#this was fun to think of!! thank you nonie 🥺
seiwas · 5 months
(for the ask game!) when i think of you and your writing, i always get a picture of a peaceful tea party or lovely picnic on a nice warm spring day, as such!! i’m really curious about about 11 and 13! also throwing in 47 for the funsies hihi ((:
nonie hello!! sorry for the late response, thanks so much for dropping by and playing 🥺
a peaceful tee party and a lovely picnic on a nice spring day are things i absolutely love 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i am so touched you think of my writing that way!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet, thank you so much!!
and for the ask game!!
ask me anything from this fun writer game!! + what line/passage/anything do you remember me by as a writer? 🥺
11. Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
oh gosh i am so embarrassed to say this, but honestly, i haven't read a lot of fiction books in the recent years 😭 i do want to get into them more but i always fall off bc i'm always preoccupied finding new fics to love shdbfj. i've read some memoirs and self-help books that i like!! the most recent one was 'when breath becomes air' by paul kalanithi—not sure if it really influenced my writing, but i liked the way it was written! other than that, i've been enjoying a lot of stuff from my fave fic writers! 🥹 (can be found in the fics i reblog as fic recs!)
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
oh 🥹
i usually have a concept or idea first, most of the time it's a theme i want to explore, but other rare times, it's a piece of dialogue! (sometimes specific descriptive lines also come to me).
then i find the songs. music is a must to my writing process! i find songs that either speak to the story or just give off the ~vibes.
next, i start outlining (this happens simultaneously with picking the songs)—how specific it is varies but i always need to have some sort of guide, just to at least help me with the flow/order of events. it also helps in laying out elements i want to explore/themes i want to touch on/specific recurring details i want the fic to have!!
then, i finally start writing! the hook (first line) doesn't always come first, tho it typically does (bc it sets the tone for me). depending on how long and complex the fic is, this can take me from 2-5 days for ~2k fics, and weeks for ~5k+ ones! (the title also comes whenever it feels like it; though it mostly happens at the start or mid-writing bc it also sets the tone for me!)
finally, i edit! i usually give this 1 day, just to let the fic marinate more HSAHFH and i go through numerous passes, at minimum 2 (one on my laptop, and another on my phone because my reading experience is different on both! laptop for more technical grammar things, and phone for more of the full ~emotional experience)
i will occasionally have friends read it just to ask for their opinions, especially when i'm unsure about a character/concept/if it's boring!! (shoutout to niku, soph, dilly, augustine, emmie, and midi!!)
47.  Best way to procrastinate
scrolling thru tumblr LOL
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winterarmyy · 1 year
Hi – sorry to barge into your lovely little space here like this.
Am a new follower – I absolutely adore your fics. They ways you describe our grumpy super soldier is just. . . 😩🤌🥺🥹
You brought me back into the fandom – WITH FULL FORCE I hate love you for making simp for Bucky again – smh
Anywhoo – my hun, dont mind me snooping through your blog with my little S.H.I.E.L.D skills 🥸 🕶 because I adore your stories and how you write so much 😭😭😢 – IT HAD BECOME A FREAKING ADDICTION
And. . . I can't help but notice you had a little red skull gremlin in your inbox that has me fuming enough to grab a few things called the space stones and snap them away into the oblivion – sorry. . . Not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️
As someone you reads your works and support you fully, am very much offended that someone would write that to you – LIKE EXCUSE ME A SECOND – ARE WE ACTUALLY TALKING THE SAME LOVELY TALENTED BEAUTIFUL soldat simping YINN HERE ? ! !
I just wanted to say that. . .anyways for ranting in your inbox. . .bye, love ya lots hun 💝💝
- Tara 🤗🥰
OH. MY. GOD??!
