#this was a doodle from march i just forgor to post here LOL
glittergoats · 1 year
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daddy-daughter day out!!!
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darker-overlord · 1 year
whoa, she launched!
happy launch day, kayo! she's my little pookie i love her so much that i bully her constantly through the narrative
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in honor of today, i'll be dumping some REALLY old doodles (really old = two-three months ago) when i started working on her! unlike most of my dumps, i'll be describing and giving more context to the drawings! think of it as a little timeline of her development :D
*the oc blog is @lilies-and-forget-me-nots .. i forgor
drawing 1: our earliest kayo?!
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this was dated january 17 2023. yeah. 2023. this year.
geez, was that really my art style just three months ago?
yes, unfortunately. though i'll attribute the fact that kayo looks 12 here mostly to the fact that i was still getting used to using an ipad to draw--still, you can really see that i had her design 90% down from the start. just changed her parting a little and removed the flower accessory + little ombre(?) in her hair.
at first, she was going to be a LOT closer to yui, but then if she was, she would've intervened as early as more blood, which was not something i was aiming for. plus, isn't it more fun thinking that she barely knows her (and yet pulls the stunt of taking her place for her sake... what a loser)
also, at first, she was going to just be straight up meaner for no reason. like literally just the worst person you can think of, but a problem with that is that she would definitely get killed if she was just horrible and toxic. plus, that was kind of boring on my end as well, so she kind of turned into a meowmeow.
adding to the old concept though, all her endings were supposed to be bad endings! then i scrapped that really quickly when i changed her personality...
drawing 2: our earliest hunter!
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same day as the first drawing... yeouch.
as you can see, her hair was supposed to be a lot neater--and flatter--as a hunter. the cross clip is a lot smaller, and her palette was all over the place. like come on, why is her coat pink??
speaking of which, i changed hunter kayo to being a little messier than her old version because of a change in personality. this proto-hunter kayo still feels emotions very well. in fact, even more intensely than bride kayo. she's constantly angry--for what she went through as a young girl, for losing her eye--just a lot of things.
kind of funny that her personality pulled a 180 lawl
drawing 3: early outfit dump
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i made the file for this drawing on january 19, but i believe i updated it as late as early march.
as you can see, it's really just outfit concepts. most of them are the same as the current outfit concept art--thanks to, well, me updating this file until march. you might be familiar with the three on the right, and the lost eden + dark fate outfit is practically the same as the one i posted. the hdb/mb outfit changed the most out of those three: i suctioned it to kayo's body to emphasize her figure more lol (i am the biggest kayo simp in the end)
as for the first two, you can see they were labelled for chaos lineage and lunatic parade! the chaos lineage outfit is probably already like 90% down for me, but the lunatic parade one is peculiar because, well, i scrapped it entirely. it's a cute outfit, for sure, but i didn't think it was kayo's style in the end. perhaps it might get the same hdb/mb outfit treatment and get tweaked to match her better, but i think her current lunatic parade design is solid!
drawing 4: early cg concepts
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this was dated feb 25!
honestly, this is still really good, and i'm still planning on adding this scenario to laito's route. it's just that, once again, kayo is suffering from the bug-eyed twelve year old syndrome i was going through since january. plus i was (still am) bad at drawing men, so laito kind of came out looking like a really strange looking lady lol. it's so embarrassing i even had to crop it out.
drawing(s) 5: whoa sailor outfits?!
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i actually drew this just two weeks after the last one--march 10th! you can clearly see my art style shifting at this point; i'm starting to think it's the switch from sketching with a soft brush to a hard brush.
this was, if you didn't already guess, in honor of the aquamarine series! of course, there are two: one for the hunter and one for the bride!
i have this running theme of "what would reiji (biggest discreet pervert) make bride kayo wear?" and that man loves his kayo legs, so naturally she had to wear thigh highs and an awkwardly short skirt. at least hunter kayo got away with just a crop top.
you can see something hanging on the hunter's waist--it's actually a demon hunting relic!
drawing 6: hunter kayo in ryotei au cgs?!
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very recent drawing--dated march 29!
now, hunter kayo actually doesn't attend ryotei at any point of the series. it just so happens that i thought she'd look really hot in the uniform, and ta-da--i made an au! being an au, it's not canon, but i like to think she has a small route with shuu that doesn't really end well as you'd expect.
still, the sight of her kissing him as he bites on her knife is very very cool. keep up the good work hunter!
drawing 7: late highschool kayo!
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the final doodle--dated less than a week ago!
this is really just kayo in high school after seiji's treatment of her started getting to her properly. i wonder what she's praying and why...
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i was in the middle of making this post when a certain catboy-baiter (@poohwhin side eyes...) posted................
i love humans with animal features (i.e. not humanoid animals aka what you'd typically think of when you think of furries...) and genshin already devastated me with not only keqing but DEHYA being fake catgirls, so to recover emotionally i naturally made kayo a catgirl. ougggg she's so cute
BONUS 2: a kayoyui route?!
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Yes. and it's finished. i just have to make the cgs and post it.
i mostly made it as a kind of exercise in making routes, since, well, i have to start making a lot. it only has five individual scenarios in the dark, manic, and ecstasy section, but it still has a prologue and epilogue. there are also only two endings!
it also serves to delve a bit more into the hunter's character, since bride kayo is the main focus of the blog. let's give her a little love, yknow!! even if she can't give any back...
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