#this thread is emanating real Naked Leading The Blind energy rn
bittenichtstoren · 3 years
continued | @ensembllle​
There's something odd about the question, but then Dimitri isn't really one to talk. He won't necessarily judge, either. He's had a fair few times where he didn't know who or what was real.
Squinting a moment, he nevertheless nods in reassurance, clasping a hand on the stranger's shoulder.
"...Yes. Yes! I believe so."
The sensation of a warm hand on his shoulder brings a smile to his face. It’s rare that he can touch a hallucination. In fact, he’s not sure if he ever has. It’s a symptom that he’s glad to be lacking -- and a wonderful failsafe in moments like these.
“Oh, that’s... that’s good. That’s good. I’m glad you’re... real.”
His speech is stilted, his brain on fire as it works its way through what comes next. He looks around, brows scrunching just slightly. His smile falters, but holds. Shit.
“Sorry... Where am I?”
Shit, shit, shit.
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