#this took like. a weeks worth of my brain juice....which isnt good cuz i need it for classes x.x
ouraniatm · 1 year
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hi, gamers, i cutely added the VOICELINES section on cora's carrd, so please check them out if you're curious! will probably add them more in future, but i ain't got the brain juices rn LMAO. though, just in case, i'll also copy paste them here, under read more. (warning: too sassy for those of faint heart).
TUTORIAL: "are we done here?" LEVEL UP 1: "huh...didn't think i'd get any stronger." LEVEL UP 2: "levelling up won't do much, to me." LEVEL UP 3: "alright...i can get used to this." LEVEL MAX: "i guess i'm all set...hm? what, you expect me to thank you? don't get your hopes up." VIGNETTE LEVEL UP: "y'know, when i tell people to buzz off, they do exactly that...but, you're different. ah, well, not that i care enough to know why." SPELL LEVEL UP: "magic's good and all, but you gotta have the brains to use it right." UNCAPPED: "man, you're annoying, thinking this'll make us automatically closer...hey, what's so funny?" GROOVIFICATION: "all this pampering makes me think you're just buttering me up. heh...gotta try harder than that, buddy." LESSON SELECT 1: "another lesson...really excited to sit around and do nothing." LESSON SELECT 2: "at least studying will distract me from my pointless duties." LESSON SELECT 3: "you wanna pick? eh, be my guest...i don't really care, either way." LESSON START: "c'mon, get this over with, already." LESSON FINISH: "ugh...has a century passed?" BATTLE START: heh...you're all a bunch of jokes. BATTLE WON: that all you got, wussies?
SUMMON: "someone's got the guts to come here. what're you looking for, a medal?" GROOVY: "i hate being told what to do...but, i also hate weaklings who can't do their job right." SET TO HOME SCREEN: "being a vice housewarden is basically a babysitting job, without the payment." HOME TRANSITION 1: "sure, ignihyde's gloomy and full of spineless cowards...but, comparing to other dorms, it's pretty tolerable." HOME TRANSITION 2: "i don't get people who would kill for these positions. not that i can't deal with it, but still...you'd have to be a masochist to enjoy being hogged by everyone." HOME TRANSITION 3: "why're you still sticking around? case in point, i'm currently busy ignoring you on purpose." HOME, AFTER LOGIN: "huh, my uniform? you wear these to show which dorm you belong to. shocking, i know...gee, can't take a joke?" HOME TRANSITION/GROOVIFICATION: "thought i told you to leave me alone...why do i even bother? here, have some salty chips." TAP HOME 1: "apparently, ignihyde's whole aesthetic is based off the actual underworld. well, i'll give 'em this: they definitely hit too close to home...maybe even breached on sensitive parts." TAP HOME 2: "what's idia complaining about, this time? ugh, it's like that oversized crybaby can't do anything but throw HIS work on ME." TAP HOME 3: "y'know how this uniform usually has pants? well, i made mine into shorts...feels more comfy, if you ask me. plus, the stockings aren't too bad, either." TAP HOME 4: "usually, i shoo people off without a hitch...but somehow, i can't do the same to ortho. maybe it's 'cuz he's not an insufferable, spoiled brat." TAP HOME 5: "there're no good people, no matter who they are. we've all got our motives and goals, even if it means stomping through some measly pushovers...better keep your guard up." TAP HOME/GROOVIFICATION: "for some reason, these stray cats keep crawling around my legs. man, they're annoying...what, you don't think so? then, take 'em off me if you like them so much." DUO MAGIC:cora: "hiding behind me again, eh, idia?" idia: "j-just take care of this, cora..."
SUMMON: "yeah, yeah, the birthday star's here, hardy harr. stop rushing me..." GROOVY: "finally, the attention's off me. ugh...at least it's only once a year." SET TO HOME SCREEN: "alright, got the jacket on. let's get this over with." HOME TRANSITION 1: "i didn't bother changing my regular clothes off. the flashy jacket's more than enough." HOME TRANSITION 2: "ignihyde students aren't the type to host parties...which is why i got caught off guard when they actually did one for my birthday." HOME TRANSITION 3: "everyone says i should be more happy during celebrations...in reality, i don't see the point to smile 'round a bunch of nobodies." HOME, AFTER LOGIN: "why's everyone so excited over birthdays, anyway? they're just a waste of time, serving no purpose but us growing older." HOME TRANSITION/GROOVIFICATION: "this package of hair dye vil-dono got for me, i can work with...but, makeup? what am i, a beauty enthusiast?" TAP HOME 1: "did anyone tell silver he sucks at giving gifts? if not, then i sure did after he gave me a bunch of tea bags. apparently, it's to help me fall asleep...as if it's that easy." TAP HOME 2: "jamil went out of his way to get me a collectable figurine, limited edition, too. dunno if he's trying to suck up to me, but it's something." TAP HOME 3: "outta everyone i know, it's no surprise idia would take one extra mile. for that reason, now i got a brand new video game console he, himself, built." TAP HOME 4: "i dunno who funds these parties, but they're clearly meant to distract us from the fact nobody cares about each other." TAP HOME 5: "you're asking if i'm enjoying the party? hm...if you consider 'being asked stupid questions' as enjoyment, then sure thing." TAP HOME/GROOVIFICATION: "ugh, why do we gotta have our faces smeared with pies? vil-dono sure didn't hesitate to do that on me...someone's got a grudge." DUO MAGIC:cora: "guess i should thank you for this, vil-dono." vil: "a surprisingly nice gesture, cora. happy birthday."
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