#this was incredibly difficult to narrow down to only five shows tbh
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tasty-littl-snack · 2 months ago
My Top 5ish Watcher shows for 5th Anniversary~!
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Very cool initiative by @watcherwiki here's my top 5ish watcher shows!
It was difficult to choose only 5 but I tried my best. They also depend on the time of year honestly so this is a list made this week.
5. Wwwoundtable/watcher weekly +/travel season Roundtable "But these are three different shows, why are you putting them in the same place" They have a common denominator and it's the behind the scenes of how they produce their shows that makes me appreciate them even more. But I feel like they are additional content, something one seeks out after being familiar with the main shows. wwwoundtable is a companion to the www marathons which itself I feel like is a spiritual successor to the audio commentaries from patreon where they go into detail what went into the episode. It makes me appreciate how much work went into things, and usually that would destroy the immersion but I think the bts stuff really enchances the way we look at the finished product. Watcher weekly + is here also because I love the dynamic of the trio and some episodes are of them just hanging out and I love that. (In fact even now I catch myself thinking "oh it's thursday... ww+ time" :) even if that show is long gone it will be in my heart for some time. Audio commentaries are mentioned here also because they once again make me appreciate the work that goes into a show.
4. Puppet History This was the show I was most on the fence about starting to watch or even including in a top 5 since I don't rewatch it as much as the other ones listed here. I wouldn't even consider myself a puppet history fan, But then again, season 5 was my first impression of it and it was a journey I didn't even know I started until episode 5 took me on a ride, and then it didn't let go. The songs of season 5 especially the one about the dinosaurs is something I listen to whenever I'm sad, and then the world seems a lot better to me. It has everything but to me the detail of the asmodeus song and the dinosaur song having the same melody being intentional is something that still destroys me. Also watched season 7 premiere and I think it is the best thing watcher made so far <- (says this about every watcher show that's airing currently). But really it's mind blowing how much little details go into an ep of it. Like ghost files for Ryan I feel like this allows Shane and the crew to show what they're capable of doing. I adore it for what it is.
3. Travel Season I also love travel content so while this place would be easily interchangable with Dish Granted or Homemade because I think the spirit of companionship and love for food is in those shows as well, travel season means a lot to me. It really is showing a new quality of watcher, and the roundtable makes me appreciate that show even more. Feels like watching a travel documentary while you also learn about the culture and why the food matters there. I also think Steven thrives in making content with his friends and that's what sets this show apart from the other ones because he's rarely alone. (Also I made two long posts about it if you wanna read more)
2. Tourist Trapped/Weird Wonderful World Tourist trapped is probably my most frequently rewatched episode of a watcher show. Every ep of www I've watched twice when it dropped, and if I had to choose a favorite it would be the hat one. I'm putting these two together on the second place because www is the spinoff of tourist trapped, and also if you think about it montana episode is more structured like that show. I just love how the episodes of this show make you appreciate the wonderful world around you.
Ghost Files
I love Ghost files because this is the show I stumbled upon and made me discover watcher so putting it below first place feels wrong. It has everything!! Love the production value of it the way every detail is worked on and matters, the set design the map of the place and yes even the explanations of the equipment. The balance of spookiness and humor really is unique and I love that it improves with every season. This is after all a show that made me travel to see them so it has a special place in my heart and I adore it. (Made several posts about it).
It's incredible to me that this company came so far in only 5 years. I wish them so much more luck and success and hope for many more years because the shows they make and the love for what they're doing shines through in every single detail. I love them a lot and hope this is only the beginning and there's so much more in store for them we can't even imagine :D
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janiedean · 6 years ago
Ok I need to know your thoughts about this Green Book mess
... pray for me anon XD
anyway, never mind that my general thought is that I’m really sad the mule didn’t compete this round because then it’d have deserved all the awards hands down........
tldr: the fact that people are outraged is the proof that tumblr at large can’t recognize classism when it hits you in the face.
in longer words: 95% of the hot takes I’m reading are Patently False And It Shoes People Haven’t Seen That Movie.
in much longer words: counting that I haven’t seen all the nominees but I did see both blakkk/lansman (which from now will be BKKK) and blackpanther and green book (and borap but that one wasn’t gonna win best movie anyway so) and I guess that is where the crux is, so, in order.
