#this photo is a bit of a catfish forgive me
gendervapor14 · 10 months
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my old lady kitty says hello and thank you 🥰
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callooopie · 3 months
Modern!Cregan Stark headcannons (pt. 1)
Forgive my northern attitude, oh I was raised on little light — Northern Attitude // Noah Kahan
okay… we did not get much Cregan.. so these modern vibes might be a little off. I looked long and hard (🤨) at a photo of him and these were the vibes I conjured up.
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This man.. is so serious. Whenever you look at Cregan he looks like he’s going to pop a blood vessel with how tense he is. He’ll tell you not to worry, this is his natural state (“natural state?!?!”) you don’t think you’ve ever seen him relaxed… although there are times he lets loose, it’s reserved and calm. If he does relax it’s still oddly tense or as if he’s on edge. He’s mastered the art of being both chill but perceptive of his surroundings to a headache inducing degree. “Hm? Yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, honest. One of us needs to be alert here.”
Immediately dipped after college. He got his degree in environmental engineering, he’s out of there. You, Jace, and Davos once planned a summer trip to Cregan’s cabin way up north. Now, way up north? Think like the Yukon or the bush of Alaska—that’s where Cregan would make his home. It’s secluded, no one bothers him, and he can live off the land in relative peace. You three get lost, of course. It’s like you have to take a seaplane, and then hike for a bit to the nearest town, and then you’ll have to wait for him to pick you all up. “You guys kept running around town. It took me forever to find you. Texts? I don’t get those traveling from the cabin… oh well—you’re all here now. The air will do you idiots some good.”
Dog dad. Dog dad. Dog dad. Cregan’s got big dogs, he’s got little dogs. A livestock dog to care for his chickens, some other big dogs for hunting, and a lap dog for emotional support purposes. It’s a hearty mix of Labrador, Pyrenees, mountain dog, maybe even a shepherd of sorts. But the little dog? I feel like it’d either be a dachshund or a corgi. A corgi is a reliable herd dog on top of being just a little guy. But a dachshund would be something he would hold as he walked around the perimeter of his land. Or even better he would have both. But this is his herd, his squad. “Hey!—settle down everyone. Sit down.. down now! Sorry about them, they’re just excited to see you. They’re usually pretty lax, except around you it seems.”
Terrible driver. But not because he’s bad at it, but because he’s literally in the wilderness, there are no traffic laws to obey. He’s driving down a hill full speed no braking. You’re in the passenger seat holding on for dear life as the car literally shakes and jolts you around. But Cregan? He’ll be holding a simple conversation with you, voice not even shaking from the sudden movements of the jeep or truck as he navigates the country road. I cannot figure out if he has more truck vibes or more Jeep vibes. I feel like either would work—as long as they got the job done. And either way, both cars would be muddied and somewhat damaged—filled with survival gear, winter gear, more things tied down on top with bungie cords and hooks. “What do you need? Oh, yeah that should be in the back.. somewhere. Probably in one of the bags—lemme go check for you. Hang tight, be right back.”
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This man fishes. Not like “leaving my bitch wife to go fishin’ with my boys” more like “I’m catching the radioactive catfish of Chernobyl and no one’s stopping me” type fishing. He gets into it, he goes crazy. Cregan’s out on a boat at sea looking for Cthulhu. Y’all know the show River Monsters? That’s Cregan’s type of fishing. Sure he does more ‘relaxed’ fishing once in a while, he enjoys the mix of adventure but also the quiet and the patience of the fish. He will talk about how beautiful the fish is, like Steve Irwin levels of talking to fish (and animals in general). Cregan’s a catch and release king, but if he does choose to use the fish he will use all of it from the head to the bones. Everything’s getting used and processed into something. “Let’s see what you caught.. oh nice, that’s a chinook salmon. A beauty too, look at the size of that thing. You caught that beast yourself without my help? It’ll taste better on an open fire, c’mon I’ll teach you how to gut it… don’t frown at me.”
Master chef I would think. It’s not Michelin star cooking, but cooking with the freshest ingredients possible? Cregan makes a mean salad from the veggies in his garden (a pretty big garden too, he built those wooden garden beds himself) and when he hunts he uses all the meat and bones from the animal as said before with the fish. He’s not overly hunting either, he gets enough for you and him to last a while. “Good harvest today, real good—everything was ripe and ready. What do you think? It all looks good? ..that’s.. that’s good. I’m glad.. save room for dessert too then. Have you ever had acorn cake?”
You know what? He’s a park ranger. Or a state ranger. He’s got a job where he can take care of the land and teach people about the environment and how to respect it. Cregan’s all about teaching little kids what plants are poisonous and then on the next call he’s busting folks for throwing litter into a river. He is the type that if he spots you maybe hiking or doing something while he’s on duty he will pretend to bust you over for something heinous or embarrassing. Bonus if there’s people around you, now you’re getting arrested for leaving a dildo attached to a tree. But usually? It’s silly reasons laced with compliments that make you blush or smile. “..Whatcha doing out here? Hiking? Suuure. Y’know we heard some reports about a.. a very um—beautiful person wandering looking lost.. just saying, I know my way around..”
Such a good listener. Cregan is for the people who just need an ear to listen to them. If something’s bothering you, upsetting you, or you’re just not feeling like yourself; he’ll lead you out to the back porch, gesturing for you to sit down on the step beside him. It’ll be quiet, except for the sounds of nature surrounding the cabin and the woods. You can see mountain ranges in the background, the midnight sun casting a hazy glow over the land. And the next thing you know is you’re pouring your heart out to him. Cregan would remain silent, unless you ask him for advice or support. He’s the type to not want to impose on you if you don’t wish to hear unsolicited opinions or comments on a matter—so you’ll need to tell him you want to hear his advice.
Busted ass cabin. It’s so good. There’s a nearby lake, there’s mountains in the distance. The woods are thick and beautiful. The people yearn for such a place. It’s such a relaxed vibe too, take off your shoes in the house though. There is a lot of cleaning that goes on however on account of the dogs around the home. But the cabin is lived in and homey. It’s cool and refreshing in the summers with the windows open, and it’s warm and cozy in the winters with the fireplace roaring. It’s not too big, but it’s not too cramped either. “Not too warm? Too cold maybe? …well if you’re cold there’s a good way to fix that—“
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Cregan loves teaching you how to live off the land. It’s basically a part of what he does for his job. But with just you? It feels more special, more intimate. You’re eager to learn, and he’s more than happy to show you how to start a fire in an emergency, how to skin an animal and use all its parts for different things. What to do if you’re in a bind in the woods and what you should do first. It’s good advice honestly. Pure survival skills. His hands would be over yours, guiding them through the motions of something. His chin resting atop your head or on your shoulder as he explains each step or how something can be utilized to its fullest potential.
Don’t take his silence or his lack of reactions as something negative. Cregan’s just the type to silently revel in your presence first and foremost, no talking required. Most of your fishing or hunting trips are filled with silence, save for the sound of music from an old portable radio and the occasional sound of a beer can opening. Sometimes you read, sometimes you fish alongside him. But know that he does enjoy your company heavily, and if you do say something don’t worry he’ll respond. Sometimes he does worry maybe he’s a little too aloof or reserved when it comes to you. Reassure him that words aren’t always needed, and sometimes it’s good to just be next to one another without adding anything to it.
With you he can get a little silly. Cregan would lean against your side of the truck, a stupid smile on his face as you talk to him. If you’re hiking and there’s a muddy spot, he will pick you up and carry you over it. He’s the type to serve you food first before him, and if he’s having a snack he’s the type to share it without needing you to ask him. It’s like the phrase to be loved is to be seen. Fresh flowers for you every day, he wakes up early to make you coffee in bed. If you’re the squeamish type about hunting/fishing, he won’t go into the details of your dinner. And if you’re with him, he’ll take care of the food far off from you so you don’t need to see it.
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forabeatofadrum · 3 years
Mendacious (28/31)
Notes: Home stretch, home stretch, home stretch! Updates are going to be a bit more sporadic, but we’re nearing the end! 
Reblogs on Tumblr help writers, but here’s another reminded that the formatting on AO3 for this fic is much nicer. Click the link, my friends:
Kurt Hummel: I want to be your friend again. So badly. But I also know what I’m asking of you.
Kurt Hummel: I walk around with all this shame and guilt, yet I selfishly want us to become friends.
Kurt Hummel: You said that you’re fighting with yourself over this. So am I. I shouldn’t accept your forgiveness, but I want to.
Kurt Hummel: Look at me, dumping this on you at 3am. You’re probably asleep. I’m sorry. I just can’t sleep. I haven’t slept since you told me that you miss me.
Kurt Hummel: That, and I’ve had 5 cups of coffee. I’m not a smart man.
Kurt Hummel: But apparently coffee makes me delirious and it makes me word vomit and I will def regret sending you all of this in the morning, but that’s a problem for me in the morning.
Kurt Hummel: I miss our daily chats and the photos we sent each other and our talks about music.
Kurt Hummel: I wish we had gotten to know each other under different circumstances, but I fucked it all up.
Kurt Hummel: I don’t believe in higher powers. I’m not spiritual, or clairvoyant or religious in any way. But right now I wish I could just use a wand and make everything go away so that we can start anew.
Kurt’s in the middle of typing his next message when the screen changes. Blaine is calling him. They have each other’s numbers through glee. They’ve never used them before.
“Blaine. It’s 3am.”
“I’m aware. My phone’s been blowing up with messages, so.”
“Sorry, I’ll let you sleep-”
“Kurt, chill, I called you. You didn’t wake me. I also have been losing sleep over all of this.”
“And maybe we should talk, like this, not over Facebook. I didn’t expect it to be at 3am though, but it’s fitting after all these sleepless nights.”
“Sorry. Not funny. I know. I do hope that we can move on from this and that we can joke about this one day.”
“How can you say that? I did something despicable!”
“I know. I was there.”
“… Look, I told my gran what happened.”
“Does she hate me now?”
“She is mad at you, but since I forgive you, she’s trying as well. She does regret giving you the extra salted caramel chocolate bar.”
“I still can’t understand how you can forgive me-”
“Stop. Hey! I am already fighting myself over this. I don’t need your shit as well!”
“Shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to lash out, but I told you at the mall that I don’t need you to understand. All I know is that this is what’s good for me and I’d rather not have you question my life like that.”
“I wish I was that knowledgeable about myself.”
“Trust me. It’s new for me as well.”
“What do you want? With us, I mean.”
“That’s a long sigh.”
“We miss each other, yeah? We were great friends and I have forgiven you for the catfishing thing because I want to move on from that bad part in my life. Like how I moved on from my parents. But this time I don’t want sacrifice something that brought me joy.”
“You’re comparing me to your old clothes?”
“In a way. I lost something I loved when I tried to move on. I don’t want to do that again. But I’m also still angry. I told you, I’m fighting myself.”
“No, I get that. I want to be your friend again but I also hate myself for asking that of you. A part of me feels like I don’t deserve your friendship at all, but another part of me also wants to give myself some slack and move on. After all, you’ve forgiven me. It’s me who can’t forgive… me.”
“Maybe… Maybe we can try. To be friends, I mean. If you want to.”
“Sorry, that was too much, wasn’t it?”
“No. I am also kind of excited about the idea. I shouldn’t be, but I am. Maybe I should just let myself feel. Same goes for you, I think. Tell our inner turmoil to shut up. We don’t owe each other shit, but yeah, we can try.”
“A second chance, but with honesty this time.”
“I’ve always been honest. At least on Facebook. To you, I mean.”
“I know.”
“But I get what you mean.”
“Also, even if I can’t fully trust you yet, I do trust Mercedes.”
“She wouldn’t nudge us towards reconnection if it were a bad idea. I think she has our best interests in mind. I… I am really happy that her brother came home for the summer, got into chocolate making, and that we became friends over the summer.”
“I am too. If there’s one good thing that came out of this mess, then it’s that the two of you are friends now.”
“She would’ve helped me with my homework even if you hadn’t catfished me.”
“Hmm. True.”
“If there’s one good thing that came out of this mess, then it’s that the two of us met.”
“Okay, yeah. Sorry, God, I just- this is what I meant. I don’t want to fight myself right now, though. Let me just say that, even if I might regret it tomorrow.”
“For what it’s worth, I feel the same. I just wish we’d become friends under different circumstances. But maybe with this new start… Well, who knows where this ends.”
“Yeah. No promises. We try, that’s it.”
“That’s quite a yawn, Kurt. We should sleep. With this kind of resolved I might finally have a good night of sleep again.”
“Hah. Same.”
“Goodnight, Kurt.”
“Goodnight, Blaine.”
Things aren’t magically fixed, but it’s a start. Kurt and Blaine start to talk more at school and they hang out afterwards as well. The two of them go to the Lima Bean with Mercedes and Tina and it’s a lot of fun now that Kurt and Blaine no longer try to avoid talking to each other. They go thrift shopping for new clothes and after Kurt profusely apologised to Bubs for hurting Blaine, he’s welcome at Blaine’s home all the time.
Kurt used to have movie nights with Rachel and Mercedes, but Rachel’s been replaced. She still acts as if Kurt’s betrayed her and now that it’s obvious that Kurt and Blaine are becoming friendly, her grudge has worsened.
They get noticed outside of glee club too, but now Kurt and Blaine have each other’s backs in the hallways.
Kurt’s still fighting himself. One part absolutely adores having Blaine back in his life, but the other part has the guilt. Kurt really tries to let go of his guilt. Blaine basically insists on it. But they’re not the same. Blaine needs to move on from this. Kurt can’t and Blaine knows that. Guilt is not the best foundation for friendship. Or any kind of relationship. Kurt’s this close to breaking down.
