#this was also supposed to be quick and thats why its in a limbo of Effort Was Made and I Held Back
xxplastic-cubexx · 10 days
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oh noooo or whatever
bonus aka The Real Motive Behind This:
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SURPRISE double bonus. textless ver of the first pic under the cut
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sw124 · 3 years
BonelyHearts Inferno! Reader insert3
{Goddess!ReaderXSkeleton Reaper household}
Part 3: Kings of Hell
You were not sure what to do, they were all staring at you with varying degrees of expressions you couldn’t decipher. Papyrus gently motioned you to a seat, he sat you down and then proceeded to the other end where Sans was seated.
Maybe it was you or the situation but you couldn’t help but notice all the chairs were of the same height. Each skeleton was paired off, one tall skeleton to a shorter one, each pair took a seat that bore a color similar to their toga.
Much like the tension in the air around you; your confusion grew. It wasn’t until Sans and Papyrus took their seats that Sans spoke.
“We better introduce ourselves.” Said Sans motioning to one of his doppelgängers.
“I’m Blue, King of the circle of Lust, nice to meet you. Its…rare we get such a beautiful guest.”
The one named Blue wore a toga that appeared to woven from the color of the sky, it moved as if air was weaved into every thread. He had a smile that seemed to chase all darkness from his presence.
He then turned to the taller skeleton beside him. “This is my brother Stretch, King of the Circle of Gluttony!”
Stretch gave a limp but warm wave to you, his toga seemed to have an orange glow like the embers of a nursery fire. Comforting and familiar, despite being a distance from you; you could smell the sweet scent of honey wafting from him.
The next to speak was a bespectacled skeleton, he had metal laced through his teeth. You had seen this before, this was done to help fix ones mouth. His toga was a delicate shade of pink almost like the sweet pea flower mixed that with the bright marigold yellow. Out of all the taller skeletons he seemed to be the tallest.
“I’m Poplar, fellow King and guardian to Limbo. An beside me is my brother, Ash” Poplar motioned to his brother.
His head bore a large wound that refused to close, a large crack in his skull that took up a portion of his cranium. His eyes were different in color, one red, one blue. Yet despite his wound and slightly intimidating appearance…he carried an heir of familial grace. His toga was the color of the ocean, deep and rich with its eternal color. He didn’t say anything but gave you…a sweetly shy smile;
Papyrus spoke up while motioning to another side of the table. “An over there are the-“
“We can introduce ourselves thank you.”
You turned, at the other end you saw two pairs of skeletons with matching colors. While the others had similar color schemes these four were the opposite. The one that spoke wore a glare that could petrify Medusa herself. His and his brother’s toga were woven from a starless night, both sported vermillion cloaks but wore them differently.
The brooding taller one spoke. “I am Boss, King of the city of Dis and beside me is my brother Red. The ferryman of the river Styx and…I suppose he’s also a King despite his lack of responsibilities.”
The one called Red gave you a predatory grin, showing off one gold tooth before shrugging.
“Eh, not much to do in the Styx…though it’ll be nice having some company in my lonely little boat.” He winked, you felt your cheeks heating up.
“Your manners are as disgusting as that so called ‘boat’ of yours.”
Across from them sat two more skeletons, the taller one had his head bowed but…you saw two gold fangs. The toga he wore was dyed the deepest of nightshade, soft an almost called out to ones eyes to come closer. To be enveloped by its sheltering embrace, beside him was his brother….his toga commanded attention. The soft shades of poison in each thread hugged by fabric woven from the blackest void there was. His tongue flicked out comments like a serpent tasting the air for its prey, before Red could retort the insult…his attention returned to you.
“A pleasure to make your aqua trance my dear, I am Nox, fellow King of the accursed city of Dis and this my brother Rus. He is King to the circle of Greed, fitting since he can’t handle money well.” Said Nox, pointing his sharpened glare on his brother.
Rus bowed his head more but still kept his gaze on you, the corners of his mouth turning into a quaint, lovely smile.
“H-Hello, its nice to meet you.” Rus stammered out, before he could get another word out Nox spoke up again.
“As nice as these introductions are there’s a pressing matter to address, forgive my straight forward question but why are you here?” The tone was gentle…yet no one couldn’t deny there was a weight to it.
You looked down…fingers picking at your nails….
“I…was given food from your world, I believed it was an offering to me but…before I could stop myself I had accepted the gift. They were apples, I adore fruit you see so I didn’t think anything of it. But when I finished them I was told where they were from and they had been stolen, as punishment I was sent here….so now I await your judgment…and well deserved punishment.”
You bowed your head, silence began to flood the room. Yes, you screwed up but you knew fully well that you deserved this punishment regardless! You were not going to beg for any mercy, nor plead for leniency. You ate the forbidden fruit of the underworld and thus must be swiftly and dutifully-
“If anyone is to be punished my dear its those who gave you the apples in the first place.”
You turned back to the skeletons, Poplar was looking at you with soulful eyes.
Ash spoke next...his voice was dry yet soft like the autumn leaves fluttering over dead grass. “True you ate them, but like my bro said the ones who gave them to you are the real perpetrators. Your the victim in all this.”
“Does…that mean I can return home?” You asked, a flicker of hope reigniting..but as quick as it came it went when all ten skeleton faces drooped.
“Sorry sweets….but thats not gonna happen, since you ate those apples and came down here…you now belong to the kingdom of hell. This is your new home as of today…” said Stretch.
No…no this couldn’t be, you were now a resident of hell?! This had to be a mistake, you’d just come to face judgment and punishment not stay…what will happen to the flowers on the surface, what will the other gods think, what-?!
You felt a hand touch your shoulder, you turned to find Blue beside you; his hand gently caressing your back.
“Don’t be afraid, we know its not what you wanted to hear but rest assured you will be well taken care of. You’ll have respect an are free to walk around all our domains if you so choose, though we ask if you respect the rules and don’t try to talk to too many souls down here…their here for a reason.” Blue smiled, though you could see he didn’t like the idea of you being forced to stay.
“We’ll be sure to make proper accommodations for you, don’t worry dear goddess for we be sure you are welcomed here as much as we are!” Said Papyrus standing with a galant pose.
“Welp, if the introductions and explanations are done I say we finish dinner…and discuss a plan of action for tomorrow, our newest member needs a room and the grand tour now doesn’t she?” Asked Sans, giving you a wink.
“Grand…tour?” You whispered.
Boss smiled. “Yes, as a goddess of hell now…you must see each domain and know each king personally.”
“We’re looking forward to it.” Purred Nox.
….What in the world did you get yourself into?
End part 3
[This is based on the game by @bonelyheartsclub its my own version, please enjoy]
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