#this ran long oops
se-agapo-skywalker · 9 months
The Old Man and the Sea
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Flashbacks are italicized
CW: age gap (dilf!Luke Skywalker), oral sex (f!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), unprotected sex, usage of petname "master," mild degradation
WC: 4.4k
"You are no Jedi... nor am I." Luke's back faces you, his solemn eyes cast upon the sea. "I cannot train you."
You reach out to touch his shoulder. "Master, please-"
He flinches away from you, almost recoiling in disgust and shock, all the while keeping his face away from yours. "I already told you. That title no longer means anything to me."
"Then what should I call you? Sir?"
He sighs and shakes his head. "No, I'm not that old..."
"Mr. Skywalker?"
"Too formal."
You pause to think, considering your words carefully. "...How about just Luke?"
Finally, he turns his head to look at you. His eyes reflect a strange vulnerability, sadness and fondness all mixed into one, emotions he tries to keep as hidden as possible. He isn't doing a very good job.
Luke nods, silently, once again casting his eyes down to avoid your gaze. "Just Luke."
Snuggled up into Luke's side, you twirl a lock of his hair around your finger and sigh. His head is leaned back against the pillow, eyes closed, breathing slowly and quietly. You smirk to yourself at the sight of him laying there so peacefully--he's spent to the point of appearing fast asleep.
For a man of his age, his stamina is quite impressive--pinning you beneath him, driving into you at a pace that has you moaning his name over and over--but once he's out, he's out. It's rather cute, to be honest... yet you can't help but wonder if he drifts into sleep so easily because he can't stand to be awake.
You've found that when he isn't doing menial chores, Luke spends most of the day either staring at the sea, walking along the cliffs, or doing who knows what inside of his hut. Perhaps he's meditating, or sleeping, whatever an old Jedi does to pass the time when he so clearly hates his life--you almost feel sorry for him. Almost, as every attempt you make to connect with him is met with disdain or rejection. Usually both.
Still, the Temple Island isn't big enough for you two to ignore each other entirely, no matter how hard he might try. Your paths intercept too frequently, much to his chagrin and your delight. There's something strangely magnetic about him--beneath his gloomy exterior lies the remnants of his grace and discipline, the dignified power of the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
It's something you're determined to bring out again.
Luke stirs a bit, shifting in the bed slightly. With confirmation that he's indeed still awake, your hand wanders to his face, delicately stroking his beard.
"One more round?" you ask, voice sweeter than honey. You already know the answer--most likely a no--but it doesn't hurt to try.
He groans softly. "I don't know if I have it in me, starlight." Blue eyes squint open to meet yours, a smile growing on your lips, and he scowls. "What are you smiling about?"
"Nothing, I just think you're cute," you laugh, and he furrows his brow.
"Sweetheart, calling me cute is like calling the sky red."
"But it is red, during the sunset!"
"You know what I mean."
Knowing there's no reasoning with you, Luke relents to your will as you lean over to kiss him. He must think you're impossible--you're certain he does--but that's what keeps on drawing him back to you. At least, that's what stops him from turning you away.
Knocking on the door of Luke's hut, you wince. What were you thinking, coming to him like this, drenched in rain during the middle of the night? He's sure to think you're crazy, if he doesn't already. You shiver as the water continues to pour down, making your hair and clothes stick to your body like a wet tooka as it positively soaks you to the bone--you don't even know why you're here, if you're being honest with yourself.
Finally, the door opens. There stands Luke, your reluctant teacher, the man who's been avoiding your friendship for all this time, looking upon you with annoyance and confusion.
"Why are you here?" is all he says, eyes flicking across your wet form. You scratch the back of your neck self-consciously.
"I... I needed you," is all you manage to say in response.
"For what reason?"
"I don't know." You look down at your feet guiltily. "Something in the Force is telling me to be here."
He scoffs, clearly not believing you, but shakes his head and beckons you over. "Well, come in before you get sick," he grumbles, and you follow him inside as the door shuts behind you.
His hut is simple, not far from what you'd expect the living space of an old Jedi hermit to look like. Old sacred texts are scattered about, and so are his robes; he's currently dressed in simple nightclothes, ones that you briefly find yourself staring at.
No, no, you shouldn't look at him like that--especially not when he's standing right in front of you. But you could've sworn earlier that he looked at you the same way when you stood outside his door, wet clothes clinging to your body... You didn't mean to, well, approach him like that. But here you are, standing in his room and shivering before him as water dripped from you onto the floor.
Seemingly reading your mind, Luke finally breaks the silence--"You know, you should probably change out of those clothes and warm up."
"And change into what?" you ask, cheeks starting to burn.
A quick flash of embarrassment crosses his face, but he quickly conceals it. "I, um... something. This," he says, tossing his cloak to you. "I'll turn around."
You keep your eyes on him as he turns around and awkwardly goes to sit on his bed... and you swear you see him take a pillow into his lap. Slowly, you start peeling off your wet clothes; it's quite the thrill, being this exposed near him, something you'd never anticipate you'd do. If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't--but you aren't, and here you are.
After stripping out of the last of your clothes, you wring your hair out a bit and drape Luke's cloak around your shivering, nude form. It's quite warm, made of thick bantha wool, and it smells like him, although you manage to fight the temptation to bury your face in it. He's right in front of you, anyway.
"I-I'm done," you manage to say.
"Please, tell me... why are you really here?" Luke responds, not even turning around to look at you. "You're welcome to stay until the storm dies down, but if you're here to torment me, don't."
You grab onto the ends of the cloak, keeping them secure to preserve your modesty as you move to sit next to him. Startled a bit by your boldness, he finally looks over at you, and there's something in his eyes you can't quite recognize.