Unexpectedly, Blaine’s the first one to break down.
They’re in Blaine’s room. There’s tension and suddenly, Blaine blurts out: “I can’t do this anymore!”
Blaine keeps rambling. “I thought I could. I thought I just could get over myself and be friends with you, but every time I look at you…”
Kurt hangs his head. This is it. This is the moment all his efforts are going into vain. Blaine is going to tell him that he can’t stand looking at Kurt without feeling angry.
But then Blaine surprises him again.
“… every time I look at you, I am reminded that I am really in love with you.”
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The Road-Trip Part Three
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Part Two | Masterlist | Part Four
Rating: T+ 
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader
Words: 2614
Notes: Just another massive THANK YOU to everyone who is reblogging and liking this story. It’s super late here but I finally finished this. I’ve still got at least one more planned but we’ll see if I get another snow day. But again, thankyouthankyouthankyou! <3 
All mistakes are still mine. 
Warnings: Nightmares (nothing graphic or talked about), angst/hurt, comfort, cursing, and still a bit (okay, quite a bit) of fluff
Summary: You’re finally at your destination with Frankie and you get a night alone before he’s supposed to go out with the guys.
It was close to midnight when Frankie rubbed your arm gently as he whispered your name in an attempt to wake you once again. You blinked over at him and lifted your hand to cover his, smiling sleepily. “Hmm?” “We’re here,” he said, tipping his head to the left towards the Airbnb you two had rented for the long weekend, his smile coming a lot easier than it had when you’d left the convenience store. 
You and Frankie had thought about getting a hotel, but with the dogs you both knew a place with a yard would be better for them. You’d finally found one that was a little pricey but was a pet friendly, riverfront cabin and it was close enough to where the other guys were staying that traveling wouldn’t be an issue. Even better, it looked just as cute in person as it had in the photos. 
You gripped Frankie’s hand and brought it up to kiss his knuckles. “I can get the bags, if you get the dogs,” you offered and watched him roll his eyes. “What?” you asked, unable to hold back your laugh because you knew you’d been caught. You both knew that Flex would be completely full of himself for at least the first ten minutes and the only one who wouldn’t get drug around was Frankie. Neither of the dogs were used to having a yard as big as this one, so it was possible they’d both be a handful. 
“Just get the one closest to the door and their bag. That’s all we need right now, and I can bring in the rest in the morning.” Frankie gave your hand a squeeze as he shook his head, his own smile threatening to break through. “I’ll let them get some energy out before we crash.” 
You nodded, reaching over the console and ran your fingers down his stubbled cheek. “I’ll see you inside.”
You were just finishing up brushing your teeth when you heard the front door open quickly followed by the click of nails and Frankie’s boots on the hardwood floor. You peeked your head around the door frame when you heard them come closer. “Bathrooms free,” you announced as the dogs walked past you in search of their bowls.
Frankie shrugged off his jacket and tossed it and his hat onto a chair, not stopping until he’d reached you. He pulled you into a hug, leaning down enough to press his face into your neck. Your arms automatically came up to hold him close, one of your hands cupping the back of his head as your fingers tangled into his hair. “Everything okay?” you asked gently.
He hummed an affirmative and nodded against your neck. “Just missed this.”
A smile broke out across your lips and you hugged him tighter. “So, me drooling on you for the last two hours wasn’t enough for you?” 
He huffed a laugh, pulling back so he could meet your eyes. “Never,” he said with a smile that lit up his dark eyes. His hands slipped under your shirt, just enough that his thumbs brushed against the skin just above your shorts. “And I never get tired of seeing you in my clothes.”
“You’re insatiable, Morales,” you said, with a shake of your head, lips twitching as you held back your smile. 
He lifted a hand to tilt your chin up with two fingers, his own smile firmly in place. He leaned in just close enough you could feel his lips brush against yours as he spoke. “It’s your fault,” he teased, pulling back a little, his smile growing when you chased his lips, before he gave in and kissed you. The grip he had on your hips tightened as you deepened the kiss and he grunted into your mouth as your fingers fisted in his hair. 
It was always so easy to get carried away when it came to him, but before it could go too far you pulled back, eyes closed as you fought to catch your breath. “I’ll take full responsibility for that,” you said breathlessly, finally opening your eyes to meet his heated stare. “But I really do need to…” You were cut off when you yawned and Frankie groaned out a laugh and pressed his face back into your neck. He wasn’t angry or even upset, he never was if you told him you didn’t want things to go further. You had just added that onto your list of reasons why you were in love with him.
You squeaked in surprise when his hands dropped to the backs of your thighs and he lifted you off the ground to carry you the short distance to the bed. He unceremoniously dropped you onto the soft mattress, your laughter mixing with his as you pulled him down with you. And then there were two more bodies on the bed with you both, pushing at the two of you with their noses making sure you were both alright, which just made you laugh even harder.  
Frankie pushed himself up and out of the tangle of limbs and paws to stand beside the bed, dodging the continued assault like a pro and pointed at the three of you. “Don’t move, hermosa, and you guys make sure of it,” he ordered playfully with a wink as he walked backwards towards the door. He huffed when Marvin jumped down to follow him. “Alright, Flex, I’m counting on you, buddy.” And with that said he turned around and left the room. 
With a shake of your head you shimmied the blankets down so you could actually get under them before he got back. Flex waited patiently for you to get settled before he laid his head on your belly for a scratch, which you did while you waited for Frankie to come back. You knew he was triple checking the locks and windows, a habit you were extremely thankful for, especially when you were now in the middle of nowhere. It didn’t take him long before he was back in the room and stripping down to his boxers. He flipped off the lights and slipped under the covers, successfully getting both dogs to lay at the foot of the bed -sort of-, as you curled around him. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed you softly when you tilted your head up to meet his eyes. 
“I love you, mi sol,” he whispered in the darkness, his thumb caressing your arm through the fabric of his shirt.
“I love you too, Frankie,” you whispered back, pressing a kiss to his bare chest. It didn’t take long for his breath to even out and you weren’t very far behind him, the lack of sleep and exhaustion finally catching up with you.
You woke to a groan and Frankie’s arm trying to move out from under you. It took you a few seconds to realize he was having another nightmare. Shit. When he shifted a little more aggressively you sat up quickly, getting out of the way and just started talking. “Frankie, baby, wake up,” you said a little louder than normal. You’d always been taught to never wake someone up from a nightmare, but you knew that Frankie would never forgive himself if he hurt you and with the way he had started flailing the last few times this had happened it had already come close.  “It’s okay, I’m right here.” You risked pushing against his shoulder when just your words didn’t wake him up and the moment you made contact he shot up, grabbed your arm, his eyes sharp and stared straight at you, his body tense like he was ready to spring at any moment.
You couldn’t help the gasp at the sudden movement but you quickly pushed any fear you had away that he’d hurt you and rubbed your thumb against the skin of his chest above his pounding heart. “Baby,” you whispered. “It’s me. You’re okay. You were dreaming...”
It could have taken just a few seconds but to you it felt like hours until he blinked slowly a few times, recognition slowly coming back into his gaze. And then you felt his body relax slightly under your palm along with his grip, but his heart was still beating much too fast for your liking. “Fuck,” he rasped. “You look… shit, did I hurt you? Please tell me I-“ 
“You didn’t hurt me!” You interrupted quickly, your voice soft as you scooted closer to him to cup his cheek after you pulled your arm out of his hand. His eyes dropped, unable to meet yours, and you could see the anger at himself along with embarrassment creeping in. “Look at me, Frankie.” You dipped your head in an attempt to see his eyes. 
Slowly he lifted them and met yours again, the doubt of what you’d said written all over his face. “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m okay… I promise.” You leaned in, brushing your lips against his once, twice, three times before he kissed you back. He pulled away enough to press your foreheads together and let out a breath as he relaxed even more.
“You’re really okay?” he asked and you nodded against him.
“Yes, baby, I’m really okay.”
You leaned away, never breaking the eye contact he was actually giving you now as you started to lay back, pulling him with you as you went. He settled between your legs, positioning himself to lay his head on your chest, and slipped both hands under your shirt, his rough fingers rubbing your sides. You knew he needed the physical reminder that you were still there, that you weren’t afraid of him, and that you still loved him enough to let him touch you. 
You were sure he didn’t believe that you were okay and you knew it would take a while to get whatever he’d dreamed about out of his head. So, you let it be. You didn’t ask questions he wouldn’t want to answer, instead you just ran your fingers through his hair and down his back as far as you could reach, letting your love for him show through your touch. 
You two laid like that with the dogs surrounding you, not speaking, until you saw the first sliver of light break in the sky. It would only be a few hours from now before the guys showed up for their first day. They’d planned to go fishing since you and Frankie had gotten a place so close to the river and then they’d head to town to see what kind of trouble they could get into. 
While Frankie had been the one to invite you, you had told him you weren’t going to get in the way of what they would do if you weren’t there. This was their weekend and you had downloaded plenty of books and movies, along with a few tv shows, that would keep you busy the whole time. He had rolled his eyes at you and told you that the guys wouldn’t mind but you were adamant. You knew that the group didn’t get together often and you wanted Frankie to be able to be with his friends and not feel guilty for leaving you behind to do that or feel like he needed to entertain you and ignore the people he was there to see in the first place. 
You were absolutely fine with being at the little cabin and close enough that if he needed you, you could be there instead of over the phone. Plus, it was good to just get away and you needed it as much as he did, work had been hell lately and you definitely needed a break from it. 
What he didn’t know was that you’d booked one extra day for just the two of you, that way he could show you all the things he’d seen while he was with his friends. Though, you wouldn’t object if he just wanted to stay in bed the whole time. 
“You want me to go make some coffee?” You asked, voice slightly rough from lack of use. 
“Time is it?” Frankie asked, his voice muffled against your shirt.
You glanced around the room and once you realized there wasn’t a clock you grabbed your phone instead, trying not to move more than you had to. “Early enough we can eat breakfast and get showers before the guys get here to take you fishing.” You held out the phone so he could see the time and he groaned a little, scooted down and pressed his face into your belly. 
You cupped the back of his head with one hand while your other stroked the part of his cheek that was exposed as your smile grew. “It’s up to you, baby.”
He laid there for another moment, then finally nodded. “I could eat.”
“Then let’s go see if there’s anything in the fridge or if we’ll be eating those poptarts I picked up last night,” you said, your grin widening when he actually chuckled. And once again the vice that had tightened back up just a few hours ago eased.
Frankie took the dogs out while you went to the kitchen and got the coffee brewing and got their bowls full. By the time he got back, you had his coffee made just the way he liked it and were at the stove cooking some of the eggs and bacon you’d found in the fridge. 
When he came back into the kitchen he leaned over and pressed a kiss to your temple as he picked up his coffee. It was a bit more distant than he was normally, and you started to worry that the fifteen minutes outside had been just enough time for him to get back into his head. “Want me to get the toast?” 
You glanced over at him with a smile and nodded, but reached out to grab his arm before he could turn away. “Frankie?”
“Yeah, babe?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as he put his coffee cup back on the counter.
You pulled his arm and he came to you, a frown now on his face. When he was right in front of you, you reached up and cupped his cheek, getting up on your toes to press your lips to his. It took him a moment but then he was kissing you back, his lips soft and undemanding against your own. When you dropped back down he followed you, pressing his forehead to yours as he nudged your nose with his. 
“I love you, Francisco Morales,” you whispered. You didn’t want him to start pulling away or even think he had to after last night. You were now sure he’d gotten into his own head and from personal experience, you knew how toxic that could end up being. 
He let out a shaky breath, nodding absently. “I know, mi sol, I know…” His hands came up to cup your cheeks as he leaned away, like he knew you needed to see his face. “And I love you,” he said, a hesitant smile came over his lips before he pressed them against yours again… Until you smelled something burning.
“Shit!” you pulled back, turning quickly and slid the pans off the burners and cut them off just as a laugh bubbled out of Frankie. “Shut up,” you said with absolutely no heat, side eyeing him.
“I didn’t say a word, hermosa,” he said, still chuckling as he came up behind you to wrap his arms around your middle. “But don’t worry, I’ll take full responsibility for that.”
Tag List: @cxnnxrmar​
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
pragma - part two
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Female reader
Warnings: mention of drugs
A/N: This part is entirely from Frankie’s point of view. I think it’s important to talk about what he’s feeling too. I also bring up the “charge” they mention like once in the movie. I wanted to expand on it a bit since we kind of got left hanging.
Summary: Frankie adjusts to you being in his life again and in turn is left facing more than one dilemma.
pragma masterlist
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Frankie walked to the living room and sat on the couch, throwing his hat on the coffee table before covering his face with his hands and sighing. He looked down the hall as if he expected her to walk down it any minute.
What the hell was she doing here and why? His heart hadn’t beat normally since he saw her in the bar and now she was here in his fucking house. He told himself long ago that be would never forgive her for what she did, but he turned into a pile of mush as soon as she smiled at him.
Just like old times.
“Fuck,” he whispered. Things he hadn’t felt in so long came flooding back and he had no idea what to do with them. He kicked off his boots and laid down. When he slept, if he slept, he hoped it would help him see things clearer in the morning.
He woke to somewhat of a hangover and a stiff back on account of him sleeping on the damn couch.
