#this show is sponsored by voxtek
ciircex · 6 months
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Vox [ @voxistem ] questioned, " sorry, am i boring you? " / sarcastic. he's probably running stats & terrorizing the models with info while velvette's not there :') || General Sentences
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── 🕸️All these MODELS were walking as if they had TWO left feet, STUMBLING && TRIPPING over nothing but air. It seemed to have just been made WORSE with Vox sniffing around. With Velvette gone for the moment, the studio was UTTERLY hopeless and defenseless. ( A FEW MODELS GIGGLE HERE AND THERE, FLATTERED TO HAVE AN OVERLORD TALKING TO THEM EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS GOING ON ABOUT. ) Circe had thought she was relatively SAFE from whatever Vox was currently trying to do, thought that if she continued on like NORMAL, she would be safe && blend in with the VARIETY of faces. No such luck though, for here she stood, having to listen to stats that she couldn't give TWO shits about. Circe was watching the PRACTICE walks for the upcoming fashion show rather than Vox, a YAWN leaving her mouth before she could CHOKE it back. "Boring me?" Circe asks, DRAWING out of her collective thoughts as her crimson gaze shoots back to Vox, trying to ignore the more INTERESTING things in the room. She picked up on the SARCASM just fine and it PROMPTED her to respond just with her own brand of sarcasm. "Maybe you are or MAYBE it's just I'm so... DISTRACTED. Who's to say? I just don't think I have the... CAPACITY to understand the very important stats. I'm just a DUMB fashion model, after all." Circe, Rosemary Weston, was NOT just a dumb fashion model. A dumb fashion model wouldn't have gotten away with her spouses clean kills if she wasn't smart but at this very moment, she would ACT it if it meant Vox would move on to another model in the ROOM.
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voxasks · 6 months
“hello  everyone!  this  is  a  semi  important  announcement  even  if  the  topic  sounds  satire.”
“many  people  have  asked  me  about  the  alastor  body  pillow  multiple  times  before  and  the  topic  was  recently  brough  up  in  my  inbox  again!  A̶G̶A̶I̶N̶.  so  i've  decided  to  just  answer  your  questions  once  and  for  all!”
“i  do  not  have  a  body  pillow  of  alastor.  unlike  you  dry-throat  dick  vacuums,  i'd  actually  like  to  spend  my  money  on  things  that  are  worth all  my  overnight  work  and  the  billions  of  cups  of  coffee  at  the  vee  tower.  alastor  and  i  were  friends  for  years.  i  wish  he  was  dead,  but  he  isn't.  it  is  not  a  crush,  but  an  ongoing  rivalry,  even  if  he  doesn't  see  it  this  way,  he  continues  to  reply  to  my  programs  about  him  which  leads  me  to  believe  he  cares  more  than  he  says  he  does.  the  picture  i  have  of  him  was  taken  with  his  consent.  the  other  half  is  at  large—at  least,  to  you  viewers  that  is.”
"i  know  it  is  rich  coming  from  me—nevermind  it  isn't  voxtek  sponsors  many  shows—but  please,  learn  to  view  things  from  context.  i  don't  think  you  are  toddlers  and  if  you  are  you  wouldn't  be  able  to  read  this—i  don't  think  i  have  to  spell  things  out  for  you  everytime.  i  am  going  to  give  you  the  same  answer  everytime,  so  unless  it  is  a  variation  of  the  questions  i  just  answered,  then  p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶. r̶e̶a̶d̶. t̶h̶e̶. f̶i̶n̶e̶. p̶r̶i̶n̶t̶.”
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snezario · 7 months
Technical Difficulties; Vo//x
A/N: The Ha/zb/in Hot/el hyperfixation continues... For the longest time, I struggled with how snz with a television screen for a head would even work but @stormyweaver solved that instantly ty friend (I don't even talk abt it in this fic lol)... Anyways I'm throwing this out into the world and hibernating for the next year!! Here's some very self-indulgent tv demon Suffering
You’ll have to try harder than that next time, old pal.
Alastor’s last words to him play again in his mind. The pompous freak. Which brings Vox to his current situation, standing in front of the stained glass doors of the Hazbin Hotel. He straightens his bowtie and raps on the door three times. Charlie opens the door just as his hand lifts from the third knock. Her shock at seeing one of the Vees at her doorstep is quite apparent. Vox smiles widely and extends his hand.
