#this one isnt rly but uh ehh
yummycrummy · 1 year
you know, since sr is a puppet, i can sew a heart on his arm
you could but that would probably hurt him 😟 he doesn't like needles ...
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cchipk · 8 years
Tag Post I Guess
Rules - Copy this into a new text post, delete me answers and put in ur own. When you are done tag some people and also tag me ;)  have fun!
I got tagged by @yoursinfulsister  (o hey im actually doing one of these things for once wow) a / age - 15 b / biggest fear - change of interests c / current time - 3:25 =0 d / drink you had last - uh i think it was dr pepper and cherry cola mixed together e / everyday starts with - some random song being stuck in my head until i get downstairs, whether its something i actually recently listened to or like at all isnt important f / favourite song - as of right now, probably Good Days (ft Jeremy Zucker) g/ ghosts are real? - probs h / hometown - ehh i / in love with - les twins!! theyre rly cool! j / jealous of - people that are comfortable with themselves k / killed someone - nah l / last time you cried - dont remember, probably like a week ago or somethin... m / middle name - mcginnis n / number of siblings - 1 o / one wish - for things to be better, just like, in general p / person you last called/texted - my cousin q / questions you’re always asked - mm i dont think im always asked questions?  idk r / reasons to smile - friends, pets, and music/colors are some that come to mind s / song last sang – Hollywood Forever by K.Flay t / time you woke up - 6:30 =( u / underwear colour - blue v / vacation destination – mm not sure..? w / worst habit - latching onto an interest and becoming Way Too Invested x / x-rays you have had – teeth, knee, finger i think? y / your favourite food - sashimi! z / zodiac sign - cancer
i tag @nopecorner @cakeiton @sasusakubae @magyx and anyone who wants to do it i guess?
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