#this sneak peak is his spring season!!
riveterio · 4 months
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Dumps All Of My Recent Doodles, WIPS, and pending projects on ya'll again!!!
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varpusvaras · 4 months
I was talking with @the-starry-seas about cityboy Fox last night, and how he definitely has some problems with the nature. They said a certain thing would be funny. I had to write it.
Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the neon signs advertising plants and heatlamps for the citizens living in the towering buildings of Coruscant had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the medical guidebook they had received at the start of their posting had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the Jedi healer at the Temple had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, Doctor Brevent had said once Fox had landed on Alderaan.
The thing was, they were all correct, of course. It was all based on multitude of scientific studies, after all, and it wasn't like Fox didn't feel a lot better after only a single week on Alderaan. Of course he did. He got sunlight for multiple hours a day now, which corrected his circadian rhytm and boosted the amount of vitamin D in his body. He got fresh air, which did away the persisten cough he had had for the past year and a half. He got to move in an environment that wasn't all hard ground and harsh edges, which did wonders for the chronic pain on his legs and lower back. He woke up every day, listening to the soft winds and birdsong or soft rain, and it all just really, really made him more relaxed than he had ever been in his entire life.
So, yes, Fox would admit that nature was, indeed, good for his physical and mental health. He also loved Alderaan, loved the forests with pinetrees and hardwood and soft sandy paths, loved the mountains rising at the skyline, loved the little streams and rivers and lakes and the garderns around the Palace. The first time he had laid down on a patch of grass had quite literally given him five more years to his life.
The thing just was, that other things loved all of the same things as Fox did.
There had not been a lot of nature on Coruscant. Okay, scrap that, there had not been any nature on Coruscant. Whatever there was, was just patches of man-made greenery, reserved for limited population only, or things that had found their place in the darkest depths and shadowy corners of the planet. If you were on Coruscant and heard something that sounded too animalistic, it was your first, last and only chance to run.
It turned out that on Alderaan, many things were loud. Even worse, none of it made any sense.
Fox could understand the large cat-like predator that roamed around the woods at the foot of the mountains being loud. What he didn't understand was why the thing sounded disturbingly like a woman screaming. Even less he understood why the much, much smaller forest-cat, that was the height of Fox's shins and ate mostly small lizards also made a very similar sound.
His first weeks on Alderaan had been full of heart attacks. An evening walk with Breha, where she showed him the shining starling butterflies? Almost ruined because an actual fox had decided to sneak into the flower garden and screamed at him from behind a bush. Breha had thought it hilarious. Fox had thought about running away to some desolate moon in the Outer-Rim.
Now, after little over two years, Fox was...fine, with most of the things. He knew what all the animals sounded like. He knew not to sit on the ground after rain because there would be worms and snails. He knew not to go out for too long on the warmest days of late spring, because the pollen season was at it's peak then.
He had learned a lot of things, and he didn't feel like a stupid boy who had only ever seen sterilized white walls and concrete ground. Of course that was what he had been, but still. Fox felt like he could almost pass as a local these days.
Even certainly did, Fox thought, as he watched his son run along the edges of the small pond they had in the front garden. It was so shallow that the water barely reached to Fox's ankles, so it was fine letting Even be there by himself and watch the little water lilies and water bugs float on the surface.
Fox had not known a lot about babies when he had taken Even with him, but he had been more than eager to learn everything there was to learn. His son deserved only the best, and that meant that Fox had to also be the best father he could possibly be. Fox had learned that babies explored the world with touch, and that most of the time, they had no sense of danger, and would stuff anything and everything they got their hands on into their mouths.
It had just taken him a while to just figure out how much babies and little kids wanted to grab things and munch on them. It had been the thing that had made him most anxious, actually, once he had realised how eager Even was to put his hands and whatever was in them into his mouth. Fox thought he was being rather sensible being anxious about it. Too many things in the Galaxy were a serious choking hazard. Too many other things were...otherwise unsavory. Fox had almost screamed and thrown up at the same time when Even had somehow found a dead beetle and had already stuffed the fist that contained said beetle into his mouth.
Breha and Bail had tried to calm him down. It was a good thing he was vigilant, they had said, but not everything was so dangerous that Fox needed to lose either his sleep, his dinner or both. Kids needed to get dirty every now and then, they had said. It would boost their immune system. Bail had told Fox that he had apparently eaten sand when he had been little, and he was fine and healthy. Breha had continued with her own story of how she had eaten the leaves off of her mother's dayflower bush and the grass around it at the age of three because she had pretended to be a bantha while playing. She was also fine and healthy, and whatever health problems she had, were not the result of her getting some uncooked greenery into her system. Nature was good for your physical and mental health, they had said.
They were probably right, even if it all gave Fox shivers. But, perhaps, the problem was indeed Fox. After all, he was someone who had lived his entire life surrounded by sterilized walls or concrete ground.
Most importantly, Even was happy. Fox still remembered all too clearly the tiny, too-thin and bony baby wrapped inside the paper sheets in a metal cot, left inside the cold and lonely Kaminoan nursery. He still remembered that child, too small, too fragile, too quiet, a child whose big brown eyes had just stared at nothing at all and whose only way of communication had been wrapping his tiny fingers around Fox's.
That child was nowhere to be seen now. Even had a plump stomach and squishy arms and legs and a round, soft face, that was most of the time spread into a wide, toothy smile. He ran with little but surprisinly quick, wobbling steps, and babbled incessantly all the time and laughed loudly and without care every time Bail would scoop him up and twirl him around in the air.
Even lived surrounded by the exact opposite of the things Fox had, and he was all the better for it.
Fox watched as Even stopped to look at something at the ground, and then jump towards it, his hands grabbing at the grass. A small, bright green frog leaped up and into the safety of the water.
Fox held back a grimace. Yes, he was fine with most things these day, but there were still things he was less than enthusiastic about. Bugs were fine. He didn't go into a full panic when seeing one, but that didn't mean he wanted them anywhere near anyone's mouths. Lizards were actually pretty fun, at least the ones that lived on Alderaan, especially the little ones that lived on the trunks of trees and has round faces and equally round eyes and very stubby legs, or the blue ones that lived near streams and had become far too friendly with people, and would come over to see if you had something sweet for them to snack on.
It was the things that were wet and slimy and sticky that he was not alright with. Not that he would start to scream, either, but he'd much rather not have any close contact with any of them. He hated the feeling of them grabbing onto him, the many times featureless exterior creeped him out, and they were most of the time even more dirty than anything else.
Even jumped forwards again, falling onto his knees, and another frog jumped up from the grass. The frogs were fine. Totally fine. They were small and harmless and sometimes even kinda cute with their exaggeratedly large eyes. Sometimes. Most of the time they were wet and sticky and at least slightly slimy, but they were fine. It was fine, and they were definitely too fast for Even to catch. It was fine.
Fox glanced around a bit, Even still staying at the corner of his eye. Bail was also out, and was currently catching up with one of their Captains. Breha still had to finish up some work, but she would be out soon as well. Fox had brought his datapad with him, since he had a new book he wanted to read, but he had not yet gotten around to even opening it. He had been too busy watching Even play to be able to concentrate onto the story.
Speaking of Even, Fox saw him turn towards him all of a sudden, his hands clasped together and a bright smile on his face.
"Buir!" He yelled. He still couldn't quite get the r-sound right at the end, so it sounded more like Buij. Breha thought it was adorable. Bail thought it was adorable. Fox thought it was so adorable that he could cry.
Right now, though, he was just a little distracted about what Even was holding in his hands.
"Buir!" Even yelled again, as he stopped right in front of Fox. "Buir, I caught it! For you! A frog!"
Fox looked down on Even's little hands, that were holding something that was definitely not a frog.
It did look like one, but only in the broadest sense. It was much bigger, barely fitting in Even's grasp, and instead of being bright green, it was muddy brown, and had fat, bulging limbs and a large, bumpy body. Despite it being otherwise big, it didn't have the cute, big eyes of frogs, but instead it was staring right back at Fox with two beady little eyes, that were half buried under the wringly skin of its head.
Fox had a brief thought that the thing reminded him about the late Chancellor-turned-Sith, and he liked the thing even less.
It was also definitely wet, sticky and slimy, almost dripping clear goo from its toes.
"Oh", Fox swallowed. "Even, my little heart, that's not a frog."
How had Even caught it in the first place? Was it just too big to move as fast as the little frogs, and hadn't been able to jump out of the way in time? Possibly. It was very still in Even's hands, after all. Too still. Fox hated it.
He would've especially appreciated if the thing stopped staring at him.
Even looked at the thing.
"It's a big frog", he said, still happily enough. "Can we have it?"
The thing stared at Fox, like daring him to say no.
"No", Fox still said, staring right back at it. "No, we cannot, it lives outside."
Even was a well-behaved child who didn't argue too much, and always ate his vegetables and held to their hands if they went somewhere. Fox prayed to the Manda that this wasn't the one thing that he would argue about for some forsaken reason.
Even pouted a little, but then his head whipped to the side, and the big, bright smile was back.
"Mama!" He yelled. "Mama, look!"
Fox turned to look as well. Breha had made her way out as well, and was now standing with Bail and the Captain. She looked really pretty, with a golden band in her hair and the sunlight making her skin and eyes glow softly-
The thing moved in Even's hands. Fox saw it, and turned to look. It was still staring right at Fox, as it squirmed again. Even was still too distracted by Breha, that he didn't notice the movement.
Fox opened his mouth to tell Even to put the thing down, when it squirmed yet again, and with surprising speed, it drew its legs under its body and leaped up.
Fox didn't have the time to move. The thing's beady black eyes stared right at him as its round and squishy body flew across the small distance between Fox and Even, and landed right on Fox's face with an audible, wet smack.
One of its sticky, goopy legs stuck right into Fox's mouth.
Even was staring at him now, with wide eyes and his hands grasping at nothing.
Fox definitely screamed.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Hi... can i ask a little thing?
I dont know if you do this but...
Pleaseeee can you write something about mountain x reader x aether?
I was thinking about a lil fic but choose whatever you feel inspired to do (sfw and/or nsfw, i dont care at all)
(If you dont like poly trio can be at least mounty x reader? He's a little giant puppy, i would cuddle 🥰 him all day if he was real...)
Oooo today's your lucky dayyy
A Spring's Soft Greeting
Mountain x Reader x Aether
Established relationship (Poly) No Warnings! Just lots o' fluff / kissing n stuff
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The air was crisp just as it was gentle when the ministry's willow tree swayed with the breeze. Though one could still feel a chill when the wind blew, the sun was warm and comforting. Blanketing the green grass and the wildflowers as their colors reached their peak. Spring was here, finally.
Aether and Mountain had planned this day with you for weeks. They made sure the weather was perfect, even going so far as to cast a few good weather charms. The Ghouls and the Sibling's of Sin had off from their duties today, and nothing would ever get in the way of their perfect picnic Mountain and Aether had planned for you.
Aether was carrying two hefty baskets of dishes and food. A ghouls' gotta eat. Meanwhile mountain had flowers hidden behind his back. With a pep in their step, they headed over to the Willow tree where you said you'd meet them. And there you were in all your beauty.