“Your majesty, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Vox, head of VoxTe-”
“YOU! You gotta lotta fucking nerve coming here!” Before Vox can finish, Angel Dust appears by Charlie’s side stabbing an accusatory finger towards him. Ah yes, Val’s favorite little whore. Almost immediately after, Vaggie is also standing before him, scowling. Vox maintains his sharp grin despite the intrusion and scoots away from Angel’s finger.
“I sincerely apologize for our previous interaction, Princess. Val, Velvette, and I have given it some thought and we were hoping to develop a mutually beneficial relationship. You see, the whole reason we even sent Pentious is because of your current sponsor-”
“Alastor?” Charlie interrupts, tilting her head.
Just the mention of his name is enough to send a volatile surge of electricity through his circuitry. Vox quickly unfurls the fist he unconsciously made and smiles.
“Yes, we seem to have got off on the wrong foot so to speak. Alastor (Vox says his name with such venom that Charlie shrinks back slightly), and I haven’t always quite seen eye-to-eye, but that’s no reason for the two of us to have any quarrel. In fact, we have a few ideas that we’d like to run by you and modernize what you’ve got here.”
Little Miss Bleeding Heart’s eyes light up, her positivity and compassion almost makes him fucking vomit, were he capable of such human vulnerabilities.
“Ohmygod, we would LOVE to have more Overlords on board with the Hazbin Hotel. Come in, come in! Let me show you around,” She beckons him in while Vaggie continues to glare at him suspiciously as he steps over the threshold, pointing her spear at him.
“One wrong move and I’m shoving this spear through your chest,” she threatens.
This is actually the first time he’s stepped foot in the building. It’s not nearly as hi-tech as his VoxTek building, probably that radio fucker’s influence. Husk flips him off from the bar in the back. A small black cat weaves between his legs, purring before settling in on a nearby couch.
Before he can comment on anything, an unmistakable shadow glides along the floor before his rival manifests in front of him. Vox’s blood pressure spikes as he stands face to face with Alastor. The radio demon is wearing his almost patented grin (the smiling freak), seemingly unperturbed by the Vox’s presence at the hotel.
“Ah, if it isn’t my so-called ‘rival.’ Trying your hand at redemption?” Alastor smirks, twirling his staff nonchalantly. Vox’s hypnotic eye swirls with momentary fury. He takes a deep breath and instead of rising to the barb, Vox flashes his own demonic fangs.
Charlie begins the tour in the foyer, showing him every minute detail. Of course, he’s not really listening at all. His attention is momentarily diverted when he feels an unusual tingling in the back of his screen. It passes just as quickly as it appeared. Not giving Vox much time to contemplate it, Charlie drags him off to another room in the hotel.
As they walk around, Princess Morning Star continues chattering excitedly about having sappy conversations in the parlor. Despite Alastor’s insistence that he has better things to do than babysit his media rival, Vox can feel him following close behind them. Not only that, but it’s becoming more clear to him that something is wrong. The fuzzy feeling is starting to become more than just a minor inconvenience. He tries to ignore the rising wave of panic in his chest. He just updated his software not too long ago.
“Soooo what did you think?” Charlie’s looking at him with puppy-dog eyes. He looks around and realizes that they’re back in the lobby. Apparently they made an entire loop of the hotel and now Charlie is expectantly awaiting a response. He opens his mouth to speak but it’s at this moment that the fuzzy feeling becomes outright unbearable. And, unfortunately for him no amount of ignoring it seems to do the trick. The buzzing sensation crests and the veneer of self-control crumbles. His screen glitches out as his body snaps forward as he is overcome by the feeling.
The hotel lights dim during Vox’s expulsion, causing the residents to glance around in confusion. As the lights flicker back on, Vox realizes that the hotel has fallen completely silent. He finds that he’s also teleported 5 feet from where he was previously standing. Everyone is staring at him, their facial expressions a mix of annoyance, bewilderment, and amusement (from Alastor, the bastard). Angel is the first to speak.
“What the fuck just happened?”
