#this time just with less cody and more bail/breha/fox for all my feelings
varpusvaras · 5 months
Bail got the news in the middle of his breakfast.
Onaconda was the one to call him, looking so uncharacteristically concerned that Bail knew immadiately that something big had happened.
"Castle Serenno was attacked a few hours ago", Onaconda told him. "They have reported Count Dooku dead."
Bail wasn't sure what to think. He didn't agree with many of the Count's political views, but he was well aware that the man was still widely respected even in circles that disagreed with him even more than Bail did. An assassination would've been bad enough, in the times of rising tensions they were living now, but for someone to go as far as to destroy the entire Castle?
It seemed like someone truly wanted the Count gone, and wanted to be sure.
"Is there any information on the attackers?" Bail asked, already opening up the news as he spoke.
"No", Onaconda said. "No one has claimed the attack. There were sightings of some ships, of course, since the attack was so large, but they have not been linked to any Republic world so far."
So it seemed. Bail glanced at the news he had found.
"This is alarming", he said.
"You don't need to tell me that", Onaconda said. "If the culprit is not found soon, there will be even worse times ahead when people start to blame each other. I'm not sure if the current situation can handle something like that."
Bail sighed. This was not how he had wanted to start his day.
"The Jedi want to investigate the attack, I heard", Mon said. "The Count was a former Master, after all. They probably feel like this was personal, in some way, even if the Count was not part of the Order at the time of the attack."
"I heard as well", Bail nodded. "Though the Chancellor hasn't brought it up. He is still looking into other options for investigation."
Mon frowned slightly.
"Odd", she said. It was, Bail had to agree. Usually, Chancellor Palpatine was more than ready to trust the Jedi in situations like this, but now, he had not even had a meeting with them regarding the matter.
It was odd, certainly.
Mon glanced around a bit, and leaned closer.
"Has the Chancellor...seemed somewhat strange otherwise, as well, after the attack?" She asked, quietly.
"He is probably just nervous", Bail said. "The Count was a central figure in the anti-Republic movement, after all. It is rather easy to see this as an aggression from the Senate's side. The Chancellor wants to avoid any armed conflicts."
Mon hummed.
"You're probably right", she said. "Something about all of this just...strikes me as weird."
"I know", Bail said. "I'll try and propose a meeting with the Jedi for the Chancellor. We need to solve this issue quickly, before more arise from it."
He did agree with her. Something about all of this was indeed weird. Bail just didn't know what it was, exactly.
"The Chancellor declined the meeting?" Breha frowned. "Does he think that the Jedi wouldn't be impartial enough?"
"Most likely, though I don't think that there is a group that is impartial enough for both sides", Bail said. "The only solution would be to get into an agreement with worlds that have taken part in the movement. The Chancellor has just been rather avoidant with it all."
Breha was quiet for a moment.
"That is quite...worrisome", she said. "Do you think that he could know something more?"
It was a thought Bail had not wanted to voice himself.
"I'm not sure", he said. "But it's a...possibility. Everything is, at this point. I am just worried about the fact that nothing is happening. This could all get out of hand, quickly."
"There has not been any signs of true aggression before this", Breha pointed out. "It would take time for them to respond. We still have time. The Chancellor might be pressured into taking action, and doesn't want to rush it."
"Of course he doesn't", Bail said. "We still need to do something, before anything worse happens."
Bail hadn't expected at all what happened next.
He was more than sure that nobody had.
The information came flooding in everywhere all at once. Palpatine was long gone by the time people were sent to apprehend him on his apartment on Coruscant.
By the time they had tracked his ship outside the Core, there was nothing left than depris.
The records recovered from Palpatine's ship showed more of the same ships that had taken out Count Dooku.
This time, though, they all knew who the ships belonged to.
"A clone army?" Padmé shook her head. "I can't believe it."
Neither could Bail. A whole army, designed to go against the armies of the Separatist movement, and in the end, betray everyone without having any say in it, and turn the Republic into a tyrannical Empire?
It sounded impossible.
But it wasn't.
Bail had not felt this lost in a while.
The Jedi sent a message to the Senate after arriving to Kamino.
The City where the cloning facilities had been were completely empty. Everything had been taken. There was not a single clone left.
The Kaminoans, who had been there, had said that the clones had risen up, taken the city for themselves, and then fled, and no one had any idea where they were.
"I cannot fault them", Breha said. "If they found out that they were made for an awful purpose like this...I cannot fault them for doing what they did."
Neither could Bail.
"I just wished we knew where they were", he said. "Though I can understand if they want to stay hidden. I hope that they will find whatever they need to survive."