You were sitting on a checkered blanket, sunning yourself with a hat over your face. They smiled and picked up their speed as they approached you. Though they were thinking about catching you off guard. Aether gently set down the picnic baskets, the of them got on their knees and crawled towards you. Their tails flicking in anticipation.
They sprung at you, attacking your face with kisses on both sides. "Guys!" You shouted in surprise as they sandwiched you into a hug. "Hey Love" Aether purred in your ear, his sideburns tickling your face.
"Hello my handsomes, glad you showed up" you sat up from your position, a little dazed after the sneak attack. Mountain held a bouquet of flowers under your nose. It was clearly a fresh batch, hand picked by the ghoul himself. Gasping, you give him a giant smooch on his nose and he chuckles.
The day was spent lounging on the blanket and eating whatever Aether brought along with him. Everything was perfect, down to a dot. It was moments like this that you had to take a step back and feel the world around you. Nobody made you feel as loved as Mountain and Aether did. They were similar, yet very different, and they enjoyed eachothers company as much as they do yours.
Spring was around now, which means the ghouls were as cuddly and lovey dovey as ever. Their moods changed with the seasons, and in warmer climates the ghouls certainly prospered.
With a full stomach, you rested your back on the blanket, looking at the branches of the Willow tree. The two ghouls joined you, squishing you between them. "What's up beautiful?" Mountain chimed into your thoughts, taking your hand and kissing it.
"I can't wait to go skinny dipping" Aether almost choked on his spit when you replied. "How blunt" Mountain laughed "I get to join you, right?"
"Duh!" You looked at Aether with a smirk "You're also invited if you want." The quint grinned "How could I refuse?"
With Mountain and Aether tucked into both of your sides, you couldn't help but blush. Mountain had his tail wrapped around your leg with his head next to yours. While Aether had his head resting on your stomach, his strong arms relaxed around your hips.
The quint ghoul slightly lifted your blouse and left small pecks on your stomach, and the earth ghoul decided to join in. He lightly suckled on your neck, and all of a sudden it was kinda like you had two cats giving you affection.
"So warm" Aether mumbled into your abdomen face first. "So soft" Mountain said into the skin of your nape. You massaged Aethers scalp and placed your palm on Mountain's cheek.
"You two are very touchy today" you commented, but it certainly wasn't a complaint.
Aether detatched his face "It's not our fault, you're just-" "irresistible" Mountain finished. "Took the words right outta my mouth"
You sighed "Just don't do too much, we don't want to give the others a show"
"And why not?" Aether pouted.
Mountain chuckled and rubbed the quint's head "If anyone here is needy it's you." Aether face planted back into your stomach, groaning as his tail swished around.
"Don't tell me it's that time of the year" You sat up on your elbows, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at him.
His tail fell and he looked up at you "Well-"
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendation List: May Pt. 1
Welcome to the first part of the May recommendation list. I hope you have been working enough, with the semester coming to a close for those in school. Ensure you aren’t letting yourself go too crazy with finals and are coming up for air and self-care. If you would like a moodboard made for your story or character, please send me a request. I would love to make you one. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, your stories, or even your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. Heads up, June may be all on one list. I’m going to my Grandmother’s 90th birthday and visit my family. I’ll get plenty of reading done while I’m gone, but I don’t know how much list-making I’ll get done. I hope your spring is going well and allergies are leaving you alone.
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<<April Pt. 2 💐
May Pt. 2✨>>
Masterlist 📜
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I'll See You Again (Moodboard + One-Shot) >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella Shelby - Summary: Estella doesn’t want to let go of Tommy or her family.
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Escape to Me by @daisyblinder >> Tommy Shelby x fem!reader - Summary/Request: The reader is autistic but masks a lot, so it's hidden, and Tommy can tell when they’re getting overwhelmed, so he sort of helps them out? | Found this very touching and wish to have a Tommy who would comfort them in those times of being overwhelmed.
Tommy Shelby + Hot Asshole Neighbor by @scorpiussage >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Were not always lucky when it comes to neighbors, or are we? (My Summary) | If Tommy were my neighbor, I would gladly like to hear how he would like to make it up to me. 😏
And Her Name Is... by @teenwolf-theoriginals >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: The children help come up with baby names. | I truly love this family!Tommy setting.
The Boys by @teenwolf-theoriginals >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You get a call from the boys’ school, that later sparks a tense conversation between you and Tommy. | I love reading Tommy in a family setting and Charlie with more siblings. Happy to read this.
Close Your Eyes, Make A Wish by @look-at-the-soul >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x reader - Summary/Request: The reader could be having an extremely stressful day, and Tommy comes home to find her looking out their bedroom window, and he gives her a cuddle knowing it always calms her down. | I had a smile on my face the whole time I read this.
Enraptured by @toms-cherry-trees >> John Shelby x Reader - Summary: Gif Request - Sneak Preview: “Oh I see a lot that I like” That cheeky grin of his has not left his lips, and you want to kiss the arrogance out of him... | I love this so much, honestly. You can never get too much, John Shelby.
Mine by @toms-cherry-trees >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Gif Request - Sneak Preview: More often that he cared to admit, Tommy had pictured her with that fan in her hand and nothing else on her skin. | The ending took me by surprise, and it had me so giddy.
More Than Enough by @dandelionprints >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Sneak Peak: “Who have you heard say that? You tell me and I’ll send Arthur round to have a chat with them, no one talks about my wife like that!” | Fantastic job making me fall in love with Tommy Shelby all over again.
My Daughter. by @toomanyfandomsallatonce >> Tommy Shelby x F!Reader - Summary: One of the maids at Arrow house yells at your daughter for breaking a vase, and Tommy is extremely displeased when he finds out. | I have such a soft spot for Dad!Tommy Shelby.
Season's Change, People Don't by @shelbyssins >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary/Request - Sneak Preview: “What if you say no and regret it?” Tommy asked, his voice as soft as the breeze whispering over Y/n’s skin. | This was just perfect, perfect, absolutely perfect.
There's A Lot of Making Up To Do by @acewritesfics >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Y/N is Charlie's daughter. Her and Tommy grew up together and have always been close until she moved away to go be a nurse in London. But now she's back. | Sometimes, a way to a woman's heart is a horse and remembering their teenage dreams of said perfect horse.
Untitled by @padfootdaredmetoo >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Sneak Peak: “You leave what’s mine alone. Now give my regards to Mr. Kimber.” He spat on them as John pulled him back; looking down at them, he wondered if they were dead. | This one-shot brings me joy and makes me want to cheer for Tommy Shelby.
Welcome Back Sweetheart. by @toomanyfandomsallatonce >> Tommy Shelby x F!Reader - Summary: You left Tommy before the war started, and now, years later, he found you again, and this time he won't let you run again. Especially not into the arms of your abusive husband. | When Tommy makes a promise, he keeps it.
Whatever You Say by @little-diable >> Tommy Shelby x fem!reader - Summary: The reader finds a book without a title in Tommy's office, and the more pages she flips, the more she starts to realize that it's a book filled with drawings of naked bodies. | Thank you for the porn with a plot. It was *chefs kiss* perfect.
1919 Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | by @shelby-fangirl00 >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Jasmine Manson - Summary: Jasmine has lost almost everything in life except her Godmother, Polly, and the Shelby family. They are perhaps the only thing keeping her somewhat sane. She spends her days taking care of Finn and her nights living by the moon, reminiscing of old days with Tommy Shelby, wishing for him to come back to her to the way things were before the war. The thing is, the war has changed them both as they both have lost and changed so much in the four years they were apart. (my summary, sorry) | Loosely based on the series, and I'm loving what there is so far!
Night In January pt. 1 | Through The Window pt. 2 | Only Joys Will Come pt. 3 | by @evita-shelby >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: I ride on the January, which leads to a life-changing decision and Shelby family tradition. (My Summary) | I loved the emotions this touches on and how you can picture it happening in the series.
Welcome To Downtown, Mr. Shelby | Chapter 9 | by @notyour-valentine >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Crawley - Summary: He was born on a boat, with neither of his parents sure of the date after the fact, unregistered and unlisted until he went to fight for his country. Her birth had been celebrated with the ringing of church bells, champagne toasts, and announcements in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. Their worlds could not have been more different, and perhaps that was why, when Thomas Shelby looked at Lady Charlotte Crawley, he saw more than her title, more than her looks- he saw an opportunity. | I look forward to reading more, and I love how you combine both universes. I know I said that last time Val, but you always blow my mind with your ability to do so.
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Games by @psychedelic-ink >> bodyguard!Joel Miller x actress!reader - Summary: Joel is fed up with your bratty behavior. | 🥵 🥵 🥵 Can be read alone or read its sequel High Enough.
Skinny Dipping by @swiftispunk >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: Sneak Peak - "there," he says softly, reaching out his hand for you to take hold of, pulling you further into the water and closer to him. "feels nice, don't it?" | I’d skinny-dip any day with Joel Miller if it were anything like this.
Snack Break by @joelscruff >> boyfriend's dad!Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: Joel needs you to be quiet. | Cocky!Joel telling you to enjoy your snack does things to me.
At His Side (In His Bed) by @proxima-writes >> mand’alor!Din Djarin x female reader x Paz Vizsla - Summary: They call you the whore of Mandalore. Nothing more than the woman at the side of the ruler of New Mandalore, Din Djarin, a pretty little prize that he likes to share with his General Commander, Paz Vizsla. Mandalorians have always been good at keeping their secrets. | It's hot, and if you are like me, you'll surely love the ending.
High Enough by @psychedelic-ink >> Dieter Bravo x actress!reader x bodyguard!Joel Miller - Summary: An afterparty, weed, drinks, a grumpy bodyguard, and an eccentric actor. What can go wrong? | I think that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. 🥵🔥
In Her Defense by @swiftispunk >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: An unexpected attack. A protective instinct. A heartfelt exchange. (The reader steps in when a stranger tries it with Ellie, and Joel is a guilt-ridden sad boy about it.) | This was a lovely one-shot; I'm so glad I read it!
*I've Shattered Now by @wannab-urs >> Dieter Bravo x Reader - Summary: Continuation of A Ghost of You (but can be read separately). Dieter dies, and you have to learn to live without him. | I’m not crying like a big baby. Nope, I promise. This was so beautifully written, and I would read it repeatedly. Please read all TW.
*Old Soul by @softlyspector >> Joel Miller x f!Reader - Summary: You're never quite sure of your place in Joel's life. Everyone else seems to know exactly what it is. | This whole work is dark yet beautiful, honestly, and I love it.
Say It With Your Hands by @swiftispunk >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: Ellie convinces Joel to see the town masseuse. It goes mostly okay. | That was so hot 🥵 Hannah, thank you for sharing this with us.
*Seasons by @loquaciousferret >> Pre-Outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: One scene for each season of the year of your relationship as you fall in love with Joel Miller, single dad, and sweet southern heartthrob. | The best slow-burn and sweet porn I've read features Joel Miller. I adored it.