Vox mentally repeats the same question to himself. What the fuck did just happen? Did he just… sneeze? He didn’t even think it was possible, at least not in his new form.
“Seems like our little video friend is experiencing some *technical* difficulties.” Alastor chimes in, the pleasure he seems to have derived from Vox’s predicament is quite apparent. Smug piece of shit. What he wouldn’t give to punch him in his perfect teeth.
His resolve wavers as he senses another prickle at the back of his head. Sparks generate along his frame as Vox tries to fight another surge of the unwanted feeling… to no avail. Vox’s screen dims as he involuntarily sucks in a sharp breath.
hh’zZZSHh! ihh..ihh’ZZSSHhoo!
The outburst causes another surge of electricity in the hotel, as well as leading a couple of the overhead light bulbs to explode. By the time he straightens up Niffty has already sprung into action, sweeping up the shards of glass that now litter the hotel floor.
“WHATTHEFUCK,” he spits out, unable to maintain his composure despite the fact that he had an audience.
“Hmm, persistent,” Alastor muses, thoughtful tapping his slender fingers on the top of his staff. While everyone else is still processing the most recent events, Alastor surveys the damage to the hotel. As scans the lobby, his gaze falls on KeeKee. Realization dawns on him. Ohoho, this could be quite entertaining, best he keep this bit of information to himself for now.
“I– ihh… I have to go,” Vox manages to say through clenched teeth. The less he said the better his chances were if he were going to keep the feeling at bay. He prepares to teleport out, but not before the sneeze he was so desperately trying to hold back, slips out.
ih’ITZZSSHhh! Godfuckingdamnit. To save himself what little dignity Vox has left, not that there’s much remaining at this point, he departs in a flash of light.
“Talk lat-” Charlie trails off as she realizes that Vox has already electorported out of the hotel.
“Well that was quite interesting,” Alastor spins his staff around before magick-ing it out of existence. He seems to have something on the tip of his tongue, but ultimately decides to keep the thought to himself, humming nonchalantly as he walks away.
Sitting on his couch, Vox groans and flops back. Well not only did that fail miserably, Vox embarrassed himself in front of the entire Hazbin Hotel family. He sinks deeper into the couch cushions as the entire fiasco plays in his head. His rumination is interrupted by a straggling tickle.
Dragging a hand down his screen, he sniffles (really?! this just got better and better) and sighs. This was quite an unpleasant experience, one he would not like to deal with again anytime soon. Somehow he felt this was Alastor’s doing, no he knew the radio demon fuck definitely had something to do with it.
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keikakudom · 5 months
I wonder if Angel recognized vox? It must be a little awkward to be staying at a resort sponsored by your boss's former partner, to avoid your boss. Speaking of which, is the resort still free? (Weird attention point I know) bc it seems like lots of people would take advantage of its facilities without bothering w redemption if it were free, so how do they deal with it?
Omg, these are two things I've actually thought about. A LOT.
Okay, so for Angel's situation(I'm fine with explaining it briefly, because it might be /awhile/ until I get to posting about his design):
Yes, he recognizes Vox, but he's also in sort of a sweet deal right now, also thanks to Vox; Angel lives at the resort, but it's also his workplace. Charlie knew vaguely about Vox's association with the Vees, she's not blind to Hell politics in this AU. When Vox negotiated with Valentino to recruit Angel Dust to be an entertainer/stripper for the resort(since Angel's a celebrity and having a permanent show there for him would definitely bring in an audience), Charlie made sure that any contracted souls would have a place for refuge at the resort.
So in this AU, Angel isn't a pornstar anymore(cough hint hint: this also means that Valentino shifted away from porn. Crazy? I will go more into this later). I imagine this like an additional, temp clause to Angel's contract; as long as he brings in an audience/revenue and keeps up numbers at the resort, he gets to keep a better QoL. Is he grateful to Vox? No, cause Vox could've easily done this throughout the years he'd known Angel + made the margins of his newfangled freedom more than the bare minimum to appease Charlie and benefit Vox's interests. Charlie hasn't been around their circle nearly enough to figure that out, nor is very keen on all the details surrounding this; she only thinks that Vox barely managed to snag a deal from Valentino for Angel's new conditions.
And for your second question-- yep, the resort is still "free!"