"So do I", Breha said. "If they ever want to come back...then Alderaan is open to them. They didn't ask for any of this, so we must do whatever we can to repay them."
Bail couldn't agree more.
The clones didn't come back. Sometimes there was a sighting of them, but they managed to disappear before anyone could get too close.
It seemed like they were getting by, at least.
Jango Fett had disappeared as well. Many were getting rather frustrated over the fact that they were not able to apprehend him and bring him in for questioning.
Bail couldn't fault the man for not coming forward either. From what he had understood from the infromation, Fett was a father now. That was most likely his main concern right now.
Bail frowned at his datapad. It had been a long day already, and the vote was getting near, and he needed to get his speech ready, and it just didn't sound like he wanted to-
A hand pressed gently at the side of his face.
"What is it?" A voice asked him. It was a man's voice. Soft, with an accent different from Bail's, one that he thought endearing.
The hand moved up, and fingers ran softly over Bail's brow, smoothing the skin. Mostly because Bail couldn't frown anymore, not when-
Bail woke up in the early hours of the morning in his apartment on Coruscant.
He stared at the wall, still reeling from how real the dream had felt and trying to figure out what had woken him, when-
-when everything came back to him in one single supernova, so fast that his mind couldn't keep up with everything. The war, the Empire, Leia in his arms, the Rebellion, the flash before everything disappeared, Breha growing older before his eyes, the voice from his dream-
No. Not from his dream. From his memory. Golden eyes, steady hands, cold body in Bail's arms-
Bail stumbled out of his bed and threw up. He then sat on the floor of his bedroom, his eyes closed, reliving his whole life over and over again, until finally, everything seemed to find their own place on the timeline, and the burning inside his head lessened.
He got a droid to clean up the vomit. He then got up on his shaking legs and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Then he cried. He wasn't exactly sure what he was crying about- about all the suffering, all the death, about Leia, about Fox.
He decided it didn't really matter. He was already crying.
He had managed to somewhat dry his tears when his commlink started to ring. He sat down on the bed as he answered the call, and managed not to cry again as Breha wept.
The message arrived a day later.
We are here. You know where to find us now. Come, if you remember.
Bail was moving before he could even properly register it.
"I want my ship ready, now!"
He had already packed essentials and draped his cape over his shoulders when his thoughts finally caught up with him.
What if he doesn't remember you?
What if he is not there?
Bail pushed the thoughts away. He had the time to think over the journey.
He called Breha before they made the jump to hyperspace.
"He is not dead", Breha said, in a way that left no room for any arguments. "He will be there."
Yes. Fox's death had happened the same way two times already- there was no reason for the universe to suddenly change the course. Bail had to just believe so. He had to.
They had lost him already before.
Bail was not going to lose him this time.
He breathed deep as the coordinates were set, and the ship made the jump.
Now, he could just wait.
The wait had been excruciating.
It was impossible not to go through all of his memories during the journey. It had hurt, sometimes, but Bail wasn't going to let him forget again. No, he needed to remember everything.
His hands were shaking when they jumped out of hyperspace, the planet the coordinates were set on looming beneath them. It was rather easy to find the settlement based on them.
Bail's heart was in his throat as they started to land.
"There are a lot of people", Sateen said. "I know they won't do anything, but-"
"I will go", Bail said. "Just me. I-"
"I know, I know", Sateen said. He then smiled. "I'm sure he remembers. They wouldn't have sent the message if they didn't, right?"
Sateen was correct. Bail nodded, and tried to level his breathing.
He tried his best not to run out of the ship, but his steps were still quick.
There was a large crowd outside. Bail had by now learned to tell the clones apart from each other for the most part, even without the armors, but still. Bail couldn't see him-
There was someone who he did recognise straight away, standing in front of the crowd.
Commander Cody had all the regality and authority of a man who had seen years of war, and Bail knew that he remembered as well.
Bail stepped closer to him. Fox was his younger brother, and his batchmate, or at least had been before. If anyone knew, he would.
"Commander Cody." Bail nodded his head in greeting.
"Senator Organa", Cody greeted back, without hesitation. Yes, he certainly knew.
Bail's heart felt like a engine hammer falling. He needed to know, now.
"We got the message." Somehow he managed to say it without his voice trembling. "Can you tell me where-"
There was movement in the crowd. Bail glanced over, and-
There he was.
Fox looked staight at him, and Bail knew that Fox knew him.
His body was moving already, his legs picking up speed. Then Fox was there, within his reach, and Bail caught him in his arms as their combined momentum sent them straying from the straight-forward course. Fox's upper body was half way over his shoulder, as he gripped onto Bail just as tightly as Bail did onto him, his legs tangling off the ground. It didn't matter. Bail would've held him like this forever, if he needed to.