Toyin' With Them Older Guys by @proxima-writes >> bartender!Joel Miller x female!reader - Summary: Joel Miller is the grumpy bartender and owner of your favorite bar near campus, where you attend trivia every Tuesday night. Thinking there’s no way Joel could return your feelings, your friend suggests trying out Tinder. But when you bring them to the bar for a date, they leave mid-date without explanation. Maybe there’s something Joel isn’t telling you after all. | This was hot and, dare I say, adorable.
Weakness by @pedgeitopascal >> Joel Miller x female reader - Summary: An afternoon at Bill and Frank’s takes an unexpected turn for you and Joel when some feelings start coming to the surface. | The last line of this just sums this up so perfectly and beautifully…. I love it.
Apothecary | Chapter 4 | by @atinylittlepain >> Joel Miller x witchy!reader - Summary: Joel becomes curious about the woman running the medicine shop in Jackson, and the strange rumors swirling around her. | I know there is still more to come, and I look forward to what is in store for them.
Burning Hour by @juletheghoul >> Din Djarin x Royal F!Reader - Summary: Din Djarin is the captain of your father - the king's royal guard and, as such, is tasked with protecting you. When you leave a child and come back a woman, he sees you in a different light- but he isn’t the only one with his eye on you. Can a Princess and her Knight find a way to be together? | This story is so good! And the plot twist that you don't see coming! It blew my mind and made me love this story even more. I'm not sure which part I loved the most the vows, the porn, or the plot twist. I highly recommend you read this.
In My Hometown Series | Come Back, Be Here | by @swiftispunk >> neighbour!dbf!Joel Miller x fem!afab!actor(ish)!reader (+ platonic!Tommy and platonic!Sarah - Summary: Joel reckons with life in Austin after you return to LA | It's hot, but this series period is hot. It's one of my all-time favorite Joel Miller series here on Tumblr, and Hannah does amazing writing, Joel and reader.
One For The Money, Two For The Show by @cowgurrrl >> rockstar!Joel Miller x actress!reader - Summary: When world-famous rockstar Joel Miller finds himself in some hot water with the press, his PR team suggests fake dating an up-and-coming actress to refine his image. However, when they actually start spending time together, the happy couple can’t stand each other. Will they be able to turn it around for the cameras, or will it all be for nothing? | I LOVE THIS SERIES! If I were the reader, I would be screaming into my pillows about Joel Miller and his stupid face.
Raider by @toxicanonymity >> raider!Joel Miller x fem!reader - Summary: You think Joel is saving you from the bad guys, but he's just claiming you for himself. You're his now, and he won't let you or his men forget it. Better be a good girl for him. It's for your own good, sweet pea. | It's both a perfect amount of dark and porn. If you like dark!Joel look no further.
True Blue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | by @beskarandblasters >> Joel Miller x OC!Hannah - Summary: Joel has lived most of his life with little emotional attachments, especially romantic attachments. He was satisfied with only having his brother, Tommy, and his friend, Tess. That is until Hannah moves to the Boston QZ from Hartford, Connecticut QZ after the military control there collapses, and Joel questions everything he thought he knew about love, trust, and loyalty. | I look forward to seeing where this goes because this has me sucked in, and it’s very good!
*Uneven Odds by @theetherealbloom >> Joel Miller x Fem!Reader - Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold or will she be able to change what was already written? | You want to cry, scream, and laugh all throughout. It’s a must-read for fans of the television series and Joel Miller.
Untitled pt.1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | by @pascalisbaby >> neighborhood!dbf!Joel Miller x fem!reader - Summary: after two years of fantasizing about your neighbor, Joel, he finally gives you what you’ve been dying for. | This series is just so good! Please read it.
Take Care of You by @musings-of-a-rose >> Benny Miller x f!reader - Summary/Request: Here is my Benny idea. He gets worried about his baby working nights. The reason why he takes her to and from work. Go out to their favorite hangout for a late dinner. Then spoil her as soon they get home. | Buddles, that is so cute, and yes, I could use some myself.
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Pedro Pascal characters as Taylor Swift albums by @swiftispunk
Tommy Shelby Moodboard by @raincoffeeandfandoms
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Moments: James' Societal Debut
Moments masterpost
Pairings: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (background), James Darby x OC (beginnings)
Summary: Viscount James Darby is twenty-two years old and entering society for the first time. The problem is, does he really want a wife?
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Warnings: none... just fluff
Word Count: 1.0k
Author’s Note: When Moments Epilogue 1 refuses to be finished, my mind moves elsewhere in the Moments-verse. This idea wouldn't leave my head after a few sentences of chat with the wonderful @chaoticcalzoneranchsports. So here, enjoy a little sneak peak into the future of Viscount James Darby. Also, fear not, this spoils nothing of upcoming Epilogues 1 or 2. <3
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Viscount James Darby sets tongues wagging as soon as he lands on the London social scene. It’s the spring of 1836, and a twenty-two-year-old James enters the annual Sotherby Ball, heads almost snapping.
Tall, handsome, intelligent and, most importantly to many mamas, titled and extremely rich—he instantly draws a crowd. The season's most eligible bachelor, indeed.
Some older members of the Ton can also be seen whispering behind their hands. Gossip-mongers speculate how the son of the late John Darby can look so very much the spitting image of his step-father, Mr Benedict Bridgerton. Still, in the cutthroat marriage mart, there will always be rumours swirling about the most eligible men, often started by the parents of their rivals. 
“Mother, must we do this?” James grumbles, eyes pinging around the room, assessing everyone with trepidation.
“Yes darling, we must. You have to join society at some point; it might as well be now,” you respond, politely nodding at passing acquaintances.
“Father, you didn’t have to partake in this farce, did you?” He looks over your head at Benedict, standing at the same height.
“No, son, I did not,” he admits, “I met your wonderful mother here at a party actually. A very fun artistic party,” he looks wistful in his recollection, smoothing a hand over his slightly greying temple.
“Well, why can’t I do that? That sounds a darn sight more entertaining than whatever this is,” James opines with disdain.
“Because, James, he was untitled,” you sigh. “As Viscount, sadly, you must be more… particular… in your choice of wife.”
“But he met you, and you are the very picture of grace and elegance,” James fawns.
“Son, attempted flattery will not get you out of this. Still, that charm will take you far,” you concede, picking an imagined piece of lint from his lapel.
He pulls an exasperated face that makes you laugh.
“Now go,” you shoo him, “dance, enjoy, and meet some people. I’m not asking you to get married tomorrow, not even this year. Just, see who is out there.” 
He sighs heavily but acquiesces to your request out of love more than duty.
For James, the crux of the problem is not the marriage mart as a ritual; it’s who it involves. Try as he might, given the expectations for a titled man to continue his lineage, James Darby cannot picture himself settling down and having a traditional family. He suspects his father already knows, his mother perhaps less so.
James glances back to see them whispering, arms entwined, heads together, as if in the first flush of love rather than approaching their seventeenth wedding anniversary. Part of him longs to find such a connection for himself, but a larger portion of him suspects he won’t. At least not in a way that society deems acceptable or continues the Darby name.
He takes a deep breath and allows the approach of various mamas, signing dance cards and feigning interest in the various young ladies thrust in front of him.
It’s when he joins the dancefloor for his very first dance that he knows he is in trouble. He catches the glance of the person standing next to him, and time freezes. Gentle hazel eyes and almost cherubic curls frame quite the most beautiful face he has ever seen. He barely notices the girl opposite him, the one he is supposed to be dancing with, even as the music starts.
“My lord?” The girl questions, and James has to physically shake his head to bring himself out of the reverie.
“My apologies Miss,” he rumbles, “this is my first dance, and I fear I am already rusty.” He turns on the smile he sees his father use and watches as the girl almost physically melts, her eyes dilating, her breath quickening. How easy it is to charm a young lady, he thinks to himself, almost disappointed in the lack of challenge.
There is a laugh to his right. “I can’t believe that actually worked,” the beauty opines, voice laced with amusement.
Before James can retort, the dance takes them in different directions. But still, he watches out of the corner of his eye. Occasionally their gazes meet, and he feels something akin to a fire in his belly. The girl he is dancing with barely registers in his regard.
As the music ends, he excuses himself and follows the retreating figure of the enigma who only spoke a handful of words to him.
He finds himself on a torch-lit terrace with a slight breeze in the air.
“I suspect this is not your scene. Would that be accurate?” A cool voice catches him, holding out a cigarette case in a gloved hand.
James smiles. “That would certainly not be inaccurate,” he replies, taking the offer and leaning in to catch a light, his breath catching as he does.
“Hmm, very much the same, Viscount Darby.” 
“How do you know who I am?” James queries, giving a sideways glance to his new companion as he exhales a cloud of smoke, the tobacco calming his nerves.
“Your reputation precedes you, my lord,” the smooth voice teases.
“Well then, I should have your name; 'tis only fair,” James opines, surprised at the low, almost flirtatious register his voice takes.
The pretty face morphs into a smirk. “Granville,” comes the reply, “David Granville.”
“Well, it is most definitely a pleasure to meet you. And call me James.”
“Likewise, James, likewise.” There is a pause as David looks up at the stars, “Tell me, do you paint?”
James’ heart races. “I most certainly do,” he responds, trying to disguise just how breathy he feels.
“Mmm, same. I do believe this could be the start of a beautiful… friendship,” David replies, his hazel eyes dancing.
And right at that moment, James knows his life will never be the same again.
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Author’s Note: David Granville is Sir Henry Granville’s nephew :-)
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat
Moments only taglist: @queenofshinigamis @khaleesjj @starslibrary @magical-spit @honeylovemoon @justwant2read8421
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Elladan's Prologue
A short snippet about my OC Callonduin, but told from Elladan's POV.
Summary: Elladan has been restless ever since the disappearance of a particular Elf. His brother decides to check on him. Relationships: Elladan & Elrohir, implied (onesided)Elladan/Callonduin
“Still worried about Callonduin?”
Elrohir scaled the last few steps uphill to reach his brother who stood on the highest peak in Imladris, his sharp elven eyes scouring the surrounding forest. Elladan had been in a melancholic mood as of late. No one knew what troubled Elrond’s eldest son, no one but Elrohir, for he knew his brother better than anyone. 
Following his brother’s silence, Elrohir spoke once more. “Come now. You can’t think I don’t see the connection between his disappearance and your sudden interest in scouring the Trollshaws on your own?”
In all honesty, though Elrohir was confident in his theory, he couldn’t see why Elladan would be so invested in Callonduin of all people. While it was true they grew up around each other, the twins of Imladris had never been particularly close to the ellon in question. Furthermore, though Callonduin was a skilled warrior, he was also known to be a bit unstable– often inebriated, repeatedly disregarding orders, and prone to reckless behavior. 
But then again, in all honesty, Elrohir got the feeling that Elladan recently became more secretive. 
