#this sounds even worse now lmfaooo it’s just. fine <3
ilostyou · 1 year
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raitrolling · 1 year
anyway uhhhhh. scattered thoughts about Spanner In The Works time
the whole idea for this plot started out because when celise last met epsilo he was very close to just straight-up killing them, and while that crisis was avoided i liked the idea of celise dying and getting resurrected due to vernrot's eldritch influence so i decided to roll with that for my own plot
lucy being the culprit just made sense to me given how it is established that he does kill tourists whenever the various entities at vernrot require a troll sacrifice, and then i was thinking Hey What If That Had Consequences
... and also i had that scene where vallis figures out that lucy is drunk because he's listening to his bodily functions using his eldritch senses stuck in my head and wanted to write that. i love vallis' lowkey freak shit
that was. about the extent of of pre-planning i did before writing those five drabbles LMAO most of the stuff came to me while i was writing, or i was thinking about the next drabble while writing the one i was currently working on
lucy wasn't originally going to call upon the horrorterrors to save celise, but something about that moment of being so delirious from blood loss and regret/grief that you call out to anyone who would hear for some sort of solace was really evocative to me that i just had to include it. and it helped tie vallis into the plot for Part 4 even if he was mostly used as exposition
as an aside, i thought it was really funny how vallis talks about being disappointed that celise wants nothing to do with him, only for it to be revealed in the next drabble that they were so out of it they dont even remember him being there
celise is a frog zombie for multiple reasons 1. they are a frog troll and making them more froglike sounded fun; 2. vernrot's horrorterrors tend to warp people by giving them more aquatic qualities so amphibious bullshit made sense to me; 3. i like frogs; and 4. celise fucking hates weird zombies so this was such an ironic and mean fate to give them. id actually been debating for years if celise should have an inexplicable frog tongue mutation because i thought itd be funny if they could just. eat flies out of the air with it, but i always worried it mightve been Too Weird And Gross that i didnt go ahead with it... Until now. if anyone gets weird about it im beating you to death
i genuinely forgot that celise was a vegetarian too, so i had to pivot hard towards them having to deal with the horror of eating meat in After Pain so that ended up a lot more visceral than i initially intended. though i did have to rewrite one part because i got so into writing a contrast between celise's disgust between eating meat and how their new instincts desperately crave it and it tastes irresistible to them now that started sounding a bit vaguely erotic and i went FUCK OH NO GO BACK LMFAOOO. dungeon meshi changed me as a person
but yeah unfortunately for them their diet has completely flipped and they can only eat meat now! they can stomach animal meats fine but it doesn't sate them nearly as much as troll meat does, and for those who skipped the emeto scene the main thing worth noting is that ordinary food tastes rotten to them now. big rip
also the timeline is just vague enough that its ambiguous who left the offering at the end. was it the horrorterrors looking after their newest creation? or was it lucy trying to repent for what he had done to them? vote now on your phones
and i think i made it clear enough, but the thing that the horrorterrors took away from them was their ability to feel intense amounts of anger, which now when they get angry they start feeling really hungry instead. funny how they constantly denied their ability to feel negative emotions and anger to the point where they dissociated themself from the emotion entirely, and once they finally acknowledged it, it was taken away from them and the absence is so much worse. on the bright side, theyll be a little less insufferable to deal with now, so lucy did one thing right by killing them :)
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steepgan · 4 years
someone dear (ii) - d. ragnvindr x f!reader
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diluc pov... im practicing writing for this fic im writing so sorry if its BAD... also TW BL//D ..!! hmm i definitely drew inspiration from pride and prejudice while writing this LMFAOOO um <3 sry jane austen for ruining ur book >,< also i did not edit this either um.
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Diluc had always known that [Name] was committed to money, if not her job. He didn’t know why. It was obviously something very personal to [Name], and he didn’t have enough time to meddle into his employee’s affairs. If he questioned her about it, she might’ve felt compelled to tell him. Or she’d request him to pay her for the secret.