You take a deep breath and exhale. "Look, I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why it's storming, and frankly, I don't know why I'm naked, but here we are. But I think we've both noticed how we can't exactly stay away from each other, no matter how hard we try--how hard you try. I'm not here to hurt you, Luke, I only came to Ahch-To to find you, to see that you're still alive. And now that I know you, I..."
In a move that nearly knocks you off his bed, Luke slowly reaches out with his flesh hand to brush a wet strand of hair out of your face. "I know."
By some strange string of fate, or perhaps by the will of the Force itself, you find your lips meeting his. His beard is rough, scratchy. You wouldn't have it any other way. His lips, apprehensive at first, move against yours rather sloppily, either out of desperation or out of inexperience--although you wouldn't fault him for either. It's not like you're particularly experienced, you never quite had the time, and you aren't opposed to the two of you learning together. The student becomes the master, the master becomes the student...
"Master," you breathe out, "please."
Luke's lips trail from your lips to your jaw, and then to your neck, pressing plenty of ticklish kisses in his wake. His hands move to gently grip the side of your face and back of your neck, careful not to mess with the cloak. Part of you wonders if he ever will, if he's willing to go that far, perhaps even in this sitting. A Jedi would show restraint; yet he is one no longer.
In what can only be interpreted as him sensing your thoughts, Luke stops his advances to look at you, lustful eyes now showing with worry. "Are... are you sure you want this?"
You grab his mechanical hand--you quite like the feeling of the flesh hand on your neck--and bring it to the fastener of the cloak, not undoing it, but letting him know it's an option. "More than anything."
Luke's change in demeanor from grumpy to surprisingly gentle is intoxicating, shocking you in the best way possible--you knew this side of him was still there, you just knew it, and you're so glad you finally have confirmation of it. Peering over, however, you try to get a glimpse of the other confirmation of his affection that you seek...
Just as Luke begins to fiddle with unfastening the cloak concealing your body from him, you slip your hand between the two of you, first to carefully grip his thigh as you lean in to kiss him again, moving your hand further and further until-
"Stop," he interjects, grabbing your hand.
"I-I'm sorry, Master, I-"
His gaze softens, guiltily. "No, it's not you. I'm not ready for that--not yet." Flesh hand reaches up to cradle your face. "I want this to be about you. I want to make up for how cruel I was."
You bring the hand to your lips, kissing the palm, silently accepting his proposal to apologize. The Luke you first met on that cliff all those months ago is near unrecognizable--never before would you have expected him to ever apologize to you, let alone be this communicative with you. Well, communicative by Luke standards. From what you’ve heard of his past reputation as a Jedi, all those stories and legends about his vast accomplishments, he had always been quiet, guarded, only now amplified by his guilt in exile. But he’s trying, that much is clear to you.
“Do you want me to continue?” Luke finally says, breaking the silence with a rare show of humor. Smiling and nodding into his palm, you give it one last kiss, relinquishing your control over it.
Hands return to the fastener, and you feel your heartbeat increase as you're finally hit with the realization that this is going to happen. You have no reservations about it, you've fantasized about sleeping with him for quite some time now, but you must admit the actuality is a bit frightening--and absolutely thrilling.
You want this. Luke does, too, if the totally unsubtle tent in his pants has anything to say about it. But something tells you he's just as nervous as you are--perhaps he's worried about being out of practice, or, if he had previously pursued the path of celibacy, he's worried about having no practice at all. Either way, you don't mind, truly. All you want is him.
Finally, in one swift motion, the fastener is undone. Letting out a shaky breath, Luke begins to pull the fabric of the cloak from your shoulders, ever so slowly, exposing inch by inch of your bare skin to him. As the fabric pools at your waist, you shiver at the feeling of the cool air hitting your slightly damp skin. He notices, instinctively reaching out his hand to touch you--the sudden contact and warmth makes you jump.
"Sorry," Luke whispers, unable to look anywhere besides your face.
"Don't be... please."
Now is his chance to ravish you with his eyes, finally gazing upon--and practically devouring--the beauty that has been hidden from him for far too long.
"Stars, you're... you're incredible."
You blush, both out of pride and bashfulness, as Luke's eyes continue to trace your figure. He stares at you for quite some time, not daring to touch you aside from the hand he has gently caressing the flesh of your waist. It isn't until you grab said hand and move it to the swell of your breast that he finally gets the nerve to actually feel you.
Fingers trace around the soft skin of your nipple, coaxing the little bud into a hardened peak as Luke pinches it ever so slightly. He squeezes your breast, firmly but not painfully, and before you can even register what is happening, his mouth is on you. Beard hair tickles your skin as he plants an open-mouthed kiss at the center of your chest. Kissing, licking, and sucking, he marks his journey through the valley of your breasts by leaving your skin raw and marked--claiming you as his own.
You let out a high-pitched gasp as Luke's lips attach to your nipple, alternating between sucking and flicking with his tongue before switching to do the same to the other. He does this multiple times, only stopping when he leaves them visibly puffy and swollen, with you shuddering and moaning softly at the loss of his touch. As he had worked on you, your hands had found their way into his hair, carding your fingers through and tugging at it softly--he nearly bit you in response, and given the effect on him, you swore he almost liked what you were doing more than you liked what he was doing. Almost.
Your hands move from Luke's hair to cradle his face. He looks up at you nervously, waiting for your reassurance or your approval, hoping he hasn't done anything to upset you.
In a moment of boldness, you say, "Oh, I like that... there's just another place I think I'd like it even more."
Icy blue eyes widening, he nods slowly, taking in a deep breath as he prepares to obey your command. Gently pushing you back, he lowers you onto his bed, laying your head on his pillow--and he pauses.
"Are you sure you want this?"
Your first instinct is to pout, but you don't. He's very likely entirely new to this, and nervous about the fact, so the least you can do is have some grace. Reaching out for his hand, gently ghosting your fingertips over his, you tell him, "I want this. I want you."