“Callonduin is… known to be a bit, er, eccentric,” the younger twin tried once more. “It’s definitely not the first time he’s gone off on his own. Why, I’m certain if we ask around Bree we’ll catch wind of a rowdy ellon–”
“I already searched Bree, Elrohir,” Elladan cut in, impatient and agitated. “He’s not there. And it’s been a month. The seasons are changing, the cold will be upon us soon and Callonduin is traveling alone–”
Elladan abruptly restrained himself. He stilled and set his eyes once more upon the forest, searching for any sign of orcs or a glaive-wielding elf who laughed. 
Elrohir observed his brother for a moment before placing a hand on his shoulder.  “Callonduin is a trained warrior, just like you and I,” he said. “He’s resilient. He won’t be felled by a bit of snow.” Then in an attempt to lighten the mood, Elrohir added, “If he’s not in Bree, then he’s probably asleep under a table somewhere else, passed out from all those tankards he likely downed.”
In all honesty, Elladan preferred it if that were the case. Better Callonduin be blacked out in some human inn than captured by the foul beings that ran amok throughout Middle Earth. This was because Elladan knew what others didn’t: that Callonduin’s reckless behavior was much worse than the rest of them thought, for the elf had, for quite a while now, a tendency to sneak out of Rivendell at night to take down entire orc camps alone. 
And in all honesty, Elladan knew this because he had the same tendency. Things had been difficult since his mother, Celebrían, was tortured by orcs. The twins developed a terrible lust for slaying orcs, and though they promised their father to stop, Elladan found it was too difficult and continued to do so in secret. 
One night he left to take down a orc camp he'd scouted. Callonduin was already there when he arrived, and in the moonlight, Elladan saw that he was laughing.  Unrestrained, soaked in orc blood, and laughing.
Elladan closed his eyes.
“I heard from Lindir that Callonduin was supposed to meet his father and brother in Lothlórien next spring. I certainly hope he doesn’t mean to cross the Misty Mountains alone.” 
Elrohir’s expression turned somber. “I’m sure Callonduin is not so reckless as to attempt that," then as if he just heard himself, Elrohir quickly amended, “How about this: I will help you search for him. It is better than letting you do it alone.”
Elladan hesitated for a moment before turning to face Elrohir. “Are you sure?”
Elrohir smiled, wrapping a comforting arm around the elder twin. “Of course. Don’t carry this burden alone, Elladan. Your family is here with you.”
Elladan allowed himself to smile and relax in his brother’s hold. 
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ladytauria · 10 months
tauria!! 9, 14, 21, 74, 80, 84, 104, 122 from the book rec ask game please <33
ahhh thank you maya!
9. your favourite book of 2020
ahh, i'm actually going to answer this for---last year, because i remember it and also bc i hit my reading goal last year!!
so my actual answer would be nona the ninth, but as i have already rec'd gideon to bean and mentioned harrow in this list, i shan't count it.
s o.
i think i'm gonna go with The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski, which is part one of a duology. the first is a retelling of cinderella, the second of sleeping beauty.
the first, to me, was much more enjoyable than the second, although i deeply enjoyed both. the first is singular pov, the second is split (i liked the LI's more!)
the book takes place on an island which is segregated into three classes / rings, each of which enjoys a vastly different quality of life than the other. the protagonist lives in the lowest class, where, if you're charged with a crime, no matter the severity, the guards can take any tribute they ask---from a few strands of hair to some blood to an eye, etc. she works with her guardian to help sneak people out of the lower ring and into the upper rings, and has always yearned for a taste of them hersellf. after spending a night in prison, she meets an outsider--the first on the island in many years--who helps her achieve just that.
also the plot twist in this book is. amazing.
14. a book that made you trip on literary acid
like. in the most positive way possible.
Harrow the Ninth.
look. i wasn't going to rec sequels. i wasn't.
but oh my god.
i walked away from this book with a headache and i said thank you ms. muir <3
(runner up answer would be the stars are legion, bc. oof. that book was a mind-fuck. again? best way possible. but also. damn.)
21. a book with a red cover
literally the first book that came to mind was Eldest, of the Inheritance Cycle.
(i was going to answer with "witches of ash & ruin by e. latimer" but my kindle cover is now blue -.- and uglier, imo. whatever.)
but, uh. The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett!! i started the discworld series with the tiffany aching series, and i highly recommend <3 the nac mac feegles make me giggle so much <3
also i deeply love tiffany and all of the things that pterry conveys through her <3
74. your favourite love triangle
i didn’t forget to answer this before i clicked post wdym
this is hard!!! ngl i actively avoid love triangles in books after being so inundated with them during some of my peak reading years lmao
ahhh but
i actually didn’t mind how the love triangle was handled in the early throne of glass books!
i don’t necessarily recommend those but i was. obsessed with them for a time xD
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
i technically answered this on bean's! that would be "a girl of the limberlost" or "the secret garden" bc they both remind me of my mom.
also almost any murder mystery will remind me of her, as those were her favorite genre.
u h m. but to name a different book; i think of my brother every time i see a riordanverse book, particularly the Percy Jackson <3 i let him borrow my copies (i've. mostly forgiven him for their now beat up / falling apart state) and watching him develop his first otp / devour them was so sweet <3
104. a fluffy, sweet read
so i didn't technically rec it on bean's list, i just mentioned it.
Legends And Lattes - Travis Baldree! cozy, slice of life fantasy with a sapphic romance. an orc retires from adventuring to open a coffee shop in a city that's never heard of coffee. (its a gnomish thing.) has a lot of dnd-like setting things and so much found family <3
also it made me hungry, so like. have ur favorite warm drink & pastries on hand when you read it bc you may also end up wanting them <3
122. your favourite winter read
okay so first! um. when i think winter / autumn / summer / spring read i don't necessarily think about season in the book itself, but rather like... how i feel during those seasons. so! autumnal reads i prefer spookier vibes; summer i want lighter books i don't have to focus too much on bc the heat has melted my brain; and for winter i want books that are good for spending a long time under blankets, so. chunkier the better. (i don't know what a spring read is to me.)
i am going to answer this one with two books!
the first i have not actually read -- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, which is a fucking beast of a book. i am... about 20%? through it? i think? but i had to put it down bc i couldn't give it the full attention it deserved. however, i think, due to its size, it would be a lovely book to devour over a handful of snowy days, curled up in blankets <33
the second i have read, and i actually wouldn't call this one chunky, but. i dunno. it's made for a nice evening read, i think. anyway! The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A McKilip.
[ book rec ask game ]
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»»————- ✼ La Mort  ————-««
Previous | Chapter 4 | Next
- Past -
- La Mort -
"Mayoi~" you called out to him as you sneak a peak to the church where your friend lives.
"M-MC...!" Mayoi who's in the meeting with other reapers quickly left to go to your side even through others look at him like his the elephant of the room. You smile as he takes you in from the cold winter blowing outside to the safety of the church. It been two winters since you two meet and you become very close.
He said he lives up the hill, in that old church with graveyards. The people from your town dislike that place but your aren't one to judge as your friend lives there!
"Happy winter eve!" You give him grapes wine you made from the grape vine you grow through the spring, since your friend only active in winter as he slept in other season. It was odd but you aren't one to judge! It made each day a count down to the day you'll see your friend again.
"O-oh...! T-thank you!" He felt shy you have to give him stuff each time he wakes up. He barely give anything to you! "Your welcome!" You cheerfully says.
"Y-yoursoprecious!iwannalockyouaway...!" He held his warm cheeks as deranged thoughts comes out of his mouth so openly, his blue eyes darken in color as he blushes. His heart beating so fast, it's making him feel dizzy again~
"Ah?" You wonder if you should ignore what he said just now or not. "Your also precious to me too!" Then again that's just mayoi thing to say!' you thought as you ignored his red flag comment.
"Fufu... Not as you are to me." He smile as he wipe some leaves he saw on top of your hoodie. His eyes return back to it's normal radiant as if such scene of him having those red flagged words have never happened or occurred.
"No, your more precious!" You disagree at him with a pout, he almost want to squeal in delight how cute your pout is and his hand reaching out wanting to squeeze those cheeks!
"Aww~" you pout more as his cold hands squeeze your cheeks but you held his hand before he could take it back. " Meat cheeks Booly~" you mumble and he think his heart just stricken with an arrow.
"C-cute...!" He hugs you to his embrace. If it was the first winter you gotten to know each other, he would be so embarrassed and hesitant but it's been a while and he would not hesitate if your fine with it! "Hehe~" you giggle, liking the hug. You hug him back happily.
"...cough." Rei snap Mayoi from his moment and he look up to his leader who point that his still in a meeting just now. "O-oh! Ahm..." Mayoi look at you who can't see other reapers and back to Rei who laugh hopelessly.
"I..." He don't want to end the moment yet he still have a job! "W-wait--..." He sigh as he pulled you inside the church to a long area.
"I-.. I have w-work... S-so... P-please w-wait-- a minute or 5 minutes...!" He felt so bad to leave you alone, so he went to get the Red snow bunny from many winter ago, that he made sure would be able to stay firm in its form. He give the rabbit to you who happily hugs the little guy.
"H-here to keep you company! I-i... Have food too!" He went to his cabinet to get some milk and cookies that get delivered by Bianco group before the winter season began. "P-please wait ok??" He look at you nervously and you nodded as you already know his busy I'm the first few days of winter yet you went to disturb him from excitement of seeing him again.
"Okii~" you smile. He sigh in relief before he went back to the main hall of the church and locking the door behind him.
"His so pretty..." You mumble blushing as you whisper your secret to your little snow bunny. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like him..." You happily sigh as the rabbit sleep in your arms. You felt how your heart beat so fast and how warm your cheeks is, you wonder what this feelings means. You felt your thoughts all show your friend face, you always waited and cannot wait for winter to come by quickly to see him again.
You look at the cookies and look around, you softly take off your gloves, showing hands full of deep cut and wounds.
"...ah.. " you look at the cut and remember what happened last spring and what made people in your town to suddenly act different to you.
- la mort mayoi -
"W-what? H-how... " Mayoi was surprised to hear something so bizarre. It seems that this season where the train supposed to pick up new passenger to go to the next life or to be punished seems to be lessen than it should be. People suddenly disappear from the list last spring as if they gain extra more years so suddenly.
"... The cycle is being distorted... We still don't know what happened in those time, like others, we too are asleep." Rei mumble. He remembers three cycle ago, he saw a odd butterfly but it suddenly disappear before he needed to resort to fix it.
It's a good thing yet he can't understand that it still bothers him till this day. The fact people suddenly disappear from the list made it more suspicious that it might be related to that previous case.' he thought deeply.
"Anija..." Ritsu showed him a paper from Easter bunnies, showing when it happened and where.
"Thank you Ritsu..." Rie smile as he look at it. "...this..." He sigh, he look up to stare to Mayoi. "Your friend lives in the same town. You should able to ask some information as no one but you is able to be seen by them." He give the paper to Mayoi who look at it, worry flashes in his mind but nodded.
"I will..." He mumble as he fold the paper and put it to his pocket.
