#this sequence was soooo long i had to cut a lot of frames
sherrymagic · 10 days
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Hopefully you won't be married to Master Kuea when I return from England. I have already made myself clear to everyone. What about you? This time...
Freen Sarocha as LADY PIN and Becky Armstrong as PRINCESS ANIN THE LOYAL PIN | EP. 7
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT Rewatch 4X15 - Poor Unfortunate Souls
I’ve always loved this episode, but I can’t help but wonder what kind of SOUL searching I’ll need to do as I watch this one again! XD
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Eh, he got it.
Anyway, review’s under the cut!
Main Takeaways
So, it goes without say, but Poseidon is the best god! He has a tough commanding voice, a method of carrying himself that commands respect, a solid character arc, and MINIONS! What god doesn’t have minions that dress in uniforms and follow his every order without lip?! Additionally, he’s egotistical, placing his need to have Ursula by his side over her desires to sing and awful in that sense that he’ll buy her love rather than earn it. Basically, this guy has the presence of a god. Characters like Nimue and Merlin would have this similar presence, but as for Hades and Zeus, the other actual gods, they really don’t.
I love the story development in this episode. I’ll get into this shortly, but what makes this episode work so well is that Killian is shown to, despite being a ruthless pirate, be someone who does have the capacity for good in his heart. He’s someone who has that potential to care for another person and to be willing to go to great lengths for them. 
It’s great how Killian doesn’t go full tilt against Ursula upon getting a possibility for his revenge, but he does still retreat to villainy somewhat. The trip to Glowerhaven is now a trip not fully made out of goodness and selflessness, but also for profit as Killian asks for the squid ink before he transports Ursula away.
But the way he does ultimately go evil is interesting too. It’s not about hurting Ursula, but about hurting Poseidon. And that makes it worse -- the action that harms Ursula wasn’t made to hurt her, but out of spite. Ursula is turned in that instance from a friend into a pawn. And it’s interesting how Ursula takes agency in her own story back from both Poseidon and Killian. She stands up to both men and even takes the former’s triton to become a goddess and a villain. It’s so tragic, but also kind of badass!
Killian’s development in this episode is fantastic! I like how we see the difference between the hero clan and Killian. While their first thought, as David puts it, is to “save August,” Killian’s is to find the Dark One’s secrets. And I like how this isn’t a bad plan in comparison to theirs, but different. It’s an important part of dismantling Rumple’s schemes in the long run. I also like how the episode shows subtly how Killian’s mindframe about doing good changes within the scope of the episode. When he first announces how he’ll return Ursula’s happy ending, it’s done out of a need to get revenge on Rumple after he screwed them out of the dagger. Listen to how he talks about helping her: “Now’s the time to use it [his backstory with Ursula].” He also calls her a “creature” and a “monster,” and even when she stands up to him for the name calling, he doesn’t apologize.
And look at the way Killian talks about returning Ursula’s happy ending. Normally, a line like that is given lighter and more triumphant music to accompany it, but not here. That’s because it’s not about wanting to do right by Ursula, but that is the mindset he has to learn. He’s sort of on the right trail -- he even points out to Emma how he’s taking a page out of her book -- but because his mindset is botched, he’s not in the right mindset for when things go wrong. While Snow, David, or Emma would try to take a next step after the shell doesn’t originally work and assure Ursula that they’ll help her out, Killian doesn’t think of her wants and needs and just demands the information, endangering himself.
Ariel was both a weird choice and the BEST choice to help Killian along his trail to redemption. For one thing, it allows for the real Ariel to finally get some justice after what happened with Killian and Blackbeard and her in season 3. But most importantly, she highlights that getting a happy ending isn’t necessarily dependent on you alignment, but how you go about getting it. And this prompts Killian to ask for help. That asking for help s so important because of how it shifts Killian’s perspective from wanting to help Ursula for himself to wanting to help Ursula for her own good. That’s how a hero thinks. And it turns out that when he starts thinking that way, he’s not bad at doing good at all!
“If Gold did to me what he did to Hook, I’d want to shove that dagger through his heart too.” I kind of hate a lot of this show’s approaches to anger. Killian’s pissed -- and Emma’s pissed for him -- that Rumple took advantage of the growing trust between himself and Belle in order to reclaim his power, and now the entire town is in danger because of it. This line is treated as a way to foreshadow the possibility of Emma going dark, but honestly, it’s just anger. It’s a valid emotion and in from here until the end of the series, that anger tends to be framed as something that’s not allowed to happen, and the show is worse off for it. Is the agner a touch excessive? Arguably, but given how personal this crime was, I can get that it reached that extent. And Emma even elaborates on that point immediately afterwards.