With nothing more than a silent nod, Luke finally lifts the remainder of the cloak off you and pulls your thighs apart. His breath hitches at the sight of you--so tight, so wet, glistening in anticipation for him. Him.
Reading his emotions--you're becoming a lot better at that under his tutelage--you smile at him coyly through your eyelashes. "It's for you, Master. All for you."
You flutter and clench at the way Luke breathes out, groaning slightly. After a moment of just staring at you, piercing blue eyes locked onto your beautiful, beautiful core, he ducks his head to get closer. Whatever nervousness he had before has almost completely melted away, starting with light kisses to the inside of your thighs as he pries you open even more. You squirm ever so slightly beneath his touch, one that starts out hesitant but grows more and more eager, the rough hair of his beard nearly rubbing the skin of your thighs raw.
Luke pulls away, just for a moment, his voice deep and gravely. "Let me take care of you."
You shudder at the feeling of his breath on you. But you aren't prepared for what follows--the feather-light poke of his wet tongue, slowly licking a preliminary stripe from hole to clit as he slicks you with a combination of your own wetness and his spit. You had wondered, dreamed when this day would come, and now that it's here, you find yourself melting so readily at his every move.
Noticing the effect he has on you, Luke tentatively wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face so he can taste you more deeply. The new angle has you situated to where you could very well begin grinding on his face, and you have no doubts that he'd let you. This is what he wants--to be needed, to please, to do something, anything right. To have you spread out so beautifully before him is a miracle of the Force itself. He'll do his best to prove he deserves it, as much as he thinks he doesn't.
Alternating between gently probing you with his tongue and languidly exploring the contours of your folds, Luke's lips finally make their way to your clit, where he gently begins sucking. For a man who most likely has no idea what he's doing--although he would never admit it--he sure seems like he does.
Your hand instinctively makes its way to his hair again, albeit this time with far more urgency. Arching your back into him, you pull unapologetically on his greying locks, eliciting a deep groan from him.
An idea enters your mind.
"You like this, Master?" you moan, maneuvering to look at him working between your legs. His eyes flick up to meet yours. "You like finally being useful to someone?"
Your words seem to ignite a fire within him. Without even giving you a moment to process what's happening, Luke's mouth leaves your clit--drawing out an absolutely pathetic mewl from you--and he pulls your legs around his waist, lifting your hips off the bed. Using the Force, he swiftly pins your hands above your head, leaving you fully exposed and at his mercy.
"You think I'm finally useful, huh?" Luke practically growls, "Who are you to judge?"
You can feel his hardened cock brush against your sensitive core from beneath his nightclothes, and, desperate for friction to satiate your hunger, you try to rock your hips against his. But he won't have it--holding your legs still, he keeps you in place with an iron grip.
"Before I show you how useful I can be, you must learn patience. Now be still."
Luke's stronger mechanical hand--still gloved, which only adds to the allure--keeps a hold on you as his flesh hand moves to free himself from the confines of his pants. After a brief moment of fumbling where you pretend not to notice, he manages to pull down his waistband, and out it springs.
And it's... a lot. A lot more than you expected. Where you were eager to take him before, desperately aching for him to be inside you, you can't help but feel a bit nervous. Still, you can't take your eyes off him--large, thick, nice and veiny with a pink tip...
"Is this alright?" Luke asks, his voice low and husky, already starting to slowly drag it across your folds. Your body jerks slightly when the tip bumps into your still-swollen clit, but he's too busy lubricating himself with your wetness to notice. "Well?"
"Y-yes... I need you, Master, please," you practically beg.
Smirking to himself, he finally grants your request. Aligning himself with your entrance, he ever so slowly presses in, eyes screwing shut in the process as a low grunt escapes his throat.
"Maker, you're tight..."
You throw your head back and whine at the stretch. Luke is so much--almost too much--filling you in a way you never thought was possible. It stings slightly at first, but it's such a delicious feeling, one you never want to go another day without.
After giving you a moment to adjust, Luke's eyes meet yours--gently questioning, but still clouded by his need for you--and you signal for him to start moving. Slowly drawing himself back out, he starts a steady pace of deep thrusts, although they're a bit shaky at first. Amidst your ecstasy, you forgot that this may very well be his first sexual encounter--something he's doing a very good job of hiding.
In truth, it doesn't bother you at all. Luke sure keeps you on your toes--the more the night progresses, the more you learn so many seemingly conflicting things about him... and the more you realize you never really knew him at all. Perhaps no one did. He can be stubborn, and gentle, and firm, and vulnerable, a million different things all wrapped into one. And, slowly and surely, you'll peel back those layers to reveal who he truly is.
In the meantime, what Luke does show you is just how pent up he is--he isn't even fully out of his clothes, and he's already fully erect and fucking you into his mattress. The noises are borderline obscene, both the creaking of his bed and the squelching of where your bodies meet, with him loudly sliding in and out of you. While he was rather slow at first, he's since picked up the pace, snapping his hips against yours with a bit more fervor. If you hadn't known any better, you'd say he's just about as virile and libidinous as a juvenile fathier.
You moan and write beneath Luke, your hands still pinned above your head by the Force. After all his talk about its sacred rules and how one must respect and fear it, you truly never expected him to utilize it in such a way--but, knowing your Master, you doubt he cares. He looks down at you with those heavy eyes, his gaze filled with emotions you can't quite describe or even begin to understand. He's quiet, oh so quiet--you can't exactly say the same about yourself--that if it weren't for his borderline frantic rutting, you might not have been sure of his enjoyment.
