without clothes), they made their way to the shopping district to find Orion. He wasn't difficult to spot, standing near the center of the main walkway with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jumpsuit, weariness mixed with worry plainly showing on his face. Fera was nowhere in sight.
"Hey. I'm glad you came." The scruffy man even sounded tired, and Vela thought he might not have slept the night before. "I hope you don't mind that I'm asking for your help." Vela shook her head and he glanced at her, almost seeming surprised she had shown up. "We'll have to talk somewhere more private, that might be for the best. Any ideas? I can't think too clearly at the moment."
Vela frowned, glancing at Dritz. [We could go to the gardens?] she suggested. Usually it wasn't too heavily populated, especially in the morning when most residents of the station would be at work.
While he and Vela had a pleasant morning, and established quite a full hypothetical day of nudity, the closer it got to the time of their meeting, the more Dritz began to fret about Orion, and to a lesser extent, Fera. Why would Orion come to them? What if it was something serious? What if this would put them in danger?
His fears were not eased away when he spotted Orion. He jogged up, putting his hands on the human's shoulders with a concerned frown.
"Of course, we'll go to the hologardens," he said, nodding at Vela, "Good idea, flower. It should be nice and quiet. We're here for you, Ori. Whatever it is, we'll get it sorted out."
They made their way to the gardens in near silence, Orion clearly wishing to wait to get everything off his chest at once.
The gardens were this time laid out in a spiral of colours, leading in to a large, elaborate fountain wrapped in lemon yellow vines with red blooms.
Though Orion was initially relieved to see Dritz and Vela, this quickly turned into further worry over whether getting them involved was the right thing to do. They were the best friends he knew on the station, and the ones who already knew the most about Fera. He further suspected they would be of very little interest to the Coronal homeworld, which might come in handy later. For now, he would just have to explain the situation and see if they had any interest in what was going on.
It was hard to imagine otherwise, especially with how caring Dritz seemed to be. He thought Vela was as well, she just didn't show it as outwardly. Her suggestion of the garden surprised him, showing she was clearly considering his comfort as well. He quickly agreed and walked along with them, not saying anything but trying to gather his thoughts to present them as best he could.
He was temporarily distracted by the sight of the gardens. The bright colors were certainly eye-catching. Idly he wondered who had programmed it as he sat by the illusion of the fountain, noting how quiet and empty the area seemed. That was all for the best.
"I'm really sorry about this," he began earnestly, leaning forward as he spoke. Dritz was very attentive, but Vela seemed to be watching how water droplets from the fountain splashed against some of the red flowers. There was something about the way she tilted her head, however, that made him realize she actually was listening. "But I wasn't sure who else to talk to. You see, Fera..." He had to pause a moment, wetting his dry lips before continuing. "Fera is in trouble with his parents for some reason. Or at least that's what I can gather. He's uh... kind of incoherent at times." Their last exchange had actually been an expensive-looking vase from the prince's  quarters being thrown at his head, though he wasn't about to share that yet. "But, see... they've taken his ship away. As in, someone from Coronus came and took the Radiant Sun on orders from the king himself. So he's still here, without a ship, and without the servants from the ship. I just can't find out why. And I'm not expecting for you to find out, but I just... I guess I'm a little overwhelmed. I can't do this on my own without at least telling someone."
Orion's shoulders sagged as he looked away, more troubled than he was sure he'd ever been in his life. Without Fera being willing to tell him what had happened, he had been left to imagine the worst: that being, of course, that their relationship had been discovered and was strongly disapproved of.
It seemed incredibly unusual for Orion; a laid back and sweet man, seemingly more likely to shrug something off than contest it, to look so fretful. Dritz watched him carefully, listening attentively, his brow furrowing just slightly in the middle.
"Don't worry, Ori, we're here for you," he muttered encouragingly. He thought idly, briefly, that he should bring Vela back to see the fountain properly. His eyes widened as the story unfolded. "B-but... Why would Coronal royalty take the ship? Is he in breech of his... Lineage?" Dritz shook his head in disbelief. The only way he could justify it in his own mind, with no experience of royals or how they worked in societies, was to imagine it from the point of view of parents; Fera had done something they disapproved of and was being punished? Perhaps privileges were being revoked because of his bad attitude?