All Encompassing
Out of all of the episodes where Killian screws things up in the past, but rights things in the present, this I feel is one of the best ones. Killian’s not heartless in either segment, his actions aren’t too bad that they can’t be made right by the events of the episode, and Killian’s approach has to change in regards to his own morality and motivations, which it does.
So, let’s talk about Ursula. On one hand, we never get to see or even hear about any of her villainy and that undermines a lot of her presence in the series. Despite all of the power that she supposedly has, it’s never used to any villainous effect. Because of that, to some extent, she’s less of a villain in a lot of way and more of a vessel for Killian and Rumple. And that’s not really fair. That said, I do think that her character development in this singular episode is quite substantial and in a way, redeems Ursula’s character. She’s given a clear and concise motivation for her villainy as well as a redemption that makes emotional sense. She’s tragic and unique in a lot of ways and her characteristics in both the past and present, despite that lack of villainy, make for a three dimensional character.
Stream of Consciousness
-I love the callback in the opening to both the source of Killian’s apprehension over mermaids from “The Heart of the Truest Believer” and to “The Little Mermaid.”
-I like the design for Ursula’s grotto. Sure, it’s probably like the show’s final Rumbelle scene where it was designed in a minimalist way by painting the set all black, but just as it was there, it’s pretty!
-I like the allusion as Ursula listens to classical music instead of torturing August and only begrudgingly joins Cruella at Cruella’s behest that Ursula is not all that interested in being a baddie.
-I love the clear BS’ing yet improvising skills that August puts on display here!
-”Well it wouldn’t be the first time he lied to my face.” Regina, get Elsa back here because Rumple gave August a BURN! XD
-I do appreciate that Emma points out how fucked up it was to steal a child! It’s not as far as this conflict should have gone, but it’s a good step.
-Between the magical eye drops, giving David half of her heart, Cora’s possession, all the breastfeeding she must be doing, and now this, Snow must be SO tired of sharing her body! XD
-I also appreciate how Regina’s first bit of dialogue was to tell Emma that Pinocchio was fine and what happened.
-”Who? Me?” This is some perfect comedy right here! I love the slow buildup and the way every character’s head is given its own individual moment to turn to Killian. It is a perfect punchline!
-”Even when I didn’t think he could deceive me any more, he found a way.” I feel so bad for Belle with this line. She’s so tired of being tricked by Rumple and now even trusting in those that she wants to is dangerous.
-”Then your name would’ve been written across it.” …”When you can see the future, there’s irony everywhere.”
-I LOVE this rendition of “Mysterious Fathoms Below.” It’s so soothing and beautiful. It feels both like a lullabye and what a group of sailors would want to hear after a long day, and that’s an interesting balance to hit.
-I love the costumes of Poseidon and his underlings. I like the beach-y things the cover the tops of their gold and their hats that look like conch shells!
-”It’s unwise to insult the size of a pirate’s ship.” Wouldn’t be OUAT without the occasional dick measuring contest.
-I actually totally forgot about that dream sequence Regina had. So, now that I remember again AND have the context of the Evil Queen arc, I think that arc either alluded to a fear of Regina’s evil impulses threatening to separate her from Robin or foreshadowing of jealousy from the Evil Queen and that’s Wish Robin that’s there.
-I love the absolute look of HORROR on August’s face as he’s turned back into a puppet.
-I’m starting to realize that anyone with a “code” in this series has a code that is weak as fuck!
-Thankfully, that nice swim will be UNDERcut by some FIN-terference, so he’ll SEA you later! XD
-Snow hitting Cruella over the head with a frying pan from back of the room was perfect! Not only is it so funny, but it was a great reminder of just how tactical Snow can be!
-Awww! That August and Emma reunion was soooo sweet! We really see that friendship they had come fully back and it’s honestly so heartwarming.
-I loved Poseidon’s apology to Ursula. There are no excuses and he really gets into how badly he screwed both her and himself over, and not in an egotistical way.