“Damn,” he groaned as he stood and stretched before remembering that she was here. His gaze moved to the end of the hall and he quietly walked down to the last room. Then he lingered outside the door like he was afraid. After a few quick knocks, he pushed the door open and found her asleep, curled up holding a pillow.  
How the fuck does she manage to be beautiful even when she sleeps?
She stirred and he stiffened. He could see the confusion on her face as she took in her unfamiliar surroundings. She rolled over and her eyes widened when they found him.
“Yeah. Mornin'.” He sat on the end of the bed as she got herself together.
“Why am I here?” she asked through a yawn.
“You got shitfaced and needed to sleep it off. I would’ve taken you home but I don’t know your address.”
“Oh…okay. Thanks. My car here?” He nodded and she swung her feet off the bed and to the floor. “I feel horrible.”
“I’ll get you something,” he offered, standing quickly and walking to the bathroom. While he did that, she must have gotten herself moving because he found her in the living room looking at pictures. He handed her the pills and a glass of water.
“Thanks.” She handed the glass back when she was done and kept looking at pictures then she gasped and he thought something was wrong. “I can’t believe you kept this picture. Look at us.”
“You can have it if you want.”
“I have a better idea.” She pulled her phone out and snapped a picture of the photo. “There.”
“You were always the smart one,” he teased.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Frankie. You’re fucking brilliant, you know?” When she looked at him, he felt completely glued to his spot. She eventually looked away and picked up the hat he threw on the table last night. The smile on her face was one of nostalgia but then it fell. “I should go.”
“Oh. Do you think you can drop me off at the bar so I can get my truck?”
“Of course. Come on.”
“You still listen to the same shitty music, huh?” he asked as he skipped song after song in the car.
“My music is not shitty, you just don’t have the ear for it,” she jabbed playfully.
He scoffed and kept playing with the radio. “Why’d you get married?” he asked suddenly as she stopped at the light.
“Uh…I guess I thought I was in love. Felt like it was the right thing to do at the time. And why didn’t you get married?” she asked.
“Eh, I don’t think I’m the marrying type. I’ve had relationships, some serious, but it never went further than that.” He looked at her as she nodded and kept her eyes forward to drive. “Would you ever get married again?”
She pulled into the lot for the bar and turned off the car. “I don’t know. I won’t be able to if this man doesn’t sign the damn papers anyway.”
“Can’t you, I dunno, sign for him?” he asked.
“That’s illegal, soldier.”
“Alright fine. I was just trying to help.” He shrugged and opened the door. “So…your address.”
“Oh, right. Got anything I can write on?” She looked around then just grabbed his hand. “Forget it. Here.” She scribbled the address in his palm with a pen she found in the cupholder.
“You could’ve just asked to put it in my phone, you know?”
“Frankie…I didn’t know you had a phone." She sounded exasperated.
“I gave you my number last night or did you forget?” The smile on his face grew as he teased her.
“It could’ve been for a landline! How was I supposed to know?”
“You know what, maybe you aren’t the smart one after all.” He chuckled as she punched his arm.
“Get outta my car.” She shoved him and he stumbled out while still laughing. When he looked into the car again, she was grinning ear to ear.
“That smile…it still…” He stopped suddenly before he said something he might regret.
“It still what?”
He shook his head and looked down at his hand. “You live there?” he asked. “There’s a lake up there I like to-"
“Go fishing at. I know. You took me once…the morning after we-" She stopped herself and gripped the steering wheel.
And now you both had left words unsaid—words that held too much of the past in them. One day. One day they would talk about the past in detail, lay all the cards on the table, but today wasn’t that day.
“Thanks for the ride,” Frankie said leaning into the window.
“And thank you and Santiago for making sure I got somewhere safe last night. I appreciate it. It was so good seeing you two.” Her smile was genuine and bright. Even with slightly messy hair and tired eyes she was the most ethereal thing he had ever seen.
“We’ll see you again soon I hope.”
“You have my address,” she reminded him.
“And you have my number.”
“I do.”
“Use it, okay? Please.” He stood up straight then walked to his truck, missing her quiet ‘I will'. There was a reason he didn’t say goodbye. He was afraid to. He was afraid that if he said them again, he would have to go another five years without seeing her. Or has it been longer?
His phone rang as soon as she drove away and he got into his truck. He went for it excitedly only to see that it was Pope.
“Yeah?” he answered.
“Are you still with her?” Pope asked and the smile in his voice could be heard by anyone.
“Just saw her off. Gimme a minute.” He pulled the phone away from his ear and snapped a photo of his hand before he forgot.
“Anything happen?” the other man asked.
“Was something supposed to happen?” Frankie started the truck then sat back. “Look, I like my women conscious and…unmarried.”
“She’s going through a divorce, Cat.”
“Yeah, but it ain’t official yet.” He backed out of the parking space and pulled onto the road.
“She could be your saving grace, Frankie. Don’t scare her away again.”  
“Scare her a—what the fuck, Pope?!” He was angry because, in reality, it was the truth. She wasn’t completely innocent, but he knew what her last straw had been. “She broke my heart. She left me.”
“And you remember why she left, don’t you?”  
“I got worse after she left. She could’ve stayed. She could’ve helped me.” He stopped when he realized just how selfish that sounded. “I’m coming by." He hung up and turned a little too fast down Pope’s street.
Pope met him outside and held up his hand as he got out of the car. “If you’re here to yell take it inside.”
Frankie slammed the truck door and stormed inside, turning to Santiago as soon as he closed the door. “Why are you bringing it up, man?”
“Because it needed to be brought up especially now that she’s back. Did you tell her?” Pope stood in front of him.
“…I’m fine. She doesn’t need to know. I’m functioning.”
“You know damn well that she can smell a problem a mile away. She’s gonna be able to look at you and figure it out. You never stopped after she left…”
“I never stopped because she left!” Frankie snapped. He laughed bitterly. “How the hell am I supposed to even bring it up? ‘Hey, welcome back. By the way, I’ve been charged with possession of cocaine’.”
“Cat…come on. Sit down.”
He sat and sighed loudly. “Don’t scare her away...man, if I tell her that I’m still using she might leave the fucking country this time.”
“The only reason she’d leave again is if you start blaming her for your problems. I get it, okay? Her leaving didn’t do you any good, but that’s not her problem, you understand? She didn’t put the drugs in your hand and say ‘hey, take this'.” Pope walked to his kitchen and came back with a glass of water. “Now, we don’t have to talk about this anymore if you don’t want.”
“I never realized how much I missed her, Pope. Last night when I carried her and she pressed her head to my chest…I can’t remember the last time I felt my heart beat that way.” He took a sip of water. “It’s so fucking cheesy.”
Pope laughed and patted his shoulder. “You still got it bad. It’s kinda cute.”
“Cállate,” Frankie said, giving Pope the finger.
“You gonna see her again?”
“Oh…” Frankie showed the other man his hand excitedly. “Address. Don’t worry I took a picture of it. You’re gonna come with me, right?”
“Because she said we should visit.” Frankie couldn’t fathom going up there by himself. Being alone with her that short time this morning already had him on edge.
“But we both know who she really came back to see.”
“What if she just came back to, you know, visit?” Pope made a face at that and Frankie shrugged. “If I go there, I’m not gonna have any idea what to say or do.”
“She still has that effect on you, huh?”
Frankie took his cap off and ran his hand through his hair before putting it back on. “You have no idea.” Suddenly his phone rang and he took it out his pocket then stared at it. It was a number he didn’t recognize.
“Uh, you gonna answer?” Pope asked.
“Hey. It’s me.” Frankie nearly dropped the phone at the sound of her voice.
“Oh…h-hey. Everything okay?” He rolled his eyes at himself while Pope laughed then mouthed ‘is that her'. Frankie nodded.
“Everything’s fine. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come up for a late lunch kinda thing. Do some more catching up.” He could hear stuff clanging around in the background.
“You cooking?” he asked looking up at Pope who shook his head then whispered ‘it’s all you, hermano’.
“Yup. Can you guys make it?” she asked.
“Uh…I can. Santiago is busy today.” He immediately regretted telling her that because she became quiet.
“Okay. Just us then.”  
“Just us,” he repeated feeling his heart beating faster.
“Maybe we can walk down to the lake after,” she suggested.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that.”
“Is 3 good for you?” More noise in the background.
“Sure." His palms were sweaty. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Okay, see you then, Frankie. Bye.”
He hung up without saying goodbye and didn’t even realize it. He felt as though he was in a trance.
“Well, what are you sitting here for? Don’t you have a lunch date to get ready for?” Pope pointed out.
“It’s not a date, man.”
“Sure. Go home, shower, and try to find something a little nicer to put on. And lose the hat.”
Frankie stood and before walking to the door to leave, he looked at Pope. “She likes the hat.” With a shrug and the other man laughing, he walked out and got into his truck where he finally realized that he agreed to meet her at her house…alone.
At home, Frankie took a little extra care in his appearance though after thinking about it he realized it was stupid. She knew what he looked like. And still he took the time to wash his hair, find a t-shirt that wasn’t thrown on the floor, and find a pair of jeans that fit him a little better than the others. He even used the cologne that had been sitting in the same place, unused, for God knows how long. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he shook his head.
“What the hell, Cat?” he whispered. He picked at his scruff and thought about shaving it, but he remembered how she scratched at it and figured that was something else she liked so it wasn’t going anywhere. And the hat. It probably wasn’t the best idea to put hat on after washing his hair but it was his thing. Besides, it was the hat she got for him. He put it on right before walking out the door.
The drive to her place was right around forty-five minutes like she said. He still couldn’t believe she had been this close the entire time and near one of his favorite places to boot.
She must have heard him pull up because she came to the door to greet him before he had a chance to get out of the truck. He gave himself a quick once-over and popped a mint before getting out. After a deep breath he walked around the truck and greeted her.
Shit. Should he have brought something?
“Hey.” He lifted his hand awkwardly and she waved back.
“I’m so happy you could make it. Come on in.” She walked in and held the door open for him.
“Sorry I didn’t bring anything.” He put his hands in his pockets and she laughed. “What?”
“Nothing…it’s just the hands in the pockets thing…you’ve been doing that since forever.” She led him to the dining room where the food had already been set up. “And don’t apologize for not bringing anything. You’re here and that’s what I asked for, right?”
“Right. Oh.” He took off his hat and shoved it, bill first, into his back pocket. “This place is really nice,” he said looking around. “Your husband buy it?”
“My soon-to-be ex-husband didn’t buy a thing. This house is mine.” She walked to the kitchen and Frankie snuck a quick look at her. She still moved like she was floating on air and no matter what she wore it fit her perfectly. Today she had gone with a pair of black jeans and a tank top with a flannel thrown over it.  
She talked but he hardly heard her. He was too busy thinking about how if he had gotten his shit together, he could be living here with her, taking walks to his favorite lake every day.
“You okay, Frankie?” she asked, bringing him back to reality.
Instead of sitting across from him, like they did in those movies with the fancy dining rooms like this one, she sat beside him and put her chin in her hand.
“I’d kill to know what you’re thinking about.”
“I’m proud of you,” he said. “You did really well for yourself.”
“Thanks. And what about you, Frankie?”
“Eh, I did the Army thing. Became a pilot. Nothing exciting.” He looked around but his gaze fell on her again. “Why do you keep looking at me like that?” he asked. Suddenly, he felt self-conscious and had to keep himself from smoothing down his hair.
“I’m just remembering. That’s all.” She smiled then began passing him food. “Take as much as you want.” She watched him for a while before speaking again. “So…a pilot? I don’t know how the hell you do that.”
“What do you mean?” It was probably rude of him to talk with food in his mouth but she didn’t seem to mind.
“I terrified of flying,” she admitted, filling her plate so she could eat.
“You? You were never afraid of anything.”
“Oh yes I was. I was just really good at hiding it.” She giggled when he sipped the wine and made a face. “I got beer.”
“Please.” He watched her walk but told himself to stop and looked at his plate.
“Here. And here’s the-" She tried offering him the bottle opener but he had already opened it himself. “Okay then.”
“Don’t be.” She had the brightest smile on her face so everything must be okay. “Are you gonna tell me how you’ve been?”
“Thought I did.” He sipped his beer but noticed that she was still looking at him. That’s when he knew she knew just like Pope said. “That’s not what I came to talk about…”
“Okay.” She began eating again. The silence stretched on and it was driving him crazy. He wanted to talk but what was he supposed to say.
“I couldn’t forget,” he said quietly. “I just wanted to forget.”
She looked at him sadly. “Happens to the best of us.”
That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting at all. He thought she would be screaming and waving her hands all over as she called him every name in the book. Instead she placed her hand on top of his and squeezed.
“You don’t need it, Frankie,” she said, “You never have.”
He never considered himself an emotional man but no one would blame him if he would have burst into tears at that moment.
“How’d you know?” he asked, voice on the verge of cracking.
“I notice everything…especially when it comes to the people I love.” Upon hearing that word, his head turned so quickly to her that he nearly gave himself whiplash. “Now, are we gonna take that walk to the lake?” She hopped up and walked to the door to put her shoes on.
“Um yeah.” Frankie shook his head slightly in order to focus.
He loved walks like this. It was quiet all except for the bugs and birds and…the sound of her voice. She talked about everything and he hung on every word.
When they reached the lake, she immediately kicked her shoes off and rolled the bottom of her jeans up so she could put her feet in.
Just like old times.
The way she sat back slightly with her hands on either side of her to balance as she kicked at the water to see how cold it was took him back. He remembered. The sun shined on her as she looked up at him.