He did put Fox down eventually, just so he could look at him better.
He looked just like Bail remembered. There was less light streaks in his hair than before, and there were a couple of scars missing that Bail knew he had gotten early on into the war, but otherwise, he was just like before.
Fox looked at him, his hand coming to rest on the side of Bail's face as Bail traced the shape of his jaw.
"Hey", Fox said, his voice almost a whisper, like he didn't trust himself to speak any louder. Bail understood. There was something lodged in his own throat, something that was sure to come spilling out if Bail talked too loud.
"Hello", Bail said. "Hello, my love."
Fox smiled. There were tears gathering into the corner of his eye, and Bail lifted his hand to wipe them away.
They stayed there for a moment longer, before the world expanded back to include others as well. Fox breathed in, and stepped back a little. Bail didn't want to let go yet, and it didn't seem like Fox did, either, because he dropped his hand down, in order to grab onto Bail's arm.
"We need to talk", Fox said. He sounded more serious now, but not in a way that made Bail feel like he was going to tell him something the didn't want to hear. No, this was just something else important. "And...I need to introduce someone to you."
He sounded a bit hesitant, his eyes seaching Bail's, like he was looking for confirmation of some sorts.
Bail smiled.
"Of course", he said. Fox seemed to relax, and he smiled back a bit, before taking Bail's hand, and leading him towards one of the many buildings.
"I know it's a lot to ask", Fox said, not looking at Bail directly as he spoke. "I know you- we talked about a girl, and I know that you had one, I heard the news back when-"
"Fox", Bail said, as gently as he could. Fox snapped his mouth shut, and his arms tightened ever so slighty around the small body he was holding against him. "It doesn't matter. I was already a father to a brilliant daughter once. No one is ever going to replace her in my heart, the same way no one could ever replace you. That doesn't mean I won't ever love another child just as much. They are different people, just like you are different from all of your brothers."
Fox finally looked up at him, his eyes full of careful hope.
Bail put his hand on his arm.
"Can I see him?" He asked. Fox nodded, and slowly opened his arms more, letting Bail closer.
The baby had a round, soft face, and a light layer of dark hair on his tiny head, not yet long enough to curl. In the dim lighting of the nursery, his eyes were the same exact shade as Fox's.
The baby looked up at Bail, and Bail loved him already.
"He's perfect", he said, and leaned down to press a kiss to the bright smile on Fox's face.
They sat together in Bail's sleeping quarters on the ship.
"Have you thought of a name, yet?" Bail asked. "I know that naming is an important thing for you all."
There had been a lot going on before they left, so Bail had refrained from asking about it before now. Fox had been busy packing up and saying goodbye to all his brothers, and Bail had taken the time to talk more with Commander Cody, as well as met up with many of the members of the Guard. He had been happy to see Thorn again, as well.
Fox looked at the baby on Bail's arms. It was a familiar feeling, to hold such a tiny body, a feeling that Bail had missed greatly after Leia had grown bigger.
"If you want to have a say, we can talk about it more", Fox said. "But I've been calling him Even. It's not a Mando'a name or word, but one of the trainers back on Kamino once told me that it meant a gift. I...after all of what happened, and how we are here now, it just felt right."
"It does", Bail said. "A gift, for all of us."
Even sniffed in his sleep, and turned slightly more towards Bail. Bail smiled.
Bail held back a little when they got out of the ship. He stood there at the bottom of the bridge with Even and watched as Fox took Breha in his arms and spun her around, her laughter ringing out like the most beautiful song in the entire Galaxy. He waited patiently as they talked to each other in low voices, and smiled softly as Breha kissed every inch of Fox's face, like she was making up for all the time they had lost.
Then her eyes moved from Fox to Bail, and from Bail to Even. Bail smiled at the look in her eyes as she and Fox made their way to them.
Breha first reached up to press a kiss on Bail's cheek as well.
"A succesful trip, dear?" She asked.
"Very much so", Bail answered. "Enjoyable as well, at least on the way back."
He let himself smirk ever so slightly, making Fox flush and Breha to tap him on his arm.
"Have some manners", she said, and then peered down the little face. "Hello, little love."
Even blinked at her, excitedly searching her face. In the late afternoon sun of Alderaan, a few specks of gold shined through in his dark eyes.
"Here", Bail said, and turned his body properly towards her. She didn't waste a single moment to take Even into her arms. Motherhood had always looked right on her, and it still did.
Bail looked at her, at Even, and at Fox. Perhaps this wasn't the same family he had been given before, but it was still his, and they were all home.
Truly, a gift, for them all.
(Based on my Cody Day fic Like Suns rise and Stars fall)
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