#this was inspired by someone on TikTok talking about how Ursa was an abusive mother
lookstairs · 10 months
Alright one thing I will never stand for is the Ursa hate
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So many people (especially Azula fans) will write her off as an awful mother who favored Zuko and was abusive to Azula.
She was a young woman who had to leave her life behind and was forced to marry a monster
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She was a victim of both Ozai and Firelord Azulons quest for power. In spite of that she tried to be there for her children
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And before anyone starts with “She abandoned her children” or “She didn’t even try to be there for Azula” I’m just gonna say SHE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE
If she didn’t listen to Ozai then Zuko would’ve been killed. Ozai has made it very clear that he sees Zuko as a failure and would have no problem getting rid of him.
And as for Azula SHE NEVER SAID SHE DIDN’T LOVE HER. Ozai was the one who played favorites, he’s the one taking Azula for extra training and filling her mind with all these harmful thoughts. Ursa was trapped in that palace with absolutely no power, if he said he favored Azula there was nothing she could do about it.
Now I admit she may have gone about things the wrong way and she did inadvertently make problems for her children BUT she was in a horrible situation. She had no friends, no family, and no way out. Oh and I doubt Ozai even considered asking for her consent at all during their marriage.
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Yes, she wasn’t perfect but she tried to be the best mother she could.
So if you wanna hate anyone maybe we should hate the ABUSIVE ASSHOLE WHO WAS THE CAUSE OF ALMOST EVERY CHARACTERS TRAUMA
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