#this was on Facebook BYEEEEEEEEE
oddlyunadventurous · 2 years
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i hope, btw, that everyone still laughing their ass off at the “200 years ago” bit from my saturn mukbang picture (there have been several of you) appreciates that I made the dating inaccurate on purpose. When I painted it in 2020, you know, I could’ve put in the exact date Goya painted his original picture but YouTube and other web giants like to round up dates - more roughly the further the original post goes, might I add - either because it saves them bits of data or because it is less distressing to the end user, when one obfuscates the exact date, when one manufactures a sense of ahistorical presentness, compressing days and months, the corporation imitating your human memory, to mere passing moments, the distal in time becoming proximal, history, like so many layers of earth, compacting down into mythology; perhaps, indeed, it is convenient when one paints over the facade of a webpage in order to hide the calculating, cold, exact and ruthless memory of a machine to whom every minute is perfectly equal to every other, to whom the dates of your marriage and of your spouse’s death are perfectly alike as far as logging the Facebook “memories” to a server is concerned, to whom hahaha holy shit what the fuck am i actually talking about, i gotta get my dink sunked, ttyl byeeeeeeeee
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the-darklings · 2 years
Love, you're famous on Facebook now. Love this for you.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay i just finished ep5 and omg!!!!
this episode was so cute hhhh it’s pretty obvious that there mostly was deanpharm (who am i lying to, it was only them lmaooo)
dean reassuring pharm when he apologises for his “thing” and teasing him for not getting that second bowl skjhskjf they are The Cutest
del in this episode pls i love her she was so excited to eat with dean and for him to try her food
him choking when del said “i don’t think you can because someone already has eyes for them, right?” LMAOOOOO i love the brother (don?? idk) not getting it At All and asking dean if he knows her friend sjfkhfjs
the lunch date omg
“you found the one right?” “yes” SHUT UPPPPPPPPP
them going to the aquarium afterwards and dean just being heart eyes all the time T_T i’m ok my eyes are just sweating a lot
also dean taking pics of pharm smiling and just.. standing there looking at the fishies on that wall T_T
“what are you afraid of? [holds his hand]” GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL I DIED RIP ME AND MY LEGACY BYEEEEEEEEE
that almost kiss...... brUh i’d drop kick a little kid don’t test me
also pharm asking dean if he likes fucking GRILLED FISH JDHKFHSKJFHSF YOU’RE IN AQUARIUM PHARM THAT’S RUDE
but he still uploaded those pics to facebook and everyone in the comments was like “bro yall DATING dating huh” lmaooooooo
pharm making food for dean makes me soft every time idc if it happens 7 times in an episode i Will melt every single time
DEAN HAS A FLASHBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully there’s winteam in it too because i’m out here waiting for these two to be in the same scene by themselves but it hasn’t happened in a while </3
that’s like,, the only complain i have for this episode
and maybe more manaow
there should be more manaow because manaow is queen manaow is queen manaow is a superior being
<3 this is a manaow loving blog if u don’t love mananow u have no rights and are not welcomed here <3
okay that’s all for ep5 byebyeeee
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thweaty · 4 years
this girl I went to hs with who was the actual devil and is a MAJOR trump supporter became a nurse bc of course she did but she was on Facebook ranting about masks being literally useless and celebrating that Ohio gyms were opening and the bars were crowded and calling people arguing w her stupid and my friend dm’ed the Cleveland clinic (where she works & is like a p huge hospital) and said - “is this what you’re telling your employees” and now her Facebook has been deactivated lmaoooo
BYEEEEEEEEE dude there’s so much shit on the sm of people i went to high school with......... i’m just waiting for that one racist ass dumbass post and it’s open season 
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
I went on a deep dive on Facebook and Uhhh I think my married professor is in a throuple with another professor at my school. I don’t know what to do with this information.