He patted Orion's knee, shaking his head, "I can't pretend I get what could have happened, but I want to help if I can at all. Is there any way to contact the Radiant Sun? The Coronal royal family may not accept communications from us peasants, but the ship and servants might."
Dritz's comfort and reassurances actually went far toward making Orion start to feel better. "I appreciate that," he said quietly, nodding at the Chrysalan. "Thanks for listening and being willing to even try to help."
A moment after hearing his suggestion, Orion stood and walked to stand in front of the fountain, frowning at it. He was unusually restless, which was surprising to even himself. "I wish I could figure it out easily, too. Basically all he would do was rage about how it was his parents' fault. I'm not sure if his status as a prince is in danger.  I do think he would be even more upset if that was the case. As far as contacting the ship... I don't know. I don't think we can. There's very little chance we could persuade anyone to return it unless we have clearance from their royalty. Which we'll never get on our own. Our best and probably only chance is getting Fera to tell us what's wrong so that maybe we can also get him to fix it. I think it's up to him, whatever it is."
He paused, turning around quickly. With an apologetic tone, he continued, "I meant I should try to do that. I mean, I think he considers you friends..." He glanced at Vela a moment, aware it might not extend to her. "...but I don't expect you to come along and help me unless you're... y'know, really wanting to. And if you're surprised to hear that, I can understand. But over the past months there have been times when he talks about you in a way that almost makes it seem as though he likes you. So maybe he does."
He became aware he was smiling faintly. "I'm sorry again. Usually I'm not like this, but... Fera means a lot to me. I've seen him with his guard down. He's capable of genuine goodness, he just won't admit it to anyone. I just... well, I've developed some real feelings for him. So there's that." Orion wasn't embarrassed to admit it, but he fell silent for the time being to see what Dritz (and possibly Vela) would make of any of this.
No matter how concerned he was for Orion and Fera, Dritz couldn't help the surprise that passed over his face to learn that there was a very small chance the prince liked them. Fera seemed as though he didn't really like anyone, even Orion sometimes. Even himself, in a manner. But then, he knew looks were deceiving, and no matter how open a person was, there was always the layer they show everyone else, and then the true self beneath. It was difficult for Dritz to say whether he liked Fera, however. He felt a slight fondness for him in general; he had helped them, and his advice when they were shopping had been quite sweet, really. He was intriguing and deserved time, and Dritz hated any bad coming to anyone.
"Well... I dunno, Ori. Will he even discuss it with you if we're there? I'm sure we'd be good help, but that will only work if he's, y'know, open to us helping," he said with a slight wince and a glance at Vela. "What do you think, flower?" He chewed his lip, almost obviously hoping she would agree to go with.
Vela had been frowning during this entire discussion, her expression not changing in the slightest. There was no chance at all that she believed Fera liked her, no matter what Orion said. And even if he did (by some miracle), she had no interest in liking him in return. However, Dritz seemed incredibly concerned, and this was the only thing which caused her features to soften. He was such a caring person that it brought her a sort of peace.
[I can't go,] she signed decisively. [Dritz might be able to help you. As soon as he sees me, he will probably accuse me of being the one behind it all.]
With a weak chuckle, Orion shook his head. "Ah, you're right about that. I'm really sorry about Fera, sometimes he's... impossible. But if you still want to come along with Dritz, you can stay in one of the outer rooms? He won't need to know you're there. That way you can still listen and help in some way if needed?"
Vela sighed, finding the human's use of the word "impossible" to be an understatement. [I still don't think I can help. But I'm willing to stay out of sight. I would prefer to, so I can be certain Dritz is alright. If that works for you?] She reached out to take her lover's hand, entwining their fingers together. Even if she wanted to be nowhere near the prince of Coronus, she was far too concerned for Dritz's safety when it was necessary.
Dritz couldn't help the frown on his face. He knew Vela was right; she knew a lot better than he did on the matter of her and Fera, but it still frustrated him. Even if the prince of Coronus was difficult, haughty, and looked down his nose at others... How could anyone dislike Vela? Okay, okay, he was biased, but seriously.
However, upon Orion's description of Fera as 'impossible', Dritz spotted the slightest flicker in Vela's gaze that made him want to laugh, were the situation not so serious. She was very good at keeping her composure, but he wondered if he spent long enough gazing at her that he could spot these things.
