#this project is called 'chatroom2000' in my head because i never came up with anything better
decamarks · 2 years
man the new hypnospace game announcement is making me think about an old project idea that i REALLY need to work on making a reality... it was initially inspired by hypnospace, and it's a lot like it in a few ways—the main medium being web-based, but the main difference being that it's a more directly character driven story. like hypnospace's fake internet is vast and shows little snippets of people through their webpages (which i really love) while my project would focus only on a few specific people's webpages. i don't want to go too into it but the concept was a group of dead teenagers stuck in a chatroom together. they all uploaded themselves to "the cloud". so to speak. they're all from different eras of the internet and their webpages/chat styles would reflect this... heeheehe
it's a lot more fleshed out in my head, but i really like the concept by itself. the medium would be a series of chatlogs on a very stylized chatroom program that you can read through (it'd be minimally interactive w/ javascript) & an additional archive of these characters' webpages with plain html + css, which would be fully interactive and would vary depending on the date archived. i didn't when i came up with it, but i now have the skill to at least start working on this... i think. once i finish up my other active projects i want to give it a try >=)
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