#this reminds me of when I saw Robert catch on fire and i jsut. I was fine but when I thought about it I could just see it happening
asexualjedi · 12 days
They should give me a psychic damage extension. Like. Idk I. I guess I didn’t go into details about what happened but!! I don’t want to!! I don’t want to cry in front of my teacher and tell them I’m still hearing my mom scream in my head. Idk they should just be more lax. I had a teacher whoses assignments are due the day of class at 9 am so I didn’t message her bc I was like this is fine I can get it done. But. Now. I was looking over this weeks and it’s due the day before at 5 and ahhh?! Idk. I guess. I. Idk. It’s for the clinic and she’s kinda strict. And is like you all need to use ur time better but idk. I told her at the beginning of the semester like. Something like this could happen but I didn’t think it would. Bc it literally has been a year since we had an emergency like this. Haha. I kinda wanna sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning??? But. Idk. I’m so tired. I don’t want to wait til last minute to email her either. I just wish I could sleep. I haven’t gotten more than at best 7 hours of sleep in so long. It’s not helping matters.
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