Favorite Dynamic
Ursula and Killian. I like the framing of their dynamic. Killian is very much a ruthless pirate and Ursula is clearly defined as someone who can break through that thanks to the peace her voice brings him. It’s an unconventional, but organic friendship. And I like how it’s not just Ursula providing Killian with things, but also Killian providing Ursula with emotional validation. Ursula doesn’t seem to have many friends (which makes sense given how she’s the daughter of a god), and that’s implied by just how much Killian’s words and promises impact her. You can see how badly she’s needed to hear that her way of honoring her mother hasn’t been wrong and that despite what Poseidon says, she’s doing the right thing. And in return, Ursula gives Killian peace and a chance at some level of redemption. Because of her voice and mercy, he’s able to see some good inside himself and offer her help. And until his revenge gets in the way, and he starts treating Ursula like a pawn, he holds himself to that.
Andrew Chambliss and Dana Horgan are in control today! And they did a good job! This is just a cohesive episode. Unlike “The Apprentice,” these guys knew exactly what they wanted to do with Killian’s character and did exactly that. They made his character consistent and kept his feelings throughout the episode clear. This is an enormous change from the Killian who didn’t even have a distinguished facial reaction to being forced to hold an old man hostage while he was sucked into a hat. And they still managed to put in nuanced discussions about what it means to think like and be a hero. Writing decisions like that make the kind of material that define a character and these guys brought their A-game to both segments.
Golden Apple. While I had my nitpicks, this was an amazing episode. Killian’s character development as he descends to and rises from villainy is really well done, the episode’s supporting characters are great, and Ursula is for the most part very three dimensional.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Captain Swan - “Don’t you know, Emma? It’s you.” I love these guys. I love how they value each other. I love how in this episode, Killian calls Emma his happy ending and the slow, meaningful reaction to that including the kiss. I love how Emma stands up to David when he even considers that Killian could be evil again. She really believes in him and trusts that he can do the right thing and get them the information they need.
Thank you all for reading!!! Shout out to @watchingfairytales and @daensarah!!
Season 4 Total (131/230)
Writer Scores: Adam and Eddy: (34/60) Jane Espenson: (20/40) David Goodman and Jerome Schwartz: (38/50) Andrew Chambliss: (32/50) Dana Horgan: (16/30) Kalinda Vazquez: (22/40) Scott Nimerfro: (14/30) Tze Chun (8/20)
Operation Rewatch Archives
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mstakitakeshima · 7 years
170729 Put Your Teen Top 7 Concert @ KBS Arena Fan Account
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We arrived at the venue 2 hours before the concert. First we claimed the tickets we bought at Hanatour then placed our gifts in the gift box. (We soon thought that we could've left the gift for Ricky at his parents' restaurant (BHC Chicken) and C.A.P's gifts at his sister's cafe (Coco Valley)--both places we visited days after the concert.
After putting our gifts inside the boxes, we walked back out and my friend, Lyn (@YooByungChan) purchased some of the merchs. All the while, I was trying to listen to the annoucements of the staff.
Soon, I heard the word "Standing" and I know that that's our cue to approach the staff and ask about where to line up. While in line, I met @Hedgehog_1104, an awesome awesome Angel, C.A.P fan, and the woman behind some of the most awesome fan-taken photos and videos of C.A.P. She helped us purchase our concert tickets and so, I asked her to meet me at the venue just so I could thank her. I gave her chocolate mango from Lyn and she gave us hand fans with C.A.P's handsome face on it. Soooo happy!
Before walking inside the venue, we were arranged by the numbers in our tickets. Yep. Even though we're standing, we're still very organized. :)
By the gate, we were handed this: 
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The concert started almost on time. It was a little past 6PM when all the lights went out and "Love Is" started to play. I don't have a copy of the setlist but if I remember correctly, they sang at least 5 songs in a row. Teen Top's stamina is almost unbelievable. This is the fourth time I've watched their concert live and I am always in awe at how strong their lungs are. Wow! Just wow!
They introduced themselves and talked for a while, laughed, and joked around. After that, they sang and danced again. Ricky was so sweaty that his undershirt was sticking to his body. Yep. We are that near to the stage that I can see this. Also at some point, I got a peek at Niel's chest tattoo since I think 2 of his undershirt buttons are undone.
There was a part when one of them asked someone to dance as though they're "clubbing". I forgot who but it soon went down to Niel. Haha. So he was asked to dance in the middle and he did. It was a silly dance that made everyone in KBS Arena extra happy than we already are.