Anyone can check in and partake in their general services(redemption, blah blah blah). That doesn't mean it's not profitable. Just like public malls, or other types of casual resorts and casinos, they make revenue from the very environment. Advertisements, upgraded amenities, exclusive entertainment and shows-- the very fact that the CEO of Voxtek, PLUS the Royal Family of Hell are sponsoring this resort? Oh, now it sounds like hot shit. Sinners might not even be /too/ interested in redemption, but it's a spectacle of entertainment that's so unique to the rest of Hell. The visit is sweetened by the idea that Sinners have a place to be "safe" from their contracts. Obviously, this isn't exactly true but it's the brand, the image, that Vox has designed for the resort to project. A certain Radio Demon has a lot to say about that.
And you're right! Does this mean that they'll stay there forever, if they lack any redemption efforts to leave? Whooo knows. Vox has his own ideas on "dead product". I have a comic script written about this, so I'll leave that there.
Thank you for the questions, it gave me a chance to spill the beans somehow!! I know there are a lot of unanswered questions here too, but hopefully it gave a bit more understanding to how the resort functions :"D
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voxxcd · 2 months
             ╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗                Vox Arena Event               ╚═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╝
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And now, ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our games! Congratulations to our surprise dual victors, @voxxcd and @infernal-blaze! What an unexpected twist! That wraps up our show for now. Thank you for tuning in, and a big thank you to our sponsors! We hope you enjoyed the performance. Good night!
╔═════ ═════╗  ╔═════ ═════╗  ╔═════ ═════╗ Voxtek     Her Royal Crown Carmine Weapons ╚═════ ═════╝  ╚═════ ═════╝ ╚═════ ═════╝ ╔═════ ═════╗  ╔═════ ═════╗  ╔═════ ═════╗ Lucky Fox    Valentino's Disco Station TRD ╚═════ ═════╝  ╚═════ ═════╝ ╚═════ ═════╝
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velveteenvanity · 1 month
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Asks: Closed [On Break] Answering Time: 1-3 days
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┏ The screen flickers to life to show the Social Media Overlord herself, Velvette. A sinister smile plays on her face as she addresses you crassly.┛
"Wuz up, bitches?! Are you listening cause I'm going to be fast with my replies and am here to give you the latest trends and juicy drama.~ Leave it to me, the Social Media Queen, to keep you well-informed of all Hell's best viral posts and most in fashion wears! Velvette Out!" ╰┈➤
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Rules: ✧ No Minors! 18+ only! ✧ Velvette and Mod Nine are both over 18. Don't be weird. ✧ NSFW is maybe okay. Just behave. *bonks* ✧ Stays as canon as I can. Just correct me if I slip up. ✧ Be Respectful. No OOC or Fandom hate/drama nonsense. ✧ Feel free to bully Velvette. This is a fictional character. Go ham. ✧ Be aware that Velvette is not nice. She will bite back. ✧ IC =/= OOC. Everything I post IC stays IC and is not me OOC. ✧ Don't spam. Use common sense. ✧ Asks only. I might rarely do a couple of reblog replies on asks but stick to just asks. ✧ Main Blog: @alkasden
Tags: #velvanityask - Ask Posts. #velvanityrp - IC Posts. #velvanityart - Art Posts. #modnine - OOC Posts.
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┏ With that, the feed ends with Velvette's final words and smug look.┛
"Got it? Good, cause I won't hesitate to cancel your ass off Voxtagram. Now get to asking, nerds." ╰┈➤
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┏ Sponsored by VoxTek. TRUST US! ┛
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voxstagram-8k · 8 months
Fuck my life.
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Character information:
Vox is a demon overlord from Hazbin Hotel.
His powers are electronically based.
He works at the V tower with Velvette and Valentino.
He likes coffee.
How are you this Hellish morning? - ask answers
Commercial break - ooc
This show is sponsored by Voxtek - roleplay replies
Vox-2-Nite - other in character posts
May not always reply promptly
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puzzlingrubberknife · 3 months
Alright, Mr. Vox, just a few questions for you– the people need to know– do you ever need to plug yourself in, or is your charging situation more wireless? And if someone special like, say, Spoon asked you to play something specific on your facial monitor, would you be able to watch the show with them, or would it be more like being blindfolded? Thanks again for the interview– maybe you'll be able to catch this segment later on one of your own channels?