"Nagisa And I would have a chat with the train conductor. Since one of them is a friend of nagisa." Rei says as he turn to leave but remember something. "Where is that other one?" Rei look around and notice one is missing. He sigh hopelessly "see here. I don't care if you all have a love life. Except Ritsu ( ritsu: shut up.) Because he needs my approval!" He cross his arms but chuckle. "Just don't go MIA for who knows how long. We don't know some infant would pop out of nowhere instead of them showing up to work." He look at Mayoi who blushes.
"I-i..." he can't say anything as he only felt shy and embarrassment of being mention of being MIA one day because his occupied with you.
"Anyway. Have a wonderful winter eve everyone." Rei smiled and left with Nagisa.
"Ooh..." You look at Mayoi as he ask you what happened to your spring this year. "I discovered something. People learn it too. They become very nice because of it." You smile as remove your gloves again.
"W-what happened!?!" He quickly held your wounded hands as deep scar, enough to draw blood covered it. " I don't know. People learn they can extend their life if they eat a food made off what I grow in my garden." You chuckle. " I accidentally spray my blood in this one apple tree I have and some sick kid eats it. And he gotten well right after..." You explained. His eyes widen in worry at your words.
It seems that you have a wonderful gift...yet.
"A-ah..." He felt dread at the moment of people in your town would abuse it. "W-will you be ok?" He ask in worry. "P-people in your town won't do adjust things to get some things you plant right?" Just thinking of it made him felt so much hate.
"Ah... It's fine. Their free to get food. I'm not selfish for veggies." You chuckle. "Why do you have new wounds then...?" He suddenly realize spring is a few seasons ago yet those wounds.
"I-..." You suddenly felt embarrassed. "I don't want them to h-hate me again... S-so I m-made sure the plants would have the same effect as the apple... S-sorry..." You mumble as your not able to look at him in the eyes.
He reach out to hug you and made your head rest on him. "I'm... Just worried... People could be greedy... And would wish to continue to extend their life... What if... There's drawbacks in such gift..." He tearfully mumble his worry. He just barely began the story of you and him and there's already things that hindering it. Even after Rei and his fellow Reaper accepted his decision that winter eve.
"I dont think it be that bad..." You smiled softly as you look up to him again. "I hope so... I prayed so... Even so someone like me doesn't deserve to be heard by that person from above." He held your cheeks as he look at you with tearful gaze.
"I want to stay awake to look after you... Or make you sleep with me through the three season... If things gotten worse... How could I live... Without... You..." He cried as emotion made him felt so hopeless in worry.
"Please don't cry...!' you reach out to wipe his tears away, he held your hand that held his face as you wipe his tears away, he softly gives a kiss in the back of your hand.
"My precious..." His blue eyes suddenly darken as an odd smile pasted in his face. "I cannot live without you... So please be safe..." The radiant return to his eyes as he give you a close eyes smile.
"I will!" You nodded. "Your so beautiful and handsome!" You commented with a blush.
"A-ahh?! I-i... I'm... " He suddenly turn bright red from neck to his ears. Your sudden compliment have taken him off guard which made you giggle how cute he is at the moment.
You and him enjoy such good moment together as well that winter together again. You felt so happy to have a good winter eve with your friend.
Mayoi smiled as he happily held your hand as the two of you play in the snow, sometimes you and him went to look in a far distance of the train to the afterlife but most of the time, he would play you a piano or would sing to you and you would join a long even if it's tone deaf or not. He and you happily sing along.
And so winter eve come and goes with a blink it's time to say good bye again to one another, you smiled as you held his hand as he went back to the church.
"I hope you'll have a wonderful sleep!" You felt sad but you still smile. "I wish you'll have a fun spring, summer and fall..." He chuckle but he too is a bit sad about the parting.
"...o-oh! W-what if I sing you a lullaby..." You wanted to spend each moment as you can with him. He look at you with surprised and look at Rei who's getting ready for the sleep. He nodded to the voiceless request of Mayoi to let you in that room, to do that.
"O-ok!" He smile happily as he held your hand and guided you inside to the secret chamber where all reaper slept.
He lay in the platform and you start singing a soft tone of your favorite lullaby as he and others slowly slumber for the next three season.
When Mayoi almost surrender to sleep, he felt something soft against his lips and a soft giggle from you.
"I love you mayoi~" you confess the feelings that you finally understand after spending more time with him and only able to think of him.
"Not as friend but someone I wanna be together forever with..." Your voice soon fade away yet he felt his smiling so happily. He cannot wait for the next time he'll wake up to tell you the same thing.
»»————- note ————-««
A/N: Smh, I think I'm liking this La Mort AU. Might extend it till chapter 10 or more ahaha.
Tag List: @van1shiro @emikoisdead @allimili
MC: @valeriele3
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aryapooja0501 · 8 months
The Eddy Tekken 8 DLC Revealed: What You Need to Know
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Get ready, Tekken fans! Bandai Namco has just announced the first DLC character for Tekken 8, and it’s none other than the veteran fighter, Eddy. Eddy Tekken 8 In this blog, we’ll break down the key details about Eddy’s arrival, his new look, and what to expect from Tekken 8’s upcoming DLC releases.
Eddy Takes the Stage:
First up on the DLC roster is none other than Eddy. Get ready to see some cool moves and exciting gameplay with this character. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer, Eddy’s addition is sure to shake things up in the gaming world. So mark your calendars and be prepared for a gaming experience like never before!
In Tekken 8 Eddy’s Return:
Eddy, the iconic Tekken character known for his capoeira fighting style, is making a comeback in Tekken 8 as the first DLC character. Fans can anticipate Eddy’s arrival this spring, bringing with him a fresh high-top dreads hairstyle and a new outfit that adds a modern twist to his appearance while retaining the essence of his capoeira moves in Eddy Tekken 8 .
DLC Release Schedule: Eddy Tekken 8
The DLC excitement doesn’t stop with Eddy! Bandai Namco has outlined a clear plan for the release of additional characters. Following Eddy’s debut in spring, the second DLC character is set to drop in the summer, the third in autumn, and the fourth in the winter. Eddy Tekken 8 This means players can look forward to a steady stream of new content throughout the year, expanding the roster and keeping the game experience dynamic.
Eddy Tekken 8 Opening Movie:
Accompanying the DLC announcement is a sneak peek at Tekken 8’s opening movie. However, don’t expect an in-depth story setup. The opening movie is more of a character montage, featuring both familiar faces and a few newcomers. The focus remains on the ongoing conflict between Jin and Kazuya, giving players a taste of the intense battles to come.
Winter Wonderland Finale:
As the year comes to a close, the gaming excitement reaches its peak with the fourth and final DLC character of Season 1. Winter brings with it a sense of wonder and magic, and we can’t wait to see how this character adds to the enchantment. It’s the perfect way to wrap up the year and leave gamers eagerly anticipating what’s next.
Returning Favorites and New Faces: Eddy Tekken 8
As the opening movie unfolds, fans will catch glimpses of beloved characters from the Tekken universe. Whether you’re a longtime Tekken enthusiast or a newcomer to the series, the character montage provides a visual feast of over-the-top expressions and dynamic fighting styles. Eddy Tekken 8 The clash between Jin and Kazuya takes center stage, adding to the anticipation of what promises to be an action-packed gaming experience.
Tekken 8 Release Date:
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If you’ve been counting down the days, the wait for Tekken 8 is almost over. The game is scheduled for release on January 26, hitting PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, as well as PC. After the success of Tekken 7 in 2015, fans are eager to see how the franchise has evolved in Tekken 8. For an in-depth look at the game’s development and features, check out IGN’s Tekken 8 Final Preview.
In summary, Eddy Tekken 8‘s first DLC character, is set to spice up the game with his distinctive capoeira fighting style and fresh new look. Bandai Namco’s DLC release schedule ensures a continuous flow of content throughout the year, keeping players engaged. While the opening movie offers a character-packed montage, the focus remains on the enduring conflict between Jin and Kazuya. With the release date just around the corner, Tekken 8 promises to be a thrilling addition to the iconic fighting game franchise. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to dive into the next chapter of Tekken!
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WEEK 11 - Wrap Up
It's Me. Hi. I'm the Problem It's Me.
Yes, I am part of the problem. Not only did I buy Taylor Swift VIP tickets for my daughter's Spring Break trip to see Taylor the first weekend of the tour...but I also bought 6 tickets to the Atlanta show - and resold them all for 6 times the value to pay for the VIP tickets in Phoenix. So, yes I am part of the problem and I just thought that I would let everyone know and be honest with this group. Also, did you guys realize that next week is week 12! Normally that would mean just 2 weeks left in the regular season but with the increase in NFL games - we now go to week 14 before we move into playoffs. So, you have 3 more weeks to get your shit together and find your way into the playoffs.
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I see what's happening here. Scotty K on a 3 game winning streak and putting up big numbers. He's making a run! I just hope he didn't peak too early! Poor Gabe on the other hand. Ever since he told me how he's on a winning streak - he's done nothing but lose and this week he only put up 73. With Mahomes, Adams and Cooper - Scott could be one to watch over the next few weeks. Nice Win Scott and high point with 152! ($20)
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Well, it happened! Brett won! He broke his 4 game losing streak and took down Lanakila. Both of these guys had players going into Monday night but with almost a 40 point lead it looks pretty promising that Brett will take the win. Cliff had a huge game from Pollard and a good game from Ekeler but not much more to stay competitive. Brett on the other hand had 27 from the Washington Commanders Defense, 22 from Herbert, 23 from Harris and 20 from T Higgins to seal the deal. Nice win Brett! It's nice to win isn't it!
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Yes, it's sad but it's true - our good friend Stu Jones is in a losing slump. Now 3 weeks in a row he has taken the "L" and this time he lost to our friend from Arkansas - Kyle Allmendinger. Both of these guys are the kind of guys that expect to make the playoffs each year. Both now sit at 6-5. If I was a betting man - Which I am - I would put my money on Kyle to make the playoffs over Stu. Mainly because Stu tends to be a quitter and Kyle will find a way to sneak in. Congrats Kyle, way to take down the OU fanatic. He made it interesting with Kittle - 2 TDs and 20.40 points...just .50 short of the win. Painful!
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I couldn't tell if this guy was yawning or in awe...and I felt like it was perfect for this match up. Nothing major here...the score was 98 - 78...but Bebo did take down Gullahorn. Kind of a boring match up but both of these guys are sitting in that 2nd/3rd place range and they don't need losses going into the home stretch...so Bebo is the winner and puts himself in a little bit better position. Also, Gully will start Christmas tour stuff after next weekend which can be a great distraction going into the final weeks. Nice win Bebo!
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Such a fun week. It always is when the Moose and I match up. This week it was evident that he thought he had me. Very confident. And to be honest he did most of the weekend. Especially after Lamar let me down and my defense could only muster 1 point. But then SNF came around and my anchor player this year Travis Kelce put up 3 TDs and over 100 yards to give me a 30 point lead going into MNF. Mitch had James Connor and Rondale Moore still to play but I am going to go ahead and be the ghost of Christmas future and predict that he just couldn't get 30 out of those 2 guys and I went on to win! So fun Mitch! I only wish we had made our annual tequila bet!