No,, please barge in all you want, Tara. Because it is so lovely to have you here. Thank you for following my blog! It might not be much but I hope you enjoy your time here 🧎🏻‍♀️🤍
AND STOPPPPP I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY??? Like I appreciate that you love my fics and the way I wrote Bucky. I get insecure about it sometimes because I've read so many amazing authors writing bucky, and how perfect all of them were. I doubt the way i wrote him because i feel like there's something lacking. So thank you for loving him and his imperfections! 🥺💞
addiction?? To my fic?? Please that's so sweet?! Like now I wonder which ones are your fav fic and why 👀
Ahh, sure that little nony slipped through my inbox to insult me. Yeah, I hope I doesn't happend again. Because that was totally uncalled for. But, I'd like to think that I handled it quite well though 😗😚
Thank you so much for your kind words! And this response might not have the same chaotic and fun energy as yours, but trust me when I saw you made me smile and blush so much you have no idea!!! 🥺😭 I hope you continue to love my work (which btw I just uploaded a new fic for And You're Mine AU. Find it in my masterlist or here)
Please come by and rant all you want tbh. I get giddy reading what my readers thinks of the fics that I wrote. It helps me go through the day! 🥰
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white-nolse · 5 months
I’m glad to have a selfshipping Jojo account to follow and your polls are always fun, the haterposting event was a fun vent too <3
First of all, thank you so much nonie 🥺 I'm glad people actually like me and like having me in the community akdkdkdmdmd
Also!! I've been trying to think about making more polls! They're on my drafts rn because I personally don't like making polls like the usuals I make with little answers, I want more options!
It has turned down because THANK GOD AND EVERYTHING ABOVE they're not longer in the place where that annoying person was and my friend that was the one to keep them there doesn't really like them anymore so that's a double win AKKFKDKDKDK (their own doing, I didn't do anything about that/gen). And I've been keeping away every old mutual I've blocked as if they were the plague so there isn't really anything to make me ramble like an old man AKNDNDNSZN
But I'll share if there's any angry rambles, dw 🫡
Send me anonymous opinions about myself!
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crazylil-lion · 2 years
Dressing you up would be so much fun 🥰 you’d look so adorable in anything 💟
Thank you nony!
I think your the only one that would think so.
Whos your favorite anime character?
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fairybinie · 3 years
hey hey 😏😏
IDK but thankie is just so :( and the fact that you just told me that too i'm 🥺🥺🥺 BUT YOU ALMOST SENDING IT TO YOUR COUNSELOR IS SO FUNNY IM SORRY OASJDISJDIO and okay i'll leave you alone for soobin and mika 😖
AWWW YALL ARE SUCH BESTIE GOALS I AM JEALOUS !!! JEALOUS I SAY !!! i'm sorry you went through issues but hopefully it was worth it bc the fic was so good ☹️☹️ AW SIMPING FOR UR GF wait are you actually dating someone like what's the tea 🧎‍♀️ AH I SAW YOUR POST ABOUT IT!! just so that i'm not an idiot the "moon" is zia right 🧍‍♀️ BUT IM HAPPY THAT YALL ARE GOING TO MEET POTENTIALLY I HOPE THE SCHOOL ACCEPTS YOU we need val and zia to unite 🤬🤬🤬
i'd like to end this with an apology val i am so sorry for my mini marvel slander i'm literally 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ IDK HOW BIG OF A STAN YOU ARE BUT CONSIDERING ITS ON YOUR CARRD YOU MUST LIKE IT A LOT IM SORRY 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ IM SIGNING OFF NOW OMG THIS IS FUN
- ☹️
PSHD@HDI@HD@E someone told me that thankie was cute and i :') i say that to everyone unless you fuck me over and upset me therefore i use the BORING thank you . STOP I LITERALLY ALMOST HIT SEND TO IM SO GLAD I NOTICED and yes please i appreciate you letting go </3
HELP we really do be tho <:))) yeah i'd like to think it was worth it bc now it has a special place in my heart <3 AND HELP mika do be my one and only i'm just @(#*$(@*#($*@#($*@(#$*(@#*( want it to be a reality . AND YES SHES THE MOON LOL we established it a while ago and ever since that's what she is to me :') like the moon is always there just like her :') i know she's reading this bc she stalks me :/// so hey zee zee ily <3 I HOPE I GET ACCEPTED TOO apparently they have a decent acceptance rate so it's likely that i will!! i'll be posting and screaming on the dash if i do so prepare yourself .
