#this tiktak thing is great lmao
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anris-resurrection · 7 months ago
I'm sorry it's just so fun lolol
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skrub-dubs · 2 years ago
Don't think too hard 'bout the pfp, it's an old photo-
Heya there, I'm.. Skrub. Seriously. No, I don't want a name change, I can't even think of what I'd change it to
Born and raised in Orre, scraping by as comfortably as I can, decided to try out Rotumblr after fleeing from a significantly worse social media. Hope I can make some buds here!
Current pokemon:
Medicham, my oldest teammate. Has no official nickname but I tend to call them gramps or "Cham-Chams". Retired old fart <3
Bowler, my Golem. Wonderful fella. A lot smaller than usual golems! Raised him from an egg, really popular around town because he likes to nap about the Agate zen garden whenever I let him out on a roll.
Baps Jr., A goofy wobbafett. No thoughts behind his eyes. Got them from a friend in the past, and has been with me ever since. Loves pretending to be a bunch of things, loves rain.
The Baby, a shiny baby Cacnea nub I almost tripped on out in the desert. Name is not subject to change. She's grown out of her pot and now has nubs to take her every which way.
Luna, found as a stray Orrish Skitty. Evolved into a Purmajesty after she stole a moon stone. She's gonna have to get used to being giant now, but she's still just as feisty and eager to battle.
Han, a Clamperl. Very round. Very sleepy. Very shiny shell. He's been improving greatly with his health. Appears to be some kind of specialty breed.
Morticia, Gomez, and the Tiktaks. Morticia and Gomez are two joltik that used to belong to my buddy @/iheartnimbassacity. They decided they wanted to move in and have kids. Holding onto them and their 7 hatchlings. They love bein in my hair and raiding my battery stash.
Menace the Carnivine, a Purple Haze Carnivine adopted from @/corkycare of team phobia. He's a mischievous lil fella and I love him. Likes spinning on ceiling fans and chewing on me.
Greenie the Sunflora, a greenburst variant Sunflora adopted from the goldenrod ecological society after Luvdisc day. She's an absolute cuddle bug and the team accepted her immediately. Has started to join Chams during his meditation sessions.
Pippin the Applin, an Applin adopted also from the GES, as they were a rejected Luvdisc Day gift. He's an absolute snob when it comes to fruit, and won't tolerate me keeping anything other than HIS apples on the counter. Orre's most famous dragon.
Caprisun the Orrish Delibird, caught her after she happened to save my life for the second time. She's a real sweetheart. Always tryin her best to help people around her. She's been getting along great with the team - especially with Chams. The two of them have been meditation buds.
Yuri the Palossand/Arbok fusion. Almost killed me. Now it just sleeps and hangs out with Capri. They're beach buds. Also I didn't come up with that name. Blame the wizard.
Jupiter the Unown, "🪐 form"???? M' gonna need to document a lot about this fella. Seems to be a feathery guy. Can spin and whip up some real strong wind. Wonder how strong...
//ooc under cut!
(// HI LMAO THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER THAT IVE DONE A BLOG LIKE THIS SO GO EASY!! Blog name and this intro post is very much subject to change lmao
My main is @star-aether and so I follow from there! I go by Penny or whatever else you wanna call me! Nsfw and suggestive jokes are fine too, feel free to block the tag(if I remember to tag)! Skrub (here's his Bulbapedia page btw) is just some random ass ex-cypher peon in his 40s now, was 20 when he got beaten into the ground by Wes and he's still getting shit for his name. People recognize it that well djdhdjdb
Was very much inspired by blogs like @realpokemon, @triple-aaa-batteries-pkm, @nerdpokemonheadcanons, and a buncha others ehehe))
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