Catching on to your concern, Luke reaches down with his flesh hand to reassuringly stroke your skin, gently tracing from your thigh to your hip, across your stomach, and all the way to the swell of your breast. Your nipples are still puffy and sore from his relentless sucking and pinching, skin covered in the evidence of where his beard had scratched you. He feels a bit guilty, having marked you up so thoroughly like this, yet he also has a strange sense of pride at how you let him. If things go your way, you'll let him again and again and again--until your hunger is satisfied, which you're sure it never will be.
For as much as Luke is thoroughly attracted to you, however, he can feel his hunger start to reach its peak. Whether it be through the Force or your own pleasure, you can sense this, too, and it only serves to bring you into the early stages of orgasm as well.
"M-Master, I-," you whine, not even able to finish your thought as Luke brings his hand back up to rub your clit. He may be stubborn, and grumpy, but he is by no means selfish, especially not as a lover. Like with all things, he's determined to do this right. And he does--each thrust of his hips and tight circle rubbed by his thumb pushes you closer and closer, until finally you're pushed off that cliff and engulfed by the force of your orgasm. Twitching and spasming, legs shaking, you cry out as it overtakes your senses so spectacularly.
Luke watches you, completely in shock that he actually managed to do this--although you knew he would. Feeling you clench around him so deliciously is enough to motivate him to follow suit. Speeding up his pace one last time, positively hammering into you, he chases his own orgasm sloppily, desperately. Perhaps he hasn't had one in a long time, hasn't even had the desire to touch himself, so having you here to offer him some much needed relief truly is a godsend.
You're too blissed out and trembling in the aftershocks of your own orgasm to notice the way his hips stutter, finally stilling as he spills thick ropes of his seed inside you. In that moment, neither of you really care about the consequences--you don't think anything could happen, anyway--nor do you even really pause to contemplate them.
Luke stands before you, panting and slightly dazed, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. Lowering your legs and pulling out--hot, white liquid spilling out of you as he does so--he adjusts his clothing and finally collapses beside you.
"That was, I..." you start, covering your face with your now-freed hands. "What are we now?"
Luke sighs. "We're something, I guess... something the Jedi of old wouldn't approve of." A glimpse at his old humor appears as he winks at you. "But they aren't here now, are they?"
You open your eyes to the sight of Luke asleep in your now shared bed. His hair is sprawled out on your pillow, long-lashed eyes still shut as he snores ever so lightly. The morning light bathes his sleeping face in a surprisingly lovely way, illuminating the soft, vulnerable side of an otherwise stoic and dignified Jedi master. His arm is still around you, mechanical hand resting at the small of your back--he still prefers to touch you intimately with his flesh hand, but by instinct, he'll use his cybernetic. You don't mind one bit, and he knows this. It brings him peace. Hence where he is now: entangled with you, beneath your covers, mind somewhere off in the realm of dreams.
"Oh, Skywalker..." you whisper, careful not to wake him. You can't tell whether you're talking to him, or really just talking to yourself. It isn't important. Taking a moment to pause, to think, you take a deep breath and say it--"...I love you."
Luke stirs, and you wince. Was it too soon? Is that not how he sees your relationship? He could wake up any minute and reject you and-
"Love you, too," he murmurs, not even opening his eyes, face still buried in his pillow.
Relief washes over you, but so does a strange new feeling... surprise? Excitement? Fear, even? No, no, it can't be anything bad... So you decide to accept it for what it is: something you can't explain, yet something that brings so much hope, so much meaning to your life. And, for the first time in a long time, you're happy--and he is, too.
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gayvecchio · 6 months
My initial impression when I watched Eclipse for the first time (and what I still believe) is that Stella knew full well that Ray didn't humilate himself on purpose in the bank when they were kids. I always read it as Stella knowing how embarrased and ashamed Ray would feel for having wet himself, and instead of trying to console him and tell him that it was okay, she let him be the hero instead. Because even though in Ray's memory he thought that he was being 'John Lennon, James Bond, Joe Namath, all rolled into one', I don't think Stella actually fell in love with an illusion at all. Like Fraser said, 'I am willing to gamble that Stella looked beyond that one incident and saw the whole person'. I think she always saw Ray for who he really was, but Ray's own insecurities about himself made him believe that she had to be with him based on a lie. I think the person who doesn't see Ray clearly is Ray himself. He has such a low sense of himself that he can't imagine her falling for anything but a con. He can't imagine that Stella simply fell in love with little Ray Kowalski, because who the hell is even is that? He's convinced himself that he's been playing the part of 'the hero' all these years that he doesn't really see that he has actually become one. The person who recieved all those citations that Fraser recounts wasn't a lie or a con, it was Ray Kowalski, a good policeman, someone who one would be proud to call a partner and a friend. In my opinion Ray's biggest con was conning himself into believing he isn't good enough just the way he is.
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amphibia-a-day · 11 months
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Day 906 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Handy Anne
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poisonandpages · 27 days
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Hatchetfield in the style of vintage comics, part 2 of ?
