#this saves Yata running up a floor every lunch though
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
saruhiko and misaki are assigned different classroom so as soon as the bell rings, misaki is running over to saru's class. imagine each classroom gets to make their own rules, and saru's classroom rules are something along the lines of "no visits from other classes until lunch time" but obviously yata doesnt care and still shows up. sometimes he gets too distracted when he finally gets to talk with saru that he doesnt hear the bell when lunch's over and he gets locked in saru's class until a teacher kicks him out. sometimes yata skips classes just to go and say hi to saruhiko through the window and the teacher literally glares at him like "go away".
just imagine yata casually talking to saru and then he hears the teachers voice outside so he panics and hides in saruhiko's desk. everyone in saruhiko's class knows him as "that one guy who is always sneaking in"
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Fushimi already doesn’t care about his tests and schoolwork so he would absolutely fail on purpose in order to get into Yata’s class. Imagine their school is like trying out some new merit system of separating the students, trying to put the high achievers together so that the lower level classrooms will be more determined to get their grades up. Yata is of course miserable that he and Saruhiko aren’t in the same class this year, Fushimi shrugs and tries to act like he doesn’t care but actually he’s probably already planning on skipping even more than usual because what’s the point of going to school if Misaki isn’t there. Because it’s a high achievement class they’re largely separated from the other classes, maybe Fushimi’s class is even on another floor with the upperclassmen. Due to this it’s hard to even run into him in the halls before class or on the way to gym and such, pretty much Yata’s only chance to see Fushimi is at lunch. 
Of course since Fushimi’s class is totally out of the way from his Yata has to practically run through the halls to get there, maybe Fushimi’s class is also supposed to eat in the room so Yata can’t even meet him on the roof or anything. The first time he shows up imagine Fushimi looking mildly surprised, maybe not entirely convinced that Misaki wasn’t going to forget about him now that they’re in different classes, and then he smirks and teases Yata for being out of breath. Yata says shut up I had to run up the stairs you know as he just blithely steals someone else’s desk and sets his lunch down. Yata starts just happily chatting with Fushimi and he’s also totally oblivious to the fact that the other kids are staring at him disapprovingly because Yata has no volume switch (Fushimi notices and doesn’t care at all, because he’s already decided he hates every single one of his classmates). 
After this Yata shows up every lunch to see Fushimi and half the time he misses the bell and has to be kicked out by the teacher. Imagine one day someone’s out sick and the teacher doesn’t even notice Yata’s there at first because Yata snagged the extra desk, it isn’t until he catches Yata and Fushimi passing notes that he realizes who Yata is and kicks him out. I imagine it gets to the point that the teacher and all the other students have basically become used to it, like Yata is just ‘that guy who’s always sneaking in,’ if Yata had any academic aptitude whatsoever the teacher would just give up and let him stay but knowing how bad Yata’s grades are the teacher probably has like an actual vendetta against him for constantly sneaking into the high achievement class.
Say the whole class thing was an experiment too and they re-evaluate after several months, everyone has to take this big test. Yata decides he’s definitely going to get into  Saruhiko’s room this time and devotes himself to studying, which Fushimi finds annoying because helping Yata study is boring. Yata insists he’s going to get this, he’ll be a genius too just you wait…and then the day of the test comes and Yata is just staring at it like he has never seen any of these words in his life. A week later the new classes are posted and Yata’s pumped when he realizes that he and Fushimi are in the same class now, like see all that studying did good. Fushimi clicks his tongue and tells Yata to look closer at the rooms, Yata realizes wait I’m not in the smart class Saruhiko went down a few classes. He looks over at Fushimi like ‘Saruhiko…did you fail on purpose’ and Fushimi just shrugs like maybe. 
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