“Cold,” she giggled and it made him smile. With an exaggerated groan he sat down beside her then pulled his boots and socks off. He dipped his feet in then pulled them away quickly. “Told you.” He eventually got used to it and let his feet dangle in the water. She was like his fountain of youth because every time he was around her, she made him feel young again.
He closed his eyes and remembered. And she opened her eyes and looked at him. His eyes opened only when he felt her pinky finger touch his. He looked down at their hands then at her. She had closed her eyes again but he could tell by the little smirk on her face that she knew. He moved his hand a little more so that he could slightly lace his fingers with hers.
It’s funny how the simplest touch can cause the most complex feelings—feelings that he had sworn he buried deep inside of him somewhere. It was a complicated thing trying to be angry at her because in that moment all was forgotten and forgiven.
Tags: @cable-kenobi​ @saltywintersoldat​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @pedrosdoll​
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Zelda & Zach
ihatemyguts: Good thing you told me how bubble boy posi Robyn’s ‘rents are
ihatemyguts: ‘cos that felt like such a brush-off
ihatemyguts: I feel kinda bad, it’s low-key just upset her with no shopping trip pay-off 😬
inandout: your first date was today
inandout: the insane jealousy must have forced me to forget
ihatemyguts: Obviously
ihatemyguts: moping and staring out of open windows would be bad for your health
ihatemyguts: probably
ihatemyguts: can’t have that
inandout: mope hard enough and fling myself all over the house, they’ll call it exercise
ihatemyguts: I’d let Rob know but her parents would probably sue me
ihatemyguts: I did some research
ihatemyguts: and yeah, flare-ups fucking suck, but if she was struggling that bad rn she’d be in hospital getting her 💉 on
ihatemyguts: makes me ⁉️ if the meetup will happen
inandout: makes me wonder if her brothers are allowed out
inandout: if they are maybe they can help us smuggle her to the meetup
ihatemyguts: not just a pretty face
ihatemyguts: that’s a damn good idea
ihatemyguts: I can slide in their DMs
inandout: Cranking up the jealousy metre to give me a full work out, I see, are you gonna be a PE teacher when you grow up?
ihatemyguts: *prays they aren’t like 12*
ihatemyguts: imagine if that was my life’s ambition
ihatemyguts: wear unflattering sportswear and give kids complexes
ihatemyguts: even without the potential life-shortening illness, I’d reconsider that
inandout: it tracks that you’d wanna make them 💩 and bringing back the bleep test could work
ihatemyguts: okay I’m not 🦹‍♀️ or 🐯 levels of sweet but is that what you really think of me? 😏
inandout: I think there’s only one rebel teacher coming to mind and I haven’t watched that film so all I know is they stand on desks
inandout: probably not a perfect fit for you
ihatemyguts: I could force you to watch it for our first date
ihatemyguts: and ask you, what your dream job would be
inandout: Netflix and chill or cinema screening of the ‘classics’?
inandout: we could do a drive-thru
ihatemyguts: hmm 🤔
ihatemyguts: there are pluses to ‘em all
ihatemyguts: cinema, we could laugh at all the snobs and 🤓s
inandout: Cool, reach out to me with the time + date when it’s showing
inandout: Are you allowed 🍿?
ihatemyguts: oh hell no
ihatemyguts: have to find another way to hold my hand
inandout: 🦸‍♀️ said she was gonna look up ice breakers and stuff, hopefully it was a fruitful search and she won’t mind sharing the info
ihatemyguts: do you think she legit didn’t realize how thirsty that boy was for her
ihatemyguts: or is it all uwu coy-ness
inandout: It’s hard to tell
inandout: but if I remember my glasses I’ll do my best to decode her body language from 6 ft away
ihatemyguts: aside from hospital, have you ever met someone else with cf?
inandout: Nope
inandout: jokes aside, it really is discouraged
ihatemyguts: that’s a hard one to get your head around
ihatemyguts: far as adjustments go
inandout: getting Robbie at this meetup won’t be easy
inandout: separate ones mean we might not have her there
ihatemyguts: I reckon we can trust you and Kara to keep the teen love story fictional
ihatemyguts: for all our sake’s
inandout: She’ll get her man
inandout: it’s not like bad advice and dating pitfalls are just a click away
ihatemyguts: cosmos never steered ANYONE wrong
inandout: Yahoo answers neither
ihatemyguts: might be confused as to why they’re not related
inandout: [I like to think he’s just sending his fave yahoo answer answers now for the lols]
ihatemyguts: [meme back and forth lads]
ihatemyguts: if she gets her date we could go into the matchmaker business
ihatemyguts: start at home
ihatemyguts: 🤖 don’t last forever
inandout: Rob’ll need to be next or she won’t forgive us
inandout: and we’ll soon get tired/guilty of seeing the amount of 😿💔 spam the chat
ihatemyguts: we’ll have to liberate her first
ihatemyguts: in a literal way
ihatemyguts: not the pretentious, free your 🧠 type of vibe
inandout: Kidnap’s playing into her parents’ fears but we don’t have a better option
ihatemyguts: now it’s my turn for a potential 💡
ihatemyguts: what if that is exactly what she should do
inandout: jump scare them?
ihatemyguts: if she did some actual wild shit to show them they’re being suffocating, ‘scuse the mention, then they’ll have to compromise and let her do normal kid things and everyone will win
ihatemyguts: I realize getting her to wild out might be a problem
ihatemyguts: catfish it though?
inandout: 💡⭐️
inandout: getting her to agree to do it for real would take longer than we have but you’re right, faking it wouldn’t take any time at all
ihatemyguts: get Lauren to picture whatever the hell she’s up to
ihatemyguts: sorted
inandout: + there’s your next photo challenge ready to be accepted, dressing as if you were going on a date with 👵🌈✨ instead
ihatemyguts: hold my neon
ihatemyguts: and think, do we clue Rob in on this plan now or do it on her behalf first, ‘cos we could hit up her house phone with some madness to get ‘em sus now and when she’s like wuuuuut it’ll sound even more
ihatemyguts: or is that a bit evil genius instead of 🦹‍♀️
inandout: Does she even have a house phone? We don’t
inandout: you’ll have to find another way to trick my parents into believing I’m a badass
ihatemyguts: I bet they do
ihatemyguts: can’t trust a mobile
ihatemyguts: and I bet they don’t have a microwave, they’re that sort
ihatemyguts: obvs I’ll just direct them to Lauren on your friends list with a 🤔
inandout: We should probably warn her, in case she takes it the wrong way
inandout: or decides to stand up to them for her YA movie moment
ihatemyguts: yeah, you’re right
ihatemyguts: if she doesn’t go for it, her brothers might be of use still
ihatemyguts: have to focus my evil energy elsewhere
ihatemyguts: such as…
ihatemyguts: 🥁
ihatemyguts: [one of the crazier lewks from babyteeth for the photo challenge]
inandout: 🤞🏻 one of them is old enough to drive the people carrier
inandout: Uhh… that was a suspiciously fast transformation
ihatemyguts: didn’t know you was challenging a pro?
ihatemyguts: and someone with a lot of time on her hands
inandout: I do now
inandout: and I’m guessing it’s not every day you get stood up based on what else I know about you
ihatemyguts: it’s a first
ihatemyguts: not that I constantly ask people out
ihatemyguts: but that is what I’ve put across so fair enough
ihatemyguts: what am I interrupting for you?
inandout: I’m waiting on friends
inandout: this could end in both of us being stood up
ihatemyguts: am I a drag you down with me type?
ihatemyguts: hmm
ihatemyguts: nah, I’ll cross my fingers that your friends aren’t flaky
inandout: Late, but I’d be too if it wasn’t my house
inandout: What are you gonna do now shopping’s off?
ihatemyguts: life is one big photo challenge, right
ihatemyguts: yours is ‘whatever will make your friends double-take when they open the door’
ihatemyguts: it’s a good question
ihatemyguts: we’re going to virtual shop tomorrow but she wasn’t up for it today
inandout: Wait for it and their faces
inandout: + you’re virtually invited to watch movies and play games, you won’t be the only one who isn’t here in person
ihatemyguts: 👍
ihatemyguts: cool
ihatemyguts: meeting new people is my new thing, as long as your mates are down/not the level of nerd that they might get a nosebleed if a girl is about
inandout: Some of them are girls if that helps
inandout: and my brother won’t be there to bring down the cool
ihatemyguts: low-key a shame
ihatemyguts: have to meet him before the first date though
inandout: I’ve got a father you can ask for permission if you’re feeling old-fashioned
ihatemyguts: full set
ihatemyguts: fun
ihatemyguts: mines in scotland so we’ll let you off that trek
inandout: But a road trip is a coming of age movie staple! 😫 Has Netflix aired any YA without one + are you willing to take that risk?
inandout: mine’s a workaholic but we’ve got years to catch him
ihatemyguts: forget the meds, see who gets fucked up first
ihatemyguts: it’d be a journey, for sure
ihatemyguts: do you know what he does? ‘cos so’s mine and I couldn’t tell you, tbh
inandout: Or mix them up and see what happens when you take the ones for my 💩
inandout: He’s a sales manager, he says, but why so vague?
ihatemyguts: sounds like something they’d do at cool parties
ihatemyguts: and that sounds suspish
ihatemyguts: they should have this 🤓 but with a moustache instead of the buckteeth
ihatemyguts: dads are elusive creatures… conspiracy time, what are they all up to
inandout: Not sure that’s the topic Rich has been watching vids on but I’ll ask
ihatemyguts: he can always tactfully ignore you if he’s 😳
ihatemyguts: like he does with 👵🌈✨ when she’s extra
ihatemyguts: more than usual
inandout: Be harder to do that in person
ihatemyguts: I think everyone will still get on
ihatemyguts: unless fibrofog shows, then that’ll be teen show worthy drama, of course
inandout: I think he’s genuinely blocked, he’d need a 2nd account to find out about it
ihatemyguts: hope he’s seen catfish too
inandout: He’d be a fan of the one where the man refused to believe it wasn’t Katy Perry
ihatemyguts: it does seem like the sort of thing she’d do
ihatemyguts: poor bastard
inandout: 😂
ihatemyguts: ultimate photo challenge, catfishing everyone and then going for the ruveal
ihatemyguts: might need more than just a wig 🤔😏
inandout: Dressing like her would make my friends do a double-take
inandout: [pics of some of her outrageous lewks with his head put on]
ihatemyguts: 😂😂😂
ihatemyguts: you suit the 🍦🧁🍭🍩✨
inandout: We’ve probably got a can of squirty cream lying around for hot chocolate
ihatemyguts: inhaler but make it ~sExxxIii~
inandout: [a lil video of his failed attempt to re-create that in her insta DMs or wherever because idk if they can send stuff like that here]
ihatemyguts: Katy dat you 😍😍
inandout: I’ve agreed to only string you along for 4 years not 6 and I don’t have any savings to spend 25% of on a 💍
inandout: looks like the comparison starts and stops with our black curls
ihatemyguts: not much of an orlando bloom clone myself so it’s alright
ihatemyguts: pirate is always an excellent disabled-friendly costume though so add that to the ideas board we should start
inandout: If we decide the next meetup is fancy dress, Lauren will never go back home
ihatemyguts: that’s the mood
inandout: [sends her whatever he did for the photo challenge and his friends reaction to it because why not say they’ve arrived and there’s a similar feral mood here]
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Fraxus fake Boyfriend AU part 1/?
So it’s Fraxus day, but this isn’t finished yet so I decided to split it up. Here’s part one folks! (it’s a modern au)
"No Freed, you can't hack your father's bank account. The feds will get you and then I will be tragically best friend-less."
"No, you don't get it", Freed says and on the grainy computer screen, Laxus can see him shake his head. "If I go to jail, it'll probably be in Crocus, which means you can actually visit me instead of videocalling me at stupid o'clock in the morning. Also orange is an excellent colour on me."
A quick glance at the lower corner of his screen and a bit of mental math tells Laxus that it's indeed way too early in the morning for Freed to even consider to talk to him. "Justine it's three in the morning there, why are you even awake?"
Although it's hard to tell with the awful videoquality, Laxus thinks he can see the other man pout. "Talking to my bestie, duh", Freed replies and bashes his eyelashes obnoxiously, drawing a huff of laughter out of Laxus. "What are you, a fifteen year old schoolgirl? The lack of sleep is clearly getting to your head."
Smoothly ignoring Laxus' criticism of his horrendous sleeping habits, Freed continues the earlier topic. "Speaking of besties, made any friends yet?" Groaning, Laxus rolls his eyes. "My roommate is an actual nutjob and I don't know why I'm fond of him. He introduced me to his absolute bitch of a friend and I think I like her even more", he confesses and the pixelated image of Freed gives him a smug smirk. "It's because you like to be bullied, Laxus dearest. You won't say it, so I'll say it for you : bottom rights baby."
"I hate you and if you were here I'd smack you", he half-heartedly threatens and Freed replies "Kinky" without missing a beat. While the two of them are engaged in a staring match without actually being able to make out each other's eyes in the blur of colours on the screen, Bickslow throws open Laxus' bedroom door and yells: "Time to hide your porn blondie, it's time for reallife interaction with actual human beings!"
On instinct, Laxus does click away and as soon as the connection with Freed breaks he sees it fit to pout like a child. Their schedules matching (or one of them not sleeping for a day) and their wifi allowing them to see each other is a ridiculously difficult situation to stumble upon and now he's wasted his chance. Bickslow looks at least apologetic. Laxus was going to forgive him, until he opened his godforsaken mouth. "Dang man, the porn that good?"