The suggestion was a good one. He did not wish to leave Vela in favour of the prince, harsh as that reality was. He smiled lovingly at the sensation of her fingers between his.
"'Course," he said, "But if you feel uncomfortable or upset, you don't have to stay, okay? You're sweet to come with us." He kissed her forehead firmly before turning back to Orion with a nod.
Vela agreed, already deciding she would not leave no matter what happened. She was determined to be there for Dritz when he needed her, and that would apparently mean dealing with fussy, annoying, difficult princes.
"Alright," Orion sighed as though he felt a great relief at this decision. "Thank you both, this means a lot to me. And it goes for both of you; if you ever feel like it's all too much, neither of you has to stay. I just hope, maybe... he's calmed down by now. A little."
Orion looked nowhere near convinced this might be true. Vela kept her shoulders squared and head held high as they all set out for wherever Fera's quarters were, with the human leading the way. She would not be intimidated, even if she wouldn't be seeing him directly.
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blazerina · 7 years
A Regular Tuesday
“A Regular Tuesday” - The Sophomore - Chris x MC & James x MC
Bridget stared through the oven window at the baked pasta that was almost ready. While she watched the cheese pulse and bubble over the edge of the glass dish it was cooking in, the smell settled over the kitchen like a cloud, and she began to imagine how delicious it would taste.
“This is going to be sooo good!” She clapped her hands in giddy excitement, as she declared the news aloud to an empty house.  She and her friends had been living in Professor Vasquez’s old house for about 2 months now, and they were well into the middle of their fall semester.  The kitchen was her favorite place to be. It made the house feel even more like home. This is where she could provide for those who meant the most to her. Baking and cooking brought life; not only through nourishment, but time together and and joy from one another’s company as people gathered to break bread at the table. Feeling confident and at peace, Bridget moved to the refrigerator and pulled out some vegetables, closing the door with her foot while humming a Taylor Swift song.
She had been preparing for this meal for a few hours now.  The apron around her waist was proof of that. It was smeared with tomato sauce and chocolate, from the pasta as well as the chocolate pie she made that was cooling on the counter.  This would be the first night in a few weeks that she and James would have together. Even though it was a Tuesday, she wanted to do something special for him. He had been majorly stressed lately as he tried to balance his work with the paper, upcoming graduation, finding a job and his general search for perfection in all things.  Making dinner for him was the least she could do to take his mind off of those troubling situations for a while.
The timer on her cell phone rang out and she dropped the last of some bell peppers into a bowl of salad she was mixing together.  As she pulled the pasta dish out of the oven, she heard the hinges on the front door screech as it swung open.
“You’re here early, my love!” She called, beaming as she turned around with potholders on her hands, holding out the pasta dish, clearly proud of her creation.
Her face fell when she realized it wasn’t who she was expecting.
“Oh, shoot. Bridge! I’m sorry – I didn’t know you were having a…a…thing…” Chris blushed slightly as he looked his roommate up and down.
Her hair was up (which was not the norm) and her diamond stud earrings sparkled in the candlelight that was reflecting from candles she lit on the kitchen table.  She had pulled out all the stops this time.  Chris knew that she loved to cook but hadn’t really experienced it much. He was so busy with Student Government or football, that he wasn’t around that much anymore. He made sure of it. Being around her was too difficult these days.
As he continued to take her in, he noticed the gleam in her eye as she nervously laughed, placing the hot dish back into the oven to keep it warm.  Her simple black dress was strapless but casual at the same time. Small, white, lacy designs decorated the bottom of her dress and while her heels aided in her height, she was still small. He smirked at the pink and yellow apron around her waist and the many fresh stains that had been wiped upon it.
“Hey! It’s no problem at all.” She chuckled, taking the pot holders off of her hands and returning to her salad.  “I assumed since it was just a regular ole Tuesday evening, everyone would be gone…” Bridget trailed off while she absentmindedly grabbed a peeler and began peeling carrots to add to the salad.
“Practice out early?” She asked, focusing on the small strips of orange that were landing in the sink.
