#this turned into word vomit imso sorry...
robloxmythoids · 10 months
wallter x reader x mannequin mark !!!!!!!
general headcanons ^_^
ANONY IM SO FUCKIFN SORRY I hope u see this I accidentally deleted your ask and then I deleted the post in a panic induced impulse my baaaadddd . I had so much trouble with this it got deleted for no fucking reason like 8 times I was so sad . also wallter is color coded as purple because I don't have gray anyways please enjoy imso fuckign sorryyyyy . enjoy
- as soon as you walked into the elevator it was a complete fucking jawdrop. you were probably some normal ass guy or even a new npc but it was like love at first sight for both wallter and mannequin mark
- when I mean 'love at first sight' I mean as in the cartoonish way btw. they both did the heart eyes and immediately commedically turned towards eachother and glared at eachother.
- BOTH had a crush on you as SOON as you walked into the elevator. you are made acutely aware of this because immediately mark attempts to flirt with you before failing terribly because it comes out as word vomit. "are you a building because you are building" type shit. his ass fumbles so bad its insane.
- wallter immediately goes "wow I see them blushing!" or some shit like that immediately after just to fuck with mark.
- they do not argue very much when you're around. which is cray cray. they both have this begrudging and unspoken truce to not argue.
- other npcs notice this and they're in complete shock. like your mere presence stops both wallter and mark from like just saying slurs that immediately get tagged in the moderation system.
- on the off chance they DO argue they literally beg you to chose a side and you just go "guys.... what if we combined both concrete and wood"
- they both either go silent trying to compute it in their heads or immediately get angrier BUT EITHER WAY. you manage to calm them down. a feat unheard of
- their love for you DOES go above being cartoonishly head-over-heels by the way and it does develop into an actual attraction I promise
- mark is the one to plan out his confession he has it down to the exact moment and wallter is like "you don't gotta do all that.....". you still accept their love because they're both endearingly silly
- they pick you up. like a lot. world's gentlest hot potato game except instead of having a timer wallter and mannequin mark just take turns holding you and picking you up
- do you know the aquarium floor in the actual game . they take you there for a date night . it is wallter's idea :3
- mark likes to take you to his floor of the elevator and he's like "this is actually a reference to the 2013 steam game the Stanley parable and—"
- they're both carrtoonishly in love with you it's nearly comedic but they love you :3 even if they argue a lot they try not to for your sake live laugh love
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