FUCK OFF I LITERALLY SAW YOUR ASK TO CICI THE GASP I LET OUT . i am quite the Big Stan i took that very personally anon . Watch it . but apology accepted since you're nice ig :////
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nony-bear · 2 years
hi nony i hope u start feeling better soon, but heres some distractions in the mean time: off all the caps- steve, sam and bucky choose one to fuck, marry and kill x
Thank you anon I appreciate that and you sending something in 💕
So there was definitely a time I automatically would have said marry steve but lately I’ve not be able to chose between my super soldiers 🥺 like I don’t think I can pick between them right now lol so maybe marry both steve and bucky (like brother husbands instead of sister wives) and I could also never kill Sammy so I’m changing kill to kiss and I’ll give Sammy a little kiss for fun lol I love them all but Sam has always given me more big brother vibes than romantic or sexual vibes honestly 💖 (sorry if this is a cop out answer but I love them all too much lol)
Tumblr media
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seiwas · 1 year
who would you ship ur moots with?!!
hi nonie! 🥺 thanks for dropping by!! oh gosh this is a tough one!!! (i have a lot of moots too 😭) let me go through the list!! (it got really long sorry omg)
@andypantsx3: ANDY AND SHOUTO ANDY AND SHOUTO i will shout it at the top of my LUNGS!!! 🥹
@augustinewrites: gojo but i think megumi would be so cute with augustine too 🥺 atsumu or iwa as well!! depending on the mood 🥺
@avatarofstars: mimi and satoru cute cute!!!! 🥺
@bluebird-in-the-breeze: i think shouto and birdie would be so cute ngl 😭 but izuku and birdie would be inevitable, yknow?
@c4ssiopeias: i think of bakugo when i see nova but i also think nanami would be so sweet 🥺
@crysugu: DILTO DILTO DILTO (i'm joking) of course it is none other than 24/7 boyfriend suguru 🥹 (kita now recently too 🥹) (atsumu formerly. maybe in another universe.)
@culturity: idk who blade is but kady loves em so i will love them for kady too 🫶🏻🥺 (if i had to pick from jjk based off just vibes tho... i think... kady would be so cute with yuuji 🥺)
@em1e: emmie would be so cute with suguru PLS 😭 i love the way they write him sm (this is also completely random but kenMA?????)
@firein-thesky: crying bc i associate cielo with hawks so much but also there is satoru but deep down in my heart i think cielo'd be so cute with megumi 🥺😭
@fushisagi: one of my fave tsumu fics is written by ci 😭 so ofc it's tsumu!! 🥹
@gardenofnoah: oh i would love to see bea with nanami 🥺 (but bea's bakugo is also so incredibly soft, kiri feels cute too 🥺)
@getoluver: suguru with angie ofc 🥺 they would be the softest, cutest, purest love ever 🥺
@grim-gril: ofc for riri there is satoru but i'm also feeling major yuuta vibes AND IDK WHY 😭
@hyomagiri: oh ellie would be so cute with satoru or tsumu 😭 i think the energies would match like crazy!!
@itadorey: i think suguru and inez would be so cute 🥺 (tbh tho can u rlly get suguru without satoru...)
@izukusloves: i always think of izuku when i see kc 🥺
@kedsandtubesocks: oh erika and satoru would be so cute, so playful, would make me feel so single... 🥺 but also... nanami and erika... mmm it is doing smth... giving a warm home, domesticity, love 🥺
@kentoangel: of course it is none other than mr. nanami kento. of course it is. choso is close but (for now) mr. kento wins 🥺💗 (such an attractive couple mhm)
@kissxcore: satoru def but also kuroo??!? or oikawa... also iwa... maybe the entire seijoh4???!!? bring me with you alexis 🤧
@konigbabe: moni and satoru 🥺 would be so adorable i think!
@mididoodles: is it weird to say i ship midi with their irl partner... UGH the recent doodles midi made of them were so cute 🥺 they are so cute 🥺
@mimiriko: miriko and suguru would be cute 🥺 but i think shoko would be hot too omg i saw miriko talking abt her recently...