In the middle of Niel's "clubbing" dance, Chunji went to join him but as soon as he did, the music stopped. Chunji then whined and  asked, "Wae?!" C.A.P, laughing, said that the director doesn't want him to dance, so he stopped the music. Chunji was still sulking when he went back with the rest. This is soooo funny. HAHAHA!
Next to do the "clubbing" dance was C.A.P. Here's a video of bouncing baby boy, Minsoo. Hahaha
The boys interacted with the fans a lot! Their relationship with K-Angels is really beautiful. Ricky kept on waving and smiling and talking to fans. I also saw Niel, Chunji, and Changjo doing this. There was a part when C.A.P asked a fan about her thoughts about the concert so far and the Angel replied: "Minsoo so handsome!" C.A.P laughed but said that she's saying nonsense then asked another fan. This fan then said something like, "It's fun or she's having fun." Angels screaming and telling C.A.P that he's handsome didn't stop there. Once, C.A.P asked a fan to get out the venue after telling him that he's soooo handsome. C.A.P was laughing when he said this and the boys are laughing with him. Sooooo cute! :))
Again the lights went out and a video was played. It was like a look back from Clap to Supa Luv days, NMPOY, and so on. It's so obvious that they've cut all of L.Joe's parts. Not one frame showed him and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic.
The first video began by showing a letter T, the second video began with a letter E, the third with another E, then an N, then T, O, and lastly, P. TEEN TOP. Every time a video ends is a performance. First was Ricky for his solo stage.
Ricky went out again in the extended stage, near where we're standing which was really wondeful! :) He changed into a dark blue long-sleeved button down shirt and he's still sweating! Haha. He had his eyes closed during most of the song because, I think, his sweat is getting in his eyes. But his voice really did improve a lot! So proud of baby Ricky. :)
Here’s a fancam: 
I like the part when K-Angels started chanting Yoo Changhyun during the first part of the song. I only hear that on fancams but this time, I was part of that crowd. It's truly great to be there. :)
Next came Chunji, looking so pretty with his light colored clothes. He sang "Marry Me". Here's a fancam:
Again, he performed on the extended stage. The first time he laughed while singing, it was because he missed the right tune and struggled with the lyrics. Just like with Ricky, Angels started chanting "Lee Chanhee". During a short break in the song, Chunji let go of the laughter he's been keeping in and the fans grow wild. He's soooo cute! And his voice, wow! I fell in love with Chunji that night. And Lyn, well.. she's a Chunsa and I can see her melting right where she's standing while Chunji sings, in his sweet sweet voice, "Marry Me." Superb!
Third solo stage went to Niel. My first reaction when I heard his voice was, "Wow! Niel so hot!" Watch the fancam here. That distinct voice, that angst, the mature vibe.. it's porn waiting to happen. I didn't know the lyrics of the song then, so all I got was the melody, how he interpreted it, and his voice! Niel's voice is really unique and eargasmic.
Niel was dressed in all white and he has this dancer wearing all black and dreadlocks dancing around him. Another fan later interpreted it on Twitter as: "Like an inner demon wanting to get out." Well thought of concept, I must say, now that I know the lyrics of the song. Check it here.
Fourth stage goes to giant maknae, Changjo. Teen Top grew to be a group of good looking and hot men. Changjo. Wow. This boy. Here's a fancam:
He first sang a very beautiful ballad and just like Ricky's, Changjo's voice also improved a lot! I've been a fan since 2012, so I kinda witnessed them grow mature each passing year and with it, saw their talents get sharper and better year after year. :)
The ballad was short and he soon asked the crowd to "help him" with his performance. He said, as you can watch in the video: "When I say, You get me high, you say, Get me!" And so, we all sang with him and it was awesome! He moved to the upper stage for the next song which was perfectly fine because up there, we can better see the choreo and boy was it soooo sexy! Damn, maknae!
The sequence of the solo stages has been well thought of as well. It started with Ricky's and Chunji's ballad songs, followed by Niel'emotional and angstsy number. Changjo followed suit with his ballad then dance song which lightened up the mood. He also had a little rap which prepared us for C.A.P's stage. My favorite part, of course. *wink wink
C.A.P first appeared on the upper stage where he stayed until the first song is almost done. He also had the longest solo stage. As you can see in this fancam, his stage lasted for over 7 wonderful minutes.
