#this shit sucks and is really hard for me because I'm a COMPLETIONIST
corelliaxdreaming · 2 years
Six episodes and change in, I'm just...I'm giving up on Andor. I hate it. I hate the huge continuity errors, Disney's incessent need to rewrite established canon to insert new characters in rolls that are already filled, the absolute character assassination of Mon Mothma, the plot points that just make no sense. It's causing me legit anxiety trying to force myself through it, and I just can't. I know I'm the only person on Earth who doesn't think it's the greatest Star Wars shit to ever Star Wars. I. Don't. Care.
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joviantwelve · 1 year
beat the Live A Live remake...I bought it when it came out but my ADHD ass didn't wanna play it until I braced myself fully for all the secret bosses, because I wanted to be completionist this time around...
...was very worth it though! what a good fucking game! everything they added made it even better; the QoL to the battle system alone is just huge. ("there were weaknesses and resistances in this game??" I say, having literally beaten the original)
almost feel like I should get a music player on my blog again so I can throw the new mix of Megalomania up there, because I had it on my blog like 10 years ago and had asks like "oh my god what is that song from??" LMFAO. full circle
I wish every cult classic could get another shot at life with this much love and care. and hey, now it's on Steam, so this is me telling you you have no excuse!!
full game spoilers below, but I had a few screenshots I wanted to take. also some additional, equally spoilery commentary:
...mostly of boss kills, because I started with Prehistory (I like going chronologically, it pleases my brain), so I figured "well I'm grinding forever to take down the mammoth, as well as other superbosses I heard were Hard, I might as well get screenshot trophies of everything"
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poop throw MVP
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adding voice acting really makes you confront a few things. why did they make ou di wan lee sound hot.
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oh my god FUCK THIS SWORD GUY. I was trying to go for oboromaru no kill route so I had to just...grind on ghosts...then this ghost sword guy keeps killing my ass...sob...sob...I actually almost gave up here
then I didn't
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the fish was so much easier in comparison man
oboromaru why is your chapter like this
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then I blanked and didn't take a picture of killing gamahebi because I was too overcome by the fact I 1) successfully did the no kill run and 2) never have to do this again
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awarded myself with gay cowboys next. I didn't go into this thinking "time to award myself with gay cowboys" but like, I last played this game before I realized I was gay. so like. it kind of just hit me all at once. oh no this Did something to me didn't it
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I took this screenshot because I was stoned as hell and mad dog's stupid little smug gayboy pose just really got me
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hey can I also say I just really like the HD2D style? I never played Octopath so this was my first....and like...this really fucking blows pretty much any SNES FF remake out of the water. I know they don't do this for every game because of Budget I'm sure, but like, God I Wish Every SNES Square RPG Could Get This Treatment
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is it just me or is odie o'bright the hardest final boss of the individual character chapters????? fuck this guy
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out of context live a live
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I love that they added voice to the combat too. hearing Akira go "YOU SUCK!" in a giant mech as he evades an attack is just
so fucking funny to hear in a final boss fight
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ok OD-10 had THE biggest glow-up though
every time my eyes got to grace this battlefield/boss I was like mMMmMMMMMMMM
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normal final boss fight :)
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i love masaru he's just a completely normal dude
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actually can I just say I LOVE how they localized the middle ages to be all shakespearean
which means that not only do oersted/odio get to be the hugest drama queens, every boss in the area in general just has the most delightful dialogue
FFXIV has taught them well. did you know the dialogue in FFXIV is NOT like that in japanese?! I can't even imagine
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it was around this point that I realized doing EVERY character dungeon probably overleveled me hardcore
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and, in that respect, I can see why you may have accidentally stumbled upon the fact that running from 100 encounters nets you a secret boss. I got sick of that shit around when Lei was one-shotting everything first turn
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not in a bad way necessarily. like I knew going in this was definitely going to happen since I'm doing EVERYTHING in a chapter where you can technically bumrush the final boss of the game
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so I guess my advice is, if you find the battle system a bit difficult during boss fights, leveling solves most ills
the other ills can be taken care of by Cube
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I admit I didn't vibe so much with Pure Odio upon first playthrough, mostly because it's hard to compete with Megalomania being there, but I really vibed with the new mix
but THEN
but THEN!!!!
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it's like something out of fanfic??? in the best way??? just this small little thing that really makes an impact on the character arc BUT NOT in a way that destroys anything that was there previously
just a small little detail...this is what I kinda wish for more remakes honestly?? expansion isn't BAD. some of the issues with modern remakes of games from 20 years ago is that they DON'T change anything. being TOO loyal can hurt sometimes
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also oersted's VA just fuckin KILLED it good job my dude
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gay cowboy dad giving the saddest boy in the universe some sympathy
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these credits were really nice. always gotta love Montage Credits
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live a live is so good.....................
i'm so glad this game can reach more people now. definite 10/10
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