Something had been different this year with Chris and she didn’t know what it was.  They had been making an effort to spend more time together, as friends of course, but they had come to rely on one another in a new and different way.  
Bridget knew that she loved James and that James loved her. They weren’t having problems, they were stronger and closer than ever…but in those moments when it was just Chris and Bridget, there was something developing and it made her nervous.  
They had spent more time together over the summer and the past few months, one on one. Bridget was busy with her book and her own writing for the paper, but she still wasn’t as preoccupied with life as James was.
She wasn’t worried about her relationship with James. For the first time in a while, since the whole California debacle, they were in a good place.  He trusted her, she trusted him and they really worked to make time for one another when it felt like things were getting too hectic.  Tonight was supposed to be a prime example of that new-found intentionality that both of them were working to bring to their relationship.
Is it just me? She thought to herself.  I can’t be the only one that feels like something has changed between us.  The way he stares.  He looks at me different…he’s looking at me right now, I can feel it.  What’s happening - why am I struggling with this? Sometimes I’m sad when I don’t see him or hear from him for a while…be cool, Bridget.  Don’t be awkward. This is Chris – one of your best friends!
Lately she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about move in day, when she and Chris met. Her mind always traveled back to the kiss they shared on the rooftop their very first night together at Hartfeld.  After the kiss that night, she laid awake thinking about their future and all the opportunities that were waiting for her. She was sure that Chris was her one true love and they’d be college sweethearts, living out their 4 years at university together and riding off into the sunset at graduation to live their lives and start another adventure together.  As things began to unravel with Becca, the sorority, writing for Vasquez and meeting James, Chris faded more and more into the background.
Bridget was lost in her thoughts again before a sharp pain interrupted them. “Ow!” She seethed, quickly dropping the carrot and the peeler into the sink with a loud clang.  
“Shoot.” She muttered, clasping her hand.  “I always do this.”
“You okay?” Chris dropped his gym bag by the door and walked quickly to her side.  “What’d you do?”
“I’m fine, thanks, it’s stupid.  The peeler missed the carrot and got my finger.” She smiled sheepishly. “I wasn’t paying attention.”  
Her knuckle was bleeding, but she ran it under some water anyway.  “So – how was practice?” She asked again, trying to find a way to fill the void or ease the tension or whatever it was that was happening lately between them.
“Eh, it was alright.” Chris shrugged, opening the refrigerator and scratching the back of his head, absentmindedly.  
He didn’t know what he was looking for. He wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t thirsty.  He felt like he was in a fog.  It took every ounce of strength to take his eyes or his mind off of Bridget. And he didn’t want to.
Look at what I missed out on. He told himself.  I don’t know how much longer I can do this…the more time we spend together, the more I realize how much I like her…but James. He’s my friend too! And she adores him…look at what she’s done for him…wish it was for me…it could have been for me…if I wasn’t so stupid…
“Just alright?” Bridget persisted, wrapping a paper towel around her injured finger.
Chris snapped out of his mental diatribe with the refrigerator door still open. Without looking away from the fridge he answered, “We ended early – it got really hot inside the practice facility and people were getting sick, so coach called it.  No one drinks enough water.” He grabbed a beer from the fridge and cracked it open.
Bridget raised an eyebrow, looked down at the can and then back up at him, “Thank goodness you’re perfect, then.” She smirked, biting her bottom lip to stifle a laugh.
“Hey.” He raised the can as if to toast her, “I earned this today.”  He took a long sip, let out a satisfied sigh and moved closer to her, as if he all of a sudden mustered up courage.  He held his breath while reaching out for her arm.
Her back was to him as she used one hand to mix the contents of the salad bowl, when he gently grabbed her elbow, trying to force her to turn around.  “Let me see your wound.”
Bridget closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, feeling his skin against hers.  “It’s really nothing…” She said slowly, almost whispering as she turned to face him.  
His eyes locked with hers as he took her hand in his.  “Bridget, I’m in love with you.” Chris sighed, but kept his eyes focused on her face.
“I can’t believe I just said that out loud…” He glanced at the floor for a moment, scared, but determined.
“I have to tell you this now, or I’m never going to.  Every day I find myself more and more attracted to you. The more I get to know you, the more I see of you, the closer we become…” He trailed off, still holding her hand, the damp paper towel around her finger, now unraveling a bit.