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honeyvenommusic · 6 months
#glass animals#honestly i wore out dreamland sm my brain took a lonnng break from expecting anything from them?? idk i’m just huh????#like….. when i say wore out#i cannot describe how much i listened to it#i usually have some vague idea even if it’s a ridiculous number#like 52 times in a month for an album or something (has happened)#i cannot recall w this#gonna say bc 2020 & they were Literally the last band i saw live. next morning everyone found out about everything annd lockdown. no joke#so it was big dreamland time when it dropped and revisiting their past albums when i broke out of its spell lmao#(pretty sure before that like january was when i listened to déjà vu 100+ times in a row tho so oop. it was a tough day lol)#anyway seeing this aww man. i really have had this band with me for a long long time. 🥹 i remember hearing gooey on the radio one night#driving home from work late @ night in 2014. the drive was so short i couldn’t be arsed to fish out my ipod & plug it in#sometimes so just popped on a good station i had preset. started the car and heard this *voice* and i was like who????#had to check the station bc it was an alt station and i thought i had it on another one which was fine i was just v confused#it was in the middle of the song & i was immediately anxious to know the name hoping i’d hear it & it wouldn't just flow into the next song#then the dj would pile the names together after x number of songs played bc i was tiired (but woulda stayed in the car ngl). got lucky &#ran inside to find it then yelled at my roommate the next day that she HAD to listen to it during a smoke session after work#(i was right & it blew her miiind)#god. what a fucking time. what a fucking band. idk what the disc horse is surrounding them now since they blew up via tiktok#i’m sure people are v quick to say they’re overrated bc of that but idk & i’m glad i don’t know. they’ll always be this#highly inventive incredible band i stumbled upon for the perfect night drive home after a long long shift#a band that came back from a Horrible accident that should have ended 1 of their lives & somehow didn’t & should have ended them#as a band (like still cannot believe Joe was drumming in 2020 & i saw it with my own eyes like how tf???!?)#a band deserving of all of its successes. glass animals forever
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
hi there, hope you’re doing well :) recently got obssessed with mark webber (dude screams daddy energy so bad 😩) i was wondering if you could write about the reader being a shy intern at redbull and mark takes a liking to her and lowkey wants to corrupt her because he cant believe that she’s that innocent so after he wins a race she goes to his motorhome to congratulate him and he proceeds to fuck her brains out 😗😗
hi babe! I’m good, how are you?? I saw this come in and it was too good not to write -- also same, I’m in my mark era tbh, that man is daddy. 
“Good morning, y/n.” You can smell his cologne before you see him; as if the accent wasn’t a give away. 
Turning, you look up to see Mark in front of you. “Good morning, Mark.” You give him a small smile as he peeks at the cup in your hand. “redbull this early? Ever heard of coffee?” He jokes. 
You shrug, “I like the taste.” “Of battery acid?” He whispers, “because that’s what it tastes like.” You let out a laugh, your hand covering your mouth just a second after. Mark smiles, he feels like you're always so serious; sure, he’s seen you smile but never a genuine smile or laugh, so it was nice to see peeks of the y/n under the surface. 
“I’ll see you around, yeah?” He says, taking the glass from you to take a swing of said battery acid. “Yeah, good luck.” You say when he hands you the glass back. 
You’re stood there watching him walk off and you can’t help but think what his mouth would feel like on you. 
Snap out of it, that’s wrong. You work for the team, he’s their driver; you cannot do that. 
To no one’s surprise, redbull had taken another win. 
Another 1-2, Sebastian in P1 and Mark in P2. The crew had their focus on Seb at the moment so no one noticed the Australian slip out the back and towards his motorhome except for you. 
Maybe it was the glass of champagne you had or the 3 red bulls you already had that day, maybe a mix of both but you mustered up the courage to go speak to Mark. 
You knocked on the door and waited, the rain had been falling on and off all afternoon, stopping just before the end of the race. It picked back up but you didn’t mind, or didn’t care that you were being drenched. 
The man opens the door and he looks at you, confused. “What are you doing in the rain?” He asks, grabbing your arm before pulling you inside. “You'll be sick out there, sweetheart.” 
The name sends butterflies to your stomach and well... somewhere else. 
He wraps a sweater around you, rubbing your arms softly in an attempt of dry you off. You’re stood there looking at him and you haven’t said anything. “What are you doing here?” He asks, breaking the silence. 
“I uh- I came to say congratulations.” You say quietly. 
He smiles, “thank you sweetheart. Hold on now, I think I have an extra shirt you can wear. It’d be wrong of me to leave you in those wet clothes.” 
“You can leave me without anything on.” you mumble and he turns to look at you. “I can?” 
Your cheeks are bright red, you don’t know what came over you and you can’t believe he heard you. “Mark I'm sorry. I didn’t mean-” 
“No no, don’t apologize,” he says, stepping closer towards you. “You do feel it?” He asks, his finger dragging up your torso and towards your sternum. “Feel what?” 
“Can I kiss you?” Mark asks, the question catching you off guard. “I- yeah,” you whisper, nodding. He pulls you to him, hand on your cheek as he kisses you. The two of you shuffled back towards the couch in the motorhome, the man sitting down between pulling you onto his lap. 
“Mark, stop-” you pull away and he looks at you. “Is everything okay?” He asks, concerned and wondering if he did something wrong.” 
“I just- it’s sorta.. been a while since,” you pause and he gets what you mean. “Okay, yeah. That’s okay. We can stop if you want-” “No!” You answer a little too quick for your liking and he smiles. 
“Okay, we’ll take it slow.” 
“No,” you shook your head, leaning into him. Your lips brush against his ear. “I want you to ruin me.” 
Mark huffs an okay, his eyes studying you like you were the most beautiful thing on this planet. He flips you two over, letting you lay on your back. The two of you shuffling around to get rid of your clothes, Mark in his boxers and you in your underwear. 
“I like this,” his finger drags over the lace trim covering your hips. “It matches,” you smile, his eyes flickering up to your bra. “I see that, sweetheart.” 
And there’s that stupid nickname again. 
Mark doesn’t miss the way your thighs press together. He pushes your legs apart, pulling your panties to the side. There’s another moment of shuffling around before Mark pushes and pulls you by the hips, propping you into your elbows and knees, face buried in the couch. 
You can hear him shuffling behind you, a hand smacking your ass pushing you back into the couch when you lift up a bit. Mark gives you no warning, pushing into you. 
The sound coming from behind you was nothing if not filthy. 
Your cheek pressed to the cushion, Mark listens to you ramble on about needing him, his fingers squeezing hard enough to leave behind marks. 