@mintmatcha: either aizawa, nanami, or makki/mattsun for mint omg 😭 (i think makki/mattsun humour would be so fun with mint tho 😭)
@mitsies: ofc it's satoru 😭 but also.... yuuta is looking very MMMM 😳
@naosaki: gojo but also i like the idea of art with yuuji??? omg i think it'd be so cute 😭
@noosayog: i don't talk abt bllk much but i think isagi and noos omg.... yes.... and since noos also loves tobio i can't help but support!! 🫶🏻 but isagi... omg
@pastelle-rabbit: this should not be a question. IT IS MIRAKEI. it is only mirakei forever and ever. keigo and amira keigo and amira forever and ever 🫶🏻
@prettyiwa: ix is my favourite iwa writer so 😭 it would be a disgrace if i didn't say iwa 🥺
@princess-okkotsu: is this even a QUESTION. IT'S YUUTA OFC. it has to be. it's the only answer actually. (sometimes megumi too tho... 😭)
@saetoru: literally not even a question 😭 it's gojo sa(e)toru 😭 tee knows and loves him in a way i could never
@satoruhour: either satoru or suguru for t!! i think their energies match & the banter would be so so fun 🥹
@selarina: ngl sunarin bc he's rina's icon 😭 bUT ALSO i think rina and megumi would be so cute 🥹
@seravphs: gojo is an obv one but i think it'd be cool to see sera w college!megumi 😳 (also wanna see sera w atsumu lowkey... college!shouto would be cute too 😭)
@shdous: satoru but also... lately i've been thinking nanami for ej too 🥹
@saintsugu: ezra and sugu!! ezra and sugu!! 🥺
@soumies: megumi megumi megumi PLS 😭 so so cute (nanami and osamu too in another universe but. MEGUMI) i think he and soph would be so cute together fr 🥺 THE perfect bf.
@stellamancer: deep down its bakugo (hihi 🤭) but unfortunately That Man (gojo) wins for now 🤧
@strawberrystepmom: is this even a QUESTION!!! satoken ftw 🥺 satoru and kendall are so so cute!!
@suashii: sunarin 🥺 but also!! sua's bakugo is so soft!! and i also see suguru 🥺
@threadbaresweater: the way i am fully obsessed with lin and nanami oh god 🥺 there would be so much love and warmth and just home in them i think 🥺
@todorosie: i support the sorin shouto ship 🥹 but also smth about sorin and nanami feels just so!! so!! romantic aaaah
@twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat: ari and i will die on the satoru hill. we will protect that man with our whole BEINGS. pls. no one gets him like ari 😭
@ufo-ikawa: um. OIKAWA OF COURSE?? ari and i are already planning double dates bc it's impossible to get one without the other 🤧 (in another universe we go for the miya twins unfortunately)
@utahimeow: gojo but also kuroo and TBH TOBIO TOO 😭😭😭 and kenma... and... maybe the entire hq... omg char i can't pick...
@vagabond-umlaut: sukuna feels like a cool match!! ✨
@willowser: is this even a question. OF COURSE it's bakugo. OF COURSE it is. every time willow posts rbs/posts him i get SO GIDDY. i love the way willow loves him 🥺
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seiwas · 8 months
top 5 of your own favourite work
thank you for asking nonie 🥺 this is a really tough one bc i feel like how i feel abt my writing always changes 🥲 so at the moment, i enjoy these:
keep this drive to just us two (megumi drive series—which is getting a part 3 soon!) i like this bc of how it still makes me feel even after re-reading it!! that and i love writing megumi in general 🥺 the first part to this was inspired by a personal experience!
col, specifically: these traces of love, they outline you (but am fond of the longer col installments in general) the entire col is my baby, but i enjoyed outlining and writing 'these traces of love...' the most so far 🥺
11:49 p.m. (gojo blurb) i like how concise i was with my paragraphs, and how i made everything flow (sometimes i worry i won't be able to write like this again 😭)
by your name only (part of my iwa series, (keep me) steady, hold me gently) the fic is privated right now because i'm planning to rewrite the entire series! but the concept of this fic is a 6+1 and i enjoyed executing it a lot 🥺 (tbh i have this whole series outlined i just need to get it written 😭)
it's a match! (non-curse au with dating app yuuji) conceptualizing this was so fun!! and writing it was really enjoyable too!! i think because i was so used to writing for canon jjk, switching to something more lighthearted was so refreshing 🥺
ask me my top 5 or 10 anything!!
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seiwas · 5 months
Explain the essence of your selfships in three words, ready set GO!
omg hello nonie!!! 🥹 i had to think for a moment who my other selfships are tbh 😭 instead of disjointed words, i’m gonna try to make it 3-word phrases 🥹
seiwa (sel x iwaizumi): keep me steady
selmi (sel x megumi): are you mine?
selsuki (sel x katsuki): when we're grown
seltoru (sel x satoru): lights down low
thank you for asking!! this was a fun lil question to think of 🥺 so sorry it's taken me a while to get to it!!