Bridget couldn’t help her eyes from growing wide. “Chris. I…we…” She stammered, inhaling sharply, not knowing what to say. The two of them were closer together now, facing each other.  
“I’m so confused.” She confessed, breathlessly.  “What…what’s going on between us?”  
“Very good question, Bridget.  That’s what I’d like to know.” James voice echoed in the quiet house as he stood in the entry to the kitchen, waiting for an answer.
Reblogging this because I want to know…What do you think? Should I do a “Part 2?” Lemme know!
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jessejackreyes · 7 years
Before It’s Too Late Ch.9 A Walk
(also on ao3)
Walking along the streets with Jack felt oddly domestic. They were dressed like civilians, had just finished dinner like civilians and Jack was taking him somewhere mysterious. He wasn’t sure exactly if that last part was something civilians did frequently, but it was exciting to say the least. The only thing missing from this picture, in his mind, was the two of them holding hands while they walked.
They strode along in companionable silence which suited Gabriel just fine. It was nice not having to worry about what to say and simply join each other’s company. They have not been able to simply relax together in quite some time and he intended to simply enjoy the ride. He trusted that Jack would take them somewhere nice, not lead him on. Despite everything that might have happened he knew the man hated being deceitful.
“Wait here,” Jack called out suddenly, breaking the silence they had developed. They paused briefly on the sidewalk until Jack was satisfied that he was not going to follow him. “Be right back.” Jack disappeared into a nearby shop before Gabriel could respond.
He was at too extreme of an angle to see into the store through the front windows. All he could see was the majority of the sign above the door. It was unfortunate that he didn’t speak German like Jack did, he might be able to at least guess what kind of place Jack was shopping at. The curiosity wasn’t enough to tempt him to move from this spot like he was asked. Seeing Jack excited was worth way more than that.
The soft smile adorning Jack’s face as he returned some ten minutes latter was more than worth any anxiety the mystery might have caused. His hands were hidden behind his back when he finally reached where Gabriel was waiting for him. Jack’s smile only grew wider as Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the display.
“Close your eyes,” He grumbled but did as he was told. “Now open your mouth,”
“This is getting a bit ridiculous Jack,” He complained softly, eyes still shut tight.
“I know, but just trust me Gabe,” Gabriel sighed, but opened his mouth obediently, trusting that nothing untowards would happen. He briefly felt something thin and plastic carefully hit his tongue, followed almost immediately by the sweet creaminess of ice cream, the sweetest strawberry ice cream he had ever tasted. He opened his eyes to Jack smiling softly at him holding an empty spoon, their faces oddly close. Gabriel’s heart skipped a beat.
“Best strawberry ice cream in town apparently,” The blonde explained, pulling a bag out from behind his back.
“My favorite,”
“I know,” The bag held two rather large buckets of ice cream, the first one strawberry, the second one he wasn’t sure of yet, but he could guess. “It’s been forever since we last binged on some ice cream,”
“Haven’t really needed it without those scientists torturing us every week,” Gabriel answered simply, reaching out to take the bucket meant for him.
“No, just dealing with soul crushing greed and politicians who seem to want to kill more people than the damn machines ever did,” His tone is light and joking, but Gabriel doesn’t miss the way his eyes don’t seem in on the joke. Jack opened his own bucket of ice cream with far more force than necessary.
“Don’t tell me you got one of those chocolate monstrosities again,” Gabriel said with a smirk, changing the subject to something more fun.
“I’ve known you for well over a decade and I still can’t get how anyone could hate chocolate,” Jack scooped a spoonful of dark brown frozen goodness and placed it in his mouth, practically moaning at the taste to emphasize his point. “It’s sooo good Gabe,”
Gabriel was grateful at that very moment that it had always been hard to read when he was blushing. He had imagined Jack saying things like that, making noises like that in a very different situation, much more often than he would ever admit to anyone. It was difficult not to picture what he would look like underneath Gabriel when he made sounds like that. He couldn’t trust himself to speak at that very moment, so he stuffed his mouth with ice cream instead.
Perhaps Jack didn’t know what to say either because the two of them made their way back to the car slowly and quietly. Gabriel tried to focus on the ice cream and how it tasted; it was delicious after all. But, he cast sidelong glances at the strike commander as they walked, watching him try to enjoy his own bitter sweet treat.