Mark’s hand reaches under you, fingers gently rubbing against your clit. You were sensitive, a little too sensitive and you knew it wouldn't be longer. 
“So good for me sweetheart, that’s my girl,” he says and between his words, his cock and his fingers, he pushed you over the edge. 
His name falling from your lips, Mark's thrusts sloppy and he follows right behind you. 
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thekittymuffin · 1 year
Day 3! Baking/cooking with squid and techno (ignore that I barely used the prompt lol I found some fun poses tho)
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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The Seeds as Don't Starve Together Characters | Edits
Okay, so this edits started with me thinking how Jacob would look as a character in one of my favorite games, Don't Starve Together. I love the artstyle and would sometimes find myself playing it for hours. I ended up making Faith and John as well. The results are far from perfect, but I still felt like sharing them, because I kept imagining those three running around ingame and how cute they'd look. Especially Jakey with a tiny Judge, enough said... 😂
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puzzledmemories · 1 month
@universestreasures asked: [sleep ] sender manages to fall asleep in receiver's presence (Serena To Yuri, Royal Rebels)
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It had been a long day.
A day well-earned. A victory for Academia, their first in this city in Synchro.
It had been a brutal battle led by Serena and Yuri's joint effort. Their combination of skills and tactics had won them the day. Synchro's poor excuse for enemy combatants. For people untrained in the art of battle, though, they weren't horrible. That last part, however, was Yuri's little secret. Serena couldn't know about the innocents they fought against.
The victory had been followed by a big party, a ball to celebrate the first of many future wins in this dimension.
The soldiers below them deserved the opportunity to rest and relax and have fun, Yuri supposed. For him and Serena, however, this ball was exhausting. Far too much social interaction. Everyone wanted a conversation with the leaders that had earned victory. As soon as Yuri could find an excuse to get Serena out of one conversation, they were ambushed by another.
The only part that was enjoyable to Yuri was getting to dance with Serena. It let them escape briefly into a world of just the two of them.
Finally, though, it did end. The sun set, and the party was over. The duo finally had some privacy, truly alone. They could relax, and before Yuri knew it, Serena was asleep.
She looked very uncomfortable, leaned up against the wall. Yuri kneeled in front of her and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.
Serena look beautiful in the moonlight, as always.
He scooped her up in his arms to carry her. The bed wasn't far, but Serena deserved as comfortable a transition to it as possible. Quickly, carefully, he laid her down, then pulled blankets over her to keep her warm.
Just as he was about to tuck her in and walk away, give her peace and quiet, one of her hands moved towards him.
Yuri gently picked up the hand and gave it a kiss before laying it back down. His words came out in a whisper,
"Sleep well, Princess. I'll break you out of your father's cage some day. I promise."
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ajaxbread · 11 months
Haley, courtesy of the non-weirdest ad I’ve gotten on tumblr
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The ad in question:
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#art#stardew valley#sdv#haley stardew valley#haley sdv#this is closer to the haley in my head#i didn’t realize my pen would bleed for some reason so oops plus i used the wrong marker for the skin at first so it looks a lil odd#i aint even a woman nor do i wear dresses but its still one of the best ads ive seen#the others I usually see are the pika guy backpains/aches or recently eczema for some reason#guess thats what happens when a website doesn’t listen or record the things u do#im such a sucker for outfit designs like that#long flowy dress with galaxy/star patterns and or dark blue/sky themes YUM#this reminds me of when i was in hs i think maybe 16 17 yrs old and school just ended#and there was this girl in a long red flowy dress it was probably some kind of event that day#and like an awkward cant-talk-to-girls teen boy way i ran up to her said she looked pretty and ran away#im not even straight !#oh also the necklace shes wearing#(haley from the image)*#i hc that it was her grandmothers who she was super close with but when she passed she kept the necklace#and the center opens up with a lil picture of her grandmother holding her as a baby#the picture could also be of the grandparents married not too sure on that uet#both sound sweet#and its def in a sepia filter(dusty brown tones basically)#and and if u dont like the lil belly on haley u can suck it up and leave#i hate seeing when ppl are drawn ultra anime thin bc thats not healthy plus the uterus makes the stomach come out a little so its totally-#-natural#for some cases in having no uterus or other yeah that makes more sense but anytime i see like anime i cant help but think everyones a robot#also yeah on a related note i do see that i put some trans colours on her not my personal hc but im fine with it#i can see her more as either cis/intersex and the term i forgot where smn identifies with femininity but never masculinity or however it go#i also dont think shed carw abt labels ‘am i cis? no im haley’
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holdharmonysacred · 1 year
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At long last, she’s finally done and my set is more or less complete!!!! Here’s Miss Melusine from F/GO!!!!!! I picked her 2nd ascension dress because that was just the most feasible to do with craft felt, and I think she came out super cute!!!!! I wen out of my way to embroider the designs on her mask and cape, thanks to the redditors who managed to pull up her battle sprite sheet so I could get an unobstructed view of her cape’s decorations! I want to try and do something special for a group shot of the little LB6 doll collection I’ve made once we’re a little closer to the chapter actually releasing on NA, but in the meantime I hope you all enjoy her!!!!
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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Emmett's mom's died just before he reached young adulthood, leaving him without the only family he had. So, he sold his childhood home and went on the road to Moonwood Mill, searching for a specific creature of legend... Werewolves.
Eventually he did find the werewolves of legend, making friends with and later becoming a member of The Moonwood Collective. Kris and Lily became parental figures to him, teaching him the ins and outs of werewolf life as Emmett adapted to being one of them.
Like his mother before him Emmett's romantic life was anything but easy. Then, he met the free-spirited Lux DeMarco during singles night at the local bar. It was love at first sight for Emmett and he believed he'd finally found his match made by the moon.