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seiwas · 6 months
MC :3 and sagittarius Additionally, sagittarius with hajime - where would you like to travel together? Does Hajime have any preferences? Who's taking charge of the itinerary? love u sel <3
hello nonie!! thanks for asking 🥺 i love u too 🥺
MC ⇢ what kind of reputation do you think you have?
i truly think i am just a girl 🧍‍♀️ jshbfsaf just vibing. going to the gym. drinking matcha. so maybe sometimes (all the time) i'm also a matcha girl 🧍‍♀️🍵. oh, and how could i forget!! hajime's girl 😌 (i hope)
sagittarius ⇢ what places would you like to travel in the future?
french/italian countryside!! so many people around me love japan so i'm interested to see what it's like too!! would also love to go to the pretty beaches of the world!!
and with hajime 🥹 hmmm... i'd love to go everywhere with him honestly 🥹 i don't think he's too picky either, is probably really down for anything!! australia might be fun bc of the sheer amount of activities and nature you get there 🥹, would also love to travel europe with him!! the nordic countries + switzerland (preferably when it's cold!!). tropical beaches with him would be nice too 🥹 must show off his muscles. must. he's definitely touring me around japan tho, i think it's really important that the people he loves love the things important to him—and home is one of those 🥺
we take turns with itinerary!! or work together, hehe depends on the location!! i think hajime plans a lot of stuff in his life and vacations are part of that, but to a degree only 🥹 he likes to relax a bit more and just kinda go with the flow of things when we're abroad!! tho!! he is 100% navigating. i would be lost without him fr. LOL.
ask me anything from this astrology ask game!
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seiwas · 6 months
big three for the ask game!!
katsuki, shouto and of course our beloved hajime!!
thanks for playing nonie!! 🥹
i first read it as big three and went straight to todobakudeku but then read it again and saw you meant MY big three 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (that’s so precious 🥺🥺🥺)
katsuki is into RICE. noodles next then bread last. i feel like he’s into a lot more protein in general but rice is always a good thing to have—it’s extremely versatile and matches almost any meat he pairs it with. i think he enjoys cooking with it a lot too! ihe can eat lots of it without feeling too heavy, unlike with pasta or bread (which is good because it means he can move around better and faster).
shouto is into pasta (noodles specifically) 🥺🥺 his fave food is cold soba so 🥺🥺 i like to hc that it’s his comfort food from his momma 🥺 i like this idea of baby shouto, outside all of the training endeavour put him through, practicing and actually having fun playing with the ice side of his quirk by cooling down his bowl of noodles 🥺 i feel like more than anything, he’s into soup—because it’s comforting and contained. he doesn’t have to make large gestures to eat it, but he can slurp just as loudly and burp after too. i think it just fits him 🥺
hajime is a lot like katsuki!!! meal planning is easier with pasta but you can do a lot more with rice!! and for the same reasons as katsuki, rice doesn’t make him feel as heavy as pasta or bread do. for pure comfort, it’s white rice all the way—but i think he likes to experiment with different grains from time to time too. health stuff and whatnot. sometimes hajime will use wraps (so bread, i guess), when he needs a quick on-the-go meal!
send me a character and i’ll tell you whether they prefer rice, pasta, or bread!
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seiwas · 7 months
hi hi! i'm here for the ask game :'D i hope you don't mind cuz i picked a handful 🥲
hi nonie!! thanks for sending some in 🥹 i don't mind at all!! this is fun 🥹
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
omg nonie the playlists i like are usually 'made for you' ones on spotify! so far i like the 'wyd' playlist or 'goosebumps' ones!! i usually just make my own tho bc i think i have very specific moods 🥹
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
kirketeer is one of my fave writers, mostly for their bakugo works!! i linked their fic: 'i like to call myself wound but i will answer to knife'. it's truly one of my most favourite fics (among many others) and i'm up for a reread this year for sure.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
literally everyone rn 🥺 i haven't hopped in inboxes for a long while and it makes me very sad 🥺 (i should get to it soon!!!) i miss everyone sdfbjas
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
oh gosh i loooove really good royalty au's, and @seravphs with her knight!gojo one already fulfills that dream of mine 🥺 i love the subtle references to got too!!