He was more than willing to give [Name] a little money. She was a hard worker as well as a young woman of excellent tastes. Given her personality, he would have thought her as a bartender for Cat’s Tail—a rival of his with excellent drinks that was taking Mondstadt’s wine industry by storm. But [Name] was here, working diligently with the same old grin on her face.
There would be some days where she’d request the bard to play a somber song because she thought it was fitting for her mood. Diluc’d overheard her complaining to Charles about getting a cut on her hand from picking up shards of glass.
She worked so frequently that Angel’s Share wouldn’t be Angel’s share without her. Perhaps she’d been saving up for something big, like a trip. Diluc could see her roaming around the seven nations with no clear destination. She had a wanderer’s soul, really. If she ever left, would Diluc be able to find a replacement?
Certainly he would. 
[Name] was just a worker, and it was Diluc’s duty to see to it that he had excellent employees. And if she was good and brave, then the rest of the city could be good and brave.
“Charles,” Diluc called out. The Abyss Order was still at large. Tonight he’d roam the city streets to keep the people safe. “I can take tonight’s shift for you.”
The bartender bowed graciously. Days off for him were very rare.  “Thank you, Master Diluc,” he said before casting a side glance at [Name], “although have you thought about taking [Name]’s shift instead? She’s been working lots lately…”
[Name], who’d overheard them, lifted her head up from the cupboard beneath the bar she was cleaning. She hit her head on the counter and wobbled over. Scratching the crown of her head, she chuckled nervously. “Oh, I’m all right! I’d be happy to work a little extra anyway.”
Diluc furrowed his brows. It’d be better if he had the tavern to himself so his identity wouldn’t be exposed. Unfortunately, [Name] was such a good worker that she’d seen him come back into the tavern after a good fight one too many times. Firing her was out of the question because she did her job well, and it would be terrible of him to get rid of her because of his bad blood with the knights. 
However, [Name] didn’t really care, which was good. He didn’t give that raise to her for nothing. Diluc said, “[Name], are you sure?”
“No worries, Master Diluc,” she said. 
And then it happened to be that night where Diluc stumbled back to Angel’s Share with his arm noticeably limp and his black clothes damp with blood.
It was just [Name] sitting at the bar, flipping through a magazine of catalogs Diluc couldn’t be bothered with. His arm was searing with pain—to the point where he could feel nothing at all. Numbness. It wasn’t too bad; he’d dealt with worser injuries. 
He considered himself lucky enough to find Angel’s Share in the first place, even with the lanterns lighting up the road. Diluc had to avoid all the usual patrols of the Favonius Knights. 
Diluc was blinking through sweat, trying to register the bright lights of inside the tavern. Everything was so spotty and brilliant with gold explosions. He shouldn’t have decorated the inside so lavishly. [Name]’s head jolted up at the sight of him. Had she been falling asleep on the job? How unprofessional… but there were no people in here, so Diluc didn’t care.
With the decorations so shiny behind her, she looked like a fancy chandelier. Like the one at Dawn Winery. So shimmery. 
[Name] rushed to Diluc’s side. “Master Diluc? Are you okay? You’re—you’re severely injured!”
“I’m fine,” he gritted out.
“You’re bleeding.”
“It’s not the end of the world, is it?” Diluc snapped. [Name] was taken aback. He sighed. “Sorry. Just leave me be. I’ll go upstairs and—”
His world started spinning. [Name] caught him.
She looked frantic. “I’m not the best at wrapping up wounds, but I know a trick or two from Lisa!” Diluc’s disdain must’ve shown because [Name] immediately added, “I know she’s a part of the knights, but healing is healing. Let’s get you to the bar.”
[Name] was probably curious. She might’ve wanted to know what Diluc was doing out at night and how he’d gotten himself injured. Diluc tugged himself away from [Name]’s grasp. “No,” he said. He could heal himself. He could handle it on his own. “I got it.”
“Let me do this,” she insisted, “temporarily.”
