#this was A Lot omg /pos
galaxystt · 10 months
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finished double life... so naturally i've started working on an animatic ;v; the lads are tragic and its their fault (and i love it)
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fruityfroggy · 5 months
Not to flex but…
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I just wanna say thank you for feeding my just now recent hyperfixation
OMG You're welcome! :DDD I'm glad my art helped you hyperfixate! It means a lot to me! ^_^
I hope my future art continues to feed your hyperfixation lol
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d8tl55c · 2 years
can't believe i inflicted --|"/,'\_|-•/_' on this poor whiteboard
it's closed now but i had a lot of fun coming in late and messing around... complimenting people anonymously... being cryptic...
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[ CC:
Dark (code): WOAH WOAH WOAH! hold on!
Second: ?????
Dark (code): before i die...
know this
Chosen (code): STOP!
Chosen (code): you're going to waste so much time!!!*
Dark (code): THAT'S WHY IT'S FUNNY
Chosen (code): DAMN IT DARK ]
* --|"/,'\_|-•/_' is hard to translate quickly
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[ CC:
Dark (code): *lol*
Chosen (reluctantly): *also lol* ]
it's an inside joke with myself that Dark and Chosen learned / made up / found my secret code, --|"/,'\_|-•/_' , and that's just how they talk now by default. either to mess with people, for privacy, or just that they didn't feel like learning other languages...
and then i stumbled upon @nesiclor's AvA:NO and one of(?!?! so many questions- i am excited to see where this goes! it's wicked cool thus far \o/) its languages (example from last July) and... ideas happened.
something about different types of stickfigures' code consisting of different proportions of --|"/,'\_|-•/_' ... with connections to '/|..'L'_'||-• '/-|L'-_[,- ... involving the unique dialects its original writers had ... many ideas!
a bit of hcs about the Internet/Desktop environment, a bit of biology, a bit of psychology, a little in and a little out of canon, etc. etc.
this all culminated in a jumble of notes fic exploring a scenario where when Second meets CG in AvA IV, they don't understand him at first: his speech sounds kind of like hard drive whirring and error beeps.
but then, pop! he acclimates to how the others are speaking. that's convenient. everyone forgets it ever happened. think that scene in WALL-E when EVE tries out a bunch of languages before finding one that works. or little kids working out how to talk to one another easily because they're so good at language acquisition...
...until the chosen one returns, you could say,
and huh y'know something about the sound he makes is familiar
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[ CC:
Dark (code): LOL
Dark (code): look at this guy
Chosen (code): lmao
Second: ??? ]
aaaaand shenanigans ensue.
that's more of a small AU than a headcanon of mine though. and i probably won't even post that fic
it's mostly very dramatic, stream-of-consciousness bullet points
and why they're being friendly with post-ep.V Dark is another story entirely (long story short this time i just made it as a meme before thinking about ANY of this-)
but regardless
you'll probably see more |-•( |'['-L'[,- from me. ~
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cawecho · 2 days
I can't believe my post has more likes on it than there were students + staff at the school I attended growing up, fucking hell
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whatreptileisthat · 4 months
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rainbow snake !!!!!
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nina-ya · 7 months
Back for my monthly session of: "Im sorry i disappeared for a bit and im extra sorry for spamming my timeline with a bunch of fics"
in other words i have another law thing going up in like 5 minutes and i have ideas bubbling for a luffy thing :))) i could possibly turn that into a series???? MAYBE maybe idk im just spilling my thots
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 7 months
your blog to me is a chill person who interacts with the posts a lot. You reblog so many things i don’t know but I immediately respect it because you have great takes and interests
awww whit this is so nice <33333
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thebusytypewriter · 1 year
Salem my beloved!!! Have some Ro q’s!!! 💕
1, 4 and 5 (outside of the killing game for clarification lol), 6, 8, 13, 20, 28, and 38 :D
And for you: E!!!