other than that, i would absolutely adore a secret agent au too!! co-agents smth smth hehe i love andie's (@andypantsx3) stuff bc i go through them so quickly. her writing is so fun to read (+ i love how creative she is with plots!!). i would def drop everything and come running if andie ever writes a secret agent type au BUT of course 🥹 i love anyth andie chooses to write!! seeing how her brain works in everything she writes always inspires me!!!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
it's not exactly 50 words (48) but this is what i have:
People have come to you with stories of their own, sharing how much your art means to them. Critics write articles, both good and bad, detailing the technicalities of your work. The applause follows you everywhere you go, yet it has never touched you—has never gotten too close. 
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
i think in bullet points most of the time so it might sound harsh but it's just more efficient for me:
expand vocabulary, have richer descriptions
improve on plots and scene building
improve on making dialogue more dynamic
explore other tropes and be more creative with it
ask me anything from this list!
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seiwas · 1 year
Oh what’s your fav part about reading comments?
hello nonie!! 🥹 my fave part abt reading comments!!! oh there’s a lot 🥺
i think!! as much as some people might be shy to ramble, i really, really love reading it!! 🥺 whether it’s through tags or commenting on the post itself!!! even replies sometimes!! i love the lil reactions everyone makes!! and their thoughts on a piece i wrote!! and!!! when they leave their lil favourite parts/lines too 🥺 i love it all!!
some tags are really funny too omg 😭 like the way people react is so vivid naksndjd i’ve had a giggle or two reading em!! 🤧 + when people come to my inbox!!! to share abt it!! 💌 it really touches me so much!!! 🥹 i think it’s also especially satisfying when a reader picks up on the subtle things you try to place in fics omg 🥺
whenever i write something, i go over it a lot during editing (as in… at least 5 read-throughs) & i think when you do that you kind of lose all the feeling in reading something? so a lot of the time, i don’t really feel anything anymore when i reread it after posting 😭 so seeing what people have to say about it, how it made them feel, the parts they liked (esp technical writing stuff!! like lines, style, flow, dialogue, pacing, mood, etc.) it lets me know what aspects i was able to deliver on!! (and also helps me form my writer identity, so to speak!) 🥹
but of course!!! i just love the fact that people are even sharing how they feel about it to begin with 🥺 it’s so fun!! 💕
thanks for asking this nonie, i could go on abt comments on fics 🥺
this isn’t to force or pressure anyone, but if you enjoyed reading a fic, comments (whether in post or tags) and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🥹🫶🏻 seriously!!! it makes your writers’ days for real!! 🥺
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seiwas · 5 months
hello sel!! 🫡 this might be a weird ask (if it is, u dont have to acknowledge!) i just came across a post about hobbies, and it got me thinking about my favorite writers/artists on here! im curious on what you think about it! especially that every creative person on here (like you!!) create and share the things you love with everyone without anything in exchange aside from mutual brainrot! lol (‘:
the post in question:
[also] (this defeats the purpose of the said post but 😭 im really curious! 🥹 heh) if ever given the chance to write professionally would you? or have you had any experiences about writing professionally (like on demand) 🥹
thank you in advanced and i hope you have a very lovely day! <3 :D
hello nonie!! i’m touched you’re curious about my opinion on this 🥺 putting my thoughts under the cut because i don’t wanna clog the dash!
i would like to disclaim that i am so honestly out of the loop of twitter talk so this is the first time i’m actually hearing of the societal demands/pressures of monetising your hobbies 🥺
but!! i do think it’s a case-to-case basis 🥺 i think the reasons for doing it vary per individual, whether it’s a dream or something born out of necessity. i understand both sides 🥺
i personally do worry that monetising my hobbies might take out the fun in it, especially when there’s so much pressure to produce produce produce, but!!!! it works for some people, and i see the appeal in being paid to do something you love (which tbh! sounds like an ideal world if we take off all the internal/external pressures surrounding it 🥺) i definitely think it’s suited for some people, and not for others, so, like i said—to each their own really 🥺 i hope i answered your question!