"I hate you too", he says without clarifying to Bickslow who the other despised person is. He doesn't seem to mind as he plucks Laxus' computer from his bed, plops it down the nearby desk and sits himself down right in front of Laxus, legs in lotus position and bouncing with way too much energy. "I had a great idea", he announces and Laxus immediately doubts him.
"You see Ever and I, we thought you were a bit lonely and it might heal your soul to... Nah, scratch all of that, Ever and I were really fucking bored and we thought : Hey, let's set our absolute bestie up on a date! So here we are. Get dressed, you're going on a date."
"I can't", he says and desperately tries to come up with a reason. Uni work won't fool them, because they know that he's actually a good student, other activities won't work either because he's a social recluse and not even Makarov can save him because for some reason, the little shits he calls friends are all buddy-buddy with his grandpa.
"My boyfriend would hate it", he continues, cheeks colouring. It's because of the lying, not because he can only come up with one boyfriend-candidate in his mind. The statement is bland and straight to the point, which makes his words sound all the more true. Of course, Bickslow doesn't even buy a little bit of it. "Prove it", he demands.
While mentally apologising to Freed, Laxus digs up his contact information and futily tries to call him. After the third time trying, Bickslow looks even less convinced, which is an impressive feat considering he didn't believe Laxus from the beginning. Sighing, he goes to their chat instead and unlike their usual nonsense, he finds a sweet (?) message from Freed.
Damn, the wifi is really fucking with us huh? Wish we could talk more and I wish I could see your pretty face instead of a black screen and some smudges of colour here. X from the most beautiful man you know."
'Conceited brat', he thinks fondly and replies: Cymbeline (Act 3, Scene 4) Line 35-39, but replace 'slander' with 'you bitch'. They've adopted this weird system where Freed uses slang and Laxus literary references, just to meet each other's vibes somewhat. Sometimes it works, most of the times it really doesn't, but at least it's fun.
"Bro have you forgotten about my entire existence already? Stop smiling at your phone and admit that you don't have a mans!" Wordlessly, Laxus passes his phone to Bickslow who gasps. "Book quotes? Shit man, you're in deep. I'm gonna tell Ever." Without a warning, Bickslow disappears through the window, probably giving Evergreen her twentieth heart attack of this month by landing on her balcony. If the school thought a floor would seperate girls and boys, then they clearly hadn't met Bickslow.
Too late Laxus realises that Bicks has taken his phone with him and hopes his friends somewhat value his privacy and don't scroll too far up. There are the occassional way too deep talks around midnight but also a one time onceler x barry b benson bdsm roleplay (Freed had needed help with a creative writing assignment and Laxus had contributed a whole lot of nothing).
Barely five minutes later, Evergreen marches right into his bedroom, heels clicking snappily on his floor. "What", she spits and waves with his phone, "is this?"
"My cellphone."
Unperturbed, she continues her dramatic rant. "You have a boyfriend and you don't bother telling us?" Her tone turns sly and she elegantly flops down on his bed, rearranging her body to give herself a 'stern posture'. She looks like an irod rod trying to do yoga. "Or are you just making things up? Feel free to prove me wrong by showing us what he looks like."
"Why would I bring my photoalbums to uni?" he asks dumbfounded and Ever looks at him as though he just came down from Mars. "Laxus, honey, snapchat is a thing? Email if you're oldfashioned? Where are your boyfriend's nudes?"
"You're in a relationship."
"With a great guy who loves and trusts me and knows I ain't gonna cheat on him. Show me the dickpicks." Annoyed, he gives her a little shove. "I don't have any, I'm used to him being around. He's on another continent now and I just recently realised that all my memorabilias are at home."
"Convenient", Ever remarks dryly and Laxus sighs deeply and stretches out his hand. After she dumped his phone in it, he sends Freed a message ('Bro send me a pic of u ppl wanna know u exist') and shows it to both of his friends. "There."
Surprisingly fast, he gets a message back. 'No. The paparazzi and the FBI agent assigned to me will have to try harder than that to get a hold of ME (why is this man so ridiculous).' He shows it to Ever and Bicks and the former uses this opportunity to snatch his phone, typing a response before Laxus can properly register what's happening. "Hi I'm Laxus friend and I don't believe you're his boyfriend. Send a thirst trap to prove you exist. Or nudes", she reads aloud. Bickslow guffaws at that and Laxus sighs, resigning himself to face the consequences of his actions. What he does not expect however, is for Freed to send a picture back.
It's an awful photo of high school-aged Freed, complete with braces and a very unnatural smile. He's gangly, thin and looks like the walking embodiment of an awkward teen. 'This is a nude, as my soul has never been as bare as in this one picture', the caption reads and Ever laughs. "You know what, he passes the test." She purses her lips. "For now at least, I'm going to need more concrete evidence of this being an existing human being, because everyone can pluck a photo from the internet. Anyway, you're way too late for your date, so you get off easy Laxus."
After brushing nonexistent dirt from her skirt she opens her arms for Bickslow. "Take me home, spiderman", she orders and he gives her a salute. "Roger madame!" he yells before plucking Ever from the floor and leaping over the balcony railing. Their trust in each other is remarkable, but Laxus does think they're weirdos.
The very next day, Ever once again bursts through his door and Laxus mentally curses because he hasn't had the chance to discuss this whole thing with Freed yet. "Laxus", she says, voice dead-serious. "Evergreen.", he greets back as she half-crawls under the covers of his bed. "It's fucking cold", she clarifies before opening her laptop. That seemingly insignificant action makes Laxus weary, as Ever is holding her rickety laptop that's for illegal purposes only.
"I reverse searched that pic of your boyfriend and before I tell you the results, I'd like to know how exactly you met him."
He recognises her nosiness for what it really is (worry) and with a sigh, he gives her the sparknotes version of their history.
"We lived in the same town and we became friends because both of our fathers were absolute shit. They were friends so we became friends. At age thirteen he moved to Alakitasia and we reconnected because we matched on that stupid tinder profile you guys made me."
"Are you sure you weren't catfished?"
"Yup, because we skype regularly."
"Okay. Then certainly you're aware that he's a billionaire? Like, the heir to Justine Industries, the biggest technologie giant at the moment?"
He tries to see the whole situation from her perspective and has to admit that 'I have a boyfriend overseas, who's also a billionaire', sounds a bit too over the top to be true. "Yep, his pa's job is the reason he moved. I know this whole situation sounds like a huge lie to stop you guys' antics (probably because it is), but I swear it's true (it really isn't)."
"Okay then", she mumbles before putting her feet into Laxus' lap. The audicity of this woman, he thinks as he does absolutely nothing to move her. "I'm sorry for the whole 'setting you up' thing, it was rude of us. We just wanted you to have someone, you know? Because you deserve it and we can also see that you kind of want it and we wanted to help. We were too overzealous."
Ah, what a festive feeling brews in his chest. Nothing like a bucket of guilt to get your morning refreshment. The worst part is that Evergreen isn't even done yet with her sentimental speech. "Also, you get really happy whenever your man sends you a message, so all in all I'm glad our big plans didn't work out. I'm still going to be weary of  his actual existence until I meet him, I hope you don't mind." He shakes his head. "Nah, be weary all you want."  
After dropping Evergreen off at her boyfriend's, he rushes to his room to send Freed a message to update him on his situation (he even uses the actual sms-system instead of the internet, which is crazy expensive but he's in a bit of a panic). Unlike most of the time, Freed responds quickly. Laxus wonders why his wifi is absolute shit if he's rich enough to pay for intercontinential messaging. An agonising five minutes pass as the speech bubble ominously keeps showing that the other is typing. When it finally shows up, all it reads is :
"That's all you have to say?" he furiously types back, but before he can hit send, he gets another message. "Whatever man, I'll be the hottest boyfriend ever." After that, it's radio silence again.
The silence between them is broken a few days later. Laxus is trying to enjoy his lunch while Bickslow and Evergreen bicker over something or other, when his phone pings. Little gremlins that they are, they've already looked at the message as soon as it pops up. They read the godawful collection of words "Send me a pic of your feet" before he does.
"Romance at its finest", Bickslow dryly jokes and Evergreen turns to him with big worried eyes. "You're sure he's not a catfish? Or is this what you consider a raunchy picture?" Laxus would answer if he knew what the fuck is happening. Another message appears :  "With measuring tapes surrounding them, not in a weird, gross, fifty year old with a feet kink kind of way. I want to spoil my boyfriend (with my father's creditcard)."
"Aw how sweet, he's committing crimes for ya", Bickslow croons and Laxus grumbles. "I'm not about to give him anymore excuses to commit theft.", he says while typing "Absolutely not." At the other side of the table Evergreen collects her phone from her bag and opens Instagram. After looking for and finding Freed's profile, she sends him a selfie with Laxus and Bickslow in the background and adds a thoughtful message detailing Laxus' feet. "Honey, you need shoes that fit you. No stores have your size and if your insanely rich boyfriend's dad can involuntarily provide, why not take the chance?"
A few days later, the shoes do arrive. They're the most comfortable pair Laxus has ever owned and there's no obnoxious trademarked name smacked on it. He thanks Freed, but asks him to please not do something along those lines again. Knowing full well that Freed himself would never be financially bothered by it, he still feels guilty. Freed apologises (he really shouldn't, he's been nothing but an angel while Laxus is being bothersome) and drops the matter.
"Where are you rn?" The message feels somewhat ominous, but Laxus ignores his gutfeeling that tells him that today is going to be weird. "The western outside food court of Crocus' uni, why?" The response that he gets is a simple :  " :) ". Like a dumbass, he decides to not question it.
While he's chilling out, head resting on his crossed arms, he hears an unusual amount of chattering. Although he and his friends had chosen this place because of how little people came here, it seems like that peace is now gone. Rest in peace, piece. Vibrating bothersomely, his phone grabs his attention. "Got ya another present!" Brows furrowing, Laxus reads the new incoming message : "Kids and their phones these days. Look up darling !"
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darnellbebop · 4 years
Decided I’d write up the story of my experience with that catfish. Don’t know if anyone cares but it’s under the cut if you do:
So back in November a friend mentioned meeting someone on Facebook Dating. My first thought was “That’s kind of dumb” but then I figured since your profile for that is linked directly to your Facebook, I wouldn’t see as many spam profiles and I may have also took the possibility of catfish into mind. Not sure. But if I did, talk about ironic. Within the first couple days I matched a pretty girl and messaged her about Hogwarts houses since Harry Potter was on her profile.We hit it off pretty well and exchanged numbers and things seemed to be going well. She worked two jobs (Lush and PF Chang’s at a couple different malls in the area). She even mentioned that she’d seen me before at my job a couple months prior. A lot of very realistic shit. Nothing to be suspicious of.
Since she worked two jobs, she worked pretty much 7 days a week. We planned dates a couple times and she always ended up backing out for one reason or another. There were also a couple times we got into disagreements where she would refuse to talk to me for a day and basically have me beg for forgiveness when she decided to “give me another chance”. (That’s a toxic trait even in a real relationship; especially since she expected me to always talk to her even though she could decide “I’m not talking to you because I’m mad”). 
Anyway, about a month or so in, we still hadn’t met up and she asked about sexting so we gave that a go around Thanksgiving. This is when I first got suspicious. We had sexted one night and then the following morning and in the morning I was alarmed to notice that the video taken in the morning was in a different room than the stuff she had sent the previous night. They were both bedrooms. And they both neck down only so I immediately thought “These are not the same person” and said I wasn’t comfortable sexting anymore. This got her mad and she wouldn’t talk to me. During this time I tried digging up proof that the girl was real. Googled her name, her phone number, checked her Facebook and IG. Honestly I came across so much proof that I should have cut her out at this point but I didn’t:
All of her Instagram pics only have comments from guys. No comments from other girls. Kind of weird that none of her friends ever decided to go “Yes girl!!!” on any of her selfies. And on the couple where she was with a friend, she didn’t have them tagged. Additionally, the only photos she was tagged in were from an account belonging to her “brother”. Her Facebook was similar. I forget what brought this up, but I came across a guy’s name who lived in the same town she gave me at some point during all my research and thought “Maybe he’s the catfish” (He definitely is). 
Now there were things that felt like “Well why is this a thing if she’s not real?” too. The biggest one was that on Facebook I came across a guy, a real person (he actually interacts with numerous people in his posts and seemed as real as possible) who claimed he had been dating her at one point. An ex boyfriend felt like proof to me. And then the amount of effort that went into this fake girl also felt insane (Facebook and Instagram accounts that were a few years old and a PSN account). 
When she answered me again she chewed me out for not trusting her. Completely flipped the script on the fact that I found her out and instead made me out to be the bad guy and had me thinking I was just being paranoid for nothing. This is what really makes me mad about the whole situation. Instead of ghosting or apologizing and letting me move on with my life, this dude doubled down on his lie and sunk his claws in deeper.
Since the holidays were coming up, both of our jobs were getting busier so it was understandable that we weren’t able to meet up. I think part of me was still suspicious at this point. When I got her Christmas presents, I got her things that I would still enjoy for myself that I didn’t own just in case she wasn’t real (thank you subconscious me). I get suspicious occasionally when I notice something not quite right but don’t want to be accused of “not trusting her” if I bring it up and do question if I’m maybe being paranoid. Maybe there’s a reasonable explanation.
Fastforward a bit to late February and she sends me a video compilation of some plays she made in Overwatch. After I watch it, I decide to check out the rest of her channel because that’s just something I naturally do after I watch a friend’s video. In the “About” section, a guy’s Instagram is linked. What guy? The one I came across months ago. That was the smoking gun so to be speak. Now maybe it’s possible she’s friends with this guy and just has him upload them to her channel or they share a channel. No reason to jump to conclusions like a paranoid crazy person (See how manipulative this asshole was?). 