Diluc had always been alone. He worked on missions by himself. He protected the city of Mondstadt by himself. The Knights of Favonius were no good, really. It was up to him alone. Just Diluc. It's always been just Diluc. It was just Diluc when he left the knights, and it was just Diluc when he insisted that Inspector Eroch take his father’s death more seriously.
“I’m okay,” he said. “Leave me alone. Pretend you saw nothing.”
I’m injured, he thought. I need medical assistance. I know some medicine. No, I don’t. There’s painkillers upstairs. Yeah… painkillers upstairs.
[Name] made up her mind and grabbed Diluc’s good arm. “I’m sorry,” she said. “You’re very hurt. And I know you told me to leave you alone, but you look like you’re in pain. I can’t do much, but at least let me help you just for a second.”
No, I’m doing just spiffy! Diluc wanted to say. But that wouldn’t help his case. He’d gone through worse alone. An arm cut was nothing compared to his past. This wouldn’t kill him, but it hurt so, so bad. He’d live, though, and as long as Diluc had all his limbs intact by the end of the day, he’d still protect Mondstadt.
[Name] took advantage of Diluc’s internal struggle to sit him down at the bar. She ran to the back to grab supplies before coming back out. She dropped a pair of fine scissors, swore, and then picked it back up. [Name] forced Diluc’s coat off of him, tossing it aside.
Diluc had seen [Name] eye his nice coat from time to time, and he had half a mind to give it to her just for fun. But she paid no mind to it now. Blood was smeared over his arm.
“Oh, dear,” she said. “It matches the color of your hair.”
“Thanks,” he said. The pain spiked. “I don’t suppose you want financial compensation for taking care of me.”
She shook her head. [Name] is good and brave, Diluc had thought then. She snipped a certain length of a linen bandage she’d brought out from the back. “I’m still working within work hours. The usual pay is enough for me.”
Diluc had a lot to say.
“But I’m not the best at wrapping wounds,” [Name] admitted. “Promise me you’ll see a professional after this. Hopefully one of your personal assistants?”
“Okay,” he said.
“This might sting,” she warned. She dabbed a clean cloth into alcohol before wiping it gently over his arm. She held his arm gently, her cool hand keeping him steady while she cleaned away the germs and infection. Compared to the searing pain of the cut, the alcohol was nothing.
I don’t like this, Diluc thought. [Name] knows too much. I’m no longer alone. I don’t like this at all.
The night was silent, only filled with [Name] working with her limited materials to patch Diluc up. It was awkward, and the tension was as thick as burnt steak. 
For his pride and for the livelihood of Mondstadt, [Name] could not know that he was protecting the city at night. She was too friendly with the knights. She talked way too much. She could accidentally spill Diluc’s secrets. This was not good.
“Have you ever thought about working at the winery itself?” Diluc proposed. If firing her wouldn’t do the trick, then maybe sending her away from the city would.
[Name] looked perplexed. “Why?”
Diluc tried to imagine [Name] as a maid at his winery, keeping the interior clean. [Name] could drag a drunkard outside no problem, but could she clean the fine, delicate decorations that made the inside of the winery so neat? Could she be happy working there? Frankly, Diluc couldn’t imagine [Name] as someone who’d enjoy working at the winery at all.
“You wouldn’t make a good maid,” he said out of the blue.
“What?” [Name] furrowed her brows. “I’d make a great maid. I’d be the best maid ever.”
“Prove it,” he said. “You should work at the winery. It’s a bit of a distance, but I could pay for your travel fare.”
“Same wage?”
“Same wage.”
[Name]’s fingers held the bandage as she began to wrap it around his arm. She worked quickly with the skill of a bartender who had plenty of customers and little time. Her touch danced over his skin, and he was fighting the rising urge to blush.
“Thank you, Master Diluc, but I’m okay. I like working here. I’d imagine it’s more fun,” she said. “If it’s the same wage, I might as well enjoy being here in the city while working.”
“You care about fun?” Diluc was surprised. Given the last six months, he thought all she cared about was small talk and money. “All right, then.”
“I can’t believe you got hurt,” she said. [Name] almost sounded mad. “It’s not so bad to ask others for help when you need it.”