and if i were ever given the chance to write professionally, i honestly can’t give a clear answer whether i’d do it or not 🥹 i’m a bit 50/50 with it! mostly because i just don’t think i’m that good of a writer yet to have my work officially published 🥹 (nor do i think i’m creative enough to come up with elaborate plots and stuff 😭) that being said, i haven’t experienced writing professionally yet so i don’t really know what it’s like 🥺
i’ve been thinking about opening commissions lately though, or maybe a kofi 🥺 mainly because writing does take up a fair bit of my time and effort and it wouldn’t hurt to somehow be compensated for that 🥺 but for the reasons i mentioned, like possibly losing the fun in it (or even just being good enough for commissions HABSJAHHA), it’s still something simmering in my brain 🥺 i’m also extremely particular of the stuff i write, mainly because i’m also particular with my characterisations 🥺 so that’s something i’m taking into consideration too 🥺 (it’s for this reason that i don’t take requests unless they’re part of events/collabs i’ve set up 🥺)
all that aside though, i still have a bunch of wips i’m determined on finishing (both short and long fics, some series some not) so 🥹🥹
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seiwas · 6 months
this is pretty random but as someone who radiates sweet energy, what is your favorite meet cute situation?
omg me?? sweet energy?? that's so cute nonie thank you 😭🥺
i love meet cutes where you're kinda paired up together, or like one has to help the other bc of x, y, z!! i don't have a favourite one in particular bc i am a very slowburn friends to lover kind of girl but !!
wedding ones where either of you are from opposite parties and are only paired up together to either walk down the aisle, or play a game, etc. etc. are fun!!
helping the other lug stuff into the car from a market or grocery is really cute to me too 🥺 also ones where you accidentally get injured either on a group trail or smth like that and they happen to be the one to help you!!!
i also like really funny awkward encounters 😭 just cos i think it'd be a great story!! like you accidentally embarrassing yourself in front of them and them being like don't worry abt it but giggling or vice versa!!
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seiwas · 7 months
thank you so much for the kind and helpful reply about waking up early/morning routines 🥹
i’ve been trying to use alarms the past few days, and it works HOWEVER most of the time (read: always 😔) im tempted to go back to sleep 😭 so i end up sleeping in later than i intended to (like YES!!! it is really a mental battle getting out of bed 😭) (taking notes and gonna try to move as soon as i wake up 📝 , hopefully my mind will also come to after 10 minutes 😔🤞🏻)
ALSO YES!!!! i understand your love for the soft morning light!! i also feel the same with the fresh morning breeze! especially that it gets pretty warm as noon approaches from where i live 🤧
thank you again for the advices; they’re very informative and helpful! 🥹 i think i’m getting a rough idea of what i want my morning routine to be. tho i would like to ask whether you have any tea recommendations and stuff that help with winding down before bed? (i think that’s the very root problem with my routine as i tend to stay up late to do stuff i didn’t get to finish the whole day because, well… i woke up late LMAO 😭 it’s a paradox!)
also omg i genuinely apologize if this is all too much to ask 😭 (you really don’t have to answer!) like i know i can find the answers just by searching, but i feel it’s best to ask someone who already has an established (and effective) routine (also where’s the fun in reading answers off online articles, right? 😔 LOL 😭)
thank you again for your kind answers! 🥹💐♥️ i really appreciate them!
- nonie who doesn’t, in fact, catch the worm (lol kidding!), morning nonie! 🌅
hi 🌅 nonie! you're very welcome!! 🥺
omg and i completely get you!! the alarms every 10 minutes 😭 i swear it's so tempting to sleep after that first alarm bec u think 'just for a bit' but just for bit becomes 2 HOURS 😭 i think being aware is key too!! the more you know that these things typically happen to you, the more you'll be able to remind yourself in the moment that you kNOW what's gonna happen if you go back to sleep 😭
as for tea recommendations! i drink spearmint tea before bed but that's more for hormonal balance and enjoyment—i'm not so sure if it does anything for sleep! i think chamomile and lavender might be good ones tho! other things you can do to wind down is avoid screentime 30 minutes before you want to sleep. it's also helped me to get into bed an hour before i want to sleep, then i turn off my lights and everything too!
and don't apologise at all!! i find it so sweet that you're asking me 🥹 i'm not an expert or anything but i'm glad that you find my personal experience helpful!!
update me on how it goes nonie!! feel free to drop by and ask anything anytime!! 💗
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