#this was a lot of fun a;lksfj thanks!!
iceeckos12 · 4 years
literally all of the asks on the tma questionnaire. all of them.
1. Entity you serve
Hands down the Lonely. There’s a reason I project onto Martin like crazy adsf;lkj
2. Entity that would consume you
You know, before episode 168, i had no idea which entity i would be consumed by. 168 grabbed me by the face, looked me in the eye, and said HEY BITCH YOUD BE CONSUMED BY THE END. so yeah! the End.
3. Enities that would mark you
Geez. Definitely the Web. There were two spiders in my room yesterday and I think I almost had a heart attack. And I guess probably the corruption as well? disease really is not my speed haha. 
4. Top 5 episodes
ngl it’s been a hot minute since i listened to the earlier seasons so i don’t remember them as well. HOWEVER. 
1. 159. That’s like, a given.
2. 111. did you know i love my emotional support goth? I LOVE HIM??? every time i hear his voice i smile. 111 stole my heart. also, 111 was where i finally understood what the HELL was going on which i deeply appreciated
3. 170 MARTIN KARTIN BLACKWOOD KING OF MY HEART. but yeah, i vibed super hard with this episode, it was incredible
4. i vibed with 174 almost as much as i vibed with 170. no joke, the soundscape was inspired and the banter was *chef’s kiss*
5. Im going to say 15 just because i distinctly remember getting chills from that episode. it was deeply unsettling but in a good way
5. Fave Avatars
LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO AVATAR OF THE VAST, MR. SIMON FAIRCHILD!! asdl;kfja;ksd he’s a bitch and i love him. also...helen. i dont trust her one bit, but i do love her.
6. Fave regular character(s)
call me basic but jon and martin. martin because again, i project on him like crazy, and jon because he keeps trying to be better and i love him. i love him!
7. Fave lesser known character(s)
i dont even think i need to say this one BUT. gerry. GERRY. i could wax poetic about my goth king all day. he’s so incredibly kind. he stopped to help a woman from the lonely when he was on vacation. he’s charming and funny and he cares so, so much. and all this despite mary.
he didnt deserve what happened to him. if i ever write a tma fic where he isnt alive dont trust it. that’s an imposter writing that fic.
8. Fave object/artifact
the fucking gorilla skin. what even was with that. we never got a proper resolution for that thing and it haunts me every day. gorilla skin please come back i want to understand
9. Least fave character
10. Episode that hooked you.
one night i was running alone in the woods and it was very very dark and i was listening to the magnus archives. and you know which episode i was listening to? squirm. i was listening to squirm. i have never run so fast in my life but in that moment i knew i wasnt going to stop listening.
11. Favorite canon ship
12. Favorite non canon ship
haha this is also probably a given. *gestures to mere monstrosity and quiet steps* i just want jon and gerry to have nice things, you know? i want them both to have nice things and by god i will give it to them
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