#this post is totally about noah and jonas btw
hannahstanwald · 5 months
fuck unrequited love, give me unrequited devotion! give me a character who worships the mere ground their s/o walks on. give me a character who would do anything, cross any boundary or burn any bridge for the one they love. give me a character reveres and adores their partner to a religious (and unhealthy) extent
but the devotee just doesn’t get it. they don’t understand what they’ve done to receive this treatment or why the other character looks at them like they’ve just seen salvation. they fear they will never live up to the devoted one’s expectations and sometimes they wonder if their s/o is even in love with them, or if they’re really in love with the perfect version of them that they’ve created in their mind.
bonus points if the constant devotion and worship starts to drive a wedge between them!!!!!!
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