Everything about C.A.P spelled H-O-T. The sunglasses with that nerdy string, the lose white shirt tucked in by the belt buckle, the ripped black skinny pants, the tattoos, THAT FACE!, and of course, that voice. That unmistakable deep voice. Ugh!
This may be a little too bias but I love love love C.A.P's solo stages because then, he's all by himself, doing the thing he loves which is rapping. It's a feast to see him being passionate over his craft. He'd be raising his voice, he'd be screaming, all the while staying in tune with the beat. I just... I have no other words to describe it but beautiful. Simply beautiful.
After his first song, C.A.P said, "Sorry if it was too hiphop, the next song will be quieter" or so I thought I heard him say. Hehe. Next song came and it's still very hiphop. Haha. But I love it. Because I love hearing his voice, I love seeing him dance, see him move, and because I can see that he's enjoying every second of it. Ah.. I love him. :))
The sixth video came and after that, all five of them went up the stage once again, coming from different directions. Changjo came from behind us while the other four went up the stage from different directions as well. It's party time!
I may not remember it chronologically but I do remember that after the solo stages, the peformances got better and better. Teen Top jjang! They sang songs from the new album, High Five and when it's time for I Love Girl, I was giggling. It's because in one Teen Top On Air video of their Japan concert, I saw the choreo and it was soooooo hot! Seeing that live is waaaaaay over the top. I almost couldn't handle the sexiness. Wow! I haven't seen fan cams of this, so if you have, can you send me the link so that I can update this? :))
For the next segment of the concert, the boys introduced this certain DJ who then took over the stage while the boys go backstage to rest and prepare for the next round of performances.
This part was also sooo much fun. The DJ played Teen Top songs one after another with the beat turned up and the lights dancing along the music. It's like we were all transported into a club and it was the awesomest club ever because it's all Teen Top songs. So we all sang and danced along. Sooo much fun!
The boys came back out after that and it's an all out party! Teen Top turned their concert into a party. To name a few songs that I remember, they performed Hot Like Fire (changing "Welcome to L.Joe airlines with Teen Top airlines), Why, Oh Good!, Get Crazy, ugh! I forgot the others but do you see where I'm getting at? They performed dance songs after dance songs and we all jumped up and down and danced along with them. It's one great party!
After that set, they went backstage and Angels started chanting "Encore! Encore! Encore!"
Of course there's an encore. I think they performed Rocking, Crazy, and a few others. During Rocking, Chunji danced alone in the middle while the others stare at him and laugh. Haha.
Oh! During "July", we put up the banners that were given to us when we entered the venue and after the song, Ricky thanked all of us. We can see from his face and hear from his voice that he was moved by it. Aww.. ever the emotional one, Ricky. :))
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When it was time for the traditional selca, we know that the concert is almost done. But I'm still waiting for them to sing "Angel", so when they left the stage and the lights went on again, I was a little sad that they didn't sing it. Maybe because it was already the background song in one of the videos? But still! It's Teen Top and Angels' national anthem. :(
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But all in all, it was a wonderful party, I mean, concert. Soo much fun! For years, I've been watching fan cams and DVDs of Teen Top's Seoul concert and I've always believed that their Seoul concerts are waaaaay better and extra special than their concerts in other countries. I've watched them in Thailand, Philippines, and Taiwan and I can say that their Seoul concert is, indeed, the best!
That dance song medley is the killer. I really hope every Angel in the world gets to watch Teen Top live in Seoul. It's almost magical. :D
Lastly, I would like to take this chance to say this:
Kudos to all fansites for taking photos and videos so that all international fans, and even Korean fans who weren't able to watch the concert live, still get a glimpse of what happened during the concert. For sharing the awesomeness that is Teen Top, thank you soooo much!
I could've taken photos and videos since I was there but I didn't. Because: 1. I don't have a great camera for high res pictures and videos 2. I wouldn't risk being caught and interrupted from watching the concert 3. I won't be able to enjoy the concert fully if I was taking photos or videos
I'm calling out to all international fans, please honor all these fansites and respect their properties. They've invested time, money on their equipment and the concerts and events, patience, to name a few. So please please credit them always and never NEVER remove or alter their watermarks. Do not pass their work as your own. That's stealing.
Let us all respect one another and love Teen Top Forever. :D
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