ASLKGHSK JONNIE you're giving me so much of an excuse to talk about my girl omg
1. What's the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
God like. maybe ten minutes. And that's only if someone's nearby to keep her occupied. Rosalind's an introvert to be sure, she loves her alone time, but she MUST be doing something or she will Lose Her Mind. Even if it's just reading her own book yet again.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Mmmm my child is naive and has been called this to her face. Even in her social aversion, she prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt. If she doesn't, it's anxiety hell, and she would rather not do that thank you very much.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Insult a friend of hers or do something against them and BAM. Instant Ro dislike. Doing something against her is still pretty mistrust-worthy, but the fast lane toward it is via hurting the people important to her.
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
To her, laws/rules are solid. She might consider something to be unfair or just plain dumb, but they're rules for a reason, right? Not much to do about that.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
"Rosalind Francine, don't touch that."
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Ah silly simple plain child. She thinks she looks best in brown and muted colors. It's a striking contrast to Ibuki's wardrobe, and she thinks it's funny. Ibuki does not. Ibuki once pouted so much over the concept that she dragged Rosalind on a shopping trip. They found out that Ro does look good in warm colors, especially yellows/golds/oranges.
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Truthfully? I don't think she could. Not because she doesn't understand the difference herself but because explaining concepts like love are Difficult for her. She uses a lot of physics/chemistry analogies, but there's not really a good option for this, so she just kinda implodes for a sec and then books it.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Rosalind "tell it like it is, Hinata" Curie prefers the truth. She sees it as a way to move on and grow.
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
Meeting Ibuki! It was incredibly chaotic, but since the interaction led to a wonderful friendship and left her feeling warm and fuzzy in a new place, she just loves thinking about it.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
HA she's based on myself (or at least I was the starting point) so I would like to think so? in both directions. if not, we have another problem lmao
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sleepymrshmllow · 1 year
it's suddenly 2010 again wth
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erabu-san · 2 years
Bonjour, mon trésor! Tu me manques 💓 Are you well? Eating your meals? Drinking your water? I'm so proud of you. Your art has flourished into something so undeniably beautiful, Ebu. Je t'adore beaucoup 💗💗💗
Omg I miss you !
I am doing super fine ! Thank you so much !! 😭😭 <<33333 hope you are doing well as well
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its-arson-time · 9 months
new year compliment: you are so silly I love it so much so glad to be yr mutual
agh !! hi !! 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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cupophrogs · 1 year
You seem really cool, and your art is buttery and feels of sun-warmed grass. You remind me of the smell of a comfortable sweater /pos. Have a nice passage of time, fellow.
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suenitos · 1 year
wait omg now im thinking of other books and stories i loved as a kid 🤦man.
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hikari-writes · 2 years
i feel so happy when i saw a notif of ppl liking my navi/blog rules post like it shows that ppl actually read what i have to say and what i put out there 🥺
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willowrites · 19 days
𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞. ᥫ᭡ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. you had been pressing chris’s buttons all day and one time he finally did something about it.
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭. can u please write a chris fic where the reader is being kinda bratty and trying to make him mad and well we know what happens from there. please. by anon
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. smut! dom!chris bratty!reader dynamic, begging, overstimulation sort of, rough sex, choking, name calling (bitch, whore, slut, ma, etc.) everything is ofc done with consent!! mdni 18+ !
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬. sorry it took me so long! i had serious writers block omg.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. to be counted.
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at the moment you were driving around with chris to run some errands. him getting his license was a game changer for you guys so you didn’t have to ask matt for a ride everytime you needed to do something.
you didn’t know why today you got irritated by everything. whether it was how chris pressed on the brake or how he was breathing like he was running out of oxygen. everything had you irritated.
“wait till the last minute to brake why don’t you?” you remarked as chris almost gave you a hard attack when you thought he was going to hit the car in front of him.
he shrugged your comment off. “the car in front of me was the one that stopped abruptly, not me baby.” you rolled your eyes keeping your gaze on the view in front of you.
“i have to stop at cvs really quickly to pick up some stuff.” you mentioned. he nodded looking where the closest cvs happened to be. he turned into the parking lot and parked. you got out not saying another word. you didn’t wait for him to turn off the car or get out either.