By this point, the combination of us having never met up or even FaceTimed had me thinking even if she is real, this is taking forever to get started and I decided I would pursue other girls in the mean time and if nothing happened by the end of the month with her, I’d cut her loose. Then COVID happened and quarantine bought her time since there was an actual excuse for her to not meet up. Thankfully though, she also slowly drifted away from me during quarantine. She texted less and less. One day she finally addressed it and was like “Sorry, for being distant” and I said it was okay and that the boring quarantine routine was probably to blame. Though at the same time I was a bit relieved cuz her disappearing would be fine since I know she’s not real. 
One thing that also stood out to me that I feel like I should have caught on to as a sign was that a lot of her reaction images and pics she’d send me were Black Twitter memes. This was a white girl with an uncomfortable level of Black reaction images. The guy however, is Black. So it makes sense. Then a bit into me watching her play Overwatch one day, she asks me to add her “brother’s account” cuz she’s gonna play on that one instead of her own. Interesting, right? Looking back at it, the “brother” profile on PSN looks very similar to the guy’s IG profile.
I haven’t attempted to talk to her in over a week. Sent a meme. Didn’t get a reply. Didn’t try again. I’m fine with that. Plus when I checked the dude’s Twitter, I found one of his Youtube video links and watched it and the person playing is whoever’s on the PSN account belonging to “her brother”. AKA it’s his and he was just some manipulative asshole piece of shit who can go fuck himself. He’s probably moved on to someone else. Or multiple someone elses. Who knows. I did notice that both profiles have been using “Share Play” for Overwatch without me so I take it, those are sessions with my replacement. 
So yeah. That sucked. I wasted way too long on a piece of shit catfish. I know I did but I also sort of felt like I didn’t have other options at the time. It wasn’t until I actively started looking that I realized, I have other options and don’t need to put up with a catfish or a girl that plays so many games. Also gonna trust my gut unless I’m given solid proof that it’s wrong cuz my gut was right.
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lilopelckai · 5 years
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|| Get to know LILO who’s TWENTY-ONE years old and a JUNIOR in college majoring in MECHANICS. She is from HAWAII and is often times mistaken for LULU ANTARIKSA while others say she reminds them of LILO from LILO AND STITCH. || 
hello all, it i, pepper coming at ya once again on that new muse juice (... that sounds so gross omg i’m sorry dkjsdkj). today i am HYPE to introduce you all with my bby lilo!! honestly lilo and stitch is one of my fave movies of all time so sdkjsdk NO PRESSURE YK but anyways down bellow will be a bit about ya girl!
BIO (ish, thing tjkfj)
Lilo is weird. She’s a weirdo. She doesn’t fit in, and she doesn’t WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen her without that stupid mumu? That’s WEIRD
dfkdjsdk sorry i had to, i put joke in my app and i had to make it again aNYWAYS FOR REAL NOW
tldr ; she’s lilo, just kinda sadder sdkjds saw her parents die, went to therapy, doesn’t really ever feel like she belongs, is afraid of loving anyone because she’s afraid of losing them, the Works Folks. also teaches hula now! kinda wants to be a photography major! has an instagram following! i think that’s it oof 
For the most part I don’t plan to deviate from Lilo’s cannon storyline too much seeing as you know, she’s a human and not a humanoid turtle that knows karate so I don’t feel like I need to change TOO much BUT i do want to flesh her out a bit.
First, I headcannon that Lilo was actually in the car during her parents car accident. She was in the backseat and came out of the whole thing relatively uninjured physically, but mentally, and emotionally, well, that was a different story. This is the biggest explanation for the darkness deep in Lilo’s psyche, the reason she had to sit through so much therapy with so many psychologists over the years., You see, Lilo was odd prior to the accident but that eccentricity only seemed to be amplified there after. That combined with the fact that all of her friends abruptly abandoned her after her parents death (literally cannon, can you believe it, screw mertle sdkjdsj) Lilo was kind of left in no mans land emotionally. Therapy never really helped her much unfortunately, and for long time Lilo simply tried to do anything she could to cope. Whether that was pretending she and Mertle were still friends, or praying to god for some sort of angel, or getting unfairly angry with her sister. Lilo spent a long time after her parents death just barely trying to keep afloat, until after a while she stopped having to try. She’s gotten so good at pretending she’s okay that she’s almost even convinced herself.
Like I said Lilo has also always been the type that people struggled to understand. She was a harmless girl, but she said odd things without hesitation, and she never quite got along with her peers, or even other adults because of it. Honestly outside of her family Lilo had few friends because no one could really understand her, and despite the pain of that, Lilo swallowed it down and continued on. Pretty soon, Lilo started to get into the habit of keeping people at arms length, of pushing people away before they could reject her. It was easier being the weird girl, being the one people pointed at and whispered about than being the girl who desperately just wanted a friend. So Lilo slowly buried that girl down deep over time. She tries not to let her out, she’s a real buzz kill.
That was until Stitch of course. She let Stitch in. It wasn’t honestly at the time, the part of Lilo that was so desperate for friendship was still open and bleeding then. She accepted Stitch into her life with open arms and little questions, and to this day he’s still her best friend and her brother. He’s one of the few people who have accepted her fully for who she is, weird shit and all, and Lilo couldn’t be more grateful for him.
I have a headcannon that the Pelekai’s kind of became maybe a bit of a group home? Just because of all the experiments who came in and out of their place. In my mind the experiments were children who Lilo, Nani, her uncle Jumba and Aunt Pleakley would do their best to find amazing homes for. This was Lilo’s idea, after meeting Stitch.
Honestly Lilo uses her weirdness as a bit of a shield. If she’s weird enough then it’s like people know who she is immediately, and the people who wouldn’t want to be around her because of it will leave. She wasn’t rejected, and it didn’t hurt because SHE was the one in control if that makes sense? Being as odd as possible is just a way to keep her heart safe sometimes, and when people stick around despite how odd she is Lilo doesn’t really know what to do honestly.
Despite this Lilo is still very friendly. She feels no qualms about talking to people or speaking her mind, honestly, it’s never been something she’s had an issue with. She’s just chosen not to care whether those people actually like her or not, or at least has numbed herself to caring about that if that makes sense.
A rebellious streak a mile wide tbh. Lilo never wants to hurt anybody of course and she never will unless pushed to the breaking point (ex. That one time she lashed out at Mertle) , but she never has been and never will be obedient. She’s known to get into mischief occasionally, and she doesn’t love being told what to do,
Still loves photography and actually sometimes considers changing her major. She chose mechanics because the idea of helping Stitch get up into space was something that she was always excited about -- honestly the concept of them being together even in their adult lives was just too reassuring to her-- and she rationalized it all by telling herself that she wanted to take photos for herself and for money. But photography is her passion honestly and she genuinely has a bit of a talent for it. She’s done a few art galleries and won a couple of minor awards, and even in her spare time she tends to walk around Corona with a camera looking for things take pictures of. Her photos aren’t ever exactly… everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re thought provoking at the very least.
In my mind Lilo takes a lot of photos with body diverse models, honestly for the most part she will only take photos of body diverse models.
At this point I think she has photography as her minor.
A bisexual babe because none of my muses are ever straight.
Also a demigirl. Lilo was kind of inspired by her Aunt Pleakley to truly consider her gender (I headcannon that Pleakley is gender fluid or a trans woman but that’s just me) and it was through that careful consideration that Lilo realized she didn’t fully identify as a girl.
Very accepting. Very liberal. Has gotten arrested at a protest once. Very much will stand up for her beliefs and the rights of others dkdsdkjd is Not here for prejudice or toxic masculinity will fight you on sight !!!
Still loves dancing. One of her proudest accomplishments is winning the hula competition that her mother won back home in Kauai. She doesn’t dance professionally in any other styles, but she does love to dance and she will indulge in that from time to time. I think she might teach the occasional hula lesson at the local gym but it’s probably a specialty thing like once every two weeks or something. She does have some regularly who come though and that always makes her happy.
Still loves the ocean and surfing as well, and honestly will go to the ocean no matter the weather and put her wetsuit on to have a good time. You can find Lilo on the beach at anytime, especially when she’s homesick, just smelling the salt of the ocean and riding the waves.
Also still tries to feed Pudge the fish peanut butter sandwiches, because she maintains that he does control the weather (also the fact that there’s a theory that Lilo used to feed pudge the fish because it was raining the day of her parents car crash and she him to make the weather nice so that never happens to anyone again has me FUCKED UP it will always have me FUCKED UP and that is all).
lilo is also a big philiophobe tbh, like i said she has a lot of issues getting attached to people because she feels like they might just leave so love really scares her? and she tends to freak out at just the thought of it so sdksdk love this for her she gets crushes on people occasionally but the moment things start to get serious this bitch will DIP
loves to have fun though! she doesn’t tend to get asked out on a lot of dates tbh but your girl tens to have a few drunken hook ups here and there and she finds those fun. she also regularly likes to go on tinder and fuck with people. not even catfishing them or anything she just likes to message them weird shit and have a good time dkjdf
has a big ass heart tbh. she would give someone the shirt off her back without any hesitation. she’s just a really kind person despite being hurt so much before, and she honestly never intends to hurt anyone even if she does so accidentally or in anger yk? Like if you fucked with her, then she might lash out for a hot minute but after she’s cooled down it’ll be like damn,,, didn’t mean to do that. Honestly she just has a bit of a temper lowkey but she actually feels guilty after unlike some people *cough* local devil kronk turtle man *cough*
Can’t hold a grudge for the life of her. Forgives way too easily rip 
Has a photography instagram that’s actually pretty damn popular! She’s got a good amount of followers on there and while Lilo’s proud she doesn’t really know what to do with all the positive attention on her weird as shit photos?
i have a wanted connection tag here! check it out and if anything in there catches your eye just lemme know!
GIRL SQUAD ; please. please. i’m out here,,, beggin fdkdfkfd i really want lilo to have some female friends okay just a cute little squad of buds, i’m picturing the skam girl squad, i’m picturing those girls from pretty little liars that i can’t remember the name of, i’m picturing idk the girls from that one movie with tiffany haddish jsut sds pLEASE Y’ALL vanellope & tink
EX-SOMETHING ; this could either be someone who like actually got close enough for lilo to freak the freak out and dip like someone she nearly fell in love with or fell in love with her and kind of triggered her GOTTA GO reflex lmao or someone she casually dated for the fun of it, maybe they even went on a few dates before they realized they were better as friends?
ENEMIES ; someone who doesn’t like lilo and lilo doesn’t like in return. Or maybe it’s one sided we can plot it out!
PARTNER IN CRIME ; this is the person who Lilo will end up in prison with. This is the person who she goes to when she just wants to go crazy aaah go stupid. Love this for her. caitlin !
PHOTOGRAPHY BUD OR MUSE ; exactly what it says on the tin. Someone who will let Lilo sit on their shoulders so she can Get That Shot. Somebody who will be like Tom Holland in this post and Do It For The Gram!!! phoenix
EX-TINDER DATE ; honestly this could align with the second ex something or even the first or be something different completely! but like i said lilo tends to go on tinder dates to mess around with people so she would just be as weird as possible during the date for shits and giggles tbh and it was probably a really fun time unless your muse was really serious about it! We can discuss what happened on the actual date and have a wild time
SOMEONE SHE TUTORS ; surprisingly engineering and other sciences comes really easy to Lilo so this goes out to science majors I suppose! 
A CRUSH ; self explanatory I think but if anyone is willing to let Lilo have a a bit of a crush on their muse hmu. buttercup!
SIBLING LIKE CONNECTION ; !!! love this omg if anyone wants to give Lilo a pseudo sibling i would love this.
FWB/CASUAL HOOKUP ; self explanatory i think
i think that’s all i can think of for now but !!! plot with me please! that is all thank you sdksdjk
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jaxonah · 7 years
BTS Reaction to meeting you in person after catfishing you online-
(for anon)
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Once Jin was scrolling through instagram and saw one of your gorgeous photos on his timeline, he HAD to talk to you. He had to get to know you. But how could he when he was Worldwide Handsome guy from the popular KPOP group, BTS? After creating a totally fake profile with an even faker identity, he’d only fallen even harder for you that originally thought. You both made plans to finally meet and Jin (as well as you) was DYING with nervousness. He knew it had to happen to though. He needed you know who he really was already. He decided to keep it simple and just invite you to the dorms. Once you arrived at opened the door to the most beautiful man you’d ever seen, NOTHING like in the instagram photo’s you’d seen on daily basis for a few months now. Jin smiled nervously as he stood in front of you. “I-I know this isn’t who you were expecting but I-” You didn’t let him finish as you were too busy crashing your lips directly into his. 
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As Yoongi had finished creating his fake twitter profile, the first person he looked up was you. He’d gotten to know you better through the use of this fake account and couldn’t believe how perfect you seemed. You’d finally annoyed Yoongi enough into agreeing to meet you this saturday. He reluctantly gave you the address to his studio and waited while sweating. He finally heard small knocks on the door and his nerves went into maximum overdrive. He slowly, nervously, and adorably answered the door. Prepared to get rejected right then and there for lying about his identity. “Yoongi?...” He met your eyes and was certain now that you were the one he was going to marry. Your voice melted like butter to his he ears. You stood in front of him and reached up gently to touch his face. Not believing how beautiful he actually was. He closed his eyes as he felt your hand pressed to the side of his face and gulped nervously. “I’m sorry I lied,” He said softly. His voice deeper than you expected. You said nothing in response. Just wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled your self close. Your lips meeting half way. Once you both pulled away, slightly sweaty and panty, you giggled and pressed your forehead against his. “I forgive you.”
