#this one os a bit more incompressible my bad ive had 3 hours of sleep
wolfythewitch · 2 years
please do ramble, whats your sbi and sleeping at last association? i really need to know now, that you mentioned it
Okokokok it follows the same directions as the anemoi ones
I'll start with Phil again, and West by sleeping at last, and this time it's more c!Phil than h!Phil
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Can you hear me screaming
Can you hear the sandduo fan in me breaking down
The first verse also feels very reminiscent of before he joined the server, back when they would just send letters to each other. And god these verses
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I've talked about cphil before, and I've talked about his grief before, and Wilbur Does Not Leave his mind, from November 16th till his revival he hasn't stopped thinking about it. He's thought about it so much that the dude, who's never usually vulnerable, even asks ranboo if what he did was right, one of the times he was emotionally vulnerable in character. I also think it's really neat that Techno built a home in the north and gave Phil a compass that points to it, it's a really neat coincidence. His character also feels very lost in a way? I made a playlist once where I ordered the songs to follow a story, but I left it unfinished because he felt unfinished, forever stuck in some sort of grief (sidenote I need to finish that playlist now that the finale happened) and I think the line about true north fading is pretty neat
So like the oh hellos post, Techno is East, and you can probably see for yourself why I picked it haha
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"now I bear little resemblance to the king I once was" is definitely the line that feels very c!techno I think, and "the years wore on and changed my heart, the leading role for a smaller part"
There is the intentional change, with him trying to stay away from violence and retiring, albeit later on going back to violence. But there's also the unintentional part, the one that came more naturally when he found friends. I mean Phil has always been his friend, but now there's Niki and Ranboo, and I mean there was even a hint of a reconciliation with Tommy. Something about having started out trying to go at it alone, and in the end having surrounded yourself with people that care.
So for Wilbur, he gets South.
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Wilbur is very associated with lies I think, as a wordsmith. He lies to others and he lies to himself, and I don't think all of it he didn't believe. But also both Phil and Wilbur having lines about losing true north? Oughh. What I really like though is the last few verses
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Because these ones are gentler, these ones are kinder. And Wilbur ultimately does try in a way to heal, in the end.
Soo that leaves Tommy with North.
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Which I think works really well! A line Tommy has repeated over and over again was that L'manburg was the people, not the government or the land. It was the community.
C!Tommy, I think, is hope. He is kindness, and second chances. Because with everything that's happened to him, he hasn't stopped being kind. He hasn't grown hard with the times, he's remained as open and as vulnerable as he was, even as he grows more scarred. He hasn't stopped caring for the people he loves, because if you stop letting yourself love, what will you have left
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