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sleepywap · 8 years
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The last glacial maximum occurred approximately 12,000 years ago. There is this common misconception that simply because we are coming off an ice age that this pattern of warming we are seeing is normal. Furthermore, there is an even more widely accepted and half-truth notion that “the climate has always risen/fallen throughout earth’s geologic history and it always will”. (everything I am about to say is to foster a dialogue by the way, I’m not here to arm wave like majority of the people commenting on this thread) I hear people say this all the time, and it becomes quite clear to me at least that they fundamentally don’t understand the difference between climate and temperature. Temperature can rise and fall, climate cannot. Climate is always there, whether it be good or bad. Majority of people know this all intuitively, but if you’re going to make bold statements on paleo-climate and climate change today you should be held to the same standards as the scientists with respect to the word choice you use. To observe paleo-temperature we look at oxygen isotopes. Isotopes are identical elements that have different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus. Sparing you the gritty details, isotopes partition themselves differently in different phases of matter (water, liquid, gas, plasma, etc..)DEPENDING on the TEMPERATURE. So, a geologist will grind up carbonate powders, run them through a mass spectrometer, and the partitioning between oxygen isotopes considered “heavy” (have more neutrons in nucleus) vs oxygen isotopes considered “light” (less neutrons in nucleus) can allow you to interpret temperatures from hundreds of millions of years ago. Additionally, glaciologists look at bubbles in ice cores taken from glaciers that trap atmospheric conditions at the time the ice bubbles were formed. We can literally observe CO2 concentrations of our atmosphere from 10s of thousands of years ago. Bringing this back to the point here, the statement “the climate has always risen/fallen throughout earth’s geologic history and it always will” is only half the story and it undermines specific scientific research that ADDS to this story of climate change. Yes of course this statement is true, earths global surface temperatures have risen and fallen throughout all its 4.6 billion years of existence. We have evidence all throughout the rock record showing us this. There have been times where literally the whole earth was covered in ice for millions of years, and there have been times where global sea ice levels retreated to zero, and that will continue to happen long after our species goes extinct. What people always forget to mention is the RATE of temperature increase or decrease. The rate at which earth’s global temperature increase and the rate of increase of CO2 being put into the atmosphere is larger now than it has been at any other time in the planet’s history. I will provide academic, peer-reviewed articles that corroborate this if need be. That’s not an opinion, that is and empirically derived fact. It is alarming because the greatest mass extinction of all time (killing off about 90% of all species) was caused by rapid global warming due to increased CO2 concentrations from volcanism in Siberia and methane hydrate (4x more powerful at trapping heat energy than CO2 in atmosphere) expulsion from the oceans. Once again, the RATE of CO2 increase AND the rate of temperature increase since the Industrial Revolution (when we began really burning fossil fuels as a primary source of economic growth) is HIGHER than it was during the planets worst mass extinction (that was caused by global warming from increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations) and the planet’s history in total. We already knew what to look for when we started seeing earth’s temperature rise, because we knew what caused global warming throughout the planet’s history. There is not nearly enough volcanism occurring to produce this temperature increase or CO2 concentration increase, nor are there any observations of methane being introduced into the atmosphere at such a rate to cause this type of temperature increase. Fossil fuel burning is then the leading contribution of CO2 in the atmosphere, and the more CO2 we add the warmer the earth is going to get which will inevitably lead to a multitude of environmental problems which are inextricably linked to social justice issues around the world, and environmental history has shown us this repeatedly. The developed countries spew CO2 into the atmosphere, while the undeveloped, poorest countries of the world feel the strongest effects and experience the most population displacement. IF humankind is not contributing to global warming through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, petroleum, gasoline, coal burning, methane burning, etc) then I’d like to see empirical evidence showing me where all the carbon dioxide is coming from that is contributing to these unprecedented rates of increase in temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations? I have looked far and wide for it and have yet to see someone unequivocally demonstrate that fossil fuel burning is not responsible for this most recent RATE of change. The petroleum geologists who worked for Exxon Mobile in the 70’s discovered climate change YEARS before the scientific community did! They have all come out and clearly stated Exxon not only knew about what was happening to the upper atmosphere before the scientific community, but actively fought against legislation countering their agenda in later years. You can argue all you want about how to fix the problem. Obviously this is going to be a hard one to fix considering the lifestyle we have in the post-modern era. What it’s really going to take is a paradigm shift in the way we live our lives, and the help of the scientific community to implement practical, realistic, and efficient policies and technology to combat atmospheric CO2. I am not some environmental nut job that openly refutes any evidence contradicting my worldview, I am a scientist that has studied these issues throughout geologic history and today. If evidence shows me unequivocally that fossil fuel burning isn't the number 1 contributor to the rate of temperature increase then I will change my interpretation, but until that day I have to believe where the evidence leads me: that humankind is directly responsible for the recent and unprecedented rate increase in temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It is always better to foster a dialogue about these types of issues rather than arm-waving and making bold, unsubstantiated statements about topics you might be unqualified to make bold, unsubstantiated statements about. Being unqualified doesn’t mean you can't talk about the subject, it just means you should read academic PEER REVIEWED literature on the topic instead of non-peer reviewed articles on Facebook written by someone who single handedly swears they’ve exposed the entire scientific community of lying. Scientists just want the best for humanity, that’s why we’re here: to study the world so we can help everyone. When we start mis-communicating science or even worse, censoring publicly funded science (which is currently happening under the Trump administration) we help no one.
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myeyesarebrighter · 6 years
Facebook groups can be special places. They can also be weird weird holes where correcting a moderator will get your posting right pulled, your last comment (in response to a question from said moderator) deleted, and the thread closed to commenting. She literally called gas drops an herbal supplement and then said I misread her statement. K. But everyone who reads it can also see that she’s still wrong and I’m still right. Byeeeeeeeee.