Signing off: Head Reporter Lucy Stevens!
Thanks for the questions, Mrs. Stevens!
Now for charging, I can go both ways. Wireless is my go-to though, kinda annoying to get comfortable while I'm plugged into the wall. Y'know those table things you set your phone on to get them to charge? Yeah, I got a bigger version under the sheets on my side of the bed. It took fuckin YEARS to make that and ACTUALLY GET IT TO CHARGE-
And as for the whole monitor thingy, no, I can't watch it with them...I can hear everything going on though, and that's enough for me. I'm not exactly BLINDFOLDED, I can still see everything else in the room just fine. Got a little camera built into my head like those laptops. You can't see it, but it's there.
Anyways, thanks again for the interview, wonderful seeing you! :]
[This segment was sponsored by Voxtek. Trust us with your safety.]
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voxasks · 1 month
Afternoon Boss! I brought the scripts you wanted <3 How are you today?
- 🐺❄️🥀 aka a script writer 4 voxtek
“I’m fine, but  told  you  I  wanted  these?  I’m  the  CEO,  I  don’t  finalize  scripts  for  the  shows  VoxTek  sponsors—give  it  to  the  directors  for  the  show—whichever one that may be.”
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voxxcd · 3 months
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"Be sure to watch the Voxtek sponsored fire works tonight. Along with usual fireworks, some of which in the shape of your favorite products, we've also put together a drone show this year."
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voxasks · 5 months
Do you like horror as a genre or any specific sub-genres of it? If so, any specific media you enjoy? Personally I’m a big fan of things that mess with your head and/or are more subtle or creepy - I really enjoyed listening to The Magnus Archives, would highly recommend. (This is also a recommendation to your editor if they like horror and haven’t listened to it)
"i  don't  really  have  the  time  to  dabble  in  a  lot  of  entertainment  media  in  general,  which,  sounds  wrong  considering  the  amount  of  shows  voxtek  sponsors  but—i'm  not  in  charge  of  the  writing,  and  i  more  so  observe  the  public's  reactions  to  them  and  move  forward  from  there.  but  i  digress.  i  have  heard  of  the  rising  popularity  in  analogue  horror  and  i  think  it's  completely  deserved.  and  thank  you  for  the  recommendation!  i'll  have  my  editor  check  it  out  and  report  his  findings  back  to  me."
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voxasks · 6 months
"And if this isn't my favorite hellish CEO!~"
The tall demon-woman exclaimed as soon as she stepped inside Vox's office. Her toothed grin as always ligthened her face and her curly blond hair waving a bit with every step she took. The owner of Hellishwood didn't have any hesitation before barging into Vox's space just like this and completely out of blue. Considering the number of years, which could be counted in decades, where the two of them worked together as business partners she treated Vox's space as her own.
"Now, now. Before you get fussy and pissy about why I am here TV sweetheart let me just remind you that Vela doesn't come without purpose... Most of the time"
The fellow overlord cut off Vox without even letting him have an attempt to greet her back. Her last words followed with small chuckle and playful roll of her eyes as she leaned against her business partner's desk her eyes now glancing to the tech demon.
"I have a few propositions to make your sweet little TV media even more popular. In short. I've come with show and movie ideas. We can discuss them now... Unless you have something more important to do?"
She asked mainly from the pure act of good manners... If such a thing can even exist in hell. However her eyes clearly gave a small signal that she wouldn't take kindly offer to talk later nor she would be glad from being avoided in any way by her dear 'friend'. Considering how she was another always attention and fame wanting overlord such behavior was nothing out of general.
(From @jasminela-chan )
—  vox's  nail  guards  click  in  a  rippling  motion  against  his  armrest  as  he  eyed  the  woman  up  and  down,  a  brow  raised  and  an  unamused  scowl  upon  his  face.  then  suddenly,  the  corner  of  his  lip  turned  upwards.
“i  do  actually  already  have  entertainment  sponsored  by  voxtek  and  is  already  scheduled  in  our  channel.  but  i  admit,  seeing  as  you  do  have  expertise  on  the  matter  i  happen  to  be  interested  in  what  you  have  to  say.  shoot.”
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