“Hey Gabe,” Jack broke the silence softly, the slightest hesitation in his voice.
“Whats up?” His attention was drawn to Jack’s face. The man seemed nervous and that was making Gabriel feel nervous.
“Thanks,” The gratitude hung heavily in the air between them.
“It’s no big deal,” He tried to wave it off, sticking more ice cream in his mouth.
“It kind of is,” Jack muttered back softly. “You didn’t have to do any of this,” Gabriel merely shrugged it off, not trusting his voice at the moment. “I’m serious Gabe. You pull me out of bed, sneak me off base, despite the potential consequences, so I can have a dinner I’ve been talking about having for years. I got to escape being the strike commander for a few hours for the first time in I don’t even know how long. I really needed this Gabe. Thank you,”
“You really should get away more often Jackie. You’re working yourself into an early grave,”
“Its the job I signed up for,” Jack sighed, ingesting his own big scoop of ice cream.
“You shouldn’t run yourself ragged like this,” He continued when Jack didn’t respond. “We all worry about you,” Jack stopped mid stride, tensing at the words, his shoulders squaring like he was preparing for a fight. Gabriel stopped, chastising himself, mind racing to find the right thing to say to avert an argument. He came up with nothing, so he simply reminded himself to stay calm and not get upset just because Jack was yelling. Jack opened his mouth and sighed, deflating.
“I’m sorry,”
“About what?”
“A lot of things,” Jack sighed. “But right now, about getting upset while you��re just trying to help.”
“It’s okay Jackie. I know how much stress you’re under,” Gabriel replied, attempting to smile reassuringly. “I’m not gonna get mad because you snapped a little.”
“Thank you,” Jack repeated softly. “For everything.”
“You might not feel the same way when we're cooking. I can be quite the taskmaster,”  Jack grinned weakly back at that.
“The return of commander hardass?” They began walking again, shortly reaching the car.
“Oh he never left. You just don't see it because I'm not your commander anymore,”
“At the very least I should be pretty good by the time I finish, even if the guy in charge is kind of an asshole,’
The ride back was quiet. At some point Jack turned the radio on and the sound of music he didn't recognize filled the car. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable at the very least, but Gabriel was still kicking himself for turning things to such a sour note near the end. They made it back to base without incident, no one was going to stop and bother Gabriel. They made it back to Jack’s quarters with no one apparently having noticed his absence.
“Thank you again for this evening Gabe,” The door opened with a slight whooshing sound as Jack spoke. “It was wonderful.” He stepped inside, turning to face Gabriel with a smile.
“Oh well,” The words he wanted to speak got stuck in his throat. “It was nothing really,” Was all he managed to get out. They stood their, on opposite sides of the doorway awkwardly for several seconds.
“I should probably get some sleep since I have the opportunity right now,” Jack scratched the back of his neck.
“Sounds like a good idea yeah,” Gabriel replied softly. There were so many other things he wanted to say, to do. He froze up, like usual when faced with talking about his feelings with Jack and simply said. “I’ll see ya round,”
“Yeah. Good night Gabe,”
The door closed with another whoosh and instead of Jack’s soft smile and bright blue eyes, he was staring at dull lifeless metal. He buried his head in his hands cursing quietly. This had been just about the perfect time to talk to him about what was going on between them and he had frozen up and missed it. It seemed like they were both trying, if Gabriel wasn’t misreading things. But, they were both hesitating to put any of it into words. He stood there for a few minutes, berating himself and trying to build up enough courage to actually do something for once.
His hands moved quickly, before he could talk himself out of it, putting in the code he had to Jack’s room to talk to him about this, to stop running away. He was not sure exactly what he was going to say, but he was worried that if it wasn’t said now, it would never happen at all. He had not expected the door to open and see Jack standing on the other side staring back at him, as if the blonde had been standing on the other side of the door thinking about what had just happened as well. They stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments before Gabriel found his voice.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah sure,” Jack moved to one side of the door, gesturing for Gabriel to enter. He gathered every ounce of courage he had and walked in. He turned to face Jack as the door closed behind him and he swallowed thickly.
“We need to talk,”
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