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Well, and here we are - at the last match up of the night. Howard is done - he has a lack luster 84 points. Dana, well he has 56 points but still has Kenyan Drake, Christian McCaffrey and Garoppolo still to play. If Dana can't get 29 points out of those 3 guys then he doesn't deserve to win. I say Dana wins...right!?!?! Late update. Dana won! Big night Garoppolo with 32. Great win Dana!
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Guys, we are 11 weeks in...every week I have to google Hot NFL Cheerleaders. So now stuff like this just comes up on my searches. I might be searching Christmas lights and I'll get an ad like this - so she wins this week. She is a model for Cheerleader costumes. I feel like she has a great family and probably grew going to Wednesday night Bible Study. Seems like a winner to me.
0 notes
rothalion · 2 years
@surpassing-limits sent: Heated Hot Springs // Thorn
Send ‘Heated Hot Springs’ For the sending muse to find the receiving muse bathing in a hot spring nude.
  Usually he would never consider a trip to any hot spring within the Shroud for its rampant humidity, but with the change of season so too would the temperature drop. For many moons Rothalion had only worsened the tension in his body with endless work and stress, so much so that even if it had been the peak of summer Rothalion would have considered a bath in the springs anyway.
  He set aside his clothes upon a dry stump nearby, glancing nervously through the trees. He saw naught but more importantly heard naught besides the usual sounds of the Shroud; quiet birdsong, the rustling of leaves, the scampering of critters across dirt and through underbrush. He turned away and stepped into the water.
  Warmth caressed his ankles as he stepped further into the pool, situating himself in a spot along the edge of the spring. He sat down carefully, exhaling a held breath as he sank into the water's warm embrace. As though like wax the warmth melted away the stress that held his muscles tight, a strangely foreign relief falling over him.
  His ears perked up at a noise, but he did not move. Instead his eyes fluttered shut, a smile slowly spreading across his lips.
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  "You should know as well as I that you cannot sneak up on me," he murmured, turning his head slightly. The way each footstep was chosen slowly, calculated. The steps of a hunter... his hunter. Rothalion inhaled deeply, peeking over his shoulder at Thorn.
  "Why not come and join me, love?"
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speechlessxx · 2 years
he wants what’s only yours. [andy barber x reader]
summary ⇒ jealousy is an ugly monster, but good thing andy barber looks so damn good in green.
warnings ⇒ age gap (reader is referenced to be 19 but this is technically a flashback), BFD!Andy, jealousy, choking kink, daddy kink, slight special guest x reader ;), references to sex and wanting to take part in it. 
word count ⇒ 2.5k
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Despite that declaration of “wanting to see you again”, you didn’t see Andy Barber until the next spring.
It wasn’t that he avoided you or that you him, by any means. It was simply the entanglement of every single entity that linked you together.
Jacob and his mother, Laurie – Andy’s ex-wife – lived in New York City. With Jacob in the residence hall one floor above yours (damn you, coed housing), it became impossible for you to sneak in the man, especially since your roommate would definitely snitch to Jacob. On the other hand of the Barber entanglement, the former Mrs. Barber had promised your mother to watch over you, a promise she fulfilled to the T by bringing over food, groceries, sometimes even toiletries, and the surprise check-ins.
You could only imagine the catastrophe that would ensue if they found their Mr. Barber hiding out in your dorm.
There was no escape from either of them, and therefore, you could not find a way to meet Andy in private without the mother and son finding out.
So, you just bided your time.
That is, until Jacob recounted to you and your friends of his encounter with his father’s new girlfriend during his last visit home – or as he put it, “the lady walked out of the house bowlegged!” And while the boys laughed and the girls silently wished it were them, you couldn’t help but feel this pit of despair forming at the bottom of your stomach.
Because, just like that, that hope you carried that those late-night calls and texts that brightened your day brought vanished. Everything became empty promises – a rouse meant to flatter you, to ensnare you into a trap. Like another notch on his belt.
And that night in the bar bathroom had simply become a real mistake.
Which lead to this disastrous decision.
It started with an invitation extended to you and your other college friends from Jacob to stay at the Barber family vacation home in Cape Cod for spring break. And while spring in Massachusetts was anything but, a free trip and an escape from the stressful midterms waiting for you back on campus seemed worth it. The only caveat, however, was that his father would be living amongst the younger adults for the entirety of the stay as he was “attending” to the house – something about “renovations in the boathouse, or something,” Jacob said with a shrug.
And, okay, you knew to be the bigger person – to forgive and forget, to tag along silently and give Andy the cold shoulder. However, you were a hurt, defiant, and well, yes, very petty nineteen-year-old. And as childish as it was, it was nowhere near as childish as hooking up with someone whilst trying to “woo” your son’s best friend.
Which lead to you in the passenger seat of a Beamer that still had that awful new car scent that made your headache. Convoying in front of you – much to your driver’s dismay, something about driving too slow for his liking – were Jacob, his girlfriend; Sarah; and two other friends from NYU; Peter and Michelle.
You watched as the coastal life flashed by you through the window. With the Cape not being in peak season, you found that it was rather empty, lifeless almost – like a perfect little getaway.
“Quaint,” the occupant to your left said under his breath as Jacob pulled into the driveway. He eyed you as you continued to bite your fingernails and he sighed, “you probably shouldn’t do that.”
“Huh?” You asked before he took your hands away from your mouth and held them in his.
“Nervous ‘bout something?”
“Uh, something like that.”
Without another word, he accepted your answer, but not before bringing your left hand to his lips, planting a kiss. You tried not to snatch your hand away from him. It wasn’t any fair to him, not at all, but you wanted to show – no, prove – that you were completely over Andy, and Hugh Ransom Drysdale was your weapon to prove that.
However, Ransom was not invited to the Cape. In fact, he wasn’t really a friend to anyone in your group at all He didn’t even go to NYU. A, then, incoming junior at Columbia, Ransom was more of a nuisance to Jacob, and a continuous thorn to your side for the past year or so.
You met him on your first trip to New York City last year. Jacob had invited you to come visit his mother and tour the NYU campus after finding out you both applied. You graciously accepted the invitation, and on an activity-less day, you opted to explore the city while Jacob slept in. A decision that ultimately got you lost until you tapped on the broad shoulder of a young man texting away on his phone.
Rather than directing you towards the right direction, a black car pulled up next to the man and he offered to take you back home. He seemed harmless enough though you knew the outcome of this could’ve been far worse, but you got into the car anyway, formally acquainting yourself with Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
He had an aura of entitlement that was masked by sophistication, and his egotistical personality put you off, but he was handsome, wealthy (not that it was a criteria, it just helped), and nice (when he wanted). He took a liking to you, saying that he’d “take you under his wing”, but you had always turned down his advances. Ransom not taking no for an answer put Jacob off, but you always defended your … acquaintance.
And besides, it was nice feeling wanted sometimes.
So, when this devilish plan to prove that Andy was no more than a notch on your belt, you decided to take Ransom up on his countless attempts.
As everyone got out of their respective vehicles, stretching their legs to feel relief, Andy made his way out to greet the guests.
“Jacob!” Andy had called out with open arms, and Jacob, who rolled his eyes, begrudgingly accepted the embrace. “Nice to see you, Sarah,” he nodded to her, and she beamed.
The formalities between the two new faces that climbed out of his son’s car fell upon deaf ears as Andy’s eyes found you emerging from the BMW. There was a pounding in his chest as you finally made eye contact, but much to Andy’s displeasure another figure came out from the driver’s side.
Andy’s hands clenched into fists as his side.
The motherfucker didn’t even bother to open your door.
You quickly averted your stare from the older man, diverting your attention back to Ransom. You waltzed to him and pouted, “I’m really cold.”
And to your relief, Ransom only chuckled just before he shrugged off his own insanely expensive jacket to drape over your shoulders. “There you go, pumpkin.” Had you been Sarah or Michelle, you knew Ransom would’ve gladly told you to “eat shit.” “Better?”
“Extremely, thank you,” you smiled, shyly as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Take care of it,” Ransom warned. “Or, not I could just buy another.”
You dared a glance back at Andy who scowled at the sight of another man – no, a boy – touching you. “Mr. Barber,” you feigned a smile as Andy made his way towards the both of you.
He nodded a fake formality before turning his attention to your guest. “Hey son,” Andy said. “Never met you before,” he extended a hand. “Andy Barber, Jacob’s dad.”
“Ransom Drysdale,” he had taken Andy’s hand and yelped as Andy tightened his grip.
“Andy – “you muttered.
“So, you’re the boyfriend?” He asked, ignoring your intervention.
“N-no.” Ransom stuttered, and suddenly the pressure on his hand was relieved as Andy loosened his grip enough for Ransom to escape. “I mean, I’d like to be. Gotta do some convincing, of course.”
“She’s said no like a million times, Drysdale!” Jacob had called as he and Peter unloaded the trunk of their car. “Take a hint.” Snickering from the others followed afterwards.
Ransom huffed and rolled his eyes. “And in a million and one, I’m here, aren’t I?”
“C’mon,” you said, pulling Ransom towards the back of the Beamer. “Let’s get our bags, yeah?”
“Go ahead inside, Princeton,” Andy said, a roughness to his voice that no one could really quite place. Jacob only laughed at his father’s nickname, deciding that the hostility was most likely due to the fact Andy could just tell Ransom a douche.
Ransom, again, rolled his eyes. “Colombia,” he corrected, but he was used to others bending over backwards for him, so he thought Andy’s offer to retrieve his things was merely hospitality.
So, he only shrugged, and tried to drag you along with him, but Andy had called out, “Missy, can I have a hand?”
You groaned. “Oooo,” Jacob had teased as he and Sarah walked past you hand in hand. “You’re gonna get chewed out for bringing a boy.”
“Oh, shut up,” Sarah had slapped his shoulder. With her free hand she gave your arm a gentle, encouraging squeeze.
“Keep an eye on those two,” you asked her, glancing between the wide-open door as Ransom had already gone in and Jacob. “You know how they get.”
“Of course,” Sarah winked before disappearing inside. Michelle and Peter soon after, and the door slammed shut.
It was only you and Andy now.
You let out a sigh as you slowly made your way towards the back of the Beamer. Andy, true to his word, had began unloading the trunk and you eyed him suspiciously. So, you wordlessly followed his lead as you began to take out one of Ransom’s many luggage bags.
“Didn’t know you’re into the white collars,” Andy finally broke the silence.
“Don’t start,” you muttered.
“Why’d you bring him, huh?” He asked. You ignored him, which obviously pissed him off as he repeated the question through clenched teeth. You pulled out the last of the bags, but again, you didn’t respond; only trying to antagonize him even further.
You grabbed what you could as Andy shut the door, but quickly after he grabbed your arm, the luggage falling from your hands and onto the thin snow. He pushed you up against the back of the car, encaging you between him and the vehicle. “What the hell!” You snapped at him.
“Oh, don’t get feisty with me,” Andy said, digging his waist into yours. “Why the hell did you bring Mr. Trust Fund Brat?”