You should be mad at me for other things.
“I can do things alone,” Diluc said. “I don’t exactly need anyone, really. This is just a one time thing. I could  have healed myself on the second floor, but you had to interfere—”
“Master Diluc,” [Name] said, “I don’t know what failed you or who let you down, but we do need people.”
Diluc was growing cross. His ugly pride poked his chest. “I know that.”
People needed each other! It was how civilizations came about, and it was how empires fell. That was why he protected Mondstadt. That was why he prowled the streets. He did it because the people needed someone competent, and he did it because the knights would let the people down just as they did he. 
People needed him. 
“Dependency isn’t bad,” [Name] further added. “One day, you will find people who helped you, and you will help them in return. It’s only natural to need people, Master Diluc. We all need people. We all need company.”
“Too much dependency is—” The pain ran up his arm.
“Well, of course,” [Name] said. “Independence is a good thing, too. It’s highly sought after. Maybe being a lone wolf is exactly up your ally, Mr. Diluc, but the idea of a lone wolf is somewhat of an oxymoron. Wolves always prefer to travel in a pack.”
Do I really want to be alone all my life? Diluc thought. “I guess you’re right,” he said instead. “You have my thanks.”
“You pay me,” she pointed out cheerfully, and Diluc’s heart panged.
“[Name].” The words left his mouth before he could even think. “Why do you work so hard? Is there something you work toward?”
“Not exactly,” she said. “Being financially stable has always been a dream of mine. As well as putting enough food on the table and buying all these nice clothes.”
Diluc was surprised. “No family?”
“I do have, but they’re in Liyue as of now. We talk occasionally, but I like to live my own life how I like it.” [Name] nodded. “If I work for anything at all, I’d have to say I work for myself. I like working here, and I work because the journey is just as fun as the destination. A cozy retirement is not worth enjoying if one didn’t work hard to get there. Is there someone or something you work for, Master Diluc?”
Many gods ran through his mind. Deities upon deities. Alters upon alters.
“Mondstadt and its citizens,” Diluc responded. “The knights are the definition of inefficient. I clear up a few enemies on the streets sometimes”— he’d realized he essentially spilled his secret hobby to [Name]—“but it’s nothing big.”
“Take pride, Master Diluc,” [Name] said. Had she figured it out? Diluc felt small underneath her working fingertips. “I take it you’re a nocturnal vigilante?”
Diluc swore internally. “I suppose.”
“So did you choose the name Darknight Hero? You’re the talk of the town.”
It was good that the people were romanticizing his adventures. It gave them a sense of peace and normalcy. However, the name was absolutely atrocious. “I don’t like that name,” Diluc said.
“What do you prefer they call you, then?”
Preferably, nothing. Diluc did not do this for attention. He was supposed to be one with the shadows. But [Name] made him feel seen. He felt exposed to some terrible light.
Diluc had to remember that [Name] was an employee under him. She was one of the many citizens he had to protect. She shouldn’t be wrapping up his arm like this. Diluc should be writhing in pain alone upstairs with [Name] none the wiser. 
Her touch was soft. Her fingertips barely touched the surface of his skin. Her hands were no longer cool but warm and alive. She took care of him so gently that Diluc forgot he was a weapon and felt like a cherished object.
For someone who claimed she wasn’t proficient in wound-wrapping, she did a decent temporary job. Of course, a visit to Diluc’s private doctor was still necessary. 
Though her company was nice, Diluc was accustomed to flying solo.
“You must really love Mondstadt,” [Name] said. “You’re a very good man.”
Diluc opened his mouth and then closed it.
[Name] finished wrapping his wounds. The bandage was snug around his arm, and Diluc found comfort in its presence. It was far too bad someone would take it off later to properly inspect Diluc’s cut. “Well, that's about it for my medical expertise which is ultimately none.”
“Thank you,” Diluc said. 
“I would advise you to return to your winery, but it’s nighttime, and there’s monsters prowling about,” [Name] said. “I don’t doubt your athletic abilities, but you’re hurt. You should maybe eat something and rest. Early in the morning you can leave.”