“what’d you need to— ” he got cut off by the slam of the car door and he watched as you went inside. what the fuck? he thought, feeling himself become annoyed at your dismissive action.
he shook his head taking a deep breath before heading in after you. he saw you grab a few items and head to the register. “can i use your card? i’m not sure how much i have in my debit and i didn’t bring my credit card.”
chris raised his brows. “after you just slammed the door in my face?” he called out, looking at you as you stood in line.
you let out a strained breath. “are you gonna let me use the fucking card or not, i don’t have time for this.” your tone laced with irritation. chris picked up on that and laughed in disbelief.
he poked his tongue with his cheek as he looked down and retrieved his wallet before handing you his card. you took it from him and went to self checkout scanning your items and inserting the card. you grabbed the receipt and left without a word.
he squinted his eyes and clenched his jaw while he observed you walking away. he controlled his temper now but his patience was starting to wear thin. he didn’t want to get into an argument now but he figured when you both got home he’d mention how you were acting.
you both sat in the car, silence louder than usual. you saw the way chris’s temper was slowly starting to rise and you admitted, you liked it. he looked so good with his jaw clenched like he was holding back from putting you in your place.
you smiled at the thought while you looked out the window as street lights passed by.
you guys finally got home and you were quick to grab your stuff and bring it inside closing the door behind you, not leaving it open for him. you knew it was a shit move but the outcome would hopefully be worth it.
you heard the door open and close harshly. oh shit.
you took off your shoes and left them by the door before setting your bags on the counter. you made sure you looked unbothered when in reality you were slightly shitting your pants. you pursed your lips trying not to show any emotion but you couldn’t help it. you smiled tightly as you tried to contain your grin.
“what the fuck you smiling about?” he was pissed. “think that shits funny?” he gestured to the door. you gulped, noticing how the veins in his neck and arms were popping out.
you dismissed him by sighing loudly before getting a soda from the fridge and popping it. “i’m serious what the fuck is up with you and that shit attitude you’ve been wearing all day.” he took off his hat combing his hair back before putting it on once again. God you were already so wet.
you took a sip of your soda and leaned against the counter staring at the kitchen wall. “swear to god you’re gonna make me do some shit to you.” he muttered under his breath trying to calm himself down. you raised your browse at his threat then laughed under your breath before taking another nice drink of the pepsi in your hand.
he crossed his arms together waiting for a response. the black shirt that hugged his body so well had your pussy pulsing. “so you’re just not gonna say shit?”
you set the pepsi down and spoke up turning to look at him. “the fuck you want me to say, kid?” the attitude that was once again laced in your voice pushed his last nerve. you grabbed the can about to bring it up to your lips before you saw it fly to the ground.
he just slapped the pepsi out of your hand.
your jaw was practically on the ground as you also noticed the splashes of soda on your perfect outfit. before you could say a thing he was quick to grab and carry you over his shoulder. “are you a fucking idiot?” you asked in disbelief as you flailed in the air. “chris. put. me. down.” you tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong.
he walked you both to your room and let you go on the bed. he closed and locked the door. “you like seeing me mad and shit?” he stood before you. you propped yourself up on your elbows just staring at him with a smile on your lips. his nostrils flared at how you seemed to enjoy his response.
his final straw was when you muttered under your breath. “like you’ll do anything about it.” one of his brows rose. he nodded slightly at your words before tugging you by your legs to the edge of the bed. he then tugged your shorts down harshly before throwing them to the side. “wanna be a bitch with your bitch ass attitude?” he questioned, not expecting an answer you were sure. “k, then you’ll get treated like one.” he unbuckled his belt, the sight looking heavenly. he through it to the side before taking off his jeans and letting them pool at his feet before pushing those to the side as well. “you know to tell me when to stop, baby.” he nodded to you, earning a nod back.