bkkk was obviously the best movie of the lot quality speaking. in an ideal world, it would have one. except that bkkk is a movie that’s heavily political and if y’all think that the oscars would give a prize to the heavily political movie that directly criticizes the administration in power then y’all missed the part where that’s not what happens at the oscars. last time it happened it was 1978 and the deer hunter won and I still don’t know wtf was the jury’s state of grace at that point, but in 1980 they had apocalypse now in the list and kramer vs kramer won. like. guys. if you have APOCALYPSE NOW on the list and anything else wins in the major categories then you’re a joke. and tbh it surprises me that spike l/ee is still hoping he might snag a major win that’s not for screenplay with these parameters - they’re not gonna go there. hasn’t happened since ‘78. come on;
bp was not a best movie flick. like, guys: it’s not even the best mcu film around as far as I’m concerned and while it most likely deserved the technical awards..... seriously? like. if neither GB nor bkkk won then any other movie on the list had better shots than bp. I can’t even think people seriously assume it was best movie material or ON PAR WITH BKKK as in, ‘if bkkk doesn’t win then THAT ONE should have won’. like, no;
now: green book was a *safe* pick in the sense that it wasn’t as heavy-handed as bkkk when it came to be political so it was the perfect choice if they wanted to go like ‘oh hey see we gave the award to the movie about racism without giving it to the one raising the middle finger to donald trump’, but differently from moon/light (which according to me was the most political political win of the last ten years like guys sorry that movie was nowhere near as good as people said back then and I found it incredibly overrated, and before you tell me that it’s because I didn’t understand it: exactly the point. the wire is one of my fave shows ever and it tacked all the things moon/light tried to except that it did it vastly better and I actually got it for how well it was written, moon/light completely failed in that sense and I’m glad if it was a good movie for the people it was directed to but it didn’t engage beyond that target imvho but never mind that) it actually tackled very well a series of issues I never see discussed in US cinema when it comes to *racism-themed* movies and I thought it was a really well-made movie that nailed a lot of things especially when it came to how classism and racism interject themselves in the discourse and how you don’t get out of discarding one of them so easily.
specifically, with SPOILERS FROM THE MOVIE under the cut SO GO AHEAD AT WILL OR NOT:
now: all the posts ‘this is the usual movie about the white guy who gets the black friend’ already are obviously from people who haven’t seen it because they missed the basic point, as in: that the white guy is poor and uneducated and isn’t *racist* because he’s a terrible person, he is out of ignorance and not knowing any better BUT at the same time he’s not so narrow-minded that he doesn’t have fairly forward opinions on other -isms (see THAT REVEAL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOVIE after which he goes like ‘I’ve been a bouncer in most of new york’s night clubs do you think I mind that thing’ which is a thing the audience wouldn’t have thought since italian-american men from the 50s/60s notoriously came from a fairly -PHOBIC culture in that specific sense), and that the guy being italian-american ie a *white* category that back then did not have *white privilege* put him in a lower class position than the black guy;
on the other side, it was spelled that the black guy’s issue was the contrary in the sense that he’s rich, he’s cultured, he speaks five languages, he’s not a stereotype and since people want stereotypes or expect them, he can’t seem to please either side and feels alienated from both, which I think is a discourse that should be way more relevant in a website where people talk all the time about people of color not being stereotypes and so on;
like the entire fucking point of that movie is that white guy overcomes his racism unlearning his ignorance and black guy has a few realizations about how classism works and reconnects with his heritage throughout the entire thing;
and the fact that it was the black guy explaining the white guy how to write the poetic love letters without grammar mistakes and got him to appreciate finer things in life while the white guy helped him get down to earth (which he plot-wise definitely needed - he was unhappy af before XD) *and* at the same time the movie never fucking forgot that skin color > money when it comes to systematical racism in the south (ie the scene where they get stopped by the southern policeman and white guy punches him bc he basically told him that being italian-american was being half-the-n-word and black guy tells him ‘yeah well I handled that my entire life you could deal with it once’ was FAIRLY DAMNED OBVIOUS even if it also showed that it’s Not How Things Should Go) was imvo a very good narrative choice/balancing;