Lux, however, didn't exactly feel as strongly. In fact, after their one night together, it didn't seem like she wanted anything more to do with Emmett! However, thanks to a happy little accident, she made the decision that maybe them having a relationship wouldn't be the worst thing, and in the end she loved him very much.
Emmett and Lux then moved in together, built their own house, and had their daughter, Willow Root, our gen 3 heir, who's Lux with Emmett's eyes. 😊
To be continued...
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tittyinfinity · 2 months
Neighbors on my block & neighbors on my friend's block have decided to make free-roaming dogs a thing.
My friend's next door neighbors don't have a fence and they don't tie their dog up. He's a medium-sized mutt. My friend can't take her dogs outside without this dog rushing up and jumping on them. She can't take her 3 year old outside at all. Quote her neighbors, "Oh, he's friendly!" My poor friend is too nice to stand up to it; I've offered to step in but she doesn't want the drama. Any time I drive to her house, the dog is just walking around the block, digging & shitting in people's yards, absolutely zero regard for what this dog is getting up to.
Like how can you look at your dog pouncing on someone, freaking out their dog and their kid, and go "oh, it's okay if he jumps on you with his sharp-ass claws because he's friendly" ????????
Now, my neighbors here on my block have two huge dogs, a black lab and a golden retriever. I saw them roaming around in yards together and decided to stop to see if I could rescue them. They started digging under a neighbor's fence. Then I heard whistling from a few houses down – the neighbors calling the dogs to come back. They did run back to their owners, but they went right back to letting them go wherever they wanted. (These are the same neighbors that will park multiple trucks in the middle of our narrow road, blocking it to where you have to drive around the block the other way to get around them, and they're well known scammers with horrible reviews on the company they own. So it doesn't surprise me at all that they don't give a shit. Everyone on our block talks about how much they can't stand them.)
Like, it's already dumb enough to let your cats free roam outside when there's god damn roadkill all over the place, but fucking DOGS? We're not in the country! We're in the fucking city! WE'RE NEXT TO AN EXPRESSWAY AND A HIGHWAY!
Just fuck anyone who has small children, huh? They can't go outside if dogs are jumping on them. What about people's cats? The stray cats in the neighborhood? Are the dogs just gonna leave them alone? And then people's yards & gardens too! Digging under fences, digging up flowerbeds, leaving holes in the yard that our elderly neighbors could trip on....
How could you not care????
#.bdo#before anyone suggests animal control no they can't do anything about it & they usually show up w cops anyway#my mom & sister already tried calling animal control on my sister's ex whenever his dogs were getting out 2-3 times a week#2 weeks ago one of those dogs was hit by a car & killed.#the day after our neighbor rescued them out of the rain and brought them to us.#because they got out so often that they knew to just bring them here until he could come over.#he was always over at a house only 2 blocks away so the dogs would always be in our neighborhood and he would never get them#he never answers his fucking phone so it was always our responsibility to get his dogs#he's absolutely loathed by the lost and found pets page for our city on facebook. they were posted all the time#and then people stopped posting them bc they automatically knew to bring them to us. it was that often#he didn't take care of those dogs he kept them both tied up to a tree on a 5 foot long chain two HUGE dogs#and when they weren't on the chain they were in a crate#he never tried tying them up a different way or changing any methods so that they wouldn't get loose#just kept doing the same thing over and over again and being like ope they got out again oops#they always ran away from him and towards everyone else#he couldn't take care of those dogs at all and was never home to do so but he was so adamant about not giving them up for a better life#apparently he still has the one dog#so yeah. i'm extra mad about the dogs in our neighborhood because of that.#not to mention that when he picked up his dead dog he left him in my sister's basement and then left! and didn't answer his phone!#just left him there! didn't even fucking care! we had to call his fucking family members! and then he went off on us about it#so yeah. i'm a bit exhausted with loose dogs.
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prentissluvr · 4 months
the question is do i post the fanfic i wrote lolololol
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Sometimes I wonder if the past missions are doable solo (ik they are. It's just Hard)
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carebearbussy · 2 months
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𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚!
ᥫ᭡ 𝙨𝙮𝙥𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: 𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝… 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙟𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖𝙨 𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙩.
ᥫ᭡ 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙧𝙖!𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
ᥫ᭡ 𝙘𝙬: 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙, 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝, 𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙤𝙛 '𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣' '𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙚', 𝙗𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙, 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚
ᥫ᭡ 𝙬𝙘: 1.6𝙠
𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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"I am so fucked" is something that immediately ran through your mind.
But as you were walking in the spaceous courtyard, you couldn't help but practically float to the source of that amazing smell coming from one of the estates many kitchens in the hallway.
You walk into the kitchen, head peeking curiously at Uraume cooking some soup in a large pot ,following Lord Sukunas request. This was your favorite, and he knew this very well.
Ever since you had moved into his large estate, your life has drastically changed. You were a normal person, with nothing remotely special about you. But you had Sukuna whipped. You were Sukunas favorite, which also automatically came with being the biggest gossip of the Heian Era. Everywhere you look, people would make assumptions about you and your status with the lord. Ever since your arrival, there was no more need for concubines. And it made them furious.
A group of concubines walked past you while you were peeking in the hallway, the ladies snickering to themselves and bickering about you for the 1000th time. You could even call them obsessed with you.
'i really don't get whats so special about her.'
'she's just some high class whore that happened to get lucky.'
'she must be some sort of witch.'
Are some of the things they would say. But as they walked by, one of the woman came up behind you and bumped right into your back, muttering an 'oops' before quickly giggling and running off. You went lunging forward, as your leg tripped, causing a large bleeding bruise. Uraume immediately ran to your side, quickly residing besides your shaking body.
"shiiitttt-" you muttered as you looked down at your leg, while Uraume held it up with their hand. "Don't move." they said as ice started forming around your fragile leg. You winced and whimpered in pain, as blood began trickling down your leg to your feet.