[Name] was in no position to tell Diluc what to do. Diluc was her employer, her—Diluc looked at the time. [Name] was technically done with work. Technically speaking, Diluc wasn’t the boss of her as of right now. 
And Diluc knew that [Name] was simply offering suggestions. Good suggestions. His pride as a hero told him to refuse and make the trek back to the winery by himself. But his reason pulled him back to her. 
“Would you like something to eat, Master Diluc?”
“All right.”
Soon, Diluc’s arm was noticeably better. After consulting a legitimate professional, Diluc took great care of his arm and trained it back to health. His days were moreover the same after that. He swept the city streets and night and returned to his winery every so often, as he couldn’t let sales go down while he was playing hero.
Though, what kind of hero gets injured? Diluc thought to himself bitterly.
[Name] had called him a good man; well, of course, he was. The knights were anything but good and competent. But was he a good hero? What sort of hero spat swears and curses at the knights? What sort of hero harbored a deep, festering hatred for the very institution that supposedly protected the people?
She was the only one who’d touched him like that. She touched him so softly when wrapping him up that Diluc felt more a man than a hero. It wasn’t good. Diluc needed his priorities straight. He was grateful for [Name] and for that night, and this new feeling of gratefulness was lodged in his throat.
He’d offered to financially compensate, but [Name] turned the offer down. She was weird. She salivated at the thought of money, but when Diluc put more money on the table, [Name] refused to eat.
Diluc was not used to feeling owed to anyone but himself. He had a feeling that he’d feel more gratefulness to others in the future, and that scared him. If they were as stubborn as [Name], then how would he pay them back?
Did he need to pay her back? Was it only natural for people to rely on each other? Did he always have to be alone? Could he really move forward without the feeling of solidarity?
It was all right to be alone. But it was not so bad to rely on other people once in a while.
Some days, he’d see [Name] feeding a dog leftovers through the window of his tavern. She’d be crouched over, whistling and patting the ground to get the dog’s attention. The dog would wag his tail delightfully and trot over to her. And Diluc had half a mind to warn [Name] about infection, but the dog seemed awfully fond of her.
Then there were some days where she was so happy that you could clean the tavern free of charge. While money was a prospect to her,  she seemed to act on her own whims and happiness. If that happiness was to clean the tavern without pay, then she would.
She was strange. An enigma. She was the most magical a human being could get.
Diluc and Charles were once sitting at the bar while [Name] was dusting the nooks and crannies of the stairway, humming to herself.
“She ought to be happier more often.”
Charles raised a brow at Diluc’s words. Could the impassive Diluc be feeling love? “Why?”
“So she can clean my tavern for free more often.”
“Sure, Master Diluc.”
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tprplt · 7 years
Solo Recital
My family invited K to my brother’s solo recital! It was very important to me that he came because my brother was K’s student in 2006, his second year of teaching. As we were on our way, K texted me out of nowhere! It said “Hey! I’m going to make it to (my brother’s name)’s Recital. See you all there!” I texted back “Yay. :)” because I was so happy he was coming. He texted me a bit later “Battling traffic. So far GPS says I will arrive at 3:40.” I texted back “That’s fine!”
The performance had already started (about 10 minutes in) and K still hadn’t showed up. I was gonna text him but I didn’t have service. My mom texted him instead (she has an android idek how she got service lmfao). He replied something along the lines of “I’m outside. Waiting until a break.” He finally walks in and hey, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans but he still looked great. 