he looked down at you as you were trying to pull yourself together from being completely manhandled. he then pushed your shoulder down so you were laying on the bed. he pulled down your panties swiftly before feeling your pussy. “this wet just from me taking off your shit, ma?” he laughed humorlessly before shoving his fingers in your mouth. you swirled your tongue over and over his fingers before he pulled them out. he then went back in immediately entering his fingers inside your entrance and thrusting them in and out at a mid pace.
he kept his actions going for a few seconds, earning whimpers and moans from your pretty lips. he then sped up his pace, aggressively pushing his fingers in and out. in and out. your body spasmed as you reached your peak incredibly fast. “h-holy shit, chris! gonna cum.” you grunted feeling your orgasm crash into you. officially the fastest you’ve ever cum.
he didn’t stop his antics. at this point, he was on your side holding you down by your stomach while he continued to finger the living shit out of you. the feeling of your impending orgasm creeping up on you once again. “fucking slut, trying to get me angry just so i could fuck the shit out of you, huh?” he chuckled, the squelching noises of his fingers and your own juices clashing together were echoing through the room as well as your whines.
“please..” you and no idea what you were begging for, him to stop, or him to keep going. it just hurts so good.
he bit his lower lip as he saw his fingers disappearing in and out of you. “please what? begging like a whore already. clarify what the fuck you want?” he continued to press down on your stomach keeping you from flailing around.
all you did was nod aggressively as you felt your second orgasm crash into you without any warning. your staggered moans shot straight to chris’s dick. you could tell when you looked at his boxers and saw his apparent tent.
seconds later, you hadn’t noticed what had happened until you heard chris speak through the fog in your brain. “holy fuck. squirted all over my hand huh.” he licked your release up with a ‘pop’ as he sucked on his fingers. “not done yet. need to fuck this brat attitude out of you.” he mentioned as he saw your limp and exhausted body.
he stood up and dropped his boxers down before climbing on top of you once again. he took his cock in his hand pumping it a little bit before speaking. “mm, i got a better idea to get me ready for this pussy.” he chimed. he leaned forward grabbing you by your throat and pulling you toward him. “come on ma, get my dick wet.” he demanded. you immediately opened up your mouth to take him.
you looked up at him looking for approval as you began to move your mouth over him. you saw his lips open up, agape at the sensation you were giving him. he threaded his hands in your hair straightaway making sure you could take all of him. “mouth of a fucking angel.” he praised quietly. the non-degrading comment had your arousal dripping down your thighs. “m’kay, that’s enough.” he pulled you off before placing a hand on your neck and connecting your lips in a chaste kiss. as quick as your lips connected, they broke apart when he then pushed you down onto the bed and choked you slightly as he lined himself up with you.
he pushed in all at once taking your breath away. he wasted no time before pulling out and slamming back into you; hand still on your throat. your jaw went slack as he was ramming into you over and over again, nudging your g-spot soo good your legs already began to shake. “always take me so fucking good. fuck—” he moaned, before removing his hand from your throat and placing both of his on your waist for more support. he then plowed into you with more force than before.
he hit new angles as he moved your legs all around before resting in the position where one leg was resting over one of his shoulders. “fuck chris. right there!” you wailed trying to get a grip on anything you could but settling for the duvet you were laying on.
he had a lazy grin as his own obtrusive groans and moans made their way to your ears. “fuck— tell me, who this pussy belongs to. come on.” he needed to hear it. he was so incredibly close, he needed that nudge. “come on, baby. come on my cock as you say it. go on.” he clenched his jaw trying to hold back his orgasm.
your legs shook and knuckles turned white as you found the strength to mutter — then scream, “y-yours chris! shit—” as you clenched around his dick, during your third orgasm of the night.
he groaned and let his own orgasm hit him. he painted your walls white as he did his best to continue thrusting himself in and out of you, trying to ride out his orgasm as well as elongate your own. he did his best while his thrusts started to slow. he was sweaty as his movements finally stopped, still buried deep inside you. he took off his hat feeling the air hit his sweaty face. he threw it to the side before combing his hands through. sweaty chris… fuck.
another round couldn’t hurt, right?
© willowrites
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