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When a stranger with the screen name JH added you on snapchat, you were a bit skeptical about messaging back. “Ehh what the hell.” You thought before typing back a “hi”. You had no idea that this would blossom into such an amazing relationship. With a stranger who’s face you hadn’t seen yet!! You’d begged and bitched enough to JH and he finally agreed to meet you. Hoseok was UNBELIEVABLY nervous when he typed out the address to the dance studio that he frequently practices in. He’d made sure all the boys were gone so that you two could have complete privacy. Once he heard the knocks at the door, he shook his body and jumped up and down alittle to try and calm his nerves. Didn’t work. He opened the back door to the studio to reveal the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen his life. So much prettier than your snapchats. “Jung Hoseok...? J-Hope?” You asked as your jaw dropped. He smiled that gorgeous smile and nodded slowly, “You know BTS?” You didn’t answer due to you being in total shock that J-Hope, your ultimate bias was at the door. “Your smile is so much prettier in person..” You said, scanning Hoseok with your eyes. Still in shock. He blushed and smiled wider, motioning for you to come inside. “Will you dance for me?!” You asked excitedly. Hoseok suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you into him. Both of you nose to nose. “If I can have a kiss first.”
Rap Mon-
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Namjoon couldn’t believe himself when he was making a fake Tumblr account just to be able to speak to you. He looked over your beautiful pictures once more and remembered why. He was too nervous to use his actual self so creating a whole new identity was the way to go in his eyes. You both became super close over the next few months and you both couldn’t believe it. It was a mutual decision to finally meet at Namjoon invited you to his dorm. He forced all the boys out for the night to assure total privacy. Once you had arrived and he heard the knocks at the door, Namjoon’s mouth went dry. He shook his head while slowly making his way to the door. Once he opened up, your jaw dropped at the handsome sight in front of you. “Wait...you’re no-” “I know. I’m sorry. I lied. My real name is Kim Namjoon and...I just had to talk to you but I couldn’t as me...I understand if you feel betrayed and want to leave.” You looked him up and down, not believing that this beautiful man was scared to talk to you as himself. You smirked at him before pushing his chest all the way inside, kicking the door closed with your foot. You pushed him all the way to the couch in the living room and straddled his lap. You rested your hands on his chest as his were rested against your hips. “Hi Kim Namjoon. I’m Y/N.”
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Jimin finished his fake facebook account and searched up your name immediately. It took him a little over a week to fully befriend you. And before you both knew it, you were unbelievably close to eachother. It took some convincing on your part but you finally got Jimin to meet with you. You both decided to meet up at a local coffee shop. When you arrived at the set time, which was pretty late in the evening, you saw only one other person besides the barista. And it wasn’t the same person in the pictures you were used to seeing. Jimin met your eyes and it was as if time stood still. He slowly got up from his table and went to go meet you up close. “Y/M, hello...” “Stop.” You said before he could go on. Jimin looked up at you with nothing but worry in his eyes. “There is no way. No WAY. Someone can be so hot and so cute at the same time.” You said with a smile. Jimin blushed and laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. He the motioned for you to come join him at his table. “How do you take your coffee?” 
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Taehyung made a fake Tinder profile for fun. Fake picture, name and all. But totally didn’t expect to meet one of the most perfect humans in the world. AKA you. You both exchanged numbers and got along unbelievably well. You forced Taehyung to agree to meet with you finally because enough was enough. Taehyung made sure that the rest of the boys would be out of the dorm for the night and sped cleaned the whole place for you. Once he heard those knocks on the door, he screamed lightly to himself and ran to the bathroom. “You can do this. You dress really good. 1,2,3 let’s do this.” He went to open the door and once he did, you couldn’t believe it. “V?!” Taehyung laughed deeply and grabbed your arm, pulling you in. “Shh, don’t be so loud.” “You’re telling me to shh? You lied!” You said dramatically. Taehyung laughed once more, gaining the confidence he needed to meet with you. “ You’re mad at me?” He said wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to him.You bit on your lip, looking into his eyes. Taking notice of how gorgeous he was. The real him. “I don’t know.” You responded honestly, your hands pressed to his chest. He smiled and leaned in, pressing a small kiss to your jaw. “Let me make it up to you.” He whispered.
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Jungkook thought nothing of it when he added you on wordswithfriends. Just a fellow competitor. He began to message you for no reason and before he knew it, he was hooked on you. And the same went for you. You both had finally talked and gotten to know each other enough to meet. Jungkook begged his hyungs to leave for the night so that you both could have the dorms to yourselves. They eventually agreed and Jungkook nervously waited for your arrival. Once he heard the knocks on the door, his heart rate increased and his palms became sweaty. He opened up to find beautiful you, looking absolutely..beautiful. He smiled nervously. Knowing you noticed that it was not originally him in the pictures you’d seen. “Jungkook?” You asked, stepping a bit closer to examine his handsome face. “Yeah...listen Y/N i’m really sorr-” “You’re so much hotter, oh my god...” Jungkook laughed and blushed, grabbing your hand gently to pull you inside. “Come on, gorgeous.”
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nottooldforthisship · 8 years
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(As always, you can find all my fic recs in my FIC REC MASTERPOST) 
- Feels Like Coming Home , by @phd-mama : The last thing Harry Styles expects when he's hanging out at the Someday Cafe in Somerville one rainy October day is for his ex, Louis Tomlinson to walk through the door, but that's exactly what happens. After a spectacularly ugly break-up three years prior, Harry hasn't heard one word from Louis, and he's moved on. Gotten over him. But having Louis back in his life, not to mention working at the restaurant where he's a chef, isn't easy, and the feelings that Harry thought he'd left turn out to be not so easily forgotten. This is a story about love and the power of forgiveness, and how the hard choices we make define us, and change our lives.
Larry ex to lovers AU (60k) : OOMMMGGGGGG this is the best angst fic I read for a long time !! Very well written, absolutely painful and beautiful, maybe some TW (read the tags) , but really really read this now. (kind of share that for the smut, awesome btw)
- When We Were Younger , by @waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee : About a week after Harry started visiting this particular chat room, he was watching some kid argue with the whole room about football, personally disinterested as he tipped a bag of crisps into his mouth. He happily chomped on the crumbs, taking a swig from a glass of Ribena to wash them down, glancing at the screen and very nearly spat the squash back out again. His heart was pounding wildly. The display icon of the argumentative newcomer had caught his eye, and not in a good way. He gulped as he clicked the picture, and when it popped up in full resolution, his heart nearly fell right out of his arse. - Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own.
Larry Catfish AU (76k) : starting with teenage Harry and going on for a few years of a online/phone relationship. Very well done ! angsty and (obviously) full of phone sex :D (kind of share that)
- Save your loving arms for a rainy day , by @briannamarguerite : “What’s got your panties in a twist, then, pop star?” the man finally asked, his gaze returning to Louis’ face. Something pressed against Louis’ chest and for a moment Louis let himself wonder what it would be like to let all his secret spill out. To fall into the space between them and be devoured by this stranger. Terror mingled with bliss, tangling into a sharp throb he had to swallow hard against. “Absolutely nothing,” Louis said instead. “Happy days, yeah?”The man clicked his tongue once, a disappointed, wet tetch that Louis felt. Actually felt. “My mistake.”Louis turned desperate eyes on him, blinking too fast. He could see his own lashes flutter. “I’m living the dream, mate” he said and even he could hear the way his voice cracked along the edges. “What would I have to be upset about?”--Or the one where Louis is a pop star who has lost his voice and Harry helps him find it.
Larry famous-not famous AU (19k) : singer Louis and record-shop Harry, a bit angsty, some good smut (bottom Louis) and songwriting,  very well written !
- Your Love Was Handmade , by @inked-withlove : There must be a rule book describing in detail how you proceed from being best friends to lovers. That’s what Louis thinks. But maybe, there isn’t a need, Harry decides. Maybe you just follow your instinct and...run your finger down your best friend’s bare back. That should seal the deal for sure.Or, Harry and Louis are best friends who are also mutually pining, and when a work trip looms in to separate the two of them for three weeks, they finally get their shit together.
Larry BFF to lovers AU (5k) : BFFs who share a apartment  and are pining on each other are my kind of shit. Just a bit of smut.
- Perfect Storm , by @cherrystreet​: What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.Harry and Louis choose the latter.
Larry ex to lovers and fake relationship with a twist AU (80k) : angsty (but not THAT much), smutty (hello angry sex)(botyom Louis) and awesome :)
- You're My Favorite Bird , by @supernope : Harry sets his hands on the counter and leans over them, looks Louis in the eye and says, “Louis, would you like to go bird watching with me?”Louis just blinks at him for a moment, like he’s not sure how to respond, then says, voice slow and unsure, “Is that a euphemism?”  Also known as: Harry is an ornithologist and Louis owns the camera repair shop where Harry gets his photos printed. Niall works for Louis, Liam works with Harry, and Zayn paints. There's a cat, some camping, some bird watching, and obscene amounts of fluff.
Larry AU (33k) : Ornithologist-Photographer Harry, a lot of pining, some great smut (bottom Harry) , and kudos for the tattoos.
- Down For The Count And I'm Drowning And I'm Helpless  , by  patdkitten : “Staring costs extra, mate,” he says, perfectly cheeky. Harry didn't know he found cheek sexy, but it's definitely a turn on. He's working up a response, turn on the Harry Styles trademark charm, when he hears a small whirring sound. Somehow, in his approach, Harry'd missed the ears perched on the barista's head. Now that he's aware of them, though, the dark brown fuzzy ears tipped in black twitch in his direction with another quiet whir. They remind him of the maid cafe he went to once in Japan, but while they hadn't been attractive to him there, on this barista, they're as sexy as the cheek.Yeah, Harry could definitely use a booty call. Maybe if he's lucky, the barista's getting off soon and would be interested in getting off with him...? He can dream, at least.--- Harry Styles is an international pop star who suffers from insomnia, and Louis is the sassy little barista in fox ears and tail that won't get out of Harry's head. And the sexting is pretty damn great, too.
Larry Coffe Shop AU and Famous/not famous (5k): popstar Harry and sassy barista Louis, no smut.
- Love Is a Kitten from Hell      by  Anonymous : Louis Tomlinson passes himself off as an arrogant prick at his new school to hide the fact that he's terrified of being bullied again. Just when he's getting tired of putting up walls, he finds himself in a local pet shop where he finds a sanctuary playing with the kittens in the front window.Harry Styles is the popular football player who works at the pet shop, secretly watching the boy he thought was utterly unlikable prove him wrong. Partnered together for a class project, Harry gets more and more hints that Louis is actually someone worth getting to know. But the real question is, will Louis let Harry in?
Larry High school AU (8k) : cute and fluffy, with no smut.
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mrrightandmrbubble · 7 years
I am quite late to the party on the “Lola”/Ashley bombshell (you go to sleep in Australia and meanwhile the rest of the world finds out we’ve been catfished good and proper) and i’ve been sitting here scanning for anger. But I really just feel sad.
Yeah, I was personally lied to for seven whole years. There’s that. There’s the fact that I divulged some seriously personal things to “Lola”, things I have never said on the blog and have never even told some of my offline friends - that’s out there. There’s the list of what i’ll call plotlines, people who would be written out of her life dramatically. There were the multiple alleged trips to Australia, the vague offers to meet up, the inevitable collapse of those plans, and then those trips would never be mentioned again. There was the fact that she rarely answered those questionnaire posts going around Tumblr that involve answering questions about yourself. When “Lola”’s story progressed (or became more elaborate), we had a chat about her suspicions that she may be bisexual (then gay) and in love with another blogger. I talked her through that with all the sincerity that I would offer anyone else. Hindsight’s got some striking clarity and it was a pretty sudden shift from gushing over Lenny Kravitz day in and day out to the characteristics “Lola” took on, something that seemed to respond to the evolving culture of Tumblr  (when the community really became known for its discourse) as well as - another bit of insight looking back - needing a new story to follow from the last one.
There was the fact that “Lola” would change her hair but her photos never aged.
Then there was the storyline about her being BFFs with Gaga, even sharing caps from the supposedly secret email account she used to email “Lola”, while at the same time condemning others who had personal knowledge of Gaga and saying they had no right to such information. That was the thing that confirmed, in my mind, that it was just too elaborate. Yet the thought didn’t extend to the whole persona being fake, and how do you raise suspicions on this site without blowback and accusations of Drama™? I go back now, look at the patterns over seven years, and it’s as clear as day. I think the fact that “Lola” was so well-established as an entity on Tumblr, including the relationships she spent a hell of a long time fostering, led me to dismiss the stories as bullshit but forgive the person for whatever reasons she had to decorate her life and make it seem better than it was.
That’s why finding out there was no “Lola” at all isn’t much of a surprise. Look, i’m not too proud to admit that I was duped. Tumblr’s on a kind of honour system; you take people at face value because the site has an expectation of being a refuge and a platform for unabashed expression of self. So I wanted to believe that, beneath all the melodrama, there was at least something about her that was authentic. My thoughts, then, turn to Ashley. This is several years’ worth of work put into creating a character. Not just a few minutes a day here and there, but several hours of sitting behind a screen every day, embellishing and interacting. There was apparently some money involved but it was mostly an emotional scam,  and the pay-off was…what? To feel loved? To feel validated? To avoid shame? If she put this much work into being the person she imagined herself to be, what does it say about the person she’s trying to pretend she isn’t?
