#this time i stopped caring dqwjifevhjeqdfeewafis
catt-crossing · 2 years
Sorry I was a it tired too and just saw I made it sound kinda hostile. I probably should’ve used tedious instead of boring? Tbh I’ve only played rune factory 1 and I know they change things up in like 3 or 4, so I don’t really have much room to talk. I loved the visual novel, dating sim, jrpg style of the game, just had a hard time trying to care about the farming aspect. You had some really great recs tho! I just wish I could take but and pieces of all of them and play that game lol sadly there isn’t really anything like that and I am def not a game developer. I guess the fire emblem games come closest imo. Anyways thanks for the response! I’ll look more into some of the games you’ve stated that I haven’t played yet. :D
PH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT FIRE EMBLEM. I;ve never played that series but heard its good!! Also no worries! You didn't sound hostile, I found it kind of funny though. (I hope you didn't mind my joking aorund lol) I do reocmmend trying rf4 because it;s a HUGE improvement to the first game, but farming is still a fairly big aspect. I do think that there's a lot more going on with storyline and the townspeople and whatnot, that does help distract from farming! Especially in rf5 as well. Maybe if you wanna check out online vids of people trying the games? (You run the risk of spoilers, but idk if u care about that) RF3-5 are probably the best games imo(with 4 and 5 being even better than their predecessor), but I haven't tried the ones for the wii. If it helps at all also, you can tame monsters who will do farming chores for you, it requires more fodder for them though, and occasionally money(they'll buy seeds for you, I beleive you have to give them the money for it though) and you have to have the soil all tilled first, but otherwise they'll take care of most farm work. <3
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