“Peter and Michelle are dating. Sarah and Jacob are dating. I didn’t want to be the only single one while all my friends are coupled up!” You reasoned, slightly proud of the impromptu lie. “I’m not gonna be the fifth wheel, Andy.”
“You know damn well you weren’t going to be,” Andy husked into your ear. “You tryna be a big girl, huh, baby?”
“Tryna foster age appropriate relationships, more like it,” you frowned. Oh, he didn’t like that. “Hey!” You yelped as he snatched Ransom’s jacket off your shoulders and threw it onto the snow. “That’s Prada!”
“That’s Prada!” He mocked. “How dare you bring him here.”
“How dare I?” You gawked. “How dare you act like a scorned boyfriend when you’re anything but.” You tried to push him off you.
“Is that why you brought him? To show me you have a little boyfriend now?”
“Have you ever considered that not everything is about you!” You hissed. “Maybe I like him!”
“I do!”
“Oh, honey,” Andy chuckled, coldly, “he can’t do anything for you.” He leaned into you, nose brushing up against yours. His breath hot against your skin, making you feel like melting like the snow around you. “He’s just some dumb kid with daddy’s money.”
“Andy – “
He encaged you against the back of the car, trapping you like a hunter does its prey. He stared down at you like you were helpless, and perhaps, beneath his ocean blue stare, you were. “Baby, he can keep you wrapped up in his expensive jackets. He can buy you a yacht for all I care, but he can’t do anything for you.” He scoffed, “I bet he doesn’t even know where to put his hands.”
His hands released yours, but you didn’t dare move a muscle. Suddenly, they were behind your thighs, hoisting you up against Ransom’s car. You gasped as Andy leaned into you, and you could feel the intimidating bulge forming against you.
“That you like them here,” he whispered, lips ghosting over each other as his hands wandered to give your ass a teasing squeeze. You locked your legs around his waist, keeping him there – not that he was trying to escape, anyway. “Oh, but you like them here, too.”
You let out a squeal as one of his hands had enclosed around your neck, squeezing until you could barely breathe. Oh, this one shouldn’t turn you on as much as it did for sure. Your moan was strained as Andy smirked down at you.
“Bet he doesn’t even know how to kiss you, huh, baby?”
You shook your head though your movements were limited. “No, daddy.”
Andy groaned before pressing his lips against yours. You had forgotten all about the luggage bags scattered around you, or the fact that Jacob and your friends – and your now forgotten plus one – were inside the house behind you.
No, in that moment, as it had always been, it was just you and Andy.
You had began to grind against him when Andy pulled away, hand releasing your neck and you took a huge breath. Andy’s hands gripped you, halting your movements against him, shaking his head. “Only good girls get to do that to their daddy, and baby, you’ve been very, very bad.”
You tried to pull him in for another kiss, an attempt to convince him that you were, indeed, his good girl, but he tutted. “Why’d you bring him, sweetheart?”
You pouted. “Jacob said you had a new girlfriend.”
Andy scoffed, brows furrowed in confusion. “I do not.”
“Then who’s that woman walking out of your house? Bowlegged and limping?”
“Could’ve been you, but you decided to bring Princeton.” Andy teased and you rolled your eyes at him. “Bowlegged and limping,” he thought aloud, trying to recount his memories. “Duffy? Only lady that’s been around was her – she was injured on the job and came around asking for some file – wait. You brought Mr. Prada Jacket because you were jealous.”
Suddenly, you were embarrassed, face turning hot, so you hid it in the crook of his neck. “Oh, no.” You muttered as he laughed.
“Oh, baby, you know the only girl I’ve been wanting is you.”
“Fuck me,” you muttered, and he only laughed a little louder.
“Oh, I intend to, but not when Princeton’s here,” he muttered into your ear, nudging your head up so that you could meet his eyes. Andy finally let you down and you stared at one another for a moment.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck. “I shouldn’t have – “
“You should’ve just asked.” Andy said, “But jealousy looks good on you, baby.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you closer towards him. “Now, if you do wanna get out of Cape Cod, bowlegged and limping, you be a good girl and send Princeton packing, okay?”
You smiled, devilishly at him and nodded. “Okay, daddy.”
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
Hi, hope you are doing well 💕 Love your writing. Was wondering if we can get another sss for The Tutor if possible? If not, that's totally fine too!
Hi lovely! I have been well just very busy and time has slipped away so fast! Yes, here is another snippet. I promise I am still working on getting the chapter out! A longer sneak peak for your patience....
+ + +
“So...Ms. Annie. Have any plans this afternoon?”
“Is this you cashing in whatever favor it is you think I owe you?” I asked, quirking a brow.
“No, I’m still thinking about that. This is just me making friendly conversation.”
“That’s too bad,” I tisked, startled a little by my blatant flirting. Why was I flirting with Finnick Odair? Since when did I flirt with anyone, let alone him? 
“Is it?”
I smirked before hoisting my bag higher up on my shoulder.
“I don’t have anything extraordinary planned. Just stopping by the farmers market on my way back to the dorms. I’ll probably spend the evening in the library.”
“No parties?”
“No,” I laughed, tucking back a loose piece of hair.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, lopsided grin on his face.
“The idea of me at a party, that’s what.” The idea of me being invited to a party…
“Yeah,” he agreed, running a hand long the length of his backpack strap. “I’m not a big fan of the whole party scene either.”
“I’m not lying,” he said, crossing an X over his chest.
I snorted with a roll of my eyes.
“Right. That’s why you’re out every weekend, hmm? Your friends gag and chain you.”
“My friends wish they were that kinky.”
I felt my cheeks sting at his comment and stared hard at the ground. 
“I go because it’s something to do…and kind of expected of me. But if I’m being honest I’d rather just chill at home and watch a movie or something.”
“That’s surprising.”
“Is it?”
“Well, yeah. You’re on the football team.” And gorgeous. “The two kind of go hand-in-hand. I just figured you were the kind of person who was the life of the party around campus.”
“Don’t get me wrong, parties are great. It’s always fun to unwind after a stressful week…but at some point it’s not worth it to have to run the extra drills to burn off calories from drinking. And 7am Saturday practice is far more brutal hungover.”
“7am practice?”
“Every week.”
“And you chose to come here on your time off?” I asked, somewhat surprised. Finnick looked unfazed.
“I said I would.”
“Yeah, but why?” Why on earth would he choose to spend his Saturday afternoon during break with me and a bunch of little ballerinas?
Finnick shrugged, looking caught off guard for once in his life.
“Beats doubling up lessons in a few weeks on spring training starts. Besides, the more work I put in now, the better. I want to be able to start next season.”
    There wasn’t much to add, so instead I nodded awkwardly in silent understanding. Finnick shifted on his feet before clearing his throat.
    “So…need a strong stud to carry around any bags for you? Sample the local cuisine? Haggle prices? I could use a few things myself.”
    “Like what? Don’t enjoy what your private chef has whipped up on the menu tonight?”
    “Private chef?” he chuckled. “I’m cool, but not that cool. Closest thing we have to a private chef in our house is Peeta. There’s nothing he makes that I don’t like.”
    I laughed despite myself, an action which didn’t escape Finnick’s notice. His smile increased, almost proud.
    “So, the market then?”
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Yandere Hetalia Demon AU: Mating Season
Since it's Spring I feel like every week I should post 1-2 about the Yandere Demon Allies or Axis and what it's like to need to have pleasure when it's Springtime in the underworld.
Each zone handles its king urges differently.
But it's a whole new dilemma different story when they make it out of the underworld to have intimate relations with humans or other demons. And occasionally Angels that didn't heed heavens warning that they really shouldn't be anywhere near the underworld from
1 March - 31 May.
Although Angel's too are stronger during spring as well and embody the virtues of chastity and purity that's not enough a lot of the time to ward off the flaming desires of the demon kings when their hot and bothered.
How will the human darlings handle the dire situations that they're put in when faced with a powerful horny demon(s) that can't be stopped once they catch their attention. The process of mating is brutal and long so whoever is in their clutches will need to adjust to being treated roughly.
The reason for the mating season is for the Kings to have a mate and begin the process of starting a family so that the kingdom becomes stronger.
And my dear you might just be the one.
(Sneak Peak) Btw this is super N$FW.
Demon America
His heart continued to palpate profusely. The prolonged feeling that he would have for the next three months would be unbearable for him to handle without going into hibernation, using some sort of spell, or actually accomplishing finding a mate and getting them pregnant.
His body was beginning to tremble, he felt hungry, dizzy, and had burning urges. He was sitting alone in the dark near his fireplace. His legs were wide open. His member pointing upwards pulsating with life and much of his blood from his body. He was having another hormonal surge that would last for an hour and then relax. Since it was only the beginning of the mating season this may happen once a day. However, things will progressively get worse if he doesn't find a demon or human to warm his bed.
He desperately wanted to get back to destroying things in the human world than be here in agony. He couldn't even exercises forearms due to how heavy his body felt and the fact that if he did try to relieve himself it would only send more tidal waves of pain that coursed through his body.
The only way he would be able to feel good is if he had someone to rub him and give him a place to plant his seed and plant his familial tree.
Sweat drenched his body and he regretted ever having even only his boxers on. He was about to ruin them with the next half an hour anyway. Still, he could feel his veins throb through the thin fabric. Sweat was beginning to roll down his smooth skin. His toned chest was moving up and down rhythmically and shined brightly within the fireplace glow. He still tried in vain to relieve himself and when he finally was able to touch his large appendage the moment he touched it felt like it was touched by flaming coals.
He flinched back as if he was able to escape the pain.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 years
How do you think worlds most loved jerk is spending his birthday? Unwrapping any punks?
Mmmm I think Bucky is definitely unwrapping a few gifts while his punk watches, eyes soft and heart fond, gentle affection seeping from his pores. I think they're together by themselves, relaxing somewhere in the woods in a cabin. Deep enough in the woods that the frost laid down over earth and plants and creatures (as they awake from winter hibernation the deeper into spring the season gets) still sparkles in stray rays of honey flavored sunshine because it never is quite warm enough to burn them away. It is only March after all. Outside the window of their rented dim log cabin, the evergreens are dark and shivering, they've got just the slightest impression of bright green- tips of new growth. Steve had just taken a peak at them and a passing red fox, sneaking through the undergrowth, ferns, bushes, and nursing logs, all wrought with plush, healthy moss, to appear in the little clearing of the yard, when he was in the process of feeding their fire. Dancing in the wood stove, emanating just enough heat for them both to dress as if it's June instead.
After his glance out into the quiet, peacefully remote wilderness and placing another log on the fire, Steve had turned on his heel, venturing back into their bedroom. The small space is cozy with thick, soft blankets piled nearly all the way up to be level with the top of headboard (even though they don't need a single one, between the two of them). And hidden under the bed is what he packed most carefully. Tucked safely into the car, under other items to be out of sight, curled up in old newspapers and tied with string that lived a double life as Alpine's toy briefly. Before holding it's special cargo proudly like it is.
Steve takes the package carefully in his calloused hands, holding it as if it weighs nothing in strong palms, his fingers thick, knuckles knotted. The sound of the paper rustling accompanies his padding feet on the old, sturdy woodfloor.