"Please don't tell Lord Sukuna... he cant know about this-" you say, as if thats the most important thing right now. "Y/n. You know I must inform him. That would be going against his wishes." Damn, you knew they would say that. You'll just have to try and hide your leg for as long as possible. But what that entirely possible? Considering he always had somebody watching you when he was not, and the fact that he can basically know for certain when something is wrong.
You knew how he would react, and that he would go overboard and blame it on those girls. And you took pity towards them. While they did practically vomit in your presence, you didn't want to be known as some prissy complainer.
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You had convinced Uraume to leave your side, as you layed in your futon, trying to distract yourself from the pain. Sukuna had granted you the privilege of sharing a bed with him. He was currently busy (as so you thought), with fornicating with important business matters. So what better time to get better than now? You had all day to yourself in your mind.
You toyed with your thumbs while staring at the ceiling. Due to the status your leg is in, your options of keeping yourself busy are quite limited. While your glad Sukuna doesn't see you in your current state, you wished he was here keeping you some sort of company.
Being Sukunas favorite came with its perks, but one of its downsides was being pretty lonely. People were scared to become close to you, due to Sukunas tendency to kill people on sight when it came to you. You are always being targeted, and people don't want to fuck up their chance at life.
You were lost in your own thoughts, when suddenly the sliding door slams open, with enough force to cause an earthquake. By the look ok Sukunas face, you could tell he was furious. Not at you, but to whoever did this to you. Next to him was Uraume, looking as unbothered as ever. They were holding a tray, consisting of soup, water, towels, and a mochi a servant picked out at the fancy market per Sukunas request.
"Show me your leg, woman." Sukuna demanded, making his way towards you on the bed. He sat next to you, as he tried pulling the covers out of the way, but glared at you when you tried to stop him. "Why must you resist? I already know what happened. Hurry up and show me."
Your felt your eye twitch, as your body stiffened at his gruff words. "Nothings wrong 'kuna. What are you talking about?" You say, as you look him into the eyes, but failing to do so fully because of how intimidating he got when he was mad. Sukuna let out a guttural sigh, looking over at Uraume. "Hold her down." He says to them. "Understood." As Uraume made their way over to you, holding your hips down with their hands. Sukuna pulled the covers off of you and you could see his eyes widen upon looking at your injury.
"The fuck is this?" He exclaims as he looks down at your leg. You look away in shame, as the blood dripping down your knee hits the mattress, and stains the white satin bedsheets a deep crimson. He then looks back up to you, looking for answers.
"Who did this." "...." you don't respond. "I said, who did this. Don't make me repeat myself." "it was the blonde girl... I dont remember her name all too much..." you say, as you look away from him. But his upper hand grabs hold of your chin, forcing you to look in his direction. You can clearly see he doesn't know who your talking about, not bothering to remember the looks and names of other woman, besides you. That was something Uraume had told you, and every time you think about it, it makes you warm up inside.
"Fuckin' hell woman... you're gonna be the death of me someday." He says, with genuine concern for your leg. "Uraume, run her a bath feed her, and get some of the nurses to take care of her. I have something I need to do." He says, as he gets up from the bed, quickly giving your already messy hair a ruff. As he stands int he doorframe, he gives you one last glance before leaving, leaving him with the last word.
You stare dumbfounded into your own thoughts, until your snapped back into reality by the sudden realization... 'holy shit, is she in danger?' But those thoughts are also occupied by Uraume lifting you up into their arms, and carrying you to the warm, steamy bath that usually accompanied you and Sukuna. But since he was busy doing god knows what, you were alone with Uraume and two other handmaidens.
As they scrubbed your body in the giant tub, you fell into your own thoughts. You tried to relax deep into the water, but the wooden walls ran thin in the estate, cauing you to overhear something you wish you hadnt.
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"My lord! Please, I apologize for my actions!" The girl had exclaimed. She was begging for her life at this point. Sukuna, as well as three butlers had the poor girl surrounded. She was on her knees, kneeling all the way to the floor, with her hands pressed firmly against her face. All she could do was pray that her life could be willingly spared.
"What is the meaning of this? You think its all fun and games around here, but you are simply wasting my time. It shouldn't be on such trash like yourself." He states firmly. Hearing Sukuna call her trash got to her head, and drove her deeper into a state of despair.
"You are merely incompetent, easily replaceable." Sukuna says as he kicks her head, with a harsh 'thud'. The girl grabs hold of Sukunas feet, as she rests her forehead onto his left. "Please! Ill take one hundred lashes! Just please don't kill me, i'm still so young-" "Tsk, i've heard enough." He says as he slashes the woman across the back, leaving her killed in a blink of an eye.
"Take care of this, I cant have somebody like her be around Y/N."
As he gestures the butlers to carry and clean the residue up, he walks towards your room, head held high, and feeling proud of himself. He doesn't feel the need to impress you, but he had to admit he felt really good right now. Not at killing the woman, but at the idea of your reaction. Will you be concerned? Happy? Angry? Who knows, but it always ends the same.
He walks into your shared bedroom, not even knocking, as he stares at your sleeping form, and sees your cute little silk pajamas. God, you were adorable. But he would swear on his life to never truly admit that. Your chest moves up and down as you are in dream land, your shirt riding up to reveal your stomach.
"Brat, wake up." He says, which immediately waking you up from your sweet dreams. You shoot your head up, as Sukuna glares daggers into your eyes.
"You awake now? Good. I slayed that brainless, ignorant woman."
He says, no feelings behind his words, as he slowly crawls his way up the bed, eyes still locked onto yours. He looks you up and down, seemingly staring into you, making you feel exposed.
"What did you do?"
"Thats not important right now. But I think I know what is."
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