She betrayed a lot of people’s trust. Mine included. She became privy to many secrets and feelings that she didn’t earn through honesty. That’s the saddest part of it all.
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voluntarydemise · 8 years
The 100 S3 Hiatus Diary
Once again, let me present to you a chronicle of our fandom’s most glorious hiatus moments. In truest hyperbole fashion we did not scale back after last year’s already impressive BS recordings. Here’s all the drama we managed to fit into the 257 days between the Season 3 finale on May 19, 2016 and the Season 4 premiere on February 1, 2017:
FYI: Entries are mostly focused on the Twitter fandom unless otherwise noted. Also beware, this diary deliberately generalises from the loud few to the many. 
Day 2: Emma Caulfield of EW writes a *love letter* bashing Bellamy into a verb and adjective. Half of the fandom cackles, other half is ready to “bellamy” her. 
Day 3: Ongoing belittling of Jasper’s PTSD in tandem with outrage from same people that show didn’t depict enough PTSD victims.
Day 6: #GiveBellamyBlakeABoyfriend circulates and is amusingly shared by lovers and haters.
Day 7: Kass Morgan is confronted with fandom members defacing and even burning her books. Because we are classy.
Day 10: Tumblr heats up when Johnny Depp beating Amber Heard gets compared to how Bellamy treats Clarke. Because bisexuality. Oh yes.
Day 11: Devon zings Harry Styles - and popstars in general - for trying to act. Somewhere Shawn Mendes cries a tear. 
Day 12: The Fandom-is-Broken article hits. Outrage everywhere, while our fandom is like “yup, sounds about right”. 
Day 15: Bob at Phoenix con says Bellamy wouldn’t have sided with Pike had Clarke returned earlier. Somehow he gets hate for that. Still unclear why. Most likely for no reason at all. 
Day 16: More Phoenix con: Bob utters word “YET”, causes avalanche. Emma Caulfield tweets her and Bob’s are besties now. Fandom responds in typical forgiving ways. 
Day 18: Tumblr has Brollexa gaining traction among BCers, the polyamorous turn it into Clexamy. Not appreciated by the CL fandom. Devon tweet-deletes, shits on cast members for making money off cons instead of donating to charity.
Day 21: Eliza and Bob get nominated for Teenchoice TV Chemistry. Disgust in CL fandom as entertaining as surprise in BC fandom. 
Day 23: Fan at Oz Comic Con asks Eliza about Chemistry nomination and gets booed. Bob speaks slloooowwwhhhuuurr to the iddiiiooootttss on twitter. Most likely entirely unrelated. 
Day 24: Eliza gets called fake/lost/drunk by BC fandom for voicing opinions about Bellarke. Beware of having opinions about ships.
Day 25: Bob replies to hate tweet. Backfires into him getting criticised for passive aggressively focusing on negativity only. 
Day 26: First hiatus hack! Eliza’s instagram. Leads to Alycia unfollowing her. Fandom entertained for a while. Plus the gem of someone comparing Lexa’s death to the Orlando shooting.
Day 28: Alycia cancels Brazil con. In a roundabout way it’s Bob’s fault.
Day 31: On the shipping front Bob  & Shampoo compete against Lexa & Bullet. Because why not. 
Day 33: Somehow BC fandom hits jackpot by criticising both Adina and Mike on same day. For not being pro-BC enough. Adina! Mike! 
Day 35: Layne Morgan attacks Ben Batemen for elevating himself to lgbt+ spokesperson. Fanbase first stunned, then divided. 
Day 37: Second hiatus hack! Layne’s phone. Apparently private numbers get leaked, some idiots message Jason’s wife.
Day 41: Third hiatus hack! (@)emiliascara hacks into Marcus Catsaras’ (Alycia’s boyfriend) icloud, finds footage of him cheating. Catsaras deletes his twitter/fb accounts. Because hell has no fury like a riled-up CL fandom.
Day 42: Lindsey jumps in to fight hackers, (@)morleydebnam jokes about hacking Lindsey.
Day 44: Hacker exposed as guy from Toronto (Michael Brand/Bahramian). 
Day 46: CL fandom overruns and impressively wins 9 of 11 E!Online polls. Still peeved over other fandoms bonding and voting against them. 
Day 48: Jarod speaks up after Alton Sterling shooting. Ends with him getting attacked over *representation* issues. 
Day 52: Eliza vs Alycia in Radiotimes quarter finals. Which fosters minor drama.
Day 56: Layne officially disinvited from clexacon. 
Day 57: Some panelists boycott clexacon after Layne’s exit. Meanwhile the gullible have a clickbait-freakout over O killing Bellamy. 
Day 58: Ben Bateman steps back from clexacon allies panel. (@)riserellamy makes it their mission to get all Arryn-haters blocked by Bob. 
Day 59: Eliza talks freely and excessively about Lexa and Clexa at Brazil Con. BC fandom really wishes she wouldn’t. 
Day 60: From the fanfic policing front: Author gets such harsh attacks for writing Lexamy they pull the fic. 
Day 61: S3 DVD is out! Deleted scenes reheat old rage. While Ricky retweets shade about him not being in the bloopers.
Day 62: #OlicityMafiaExposedClexaParty happens. CL fandom first fandom ever to cheat in a poll. 
Day 64: She said “ship”.
Day 65: Whole fandom aflame over the shit/ship debacle. Shit memes everywhere. Aaron doesn’t give a SHIT. Eliza probably avoids her mentions. Tumblr births Bellarke Drags. The best of days.
Day 66: clexasources promotes WB survey asking people to criticise show. Eliza shall be saved by cancellation. 
Day 67: ELSchaaf claims Eliza speaks condescendingly of Bellarke because she’s threatened by Bob’s popularity. Fandom appalled. In conjunction CLs figure out ELSchaaf is involved with Unity Days. 
Day 68: ELSchaaf on tumblr rampage, invites haters to call her names at con in person. Unity Days reacts swiftly and removes ELSchaaf. 
Day 70: Bellarke Shit necklace sparks controversy. 
Day 73: Wizard Con: Marie says Clarke has *nappy* hair which Eliza laughs at. Racism outrage in some fandom corners. 
Day 75: Jason’s SDCC talk about bi-Clarke getting “with everyone” resurfaces. Not the most well received. clexasources deactivates after Bob+Eliza photo post leads to attacks by followers.  
Day 78: Supposed insider troll Jason Blue stirs up rumour drama of Octavia dying. 
Day 82: Bellarke fanart repurposed as Braven fanart. Bob-birthday charity criticised for being organised by a BC shipper. 
Day 84: Pedowitz stands behind show at TCAs, does neither criticise nor cancel it on the spot, as some had hoped. 
Day 103: Fanfic policing, part 2: Bellamy goes down on Clarke in the commander’s throne. People - ignorant of the concept of *fanfiction* - are mad. 
Day 106: Eliza posts candid pic with guy-boy-friend. Apparently this makes her a lesser lgbt+ ally. 
Day 111: Fanfic’s blowjobgate! Briller&Harper fic on kinkmemes ignites long and nasty Bellarke fanfic community wars. Who gets to and with whom and with how many is not the author’s choice alone. 
Day 125: Tumblr aflame over Bellamy hating Aurora Blake, with usual shades of misogyny and racism. 
Day 130: HYPE article about ADC at Copenhagen Con calls out fans for slightly inappropriate fan behavior. More inappropriate fan behavior in reaction leads to article edits. 
Day 132: Kim retweets Fa Panini’s cute Becho fanart. BC fandom takes that as confirmation of things to come. Mild panic. 
Day 135: A clearly mangled and misrepresented SDCC comment about Clarke and love interest in S4 causes freakout. Because fandom will forever step into all clickbait traps willingly. 
Day 144: The usual bi-monthly kerfuffle about Clarke being forgotten as bi-rep in article. 
Day 145: Layne Morgan sick of TV bi girls ending up with men. Not that stats have discredited this stereotype at all. 
Day 155: Supposed insider troll Jason Blue claims insider cancellation knowledge. Insider arguments quickly debunked. 
Day 159: Photoshopped Variety tweet circulates, claiming show cancellation. Mo Ryan refutes it. 
Day 165: Lindsey stumbles into sexypilgrim drama. Apologises later for wishing people would get involved in causes beyond online outrage. 
Day 166: Press day! Drama day! Fandom-uneducated Nadia voices “Luna is stronger than Lexa”. She may forever feel the consequences. 
Day 167: Nadia tweets “Fiction”, deletes account. #NadiaDeactivatedParty follows. Eliza and later Arryn claim account is fake. Fandom thinks Eliza would rather lie than defend Nadia and her anti-Lexa statement. 
Day 170: Meanwhile in the fanfic warzone: “Bellamy rapes Lexa” gets countered with “Lexa castrates Bellamy”. 
Day 190: Bob reaches annual patience-for-twitter threshold, carries out annual twitter deactivation. States he was made to join. Fandom: lol, ok, see you in a bit. 
Day 199: Bellarke and Clexa both in same Hottest-Ships-of-the-Year list. But fandom can’t share nice things. 
Day 201: Guess who’s back on twitter, guys?
Day 216: BC-shipping jewellery artist called out for making money off Clexa art. Not allowed in the age of receipts. 
Day 219: In spirit of Christmas, Aaron issues Lexa apology. Fandom - less spirited - counters it’s 9 months too late, and never enough. 
Day 221: Katie affirms in slightly too bitter way that show is more than just Clexa. Bad move, girl.
Day 222: (@)bellamysbriller - whom Katie retweeted the day before - is exposed for catfishing and bullying. 
Day 228: More jewellery controversies, as jewellery donations to charities can only come from people who’ve never made controversial statements. 
Day 233: clexaspoilers surfaces, claims access to screeners, reveals Clexa parts. Fandom calls it baiting to make them watch, even though account claims now they DON’T have to watch. 
Day 238: BC fandom gets high on SHE HAS BELLAMY, and actually manages to trend for once. Stunning friends and foes alike.
Day 241: Unity Days report of Lindsey supposedly saying Bellarke is boring. Lindsey gets attacked and goes on twitter detox. BC fandom to blame.
Day 243: Fourth hiatus hack! Ricky’s phone. Beware of Ricky nudes. 
Day 245: Alycia’s management removes The 100 from “known for” section on IMDB. BCers shocked, CLs shrug. 
Day 248: BCers think 600 cookies might be helpful for show renewal. Laughs and eyerolls all around.
Day 249: S4 poster arrives. Cast, writers and fans partake in a who’s-who guessing game with silhouettes. Body shaming leads to #titsoutforeliza, someone leaks S4 callsheets and Funko whitewashes Raven and Bellamy. A busy day.
Day 252: CLs set up White House petition to get Jason fired. A single signature last we checked. 
Day 257: Final hiatus day: (@)the100leaked pops up to generously leak part of the Season 4 finale script and cause mass hysteria. Tadaaaaa! 
And that’s it! See you all next hiatus! Just kidding. I accept more entries, if you can link me to the evidence.
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deevahkitty · 7 years
The Catfish
Dating online is fraught with catfishers. When you talk to a lot of people, it turns out that a lot of them are liars. I get a bunch of guys who are not who they claim to be. I have talked to 8... *EIGHT*... different guys who claimed to be active military, deployed overseas who within a few minutes of chatting tell me they love me then ask me for money. It means I don’t talk to military guys anymore. That’s not fair to them. But FFS, 8 guys using the same ruse, you have to take precautions.
Another thing that has happened several times is guys using fake pictures. A guy finds some gorgeous hunk online and steals a bunch of his pictures and uses it for their own. Somewhere during the conversation, right about the time I bring up actually meeting in person... they admit to having used pictures of someone else, then accuse me of being shallow when I tell them to go fuck themselves. Now, keep in mind, it is not the fact that they are unattractive that makes me cut and run... but the lying. They are pretending to be someone they aren’t. Starting with a lie. This is no way to start dating someone.
Most recently, I started talking to a man using pictures of the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. I knew something wasn’t quite right. He had a bit of kink in his talk and I thought maybe that was the thing that was not feeling right about him. Then he started sending pictures of “his” dick... and I noticed that... well... they weren’t all the same dick. They were all similar size, but one was much thicker, one a bit thinner, some had hairy legs, some were smooth as can be. I said to him that, well, as a designer, these details stand out to me. He said sorry, he was insecure about his cock. Fine. Ok. Then he sent me a video of a man playing guitar and singing. It wasn’t the same man from the pictures, and it wasn’t the voice on the phone when we talked. I knew at this point (although I had suspected before - I absolutely knew) that he wasn’t the man in any of the pictures he’d sent. I asked about the video, and he said “oh, it’s me, silly.”
I asked him to send me a picture, and he said “I have something to tell you that you aren’t going to like.” I said “it’s not you in any of the photos” and he said no it wasn’t. He then begged me to forgive him and give him another chance. He sent me a picture of himself... his real self. He’s not attractive but not ugly, just not handsome. He kept saying that although he lied about his appearance, that was all he lied about. Which is bullshit. He lied about pretty much everything. I mean, maybe his backstory about his grandmother might have been true. But the rest was bullshit. And I told him I was out, and he accused me of being shallow.
How does anyone think starting with a lie is going to turn into something real? I know this is the gist of a bunch of romantic comedies, but it’s not real.
I just want to meet someone real that I can have some kind of connection with. I don’t understand why so many people are just lying.
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