He makes his way back to Bucky and places the twine and newspaper wrapped gift in his lap, wordless. They don't need them more often then not nowadays.
Bucky's fingers curl the pages of the book he's been lost inside, the fluttering reminiscent of his gift's wrapping. He sets the book down, its cracked spine facing the ceiling, the world paused but not forgotten. Never forgotten with Bucky. He's always been able to tear through books, since before Steve can recall, memories dusty, hazy, and well-worn. Loved into oblivion. Bucky's hair swishes over his shoulder when he looks up.
Steve lands in the easy chair, flicking his hands up with a wry smile on his lips, "just open it, Buck," he says, knowing how hard it is for his husband to accept gifts and niceties. Voice warm and affectionate, not quiet a whisper but not normal talking volume.
The man in question squints at him but does as he suggests. Pulling at one of the ends of string to unwind the bow and unveil the treasure.
The string is removed entirely, brushed aside as he unfolds layers of newspaper.
Steve watches with bated breath. It's not that he thinks it's a poor gift, he's worried that it might be too well.
With the wrapping still under and partially entangling the gift, Steve's better half opens it. He pulls the cover of the scrapbook open. It's spine cracks as if it too is their age, its joints popping upon movement after lying down and resting for so long. It hasn't excised since Steve put it together months ago anyway.
Bucky's own breathe hitches, his heart kicking his ribs as he cradles the half undressed treasure.
Three times, Bucky blinks.
His eyes don't close again, instead he stares down at his lap and what he holds. His metal and flesh and blood thumb stroke back and forth.
"Steve," he says.
Steve doesn't answer, he knows it's not something that requires an answer, not yet. He will be there to answer anything Bucky needs after he really knows what is contained, taped and artfully arranged into the old stale and specifically perfumed pages between his shivering palms. Decades pressed into nothing but paper- paper that was strangely abandoned, never used, a scrapbook that was printed and made the very year Bucky was drafted. Though all the elements that Steve added into the book are modern, this year or about there.
The book is like them. A mishmash of two otherwise unconnected, untouchable times. An analog clock and a digital clock, placed at the head and end of a hall, facing each other but not touching. They're the only ones, Steve and Bucky, who pace the hall. Back and forth. Urging each other to one side of the other.
The scrapbook is a collage of Bucky's journal entries from his days immediately following his bewildered, agonized but undescribably courageous moments breaking his bonds to HYDRA, are pasted onto the left pages; on the right pages are illustrations Steve carefully sketched and then used transfer paper to move onto the delicate paper and finished, representing whatever memory he had been piecing together. Steve carefully selected the parts that he had the best memory of himself.
Which was more difficult than anticipated, Bucky entrusted his journals to him when he finally trusted that he would remember all he had built back and it became too painful to look back. Steve wouldn't've dared to think that they would ever make it here.
But they have.
Melting to the sturdy easy-chair with Bucky on the marshmallow sofa, dwelling in a log cabin rented for the occasion of Bucky's birthday, they've made it. Time has swept them from whitewater rapids to the lazy river for the first time since sticky hot Brooklyn summers as boys, Bucky taking his smokes on the fire escape, Steve panting on the floor in a pool of sweat surrounded by pencil stubs, his creativity exhausted by the heat. There's finally enough mileage between them and the pain for Bucky to accept the gift.
Tears still build in and overflow from Bucky's smoke-blue eyes, escaping down to his cleft chin, his hands still shake, flipping gently between the pages, and he still sniffles, setting it too down while leaving it open like his beat-up paper back book but Bucky doesn't recoil into himself and he doesn't hate himself for not recalling such details. He does not wilt under the person he was, trying to un-shatter himself, then.
He instead sets the gift aside and climbs into Steve's lap. Legs over the arm of the easy chair and arms around Steve neck. Bucky buries his face in Steve's neck and shoulder, trembling.
"Thank you," he whispers, "thank you," his tears smear into Steve skin. Not for the first time. Not for the last. Steve cradles him, rocking them a touch. Kissing the top of his head as he keeps talking, "I love your drawings. I love that you helped me remember and will keep helping me, if I need it, when I need it-" he lifts his head, kissing him and saying the words right there, against his lips, "I love you."
"I love you too," Steve promises, cupping his face, thumbing the lines of his tears away tenderly, "end of the line and back, you an' me, sweetheart."
(P.S. I assume you wanted this to be horny but... I was thinking about gifts Steve might give him and then this happened lol)
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alatusxiaoo · 3 years
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“what am i doing with my life…” you quietly grumble to yourself in disbelief, drowsily squinting your eyes from the blinding flashes of illumination on your television screen. it was currently midnight, the ticking numbers on your alarm clock bathed in a glow of neon red on a busy weekend.
and yet here you were, begrudging as you fumbled with the controller wires, the monitor displaying a familiar otome game you once claimed to ‘abhor with much disgust’. (not so repulsed anymore now, were you?)
you know you promised your friend you’d play when she was around…but could she blame you for your unbridled curiosity that rampaged through the late hours? although to be perfectly frank, you would rather be hanged than caught by your friend playing the said game alone.
and so here you sat, insistent on your own denial despite your eyes brimming with unspoken excitement. perhaps the game wasn’t as bad as you initially thought of it as…
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the season of unforgiving heat and humidity has returned.
main menu. summer playlist.
(a sneak peak!) the prologue.
two weeks ago.
“hey, want to hear a scary story?”
a hushed group of distinctive murmurs ensued from the boy’s unexpected comment. “yes please!” “tell us!” “no way, are you all crazy?!” “nope, i’m covering my ears for this.”
the male student simply snickered with the casual shake of his head, rocking back on his chair in amusement. “only a select few…know about the school’s urban legend.”
“my cousin’s friend graduated from our school, i heard the story from him.” another girl piped up from behind, a plastered smirk across her face. “listen up.”
a large group of students in the classroom began to sidle up next to the group to hear the story. almost all of them were brimming with interest and excitement, whereas a particular blonde haired boy remained quiet as he meticulously filed books on his seat, tousled locks of hair masking the crestfallen look behind viridescent green eyes.
“have you all heard about the incident from six years ago?”
there was a student at this school, who jumped to his death.
“i’ve been thinking this from the first moment i met you, but you’re really weird.”
he was popular because he got good grades, and got along well with everyone.
“you’re so shy that you can’t talk to anyone in your class, but you say whatever you want to me.” “well…you talked to me first.”
“you get scared easily, but you’re still really cheeky. and whenever i’m with you, i become talkative. but i usually feel really uncomfortable and dislike talking about myself. why is it okay around you?”
“oh, i hear from a lot of my friends that i seem harmless.”
“i think i know what you mean, but it’s more like…”
but one day, he suddenly jumped off the roof of the school building.
apparently because he was burned out from school.
“what, you’re gonna tease me again aren’t you—”
“…you’re lovable?”
it hasn’t been long since it happened, but the school was so strict about not letting it get out…
…that most of the new student and newly hired teachers don’t know that it happened.
“at least i don’t bottle up my feelings…while making it obvious that i’m being forced to do something i hate.
but the only problem is…
you can spend your entire life giving up the things you like,
like your drawings, and me.
…that every so often, there are students who say they saw him.
you coward.”
especially on days when it rains, and you end up being the only one at school to stay late.
they say to watch out if you see an unfamiliar boy…
“now i understand.
roaming the halls or suddenly sitting and studying in a vacant seat.
the reason it happened to him, was because of you…
because it might just be his ghost.
…and because of me.”
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the afternoon when spring ends.
“thanks for accompanying me.” you timidly mutter, clasping your fingers together as your palms begin to sweat.
“no worries. i’m happy you took my advice on this.” she nods in approval, patting your back to reassure you. “i know it’s been…difficult. i’m glad you’re brave enough to take this step.”
“how spicy do you want rice cakes?” came faint snickers from a group of four high-school students, as they ambled through the somewhat deserted city streets, other than you and your friend who were walking the opposite direction. “really spicy!”
“speaking of which, you still haven’t been sleeping well lately?” your friend questions in concern with a frown painted across her face, after pointing out your seemingly exhausted demeanor.
“no…it was just last night.” you wave it off with the lazy flick of your hand.
“is it some kind of recurring seasonal disorder? how come you only have trouble sleeping in the summer?”
the murmurs of the approaching students were getting louder, and the next thing you knew, the both of you were already passing each other.
a look of sadness flashes over your face, before you hurriedly conceal the expression with a quick smile. “in the summer…it’s so hard to breathe because of how humid it is.”
“yeah, it’s the same for me too.”
to each person comes their own spring.
your feet audibly halt in your tracks, ensuing a side glance from your friend walking ahead.
and thus, the world is alive with many a springtime.
that answer.
before you can even begin to think, your body immediately turns to stare at the familiar silhouette in astonishment. “excuse me!”
but he doesn’t turn around.
(and you know you can’t lose him again.)
your feet slowly break into a scamper. “hey…”
“wait...!” your hand stretches out to the closer figure.
and there are those…
unfortunately, a protruding slab of stone stands in your way, and before you even notice it, your foot had already bumped against it. “huh…?”
…who confine themselves in memories of the past…
but the man turns.
and you catch each other’s gaze before you fall.
rejecting the welcoming of a new spring.
“what the hell are you doing…” your friend grumbles, covering her face with a hand out of second-hand embarrassment, as she glances at your face planted down to the rough ground.
the four students hurriedly gather around your body, whispering to each other in evident shock. “that was so loud. do you think she’s okay?” “it must really hurt…” “is she unconscious?” “should we call 911?”
“um…” came an oddly familiar voice that made you flinch, as a shadow hunched over your body.
you muster the strength to push your body up, startling the other three students who assumed you were unconscious.
a quivering hand reaches out to the boy’s pristine face, and you swore you would recognize those features from anywhere.
that fateful summer day would arrive again for the two left behind…
the boy’s eyes widen into a look of bewilderment at the familiar name, and tears start to brim in the corners of your eyes.
…in the shadows of the stifling monsoon season.
welcome to summer.
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how to play the game:
choices have three effects: they may either increase or decrease a character’s affection, or take no effect at all.
each character’s path will have their own ending, depending on who’s route you choose to take.
dialogues in this shade signify a turning point or a major change in your relationship with a specific character.
new feature unlocked: unspoken words! — little anonymous excerpts found within each act.
summer routes!
childe — in the shadows of the stifling monsoon season.
kazuha — beneath the effulgent daylight and the moonlight’s incandescent glow.
other notes.
all credits and inspiration taken from the seasons of blossom webtoon <3 (pls show the original lots of love, it’s seriously very worth reading!)
the opening of the story will follow the original plot, and then the rest will be my rendition of it :”))
this season will contain sensitive topics such as mentions of suicide, and most likely a shit ton of angst. if you’re not comfortable with that, i’d suggest you’d skip this season’s chapters.
tagged players: @kimura-uzuri @dourpeep @smol-knife @kazuhafleur @wispycecilia @valberiyah @xiaoren001
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