also, I was really appreciating that scene where don asks tony (a guy who has no idea who orpheus is and thinks orpheus and eurydice is about orphans) to shorten his name because vallelunga is too difficult to pronounce and tony’s like ‘if the people you play for are so cultured they can learn to pronounce my name properly’ because like guys that’s a thing that happens with all non-anglophone names and seeing it come from someone who hasn’t had an education but doesn’t want to be *made better* because that doesn’t make them unworthy and then only accepts help when he wants it and doesn’t come from a position of ‘you need to look more presentable’ but from ‘I want to make your life better’ was really fucking nice excuse me, because it *did* make a point about how not being formally educated means that people are considered lesser when they shouldn’t have to fight for it, and I thought that the class-switch in there was a really great idea;
anyway nvm my specific opinions about specific scenes, the point is: green book is not heavy-handed and admittedly is a lot more sugary than BKKK and has the feel-good ending that makes it palatable for easy wins, but the content is fucking everything but sugary or devoid of discussing Serious Issues that I almost never see tackled in this kind of US movie and if people actually wanted to watch a movie that sees the subject counting that class relations exist, that some -isms are culturally learned and can be overcome, that money counts when we’re discussing how people are treated in the US, the *earned whiteness* concept (because tony is *white* but hasn’t *earned whiteness* and it’s plenty damned obvious) and that class relations are not automatically clear-cut *especially in the US* then green book is an absolutely valid choice. and like...... it wasn’t white saviorism in the sense that WHITE GUY GETS REDEEMED AND BECOMES UN-RACIST, it’s about two people growing and learning from each other and the fact that tony’s racism is tied to a) upbringing while being poor b) not literally knowing any better but that it doesn’t really take that much for him to see that his opinions are wrong when usually it’s poor black person vs rich white person, and actually that’s why I thought calling it reverse driving miss daisy was reaaaally not getting the point, so if people actually saw the damned movie before deciding it’s terrible that’d be nice;
I also think sp/ike lee was beyond rude in his, er, reactions to GB’s win, but then again... listen guys I love the man’s movies but since that time he went like ‘clint eastwood can’t make movies about charlie parker’ (??) and dismissed the italian partisans’s associations complains about what he did in miracle in st. anna (a movie I did actually really like but they were right about him villainizing the resistence when he could have not) with basically I DON’T CARE THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ISSUES WITH HOW I, AN AMERICAN, DEPICTED A FAIRLY IMPORTANT PIECE OF ITALIAN HISTORY... like he needs to chill and to realize that there’s a thing called losing with grace and he’s not doing it.
tldr: bkkk imvo deserved to win way more and tbqh if I was spike I’d complain about bp having gotten more awards than his movie when bp really is the safest choice ever if we wanna talk about politics win, and I can agree that GB was a political choice, but it was not a bad political choice nor a racist one and actually it raised a lot of issues that I’d like to see explored more in movies because they usually aren’t. on top of that I thought mahershala ali’s performance in gb was fucking stellar and definitely was miles better than his part in moonlight (but like... bc he was in moonlight for TWENTY MINUTES, he was co-lead here) and I’m honestly baffled that when he won for moonlight there were gifsets everywhere and here there aren’t when this role was WAY better and more nuanced and with more to chew, never mind that again, he deserved it just for the speech under the rain I was discussing before. but like..... of course we’re all ignoring it??
also: I’m really laughing that tumblr as a whole is crying about GB winning when until two days ago bkkk was the worst thing ever because adam dr/iver starred in it and OMG OF COURSE HE WAS CHOSEN TO PLAY THE KKK MEMBER BECAUSE HE REALLY IS RACIST [lmao as if spike l/ee would work with a really racist person] and no one on this website gave a single fuck about it when it came out except for adam dr/iver fan blogs but now everyone is like OMG WHY DIDN’T BKKK WIN???!!!!! like guys you didn’t care about BKKK until a day ago and now I’m supposed to think you were rooting for it all along? when you all hated it because omg how dare they cast ky/lo ren in something where he’s not a bad guy? like we serious? come the fuck on, no one on here cared. and the fact that if blackpanther had won no one would say BKKK not winning = UTTERMOST CRIME just says all about how a film’s quality is judged around here. bye, I said my piece.
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