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hbwbyniall · 7 years
All the questions
wow thank you!!
do you have a favourite sweater? YESSS here
what’s your middle name? Margoth
do you still talk to the first person you kissed? havent been kissed hahaha
do you get on with your grandpa? I didn’t get to meet my father’s dad and I wasn’t really close to my mom’s :(
what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? i only rmr the power rangers and rocket power rip
what’s your favourite cartoon now? i don’t watch cartoons :(
do you read the news paper? nope
who was the last text you sent to? a friend from uni
what does the last text you sent say? Ruuuun!!!
if you could have any hair colour what would it be? I’m pretty happy with my hair
do you like nature documentaries? yes!!!
what is your aesthetic? winter stuff
when did you last pet a dog? omg it’s been so long i’m gonna cry and specially bc of my group chat, i hate you guys
whose friend’s parents do you like the most? most of them, we are closer to them than most of our actual family
have you ever been on a road trip? noooo :( and i wanna so badly
tell me about someone you know called emma hahaha i’m a latina i know no one with that name! nice try, janice.
are you reading a book in english class, what is it? i’m study law, all my reading is about law and i’m dying
do you have a favourite aunt? nope, have too many
baths or showers? depends on the mood, but i prefer a shower
skiing or sun bathing? neither
do you kill spiders? yep, sorry guys
have you ever made an ice pop? no
are you wearing shoes right now? yes, if you considerate crocs.
tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher. my first year teacher, i rmr she was sweet and her name, but that’s all
who was the last person you hugged? my sister
do you wear glasses? yes, i’m almost blind
do you have a cat? noo they hate me lol
do you have a favourite pair of underwear? nope, but i have favorite kind when i’m in that ltime of the month
what was your last tweet? BYEEEEEEEEE
do you still use facebook? only for homework and share important stuff
do you like birds? i guess? not a fan, i like watch them fly
who was the last person you called cute? niall
who was the last person that called you cute? pffft no one rip
how did you meet your best friend? in school, nothing really special, i can’t rmr we were 5
escalators or elevators? elevators
are you named after anyone, who? Yes, my mom AND my grandma
what was your first url? i can’t rmr but something about fics and 1d, the second one was temponarry-fix
autumn or winter? winter
do you win at scrabble? i can win, not all the times but yeah
put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? The City by Ed Sheeran
have you ever drunk from a mason jar? noooo
can you draw? lmao no
what was your first profile picture? here? i cant rmr
favourite tshirt? a grey one that looks awful now
best tumblr friend? @comehitherniall​ LOVE YOU VONNIE AND I MISS YOU
when did you last run? HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
do you like to paint your nails? i LOVE painting my nails
did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? no i was a good kid, NO WAIT I PUT MY SISTER INTO THE FRIDGE
who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? my grandma’s dog :( she lived for 13 years :( we grew up together :( i miss her so much :(
have you ever been drunk? nope
have you ever done something you regret while drunk? i dont drink
do you want to kiss anyone right now? yes, niall and iknowho
do/did you like you math teacher? some
do you often ride the bus? i used to
do you have a fireplace in your house? nope
are you violent when you’re angry? no, i’m the quiet when angry type
do you cry when you’re angry? yes
favourite Harry potter book? i only read 3 of them so i’m gonna say the first one
can you remember your last dream? i think i gave someone my address wrong
do you go to bed early or late? laaaaaaaate man too late to be healty
do you speak a second language? i’m speaking a second language right now
who was your first ever best friend? madelei, we are not as close as we used to, but she still my best friend and we see each other every now and then
have you ever had an operation? nope
tell me about your favourite cousin she lives in Argentina, we were so so close, i miss her :/
do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? half my closet
have you ever been in a musical? no i wish
do you have a porch? nope
how many times have you watched your favourite movie? 6146464896
what do you order at mcdonalds? McBacon w fries and inca kola
do you get on with old people? i like to think so?
science fiction or romance? sci-fi always
do you take naps? yes
how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? high school is different here, we dont get to choose
when did it last snow where you live? never :(
does it ever snow where you live? nope
how many months until your birthday? 3 months
how much charge does your computer have right now? shit its been charging since this morning
what is your favourite disney channel movie? hsm
the city or the sea side? city
what is your least favourite colour? yellow
do you have homework to do? yesss leave me aloooneee
are you still friends with your first best friend? yess :))
do you have/are you the gay cousin? i don’t think so
do you own dungarees? no
do you like to play sport? no pls
what was your favourite ever christmas present? i cant think of one
how old are you? 20
what is your mum’s name? Sirley
do you ever use internet explorer? yess at the very beginning
have you ever had blonde hair? nope
is their a play park near your house? yes but its creepy
when did you last see the person you have a crush on? May
who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
pants or dresses? pants
do you read fan fiction? almost everyday lmao
what is you’re favourite blog? i have tons
do you write poetry? i tried, don’t think it went well
drama or comedy? comedy
have you ever had a hickey? nope
Your own question that you want me to answer would i ever get over niall? NO
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