The performance was over and K had sit in our same row. We looked at each other and as I was walking towards him, he gave me a high five. He said some stuff but I forgot. We went into the reception room. K starts talking to me and asking me if I’ve practiced this one hard piece for his orchestra (outside of school). I say no and he tells me how even the professional adult musicians in our orchestra are having trouble with it. He says not even his wife has practiced it. I take out my phone to text someone and he notices. He tells the other guy there (my brother’s friend) how I only communicate through text. He started tapping my phone screen to annoy me and I jolted back my hand. He did it again and laughed. “Nice swacket.” I was wearing a cardigan haha, he’s very silly. Then he was given mango cake which he handed to me. I made a disgusted face and he chuckled. “Why don’t you want it?” I said I didn’t like mango. He took some bites and said “This is gooood!” My mom came around offered me a slice. K told her “She doesn’t like mango. This is good.” Later on, I saw my brother’s teacher at this university talking to K and introducing themselves to each other. It was so nice to see my brother’s past and current teacher interact. At one point, my brother’s current teacher asked me “How are you?” and I was just staring at K who lifted up a bit of his shirt to clean his phone’s camera so I could see his underwear lmfaoo and I had to ask the current teacher to repeat what he said because I wasn’t paying attention. Then K stood next to me and pointed to the last slice of mango cake my dad was holding. “I’ll give you $5 if you take a bite, shove it in your face.” I say no and he said $10,$25,$50... he says $100 and I say “You don’t even have that much!” He was startled, eyes wide open and gave me the slyest smirk. He slowly reached his hand to his wallet in his back pocket and said “I’ll show it to you right now.” I laughed.
Everything is pretty much over. My family and I walk outside with K and my brother is behind with his friend. K tells me “It’s beautiful out here!” My mom tells K I want a photo with him and my brother and he said something like “She always wants a photo. Here, let’s stand like this until your brother comes.” He stands right next to me, very close. I scoot over a bit and he notices and scoots closer! I didn’t move at that point. :D We move to somewhere else though since the background wasn’t too nice. We stand in front of this ledge, where you can see hills and the ocean far away. We take the photo and he gives me some pats on the back. He gives us all hugs (except me lmfaooo still salty but ok) and he gives me a high five, and playfully shoves me and says I need to do better in school (I have terrible grades).  I tell him I have two Fs and he groans and walks away, dragging his feet. My mom asks him “Are you okay?” K says “I’m fine, I’m just worried about her GPA.” He then tells us how his sister was just like this and had gotten expelled from two high schools. She did a lot of community college and now has a masters. He said I did not have to take that route and that he thinks high school is easy. We walk to the parking lot. He asks me about the music for his orchestra and if I’ve even printed it. I say no and he groans. I tell him I don’t want to practice that one hard piece because I’ll never be good at it. He groans again and says “Think of the Golden Gate Bridge. They didn’t build it and gave up on the first day...it was a project.” He also makes fun of the fact that I hate my current high school and says with a high pitched voice, mocking me “L (my high school) is bad boo hoo I want to move to P(the high school where he will teach for one year so far).” I almost wanted to say that it’s because I have trouble making friends and I have no one close there but I didn’t. 
We finally get to our car. He kept talking to me about my grades. My mom tells him I’m doing summer school to which he just gave me a stern look. He asks me have I done anything to fix my current grades which I’m trying. He asks me what else I do. I tell him I go on the computer a lot. He asks “Doing what?” I respond “Video games.” He groans loudly. I say I have 3000 on this one video game and he says “And you’re proud of that? 3000 hours on (the instrument I play) you could’ve spent getting a scholarship for Julliard.” That’s a very hard to get in, amazing music school in New York btw. He asks me “Do your parents work hard?” I shrug my shoulders and look at my mom and say I don’t know. K scoffs. “Why do they work?” I said to make money. He said yes, but that’s not what he means. I say “A better future for us (my brother and I)” He said “Yes and as cheesy as that sounds, it’s true.” The conversation dies down and we hear college kids yelling from far away. K laughs and says “College kids are worse than high schoolers.” We say our goodbyes and he tells me to practice my instrument. I shook my head no but I don’t think he saw. Oh well. :P
And that was my day with K today! Sorry this is so long, but there was a lot to mention. By the way, a couple minutes ago my mom sent him photos that we took today. He texted back saying thank you and that he is proud of my brother. He said about me “And for S, we all know she is going to be great and I’m looking forward to when she realizes that.” Love that man so much. :)
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